the b a vr a WA OH~8 OHAIN81 DIà MOIND Rings, Lockots, Brooche, Earrîngs, Soarf Pins, .Collar Button Vpine Plate Table ware.-odd spoc for Suzar, Joliy ana PreserVeS. Frui Pie. Crumb and Bread Knuiveis. J.S.BA RNARM weri Sbg Mne Remn lini îcbj Sanc thu loeu in in ai me Is i Éo mo a me 'e Avi baiv 'Id b.l te e tt acfa Ded, hb b DoN'T forget lb. "-Mother 3005se Oen- day aohool bad a terRe attends, tortiKIKflSU in the Mrisie Hail, ou lbe their social given by lire. W. Il.( evening ot Mareb l6iib, (Friaday) - no Friday ,$ening last. Tbere w Tas genuine Little World is nov onl refresbmeilts, the programme exhïblîjeil fors ,10w dave in SOOw'O va- made up et singing, recitiag, preic saUt store, Dandais treel. Open afler- ing, ou versstIOfl and iigbt amui Doon sud ovauiug. Admiosion 100t8- A merry limae vas speut, and &ai 1Tas saunai meeting eithte WhilbY annU1effl3et cf SUP'dent. PowI brsnob Bibis S3oeiety wili bs held (D. very satisfactorY floanciai stand V.> ou Thuraday ,veuing the 15ib the écool i brsry fnnd, bearty lest., aI tb. Methodist sohool room, vwere voted te tMr, sud Mre. Cru eommeuciug aI 8 o'clock. their kindIee u d trouble li ui Ma. W. J. Edmanseil, represeitng ing the company. Dr. Chase'a family medicines, was in Tas ltIer et "haJuine Jr." lu lowa Saturdsy, selliug and sdvertiinig. coliuhislenots e- severo a oi Re reports sales good for lbpir medicines npou our remarkiet lait veek1 Sud gave bis order fer an sdvertîsemnIl. eed cfer any repiy, nor dc W.s are requeeled teo state IbsI s vritsr's vieve dîffer villa ours meeting* et the South Ontario Scoîl A&eeiitisl respect. Ho is futly il A&ssociation vili b. beld iluhe lb. ne et witb us iu urgiug that somi TeprocO Hall, Wbilby, ou Thurs- sbould be put forth le roscuq da:y, lôth luit-, st 2 p. m. Important vo.munear epoaariiy busiess.&lage ittenano of ro-ed, vitbout Ibeir being sent go bustine.large atendaute &et Proe.Lt seeme a barbrus lhing tle qi~u5t5 d uene t1h etler o entr! 1k. OsuMIa, vbsre queeted.eau ho hmd for lees worthy GaIÂT ltereel l» e etred iu the hundrede of people whose resu apriug assises, wbleb open bore voit eslly b. reetered should b. il Kondsy, Ou Socount 'of the msauy ed, ueglected sud forgettefi. .rloins cses of cousiderable iulêrest Tas Ibres mon, Speocer, a te the public. II.lemored thsl Fred andBeloînu, arresled lu Taoe Ooul>yi, et Port ?orry, chsrged with *ouspltr5oy inueonooction villa the day vsek for sleaîlng a bsué MKyrîlo shootin s affray, has jumped hie suppoed le ho the salins Ibree bail nd wMno& um oput te à cesea el. Murphy" teai besnt bailsudvii netlum upaI l. asis preiens, aud aIse beliseeltg Tas biluieter oet EdU"ll*l bu.0-saine mon vbo shot st tho. rail "roocd a blîll iasheLOs1i51r. P*ducor sud despatchff Bird, l lng te Hligh Sebool truse« eOlb same sentsueed lu the Toronto pcli powver et ,xproprialiia< lande for iga S penoer te Ilaresyesr u nth-. -Bà bool parposes as le pov h.ld by penllentisrl sud Qréenfield Pablia échool Board. Il bas aIelun-meut te six menthe esa in Ãœ tluxited tIbal probabyici el yon ilprison. Tbe prisoers viUl Hligh SEhoools sud Qollepalte Inslitules brougbî le Wbltby te suewet wilI be requireil te charge a mnmum gos prsforred agaînat- thora fée te mi pupils lu attendalce. 1ms&y possibly b. lrled aSt t Tais PrevinelSi Serelary bas a short nest voek. bill boforé the. Legisîtur., reguisllng TaElc as S*liq#oly lime th. souris frein whîoh pele.s magita- minutes ml Beboelo livery l -tes are lu future te b. pald. As th. Saturda7 nlgbt. Jeu. Stîl lav nov sitanuds, a low lu wbich thereolod offeuder agaînet the p.l je a polio, magistrale fl ielenPO for majstjOintu Iis fovun, ýb$4lsu tbe fonde necoiSai for thes offier s gelting fighllag drunk andIn sBaisry, a sas for that of comty mind le bave a -ruukonu magistrats. The bill exempts sncb fiaing Say poruon srvound tt tourne fin beiugtaied fer lia. salary bestour bis etatuli9S ipon b ofthlb. 001LUY oie". theo ivoîy étable oice " - Tus! struck *a novsi& sud, lanalà tboys W. vo as tÃœug on moseuls saeefi illeIesie , lb* tu. Re hohn proceMdE 4.tbod o et eitng taxes lu Uxbrldge th. viadove asud finslly th. cîber, veek. ,Il bsPluit b»Ocme stable lanleru, broke it ilu 1elOd 6à about thatthelb. use f thoso in t.bI'w il acss liasrend.1 .irrears fer taxres sud th. smolluts dus formne "of theseremmot ,womad b. rend at tb. QoÙUOehimeeting -S land made &-big ugiss. li grand rush vas made s te b. coeter liéwarrant vas lspued ogainu by msiy eoft lb. promleut audfi iahlY h. keà ptin u bding esine. ý- moeral cUisons. Ovor 11,000 vpa 1151<1 Hi1 Centy ceustabif -durlag tbai vsek. LIt le uuder*tooddeusa. trip beypud Wiartol tt elIet 1w iii. bho read etaithe noz . ls cpue u meueting aud hsULdeId to liesp$55«for > Âyl A5bew. T. liate et Port Il * mrou ui i iib.êttY, _sa?*t saylo. éi »0 setile ýi#opu ÃUM ofFbury 't-ls. e v.kabout saies. Read Il. Twa u as U e zite050i on a teck place b.leen saherpe sud laeleigh., Thewoie ovaturaid onta te6sesil. i The hors. bëd, sà leugdth'eavas 4 ai the stsrt and maà intained ites ground toe b.ftish. xN o i neut baned ed sud no great eum: eh& ged bus Rxv. Mr. eil, ef CharleBsStreet Preeibyterlsan chrcb, Tôoep, presehed the annivernary sermons luin bh St. &uDrewil ebureh huo u uuday lasi. *Large ýoongrdgaà tiois turued ont te heafr the Bev. gutlembuto forcibie aud sioqueul dleeourses. -Rer. Jue. Abi- bain prescbed lu Torouto, having ex- changea villa Mr. Mu MÂTTERS in which tb. towu sud Atlas Woolleu O0. vers aI iloggerhscds are aIl settled nov, the Company bavîug rsceiveda &cOeck foli ils ban ou Batur- day last.Lt le nov expected Ibal noise l ysi b beard around the factery, wbere S>everytbiug lu fitted Up lu fine style. The company bas room for oe undred employee riowork witb oomfert. Sic the talk started about the 0. P. B. building a brancb raiiway bine fronm Ciaremont uortb te -Lake NipisSing, * very litIle village anywbere ou lbe pro- M8 jected lino is preparing to becomin- l corpol ated asu a City lu the usmr future, )One Port Perry, lU bridgs, Sunderland, Cùl auningten, Beaverîcil, sud others art 1 among the lust of candidates. Tbej may s weii bold tbemneilves. Tbe ( P. B. wihi mun a straigbt line anda s Doust take their chances. D) Taz Baud of ifope intend giviciz s entertainmeilt in aid cf the W. 0. T. 10 Boadiug Boom and nigbt sebool. Th BY. expen@es oonected with the readin roooe sud niptbt sebool are very beav CC ad the ladies ttke this mesus of rai ing money. Tbey offer s good ente l tan ment -sometbng entirey nov- it1 aùd hope tbs peopls cf Wbitby will r spond liberaliy. Admission 25 centi -childreii 15c. Taz members of Cedar Dale Dii sien Sons cf Temperanoe, paid a frati -bal visit te wbitby division on Mond ___evening last. Mr. Jae, W. P 9 Cedar Dals Div., wus voted te the cha An excellent programme vas presenl eousisting of appropriast readinga, re O-Atalions, sicgiag. s.ddresses, etc. Dori LED intermissien refreebmeilts were prov &Il by the lady memberc of Whitby Ivision. à mest juteresgtiug and onj il able eveaiug vas spent. -Retiien im oOn. Tas tesebers ef the tsbeicle 8 t .ii nias, by 26 shose. cdem. huons eriers bad te returu house Ibu bjeet, :o berwilss th. scilpe _et ti Ao oP.k urlers would have beeu ci >risou- aving deffated Toronto am euidper, y, Wbitby le nOw esupioi Bowmanuville te hear frm. 0, bou- cgrlîog seseenvers ne; s» S, sà ic fiulubed W biby m isgbt, m ak. ,eu wbo Scetiaud yet tt. yiestaa u--i uhtIhe RVoylCaedouimu scieiy h. the. iaud. .W.',.lb theetff. H19M MI cou- idï le malter bat kiu o *e0urt, 55b1 oKflIDOoS51 wtb, WIII D*vlueuai îug clubalwys uluda op lbi îd eBel. year lX 'h a ePilaI recor cnrimatches have benzlest ht mev f wheh *eak rinke ve the requet cf visiter. vol ýr, sud lb. 'greenule" &et né " , our tbIen on sailY. Pour- elle sud ocaswih h Ouhaus rbI oë bar foih one ave 11sfp abeon igr ,ub-I--wo, villaPort Pi Rid, m lh savtwq vwitb'Toi D ofb.heu h with Llndsaye Poe, seded la e ý" hI. 14othil, Saturay ulgbkthe 1*3 vet iu t . gai.4 by- ato uer o"Und &P&r ýe oom lr nd &1bfi? eoo e tula li .k - .»5llPd b #aI~4 st niagl, ie Mess , ,d Port N If liase atril ýmuelIsh r f' E Ww GOODS Just. reeeived'.this .week Gentlemen d ian ljepend on- Pvhat is hetteri ».t% i, hone .~t -t é, V&-P èib IUO ~for . 1 n flV Haig magie for b_0dn*S, gru The B ral Hotel Brbersbo i le . ~g .vD ps.té gs air oui or f i B. ey N fA I ~t~IIt. f :11 caudies,~~ orhfhMoieatlegrph W aereevdashipmentofnw g dsorS ig Oo@c. Qive hi cmli. hGfnte broyjouhatos, e. s W ram Ug ahn& ou wil ln«s medecie iedl hoice g 4oS at ag il pT O G Gkfolby your iest*$oUW.wsua if ters'. Stock complote.-Bt9k x U. &rhr, the horse buyer, ie beR. gain this week. El. wante 000DtheI beav'y draughl geldingi, ad PSY. Iiigt iUU iDUtuLrm figures in man! obs. vrY mt eavleiTbe llr à a inOs Ohawaadvertisês for MI. à vr ne eoffer you grAndvleluTbeLies ac utinWie o1t~ 5~ecaI. Tadig hrse o cos l [>lI~~ Seetfls, >ilow otton~ Wite and Grey 0-ottons, Towels -adTOW61llgSyu or «Cohange four borues, Ibres ous sund.Bletlgg-o- otneWhG ait right enough, but deli,1g uew Calvues ean proise 86youwiln t edspontd uqa yorvie le too sinait a business. The famous Ltttle Worid,' oflen cA P E T , O L C L T S c hovin« made à tour thrugh Romp-,is oun tfie s je fgal il ,u Ç a uad a ' ad lu st w o , a e P r g~ ent on e bibitiofl four do or i l ap att g n prset nWe show Very speoialpten n eiu nTpsr i ol aptHm nowe's drug store, Lt ie weii Worth seewg.~ Caesetc. - Ta elocution clise of theOuao *Ladies 9Doleo" holdoe ls atiu&Ienter- 'talumênt in the Masie Hlall on Tuesdmy ,e gstisf&ctory programme. given iu the'N.1 EE LISBO ) W]TY I Y Musie bail lasI yesM, sd Winl drw ON.b EV R L ' L CK H T Y Ifui bouseagai._________________________________________ _________ Ji Tit*ides suggeâted bhy ns thaktté telephof e soid b. placed linbe clerk'sE m" office bas been ea taeb p bya mbr R T R N FROM B"U IN S s U. of nesw«papers in other îewuul, and they s bc ail urge il upon Ibeir counacile. Ifte [ka osuestion wsre 10 benefit tle.Iembers aL .OO~ j E O J~ 'Y of COUCOU or sotne of the lown bossft ,5 i mgb be more readilyacduon er- If tbose dudes whotbnktey oUnotN G 0 - get cloîbes to fit their bealful shapes BIG SALE NOW GOiNG O A I ';Cai they wili be 1surprisfd tb fiud the eau Save froin *5.ô0 te 1(.00 on a ie . .. - vi - sd get s b eter fit by staying a t hom e. . m u C.- . . er- Don't forget lb. place.Adew . Iay Boss. F r th e t 0 d y lh i l l ot "Tickets-rail Or o06a-" Boy il Frtenx 0iy u sna arfc Ercs ai.raiayo crnticket, local or forelg -1 ë - ai tei.r 00«,Wn y-uaatsDre oos lakadColored CashmeeGryFan- ted (o E. Stepbensofl, uptown ticket aaD muG odBac n CoSe, oys OvrcotsMe ls ad oyts ' Lmb'r VisDi aIl Manitba Voinsva auilheWOOI Shirts and Drawers. i ilwo ;ui OL',WW the outrPointe& by Tweeds we hold ta large yV9riety of -Pat- ~'number of o1bet paPers, w. bi [Ot'rswihiutb 08Yanumber of socounts for back subscrip- .trsw ihm .tb oda SilnO tiens in our colleotorea bands for ôoleo- o e p i e e îu g lio x fn, i st o n ce . tm . s o m p r i c e Sad- to somne pe~ople seeme to b. arCcepted by >ent. thein as beinita a matter cf noedo>se- 0ias rh t of a method. g f Ts O hawa Vitdca W $&y the» get ou r P rices. anice conasîderable dissatsisfacion tbrouab-L tanO t e bit thi owuon aco&0e0he0D0Q~~ baun paid over te lb.e Atlas Wolu don'& kuo1w b .,,&i7arinProduce taken in Exciagh Mau m ia m, nuir do w. know vhere à l we &DY dees exist, Worth speaiu< c f. The BROOK BT., WHITI MAIICa 9the 1888. LOCAL LACONICSs w14A la GOIIIO ONItl tANDOAROUNO Tc BUDOFJ OF UVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANI DY OI4RONIOLE REPOItTERS knaIith bell prent IL. 777777 4 t bil (94roilirl