Whitby Chronicle, 24 Feb 1888, p. 1

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.jI <IIITBY Wlth calm Printed words, great îhoughts, and untlrlng iaduitry, advocate 'Peaco, Progron, Know1edge~ Brothorhood. VOL. XXXII. WHITBY, ONTAIRIO. F )AY, IFEBRU-ARY 24,9 1888.0 NO. 11. Established 1856. ~[bc Leading WeeklïIn bOntario Coupty1 SUBSORIPTION RATES. Il per annum in &avs.nce-81.60 other- vise. Subsoriptions are uiways payable at h. office of publication. eteam equipment snd best furnishod Book andJob printing plant in Eastern Qntario,' capable of executing ail classes of work f romn the large poster te the amallest ham'ndbil. Spocial mention is made of the unsurpassed pros. facilities of Tan CmioN. IcLis, with its celebrated N. Y. Cottreil eyllnder pross and othor modern conveni- o nces. E very order recoivos prompt, car.- fliattention. TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. Piret insertion, per lino, 10 cents ; each subsequxent insertion, à cents. Displayed Advertisoments are nieasured by a soale of soida Nonpareil, and chargea acoordia-gly. Adverti,îemente sent without written instructions inserted until forbidden, and chargea for full tirne. Ordors for discont inning advertisenionts muet be in writing , Otherwine the publish- ors will net be responsiblo. A liboral discount for contract advertise- mente by the year. Oopy for changes cf contraot edvertisemonta should b. handed in net later than Wednesday ; sud notine of anyintended changes sbould be givon before Tuesday noon. Other dvertise- monts reoeived np te Tbu *4~w~on. Business notices in 1oe~ or nows columne Fi,. cents per line w eekly. Locale, 10 ot.. per lino weekly. Correspondence solicited froni ail parts of the Connty or neighhoring townships. Correspondents are requested te send in their coopmunications as promptlys possible, RENDERSON & GRlýAHAM, Proprietors- JODHN STANTON, Sup't Mochanical Dep't. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., B A.RRISTER, Oounty Orown Attorney, and County Solicitor. Office,- South wýng, Court Uousui, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, BARRISTBR, &c. Office formerly oe- cupied by Farewell & Rntledge, neit o Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whîtby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&.,9 A TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ohancery, Oonveymncer, &o. Qu'piitn the Oflitre South of the. Fost Oficee, ini MoM.llan's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG 8MITH L L. B.9 BARRISTBR, &o., &o.-Money to Loan BIssuer of arriage Licenses. On'xto-Smlth's Block, south of Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. (tf-6 JOHN BALL DOW9 B ARRISTBR-AT-LAW, SOLI01TOR in Chanoery, Oonveyancer, &o. 0ffce-Deveiý;'s Blook, Brook Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Private Funda - n omm up to 08000, ai a 1ev rate of In- eresi. (ly-62 LYMAN ECNGLiSH, L L. B,, B ARRISTBR AT LÂW, SOLICITOB IN Ohanoery, Oonveyanoer, &o., &c. Sixm- 000 Street, Oshawa. P. GORDON MELDRUMI Physicien, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office hour,-8 to 10 a. M., 2 to 4 sMd 7 to9 p.m. N]o. 89 THE "#TERIACE," BYRON-BT.9 WHITBY. M1. C. CRAWIFORTH, V ETERINABY SURGEON. Graduate 01 the Ontario Veterlnb.ry, Col- lege, Toronto. Orders by mail or ielegraPh promptly attended tb. Ofice st reuldence of G. Aye ppst r. Bogart'., Dundlase etWbl IMtbY. SEBEETEO. LIIPERY apd SALE 8TABLES# BROOK BýtTBEElT. WHITB. a Baiga amaGood brou. Tesm r -~Al. -. POST. &te wlth Lsngley, Langley & Burke, S O EteM N O Toronto,) MKthMUG1 ARCHITRCT. Desigus for Churohes, Villas snd Cot- tages a speclalty. Drawings prepared for remodeling ezibting structures. Orc-Pirat fiat over Howse's Drug Store. P. O. Box 202, WKXTEY. FA RM "FOR SALE ! A Beautifuly situatcd farin lahe TOWN 0F WHITBY. The undersignod offers for sale hi. f ar of 49J acres, being sitnated on the east side of Brook street and north o! the Grand Trunk rsilway in tho Town of Whitby. This farm is as good a piece o! land as can be found in the country ,bas a splendid situa- tion fora town park or driviiDg park, is in as good a tateofo cultivalion as any mian coula wîsh, le fenced entirely witb board fonces, is clear cf ail bad woed s or other ob- jections cf that nature, hap a stream cf water runnin g through oe corner uwich neverfails. T ho barn and other outbnild- inga are cf the boat quality and alniost now; the house is a noarly new one-storey build- ing and cen Ibe raised a storey with ne great expense. There is a good well of pure water. There is a young orchard of stand- ard fruit trocs. jnst commoncing to bear fruit. The gardon i. as good as can be found. The fs.rm is convenient te achools aud churches. Titis good. Liberal terme will be allowed to tho purchasor. Apply te proprietor on promises 46-l2in. GEO. BÎICKI:NGBOTHAM, Whit4y\P. o. Whitby, Oct. 20th, 183 7. Dominion Lino of Royal Mail 1887. BTUAMBIRIPS. WINTER SERVICE. 1888.1 Salinge betireen HALIFAX and LIVER- POOL, Fortnigbtly, via MOVILLE. SAILING DATES. j arnia .... ... .. IOregon.......... Vancouver. Sarnia.......... Oregon.......... Vancouver. Frein Baltimore ai 17tb. Feb. 14u.h. Prom Halifazy 'Jsu. 21.. "Feb. eth. Saturday, "18th. RATES 0F PASSAGE., Cabin Rates from Baltimiore or Haifax, #50, $60, $66 and 875 ; acoording to position of âtateroom, with equai saloon privileges. DAVID TORRANCE & 00., General Agents, Montreal. E. STEPHENSON. Telegraph Office, Local Agent, Whitby. Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, ___GLASGOW. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. DATRS 0F S&ILI1XGS. Prom Halifax. Circaisuiala................ 25tb Feb. Sarmatian ... .... ......... lOth Mar. Polynesian..... ........... 24th f Circassian.......... .... .. lth Ap>'. Sarniatian ............... % 2e 1 None of the. above steamer. oarrycati!., sheep or pîgu. RATES 0F PASSAGE PROM WHITBY to Liverpool or Londonderry via Portland. Cabiu, $61-10, $'76.l10 and S8.10, accord- îng to 0p1osi oncf stateroom. Intermediste, #88. 40. Steerage of28.0 Whltby to Liverpool or Londonderry !la Halif ax. Cabin,$62.86. $77.85,9887.85, ao. cordin to o Itîon o!aiaieroom. Inte,,m2ý" #.40. Steerage, S2m.4O. Intermedîate paa8L Sers booked te, or froin Glasgow sanie rate s Liverpool. Steerage pasengers booked te or from Glasgowo Belfazt, Queenstown, or London, smre rate as Liverpool. Bristol snd Cardiff 12.00 extra. Passengers and thrair baggage are put on board the. Ocesn Steamahipa free of ail ex. pense. The lusttrain oonnmetlng i-th the steamerspasses Whliby 8:10 Tbursday Parties sendlng for'their friends in thé O ouatr? ean obtail PRE PAID PAS. SAGZ OUTIFICATES atilowestrates. For Tickets a"d a&Uotker Llrain Agent, Ex*ýpress Offkc1 eV The greai bc. Cigar, and th. :En I~&DIJ~J, MADRE E HIJOI The great 1c. Cigare wI CHEMIST and DRUGGIST Agent for Whitby, Procures theni direct fm-m the Mauuls.turors1 Tooth Brushes, Hair B rushes, Combs, Per[urnes, Tooth Soaps, And ail other Ârtiles necesaary to 1h.' Toilet, are keptinl good variety ber W. IR. IIOWSE, Ohemiàt and Druggiat, Wbitby. THORLEY Hors e & Cattie EFOODc la lots te sait purchaiers W. ]R. HOWSE, CHEMIST AND DRUGGEIZ Agmoeer Wkit4i. ns NEWS LETTERSI hao, Who thinho I am too ie iovn, asked me the other t was I nover gave -Port Perry Mn thm wuva good order for à a suid everything h,.d been. ti *U had nronerlv conduoted ~bataccoolefor the Rood or- ytevailing. The public noe- i atronger to stif e crime than Imagstrtsg. I have known p-sy their fines end oula vithout ýnd thon cerne to me on thee sly ýt net bave th. matter pub- »e4 smethiag aMa recent bap- entese, in »e BaptiBt. Ohurch Aieb sîruck me sas being direct- Mle te fufillmeni of lb. scrip- Lman who wsks a candidate for on came forth from the vestry tri qleeves and Iroweers. His a white et course, but atter bis ion il vas red. From bearing ibai i f ee'. sine vere se crim- Should b. white asse ne'wI It odd liatin t Iis instance lb. it turned te criméon-the very of scriptural teaohtug. I vWas of my perplexîty ovcr tbe ques. a triend explsintng that tbe le'. guernsey was red sud, lhe -t tickiug teoit, it appeared te 4ew. Itvws an illusion-a sert 4s etb ver. a vIâg any furtior elubs to con- et curling rinks have settled eb thvork et demoltsbiog oaci md 1>y spriag vbat vil! be lefi 'viii bear strong resemblence to ineý of the K ilkenny cats. g.fréta deteatod clubs are net oraned in future. Only clubs uaeFlboed record cf vieoones 0nmnoi t àe a b.-aémma À od bisseaon.W.knov a ibing or tv. &bout haagina on te a record vii v. bave a god on. Ont o! tbe feilure of Mes. 8h11l,t Wait. & Coi our merchants inightç bear» a leuson. There la not s doubt i but ibis firn oarrted on ils business 1 vitb admirablo pluck snd eaergy forî Young inou, ad tiere la net sa charge agasio it of.baving done a singie sot tbal le not perfeotly stragit; but thosee points aiou. do Dotimass uresoes : a merebat muet sel! bis goods at a profit. Io o.llng sitee oclose prises Ibis mmn. bas don. iteoif ont ot existence for thb. presenl. And while Ibis bas b..» go ing on no other dry goods or grocery m na owa buasbeanable o tmiake dollar, eaoh sa baviag te stand b@. bled bis counior sud watt for sous- Abbeg of ibis boan t trn Up. XItJ maWch tle b. regretted tibal Kesrs. 81111 Watt & Co. bavsesuspoldedjint Ibis bng Oet paying ive primes f, or farm produoe and eslltng goods st a de-' aimeuponco u as uscd a lomo »V"albundrod thousandeo.f dollars aaâong our cmorohants durIng >ihe Ipis £fioorlvcaty yeffls ta fas>t il ae sivale boeenti r y*ig cvii amena lthe basinenuma 1 Iilova bocr l thbt ibIof trâ" , Iiw-onld bea good tbig if *l1 woaldnov -atari on a -fair trading buis. 'I1have fl-edte Mako, tb.si -suggettions Mta aMacrwli svod ot. l *n Our t"L Geneva oh... factory takes place hors at the tova bal ber. on Monday ,lbh 27th inat., at 2 p, m, Large numbers from Ibis vieinity daily attend' tbo special serviee. being oonduoted y M Seiverea la Oba W. notice W.e Batolife b alizlg i ofezcelent quality frmihe- Laiàson pond. week. Mr. John Fisher and- son of York, England, wbo bave been visiting friende bore for the paut fev weeks, lft for Montana, U. B., lest week.r The iee harveet je nov being reaped. Mr. P. A. Boeion, th~e nov assessor je nov making bis round.. Jonus Brent wus presented wlth a fine girl on Frlday. Ja. Wilkin wau away getting marzied tbis week but as yet have net received fuil particulara but wil! give yen the benefi next week List of sick and wounded :-Mr. »P. But- chison is laid up wlth a lame back, W. Ward bad cold, R. O. Ward burnt foot, Tom serlously indisrpesed. Miss Annie B-vfrett of Uxbriage sud ber young in, aise Mr. Lee cf Greyback were vieiting at M.r. Everelt'son Baniday. What dees the lattcr's visit foretell? The boxers o! Baisam horeby bleg tlioue o! Glou Major to Ifight six rounds. (4ueeuisbury rules te goterm tb. ring. Tii. baby elephaut te b. barred eut. Rauaways, sem to e thlb.fasonblie. On Monday a hors. bolonging le the En- ghil churcli minister of Oiliawa rau away throwlng him out o! the cutter wreokiug Lb. hamneau oompletely. On Tuesday a spanof herses rau throiigh town but were captured by a citizen be!ore dolug sny The muly ccir gel loose bthe other day sud proceeded forthwihi l tear asunder tb. proprietor, vie, ran fer de&î Mei. Bad .11 net been for the timely arrivai o! our Quack he would uadoubtedly have been s.verely wounded. 8h. nov irears àa 'Pe4r mon', peuter" on ber book as tb. resuit o Mr.RILWard and Mr. J. D. MeAvoy are vorkiug liard sud w. wisb lliem. succese in tbeir undertaking. They are trying loete a large pair e osi"es ho put lu BaIssm for tb. üenofit of Ithe fermer. te weigh their satile, hay, grain etc. As lis la juet irbal- ia r.quired bore 1 trust ulie'fariners vii mi e b. low te uee that it will be fer their iuterest, te lelp lb. cause slong. The me- suit e! their colleotinic for the first day wua upwards o! thlrty dollar.suad, as thi are boh puliag men lb viii doubleusab. carrn- Mr. F. S. T. Kngis now thelpoi th. yacht recentiyone Harrison. W R l emtssn ly betteronefroin OolIBÈÏwoo Parr MRsei. uilengof b luton lu a rderlt k'ig I air wxtn tneir big feot anci long arM. Nov and theu a prolouged wail or howl cf augis will rise above the din. Thsat bow! or wall, le th. howl or wail of one Wbo la un'aco'u- tomed te skateaf ancs whose feet hav etsiddený ly walked away and their ewnei- Sstruck tb.' ice with their heade and aise, with s thiie The thud sonde a sickening. chili bbthroug yen sud yet tbis mnass of. skatilig buinmnit rush on. The propriotor ouglit te cail. ;out Comnpany 4-34th %att. te guard tiihe i They alse ought te bi-aimedl i, bed.gate- and pick axes. Night before luttlihère wm si esnon-th.elc net eeuntiIW oee1sinsùI bo su dr the propriotor sud two, cf tlIas. ix h.ýd skateson. Mr. Edwmin Hodges me -76 ~iears old a for many years a rosideutof thi prace. wtg buried oyl.l2 s,>.Ldypecý ingtb. tuners! sermon te a large'onügcega-. tien. ,1 ,1 Mr., John Well's son Il -yearjolu f rom near Biooklin- was- burie I bes ladt. wcek, diphtheria waa th. cause of bis. d.àtb. and wben the býoy died ltaie ie'hd 't@, prepare the bôdy for burialthe' noighbos té- mg afraid te, enter the. bouse Thé Methodiét congreegh*ôon-,ers lnteud haviug atesauleetiug onthe 27th ta. e sredin theTempeancehellfrom 5te y af 1er whicb Ur. .Saàndersou cf CutcME. Shorey ef Toronto, snUrM. John Drydàx M. 2 ., wtil deiver addresscs W. inderstand liaI Mr. Ned Vernon-balà haddlschanceoofhisip 2pe16t "t t'le . P.-PILstseema th bh porcon wusbig te purobase: iteuded tîoýkeep a public lieuse...- Now ire on't* know irlai, lie meept bye public housebut if lie autici., ]patc seligilurw. h a hh ewill b Wise cuough nDot te by vWt t inten#iom ;ýr ehbe si h popehee ennsà - and W ie lia Open bouse w Mi" or lunef sets a goodtl eIouhtoam- Uetatb toi Mn. OlarenceStar upl t-Salumday sud a Bunday aI home.sn Mt. angu Lge ofToronto speal Frtday a John Emeitsbiped a car b.d cf- caIl"c and liogi freinbem.on àmoday. S Disceut saison&Uai mter good Athe. 'W* Wâerreu' ur.sud oevercoat acst mm lagesoc o hilýg, olo dsnd . seVeWrapldasbu ree gla e bar emthe Mm.Ralli obasoi l benefor a viait tIi. irceit GladIe se. yo old boy, stay Ail wltâ un a wie.ý * Wl Xir. A-Ibert and MinsAgnes .Qw.ston -Of, al ràra a gm ae lduts*el rekibt a If ie tai". lb )uldi » asii insa Dobson. b. a greal E [r. and3i Mrs nesirlia srpi Hanging Lumps!1 h'angitg Lanmps, ,W- R, HO RIGGSý j p-a- 'w ad iL ry 'e lows . 10

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