Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1888, p. 6

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whorïllla oeetand fâi as love, To earth bolow. Au, met1,eho eew thie orb .1er, 8h. dad mot kno w- But theught,, 0Hlow Weli my dazing white WWlIook'iu realme rio fait eu4 bright 1" Ana tho g h e. jeso beautiful, 8bh bs -hert undoubtful;P 719s sad. How p aie and oold she lookb to-day 1 Wus the, I wonder, nover gay, And giad? Aye9 but she moarneth for the puti Thellgbt weued'over tiU.-t lest It faded. And tho je pale with grief and maye, And eold with sorrow biard to bear, And jâde. And 'ils for pnrity e cannot ueo Thot soon- e, soon, as I-must se Be &Il deflled. That teint and atida snd esent fears, Muet end in deatb aud many tsars, ý Miuigaided childt And thero are othera just as white, As free frein sain as thon to-night, SMorale belowv. Who wantlering after phantome wild, Wint soon, lake the., grow ail defled, Ohi, Snuwt1 Mfi8s .AS/i;rrea. 101 TÉS E TEIt OR F "MIr38 LITTON'8 LOVI&Es, "TdIK COUiffl OFTRUE LO0V.E" ETC., ETC. CIUPTER Viii. (Oon1iîuued.ýi The door of Mime drawing-room open. ed gently, anddieneu oeead agajie. Soume eue had cerne lu-net EHeury,but a stalsqart, sua barned maan, lu a glay euht, wiîb dark chestunt bair, sud pion. eing gêay oye.. Ead lb. ses given up its dead, iu- deod ý For,wheu Hilen tunned roh1,, the vhs olaspeti, not in P.eary-s arns, but in George RE.e d aud .ý à Z '>n-bls lest lamab, bis; dsnliug, ,lgslove, bis vif. that van te be. A-ad 1.11 that at lest ber dank oud heti suddeuly been chsnged jute a golden glony, that ber sonrove wero over, tb&t hie slroug armsa would hpnc.tortb shelter ber froru lh. etoninset lite, ce fer an bumusu love or buaun kindues eouId shelber ber. On 1 bow hippy wae Ibrat evening, 1mev aveet vas ber sleep, bew joyene hon vaking te sunother dey that brouglit hum nearer I Helen vas lransformad ; the drooping, brokeu-hearled hoking t'beiug vas once more s j oyeme girl ; lb. evil days ver.e v-en, and only heppi- uOsas vas oming,, ",,Timauk eaven 1" se.murmured, .c. ho kusit sud oafered op a pr#ayer ot lhiakegiviug for hie ressoraiou-tor bis reecue from aé wateu'y grave in the vild Adriatie ; for the Sylph had in- deed tosodered, bul ber passeugens sud tenv bcd-provideuîisliy been saved. George Elliol vas, an ardent lover. He ohated ai the delay lu HeIen's moir. ricge. R. wcuîed ber at once. Wby îhould îhey wait ? But Hilen persuad. ed hum t- 'be patient ; aud h. vbi led Svayiltg dneary inonîbe tbat les con uuiuneeadeere hoald elapse by opending nepnly ail o1 hie lime at Ivy, ottage ; and he gave Helen more .oSîly presents tien mies knev viiite do wiii.1 He vas Inflexible o oespint: Helen-aiould never epend à abilling of Bobert Obsytor'a imoney vben te.be- semis elo Bilot. And Helentas qUtIe whing it #beuld 6e 0. Iib M baiy"Mn, Obcyt.er bd loftiher vas bemmefouttg e s Knry's as longis Belon alved, and en lhe etrengli of il Henvp beoam Master of Ivy Cottage, ~~de bril Lioï b îgbi tie unatron ta nuold lb. demired. Beny, fortunate- ly, oblud an eleellent peut sOoU aller limermarriage ;, cd, in fHtlda's opinio, ho is th. bete isband in &Il the. vend. omt ver-tbe te U p ta-tii. î bo and aie vbuapoed -le George: .0 George 1 do yen remember my last visitt" " 4Y..," ho ,repli.d ; "1but lmt lte pain of Il aU bloiteil out nov, my "1AU and r ' 1m wjolncd, -George'a.bca l >àjed hêet Olble. oîcid, "this happinsoe cl semee thronghi jour'being, the vomin, yon are,'1Neliy tRHil yoon net beaun an "Pom~' scy seh" ime ltemtred; 4p60w vrs Miut seemi lu lle smina< ,to be forgoîten. 8 ielas Otytr de. pauted, fihIed <vlîb rage and envy, 'and lhowonighly dotsmviund te bha. roeven$td apon George Elliot, if the oýpporlunity embou1d eler ocour, 8h. reiated, hor grievenes te Ldy Seeol, who Wvas herseit beginncing. le tire or ber owfanio«aship. "*Well,-ene cen bardly wondA," r.-, marked ber leyphip. "A third'person is alwaye s maietake ; beides-" "1B-iides wbat ?" asked Claudia obsrply. 4I bave heara you 'ver. net very friendly wit.h ber wben she needed your friendsbip mon;t." 1Mm. Ives oovmended George -for hie firmunese zb \deolining -Miss Chaytéi/s aoqnintance); but Hîlda reinarked tbat ae. ars net going te abuse ber, ai;,, aftt. aIl, but for Claudia tbey would. neyer bave knowa fellen-woret stili, &ho would nover have met Henry 1 Helen tbonzbt -ber cap et bappinoe vas quit. fuIJ when se marnied George, but it brimmpd over wben, on a briabt maorning in May, ea baby daughter was lad in ber arnis-berebîlti snd Georgre'e. Sncb an infimt bad nover beeu seen, seoording te H"len'e deacription ; and George bimnaîfwva very proud of the littie atom of humeinity. Claudia Wb$ Rlad wben ah. board it wae a daughîer. She tbeag'bt thoit *Oufa b. seme ligbt IDFihrnêont ; for? if GoorIzoe lDon beir, O.tryll Cu)rt at big death wooîd pa-;e troni Helen. George, however,1 ýdi1 net look lîke dyintz; snd utIle Miss E'Iiot recAiveti as moch worahip and affection from hlir prou 1 parc-nts as ifd abe btd >1-en the beir George gortain. ly desîireti.y About oehtAAn rmonthe 1,1er, bow- epfr, Ohm inlia saw an annoGncenient in the Tienes which van se fallowe J: "'A' CiryjI Court, flamp@bire, the wife of George Elliot, Esq., cf a son and beir." TVE END. The Lime-Kiln Club. Upon t-be epening ot the meetinq Brother Gardner annor.nced thaltbh tollowinDR mot.osi,sa' ingit, watcb-worde sud axiome bsd been bandod lu during the lI"t wek to replace those destroy. iu the raid tbnee veeke since - "Look up." "IPut yer car te de Rroand." ",Protecl enr Iambq." "De minuwbe jeiin debtbheegot baud- caffA on." ",De sagle flies higi, but i.'. nmighty Poo, estî'." "Lu-t astry am de doorvayto osuccees." "Life ahoald bey its roses, but eab- bages sliloscommand a reaay sale an' a ta'r price..' "Doan't vorry &bout vbat sert o' drosperv you sr' igwinizte &'er inHes- bou. Yen may net git dat'." "Soume foike am' ge poverfut hoeeat dat vbem yon git (ev gradin' vid 'em yen hain' Rgel unifia' left.", "A minuviebas ne -botter use fur bimseif dan te, become à raservoir tur poor' wiiskey enter bey bin be'n le tae.up leu.nomin iude wvend." Ilan' esy 'nuiffle fongive ev- body vben yen <ied, tan yen amrn gym te s place vhar' yen cau'I pay d4f jny grudem." 1 "Natur' seayas soien. nufrein gittin' drunk by inekin' a ais letf'lemon lime start, butý a tellow slips pat ber nov an' den." "'Wives airain' aix bila a day st de waah-tnb novrer atnike. "Dat am lotf te huabando airain' Iveive shiia's c day at senbin' easy." "If yen vent &0 keep a mian Poo' &Il hlm liféte lelhuuu udoesand dat bits oredit is good wid de grocer au' but- cher." "Bumian uclur' et'lhable te musiakes, but de police bey gels. - dey vaut a fus- las explsaaiop of 1mev dem , ehioken- fedders gel mb o*de besk yarïd." "&Whsîebprwmode is jitigil. Wbat oâdoefqlks"d' unbeÜcldiifouna: dezen stendpointa."l "Dean' eemitale s vo uld bau-k qulte o eminci-if vo vos a dogt, au 't1 Wb dom'ë*gr' vJ; ip ý 4lrtug4bd WMU ,v. takï 'a fi te vlstle or sing Tub 8etty liu eedthé folliv- F&uoewos un, LL February 19, 1888. Eno. Gerdue : l Dva S Bi,-We deire ta organize c branob 1et liLmp-Kilo Club cit tbù front of Si.Dames et individuahs and btheet day, etc, vs desire îà. knov vbether titt. ephenjoieua&"eemint muet b. slimàiuaèd frotiushefront end ~s9p~~ ~1,o Op ti.oI4 Il ti 0I k o b y 'i maie wuld 6ecpi 10ba tr ofto~u dis club long cgo ,ta let de stuliospbèi. strielly .Ione. If MN opa iç toli *by oiÏr eather ahouil hs body bev*in' petisbuu1ed fur il,, lie 0060 .walk up forty*-&wo pairs cf ataireana', 1ev a taik-%wid de signal officer." A etoSE CALL. Under tbe besd et "uûnmbed bmai- neos@ 'Pickles Smith caiied up t1ýe .P&Oe et Stepoif Jaokson, who bad been re- perted by th. Opmàmittee ou Morality as having been arrested, by the police for drunkenns- The. investigiation dï the committes provedibitst be b emàn tvied in the police court, found guiltfy of the offee, sud sentence suspended. "'Brutider jackson, wbat ar youa verbion of de effeir V" inquiu'ed- the Preeldent. "I wan' Saken wid a giddy feinu as a dat giddy feelin' priyai.! pelly loe4ed 2" -In Mey ho*d." "Km you .eigeîny cetuseefor Ilt"1 ,&,My live; was patler order, ssb." "'Wusda& what ypo tbld de juâge T"l $tan' yoq vason onvieted of 1mev-li' youir liver opter eider, .4qe901tptlpe qe. pend'-,d." 4 "-Ytlp, sl."0 '4W41, Woi) ki gro baok te yer seat, b dean' bot it bappen eglu. Doerin' le resI of 1888 your liber wents te coe up te dé rà&m. in ful ics style or îou'il bar a dm11 thuc' in de nsybor. îoed cf your citbin. É,&Xg AS EVE. L)rd Abe8tor Gre(e aroià te mske %D ioquiry. lie hati Aeversl tifues et see aeb ktd hov the club stood on btarit!'qest~ion vith retoene. te wool, sud bad beau unable to relou ia ecide t1nr-ply. lHe novw.losiree ? oso lisaItf, andd vcald pu& ti. inqairy in Pen meeting. "lWe e'tand en dat queshan de #me se eber," rtpliedth le Presideul. "W. -elle-ve dar' sbould be yood in dis auny. Woot aarcvsry useftlarticle. »an besî uocke an' mad.et of dj. We alieve dat aIl aboaepmiould be euoouragf- >d e, gnov a mach yod c he ki vidoaî imoonvenîemee, an' det il mionid )e vonked up tnt. sooka vid bIne -'legs a' vhite tbe au,' hee. NexI ijune rou are appnoaobpd ou dé%iubjoeckg gin te, 'sin sîroug4 Bradder Grseen."' Lord Aý»eoto* estdowu like a Mau eo lied uddenly lest bis bold, and da brovw emained eennugcîsd during ho rosetithe ev-ening. NO? OFS'ICLALLY. Sir 8tepback Biddleford rose te c question et privitlge. H'ad lhe Lime. Liln Club rteeiv-ed auj note liai the 1flebenies dispute wiîi Cecada bcd been ttîled ? Il se, vbet ver. tleteirn t"No offisbu 1 notice," a nseeed e6. Pregidemi. "Whmile i are a quephun xudfirectly efftetin' 7.000,000 oul'd people, dis club lias se bar hlm hgnored lu de sattlement. We lis been tue- direetly Iuformed, boweber, dat Cen. &-aae uooede4% te de people ef dis kemny de rigie; te digc fliorme cny- vhar' vidia Ibre. moiles ofi amy shor., an' te cotcli dcli in auj valer on auj day 'cept Bundcy. Da oul'd populas. hum are iuelnded lu de agrfemeul, an' a eopy oet re4ty vili doubîlese 6e seul ta us as scon as onvenienl."9 à 5ET'PEMUTI. The janitor saxiho vas bete caristuer a fateiliet, non jet'a Dée- moorat, but io tels it bit duîy te 'report, the tact iliai tbe sulire senti end cf Peaadie Haill Iad seîîled fivejnobies dîzhn le. aiwe~. usi~d~been oooasioned by c ire... cnd lieucà",- tie 'aotiouiof the frot.- vas iuaîruced te hunvestigate ad ». pert. If the sud could be rained le lb. torumen1ev-el vittiont "ah expense il not be, tien fi" incisa vouid- b. add.d te, the hind logi -et *.t tjmp.hairsin 4ta dfiîiin. e metig Sen.d4b ed. Meout oet h. busIness rtiou et Buttar Oreek, d0&], vas burued= ,idY. - . etepeU rmMu1 i wntles:-"For- yearm I have beeu greeily nucy.d by Car! tsrrh. It ccased m»vere pan, lu th. ea4ei continuai diseharge inle My ftroataud Very i npleesanu breeth., Byea thoreugh use Disoovery sud psy heigitmy andi »ioomw*g. Cerss batxy tuiokly, faeod; Siianlse-. aight tfiledIrom over-sei dv» Flore beosmne nero* 8spd Ifrttilin aisriving sfteifaahion snd e aiokly teamilykéept.,Anns' hubaud re r.ý But'sensible garsb gre-w dally'more hesltliy, cbarpîlng sud intellgent, suddaime maried iai. Judge Ârumàtroug wvu be called upon te, anever a Ira. bill for cniminil libel, on the complaint e1thle Hochelaga Cotton 'Cen- Henry Olemeut, Almente, writea :.-"Yor s long tîme I was troubled with obronio ilieuluatiani aIt ies wliolly disabledl; I tried uything sud everytbing neconimend- ed, but faiJed te gel any benefit until a gentleman wime wae cured et rheamatim by Dr. Thomas' Elotria W i lid me about it. 1 began uslng il botb internally and eztornally, sud befor. two botties were used radicslly oured. W. find it a bouse- liold medicine, sud fur croup, barns, cule, aud braises, il hem ne equaL.", The cieeo fiebermen at Bunlington Beach lest about a thoumsnd dollars' wortb ef nets ln the recentetorm. - ý14,6%000laOne Day. Over 14,000,000 buehels et wbeet were ne- cenmly gold in New Yosk cily i âsingle day. Wliet a monument of niagn ficieni bread Ibis woold make if properly reduced te foaur and made ijute nowy, eweet, patatable basves witb Impenial <Jneam Tartan Baking Powder. It is eold by ai, Grecers. The Blevlefi'. deparînient le te hiý mreoganised sud equipped wibh lime beat modern eppliances. The horse-neblest ef the brute cmçstion -wheu suffenitig froni a ctm4, abrasion, on more, dpriveg as npucb 1ýýee0bam hie master in s like prolîcament, frein "--htealing, *oothing actinu of Dr. T/maa-s loot ric 9i1. L&mmmiess,swelling oet1he ueck, stîtuelig et the joints, thro4t and lungis are nelieved by jtf At London Priday lhree young meni were *omze iroIALUImAa~.i &'J cJUnIj1iing UVcoin- Pound a felony. ChAmnie Dorangeniente cf the etomach liver and hlood, are eueedily rernoved by the active principte of the ingredieuts enter- ing mbio composition of Paruielee's Vegeteble Pille set specifically on the de- ranged organe, stirnulating to action the dormant energies of tVie uyttem, ht-reby re- moving diesaqe and ripuewing life and vital. ity to the affiïcted. Intbis ijes the great secret of the populsrity cf Parmelee's Vegebable Pille. The P. M. of Ramilton Frilay flned siz moe ocf the mon co .oerned ini the recent cocking main there. quickly, inakes n sore spotsan feta radical cure. A hnndred imitations provo ils value. Taesneither substitntes offered s good nor the cloee imitations cf the genuine toc often offered. The certificateq cf Captain Porter snd Firsi Mate Gourley, of the ahip Vancouver, have been cancelled for cruelty to the orow. Prof. Low8/ Suiphur Soap i8 highly recommended for the. cure of Eruption, clsafe.@, chapped /zand,,p impieg, tcrn,cto. &Eof Valuable Farm Property. Under k ýOd by virtue of a power of gale cou- tained in a certain mortgage made by lareel Wilbar, detenît haviug been madie in pay- ment thereot, wilIl be sold by public suction et Rav's kHotel, Whitby; on SATURDAY.~ the Ii th Day of M ARO H, 1888. et 1 o'clock, P. M. the followm*g property : The south hait of Lot No. 25, tn the 7tm Con. of the Township of Wbitiby, cont&iuing 100 acres more or tees. 'Ibis is s very choioe rni, Wel situaed, aud in capital situation as; te roàand markets. Upon the place tier. is e good bous .-)40, 14x16 ; a barn 82i100; a shed 8OX60 ; a dnîving bouse sud -stable 80x40 snd an- orchard. Termes: The purchasor shall pay adeposit ef 0200 et the lime ef saleisthe balance ef one-third ot the purchase money ini Ibros weeks timeS Aller; the reumaiuing two.lhirds te 6e paid iu freni eue te ftvei yemaret the option of 'the. purcheser. PFor fu$ther anticu1ene ap- ply to OBERAR & MUte Vendor'. Solicitors, HAmilton. Ia.you a Pain CX)MECIAL HOTEL HIARRY- KEEBLE, -Proprietop#ý, TUMB-$.oO Per Da~y." TU2B 'fGetZritaln. CAPITAL# 02500000. ANNUÂL INCOME, 4460000 MA"KE aim Proprty ana Dwelling Houses a Bpecoialty. VÇery low rates. Easy terme 01f paym:ent. simple policies. ]NO verttous conditions. Prompt' oettiement of losae without discount. Be sure you do flot imaure until you know our terme 'a'-nd conditions. Enquire of E. R. B. aiÈ- WÂRD, our Go, oral Agent for South On- tario. Office in Whitby-Part of 1D. OUis- ton'a Lew-Omoce. Al bitera addressed to Look-Box 78, Wbitby P.oO., wiIl receive prompt attention. Reidene-Ham Cot. tage, Byron street, Whitby.\ 2 GLÂZL1 R HANGFj' KÂL-SOMINER, General flouse Decoratoel Papet' /'rnished [rom 5c, a RoIj ang upwards.' Orders from the country promptl attended to. Ke' SHEOP-First door Southi ol Mr. G. Y. Smieb'e Iaw office, Whilby. Whitby, May l2th, 1887. Ue INSURANC E!IAGENTS l AGENTS RATES, LOWI1 ADJUSTMENTS LIBE BAL I LOSSES PAl]) PROMPTLYI Cempanles among thme best in tlie wcnld, The LIVERPOOL, LOINDON à GLOBE, The LANQA SHIREP, The WÂTERLOO, and Ths NOR WIGH UNION, m 0 T : -Z Local private lainds in sumo 10 suit at lowest rates. W. B. PRINGLE, NOTÂBY PUBLIC, Whitby. T HE WESTERNfBANK. F. CAM.tDA, WHITY,- ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW, Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-47 MONEY TO LOAN! 0100-000. FUR INVESTMENT. ON- REAL ESTÂTE SECURITY. At iowest living rates of interest. Money secured within- 10 days of &p- Apply to plication.' JOHN FABQUHÂB8OIN Whitby, February l6th, 1880. 9- $à5OOOOO TO LOAN. At 8 per cent. yearly. Terme of repsy ment of àprincipal maede te suit borrowere. Firet and second mortgages bought. Ad- vances mane on second mortgages s»d te purcmese ferme. Ne coste incurred in making applications te me for money ; ne agent's fees;' ne delay. Parties psy ing hîglior rates on morigages should spplyte me at once for loiver rates and savo meney. Write or oeil immediateiy for partionlers. B. B. RBYNOLD89, 1y2 20 Adelaide Street Buat, Toront. MONEY TO LOAN Ou Beesi ati.Mortgage et Low Rafre Interout. Âppreiser for the. Canada Loen snd Savlng. Ce-# sad agent for, the Western Assurance Ce.- OPFIE-0yr Gerri,'a Block, Whitby ALL A#'111 TIUKA t meslu Tomperemice Hall, Log roGene' Bopý, o'y, t Wiitby.1 NTOW RE ALY-Our new bock, "Barth, .Â~Ses sud Sky; or,. Marvela et thu Univerme"; being s full and graphua de. scription of ail that io woLdenlul iu evenj continent cf ithe Globe, in the world od waters and lb. Starry Hieavena, cemtaining tbnilling sdvenaturee on land snd ises, reo nowned dieovenies cf lime wonleà's greateal explorons in ail age@, and reintîkabie ph.. neibena iu e'very realm cf nature. En» bnacing the stiing physical leatunes cf tbê oartb, lthe peeuliar ckiaracteristics of the bfaman race, ef animal-, birds, insecte, ete., including a viviti description et the Atiarà. tic, Pitcifie and Indian Ocearne, snd 'of tlb Polar Seas, tb. MeunIbers cf lime Deep, beautiful seashells and plante, singular :fishes and dwellers in the would cf waters1 nemanhable Ocean currtnts, etc., togete; wilh th. SOLAR AYD STABBY SYSTEMS HENzBT DAVENPORT NomxnucP. 1).D., Embeilished willi oven 800 fine ongravinge Liberal terme 10 Agente. iOXFORD PUO~LISHING-C-O. 5 JCBDÂI4 ST., -ove OAKIDIIlaU-th.e'-1 bail sti&pleasure of-,ç a*id Ibat tWe'mBn rente. TWO, of Our YOtLng Snaevninlocbi tii. staionion -the fnÉ O.P. p». whieb je P uhrsgb$bis village1 Mi.e r . Colby' 4t 1the sale efth11e s Tueeday of last-- Silih parcbased th »> b.hestore -.dj oinin i for the. eum cof 04, pie suid Dr. Gilt-ipi stores b the oes ef respectively. The r as Det sold. Iobt.Sproule ofth Tmesday àatternoon bouda ef MKtrinoI Bryas, second datu lb *ard Bryas sof Mi souple lott foir Tors train, wwbero e, en tend msking .the', theni a long proi »6 - TORONTQI, ONT. Certificate of major Harper, Eqý of Whftby. -18&2-' To uhom ii may con2ce?, This is to certily that having examine&,, repaired and used a great variety otSowing Machines. I have corne te the conclusion Limat the White Machine sold by L. Fair ba)ks ie one cf the beet made, as in My opinion it in a machine limat wiil net eaaily gel cut cf order, and will lest much lo-nger than most machines, as car. lise been taketi te provent wear as mauch as possible. *1 cen honestjy roommend ilt toparties wemt. ing a good and laeting sewinmg machine. purcheed one of the White's morne menthe ago, -and it gives every satisfaction.. MAJOR RA PEBL -1887- After five yeans use cf th.e'White sewI»g Machine in myfanmily I cen lully endorme thme above certiloate eand. cen fuliy recoma. mend lhe machine s a fmls~i machine coots lees fer r¶pàirsthaÉp a4" machine I have ever hed eumytbinit to d.êý witi. MÂJOUtH2PB Bold cheap as th. chespeat, and ià 16e beet cf1hh est. -L. FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent for this District 'JOHNýSON ln Oeuerell'a Block forgr- FU RIISir E DIRA'W1I1QROOii SUITS, D~(NGROOMs TJIT-S, EEDROOa-i S OnMouday la Osmpbelltord -vu Beie B..uou on1 erio li Se ple a @Iecî.'d le b. îried asynexlwas the Hiou. G.*W. Roi tien, iin aIS Istestl 4ompIoIiefltary le -of 109 fer the vor * audidaltes tor'lht afnînation of the ne other sehool work doue for em report je Wel w0' Bert Stepbees 14- ysars old, vaf miont eharging hi *ionteul kiied a lm Mn .Josephi Pîili ship. The evide Ur-.*Pourp. Oue found bis(avonit -sbarp stick, -ab &iveni jtô e be lmmediàtely suoe of doinug 1 h. desl vas vsry rii0lu opportnniby of P Thoe aassaulte si t hé cruel in-4tine -w ards a'diniîeUd Mr.ail ia etiU Xfonk tel.l - brute., «tue jadic aoufi.ned in 11the for boyeafor-&-t h vi i b e p i *à& cerne ont, a '~tvee r igiiaui bus had au ais l à.u l ,iî1~ àiv..-DIOR i for YÏ Dominion,W6 *4 th. bouse, mse.-,It wa. ,butas the sky ohés scid. Md set.1 lut .63es mailie eoilueeeîon evltb eue aoieul ordered by yen te, drop i G . ,VITY J4cK8QN. - 1 mi l-w ýw louttarti-0 ý4m [I',

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