-AND- ÂLMOND CR'EALI -FOR- Chapped Hands, G I Il EhIilD'~, MEDICA L HA LL.d ONLY Si oe PUR ANNUM. WibFridaly, Mareil92 1888. la division ii he GomDmons o Tu.sday Sir John hadl a majority of 52, witin thei Ontario aesembly on Wed- nouday Mr. Mowat carried a majority cf 24. Both ver. party votes. The t.o Qbristion politicianoseeom to get stronger as they grow older. l'it Msme time nov asince. ler. vas auY" &about the nov Mîieiter of A.g- riouttur.. Wheuever provincial papers speak of the. matter the -majority Mme' ta favor Mr. Drydea's olaimo, but aIl se.mt&oe waiting aud watchiag. The Mastr i. reosiving 41 serions considora. Ltion." Tutus is à good deal cof opinion ex. Vmeed a. le viat cauaed lie deeat cf tie 86sct in lu aon. Out impres. sion la LiaItiere ver. moevotera vie vanted iuehikey than euld be muter. ad lu laver of prohibition. Tioesare pleut>' of men yaî left in canada Who me stand tbir budge sud tbey bite r Il. &uong hiose vie like a littie drop oea.ienagy y >'b. mantion.d lb. nam»s cf ýnany in lii, ounly vie pro- h.nd.ho prètch prohibition. Snob men 1.lk 8cest -Âot sud make hheir 'ballotsi sibgsî til. The>' believed ah cpe ime t lat lie>' aould do withont drinkiug, h. que;, but, nov îbey fiud a bowl or îwo csooaIIà y týuai.. Lo.ie eol onder. oaci>' veil.The vehing is b>' ballot sud Lb.>' cau'î stand outî agalet hei. vit. Ta iroubls viti geetuuentlu Os04Uad lii aI vsbave se0usu>' boards, Mud o«DUnis ansd legiaauretan d parllameats, htiat n ueof îhem hbas myuMi too ovon iin, mad esac isualvays -igls4luig -te fuot'cti-ocf tshi ter. Xboi would lii. o bfaoy lsft ýa.s.-n tif roviag t upranoe,.nd "hhlae fIteowovriçudoa. vile ist rauset. b0tinébés for liehezlextbdy'biglher'.in Pover. Tii. boards intrings uzponthie authity o11'sf le onoîiw, the ocneils stop bayoud th.'ir funlmooe;sud beedaie lsgislatoré. hbeioegistors plsay partis. tuent. Net cotLcf! Lieu ieSatieýfie<t Viit Ãœs owvp peers, Dot oocf lieu viilanad tie dielation cfthie Doit bcdy' hipbe. -_Popular gevernonî, t.as elect- ive goveromeul as asllsd, bas agood #à lof houafoolen>' about il. A. parsgrapii je publisied hothie.fo u*&mes ho aacanda au vusa are sua; uou May hb. plt on vithout auy gpeat ',ex pens. Tus alhauge l inte lawv b a good euon. Mi9it tas won bave4 Man- hood 8uffrags Bt-ouoan~d Bave hiaier-' iug vith -the. mw ,veiy yeaM. IF, th. fight ctiques b.tve. li Dominion aud thliipveumi local Gcavrn- mente, ti. onf.doratiou caunot stand.. One after suother of th* - local' :Gavera menti ha. b..ome hosilelto îbe-Domin', ion ou som. looaleqqestion until.- Lier. je not o». lefitwhioh -dare show* the Ottawa people &uy frieudshlp. lt Irs the osuiest tbing in tii. vend 4o raite. sous local sectil iyr aud'kée.barp iug away at iL unutl a viiole previr... goea mad on it aud bocomes impreueed with tbe belief %bat the. central suthori. tiee are the. ensmies of &il good citiseù- ship in th&& partionlar province. Boon we will -find tbat Do Dominion G-iveru- ment viiieb able W setéu4 anisas it be in, ftà wning attitude st ail limes Ioo lte prinoiv'al local goverotnente BE.long <ttili viiffwagtie 4og, eo W -speak. Ted aMd Oa.ud. Ou Frïday eveuiugt lait Mr. J. B. Mathewoou, reeve of the Township et Wbitby, and ex-prefident of tbe B. O. Agricuiturai Society, vas made the te. cipieut of a handeome Osane, as a sligil recognition of hie untiring zeal in lbe intere.!ts of the society ever wbich ho has for several years prenided. Tho couneil cham ber *as turned inte à din. ine baillsnd mine boat Newberry cater- ed in bis nuà d Rood Laste tathe wants cf &bout fifty gentlemen vie had s-. aembied te do hoor Lo Lh. gueet cf the. eveuing. After a ful sud ample dis. 6fassion o et bpmna. thegentlemen pr esent placed îiiem..elveastat he di@- potiai of the officers oet he soiety,-wio nsed them te tbe best advantauro in tbe enterîoinment liaI foliow.d. The ceo- rotary read lettors cf apoiogy frooe Dr. Gunu, Wbitby, Jue. Drydets, M. P. P., Toronto, aud W. 0C)uIthard, Depaty- Reeve,Oava. Thb@chair vas occcii pied b>' Prokiient Hovdeu, the. vice. chair b>' Vice Peosideul Soitb, sud each perforoeed bis varions dues in a mranner satiofmctory to sil oouoerned. The Presideul suboeitted lie fellowing ttat:- "Thc QcLeensud Royal FaInxy.,-Soxig, Natiouabi Authem. 'Gbveraor Geeral.'-Soug. iMn Foley. "Trhe Ârmy, Navy aud Volmute.- Song, Mr Jameson, el Red, WLite anid Blue.", Respondeâ Io by Mixj-r Fareweii and Capt. Rutiedge. "Ontr lust."-Seug. "IBe': a Jolly.good Fellow." by the Compauy. Tiie Preiia$ut after payinig a bigh tribute te the sterling worti cf the Ex. Preadiient, ec.dletd upou the see- tan>' Mr. W. B. Pringle te read lie followîug s.iides : JB . Maczto4eaon.Es q., F.--Pre#idont cfte South Ontcrw Agrieulturai Society. e- DzÂR Si,-AIi ponceos intenested lu the prospori,.y cf tie ÂLrieuIturai Su- cietv et tbig Electoral Diatrict, have obeerved viti pleaguns tho faitiful maunen in wbîch yon have discharged thé duties et Prosideul of thi.Society', doning severat yesrs past. Your mn>' friands are fully avare, thst, in onder te, promote lis iuteresta cf ti. Society. yen hasve sscni6ceed yonr evu con veninuce sud muai cf your valuabie lime. ;% tborefora affortis your fieuda pleasune toe so sesligbhtek.. cf hisir appreciation of youn dieinuteld publia service, -b>' effering yon thus banquet ; sud thye>'hqyeo o opt &hie cane s a memento cf thheir bigi Whouever yen tais tie ue in your baud, may i remind yen cf tii.vas-m boat ýsà vie vould glaily' 11forgst'tisir ovu griefs loe bhappy itiyen."9 TisI Lie Soiety Yen have long b..,* coeneeted witi may b. lpcrea"ingiy prospereus sud, uefal sud liaI a long lif. of us-fin... us>' h.vonabsfd ho yous, is theiebiof ail1 your frieude. JNo-. D. îRevaux. Wbihbyi Mas-ai 2od, 1M88 ,Mr. Mbewsou made aa ullasblo ne-. pI>', hiisnk#ng the soei»t>' for thei. k of osteem eonfenredupon iu, -ad ex- preseina ath. hope liaI iL might bave aounued pnoep.nity *Oder the anie- agemeait cf hbisuossaons lun offie.. Neitt toasl as"Tii. Dominion P.nrlwa metandLocali lîtaro." Bospouded ho b>' Major Lonsg, Oapl.Bh.a.m-r H. À ioaatituted liasthe t rfor vitiebli -the iranIs weré made tothIe fire ,br9igd sud ahief engineer relerred lie umtther back to bthe su d val.'er omuitee for deôlaftioa i.he autime thensla graul Wo be paid. The. report au &mon- ed "as mdepled. Mn. -WS. 1obl. ?ieported 4h. acoept- *sce ble strtte -sud .imptOvUeuit oommlîtes of the, tenlder, 0f Mn... Geo. Oormaek çf $1825 per thouuaud for tie lumber required b>'thie 'lova fée4li ensuinir year. 'The report vasadopted. Mr. F. Ho ward hnsrpotdfom the prînting commitle Lb. reommend- allen- for psymeut of thie peonuts cf .omette $18 05, Oamoioî* $, 19-70. Tii. report wua dopted. Mr. Ana", sooiqdèd b>'>f John Smith moted a. résolution zoelructing liastüw looelioitor- ta r ïtto the oouueli'Whetber the toWvi ry~ e- a;pecling thie piffuo hla trees, vas iu socord vith hi b.prýovi cîi statatae. iuthat bohaîf adif bolte propane sby-lav hskivi advsulage cf the provision of lis Ontario Trees Planting hot under wiioh $00,000 is provided in the estimates of the. province te reoonp monicipalities one.balf tie amnount ofthie taxes remilted ho plant- ors of shade trees upon public iigiiways sud on boundar>' lin os betveuproperty evuers Mayor Long, rnled that notice cf motion sbouid be givon before mInro- duoing wiat b. cousadered smci su important maLter for tie concil le aot upon. Mn. Aunes thereupon vîthdrev the. rosolation snd gave the desired notice of motion. Mr. John Smith,. seconded by Mr. Woe. Bar... oeoved that the Ivo peti. tiens for billiard licecses be grutsd viz: flarry Walter@ bye tables, 0. EB ay, Liree. Gsrned. Tii. donnai! adjourned ah 9.20 p. m. Town Local& . 80 yda. uood gray' botton for 81.00 aI W. G. Walter@., Nicw assortmout cf sn bats just received. Andnew M . Ross. 8 pairs ladies' sîl-weel cashere ho.. for $1.00 at W. 0. Walters'. Nzw assorîmentof tweeds, suitinga, sud tmreernugs &ndrev M. Boas. New droe gooda à t loveshpric.. W. G. Walterai. SEIC Our nov piuLe, shirtinge, table napkius, jush received. Andrev .M.s For good value in ,mbroidwLss W. 0. WalLos.,tr Powell & Co., seaum determi.d th dispose of thein bý i tck. They effet bargzaine in &a i he. Now sprnug styles in bard aud soft hale st iovst prieas. W. G. Walt.rs TEOUGH cold. lie veather ha. b... briabta udaprnglike during the past veek. Sleigbing good. Ail Lb. fa.eionable Golors iu sIlk ganse voilinga 156cOuatapryard ah stW. G. Walens.' 175 neov patterns in piuLe hoselgect faou ah W. G. Walters',OddfllHow's Block. thei. puat c Have opened up a large portion of their NEW SPR-ING STOCKoý And they have no hesitation in saying th-at it contains, THE LATEST SPRING STYLES.. Brought here direct from the Centres of. Fashion. It is a Profusion of Nove ities and we would invite every lady to give us a cail and inspect it. 500 Choice New PatterIns in Prints. 100 Select Patterns of Dress Goods. respectfully: GOLI Earrin, -8cSo vine plates'l for, 8n'oaT JI pie, Cru] Jas. 300 New Patterns ot Embroideries. 100 New 'Designs-i Lace. 100 Choice Patterns of Gingharns. 300 Pieces of New Ribbons,,. Anud ail the Novelties in Spring. GOQDS ARRIVINU DAILY.AT ,:R/o8s w,-Whitby Dry os- Goods G-O TO PRINGLE'S MERCHANT TAILORING For ORDERED CLOTHING. OYERCOA TB, ai GREA TL Y REDUC- ED PRICE8, MADE TO ORDERO J. R. FRINGLE. F. L. GREENY Emporium-, BURNS' COLUMN.- OVR ÂNNUALý: WIN TEIR SLA UGH TERo. To avoid carryiug over telt -gooda, vs have couameneed t le souhem sah viiolo-. sale prie-s. '*id-awske people,,wou&- do well le au anlybeforÃ, thhe-. fflis are aold out 801fR PRICES: LÂrnasw WBui, Thompsonis best me". .......... Ga1IIo Fiauel-lined, vory warm, ne-ý halpriae 1 ....... 0 L. MACKEY, GIREENWOOD OAT MEAL MILLING CO0,, GREENWOOD. Manufacturera of ail grades of Oat Meal, Con Meal, Relled 'Wheat, Split Peus, Grahamn Fleur, Cracked Wheat, &o. W. have a first-class Miller ana are deteri ' t* uuon lstcas meal. ta Chepp canstantly on hand. mn ttu ot. rs-ug Ghopping don. for 5 conta per two bush. bag. NWe have the, beet chopp atone ithe. County. Â 13peciuilty made -of exohanging oat mial fer oats.- Osta wanted for whioh highest prioe vill bel paid. W. ýask-yirfatronage. GREE~WO0 QÂTMEÂLMILINO 0-. N. B. Flour exohanea forWe a iuul -t <G I bve uatPut, m more relia and other ma-hLe*y tho eer Hgheat P"icoP&4dfor wheat. BROOK B LOC) DoN'?fo tertsiumiOi elvoning et nonsud Tas Dr.C e'.. j.- e**e. At lbth ees l-glelature a M11, w#ici- toelwil be intro. HRardy, propôing~le o cf eu6aforoiug the 8604 b> fuiipalt o the ie ex 00 tlas the a.vhera , l' 1::Ze