Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1888, p. 1

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- WItIi calm Printed wordis, grott@gha u utr LIXtJIN flJLdS. i t. Peac~ Prognss, Knowledp, BrothenhOOd. NO. 13. fflustry, VOLe XXXII. WIITBY, ONTARýJ. FE ¶ ~ VJLIV IJLIS~LvI47 s~ewith Lau ly Langley & Burke,' Toronto, 19stablised 1856. ARCHITECT. Ih Ladn~eelyIn~naro UpDIl Desgnofor Cbanh:s, viU5UB a colt SUBSORIPTION RATES. remodeling ehisting structures. el par annum in advance-$1.5O other- Oruîc-Firat fiat over Howse'u Drng vise. Subeoriptiofls are al1wayu. payable at Store. b. office of publication. P. .ox 202, WiBT. titeam equipment and beat furni8hed Book aind Job priiiLiug plant in hI astern A R AR E C HANC E Ontario, capable of ezecuting &Ui clatibes of wo"- from the large pooter to the amxallest tisuIl Special mention is made of the - O qIiUIsapassed Proe aclfties o! l'BrCnItow- gous, witih its celebr,.ted N. Y. Cottrel M FKTGADNR 4ylinder-preses ad other mdmcnei enols Every order receives prompt, care- fulatenton.FOR SALE CHEAP, TERM 0FADVETISNG.8 acres of firt-class land admirably Viret iusertion, pur Une, 10 cents; each suîted for lZardenîng. susqeliusertiou, 6 c.'ute. Uiepo.&yed Ad vert iemen ts are measured The soil is lrbom, day hottomi, well un- by a .,cale of elaîd Noupareil, and charged derdiraiiied. \Vitrted with ri1nning srreatfl sooulîgly. toelred with choice fruits, 8traberries, & iu..Arn-~'ant snt uithout wrîtten etc. iri.trautiouB iL&$rted ifltil forbiddeu, and ot'argtid for ti l ime. Or lora fur ltî~c ,jLiuiflR advertisements iut kho iu writing, othArwise the pubîxeli- or@ wilil ot be r-tipousible. A liberail usoatit for otract advertise- iments by the yotr. Copy for changes of ooutra,,t ,Ilvt3rtîstorneuts should. be handed lun,,,t leter thau W .dîîesdty ; and noti<ef qf *jiyintendt3d chatgts eould he givenl befâre Ttiiesday noon. Other aedvertisie- meute recoived up to £-hurs4day noon. Bîsginesis notic.es in looaI or uews colunîne Pive cents per line weekly. LocaIl tg;. Per Ue wMekly. 0,îrr8spoudmncOe olicited from ail parts of the cou îîty or neighhoriugr townships. 0+rrespoudeuteg are requeeted to seed in hircommumnicationis possible, RENDEi?,SON & GRAHAM, Proprietorse 3OHN STANTON, Sup't MeobanicaI Dep't. jtOuN E. F&REWELL, LL.B., BAR RISTER, County Crow-u Attorney, itnMd County Solicitor. OfiMc,- Soutb vîi, Court Houn'e, Wbitby .48 JAMIES RUTLIEDGE, I AR RISTIER, &o. Office fornierly oc- ~oipied. by Farewell & Rutiedge, neit R loyal ilotel, Brook St., Whitb)y. D>AVID) URMISTON, B.A., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR MI Ghâncery, Conveyancer, &c. O,'vîcs- lu the office soutb of the Post Office, in MoMilai's Block, Brock Street, Wbitby. ly*l(J -G. YOUNG~ SMITH% L L. B., B RRLSTER, &o., &c.-Money tu Loan J3Lesuer o? arriege Licenses. OirvEz-Sih'Bà Block, south cf Market, Brook St., Whitby. ,,Îan. 22, 1878.(I- JOHN BALL DOW, I3A RISTER,-AT-LAW. SOLI01TOB in Ohanoery, Conveyancor, &o. Offic-Doveril.l'is Block, Brook Street, Whltby. MON-BY TO LEND-Priate Fnnds,- a sumul up 1o0$800, at a low rate of in- sisal. .(ly-62 LYHIAN ENGLISII, L L. B.,, 'DRRISTER AT LÂW, SOLICITOR ENi .1) hanory, onveyUuoer, &o., &c. Simu- e Street, ORhawai. P. GORDON M4DRUM9 Physiciai, Srrgoo¶n sud Âcoouoheur. Office heursj-8 le 10 a. m.? 2 10 4 snd 9j tb9 p.Mn. ]go. 89 THMX "TBE AG," BYRON-ST., WEITBY. 51. C. CRAW FORTH, V ETERIN ART BUBGEON. Oraduslo o!fhile Ota$io VoterlflB7, Col- loge, Toronto. Orders by mail or- îsiograph premptly attsqndsd ho. .Office st rosidemOs of G. &Y¶te5 oppo*Ita D)r. Bogart'&, Dundris Street, WbiibY SEEIRT RO.- -LIVERY and 3'ALE,.,8TABLES,. B10ROOK TBEZT,WETY es aumir GooL Heorses. '~u~Ste . MO I . f - il - - SUBB3RT EBOS- Situate 1-2 mile fram the Town of Whit b! Mrket-oue of thie best rm,%rkets-out of' Toronto. A great bargaiu-Terms liberal. Apply personally or by letter to D. ORMISTON, Barrister, Whitby, BOB SLEIGHS! À Set in good repair, for sale, Ch, F. IHOWARD à Whitby, Jau. 5th, '88. Domiunion Lino -01 Royal 1887. STEAMSHIPS. WINTER SERVICE. fNN. Mail 1888. PuOL, Fortuîghtly, via MUIVJLLII. SAILING DATES. Serisi.............f OIregon ........ ... Vancouver .... satmis,.......... Oregon .......... Vwncouvtr. From Baltimnore rues. Feb. 28th. Mur. 13!h. 49 27th. From galifix 8B. - Mar. Brd. 64 4Sl7th. 64 6 iot. RATES 0F PASSAGE. Cabin Rates f rom Baltimore o1 Huifai, #60, #60, 466 and $75; accord ing to porsition of btattroom, with t quel saloon privîleges. DAVID TORRANCE & CO., General Agents, Montreai. E. STE PHENSON, Telegraph Office, Local Agent, Whitby. RlIlan Bine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY$ GLASGOW. WINTER ARBÂNGBIMTS, DATZS 0F S&IUGS. Prom Halfsm- iCircaadau....... ....... 25tb Feb. I armatiail... .... ......... lti Mar. IPolynesian...... .....24th19 ICircassian............. 7thhep'. sarmustigmu....... *:,*... Lt None of the above stemmers carry atls cheep or pige. RATES 0F PASISÂGB PROM WHITBY ho Liverpool or Londonderry via Partland. Cabin, 861.1t0, 876. 10 snd*#W. 10, accord- iug 10 posi ion of stateroom. Intermedigte 088. 40. Steerage $2840. Wtîitby 10 Liveipool or Londonderry via Halfa. .Cabin, $ti2 $6, $7785, *87.86 as> cording tle pomiion o! mitalsroom , ntermediate, $8840. ,Siserago, S.O Tùleroeedisle pa"Segerabooksd le orifréi Glasgow name rats as Liwpool Steerago paussugors booiied te 'or froin Glasgow, Belima&t. Quoenstowupor London, smre rats as Liverpool Bristol and Cardiff $2.L0 extra Pasueugers aud lhbir baggale are puten' board the Ooean Steamahipe ires of ail ex- pense. Tiie lutttan oeciimg th tiss steamers passWhitby 8:10 'Tbursday Partie.s suding for thoîi rinonde luIthe Old counrtry eau oblain PaRIAID PS SAGE ORSTIPIOATIB atiowo4ras. For Tiokls sui ad aIl,,othlt tu*si«matoni applylto 'W.e A. Yule, Agent, Express _Icli~ uoo #4 :wg1By Glyaerine Jel1/y 0f Violets), An Invaluable Preparation for the Skin. FOR SALE BY VII na CHEMiST and DRUGGIST WIIITBY.. Tooth B rushes, Ha jr B rushes, Combs, Per[umes Tooth Soaps, And ail other Articles necessary le bh Toilet, mrekepl lu good vaniel>' b> W. Rt.IIOWSF Chemisl and Druggist, Whitby. THIORLE Hqors e & Cat-ti :FQID in lots le sait purchasr. W. IR. IOWS] CHEMIBT AND DRUQOIBT Agmet for -WhiY. Tb ri eg eij 'hg )ry mti iel ot let 10 Pol of' w' Et m W9 ho Watt's obi pr or m 81 ci D dg qi el si gi p~ re dei titi ?o. t, '40t badiy1 ln Union rê@lpiouitc -some roi oonald Dot this mes. Mr. F. bosiness a again hi your orde bave tir ssure 7< like cou "4satiWacl Onr pi lav#d às rhi lee les 'Y MARQU l9, 1888. NEWS LETTERI, Xun 0Opnenoï len p o esare &bout hodist, popple held th.fr er sa*yQ n,-26th sud 27fl h ý,ZMv Sanderson of Boutb Mr. T. Deubursi vont 10 1fr. Webb's Missions. hotel Ibis morning -té'colleot -fines ici- posed ou, bis batender.- The latter gévs1frDenhursihie note- fIprtbirty theti i. ostabl ê'ofored-Mr. -B,orne, 1h. noIte .latter, refuedi -aïgh. vanted-ias. Ut. i Denhurt- thon ré- traoed bis step*e b 1fr. IlWebbs,-mo»me, words were spoken boîween tb. bar- tender aud Doolburt, sud it ended by the bartender'beig pt lu the 1. SM#7-I »ik l eau endorsotb ment Iatprmted your rernaw missions in' last- week's kssue.iorjie warrant 10 BDy.prou b neglea own family or home in bis effoi B ave the ioula Of âotf~r. Who-ho hearà of or seen esses in genhi. ,orê~hrdeed'wrechleàving (0 their eohn* quàl Ilfor M ioeph Joues S. intends taking own families the discocifortsof àa cher- Pae1. Tih. following genle. a trp 10 Owen Sound te vieit his lsse home P sd th. meeting: ]levs. B. e- brother in-law net week. Furtiier, while il le tbe duty of our, kndreo, B B.Baler f 1r. Andrew ,Biokigbottom wbo Provincial governaient to mako pro.- P. P Tii.. entlmenbas been very ill for thoqIset week l is In o~teacmoaino na Pe P aud e e t emeno .aepeae 0sysigybte.tics sud other unfortunates, I sgt.. ladness. Th eair M. dto f e wud 1<a with yon liaI thore is abundant rooma, racticai fls. h hi M.eio i o oldlk ic. for priae.benevolence le supplemeuii bbie ieader&bip of Mr. M. trip and ses grand sights put on your th efrtsfgvenet Iîio o ,did good service. The sole coat nd corne out sd se onr rabbits. are mitaken, however, if you supposé rifing wihtie tid e," was The mnly côw is bleting up fast sud that, by outtiug off the àubsoiptioni ftes Mary McTaggart with will soon hbave te di. The cruel blowfoChita msinpivefnd Mie stla Hodgo sang a wii likely be struck by cart own would flow more freeiy loto othet ed, "MyBrothers grave," butoier Tom.- benevolenl obanel. Benevoience or sweetness. Aftr hie usuai Friday sud Saturday's storm, bas chaity grows by what il feeds o., ad ake tie people vent home biocked the. roade te, a certain ezhentk it le tthe experience of ail clinrehes-tiaI. - Proeeeds $61.00. sud where net filed it is very daxigerone tbe most liberal cotribnt.ors .tte'lte ALTOS& travelling ith a'Ioad. Mr., T. 0. Me mission fuds are aisé tbe Most liberal b. people are expecting a Avoy was anfortanate enough to bave supporters of Il tie other sohenieet of o. an upset but net mci damiage done. he churcib. -I1vonture lie assertion, mbeen tabou ont of oct miii- Beveral of ont citizens stteudedi ho moieoer, t, lia if siubeoription:liste wsre de -winter. Kinsale tea and report baving a ve>-y started te morrow in thie town lof whit-. iphine Bmuels of Riugwood -aood lime as tbe food whioh was esten by, fora s bospitai or siome s'iuilar -bene-, n M onday. gave theai ne lpain". I amn glad ho volent objeot, five-sihaof-Ihe mont - a~c. ae pepnlu fo s npbear they are s good s their advertise. obtsined wenla be snbscribed by - Iose - Lb«. lare of tiimnfrtri ment. who contribute Mcstl&lrgely ,ho mi&- te Bosrlst by deanti o. Mr. T. B. Pngh bas sold bis flour Iidons. The romaining oizth,, would, IL. Mbi twèo-y oarol ydacoite s iii bore- cemmonly known as the tbink, h# ooutributed b uuebrh moton . kduys letaEvanevilie mille teMr. Bi laIe ef geers, for Icaunot couceive 'howL any- limo oolntbhe Mv.Bussel tIe peeezîgood thing coula possibly corne froïh. irday lest th. vife of Mr. occupant intende, se we understand tii. a n"vipe tproesiie 10, ho - ri fo& geing te Dlakt. Wo wish both partiesRevnrie1roense -fiu 1 gave birth te a dangbter. sueoess lu tisir novlosîon.o! mine wouid, say,-bat wboe utile d ohild are-doing remarkably s octhides luinteirrrbe à aveat The boom bas @truck Baisai. Bapid " ar heatty congratulations . vau ofb button vienever the aubsoriho liste valiute ablueo property , . pesngarud., farmuey rarpro E. Jones bouse aud lot was sold te 1Mr. 1sucit bdatod Ta vlal rprt nw ste he ole, et theyo mi" cmfryt to nPriday aflernoon lait. TIe'y Tios. Bcsghby for a handsomne sum. somh ecomîrîh îemeve Ie ls- bunt good entertaiuuient tome en.B6bbyineumtacaîo luten tiembn visitors makýiuo ea- imda.y u w rs Di ngyour nemarkm lina1%,ý orro,êe& cope Iss.Tii. qery box vas lois the. prsnt oeoupant cf 1h. oyct apr. - uthoro im ,Îll one~ aosnî ý &ybody Who l14.n.»&.I<rlb.é u~- ni Boimidt cf Btouffvwil ll bo hre whlich eau b. risted Irli asu isevstê i~xg iday eveng. W ut learu bo ably. criminatli ntellect 6.ehÎdhi e-,i~ ~I~ i handisdaller evenlug 5series Thinge lutIle Ilvelien Ibis week. W. u oiva metà.érreiu ohnrcb bis hesd being th have b.d lb. lacions siugger cf Knsalieàoused by wan.t of-femili*r-iWt klb o! soveral brutal biows Item (aaamesabeof J. L. Sullivan) up practie- lauguage inu whiobh. s- pok0.-Sel igi soarp. Yocr reporter ing us for hié cming contest ritii Gien ne poton iti s prk 1 f symp.tiy" gel iearing of the cause, of M jor sud freon bis .seeming ability we fer lii. fellow-men voulgrfldgoeo - t.1ev afair. bavedecided 10 sgage ui. Nov vO trîbution te help eeud ib tAis.pepI 3. Bor s edoing a n uebing bave aBullivan on oUrt side, -vil net bar liebesnec bihart hk4 t outing feed for the farciere eut he îs baby elephamil" as;ho esma e oi rvIg o »osdlhlve g winteu'. Bis mabuiery. eau vsvy auxiions -le havesa pob. sI tii. init. isbeey ifaor o dingtb*- é 0> suit *Ilisl.ustomor. Bond B. 0. Ward bas beeu vorybusy tis b qS ý«Ospel applies.~t~s~l en sari>' aud Jet yonr stock w..e souring spugi ïw# bueelforce- i,t e 1seo»!' ý aMrk ^ý#tb4- benefit of tie cnt-edsMd 1 baskets t10 carry off tie-remalus- of, the sihsd 4~èfu own- si>un4y>. c)ata lia ilt iibe somehuiig len Major putf st sii. le erain Ount prof of wvitîZim d I naierocil Union wocld *b. boys viK b. moosefalll ihi Pnnbng; my.4 n o I.v nil.e sebool foot.bsll teaci two !mtoeo heljâeg fs match with lbe oulaiders on 1fr. 3. Joues 4 ., are'bnyiug -sudawit néthe I4tibérls'iUý wlo*.ry flot b. sobool ïoboy b>'tiseThe Oretsii goa t1ouse. Turne oîpiê&éyone bout Iwe.k, sud si Jat«.Umit,ÀB.Bes A n entmerisnl for sol binChai. BoberIs O or Intendsestarting1 omibsders. BeltesFrank Besson o! jiplace. ,TIiu lb.bhsn.Thie sbo l ol leaI pis>'&d ê .jW.am W eanàwon lb. «auby Iber' ukr The followlnu Ila be staudicg cf some nov sudare0 do of the piupileof Alloua puilo haol inbo ho by viii n order 'Of merit for lb. meuh o! Febtur hbein grand aud 0 ky o,8:-ih làes-los,3. Lehmns, iii tsap a- ntô jod J. B,. Resoor, Std, J. W. Wbit. brougti l ire Fo ielse-let, Msiiall Kueon,d - - à tg sd Wfflie Beo u Willy Wiliiame even, uPos 8*8 Jobn Scott. tbird o0.<r)lt i s~e PbcSbe .Doyle, 244 iston Btofe,.îo $.Frank Wblto. *Tbird .lsi lat lUeveon Iilardt,2n8 z -ls (À $j p -.' ,1O.;* Hanging Lamp8 I Ban gingLa /1 q L...dow «onmom '11 ý12 01 el Yi il as promptly as E T 1 :UI

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