, *. £ e g ** * "t NWee a folioles - And gometnl i!.. But -h.toughesî of Ail problema Tha wlh doa ahusbaud 5115, l i u i4*ýqrtho*hspoaWae Po wo mail 8 bis.. For Whou- Tour vite remarkeinL urgent toue, .Whou Standing ln the cr, Juil drop lnJoblot's plaôo-aud-match-tbls - ruoig-an don'Worge-the-candy-ân'- seu--u---bareot-flur-~'we-are- nearly-out.ot-ooal-aèn'the-cougi-drops- for-4ohnuyeand.stp-over-at-the-sop- oounter.something-nioe-remombeir--slx- yarde-octton-flanel--au'-the--tooth- Thon il. a .#Uing around'your thumb And doulethr wa*t ignore, ,Whou your vite la on tue rampage, For '<Ont.prloo gooda" of gore 1Ti% far caser to promise Thau ho make your piedgeS rigit; The nxggard ln hi. promises Ih a laggard lu the fight. The. promise oft &iuts off debste, An n pleasanter than filgit. And yon have a ean, white conscience Tii! you get home ah night. But thon- Whou the vite remarks vith empisa Standing lu the. door- John-Heury--domr-pleoacll-t-Maikem- down's.tor-thatspool-of.cothon-No.-.60- an'.rernembm e - .windov - shadea-'n - member - Ethel'a - dol!.. an'- botter - gel - yoursslt-a-5-cent-oomb-an.-the--hired- SiiVsa-wagos-are- due -an'- don't - torget - tho-theter -tckets.au' 'ifya - dldu't - have.suoh-aý-poor-memory'I.vould..tell- y ou-lots more. Thon il. a string around yonr thumb And don't her wante ignore, Whou your vite in on the razupage And unoorks hon geutie rmai. Ah, 1h. AI, gallus promises Whioh, gpvoiout t aImor, Maopaeuntil yon de contons Ylen ve kept them Lu a horn, And wilted and dejected and. O-ied up by -wi!oty sooru.9 Yon wîsh and wigh and wiah and wish1 Youn nver had been boru. Thorefore Whou the vite remarks vith earnetness As yeu stop trom ont th. don ,Alnamsu,deai u-recollect-hhat-,we-re-onb of- bakinp-powder-.nd the-instalauont- .ome-weatbetdhrp-*u-dou'1t orget-ten Iaids- of-invisible - green -tricot-a'-- 'Lm n-yen-on-tat ,promlsd-an' somo rat-Peion4an' sme- taloa-ntUnr. dof-.bIne - ribbon - toinches-vi8-700-uoW-my - uhado- an'-some-Jae-aue-or - to, - nigil - an, - som-pe-ppls-u'ile~hugua -lamp- ber.the'rng-forthe-libry-ffoor. TI. a Strng aroiand your thnmhb, And don t her vaut. ignore. + Whou your wlfels ontherampage And roquosta a dry good@ store. Ber Tint Love. aTir N AUTEOR 0 ieSS luLITTONts z.ovma," &"TRRCOeUasm OPTRIJE LOV," ETC., ETO. OHAI'TEB V. Gsese onaldnot refrain frein accql- ing Il. To be n'ai Helen vu as ppi. nes, e oeberm enat a ditanoe vue bottr Ih Bont oeoxng her aIaSl. No ochoing o! tie Invitation cama frein hem pals llp.d, ag Do loie shouner e oyte.Whou ho cames a guest le hem huisbandi homo.-"I 8h. gre.ted hlm oslmly sudgrace- tmily, <,ro!tUilyavoidlng kils syee a. th.y moted lu greait anxlsty upon hem "ac; thon eh. tumeod te hemr other gusosud dovoted hersel! tote s, beavtunlMm. Bllet le o entortained bhy Cladia. Ho sut far sway frein Helen at dinr,'butho séeend to-ueotblng but lb.eusneface, te her ninig but the. toue. o! lb. on. dear ivoies, whicki baver addrose hlm Once. Afler d hoerb.deteriuad, asinek t e- IuLSF se U,1bùbfor a fs me-' à aosto hiuel.Iovan Wted, ho.old hanslf. te askhemif skie vas botter. At lest' héo epportuaity cams. 44Won'î yen epoak teme, Helen ?" "Why dld yen oins homes dm ian svorsd, eovy 4Upatiu. I eI ol4nt etay Avsy. Do yen buime- P'Are yen se crunelPt" "I11 uets be cruel," ishesaid. I wq pyte Heeal te iteughen me,evoiy dyesy heur. 4Dent yen care ho Ses. nesPl" hs _askedo eegerly. "eem a! "«Stop," ah. said. "Did I tell yen miy stovthaldaysaI OsmylI court iu s1tI itétd yusdnov, I Obsrjeyen, come bers ne mors if yen Marsfou me elL $.ilcould not .p#couuuibÉý'it tonce, *thougl b evl1sbould goes&y miser- ablo ;,I knew Isebould net gel onqukW woid, on. bind lok.""-' .e j "Neyer 4com me novt," the replied; mud @ho shuddered eïiolontly Iba. Claudia, observing lb, oallod- ont: "Bsore on. la vslkià g over yn icou~s ubn sugel l esd rtq. O(Isaytor, Iuying te bdyà trhu, agita- *ad Uus &om* Wgt woripO4 si viâ F 0s81o007bitter thau d.sth 11.01; for ifde&W h had tabo bot f£romn him h. ouI d hav'e b9rueè W bette>-bel oonLld have epiotured her las!.,he'pTpy, et test, ho oonld have ohérehe bo me mory sud looked fotward 10tiith hand-cllso g on tho golden ahoros. ,George Eîlot owned kils owu weïk- ness --fler -that unomorable evening wheu ho dinod st Bedford Square, and aoknowledged 1Heleu'i wiodom in de- oroeinu Ihalthoby should meet uo more. Heoo*uld neor look upou lber face againse the vife of ankother m> su. Bo Olaudi'îsomheme wsu noon. .oiously frustrat.d ;bherslutenss wu for onoe baffied ; sud oe resected upon Helen th. evident doterminatioq on Mr. Elliot'. part 10 avold them. For thoy met hlm oooaionelly, and ho steedily beld -eloof ; ho navet osme baek to Bedford Square ; sud Claudia fincied liat but for Holon ho might have found it e ploasant place teo omo Mi. Bllot shortly aftervards lefI London ; snd, tkirough MUs. IvesOlan.- dia, sud eonsequently Helen, hourd liaI hoe kad retùrued te CarylI Court. Apparonbiy ho met &ie Iveses ecasionel- ly, for his mevements se.med kuovu te thein; snd, se tie close o!the' yoaî apprdobcid, Belon heard ae muor that Florenos kiad securod hlm onteo more lu ber train o! admirera. Mms Ives brougit soen nws hersoîf te Bedford Square, wheres ske appear- od oe gloomy afleruoon --füll o! Florgee's bhappy prospects. "«Notiug is oettled, of course," skie said; 44 but hosbhs been se very pointed lu kils attentions te Flery liaII'feel quit, certain I shoil be oelled upon te part viti my demi ciild veiy soon." "'Hov sonry yen villbe-V" observed Claudia, satirioally. "1By 1he bye, viet became o! Major Seymour 2" "Oh!1 ho beheved se dlsgracefnlly 1" replied Mm.. Ives, oolorlng violently. "Yen know kie peld Floriy snoki alten- tion-reaily nover left ns--lnhed sud dinod viti us nesrly every day for ever se long. And vkiat do yen thluk 'I fonnd out P" "I can't imaglueq, rsspended Helen, iu viose direction Mis. Ives bildlook- od.* "IThat heovas lu imposter P2" sug- gested Claudia. "'Oh 1,no-tsi veorsoeu kanthst1' fiWoreeP Yen frlgkiten me 11" laugki- cd Clequ4i. "A, aqurerrperbqaPl'? "A marlod insu 1" sld Us. Ibe, impmessibiy. II assur, yen I couid bave fslut.ed. 1 vu perfeoly 'speech- leuevhen Ihbeard h. W.e wr, aI s danc.est Ryde, sud ho vas tiera danc. ing vili Florry, vheu a Mr.Sitmnk, wie va. dancing wlth Hilda; à eked hem if ski e slire. Seymnour. Hila thougil kie vu a.slkiug nonsense. But v. Boo féond ent h va. perfecîly true. Laokily Florenoe'e effoctions wvesnet engaged inuthi. lest ; sud I skiai! i- joies if ah. eeoePed hlm te maerry Mr. Billot. HO lu severy obaiermg." sdd. ed Mm. Ives, addressiug Helen- "rSI1y quit. a Minsu a thoussnd 91" "&4nd la Pioreno. groaly smitlen p" inqumed Claudia. "Oh 1 net t ILil.Porry i. suoki an odd obild ; but skis is se sensible I have every hope o! lndnelug ber le saille upon hlm. Si. le thinking ever it,eu4 1 fanes' Caryll Court yul cOarry the day."1 Thenuokisugimg 1he. subjeot, she aek- Belen hov ah. vas. Bis vae net look- Lug very vel; but wvki en. ping oare shwould look botter. And thos =fe havurg refreshed kierself ik soe tes, Mra. Ives bustîl.4 svay. Por'oce Claudia comforted selen, lhougki ah. csrtainly dld net lubsud te do se., 8h. e»onteda ie -idea of Mr. Ellioet lklungo! Fioronce.' "I know theun se veil," alto oM&&.- ed ; "îhbey slvsye lbinkevorybody le dylng te maM",florene. IIndsed. I oould have tbld hem 10 -ke.p herm md .aey, forAir. Billot wjeun* 0 bav»e Euglsud." 9 9 " 'To bave, Euglad i low do yon 7" ue.kd Helen. '1 e "O4h!1 I knov ho.Ùl1," replie&pln dis, osreleesly. «"Ho lstgoing lunsoins one a yacht round lb. world-Mr. klan Pauee~rtk's glpô-tstth* sie tirong i aihem anguisi sorowe.did her bà s lune te ratinl &JJBWO &W Osos, a stop lied&fowah.w ýpri, been »*P U t't. ail gayoty, l hough th. bright p'in dy.woe iing reâiud galu aùd the London sieso Vs ommenoing ; sud 860o00y,.be- çatis. Hleumade Do attempt 100cM- bat ÈisifteWise as Claudia termped 'Ilti. ail very well for you, now yen ar sefely mawried, * t b.e atisfied tb stagnaI. lber.," se.suid one day ; but I shs'n't. I arn deleimined t aMuse mayel!, whether unol. Robert *"aes il or net." 41 arn sure ho wonld net grua.e your doing e," roplied Helen. oiH. only vishes te have e test-frein dinnert parties for a lime at horne." "l1Oh 1 yes ; se he esys," rejoiued Caudia, sneerlngly. "I suppose, the bille wè-estee large lut year ; that'. about the truti." "No. il le net Ithat," Baia Hellen;u don't think ho feels very well, Claudia." "1What uller nonseà so 1 I suppose the wisi le father te the thouekiî; but 1 had botter undeceive yeu, for I have bail a good many yoar's experlence .of my respeoted unole, and, I dou't thik I ever 95w hlm itronger. Hie father iivedl untîl ho vas eighty, and I ekiould fanoy Unole Robert meaus 10 d. the Berne."e 11How strango il té, that yen sbonld tae. suoh plesenure lu seying rude thinge te me, Claudia 1'" sidHelen, dreamingly. III often vonder -what prompt. yen ; for who e vo 5ma met I wished to be friende vith yen ; but se lime *Ont on I sev it vas impossible." "4Beally," sneeîed Claudia - "-yen don't osay ne1 WelI, I raîber tbink I agies vitki youî lest sentence. Unfor- tuately, for th. present, we muat make the buet ofeci other. Don't think I mean telilve hors always. Tour matri- monial felioily shaîl net ho disturbed for longer tien I eau help." Helen made ne teply ; skie vas ns.d te Claudia'. insolence. Si. wondered why skie hsd oondesoended te sllnd. 10 kier rude remarko. (To b. oontir6nafoet we.k.) The Laird and the Queen. V, Whilelu Partisihire reeuntly Queen Vioteria requesled au oid Hlghiand laird te vieil kier, sud vion ho did se voiy gaclouely rscived hlm, thsnksd hlM for coming Mud thon ezplined viy s'ho whshsd l »e hlm. -IIskould 11k. te bue,," skie sud, "th. exact spot vhere tbe pretender lauded. u"-- Si, vas lloved te proc.ed ne forther. Instantly th. old chie! laid hie baud upon hem shoulder, ssyiug :*"Ho vas ne prelsuder, madam-; ho vas oui king." 41I beg yeuî pardon," ald th. queen, kiudly; 'II ougit not te hais nsed that vord. I shonld have said Princo Oarles Edvard." Thon, by wey o! humoriug tsegruif old Jacebîte, abe sdded: "Yen knov thal I *tee,hâive Stuait blood lunuMy veins." "Teés, I knov il," vas the m.piy; "aud vere Il net fcr liat yen vonld net ho whae yen ame." This plain speakiu 'gwhich ratherslatrt. lsd bermelnueddnodepleasethe qnoeu on liecoeutrary, skie va.amueed eti t snd semed te lb. il, and It rouaod bou lutereel lu hem nncourtly inannemed eub- jeot, and her vay o!ftskxg il vent to hie heari sud unkio nudefteueâ hi. itemc spirit. Tioy tslked long logether, and lkiey parted liII old frienda. Ou th. qus.u's return tte is cah bre so vasu sbaying aeosaid t eremboat: "II have jusl met eue o! the Most kieot tnou iny reslm."-Nev York Tribune. Mmi vants bu lt 11e hee babyp - -But vents "tli 111!estong. 1" in l opolaly tliofa spurge. The averege man or vou do.. fot preoisoly imuiker for Il, ta. a rnIs, but wvin&"1_eM vlshesi tle b.prompt, sureanad à effcie Dr. "Pioeces Fiassent Purgative Pelleta iaetnohing to b. desld npoint o! afioaoy, &&id yel theu action lla olulIy.fee hemi auy uuplqua. ympom, orAîds- Tbe Jaaauary Ireloiuel4eUntV4 4. iu 1867. Ife* ea" the emeades vie.bouefiela qualities sud roui moîts have made. hem se populer vili lie public, aid Ineeaad frein7' jeae by.aW er oMozsMptlouw *Wh wrhUlapoue, sang the. mcml valuable reuned- li d'propeities areyel 0 simple lu Iheïr oompound, and 8 easy l e ,-th le QuiinoeWie s propr. >yorthnep& infrlathe pure p ase o! ôtQuinine, com. bInd mli ue benry Wine, sud chie. m~eatls, ifra zltee h.Quinine of 11e bitter m"0te, aid deoisnt impair l in te 1 leasl doge. tie efficaoyo! ilss ionÃ" lihe patient; wviiiaini 86ose, e.pIy repe4aleýdï Istrenghieb.pubse, lncre 1h. nerous ysteman sd hu, by'lie' geal vigor vliich It imniarts,_croates-au AU "EAB BOOKé I ONTAIO. Under and by Virtue ef the power ofsode' coutalued in a certain moîlggeo, wbizi vii b. riodncodaaithelieio!the saie, thore viii>b. offered for Sale by Public Auction by Levi Fairbanks, Auotionear, ai ho Boyal HotelWhitbys on Baturday, llth Feu., A. D., 1888. At -ihe ur eft Ielve o'clock nooh,'tho following. vainable fftebold propcrty tieme- of t-a~o h. etpart of lot 18 iln1the euxh concossion of Wihitby, c6Étaanu1n9 about sixty-nine acres ; aIse p art ef lot 17., lu thie sixti concession of Wiby, adjoin- ing the mili pond. On the propemty 'i. eiected a frmoe house on stone teundation, eue and a hait atonies higi, seveun mous, geod cellar. There le a trame barn 80z50 viti atoneUsables undemnoati. Thero are about slxly acres of rici, higbly-cultivated land, lwo and a ballmacres o! wih' are laid out innan orchard of choico fruit treeo. The mll-privilogo lu an excellent ene, baving a fali of abon& 22 foot. The pmoporty viii be of- ferod for sale subjeot te a nosenve bid. The property wiii be sold subjeot te a final mort-. gage. TERMS 0F SALE-Ton per cent. ofthle purahase money te ho raid at th. lime o! sale ho lie vendor's -sohltors and the bal- ace teb. paid wihi 80 days thereafler. The Vondors vill net be required te produce aydeeda on copiesî herse! or evidences of hit le that are net Lu their possession ad vil not fumnisi sny abstract of tille. Perhiculars and conditions o! sale can ho had from lie tho undnigned. Dated et Tomontoe lus sixth day e! Janu- ary, A. D., 182. C. & H. D. G&LMBLE & DUNN, Cor. o! Front & Scott 818. GOOLYS LAPYS G80H FOR The Mirror of Fashion. $2 A YEAR ÂLwA-YS l u cB Sam pie Copy 15 Cents. Edited by MUS. J. 0. CROLY. (iunv jusi.) A Handeome Egaigte E"Ver Subseriber. TEBMS TO CLUBS. Foit CASHComuasiose. 2 Copi!es, _ - _- --$3 3 .4 4 " free cepy to Club maiser, 7 5 44 - - . - 7 a "i - - - 9 40 50 00 50 00 GODETS8, at the preeont lime lu admit- ted by p meuand people te b. superior ho mny Ladies' magazine Lu America, having the grestest varlety of depuleients, ably Club Raiser Piremiuzns for those Who prefer Silver Wa.re to Cash Co mision GODE'8 bau r«Mg.d b give telegant silvem.plated vare o! superior makors&a prenUuma, 1h, valu. of vhichin nseain. stance reaches ovar 026 for one premium. Bend 15 cents foersam#le copy whieh vii acateanilustratod preà luma vith fu !Par- tieulan d tbrms. A&ddr.ss GODETS LÂDY'S BOOK; P>hlladcp#i, Pa. 13 Mos, for i Yrs. Subsoription. 'WOMANO" WITIT the Jannuy number, -Woxi 111 ommno.cd ils reffar isu. viti ai cJoiculation of 65,00. Il ha s aready Slet vith a succeas Ihal inalmu4 imparal leled, and lareoognized as on. of hle l.d ing penlodicais of the day. Il in essntlally lhe Magazine toi Women, and for the home. Wouiula heathtni lu touie, Md msky b. safoly placed in the bands of our daughlems At the sMe lime lii Mapled tot1:0euon ;oymnt aid inamtaimprovemeu i deveIopmoent of the whole tamily., The best luovu names L u Ilralune have beel n thlbnetaIOf' oonlnbuters fnom1th. atnse sud tbe bigh cbaracter otftsocoulb. lions viii b. m4ataln.d tbroughou*.- Of OTeat 3r1taun. CAPITAL, 62,600,to0. ANNUAL INOOMBI, siAO0,OOO. VAX Farm Property_ and Dwellng Hous.a peoilty Vq I ow rate@. Easy terme of. payment. Simple polioles. IN 0 vezatlous conditions. ~Prompt settiement of lose without discount. B. sure you-do flot inliure until you knç,w oui r min d coniditions. Enquire of E. EB.LH&Y- WÂR1), our G.' oral Agent for South On- tario. Office in Whitby-Part of D. Ormio- ton's Law-Office. Ail lettes addressed to, Look-Box 78, Whitby P. 0.9 vil receive promüpt attention. Besldenoe-H'am <Jt-, tage, Byron street, Whitby. si U9LAZIER *PÂPgE- IL4NGB KJLSOMINJER Generai Housée Decorato, Paper furni8Ihed from O. a Rooq -and upwardé. Orders from the ooun try prornpq 4 attended tb. 1 Cýr BHOP-Ffrét door South «, Mn. G. Y. Smiths 1ev office, Whitby. Wblbby, May 121h, 1887. nom INSU RANC E!IA GENTS BATEBS, LOW 1 A]?JUSTMENTS LIBEBAL 1 LOSSES PAID PBOMPTLYI Companlea among the boit in the venld, such as, Thse LIVFERPOOL, I4flDON £ G1,OBB, The LANO.AHIB Tho. WÂTERLOO, and TA. NOBWIOH UNION. Local privai. iunds in sums te, suit at lowoît rates. W. B, PRINGLE, Whutby. TRME WESTRN BÂqK 0F THOMAS DOWp manager. Whitby, Nov. M1, 1882 ly-47 MONEY To LOAN!1 0100.0m Pela INVESTRENT. ON BEÂL EBTÂTE SEBITffY. At iowesl living rates o! intereuit. Mono7 seonred with 10 day. of ap- Apply te piain JOHN PABQUHÂRBSON Whltby, Pebruary lSth, 1880. 9 $500#000 TO LOA Ne At ô per cn.y'l. en trpy meuh o!picplmd esi onW Finit aU second mortgagoesbongiht. Ad.*, va ieemdaon second rmortgagea imdle punchaseferme. Ne coite iceurred lu meking appliabon e toe o fr monoy ; ne aenh's tee.; ne delay. Paries psylng highen rates on mortgagea should appiy te me at once for lever rtes sudsave money. Write or cmlil mpdlately ton partlcularu. S.B. EEYNOLDS, .lYS 20 Adelslde Street-BEut Toronto. TO A GEN TS NuuainLa1 Oe&46 ad48Pnt Shoot BautTSor j 0,elp blemsest moit Complote au BestSèlln Nede Pei luArlos. ESýnd 26 Gent. for Samà pleso! fN..v No. 41, flihed in Fine Fluai. -PBY*iouIarsent vheu starnfs aie elosed for nei>Iy. I>on'tworyit yo*u roul o! employment- Zest, Torot.Bndsap frrpy TEcommaO YE&R. Forlhe nutrl te pbibr aa- f~WAPÂE nou": enal Bldsoiy by Edai ftval.BU ...o entitled 11A Demorablang Ileunlj. hOI tsl perauce l, 81to$.eu-l~iea by' Katharie MctQnoid, 1dgh Zom$era' lo pagn le sozr1«4W. = Md ft Wedliossby in e'0 Mà zgfflt 8ydney, And A ay ohers - I - -- BXUL IEI, TWioas- Stevens, the bicyeofo théi L2 eoyWht vel;Nele Bly, suthor eo"inl ________________ a mil enm ~"Firdà niek Echwa hoeiA4a m fiîc4 thority o AGeElTS! 1TOW BEADY-Oni nov book, "lBarth. .& l Sea and Sky; or, Marieoso! thi Universel"; being a full and graphie de-. scription o! ail that la vondenjul Lu evS continent o! tho Globe, Lunlb.henrd & vasalns d 1he Slaîny Hoavens, cenlaining tbrillIng advenluzos, on land and sea, nl. nown.d'discovoîles oethle -vorld's greateà explorers, *an aI agos, and nemankable pie. nouons in every realm ef nature. -Bm.. bmaolng liee liking physical foatureseff the enlh, lthe peculian charactenisticseofth@i human race, of animalt3, birds, insecte, 01%w Lucludin a Vlvid description efthle Alen. tic, uLi- and.Indis.n Oceans,. and o!flin. Polar Sea, the Monstes oe!the De& beautiful soashels and plants, singula, fishes and dvellers Lu lie vend o! waterob romarkeble Ocean ourrent., etc., toetie, vitihie ÂMÂZING FHENOMBNÂ opf THR BOLÂR AND BTABR1Y SYBTEMU IBT * HI]ar DAVENMPORT Nonvraop, Dao,. EBmbelllahed vith over 800 fine engrevinogs. Liberal hemme le Agents. 1 JORDAN ST, - PUBLISHINO TORONTO$ ONT. Oert5.floate of Major Èarper, Moq.. of Whitby. -1882- To tohom it may corcm. This is tb certify that havlng exaineô4 repaired and used a great varioty of sewing Machines, I have cowpe t the conclusion that the White. Machine sold by L. Faix- banks la one of!-th. bust' mmde,&ain my opinion lb la a machine that wii! net easily gel out ot order, and vil!laiut much longe, than mosi machines as car. han been taken te prevent veai as much a possible. I1 eau honosbly recoinmend il te parties wan. ing à good and lauting ewmg machine. 1[ purohaa.done of Ure Wbitels soms monti* mgo, and i i vesevery tlrnaetin. Âfterfiv. yoars use of lt.eWhite 3S.wiug Mà achinein rny family I can fufly end«os th. aboya certifipate and Cm. lulY ieom- mond th. :machine i a a mfiyse4 machine 'Costales. for repit» .th an aV machine I have evO*rt had t cl w1911. Somd cheap as th 0.'cheapeiand Iluth*- bast of th. -bess. soie Agent for itbi itt JO~ HNON' Iný Doeuerell'e ^14d.4 fortgour FLIRNI TUBÀEI DPNNG ROOM S UITSp eke s pair < Ius o! thein- Yoalsquk, d îage-ilwig The fellov dollna luaite out o!kils bis "1Wainla1 mut b. h.Y-0 If ae-man why esu'là w Rounes"? We P Alabor wri kiasownP De An egg of th London for 19 w asdoId st au if Iliere -le oopyright it le t opyvwromg U, lite- Boy. D. N about lie«"de Ho hes probeb Sgetting ipeople tran as ? four moen to, m pIdMr. Da' O4h, Tomi in yquto est ~pcake. IliWhyo tako her part- dollar holel. the olerk' d* @,round il. 4fter ceh Sdiegracefil, t sboula think i *;Ai! np., svord, w. vo on smre g! Blobson v in withoutf -or pee of h Pvat laskor * pool, Jolüiuy viete th.y v Doen - askod a super *~lttj p, liqueori drauke.' bonghl tt The Pl for eý- have dis At Corneè 0r14 rBy.. Gem ~n. o! e * . *p~ * e j * g . i e e - - -t, **1 * e e e * e--. * - e .~.. e.. -*Jr -e e j e s a f fà & 9 6 0 - 1 OXFORD