Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1888, p. 5

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~showing the fiaest H. ha. evor ha&. GOLD' WA TCHES, CHA INSR DIAMON D Rings, Ldokets, Brooches, Earrings, Scarf Pins, Colla r Buttons Ie Plate Ta~ble War.-Odd Spoons for Sugar, Jelly and Preserves. Fruit, Pie, Crumb and Bread Knives. Je S BA RNA RD, BDROCK ST.9 WHITBY. s FEBRUA-RY lOth, 1888. LOCAL LACONICSi 14AT 18 BOING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-ý BUDGET 0F UVEIT LOCAL NEWS GLEANED BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS ",àhIme1>samang ye, takin notes, An, tsith belli prent it. To-NIQET je the fitemon's hall. Tus second depuly-reevo of Oshava sud îw'o concilers have teasged to r.- arrange -Ibeir properly qualification. Tuxaz is a basket-social at tb. taber- nacle to-ight. Il is te ha cf a newly discevered species. WEITBY sonde two tinks to Tenonte bc cuti for lbe Caladonian modal sud ouet alte a h.s aud in tb. match To- route sud York Co, . theb.Province cf Ontario. Twe vluable prdpettieis belcsgig te the. Oblun etaIs are »o ho sold by pub- lic snotien this mont-riOn Wednes. day exl, Feb. 15tb, aI Gerov'e botel in tbe village of Bnougham, tht.. pan- ceal vii hosold, &Il eaid te ho good pnopety. Thon on Wodnesdsy, Feb. 291h, at tbe botol lu Brooklil, lb. B8rookliu portion cf thé esîste yull b. eold. These are aIl valusble propertios and seould hring bigb figures. To thoeeof iitenary inclination, Mr. fiee. Bolford gave a vendonful troat ou Thnreday sud Friday oeoinge of lait veek. Two- nights et bis recilalieus emablos ene te fore pretty fait conclu. siens, sud Ibose efforts sstisfied cur townepeopls that Mr. Belford's quai as a reader bas neyer îurned opphbo yet. ielî prsout tourt trougb the continont cf Amotios is manked villi unusual do- ig bt sud succose, aud b> o derves it. Tui: Lindsay Poat is a groat head. Hear 1:-lu viov cf lie isohbermal linos being more favorable aud othos *opditions f ai more -ittraotive, as demonstratod dnning tb. past voek, il je sugzgested that lb. G. Tl, track frein Pont Hope te Toronle mikht bu takon op sud a double lrÀok via Lindsay laid dovu for lthe-brough trafflo. This vould b. a fat m ore popular route sud vonld nos bhosubj.ctd te unseasenable delsys. Spur limes could bèêUrn oui from Odbava, Bovmanville aud other villages. The' ies is ,rfferred respect. fully te the Oshava Vindicator -and l3ovmamviller fitateamasa. Fine' mas union station ai Lianlsav, palatial lunch- bouse, sud bIll lb. luxuies et lb. day. Neot 1he loet of thb.-sîtrbetions cf thie reodte is tb. fsct that the conductonu, station agents sud telegrapi bperatoe ore *11 haudeeme fellovu, .smisble. popular sud coureocus. AT a'meeting etf îhe Booth Outari feuuil agnicllural soety heMd hors c ea(ùrday, in lb.eoosacil chamberi tc *whiob reproeoaativese iPicieriag su' Wbltby lowuîbip societies had been in Vlted, su altempt vas mado te etriko bagis of arslgaeatien bel w"n tbe Ibre scci.ties. A long diiescusion took plat aw s sa, and oûovise dld net kÏnov lbi bistery 'of Ibis am*itaUou la iii. pî*e ,wenid b. inllned té eboie .au agrs untw'ould b, s r4v.d ai.Wu.-tfar- vwiii take isome ebêfors uher. vill b a union ; but are porouaded noue of th societîlse vi ifi9urieh otiîli they do jol Ibauds.. It smoue usnese îng a pied of folly for ibres oc*$pies Ioriu a&gaine sali cîher outil mli are mosr , rles backropt, or ilse. *batit ý vOmedi tQUOI. Tf $the tliod a ps1 TaEtRE i te be another election for couDilor in the senth ward. Mr. Jae. Wdiis faod8 bis ausessment for last year waa net Be taken as toenoable hlm te, qualify, snd ho has resigned. Ho wil run again aud take the sest, if elected, upon the new aseesment of 1888. Re is net likely te have opposition. Thoro lu talk ef some othora following the samo course. A.. Farowell, Esq. Ex.-M. P. P. whc died on Tuesday cf this week, was oee of tbe oldeet Bens of Tempersuce in Ontario. Hoe becamo a 'member ini 1849, aud maintaiued hie connection until bis-death. Ho vas ,lected grand worthy patriarcb at the. aunual session of the Grand Division held Doo. 2nd. 1858. eropre@tented the grand division ini the National Division cf the order, st several sessions of that body. A circulai bas just boom iseued by the Postmastet.-eDeral, frein- whioci it may b. stated that white the old parcel peut rate of 6o. pet oz, il sîlU maintain- ed as regards closed parcels, anytbîng s0 sent na te permit.Af inspection viii, after Feb. let, b. mailable st the te- duced ra&,e cf le. per oz. This vil cover ail bisnk forme', headsd station- Mard tudhe matter ruled out frein book-post privileges. ON seconnhf poor hesltb I bave been oompollod te colg*vo up my business for tb. preeut and have lomsedl my photo- irrapbiniz instrument and business te Mr. G. F. Obapinan, bho bas beeon 8 suocessfully managinoe tbe business for me smo. I1 came to Whitby, aud trust h. vill spare ne pains te give perfect Lbatiefaction in photograpiug ; aise tbanking my numeroe scustomoru foi tbeir liberal patronage the. short lime I have been in business hoire. If yen vant yout phiz as maturai as lhfe give hum a eaUl. W. J. UNDERwoou. LA.ST veek vo Sent ont a nàrmber of acconts for overdue subecrtp lions, sud added te those sent a few , to people Who did not ove us anythingt. With wonderful premptuesi and indignation those who vote net indebted te ns viole te @&y e, but Ibose wbo should psy up wveo net neariy se auxious about the malter. Heovet, ve mt bave ail tb. subsoriplien inonay. Au old subsonibor of the CROIOLES s&id te us, lb. other day, that ho never minded paying up sud keeping paid up, but ho hated meut bottibly te ornum up witb the dust wevbemhogot fout or five yearu bebind. People s hould' boer Ibis in mind, sud if thuy don't veo sall charge theit minds vith il. A LARGe number c f Chicago gir>s met euoe eveuing teeontiy foi tb. 1!ppee0o ifermaing a "6Ldies Anti Slang Sbciety.' 1 The meeting vas callod te ordet, asud i; Miss Sadie De Pork elected PreolileUl 1 Belote tskrng ber sestat ue aid inà a cleur Wcale vl vodnlated veie t "RBealiy, girls, I'm toc badly rattlod bj r lhbhor eouferted upon me te givi yen much cf. My guif. It'. uhe fina î lime 1 îumbied go anyîbing of Ibis sort r and I hardiy knov jut boy te. ostok -on. Hovever, I'11 îry te b. suffloienti P. ly Up te unuf not te lot *uy ffies 1ighi s ou me white deing the Pteuidont- of-this , éociety *ct. I'mx with you ia Ibis mve s sudA do'l yen forgel il. Ail ov.r oui )9 land slang verdisud phases are. muai pijing like ifies in sorgbalm time,an, ! . 1 it is eut duîy te kuoek Ibis ' rying evi in as sili'y se possible. I*t iout mottlo- » <shboot thb. salngieot* ýd à, story coutes from Pickering vi i. lage cf another attemnpted robbery a Fatbet tibeeban, cf chat i 01g. e Monday nighî ho vas oomiig froin th »e Pickt-rinX st*tion to, thatvillage' froc s the exère"s, wonIo floir sprun t, upou hini sud s.uedtbum freinbibnè s.bis arme boing heLi fue by on.e ofIl it mis. The tue men hud previqes i. att-scted 'saLoy boys- *ho wèr' oi ï. MIenu, sud bad dw&ndd ta Ume adut.taâ_ t'y tii ysr. Dêh f*o bu~wa :n.itis yalontie's Day. Tu,'Ontario bauk-, as opsed brauobsheaSa.Kialgateri s*d Aurab, aosumng ii eea uisao hs places. TuERa wu abig supper lai night ai Oshawa given by tii. Whîtby suad EBut Whutby ÂgrioultblIraSocety. Borne particulars ray b. 'giveû next week. TaB hoause. Iond-soundiug, whlsties of two nov factorieswork, off the boautiful winter daye into, working heure, in Whisby. The tooter on I'ho nev woollon mile raises a terrible olatter. Wz--are told on the very bout of authority that the Patterson foundry will b. ruenng in a few weeks. It would sound quite pleuaatly upen the osto of ont townsmen te hear the laut of the tbree bonused whistles take te tooting. On Tuesday two rinku of thé Granites, Toronto, oomposod of parties wbo vere invited te the aesembly, played two ricke frein our club onulbthe. here pnd won by as sht. Owing te the soit weather the gaine was played on vory bad ia.. Mr. Wxn. E. Bewell, grand scribe cf the Sous of Temporafioe, paid an bificial vieilte Oshawa Division No 85 on 28rd uit. and te (Jiaremont Division, No 107, on the eveniog of Srdinul. Cedar Dale Divi8ion, 'No 55, will b. visitedl on 17&b mest. opened last veek bas beon quit. suc- cezafnl e far. Tbero e i ilrom for a fev more boys. This is a golden oppor- tunily for beys who cannel attend day sohool. Thaecheool is open Ivo nigbta a veok in tb. W. C, T. U. Reading Boom.* TEEs Grand Trnnk bas; lakon th. Nortbern sud Norîbwestetu railvapu in t ils scoop. Tho only tevus affected will be Toronto, Orillisansd snob places, vhicb np le Ibis lime b.d the advantage of reilvay oompetitien] betvèon tb. tva ronde. J.- H. SÂMo,furiuro dealier, Toronto, bas gene vith.the celouy of Toronto skippors teh suny sooth. Ho is vanted in Toronto le amever te soe charges of forgery. Ho is veil kuovu bote sud vas formerly a resideut cf Whitby. Bis estalo viii psy ten cents in tb. dollar. A MOST enjoyable tripvas made te Ellesmere, Boarboro. on Weduesday by eus curling club. to have a match viîb tb. Bearbore <'Maple Leafs." A very fair rink is used by tb. Boarbore mou snd tbey #,n.thb hst ice makete in tb. country. The match vas keuly con- te@ted sud thon. vas Bomne good curling. Wbitby von by 20 Points. The Mapie Leafs did aIl Ihal vashospitable for thoir visisore,.1 At tb. aunuai meeting cf lbe Whitby Fine,, Brigade, hold at uhi hall, on Wedsaesday evening laet, tbe foliowimg offlceoiN vore eieeled for tb. prosent yosr :-Captaiu, J. Bandel; let Lient., Jas. Scmih; 2u<i Lieut., T. Tomi; BSc. sud Treami., A. Smith; Ospt. Hoc-k sud LaAder, G E. Hall; Lieut. Book sud Ladder, 0. Penny; 1et branchinan, W. Smith; led brsuchiman, O Stevart; Brd branchinan, A. Bandel; 4th branch- iuntuW. Wilson. A TzoeL,&A frein OgdeD, Utab, Mosay, ceuveyed te lb. Wolfondeu' family bore lb. sad nova $bat Jue. Wolfenden bail diod that day aI Ogden. The immediate cause cf bis deàtb vas kidnoy snd liver complsint, but lb. rdispatcb costained sac further infor- mation. Mr. Richard Woif.ndesa re- oeivod a dispatch from his brother a bout tvc veeks ago, sud lboa net r board cf bis ilmoesoutlil lb. telegnaus c f bis dealb came. He vas iui.rred ai Qalt Lake City. Jue. WoIf.udsu loft bore.fortheb.West sine joe Mo md nover relurued. R. vas unmarred. Noncs Je bereby.givea te tthe publie thstatmcrdiug tea, a agreemseat dat*d lIgb November 188monde boîvasuE W. B. O'Brien sud myseif, W. J. Undes- wcod lliaîlbeo sid W. E. O >Bieus bound net te carry on tb. busîiness of a ,a photographer in the aaid towu cf.Wbitby or s i thetowu ef Ouba*a in, lie ount of Oniarieo for a period -et ifleen yfft - by bimseof or ina purîaorship or voirking for FOY other porsùon opr»o.,sd o btuacb of " greetor covessant be or tbey vili payor cause te h. pald 8te mysof, mor*"eus ots ge tie, auo s fain«cfeu îoaand dollar. 8o tha~t if 'auy P on or 01personaiv. W.. E "'Jrien 'pbtftopbtiog le q 4bymSby Our FANCYGOOD S'DE PkRMENTS:are- bril the knu Xmsïêa,on , HA.&DRER.CHIEFS-in 51, LneinadFny with ftesh G LADIES' JER8EYS-in Beaded, Braideand Pl ain. WOOL SHAWLS-A Beautiful Lot at LOW PRICES. FANCY WOOL GOOIYS--Wool Squares, Tam O'Shanters, Hioode, iteGloves, prises. We GoWalomrs Hait MaSgiefoi badnos., gray, ba*u,,is for -9al. by ail dnggisi-p' Thoe Royal Rotai, Barbon sehop is the., Place te get a hair cut or a uic. 'oey. av e.1 SW. Thempson's;,,for cysters, cigare or caies, uortb of the. Montreal lolegraph office. Give hlm à a a. WÂwrNTB-YOUng mnu or boy te lesta photegrapbing at Oapman's gallery Whîtby.-G. F. Ohapinan. GicNT' lies, collais aud cuifs, silk baudkerohiefs, braces, gloves, uzaderr- woar aud et104 ,atiloweut prioes. W. G. Waliors. Spêcial chesp tickets to aIl Califernia sud British olumbia points single sud round trip. Tickets by &il the routes. E. Stephonson. W. G. WALTERS je offeting this veek cottons, cettouados, tiokioge, toellinge, linons, sud etc., st ezcoptionahly lew prices W. G. Wallers. W. G. W. Waltors le effering good value in cottons, white and qrey sheet- ingu in tvillod and plain circulai pillow cotten in aIl vidtbu et exceptionally low prioes at W. fi. Wslters NOTICE. All parties cr poisons wi&hing te gel. phelograph%, crayon vork, on life-size work, sbould come direct te inyseif, &S I have ne bus&iness connu clien whatevér with Mr. O'Brieu, late preprietor of this galory. G. F. Chapmau, phelographeL. ]3raids, Buttons, *V Gents' Fine Ordered Clotking a iÊjeci&'alty. Gents' Underwear, Ties, Collars, Cuifs, Braces, Gloves, &ce FURBS-Ladies' Muifs and Caps, Gents' Caps, Cldren's3 Caps.' ietyo oui Stoék ma be hadby a visit-'to the People's Store. 3 RETIRING FROM CýFLÂ8G-OW and v-y-x BUSINESS WÀEJEIIQSE, IG' SALE NOW GOINO N.A For the next 10 days lie will seli atSacrifice IPrices. DIress Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres,, GreyFl- nels, Blankets, Carpets, Floor Ou Cloths.ý Menls ,Ove r- Coats, Boys' Overcoats, 3Men's, ,and Boys' Luambs wool Shirts and >Drawers In al wo0 Tweeds we hold a large variety- of Pat- terns wbich, must :be sold at- some price. Don't Bu y a Dollars' wort& until -ou look at our Stock (À get our Prices.. 1?,. & J. GA~MI~E ,Fiarn Prdueaken in E xchange.0 DO N.OTý Wol Until the chilly b1auts of Winter have frozen the- NOW ils T TO BUY YOURq-' Corne- and see Overooatings, Fur Cape, It is, TrfiE Competition Thi ri et bc 01 1 D RE88 GOODS-A Grand Asoortment. ii Blad* and 'Colore, SIJkS, Plusb,. BrocadeVelvetsa, Fanoy Goods, Dress and Mantie Ornaments, and Trimmingg. i a 1 1 1 1 - o- a- -quoi-, titi whilbp (fýroni£[tl

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