Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1888, p. 7

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i ,y.fou"b reaul&r sttmp t t iroops cOaIId oua This waa s Maiser > deatOY arais.I Hfl ioc Rt w hwi@h rouet uôt bellow d~op n la Opao as the. ba4qartors of the Lime WeOr &ra' inh.,&gre n vi E KiI~ Clu oure ,mc*.1ligeou8î- raiiêws at st' ko. if thaiprinoiple ed Aday, probably eon after dinn'e. About oould b. tratnpled under féot neom&n'a'the 12 oloiok two* strange coloured men proporty would be'safe. Atb enteredthe groery bonoat h o hall col. Cabif offered the following reo- il aud asked the groor if ho had a key te intion:-w ttbo place, explaining that tbey were t#Reîolvoed, dait dis govrêment mus', lar Dow nembers of the club and hail left proteot ite citizens &M any cos t cf bloed hif thoir over8hos behind theui at the imet vin' troseuro." fa( noeeting. The. grocer bad no koy, and Samuel Shin moved its adoption, sud the mon wero ufterwaTds observed je it was adoptod by ani ceanimons vote. th, the alley looking-un at the windows. It Brother Gardner thon arose and eaid an geooms that they borroed a iadder cf a that the affairtnight nct bo as bad as hi' carpenter-noar by and boldiy sended it looeod at firet ight, and ho did not toi and enterod bY a wicdow. Oece inside wieh te censure the govornor cf the t'a tbh; work cf revenge bogue. State cf Michiuan or the government ait fa] Four boartraps wore sot in different Washington until ho had looked into localitios as a protectioQn. The vandale the. malter more olosely. Ho wculd, th teck the busqte of Plate. Cato, Diogenes Lberefore, adjoure the meeting, and the pi acd &unsr Spies and tossed themn te officors cf the club would be a coin- the traps, thus insuring their seody mittee te inaeot and ostimate damns Pl destruction. The big safe in wbich the and arrange for soeo procooding. The w records are kept was hauled eut cf ite meeting was accordingiy adjourced, and ai corner, and thon the two.lnch augor ail but tihe officere paesed out. Brief w with which De Soto disoovered the interviewe with Jndgo Heniopon, Coi. Mississippi was used te bore it t.hrongh Kyann Johneston, Prof, Shelibark Scot and throngh je over ferty directions. and others, revealed the tact that d'ýep Whe Lthe Fscoundrele coeed their work indignation existei, e=d that ne mercy () iL was no loup~er a firo-proof safe, -but a wouid ibu showe the vandale if caught. f î MOre sieve. Sorne of tho yoner membere were for ti Tbey thon tarned their attention te demnolietiing the fruit..tand of the Italiant the ueem, ad te detrutiobwaefor hie fisilure te report the wreckere te appailiiiR. Nothing was tee sacred' to the police, bumv iser counsels prevailed,'a esoape the detroyieg band. The and ae the bdy of me mberB mecved ti sword cf Washinuton was lied in a keot away the dark-skinned vendor shoeted ti sud the point stuck into a prooerved after hem:b watermolori of the fourteenth entury. ",Two banane five cents 1" t Tie cap cf Liberty, which le the oDIY specimen in exisence, was placed on a bust cf Nero, anti then Nero's ears sui Olly the Plumber. noso vere knocked off, and a placard bearing the words, "Ah thero, 'my BUT THE SERVANT MISTOOK HlM FOR A0 cheetetit 1" wae stock un oee corner of BUROLAR, AND GAVE KIM A his mouth. A miniature eld log cabie THUMPING. bad iLs roof kjcked,off, a planta.tion hoe used by Dred Scott was tangled np An arbitray eall frein a box on West wîth C'eopatra's tuorset, and nearly al Eigth-etreet brought a patrol wagon the bones cf William Penn wero thrust daehieg into that, quiet, respectable inoe the stove' alon&r with the cocked neigiborbood the other day. Lt stop- hat cf Capt. Cook and tie diary cf p-d before the rosideece Mr. Thomas Chrietophor Columrljus. E Iwarl. A Itiorated and bleeding Revenge ehouid have been 8atirfied hnmaii form, un the garb cf a working- thon, but iL vas net. Arraniz"d aronnd man, was carried forth antl the patrolg tho, hall were 442 rioLLoes sud proverbe; drove awsY. .i raneinz trom "G-od Biese Our Hiome" The story ini coneection with thie teo*"Ctii off Your doc." These wore ovent shows bmw the fates, usually se . ru down cne by ces and oPit on and kind te the plumbers, for once turned trampied under foot, and thon a greaàt aantten n j uea aen chenk cf ice le the water-pail was for lest time. Lt aisa shows wbv Mr. euiptied on the Preident's deek and Eilwardig vas biackiisted by the Piumh. arouod iL was written ie ciaik Lie ad ers' Protective Agso"ition, sud viii inenition. mend hie Qwfl vater and gas pipes tuis Koep cool, old mac-vo'11li g e 'winter. Chair and beeches were piled '.op ie a After Mr. Edwards had Roue te his heap, the last tve loge brokpn frein buminess the other morning, hie vife under the stove,and by gmes cf a rope diecovered that one of tho vator pipes the thirty-Liree lengths cf stbvepip(4 ieading to the bath tub had opreniz a rennieg t he iongth of the room vore leak. ahe vent op ucwc and returced pulled dowe. Thon six cf relm. h ' vt înne.Tu ete woe brokpn %uc] their contente poured man ehe led op te the bathroom, ex- ever the fureiture, and the viliiss vre plaieed the difflceity, and loft, going te ready te dopart. Tbey vere seon de- eau eon;a eighber. The only ether oc- ocending the ladder by sn Italian frnit cupant cf the bouse vas a stout, otrap- vender aIt thecarnier cf the alley, but pieg servant girl, who koew nething cf whimu ho WasLL ntorroRated by tho de - the leak or tho man who had cerne te tectives alilthe information ho veuld tx iL. give vas : The oely way cf gettin!z ah the lesk ."-No moar' roaa' shetut-tvo vas throagh a 1ev, earrow, but rather ban'uis fiv& cent." deep closet ie the woodwork wbich Aur- Whoue the janitor opened the hall reended the bath tub. Toto this eoet after supper Saturday nizbt te prepare the plumber cravled with difficulty, for te metin1 ho as tîundr.et-1ck.nti-notin- ut bis-feet9remaine c âDi'Igahaild 1k.hona giceral dia-.1backvard, aud the raie of blows wnici pres;hureof epinyun on dis mater. Sir fell on hie le&,@ and back as tbey mocces. Isa Walpole, what hon yen te say ?- sively merged into. niew did net tond tc .Sit. Isaac Walpole roplied that ho help hlm. As each inch cf hie bcd5 had iived le this wved almost sevnety appoared it was boston acd piýunded b3 years, sud that le aIl hie experience the strceg.armed vemen. The lagon with outraires ho ibad nover ornùe acreefi izAd expresniofl8 whlcb fou frem hil anythiog 1ke Ibis. Thero .wes semè- lips did net cause ber to withbold hi thing se cold.biooded and malicleus ermn. Slowly ho came, and when hil about it that ho foît if inquiring if the head finally eppeaired, and ho receive( Arnerican nation had retuced te a- a stinizine blow onver tho ear, he etagger state cf savageiy. It vas a matter cd te hia foot, a man broken botliil whicb, in bis opinion, should be laid body and spirit. bel cre the governmflnt, acd if the There ho mmv the irate veman facin governmeulh as belpioso le the matter him vitb murder le ber oye and an nl the power cf l Europe should b. eoek- liftod poker in ber band. 9@. did la od. step for eliplanittiens, but witb a yeli WvaydewnO Bebee vas' -the next pain and terrer ho dashod out cf tl sppaker. 'He went beck le the yeer roema. 1800 te ffed a imilar outrage rooorded. He gainod on bis pursuor at ove' Bines thet date notbing to equel Ibis beund, for terrer lent vunga te bis foi vendam3lie hd been recorided. It vas The bock steimcae comne loto view', au worthy-cf Helen cf Troy, or Joan ef deve Ibis ho vent on e dead Ilape. Arc. white b. wu a mon, of peace tte l.féo ote a taltway w&O ansudbbailnet bsec mràd ber. for lhirty- door, which h. foedly hope& open e il savon yers, bis whole lnterior now tio the outet air, aud would fre.liti b O'ii dwitb Indignation, sud ho on.8 roro i - mýé!ic pursuer. lis- drARC out for venlgeance of the bloôdjoat klnd. it oe.'n d leshed lnto a dark bot. Pickles Smith ssld ho fol Uke one wbo fully a# dark sesthe closel frem' vii lWedroeiiod a gréat shcck frein sgel- ho -bed -oule. Hie foot pressed ;t veule batter?.-H. bad oo0n0 dow teoepiy air a few ignes and thon -heo thé bell feeling t seoes with t,11 t1ii. d hthagdvi e llar stopasia worli, sud bolievlng that tii. bulwarke lended on the floor. viii a bang cf &ulerioeO liberty roe8 ne sDl8ld bMr. BdwiàArds b.d 3us$reuur'ed hoT feundatien. Tho issec'f roun sd ho lunch. As lie open*ed the. front de desoletionu iiSdaPPSlledhlm. BHeo b.d ho isard a nouï ia lutie.rear cf t ne perienel propoertybeyoud a d*ît andi bouse. Uing iback beho amrely s revolver, usither cf wvblcb-b.d bepn, tims ho se* s str&ge , mnuaplange ix shot cff for ton yoans, but lie omi tho eisr. ~epaueil h e gladly give op - both ; ho hie rosa wiedoor and~so b pi4c eo weuld peint out' the Vendals te bita.i Ig ven the so-vut mnl.So H.hgifr uha ~lpartifulans of ,tbo a man standing thon. se he ougih it i cutrie'eshould be ielegraphed'ho Wai- la.of the bsthroo ch ote, audvt Î tu.ýd the aslshaw cf 0t'"gho- pokear - ibr j -. à "t'mil fer. - ,h *.u#o b*a n , 0 _84Blidg W s~u .a i ë bïàI.b at h hheu a uot le jus fo;reheadbouiid up. Tlie'patrol caee, and t* d-. at-do watcoêit it diiveur a*ay with a krgo white, rag tied farouilid. the topc si bead, and a smile cf intenseé satis- hien ilieninatine hie featUree. PresentlFy Mes. FXisrds arrîved upen he sceeocf the laIe desperato ooofIiot, id int ber eare the hnsbaed- poureti Js part cf thé story. Thon Maggio old hors, and as sho tolti Mes. Edvarda' ace geL longer and longer, cctl she altered ont: "Why, Maggio, that muet have been ie pIn moer I hiredti t fix the water Mr. Edvards fears that, vben the lumber gels ont of the hespital, ho wiut bave te pay ajudgment for dam'. gos larger even than the plumber'a bill *o.eid have been.1 $m 0 eward. if you suifer frei deuil, heavy beadacho, obstruction cf the nasal passages. disebargo. fallieg frein the head ieto the thicat, somo- tmes profuse, variery, and acrid, at others, thick, honacieus, mucons, purulent, bloedy and pnrrid ; if the eyes are weak, vatery, and inflimed: and thore ie ringing in the eare, deafues. haciting or ccngtiing tor cloe the hhroat, expectoration cf offensivo matter toge'her with scabs from ulcers: thp voice beieg chaeged and havîrng a nasaèl twang; tie breath offensive : smno wlth montal leprossion. a hacking congh, and general debility, thon yen are suifrng frein chromîe nasal catarri. e nly a few cf the above named sympteme are likely te b. preseni in any one case ah cee time, or ie cee stage of tho disease. Thonsande cf cases anneall: without maniftesting half of the above symptome, reenît un consejig ptlcn, and ond in the grave No disoase 'ig se commet, more doceptive and dangeroiis, less nndeî. Rtood or more UeSUCebsfully treated b3 physicans. Tho manufacturescf Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy offer, iii good faith, &MO reward for a case cf catairrh which tho3 cannot cure. Tic Remedy is sold bj druggist at only 56-conta. The imprisonod Parnellite memberso Parliament have arranged te resige when ever Mr. Parnell desires, ie order net ho r' duce tbe strength cf the Irish party je thi leuse cf Communs. h o B t e y B d 1, y s o y y if 1- s- '~ I G~QODTW EED UI AT IIIESNBVaé EPRB AED IN Tffl TBÂDBE. A God uit Mad oOdrfr$2 A lurge stock of Scotch, Englieli aud (ansdian Tweéeds, Black Worsteds, etc., te select from... imitable for Business Suiti or Boys'wear. A FUJLL STOCK 0F GROCERJES ALWÂYS ON RAND. Highest market prioe paid for Butter ani~d Eggs. BILOOKLIN, ONT. Ih WIiby W oollcii£IýIW Midway beiween Brooklin~ and Columbua, on th&e -We are now prepared to m ake ail kind'o ole G-oods, such as Tweeds, -Fal Cloth, Union Fanneil, Sheeting, Shirtings, AJ-wool bed Blankets, Hbise' Blankets, aad Yarns ini ail varieties and ail kinds of Knitted Goods kept in stock forthe. accommodation of Dyeing in ail colora done to order. llighest price paid for auny quantity of WooI. Ail orders promptly fiiled. wu De BOWERMAN For ail Complainte arising froin a disor- No RNGLISH STALLE IS CONSMEIIUED dered state cf the 8tomaci, vo reccmmend COMPLETE WITHOUT Campbell's Cathartie Compound. Mr. Gilhooly, M. P., on Saturday vas re- maoded for triai on Marcb 2. Bail vas e- v 1<Y N 'AN Groeors are antborizod ho guarantco that the "Roeyal" Flavering Extracha viii gin la. ' satistactiin._ the Bulgariae rmy is about to b. issued. Excellent rossons oxist vhy Dr. Tjaom4' Electric OÙ1 should be used by porsona troubied vitb affections cf the throat et luege, acres upon the skie, theuinahia pain, cornes, bueioes, or ozhorns.i injuries. Thé rosacns are, thah 1h is speedy, purs and r applied oetvardly. FOR ovas-.BAÂCHES. CHAPPnDE» ZEL8, fID t â- The Prince and Priecesscf Waes have ALS___________________ Jeclined te shlow àa vebliacolebration cf vos EHEuxÂTuI Iff oRSEs. iiq .heir mariage annversary. pou BORE TEOATSND DFLITEZA.. FOR - lIEN O NqLd.,* WLu be Fufly met.vo% 0E oBN ENEES, EuISeS, CIAPP ROCK&. Indications cf Dyspepeia, such aSour Pm en qoutr, atsolm xBrrn K& Dr. ZELL'B IOÂL DIBOV'ZR Stomch, fleartbure, Sick Hoadohe, Ris. »iAE.-A ostv n aia cr e I o' ing and Son.ring cf Food, 'Wind on the ]PlaSPEAINS, CUTS, nntIiEnS IN DOOS. -vAkuositiver&indncur o~ mrudelMn Stoms.ch, or a Choking or Gnaving mennas- ___-_____________________________ru__nc tien ah the pit cf the shomach are fully mot PCMNT TIOVL sdecesoyntoro &o1es by Burdock Blood Bitters vhiah bas cured PCMNTSIOÇL. adocesso et roduoyed tbe worst cases et! record. From Hie Grace the Duke of Rutland. promptly te a healthfnl couditen, by aeing a colisionon th Ens ud Wymieg"Belvoir, Granthain, Lee. 1,187m. Dr. Beil'a Medical Discovery.ldZg sO "5fra-EUIm.i1'UBe aiEmbroationrieusand eWbyomil.g Raîlroad nesr Pithahon, Pa., on Saturday. «inEno6'sRyaEmrctolaueorbmi. of tva locotmotives, Col. Siegel wus killedin L my stbles. I thinkft voty usftel. uBuT,WD, Master of Belveir Hut. PRICE 0NE DOLL&,. The Electile L a ipî6Bzi2tPsSr e Ntook TtL éoiýn o aily he elc- " scaatlé Welr, Kingstoni, HeorOdahire, _______________ h laamtenifrnghowrapdly he lecrie"Dec. Srd, 1578. ligit îs comik ie general use. Itis boing omplyedforpubicl ligtin ou lage Gentlme.-I use the Reys1 Embrocation cihie fo ulsc yesitits spîcluearin =y stables and kennels, and have tound il, aiîs. Tt pazelongou tboroughiapahnght very servieable. 1 have alto used thé as ID as alng urthoouhtaes t igh. Uxiiversal Eimbrocation fer lumba4o - and But vith mi its spiendor sud utiiity, il io- rhe=iatsm for the laut tvo years, sud bave not as light snd beîntiful as the biscuit suqffred very Uttie "ice using Ah. made withhimperil i Gesm Tartar Baking "B. R.I>c, Len-CLMaster cf RAd- Povder. noruhire Hunt, A pehition hbasbeen fUed aginst the r-_ EIJXIS ROY L MBeOATION, . hure et Major Generai Laurie, for fSheIburne ~ ~ ~ Soea~ adOs N. S., aiîeging bribery, etc. siiyCeitSoeedSUM Aithinacndby the double enerb ealmont ef SouthernkAshh"ma lre,lascommWon remuak. t1:RAEfIW O M P»E S Edvard Leitah, while ohopag wooe'i the woodu near Nevberg onBturday, h»4 , - pI0a« tto LSke. Contai thair crin. hlm leg fractaredby a tris falliugon ItE BR C IO5 ,ugt'v. ueamie, sure, and reiaý Ploeuing, soothNingU , hesrN -ang,*m S l Blsc oring, isthe dsrpino »'» I S0F t0 ERYRBAD ýJgak via rceiviuengo 6l re ýutiO ne F IoeGu ower,,an-Yug, a cr e is arruosku in e a an'. . Aoeec lin-tain Teiey /E c Mr. 3obn MocCuslands of Alyme', la been appoînted Scott Âeh Inspecter cf Baut Elgin, vice Mr. Â. Mchuhyre, rempe&Od Those Twmiu otboMuy oiÎnfont, DyspepasansudBilbotusesu, vîildvi wuva is wagod againsi hbem witb Nerlthop I& Lynxan's Vegetable Dlsccvery sud DYnsep- tic cure. Ils -unse là,,nsuesthe ràemo of Xidn-y'sud Utoni mea4iàs,- s&pro- ,otes uniobstniioted moton oft th, bo*ei$. The punty cof île Ingzedieute f. ane$hor lu ils AverÂa bleod puriûr'.iê int la greit *vO!ita euln anmurdYnh SON, ~~MO~ureinten1se ltchin âaixd stlungs 5cacIng V AYditstreSi~ afowed tocoutiflue tumolor )TZçV11(c oftenbleed and m3oerate, 1)econmifg very aor SWAYNE'S 0O1 TM EN T 4sopte itctflr.-Ild bleedflg, o4 ny ce.rexflpV)es %.-,yb the t4 then. 4& Hlow Lost 1Q e~oe Br, Culïeîwetl'z Celebîated- hsa~ >n the radicciZ cure cf SPEBX&TOBE&COÂOT Incapacity induced by OZCOUB or oarlyindia cretion. Tiie celobrated sauthor, in-thia m;dmioe- able essav, clearly demcnstrates' frOm thfrty years suoes.ful' IwCtiOO, hab'4bth alârmiinq orsoUnCI&ary b. -ra3icallyourod; Poin nt a à la" ceures atonce. siple, Ceti aneotul by moins cf whièh every aifferer, no mkit- ter what. býis conditioàn muy -b., màyIoUt0 reu Tusý lecture shold b. in$ the , 1S1 idu cf every youthïjâl eyery mmii in th'eui sent -undor soal,.in, a plai oeYe any a~do pa Pàid on receipir Df fon Thé CUL VER WELL MfEDJOM. l,00'- Post Office Box 450.A D'R . DORENW ?r~r~red w&~y &r Pe~ arep( PlUs. mit I oj~en pcur "Earth , oft h phicde ineovery wNorld c etaieing Boa, r..4 greateitý ie. Le reset tthe rs of the. ects, etc, ,e Atlan. A 6f the [e Deep, aingula: f waters, tegethe, 'THE 'EMS Co. )ONT. Sewîng 'Cinsiou J., IFair- longer n takeni se vaut- ne. 1 rnonthe. ondorse recocu- v te do ['ER, in the- Seo FOR 5PZhDi, Gu~a. AED Bru,5WBN m 7th Concession. i ast piýblished'9 a n6w Oditioù- 01 le

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