Whitby Chronicle, 24 Feb 1888, p. 6

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p . . s à . . 6 . e (Praumont ree«larorrupaudeut) OVA IroPb. Sl._-pMsr nenl assembles *0 A&y siter ta o,;wmow sud already lthi Rouge post officetuuluil swing. Tii. Ekweraor Gesea sissoed invitations for Ob51.18 diante-,o U urdy ight. There wlU be theusualceneuonies. The Rouge of Commmus viii meensd ait in suspense îtl p ..loudkucoke ire heard ea, the duan 1whist lidgnified Sergenat-Srfli *talk. lngtotiedorttnflsafd in nesponbe to tseauker's question lufcrre im hlm aI "s4 msegrfrei liiExoellenoyilie Gaver- 5O1-ifl*W.l u wtbaut." Mn. speaker, Véliely upressing bis surprise aI lhe un- ircidttelligence, commande "Admit tise mesenger. AdmittainOe in thn given Itiste Uqien of the Blsc ocd wvi bearnug bMe black rod adgsuoeu tbree stepos te lie ibiuber sud pauses ta give liren elaborate havi. Tuoe.bows are of suha s earaten asta justify the comnion belief Ibat Mr. Kimber bas no backbone. ÂAdvancing lire. Mare stepe he repeatu the performance sud thoblmeks lie ilduce. Hlis Excellenoy lie Guvernor-Geueral desires me ta inform u tish hauarrlved lu lie Senate ChamIZ *Mmd ta reUsit lthe stendance of 1he Gomn- ]mon&$$"làA-a ebowing th. U of lie B. R bocks cuAM ieChamber puiga b tbresald ta bond double fortlielst limae muid depants and as ibm, of applause frein th. imused Cosumoners Who lien rush peu- *" inlto the Senate where seated on the tbrone alme xceuencq, vering a eecked lat sud gold lsced uniarrea the asrcbh tram tise limone. Around imita ala Ir Johb, Macdonald robed la ail bis ariens lie »meu 0e9so!tisecaiet,sastaff o!of Ifcen Aanitie sidees in gmt sit the juges of lie Isupreun» Court in »tbefr ormine trimmed robées ofof&ce sud olier digultaries vhile « elber hani ait lie besuly »id fasblan if the Capital. The Chamben cerlsinly pre- seuls s braliant alopearance. À ST<*Y 0Or à L JJétLEBIG MAN. Prom the foregogt iii evidoul that tbe getleman Usher of the Black Rcd performs b'il important covis<itutional duties sud Ibstit lwould be- difficuit, for the. Governor- Gmneral te gel &long witbeut hun. In his evu estimation Rene Edwaard Kimber lu o! even grestor consequence. 'Unfontunate- lY1, he n aonly five foot hîgi sud look@ it. One day durnxg tbe session be got in the way cf lie House of Gommons cricket teain whlch won Iaying at Rideau Hall sud when or- de outi te way by Mfr. Jeukins a member cf the flouse loakud up sud do- manded. "do you know vho 1 arn," "«No,» said Jenkins, "sud I dont cars wbo lie dovil you are but out yen go" sud the big maritime memuber lifted BlakRoi by the. coat collar igbinluthe air sud dopuited him outulde cf lie crowd who yelled with delight. Tg£ LEAGUE Or T«E RS5L À peculiar Englisi Protestant association lu lbe League et the Rose formned recently lu Ottawa with lhe abject cf brauching ont titronçh lhe Dominion. They bai the. audacity te, ask tbhe Prince o! Wales te eex- tend tethotu hi Jt iouage sud were told liaI Hlm Royal iginesa could net become eouuecled iti a political aocieV. This sociely pubis ies 11e înantbly sud ad vo- «ales smong ocher hhingu iimmigration f rom Great Britain sud Ireland oaly. This weuld exclude frein Canwaasuch biglîly desirable immigrants as lie Gerunans.Il ieclarem fan a paper currency', suneplodèd Ainenican ides, sud for legilative union, nejeted by Canada at Gonfederation. he oMScenuof lb. sclety are chi"fiy civil servante. Boum OFFICIAL NOTS. 0au9Siday the Minister a! Marine e- .eived lie report of the. commission appoint- id te enquire iute -the "Oriental diixaster. " Tie ptition for 8cèttI Actrepos! w Bruce bas been declarsdinlu rien and the. Privy Concila*bout Sa 6x sadate for vaîin«. Ç*Wexporta for Jan"ar amounted to 418.874. The ScoIt Actvas sustained ini West- sioWnn by 7O00 majority wiereas original- ly itI vu cartied by only 73. The bank of ILaudon will apply te Parlia- ment for power te vlnd Up the. business. Tii. Preebyterlan chunch cf Canadaar applyiug for paver toexetend tieim aulianily oviç aiU ai Manitoba sud lie Terltontms. bu mohabten beard liaI Hon. A. Kit oumine vil relire fram publicelife sud nsigbis seat in Parliament. This ibu susad s Meeting cf lie Censervahlve asso- dàta of Bt York te hho e. Mn. Mac- -k- ----, àliouglsiy many, howevir, tu be teoyal *apaty-muutopena afigbtinq eau- Oaameysyesbave nominstlu irM.. E1. éx-) P Pef o . t iaIure.. Opposehies, W. are ikely ta have the vnlt fer BQiâs ued vr on.lu Prince Bd- ii s mot coreolas the negular convention* buno jet bhm tmyenéd, Tii. reeldmts *.h iphulng Districtare ouaplaiing af bacisoairçpremeta&sou ilToronto sud Otlavs oui. NantisBay Piper ugge. sm ghsllouy holding puiblic mneetigs. Majan Genenal Middlitotis rnorat bas ot yet bienimode pubie. The varions Depuly &djutuu Gusenlaia w tal e u- puuesstwherelàey yl bé shifW.dta ibi mnig U. ul oet.nlbeing that a éi4çralîoaidityics thle polioy of .reD p.oMt Ilual kuovu vb e i emumisl;P îtedto cosider the de- fmàu Of in eet, but pro- Iu>by soueime lu lie summen. Il vii tudy the aslae sr.psrediy lie Onduanc - -brisa alie srummy *visa tsloed iunCasada v :ghave neyer boom ascidoui. Om'tWA oa0cSm. LaadudintDirviah- via gnsuall The* jui seulethisi mout4isaiit ques- àu I?âpeoted nomte weeku ago Mr. HaRu- dis otheNlortbestbas bee câUd to lbouste. Il in seid, that Mr. Deowduay will enter tb. abinaet' as _Supermnlendeul Gmnerul of Indian affira Hon. Frank $Bwith iswithdrawnIse re- signation frêni lie cabinet. Ge.Nickerso afurmmr on tiie other aide o!fsnd!ori met witb su accident to- day. Il sei at aie ms qinluincllnei ta b., baulky sud whie dillng oui ta il, a prester food o! long oas than apparently it fels of short one., it wus ov»ried put ils foot over the. shaft sud gave as 4iIand Mr Lt.Niokefton issi tagel s uew sut The lgii Sobool Llterary Society heud their finI meeting on lutl Weduesdsy *vg. Those who attended h" a very- enjoyable lime listening te smre fne mutations, readinge and singung by the Gi.. Cluib. The aociety h.basl tgai veil comnenoed Sbut w. expecita hear botter reporte I wonder whstinI.the name o! liai animal &bout which so muoh las sii. Il la, geuersily put u"sgray, "He goeth about 1k. a roswing lion s0eekng wiiom h. may devour." Five or six have éein roarlng to-ay, sinoe Mn. iStewart ieleated hie oppanint. 1 suppose h. and hie supporters will hi quiet foa i wile. O! course a p)rebyterisu could not _«xpe o again a tst ag&Insi -Meuhadiass iby Iheir minlaters.Why Ïcannai iii m inster. stay home sul mini uhoirowu- 1business? aud yet they blame hiePeby trmsfor havfng a clique. Whitby1iI!ownshp oundl SPECIAL XEEI.IG. At thieuh llof lie Beeve a special meeting of lb. Whitby township Can- cil vas heu Mcuiay at lie towu hall Brooklil. Ail lie membere presentl exospt Mr. Willis.4 The ahief bustues aioflb.emeeting vas to, appoint Comas. ta seel 'tituber lu lhe rond sllowàneli bis munieipality. A. Wilson, eaonded by C. Osîder, moved liaI tie Reeve, S. Medland, C. CJalder sud lhe mover,be sud are isereby appoulsi Commiesgouere tla sou tituber on road alowanoe. etween lots 28 & 29, ô con.; beivemn lots 80 & 81, 5 00D.: betwein lots 82 & 88. 5tb con.; belveen lote 82 & 88, Utli o. ; belveen loti 28 & 29, 4&b ea.; helveen lots 22 & 28, 4Lh ea. ; asentimbir n u 5h snd9&h oon.; belveen lots 28 & 29, througii wvis ekuovnu as eron's swaop.- Carried. Tii Oornu. viii attend ai lhe Tovn Eil, Brooblin, on Saturiay neit, 25th Foi., sI twa o'elook, to sel lie tituber lu lie rosi siiowanees ave referrei ta. On motion of A.. Wilson, seconisi by S. Meiand, the Reve vas auîhorlsed ta graul bis crier on th. Trissurert i favor of Gia. Chiait for $8.50 for one cari af vood fnrnishui John Hudson, indigent. On motion cf S. Medls'nd, secoaded by 0. Osîder, John Toitlinson, Thomas Bannir, sud Ciarles Burel,vire sllov. ed 75otm. isci for shcvelling snow au 6&h eau. The remaiadîr cf Lthe sittiug wia aecupied lun eadjusliuig tie rosi divison iu tie monicip§lity. Oentra1 bank Âffair. A, vris o! sutumoumea vasissuei .1 Osgoode Hall on Tuosday hast by lie liquidators of the. Central Bbnk daim- iug tram DaviBiait, Prisideul of Lthe bsnikg $11,000 lhe amont cfIe ovin- dravnuoaccoa. -1Mr. Bisin vill be uerv- id lu tie States, sud vihl bave 21 isys to, enter his appimnansd diliver hlm defeuce. anubsld Camupbell ias beu nemov- ed trou ihi office of liqaidâtor by Obsiteslor Bcyd upon the petition of bis Oo-liquldatovs, Keairs EHovit Gooderbani. A nov lquldale, vil bave to b. appiti by the. orediles Il vus»worted to, th. Kster-làn.Ot iinury ou .is.d aI- 17 Msan Rowland s»d Goodîrbam 0Oe»"a Bank Ut""idaIWs Uatise fuauIaweI itandsansd lii. mout wbiob lhsy cx- POOeo taolleet jiisâd tissu ii iâkIg tôt pover tla usure a dividnai- tolbh Om"l lBoak dipouts e, s »m so * ster Masos 1* tas lbey eau gèl tise riori et aWi s sape. -The MMserfflUt cdlith' iuid periesusu. 44Y.09' eiai geffr Ooose cf ,lis. Merobanse Bais on Wced&y,'tise llqusdsion O!l.fot, Books lapro- a sun eleddly. Yot saov lta" libe o'hor bonis tcpugdtge ai- vano. *2#b500,tg bu1 il tibrougis. WOUl, laay baee basa0st< esliA ,upon ta diasiaue S11OO,00 d~ oadr aile- portion of skie su a ludy' bous .piid." " ev b»g do- $011 Ibin'aisil iitaketa viuiuptie ua Thefi. mvean djt a ath"thy i yr * papers under the. Crimes Ac. The. uuffl awhloh Mry 'k Lsxum*w! 1 o IdWatr ieput mey wilbout .'mn l.i toub. seai tbe iuniversal. -uoInr.odtd cultlvated uoolîty il la r.ogulu téa- 00 mont refrushing and agresalof prfcümes for the bý4-idke"hl.f, htoii ib, snd the bath. TFinancial and IOoMMerc:i., Offce of Whitby Oxiouzi* Whitby, Pieb. 249 1888. WHITY MAREET PRICES. Sprlng Whst...........09 s**0 7r1) os o sîWhut#*0900at*0 67 *070 F1our,p.rw.... 200 01 250 Barly...........050 a 070' Bye.............45 -052 Peau, blok-eyed.....000w 6 Blue Pe s........0 aO00 Etay..........10560-01100 Alike lverseed .....400 O500 B.d Clover seeni.......... 400 'à 00 &pples, per bbl. ........ e e1 50 *2-00 Tomatols " ...........100 10 potato.s, per bag.........i100 112 Bggs.........***a 18 * go Entir.......... O18 a5-122 cii«4.0.0....... 012 dO 015 Wood te(-*..........400 0 550 she*dabooeoe.«,g 040 a 05,0 aident perlb.......0 do 0 07 Porkperwt......400a- 012 T .uia.............. 01 9 Ohikeuaperb. 0 00 >O@010 'rarkels, perlb.....010 a 0121 Duecks, prlb...... ee...010 0 0121 Gese ver lb..........008 a 011 PGWD1ER Absolutely Pure. Ths pa>d.r never varieu. A mary.! of Purly strength sud wholiaomiuuu. Mmri ecenomical than the, ordlnuy binds, *"udý cannaI b. soldin a ompetitian vwlhh b. mitude id loy it, rt wlgth1lum ar Io unizo.Iled for Faoelly Gromirts, fine Tis ansd Gaffes.. TEA /8 Our 8pooialtyý Ca&h sudLow Pricu our Moto. Tes. otflHkinda sud prises to &Il listes, trou 20 ta -75 calts. quarates Our Tie from 10 ta.20, toutI. boterltm MYapboela Ocuuty. TM7them= mût W. Pe« l.the, Wegfez wilih every's -of ou pze'raWOto 7SUtB Mi a"- Gooa Wegivo with every 10 Ibo., of ou PtizeTu $1.00QiugatO« $L25 to $1-50Oin my Gooa 70a m'y tomoose u r vplImmi aMY- gooda laBtook. -- To pitnotc iIle o b* luge 118ir upror excellence proe nmillons of hoeuormoetihan aqatro a century. 'It i. used by Ube Unite States Government. Endoreed by the hesde of the great Universi- tiesl as the Strongest, Purest, and moat healthli ftL Dr. Price'. Cream Baktng Powder doos not contain Ammonia., Line, or Âlum. Sold only in Cano. PRICE BAKINO POWDER C0. NEW TORIL. OmOÂGO. ST. LOUIS. UPHOLSTERING. Sofas upholstered, Chairs bottomed and repaired. Any repsirmng o! liaI kind don. prp aty JAS. SÂDLER Y Dundas St., Whutby. SEED OATS & WHEAT FOR SALE. The Subscriber hae for Sale 400 Buaels o! Seed Ostes ad 200 Bushels of Goose Wheat. free from wild oats. tares, etc. THOS. HODOSON 9-4in. Lot 86, Con. 8, Wiitby Tp. An assistant Laundrees at tie Ontarlo Ladie' Colege. Apply at College. Ja.n. 26th, 1888. Iutendiug purohasers o! presents for the. HO LIDA Y LEASON Siouli înspect my Stock, 1large sud vanled Rollabloe oods at Close Prices ]Barga inl Watciies sud Jewelr, - Beau- t u inluDiamond, PZal ni Ruby Gem Rings. 81L VER-PLA TED 000D8. Beut sud medium Qualities in Silver-Plaàted Knives, Forks, and Snoons, Ivory bandled Table sud Des:nt Kuivos. Persmnalv selecing mv Good and buying 'Y VIL POWELL I e & SALE CONTINUES -ON AL WINTER GOODSI FURS, ROBES, andf QâVEROOAT8 at Cost. Men's and Boys'- Unde'r- Clothing Prices, Below Factory Dress .Goods «and Wools Greatly Reduced. Millinery Solci Regard- less of Oost. POWELL & 00. Whitby Chin tr Is the place where y-ou will find the* largest stock of Xmas Goods ini Town. The Stock je 110W complote ini Grockory, China, (210 QAI0~ Pfl>I/ flhlflfLdQ BEST MARKETS$. 0f ail kinds. Also a - fu Stock of Ensiles me tb fer m ia inducemeuls ta o OYSTTTOF AL TV15l> Cas& Cualmers. UIT IES FB JAMES JOHN STO N, China Tee Sets for $3.50 Chinae Cupe sund ues 12 Pratical Watabmaker, per dozen, and other Goode Lu proportion., VALUABLE REAL 8 TA TE HOTEL PROPERTY TM» =sduguid baie npc.lv nstrutons tra tis EseutmofiTho=nasChina, laie o! -lb. VIIagio! BrooMin, lHoteI-kesper, ta afer for mli by Publia Auctiln an Wednesdag, Feb. 29t, 1888,1 AIlb. BIROOKIdN HGUIS inl At nus 'cloelk p»I t. huf1*wu<TiUi VOL.0 -x IDbtb Establû Pepr annumix hêufie of publics Book sud -lob prix Ontario, capable of vork from the. larg, iisndbill. Speciali uunsurpussed press 1 (gLz, with its celi Isylinder -pnes sud o nces. Every ardeu r ui attention. TERMS 0F f' i reiInsertion , p mmbeequont insenhi< Displayed A.dveri J~by ascsale 0o! mcii soordingly. ~: Advertii'emenhs *instructions jument4 h harged for ful ira Orders for discai 4 muat be in writing, ire-wlllnot be rosi A liberal disooum ' Ments by the. year. ao ectmact advertiseui in-~ l not later than ofasnyintondoi ceh Î7' Ments meeivea up S Business notices Ve i, ne weekly.* Oorrespondienoe of theCOouuly or C0orrespondentssa HENDY JONSTA-NT014ar JAMES, ABRISTER,d oupied by J loyal Hotel Bi DAVID Oi TTORNEY-A 6Chsuony, C rixci8-In the ce, u oMil car Corne and see for your8elve8o WANTED--AUIlkind8 of farmproduce W. TE CGIBNA -TSTOBE- SA NTA CAU'HEAD9QCL4ITER T]I ToY-Si Kw imorted1i~7 AND FA am re---D Lo»i- ae- -t uluMu At a carling b Uhts, ieli a r-Genunllalanfieu ad" Hem, Lrum-At whithi Rideu F b na 3 wwLint rAu.ýt ih >mh îdaysm 94 ni~tIt Tisluarl vill ts4ik re tugI Dovw . ddé Wa. fldski 'R -1 lb.: Hymen Tes&o s e /.. e -' Â e * * - e * 54' - w. - AI' A --:~? -'I. 1 .4- i. . l . 'e * a s s e B a 9 à . 4 & which is 1 . Ob Co si 1

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