Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1888, p. 8

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. b e e z Or o ur egimiooreacudu O wÂFe b-.8-.1rhe prsent altitude oie Eb.Pxecntve m",y.beo descrlbed as aw*iting"Ibe resait' of l.the ere Oomtniaiou-.Many exeOuiacti~l5are -pouding %h. roera of Ibree important departunentai hea&da. the appointmeul of sJu dge for Presoott snd Russell and thé avardiug of the oceau mail otr8it b.09g tue« in point. A few days »mgo Itbbee a agreat cry th*% a ueaty had beie-8rafted vhich turned ont tc, b fis., ïlbut à drew from B8ir. Jotha Mao. donald t î. iporlafll statemeul ihat an agreement bad beee réaohed ou several pinte auad-othare ver. @tltii uuder dis- oussion-of course. 1h. unsettled watters ane the main points. 'Thatthe lb.aska bouudary lin. is b.ing nov disonsssd sasme provedl hy th. departure of Prof. 0. M. Dawson who i. thoronghly pasled on th. subjeet. If Ibis commissionl Boules the bdnndary belveen Brieib Colum~bia sud Alska adaugerous enmaR viii haive beau avoided, for, owing ta th. deposils of gold in ibat seotî0ôu re- quasIs for paient. heom eiher oe goveruuleui or suother are aura to b. traqueat. The oïétual state-bowever in vbîoh nevapape? moea Sud tbemeelves, wilh respect le 1h. attitudoe d1he coin- Mission. on the Bah quellas o neof ivrofooud igaort.noe-foI' once. A Most importanlt thiug bas, houeerg? tranepir- ed ai Washington. A Congres@ cern- minle vers lnduoed 10 vitbdraw a repo roonmendin$t a bill forbidding ali foreigners trom fishing in &meriean w4iiers by the statemeut made Io lb. oomnmittee by a member wbo bad lbe ami of the cabinet that Secretary Bayard vas confident a conclusion wouid b. reaohed. i OUR SHKlppING DISASTER- I notice a Toronto paiper yesterday cihlicg londly for a goverument in- specter cf bulle appropo8 of he Oriental inquiry. Wby bieses hie innocent seul Ibeleare Inspef'tors cf huilsansd the iav makea il incumbeul on lt.hesseel ovuera le hbave au officiai inspection cf lb. bull at leset once s year. Tu. pro- visions of lb. Steamboal Inspection Âol akre very siringeuit and ample if properly sdministered sud s kiudred sot, the hile etfvhicb I forget aI lbthe momont, provides for the inspection et other kinda of ressels sud ataetes ta y od.ela aM liberty te cempliluof the cen- dilion cf a vessai sud baie il delaiued la part outi offiisly inspected. The lsv may net be efficiently anforoed but tha'. vénotber malter. Iiajor-Geueral Middietefl'a torthooai- ing linnual report vi be s campli- meulai! aseusuai %o th. militia force sud viii rooommiend an increasa lu nuaiboeanov arme, sud a langer lime in camp. The nov lafanlry achool siI Lodon viii b. opened aaryiynlu b. spring vheu 100 menmy enter on a *hrae ear tarmansd 20 on a thuee - menthecomrs. àAocutrmot bas bacu avaidl te braiscioli et bute oun am Paeifieocouasd I bave seau lu the aulia&daparîuieul lb. plana for a series Of tortifioatiofl at Victoria barber vhici inettide esithenvoukeansd embrasure luincbîb goed sled guns viiih" mount. .4. Axîsugaluante bas been eutarec Iota by lb. Dominion Gorerumeiul viii the ti»perlal anîborîties uzder vbicl tb. Dominion i. e onsîrntdtlb.. defoualve vorbeataI Ie joint expeuse- lu vbat proportion lsa ot kuovu. ;,ne alig loutiofl candidate Mr- »iokiDBOD beat bis brother COnDSiî1e ]gibd ee yt fiWMajorily .1578.Mot îbis i e i he- in Carleton sud diée hait 1 l ey Vii auppot) Uri dwudi lu théeoouinag couestal lu R "iagainst Mu. Maekin- 1mb theb01Oo*maiiv* candida te. ,lMao- lntoih bovevOT ts douinnissS fghter. 2urbe m Ut of lbtha :>&loneonest Ià ~,loo b thi lie. bujoieteu. .ua.ed sMd Mr., Neveu use novwolaluz> Iu ii. se&Ï.. rgauolieDion this POIDS vUiib. ýberdon ,lb. S1M. Mr. <ul bsul vasreluuedat tbe <Jenerai Eileeon tby lb. .aatÃŽngvote of ite* re*. 01&0«n oftle heleetion voie beinuaa lie. Wehave uot asft0r ail heard the bat of g,&diuuand, Ui . ouler havinu app.alod aantl.decisionsloi J#udge Street tc-,tb~e spreme Court. Tbe MP. for Gospe bas been 4ismisa4on o lbO . xmbonlhS e.Tlus proleuî in montinagiy .!dî mot bé. Ibard until alli' er b.iol. Mr. <CbOquettO',b. itinflfmesubai i.a iberal sud defecI' i i B I 01 monu. henthst thé GOVMwmesî lu- tends- doing eomethlng baudmobme for, themanOlul1 port.u. 4 buig la e rtaina 1h. ImptovemenIt 01 Mourea h arber viii net b. oipPosed ontaide ofil. ýque- b.. rival. O&umd% i. pcod of Per-greal vstervys sud tb. bestet ceathlrfB faoilitiesafforded Mouireai 1h. b.tteri fer 1h. commerce of Canada. TI M LIARY OOLLEGE. Th. Miiary Gollege as Kingston la puabing ils dlaims for exemption froua law examinations sud surveyors ex- aminstions sud nos only se but il i. urged by tbe miiitaý'y officae t h&%, th. govorument shouid appoint. tb. gradu- aies of bis colege to permaüntu goverumeul positions. This ie goiug 5a little toc far if vs are aI groal expenée 10 give Iheeyoung meae b.beaoefilof a good onrricnlum ooMbined vith a dis. cipline which ebould Bit tbem'for - the world -snd thonkeiip tibst th. public expense tbe bslance of thoir daye il iii a sad .,ntlook, Young knen oftbeir abilities education sud adrantage ougbt url! to be able to carva oui ibeir future. Again motoscf the studeuts are snosof ha th. dlsoovery of a leading 1l7'h a, u a"e ro f01eiperimentlng, a o fer- ed yen ina* perfeoied etat~easnee.al< curew for outghs, Colasand ThroëAI aa Lung Complainte. Lord Randolph Churchilsuad bis vile have arrived inLondon. Tà preysnt seriou'i disoase, regulate, -Ihe utomach, liver, bowels, kilneys and blood with Burdocir Blood Bitter.. Bemember that prevention in beter than cure. Dksocunt vau quoWedin Lodon du#ing th. paet veek t i tO* . "iiiand 8,"1 Condition Powders viii cure roughness cf hair ini your horsea sud pro- duge a fine glossy ceai. Sir. Henry James Sqmmermain,,lh. eminent Engliah jiirist, je dead. For a&U Complainte arising from a disor- der.d state of the stomach, w. recommend Cempbell's Cathartie Compound. Massowah a.dvioes state that a balcon corps has arrived ab Suai t le oin the Italian forces tiere. Destrol, Theormsoor ihejmay Worm Powder8, they exao aU I~kkndsf Tbouaa ua uffrtU. Thous0c people are sufferlng unlold siserte f ram con.stipaionu, headaqhe, biUt- Du suasand veakaua hat aiighb b.saonce ,lieved sud accu curaI by tbe use cf lurdoek Bhood Bittera- Thhis lvaluable medîcine te sold by &Il dears » M One )colhar ver bottle, thu A plclgil viuhbin tb. rach of aIL Manager Arausan bas araugel te pro- duce au Engliah version by Gilbert cf au uifenback opera- Allen'. Lunig Balam î thle standard cure for Ccngheand Colds lu the Blteoand canada. There vau a seml.psflio on th. Parla Bourse Sattnrday, ovîngtla lb pubUoasion of U.ha Austro-Grii5t trest'y. Grocers ama autborited, te guarau a bat lh. "Royal' l avoriiig Exirata vill <ira satisfaction. -Mr. Justice MoKayi cf Moutreal, lasSeri,- oaly ill. la o a tdhhtng to hava. butl h a .botter tban vealta. Preserre yonr beaut by asi. ing ockery mdewitb imperWs. Crsa Mir. John WbeslauiJ. P.# cf LOU"o Towushîp, ta ded. ,le&'* Luug issa lavar18 el emu lb. Mail diýsosuCenh. Tii. Botbvalol coaca vasburgaie on Baturday ulgbl, The. perlais.of frosly.@'uflsd oyers l agretalle te every eue, sud se il i. witb the, del iofl bfragrascf urray * au man'a P LOnîls Wstar. Noe ie et t Dntu dialike il. Preaithe trOp-t e b. frlVd moua, il la the nu'trrsaIMfvoriUe'On to boandksrciefi, aI the.toile, u a lb. bath. o lePuoialnted fcQmr For, cou gha sud Celle, tire Alan'. LU"g Bahuis.Relef s vrrmltd or money re- fundea.'-.1 zingston la puaBlgiward thbe Sauu- tie4n o! a dry-dock,. uProf. t'. uilitr O<&p. i day cf bMarch 188, their Dames sud d- dresses witb full pantluaf their daims,I duyvenifed, sud tue ecurities (if an) I bld by them. Sieiy after tbe aid date he s"id Exacular vfii proceed la diatribule tIi. ameela01, lth aaid dece&WSDaongait st-b W- ii4ltff thereto, havng regard ozdy t e .oelma et wheb notice bas beau pven mua mbova requir- ed, and the mid Executora viii notba hable for haeUsel3or sMY pari thareefBe ditri buted ta a»Y permuOn r PersOna cd ehos chai nuotice shal net bave. been refelve by tbetl saithê e sc obdlolrlutioiL Dsied thie lGîb daY Of Jauury, 1888 ESTSER 1<YOUNG, GBORGS YOUN4G. J. Eecutors, W111LI&K COW1RI 3. B. DOW, Broughami, P. 0. DeeeiaBlock, Wbtby, Soncitar for uxeulcia. e mi ~~mes Lit s of w 9~i EED OATS & WHEAT FOR SALE. The Subscriber haii for Sale 400 Bushels tSerd Qats and 200 Bashels cf Goose rheat, free from wild oat@ tarey;,tc. THOS. HODOSON, 4in. Lot 35, Con. 8, Wbitby Tp. WÂNTED. An assistant Laundress ait the Ontario Ladies' Coliege. à--l- -I TENDERS lb. east line of Pickering College. For fuit description amd particulars address K. G. LEAVENS, care Arinour Bros'. Bank, Kan- sas City, Missouri, U.* S. RIgheei or any tender not neoeueatily accepted. -7-Sm. 1887-Goldsmith's ;HaII-18881 HOLIDAY SEASON oo-bnni sudth ifardthe ar iisîa ifiornnca adtheecil vclou n d ueamed te Ofic, cfin Whandby CHRNIOe, À GRRL STEIKE. Whiby, Pcb. 10, 1888. Littl ois beau pubiished of lb. tact WITBY MARIKET PRICX8S, Ibat 1,500 ooto n operaties is id i. t ai l W h o se t*@..**Soto.75.Ii i o 8 Cornwall sud ivo cotton taille are udie SpingWhat.......< 7 #8 one of Ibsua barialg 6.000 spidiai. Goose Wheâts ai. .****de*.0.67@00 The manageras ay îbey are ual paying Fleur, pet v......2 00,» 2 50 auy diridsud snd out dovu tb. psy cf Barley...........*060 8070 tb. operatires banc. tbe trouble. &ye......... ....O45 @ 0 62 ....s 065 @ 060 OF PEUSONS AND THINGS. Peau, black-eyed..........O060 0 O66 Il insid tiba& ex-lieutenant Gorernor Blue pesa ...............O0 5 0O60 Masson wiii be cailed ta Senate. Pèti OmIs................... 85 n o tiens for Scott Act repemi rromain un- alay........... ..10 60 (0 Ji o decided from Glsugary, Stormont, Aisike Clover seed......... 4 00 *@s 00 Danu sd Sansesd reeainots Rd lover seed ......... 4 00 @ 00 Dundassud t aloinseadre s i ntsApples, par bbl .......... 1 60 @ 20 viib ani efrvsdSmca. Tomatoe ....... .. 1 00 1 i90 The Gorernor-Generalisjequite s Pro- Potatoe, par bag---------... 10O 112 fiaient vekater and ie frequently sean a& Rggs........... 18 20 thje rink. Ha drora a Party of friends Butter.::::::: ......18 @ 22 to &yl&er ,the other day bebind bis............................ O 015 pair of ispleuldid baye. Sheepekù---------------40 ô O60 The paèersaisrenov expiaing b finnt e---------------O... 10 @ 015 trouble iu lb. U. S. smnate aver tbe e:- aides, per lb .. .......... 00$ @ O007 tradition treaty wbicb I toid you of port, perei-----------... 6 0 @ 6 22 fully tua veeks &go.Turuipo ................. 15 @ O028 Tise P. O. DepI. bas 40 applications (3aley, pere------ 0 @ O 10 for VbsncYin he ÃŽDR'tO' Offce- hiken, pr b ......... 010 <@ O12 fr a scstote ncyiobeforKte ontofie. 'rrke er lb-------00 8 @ OÃ"1i Mr. J. L. ArchambaniliQ. h asheen Dueks. par lb....... ... 10 @ O 12 dietrichs onaeofthlb.additionsl Superior- CJourt Judgtes. Heoji young but Et UrqNotini ta 'riditors. succeseful lavyeir1DUWUUUW@ As. a «round for bis action agabinat th. Goreraient Wong Obing Foc lb' O1Il0E'198 HEBEET GI4 inupur. ihe~~~~~~~~ nhns orailiy bnh uance of the ltevised Statuntés of On- camObeeta CanaWleture&b. vas sais "rin luencucase. nd d rorided thal came o Canda tolectue bc as s ilIpersoas ving daimesaguwei thaeeut&te ad st Olifton tagged sud labelled 11k. a cf Urlal young lt. cf th . village el coat of tes aud torad ln a varehoume- Brougham, lunt'be Cony cf Ontario, Ha had WYeonm, decemsed who died ou or about the He sd o ky 850 poli ta: befora he 81.1 day cf Dsekber, A. D. 1887,ara te- vas reloee- auired te tend by pool prppaid ddreaud tc Ruby Gem Rings. Beut sud medinum Qualities lu SlIrer-Plated and 8poorîs. Ivry bandled Table aud Deaerl t va Peraullyaeectngmy Geedend buymng tm he Isa superior excellence poenI millions cf homes for more than a qurtr of a century. It je used by the Uî.dted States Government. Endorsed by the heade of the great Universi- ties as the Strongest, Purest, ancd most bealth- ful. Dr. Prxce's Cream Baking Powder does flot contain Ammonla, Lime, or Âlum. soId only iu Cane. FR101 BAXING POWDER CO. lWW TrOUX. CEIOAGO. ST. LOUIS. FURS, ROBES, and OVERCO ATS at Côst Men' s anc Boys' Under- Clothing Below Factory Prices, Dress Goods and Wools Greatly Reduced. Millinery Sold Regard-a 1ess -of Coste POWELL& 00u Is the place where you will fmd the largest stock 0of Xmas Goods i Town. The. Stockis 110W complote in 10rckery, --China, Glà8s wa rc, FaCyGo I.' ..P.OWELL & DISMNT Cr si SALE VOL* Estabi S'UBSCR] $1pe nnum vise. Sboit h. offce o! piabli - Sie'm equzpmC Bok and Job pi work fo the la, handbill.. Speci unurpaed presi %CL£, wft se cylinder press an onces. Evbry arc fui attention. TERMS O Piret insertion, aubsequent inserl Displayed Âdrt by a sosie cf solid aocordlingly.n Âdverti-iementi instructions imei oharg-ed for fulil ti Ordere for dise muet be in writià ers will not be re A liberal discoi ments by the yen cantraet adverti in not later than of Wnyintended before Tuesaday mente received i Business notic Pive cents per i per line weekly. Oorrespondenc of theOounty 0o borreepondente thair communt possibles, HE JOHN STÂNT9 SUP't M"~h JOHN ige; »cupied1 e Royal Hote ATTORNI Chance BEBI MARKET8S9IOf ail kinde. Also a -ful, Stock o f' Enablms tee0f estrai duoements ta R O RJS R I oY T R Cash Cuatomies. JAMIES J OH NSTO N9 China Tea Sets for $3-.50 China CupsanÏd Saucers, $91.25 Pimelleal Watcbmakar, per dozen, and other Goods in proportion. BEOOLBREET - - WITP'YCorne and see for yourselveS N I i s VÂLUABLZ VILLAGE PROPERTY from th9 Bxetzos of the laie Thomma çbhiw, icéélU by Publie Aucticê àa WednuadayFbrayI5 j 88,- Âterw'HoeUR b VALUA BLE REAL ESTATE HOTEL PROPERTY from th Xb, cut cf iThoiûzas nntlaie clut.éVillage of Booîla otel-keeper, ofr foriame b l c tcion o At the. BRQ<,KLXN GUSE, lu'- WAN TED--A Il kinds ofarmprodue WHITBY, OHliNÂ -- TgTORE- 8ANTA CLAU84H~ ~- 00- The largeet aud. fineet 00 T4 léxgest. ana fine Bt, ý,"AN:D FA b T YS". rI on laS xJ55. tINS» PRO~50T. e 's ara iota '- -w. e q ~ fi . , e. e ~ ~, - -wy... s q '1 e..-. *-~ , s . .u .5 C s e -i.. e 's p CONTINUES ON -ALL & I q. - ý Knives, For.ks, 1 w- 1 1 1 1 1- 1 Ja W INTER. 1 Rollablo Ooods at CIos8 PruceS GOODSF 1 Go

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