a tô# liveOfthe -dioÃ,uiiee tr1bauIoi*, Bitr iebard O rtwrigbVte Uaremtrlcted Becipro<iity, reo1ution, sud- 4lie esti. mlates wviioh wpre for thé,.',rat lign thse buétory ofet1h. Riou.presented be. fore- the Budget speech *as made. Tihe Birut amed affair arome from tlb. fNote tisat follov. Meuare. Poirier ,and th*i tw Tv 'emblays are th. Frenchs Irans.' latoru for the Gominons debatea. Dur, lng th. rea eesli>wrolé' and epoke agaîeinstet b.Mluistry, ospeciali>' tie TrÃŽench mlnlseors. They held that ou&' of esion tbey bad liberty 10 do Ibis. 1fr.,Cbabpleao ihougfit oshorwiesud wrote le 1Mr. Speaker deiandiog thoir diemlesalana th. Speakei coomplied. In the Ronue M1r. Laurier bsld &hot lie gp.aicr bad .zoeeded hie authorit>' as thë repq'rt of the debates cormittee reeomesnding the appointinents b.d been adoetd-and became the sotion o1 S1h. Rouoes, theïefore ouly a resointion of tie Rouoes ould disusise them. Voluminous papere, iuclnding ja pamPis vo, er. laid on thb table snd vian tise> ara prialed the question ilb 1Qont .wlla ton ?iDW LaiERAL POLIOT. B>' fairthebmoet impoirtast l politicai, eveot slnoetisermntie cf Mr. Blakis t h. deoision of -lie Libers! part>' te adept Unramstricted Reciproity sa. a polio>'. Thse qouolnsion wabo reuboh- ed aI lhe Liberal canons sud. neze day Sir Richard Cartwright'put * notice of motion on the papar. Boiled down il states liaIunorestricted reoiprooity witb 1h. Udited States le bigbly desirable. Ussreetricted reciprooity tueus tisaI canaia will place ou the free ist of her tariff &Il tise producta, natural and artifloial, ef the Uaitèd States provid ed liaI country doos the saine. MaDy wonder wbat is lhe differeace between unresttûoted reoiptQcity aud commercial union. Welil ie latter would muean lie adoption cf on. tariff for the Unit. ed Sîtes snd Canada agaiu4t the ont- uide worl,vu.l under uir Richard OsrtrigiVe proposai Canada vill -inÃŽatain bero ow tarif sund tbe Statee' tbitl owu againet ilI onteide oouasrieo. The debste on Ibis resoltion. wîlt last -aI least a week. It will be lie biggest ~oratorioa1 diepis>' of the soession. TU£E ETIMATIP Se Tbe total eRtimated expen<litisre i. 4 44,186,816, of ulsiot 823,858,000 i@ aoutroliable expenditure. The larérAtit Item i. #116879,000 intereet on tbe pub. licdebt. an increaso of 8208,802. Il ombte over $185,000 te manage thse debt mntAuly. In tise ordinar>' dipartmeats eivil *govetromeut conte 81,804.524 ; in- ores.. 882.262 ;jusitice $686.070; in. ieroae814.100' lagiealation $709.080; de rosuis. 8IfFQ; arts sud agtriculture #147,950 ; deaoase $101.88M ; immivra. tion #1168w9; decrease 8118.186; militia 81,886,600; oroe. 182.583; izbilways ai canatôis ineome 8273 850; &cr doate 8785,140; fi4borîeo 887,50.00;deerese 25,600 ; lu. * dianse 81,00,702; lucres., 86,908; Êorthwos pnIiop, te keep thé lnetstuon ln order, $748.000 ; enstome 8854,480 ; Juoresie #16,785 ; railways snd canais $8.729,616, inereaso 8291,255 ; peut oMoie #2,967,620, imoreoe820,000 ; railvays snd canais (capital) 65,249,- 000, Inerease $1,162,00. SOKR TMflGSWB PAT FOR. Tise rî-st some iulerossiog items smoug ai&H veam e xpeuditure. Tise spesierý ges$4,000. Seâoiensl qIerhedrav 847,500. akes 812.000- te psy for lie =elahlna- used aucuatîy b>'Priiawuleit uanasivote cf #',040 supplies all tise Doeaimoue for th. yesr *d tise Deptrt rus et qre Dot niggérdiyt Tiser. la ncIser- ubargo '*"es î on*sngenrnes fer slatioper's office ocf 8 11 crIons te o te *itI lbebard w.vrbed civil servante used 11l844M boxes of 'peut sud 8,587 poksî ka.e. I*oiyear.. Âeoîher item we" his4bIlastyear 8128,000 vorhsof slatignery va. ponrsésd sud put in onYEa T 1 78 U LleS ONLEuTMao. »uuug lise ypar lber.paesed Ibrougis tlb. millu7,000.000 lstters and 16,000, MO* PouI eard». There ver. 86,000 régqllred betonts01 al e isi166 mis sarKed sud- 84, vers stolon b>' debéoced P. 0., ebeike. Savlnfti bani, deposi. -I#s bave #19,900,00 lu liai ýban.a .,buif a million pen. ock cut moue' orders amonting 10810,800,000. MR E VE uXIr"T.EsouSE. .4 it usuai Patliamsnl? takes &bout ton day. le gel steam asud tlin Gai lagiser lets ber go. Tise report of lishe ind.ihai hobt boni nv.uij'aaa , ».*umuâA 1 vas rlgmîb is fnl SIUIeO and -,,Mr. $M4chel inuimelf Vent on toatetaek lie duty _ou oi calwhich formed h. said throe.fonrlhs Of Dur total ceai ýoon. .uw4'tIon. Xr KXirkp&troý'@ bill, to enable Arnerioan veselu te comin to Cacadioà n waters 1tetender.aidI.d. tremeed vessele providing ilimilar privi- loes are graunted b>' tb. U. S. 'Rover. ment. bals pasmed ils Brst readib$[.- -l vae etated that the -&Mount received for lande tuthie Northwoet in 1887 was $450,701. Mr. Guilletl'. question te- latijyste Mr. Eis' anue zatien viovo and what action lhe. goverument po poeed to, taie vas rulsd out' of ordee, and Mr. Gulet will try le put -it in anoîher form. In lhe meantime 1Mr. Landerkin has a notice tIbi.wiil à whethsr 1Mr. Eli,'conduet viiiý- b.e r- ferred te a otmitteo compomed cf Sir David Macpherson, Hon. jJ J0C Aiboît and cther Coneervaîives who m", 49 reeigzed. I AI;N sAN UTIOôN KNFS Tii laon.e oflte geaial docler' littlo jekes. Mfr. Davif a lu moving foi papoeedeolared that the mail incon. veciences cf Prince Eiward Ietand saa beau ioteniied sud increased b>' the Qoerrumenb*s action. Mr. MoLsetau ropiied $bat ls estriteîof>,a lne- tc'Cape Tormentlu a d ovrOtnb lhe grenleet diffioulfy ns lie tranemieon of mails. Ho held tiat au improved syetoin vas now lu operation. tS TUE SENÂ&TE. The Sonate bas hadl au unusual>' live!y lime for that sodato tbody. The>' discouaed lhe flimherv lreaty but se tis watter will be lbresbed ont in tho popular ehamber I wili flot reviev il nov. A long discussion aise took place on the proposition te trame new rulee lu divorce procodioge. Senator Me- Gowan lie tmoyen recognizod a state- mont iu lie country' for roform. He stated that Ibere were divorce courts iu Nova Sootia, New Brunswick sud Prince E lward Iliand. Since Cou- féderalion Nova Scntis, b.d granted 49 divorces, snd New Brunswick 87. He propoed te remit ait divorce petitions 10 seven pioked Senalors. Tie motion for a select com mittea *as carried aftor s debate. The Souator iaving little te do bas adjourned tiili e 20tb. PA19LIAVENTARY JOTTINGS.- The prose Rallery bas eleoted 1fr. Molyneuz St John editor cf tise Mon- Ireal Herald, se Prosidont, 1Mr. James Johuston of the Ottawa Ci-tisait Vice President, sud 1Mr. Cook of tlie Em- pire, Socrelary. Tisera witl ho tise an- uns prose dinuer sud a group photo. arspb of lie inieits of lhe poencil. 1Mr. Owène of lhe Montres! Gasrette bas basa appoînted on Rausard lu place of lie late Geo. Eyvel. Generai Middieton recommends - th. redistribution cf the Garnison &ntliiery. Ha ridicules what ha terme lhe "mii- lt>' picula." of the oit>' rogimout whicis ho huis abou14 have paid adjutants sud go loto regular camps liheb onurv corps. Mfr. Speaker, Onimel gives a dinner simoet every ovening. The Indien report show. liat ont redbkin byoîhers nnher 128,000 under Goveromo'nt oe ,I& comte over a mil- lion dollarole taie este of them sund lier. are 198 sehools lu - oporation fer hbein instruction. The deeli ciofMr. Robertson lbave. a vacape>' lu Wesî Hastings whicb lesa fiuiilinig conetimueno>. It lu 0erpeeted tiat 1fr. Kart>' Cotby sud 1fr. W. H.ý Bsggtar wvtii hle Conurvative su Libersi candidates roepeively. Tise parcel post treaîy with tie States ip nov lu force. .Thse Roua., committees get te vonk ho-day. Ramer asociates a seont>' year old Seustor viti su expectant brida cf 21. TiéDominion Tesuperase Âllau [s lu sessonboe. Theoilà reglar meeting of tise W. C. I IoiaUung bocîey wvas laiten Weduesdsy. Mr. W. J. Greeuvod occplid1he chair. After" tisemnutes ai lie preo" smeeting baid been rean sd a sonung«b>'Mess J. &lmonid, tie iulivin usbjoot vas d.batMd on. Ueslved-Tiaî WSn. Put, Bsar i ohalain vas as pester stesa ia e ir. Bobt. WAipole. Amrn*y-Uesmr. Jack. s ou sud Siwpsou.noq104 i-à MerWeb- uter suad Foligb. The debâta vas diolided in' the affrmative, asud suer sing thle Niational Authoni the meeting a »oued. Thse Re«. J. P. fanker wîil- b. asIsIs uaxI Lord'. d.7 by bis brother, the Elor. W. 8. Bark.r, oi Meaford. s PGWD ER, Absolutely Pure, This powder nover varies. A mmaet c purity, trength and wholesc.moess. 1ore economical than the ordinary kinds, tuéI caunot ho sold iu ootnptit-on with tii. mintitude of low test, short welght ..lnm or phosphate powder. 8old only în osu. EXL CU TORS' NOTICE# Ot.heru having c!aime a9.inst James Murray la.e oftble Town. of Whitby, in the. Oonuty of Ontarîo. are requested te moud lu.- their dlaims, duly veri fed, to the underslgned on or before the lti day of April, 1*b88, sud that after tbat date the esecutor# of th. last will and testamnent of th~e mid deceasrd vnIi proceed le distribute the ssktm of' Ãh. mid estate among the parties ontitied there. to, baving r7a ocni>' te L, iun aof which lhe amai7ezxeontors thon hav. e 4e, THOS. DOWE '- D URUISTON, ZO1IWZIol Dated, Whilby, Mar. 8, '88. County of Onfarjo, Thorah, 18. DY-LAW NOMBER IWE 0f 18888 A By.law ta close up anud sali-a por- tion of th. &trepaaa roa4 on Lot 6. in th.Ilth Con of Tkorah. The Corpuration of tie Township e1 Thorali heroby oests that from and mter the final paaaing of tis ir.L&waU liat por- tion of lie trespas road on Lot number*siz,1 the elevuunth conces-ion of the mid Toua- siip of Thorai lIyîng besueeu lie Western limitaet a deviation aiflthe mid lrespas.od (uhic i aiddeviacion la estahliahed ia dde.. 0 ned by By-Law No. 4 ofI1879 passai I>y 1h.: mud orporation et Thorai on the Brut d&yoi Oètoer, A. D .9887) andhéeTalbot River, be sud the sam» le iureby olomed up aud ne longer te b. 1oousidered a Puble Higbw e i ad geTeiqov hlp of Th*ah.ý Ad 1elItirýer emsoted tliIt îehe sin dearibd Portion of -lr.spass road so'n lced up, m y be sold te lthe &roprIetor ofthle yaud lp8adjacent t te-e s-efor the tepropret<>r oi th. adjacet nt ad shah no vithIn thi e. o .06year ironi thse d oi the ofl m-in' sig ibtis B -Law oMa. ,Plat* Ibe parc aief tielb.ieL deschbed portion eftmtrespes oSd by acoepi -- -a T~5e.ci ii sae udpayiontheprièe« heren se forti, tbensud in thatc486 lt ma>' be laufal for th. corporation oi 1$bmah t.oei ieb mre te.any allier person, forI Twenty-flvsdollars or an' greateraumn And it 1, lurtier ensoMliaIt the Beeve 1h.ndl blb -oprto thoute & o oqaoee the sud I. o'z beteby m uleê oa b 'i o» litaloe 4termI4 ef thbe roe j Iý - d nýiortion ai ofzAd. ud cause theI lâ" Ils tupenlor excellence proven th tmillions of homes for mare than a quarter ef s century. Its nmed by the Unitec States Goverument. Endorsed b>' the.heada of lb. greal Universi- lies as thea Streugeet, Pureet, and most healîii- ful. Dr.--Pnloe's (reasm Baking Powder doe net eentain Ammonis, Lime, or Alum. SeId only iu Cane. PRICE BAXINO POWDER Co. -v rH o=K. OmpAGO. ST. LOUIS. Iulanding purehasers et presente for tho HO0LI1DA Y SEASON Should luspeot My S tock, which le , aêrge an d vansed Reliable Gods at Close Prices' Baga in Watohes and Jewelry. Beau- tlu Goos iiDiamaond, Pearl sud Baby Gem Rings. SIL VER-PLA TED GOODS. BesI and medium Qualitica in Silver.Plated 1Knives, Forks, and Spoons, Ivor>' handled Table sud Desert KniveB. Persenslly sebocting my Goodsansd buying in tise BEST MARKETS, Ensiles me te effen gi-est inducements te JAMES JOHNSTON, Practical Watchmakcr, 1 BOCK-8TÉRT - - WHIITBT1 OIai'ria Tua bue: Is unoelled for Farnily Groeeries, fine Teae and Coffees. TE A AUGHTERI,ýNG -SA.L 8TILL CO1NTINUES AT 1)0111ION WARERO OMS. VOL. x ---:oo: WIibg Those who have- patronized us dir- ing the past two weeks, know we mean what we advertise, and are offering Genuine Bargains. You buy Furs at your own price. Overcoats without regard to Cost. AL-Wool Shirts for 50c, Blankets, from $2.00. Our remnants of- Tweed- and Dress Goods are selling fast'. Tailorin.g to order, New Goods comings to hand. We- are bound to dispose of Our Winter Goods to make room for Spring Importations. own priceo Corne and buy Goods at your A big Stock to choose from. POWELL& cou Wbhby C hina ' TSto-rc Is the place where yon wiIl find the Iargest stock of Xmas Goods 1.1 Town. The Stock is -now complete. in Crockery, flaq.qwp rp Fen.v .f-,nii de If Ou Secal<ykinds. Also a ful Steck- of Cash and Low Prîu orNIR.BOCERIES, FR U1T&-.Oý'YSTERS C0hina Tea, Setwfor $3.50 China CUps and'Sa*ucera,$12 Tes of ail kindesud pricest mtý- : ailIabefrm 0 1 7 ~t. * er dozen, and'other Goods in roortiou. guarates ont Te.. from 10 to 20 per £'Creadseo-orers oent bettîsi bau any bouse u ii.hcm ýn e Or" vs Oeuuî. Try themo_ PRIZ E TE ASWNTD4lkndoffmprdc Wm JmGFBSON, We give with avery 5 lIbs. of our ORTB CINAÂT 18TQ]aj Prize -.f" 40 tW75HITBYn,ý ,SATA OLA US' HEA DQIJARÀ:a You mav rcos 7yOUt Ia nlgss" ïtt-, Vepr annû. in vine. Suisoûilione ho .mae of publicsh .Sleam eqmipmeul Book sund JebW p *u ià udbill. Speiall KOLa, with ilis pel *yliUder pre sAd endos. Every eider fui atlOntion. * TERMS 0F. Viret insertiou,p subsequent insertio] Dispiayd A.dvert by miageaie of Solid aooordingly. insructions inscrIs *harged f or fou tim Ordere for disoi muet bb in wriliug, eic will nol ho résç Ar Aliberal cdienoun meute b>' the yoatr. oontract advertiscfl iu net Iý.ter thasu'V et * n-yïntendcd.eh belons TtLncday D meule neocive-a u BueinOaS notices Pive cents per lint pet neoweekly., <ioyreepondeuce Of the 0ounty or Gerrespoudeut5 a Iheir communidal JOHN STÂNTVO] SupltMochau vuOcurtERoi ARUISTE R" Royal aHtlèl,. Ornez-U t I Qe. YQU1 110UNIB~I -'1!ho Uousofai (lmions bon rcjecwea motionjm:laver et s speaal commite.or 4n10hfjugh tis@e a&soy et Dr. BStls GemnwermRen 1y.ILand il ho o orae.huesiul bller culy'tapq, Mar trod liermedies vitl. --thse "00- HR, 496 ASms e l oaWre _ Tse resnltI~s t lieLofb China, the -re c0 trie abolihis Iwool Cs