Whitby Chronicle, 24 Feb 1888, p. 4

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p e e e e Slow situe,&s ooahpsd't hoir qUIo1. SIOWiy fades thé, Hf* âvsy- vsd".th. dsy-4fsdea1htheday. Tlok-4lok-tlck-tlok- AU ta suent, save 1he quiok, Ltabod 4breslhing And the tick- Tiok-ttpk- 0f the olook, Tht smm b mock Thst so qulo ly fades sway- paea way. Now th. glow fades from the weste And the son sinka tàiltrs- leo its rs- Anud 1he 1fe inks tb il. rest. Slwyfals. the.flte aW&y- Fades sw&y-fsdets sway- Slow[y fades th. liiht of day. Dsrkaess omes; the.eauijeset- Byeu are wet, The amn -is--sat. Niglil lbus ome-yet passed swsy, Somowhere shines arà endlesa &&y- , ndiess. d&y. Ttlasnight ; yet ibis iightt 1 It i. igbi. , Nfight, lt here", but on t1h. esrth Somewbewe day inlavî~sng birth î Lite fiam darkoae"s ps.ed tc, lighl; 4 Lighi t ilrnus ay from uight,,, Day from n,~igt. UYl TRE &UTIIOR OF '"MISS LITTON'S LOYSER,'Il "TEIS COUR8IC OF TRUE 1 v Al 'fl u"--KTC GUAPER VII.b (Continu-ed.3 "Ho hbu left il ho bospitala,'<cou- tinned Claudia, just le spite as,HleIeu; but wo muet uPset tho wi--you a i.okl vif., I se hie noaresl ef n ' muet-," 9 ' S"Il id ,,r <re o! doiug snob ao' *bl #&*id Hisien. «W. shouid ., aigrace oureelves, Claudia. LeI us be graieful le biaifor lsavitig ne as much as ho hae." "IGraheffli b hin% t"oeoed Claudia.f ,"Gratefoul, îndeed. I shal bat. lhe. very sondot hie Damne henceforth. Ic vuas sesure I vould b. ricli. I hale poverly, I boath. il ; sud nov te be- dragged down juet becanse bce chose te b.ggsr us. Whs* amn I te de? I saul live upon* th. intereet o! Ivo lbousand p uds. Tii. tbing iî miherd t" "IYen bave three o! your own, bavent yen ?» ssid Helen. "Wby, Claudia, inuny girls vould thiuk thoeelves& rieh indesd ho have liaI of Iheir oevu1t" "4Bu oye se, I dntrejoined Claudia, i*seletly. "Yen ray be astlo&dbeosu»e yen vere s boggar b.. fore oh ave got four bondredasYeur lefI ho yen ; but I have net sncb mean, -ie*s. It would not k.ep me ini the barset neeesarie o!f." No soone? 814 Claudia reslizo 'that ne assistaues vas te b. expected frorn Selen in oonhesting Mn. Chayter's vili 1 tbsu th. snnounced ber intention o! leaving Bedford Square sud paying a nut -te lIv.., -vho fvre Dov peir- minent dvelleru 1W. hIe o! Wight. ,MWs. lei.dld nol-partioularly esre for ber ooepany, but oould net. qui t.eam ber wvy te deellning liter s fev veoes. 01ua wa ent.,fromroom tb rooni lu Sedford Square. lsimiug finit on. thlng, 1h..anotbor. Ber unele bail ,"givn" ber o.ppuently bsit lb.on-s ieveryhhing portable appearil a paper On one, 11W. epaarl4u têltu 07e O ths otice appeïred, bel vas vil- drav upon Helen's rereqshu ltaI -1h. sÙtahee hbut belu>aqe leber befere be r aage ; t il b b.. gir. le ber by Henq~-4t as ue *ot-fer poiisl<>isue b"t brought to Bad.- «ss 6Y wll ake l," laid Olsu. dilo!lily. "I'.bpdly vorth quar- ueing about. I believe aIllbhesanie Ib*t Itlalu nu.." 44Olaudls sproperpenr.d l ie Bireel Basar, liere le avait -the form. miofrnlng. 111don'i »eetlieose of "lY. iq hore. I d&re uaY ynv b.- jusé as eomforlable wviLtl me." F30 they psrted 'l ad 1Helenfonnî 46emSliai et *b ô Il servante in i c I c I i E I i I E I c %d ol vinh d g, b'y u e ing cýv.r Wr. Ohsytor's phpers, sud I f ound Ibi7pi hekêts v h lohbe longe i.o yon ;,sdt, s il may b.o o onsequenoe, not iio *04 ehat iý lihteo*nli.nI Helen hbeld ont ber hand, sud ber face grew deahlhly pales ber eyos rosi. ed upen b. dealy -loved, loug-uoseeen writiul-g of ber brother Henry. On., Ivo, Ibre., four-more. *àtll, perbape a dozen-letters, addressed, sud sU un- opened, go herseif i CEAPTBR VIII. Helen diaDont falul ; Se.only bob the loîbere lu a upeeohleas,horrified vay almoat slarmiug te hind.hearted MIr. Harvsly, who feaed. they rnight corn. fror morne on. ah. dresded. "They are frorn my brother," se said at last-«rny ouly _brother. 1 >ught to bave hsd hem-Loh t1 50long &go 1"P .Tben Mr. Harvey gueseed that Mr. )hayter bad euppressed Ie-guesi. sa th. whole ibory. Helen vas tee loyal to betray oven the mau vho hail, robbed ber of them, causod lier snobi auguish. "lWe muet hope, thon, that lbey con- tain good nowe," reepouded Mr. Harvey, resurod. "Botter' laIe than neyer. hfy dear MnVCis hyhur, 1 on't keep . uI from going ibrougli tbem nDOv; >ut, if I ein be of auy use to-yen. pray do pot besihato te appiy te me. I Ohit blirfys be se plesed tle heIp yen." Ileleu îhaiked him, sud b. depart- sa. Then seo ist down te read ber ettr-Henrys jlettera. The firet camee frooe Paria-asiiOhrl note rnereiv giving lier hle addreàs sud eayinu lie bad met sïesopital feilowv, s Mr. Pa.rker, Whe b.d ereruiged to gel him an ex- cellent post in a bank in Pais. Appar- mttly lbe bank bw.d oollt peà àalmogt simeultaneonely with', lilnry a appoint. monef- wrote te s»y ho waitonce more &drift and leokiri aj eout for smre- tbinR te turu up. Ho voudered Helen- bild Det wrilhen, though b. knew be mui expeol lier te bitsngry with bim. Stop by stop ho seemed le bave failen iuto harder limes ; bis rnuy vwu aIl gene ; sud, if Mir. Obsyter venld Rive him another chance-be lboughh mie- fortune bai -kuocked a little more sense sud slesdines l mb hlm-be offered tb corne back te Louadon. If Helen said <'Cous," ho vould atart st once ; if net, he ost flghtil ont as h. boat oould. Ho bad evidently received n6tie of ber lettern, snd ho bsd spparently talion iet deupair from vaut sud di9sapj.iut. meut. The toue o!fbis 1.1er letter-- @erne Det six montha old- vrung Hielen'. beart. Tbe laut vas dateil from Nantes, vhere, he said, be vas onua sort of lrading vesse1 which veut belveen Ibat place aud England. '<-Bal I sha'u<t dieaeo e by ever show- ing pou MY face &man Pi,"ho vrote. -1 have, myselfte tliank JioI; butlI used 1< think uothlug vould ha"e partd u, Nell- 1 hage hoped s. for a letter,e" b.e ouhlano< -for just a few Unes te knov Ihai 701 vers vel hd happy; but you muet bave fergotten me-at ail eveuls. yen have givel me up. Heaven bless yen, Neli, whsteve, happons. I emn' foigel le. rare brick 701 vero te me oco.. D.ep dowu ln yen? heart sometimes Ihink of «4Your bing, monetant brother, Tber. vasone Rmouelelter, vnitt« ou tim paper by a foreigun baud, in fair, butevtdenl lIbored Eugllb. It ""Wu sitdressed to Méd&Se Ohaytor,#sud s follove: "Itmausu: I ar n etrestatho adres yen. wïth a f evlince. A ad.- accident hi rsnderd very unable yonbrother, wbo con Det Use aàp-U sho désires lnlntornuiag p b. bMa sàmmk>rusie. A-mveme 611 tromi ~~rbe i, ÎIlvasone o!1 Ihossud" î%tlà -in the Adkrlstlc," tbe eider vassssyiug. '<I beé" tlhey are awfui ; buts whst.ý erer It vas, 1Iose. an evenisug paper- repot. bsi1h.ByZh snd everp orne on bo r brent dovu." "Goo Hevenr' exclsitned bis oom. panion. "1Why, that la Paunoeforth'se yacht lt" Thatwvas boy Helen firet heard of il. She mat quit. ai, sud hie narue feul upon ber ears. "<George Elliol drowued," she board tbem îay ; add ail through 1h. terrible jcurney t. Calus, and while th. train sped on le Pariese sesmed le hear il &gain : "Drowned - George B-Illot drowned 1"' Àund seb.d been cruel 10 him; e bail been cold,while ber heart had been bresking. She remembered the lait ltime she bad ssu hitu, recafled sas cleariys if il hsd only hsppened yen. terdsy bis reproacbful look as ho * aid, « 'food -n ight-and good-by 1", Ys, il was «Good-.by t«-. farewell forever. Net cmi lbh ses gave up ils dead shoiild eh. se. George EllýoI's face again!1 Thon came the long w.ary journey ho Nantes. The heal vas almoal lu. supportable; sud Helen hsd been toc overwhelmed with misery ho thiuk of hsviug tbe refreshrnuîaI Parie eh., needod ; a cup o! les snd a morsel of bread, whîch eh. tuied to make bertoif swailow, vas al she teck t10 support herseif., Would hbey ever. reaeb N autosPWouid eh. ever se ber brother ? Woold se find him when abs gel Ibore, or was a etili more te .r- rible returu journey in store for ber ? Wu oabs to be sioe in the world ? . .IlRbe dons te deeerve po W Rat Da"~ Sue vegn t feel strangely il. 8h. grew coufused, and fsncied Georgze Elliot was beside ber-was even speak- ing te ber ;but, by a mighty effort, ebe roused herseif. The train sjeemed te be elaokeuiug speed now. 8h. saw a broad rivsr, bont&em, people, and abs realized Ibat ber jou rney vas nearly ever. 8h. muet nerve hereelf, for a short time oe wold b.e on o lenRer. She would be witb Eenry--so hope, blessed hope, wbii;pered as fibe deficended from th. train. 8h. triod teo b. calm, pet se qbiverod wilh irrépressible agitation* The station vase rowded. Il vWe uiarket-day ; sud theo voices of tb. women partieularly beal upan herbrsin au oe.made ber way îhroulth the assemblage. She Iried te make ber- oc-f endndrtood by s blke-bIoused lndi- viduai vie bad nndorialk.u 1texizri este ber parîmantesu trou tbe lnggsge- van. At last-glad sonnud t-an En- glish voie. fell upen her ear. 8he turned round aud beheld -* s *mollierly' Sloohing darne, vbo turned cnl to, b. lb. coniui's vif, snd vbo iflstant13 Wuva filied with compassion for Ibi' Emenuful.lookina girl lu widow'i veede. (To b. oontisusd use,! uk.) - IL: rt Ln r o - a hn 99 bre!moment, btIenxtbrsne ber îong-loelbro*a ite far-o ep Wa plning for bert, $ep4.8 by strauenu -dig b', e Heaveult u:,pt Hieaven àto sèe hiun.-jusl$0le&belhlm lir i be61 resoheil hm seliatrou-ble, a ar., su"dscrd per;buit hbue v a trbeotbir,e&idl lu t4k. hie head sud rest 1h upon her Ereot on 1hhe tofhie tail, Io the aigu o! sterm (If th. veather lu vsrrn. Unlest should happon te -il Dreesade't amount le much, suyhov. Borne aigus, howevdr, are infailible. If yen are censtipated, vitb ne apsetite, bortnred wibli sick headache aud bilions symptoms, th... signe indicate thsl you need Dr. p>e's Ploaat Purgative Pellets. They vii cure yen. AUl dmnggises. The runor telograph.d from Moumtreal that Sir Hector lu te b. married lu deulid. Frieuds o! the Ministersylliat lb. story man osly have been a very poor atteiipt aI a jest perpetrstedby Montreal parties. A pline 1.1ev 3emay bbutIf be telle yonlbsl anp prepmionfnLb.he nu lu as <cedmas Put- mau'u PaluluusCern Einactor digusi the 84utse.Imitations only prove lb. value eL PulmsausPinieguCern Extracor. fSe slgàsture ounesIh otu. et 1PoIson &Ce. The «»u.of Wifred Binai spainal 'Pou"c Mgsal yru, o! Losnea fér fais. -" là » - UàO ibt o Thoue mm ~alvays SUoo e b o b nd tbirowi u"us. Thi e oueuls lo.Impenia Oreani Tarta Ba1king Puy- ~eviih4~o*,Oe5ufnbekRg pouvdà in business. 1l-ie.».ou ils o*» MenOIî,et by abuuing other dsimulapreparalons. Thera im no otier r.medy or oo,'mblus#onm 01 m.udiotne.$hstî: MetssomanY , q-1-ez menu as..Burdook BIoodBItesnis vide range of power ovften m ciculeni dises.. s eDyspepsla, Liver sud . idney Comni V, rfuasu il humniesof 1he, The C. P. B. exhibition car was aet Belle Mille on Ssturday. Part of The Hu.od 111 havekiied Hsgyard's YeUow Ou- with mucli satisfaction, for Colls snd. Sore Throst. I would nol be without it at any coat, as. I look upon it as.1he beet medicine soil or farnily use." Miss B. Bramhall, Sherbrooke, P. Q. A despstch from Maissowalima "The King of abyssins îe disquieted over th. conflrmed news of the defeat of hie troopu et 1h. hande of 1he dervishes'" A E.asonable Hope Io one that le based on previons knowledge or experience, therefore those whtt use B B. B. may reasonably hope for a dure because the previons experience of thonsandu who have used il, shows il to have succeeued even in the woret cases. Jamcs'Lloyd3 a delegate from 1h. Home Rule commibtee, was arrested i tEnnai yeeterday for inciting the tenants to adopt the Plan of Carnpaign. Home Hiuts. Mire. Robert Williamson, of Glenils, Psrry Sound, Ont, ssys, ««I coutd not keep house without H-bgyard's Yeilow Oit at hs.nd. I have used it in my fsmily for Croup, Sore Throat, sud a cut foot, and eau highly reoommend ilt te everybody." The revolvers with which th. Hamilton polioe are arrned are said tbeb. selese. Dr. LoW' Worm Syrup will remove worm. and cause, quicker th.an any othar medictne. FOR The Mirror of Fa.shion. $2 AYEAR WASi DA4B Edaibed by MRS. J. C. CROLY, (jaNiir juNE.) A Hganddoon. Eugraviiig te EverY Subscriber. TERMS3TO CLUBS. FOR CAS11 COMMISSIONS. 3 4 5 e 6. - - 4 5 0 16 free cepy to Club raiser, 7 00 'a - - - 750 W - - - 90 tDEprSn ete pleste .saeite aue, y Ladie'nmagazine in Ame ia, aing lb. greateet varieby e! departments, sbly edited. .Club Baisers' Premiums for those who prefer Silver Ware to Cash Commission. silver-plated ware of upnor makeis se promiums, tho value ef= whl in sme in- stances roaches over $25 -for oee premium. fend 18 conte ton sample eopy wbich yull coutain utlustrated prerninms wlth fuil par- ticulars sud terme. ÂddreSs. GODETB LÂDY'8 BOOK,ý Philadoiphiia, Ps. 13 Mos, (or i Yrs, Subsoription, "IWOMAN."1 WITH the Jariuary number, WoXAN commenced itg.regular issue witha circulation ôo166000.tIbuha lready met with sa ucoms thèt in."UslmusInparsi- leled, sud ie rocoguizoles one of th. lead- lug pr olcf the day. Il lu enéentiaiiy the Magazine for Womeii, sud for thé home. Wouuà im heslthful lu toue, sud may b. safelyplsedin 1h. hande et ourds hiers A the sDUle, it oisdsied 'o e L ou ýWLd ntellooualiproevmeul sud rveml o=% 1th. vhole faiiluy.- Th.e&IOU se uIteauehv bee coi ihe 'liétI of! ontrlbutô9â fronithe firsi tu he býîià osrcteof ils otribu- thoàâua elb aiiiIrulot TIMONli IR Pur 1 y uie te .publIsiw easa.u nouos:s frla Blry hyýZRdgàr Pawbft lZ 'A TiAmùrm u br aiae." f hoSrt THE Co. Gloiw &Loaon Inimranosý Of Great Britain. CAPITAL# 02#ô5OO00. MÂKE Farm Property sud Dwelling Houses s Specilty. Very loy rates. BoMy terme ot psymsnt. Simple policies. INo vex&tions conditions. Prompt settiemoIil of losoe withoutisicount. Be sure you do nt lnuer untit yen know our terme sud conditions. Enquire et . . B. RAY- WARt, our Geý eral Agent for Southi On- tarie. Office ln Whitby-Part o! D. OrmIs. top's Law-Offioe. Ai lettersaddressed to Look-Box 78. Whitby P. O., will receive prompt attention. Besidence-Ham Cot- tage, Byron atreel, Whitby. 21 PÂINT1ER, GLÂ ZIE Bri PA.PER WRITER~ HANGER, -AND- -General House PecoratoL Paper furniehed [rom 50, a ROi and apwardsi Orders from the country proxnptly attended to.i rE3" SHOF-First door Southi ef Mr. G. y. Smith's law ofiée, Whitby. Whutby, May 121h, 1887. 22-sm INSURANCE!IOENTS! AG EN TS! RATES, LOW 1 ÂIDJUSTMENTS LIBERÂL 1 LOSSES PÂID PROMPTLY! Compaules among the best in the world, such as, The LZVER1POOL, LONDON J GLOBE, The. LANC4<SHIRE, The WATERLOO, and The. NORWICH UNIONYý m 01T EJ _IC Local private fundis in sums bo suit at lowest rates. W. B. PIRINGLE, NOTAnT PUBLIC, Whitby. iUnttarps T IRE WESTERN BASIE 0F CANA&DA, THOMAS DOW, Manager. ly-47 MONEY TO LOAN! 0100.000OR 1IIiVEISTMiENT. ON REAL ESTÂTE SECUBITY. At lovost lîving rates of interest. Mouey secured vwithin 10 -dayî of &p. plication. Apply ho JOHN PÂBQIJHABSON Whihby, Febrnary 161li, 1880. 9 4500.#000 TO LOAN. At 6 per cent. yearly.* Ter ascf-etzpsy ment of principal rmade tb suit béorers- F.rst aun second mertgagea bought. Ad- vances made ou second mortgagtes snd to purchase tarmes. Nc costsis jcurred ilu msking appIicatý4 - to me for money neM sm et's fees; no delay. Pates pyig higher rates ou mortgages sbould apply te -me atioce foir lower rates sud save money. Write or eaR ilmmedlstely for parliculare. B. B. BEYNOLDB, ly2 20 Âdolside Street Buat, Torouto, TO-AGENTS %xr"lcýrD sud 487Front BIresI Bai, Toronto, gelup the j[eateet most Complet. sud>BesI Seling Neffei .kaei mei t.ud 25 Cents for Samlploit cf X NiN. 4, ;finluliedin Fi Piush. Partdà'dà ent wheu itmpe are Write to Mr. Oowdy,-di Wllongtou stffet Bs»,$ Toronto. 8.nd stampe tor rpy W &TL L AT Ru m êat ii.ympeïsnce EaU e.rr1 lesBoëk f6re oW , es us NSes sud Sky; or, Marvels etof1he Universe"';- being s ful sud graphie de- scription oi ail that ie wonderful -u every continent o! ths Globe, lu the. vend, of, waters sud the Starry Heavena. çoubainingi thnillng adveutures ou land and Bes, ne- nowned discoveries of the 'v»rnld's grestè-i explorer&. in &Il ages, sudlrtnsrkable pli. nomeus in every nealmof", nature. :Bin- bnacing bbce triking phyoi featunres-of the earth, the' peculiar choracteristicesof the human race, o!fuiai<birds, insecte, etc.1, including s vivid descriptiop o! 1the Atians tic, Pacîfic sud Indian Oceans, asud cf the Polar Seas, tb. Meustens »f! thé Deep., beautiful seasheils aud plantg, eingTilar fiabersu d dwellers lu the world o! waters> romarkable Ocesn curntuth, etc., together wlth the .4MAZING PHENOMENA OFf THE SOLAR AND STABBY SYSTEMS EIENRY I),&VENPéORT NonRN'Mop, D.,. Embellîahod with over ýO0 fine--engravinga. Libéral terme te Agents. OXORDS. Meoeting (4 -raidon Pal ve.fr. Br< bemanitlee faIlfar shoi wculd have. los, asthe" Over 100 1 vhich oenu sum hsd bei blow al-the, Della would single hour. dsreyed t vould be he ehamber,,> would b. hg had Ihue fam escape. lé vould neyei not sespe. shape agair days Guveï Smith vou] S by dlyand b.d theemur aus, mare3 neyver allen J - TOROHNTOOG Certificate of Major Hlarper, Esq.. of Whitby. -1882- To ohom it may civnCer1. This is to certily Ibat having examineîý repaired and ueed a great variety cf Sewing ýMachines. ]t have corne te the conclusion that the SWhite Machine sold by L. Faii' banks is on. of the best made, as - in .my opinion il is amachine that will not. "Bill gel out of order, sud will luet, muohli cger than most machines, ascare lias been taken te prevent wear as much s possible. I can honestly recounmend îil lçparties vani. mng a good and 1s.ting sewing machine.I purchssed oùe cf th. Whites Borne monthe ago,-audl it gives every satis Iti.,~ Âfter five yoars use of the White Sewing Machine i myfsmily I can fufly endors. 1h. abo-ve certif sý teé-sud&can fùly reesm- mend 1h. machine. as &sefâmillysérg machine, costs lens for r' aisthtà -".a" machine I have* ever, hsd, au~~bd wîth. MÂJ R Bil. Soid eh esp as the chespest;- sud le tIe boat cf the bost. Sole Agent for IsDistriet JUHNSDON àin Deol'a lokfor gour iJK'LÇ1i » SUIT.à lait week, sountry, su club bestirrï Museum. ' receivsd du - six Swan. Fus relu vbioh vere Varlou nsed by salled- the z. Tomuate shipesudnc used by vs tbe tbhreà lb. thauka donàrs, sut onnhry 7t objecta Ofi ed frois e meut, froîl andtirom , latu,,a aresh exulsod e' ~The ju lu thekul' legfiâlativ o! the,-pi gene out - leshow1 would ni -bu 'the ~ Dminon oadWorks, -ber service-arqer very gladly granted-sbel quesl of a modes& abodej Mes»s. 1usd lofI ber; _Ibere h - q *. i I. e - e - --~ q - . . e . - C: - e * e. -a- ' - . 'e.. e'-. a. I . ~-4< e ~ 4 O o e à 4 e e ~e- -- ccý CO. TORONT09 QJNT, Vaitby, Nov. Tth, 1882. 1 1 1 ý 4f -;-iý ý 1 ip 1 1 0

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