*vend that I .ouldn'i esein te pr M9P nésIljuilst ap il4 sud I noV ZdîIda%'o te soboel se1wuoh as i e , , 'l , at eýy4 a @lduv no -disw br * éé4, becatisé h voi soil ber bauds sud make thé jiats hi snd eh bd a beau about thoin dsi sMd 07 0 lhad goeutay -to homo sud va the dishes. Older BIsIons' béass e dnosdfpli* oné .théeyouugéneOui "M he I mold 4 acMa Jn <Auat Jeîutty, why do't you uniti 41W rite ,"ses I. "Who te? I, bai c eyer b4d no éorrésponden but Âug lins Joue-saheti*m *5EU g and I b.d 'a letter trom l h wt*o n &g tg hat alu'I snswoed. l'y. bpgu sumw.n t tiSté<and agio, bat I-ns' 4e9ld t, *e 1 vhe4 * TIrrée moulAise*go I stalîd le home frn mtipgtl,~ça purpose te writie, sund I'l &o a sd<ýot'sé fan sa ' Duerfriand, Sake vky peu 'ýi&baud le infornay thai Iain vel, and hope thèse fi -'IDSwillftct' y<>th »e. -I, tm ON Il f141«T jINEBINEOSN - PIR r1. - NO. J.- AutIT JC8USRY 5 BASONS FOR ERAOOM[NG à WBITER. NoeoéMbry Jtâne Eankot bas benu ta eut "ne semé considérable of a spýeIl, sud. if ovir ibère vas a crittét béni sud dé- termluéd on t ,asing éverythodyl i seul oni of 'em, abe's; that individuai. $hbe's a dreadtui band teO nesd, sud dlon't never scéin Le hé contented na- lsse @o bas &-book ln ber band. Stue had net heen te Pigéoù Rollet, vhené I live, Moeé iaun edays stfore seébad Ãesd everything I, badl in thé bouse, sud I'fe got quitté a librar> I Fust, there's tho -Bible sud tho concordiaucé, sud Banneq' notes ente théeGOspilo. Thon tbsr!s qthé Book of Marteièlhllsed. wifth evrà l tartierattSe t thein dsvoed oreaturotèqisi yjelded up ibeir tivea for thetr religion'cooner iban ttuu thein osîso. Thon, tbre*s thé' Lité of El-ton .Dà viti Mirke, çvît bhig pictor in iL, wiib bim dressed je a higb -coat-coilgansd bis hairemhed down ln front of bis este,,sud hie prtuchiug vas povenflil. Thonu['va get as piéetfLeavitt'@ At- msniaite sas ihick as s bleck-sll theui Ilist'o beeu prlnted sensé thé yean 1816. I eooin't prétend te- keep bouse witü- ont Leavitt's Almauack, for I eheuln't ku,)w when iL vas a RoiffiR te, tain, non whén iL #&as ikél>' ota hunder;- sud if I batn't that vallorabté bookt ttivam, boy slï<ëuld I kuovwbenouthé sigus aomé ight te set a bon or kilt mny parit? .This haîn't an adivremnt-not 'b> e méang; sud Mr. L-:avitt na.vet çFaid aà Wr at tene abjflt , for h8'o bée dead ibis tee yoatre, but hé akés hie almunaseke juiqt thé sainet. Beaiitb, that'i;my obldet, takps thé Nov York SLap 'Sm and Bang 1 em, whicb lea sp-rittio'ui ppet, and dreatitufi iaterestitig te anybodyt>'t ai-hkes te reade wearing sud sich. As for me, I'd tber resd thé dictiouar>', for that is ver>' éstettaiuing vork, enlv it dontI soin toe hécnnectede Mach as it ilt hoh. Kiodér di@jintod. I take thé Pineb ville Chroni.cte for MY ove resding. That uneed Lu hé a elick paper, but 1.1.1>' lt'- kinden rua down. Thero hai't héén but qne mander upoke et in i for more'n ye weekil, sud thst did't aMeunaite oMach for the.minu hat vasnurdeted . ai oui>' stundet aft.et aIl, aud caine te le a litile white j,4e i;sgood as nov. Mlarv Jane vas tetribl>' upset vhx*u &o.fonunâthât ibère varu't ne mort neadiag la thé bouse. Shé'd îloue ai &iU ber menig sud eohé sed as shout4 §y> if I cooad't huatn-up soe book@, oe -gét hon a beau te flirt wih. 1I id hé, , ta ke Btailsh, buitseà lsffed at lbg "«L-r, hAut Jeruhy 1" ses shé, ,, Ã"ouldu't beitin la malte su impressiol .ou Cousin Beeiab. fas knov's thsai 1vear oey bain iu papéns te makte It out *O*WaU, sud blso'éen me est bhi dtunnar@; sud ho kuove I vhistlt And I've sean hlm baretootéd, sud bov hé dy9subis mustécha, sud ési anaioositeubiatlon his nosé frein beim rdISa et écurse vo con lda't get np aswith h. .péo oniulI suà 1h.eBible éou»msu e us o t~ The pul>' traveling eofu'seciri i.hjeidte .~*tW,~aOt ta evér did vw héu [ve*nt ta Stiggius' I'ni a-goicg te kemny the jeu>' Ove, r Ridge ttee é in> ut Rush>'. Il vas njst aidusk, e esvéuig, sud tho. pan..P&ZMKI A3Eç. 'o ijgten miles, sud I seéd a gond doal sounlas& morp&I peliq mnu, a dof 14 ý&e .ïï ii . taat. b ,r u r* I ild Whén 1 ws fiftésa on si:teon I b- ÂAd then Vil invite îiimt; sud give 2 EW i,,eDF W'Io4t1Ol- eh gutehave, beause - -Tbey .sed, tlb.> ha pi~e ofpjin * 9pispdihew hutn i g oi.ovonte car 'n ess brother Tm g> am<, ,is~i1u ùutT> 199 but law sake I Tom nover wuete hminemlnondge hlm eauff hôlibb. UkelyiO ________________ ~, venagu ifIbre wv aagai sapuboeft oà Ihh>gg-p W4&a Oh ihin Bye -miles Ihst ho oould make ui> uvwé#t1VS$,éPflIr Il U TI ap wib Igel into stithespareeu'lawth Myjat 1 aUIL,.iCJIiA, IUL ~* Yos, Unolo Lomuol -Rug:g-heI4d been f rao -eyt~Jar pl*yIcg ^ pr i.ularlttio S*s'lme -foi Ydun tua., BLITég OrOt1 red eugar hearto sud peppermints- sud -(To b. Ù%oKERL,, ro.iéo- Re and snob s blae -hmG onionl: kinà r'Lâu. r n'eât toplay.d eh>, fer thal vas, theo stylo. la Who, o*led-twiOO<t jota vent re joue, but yen anele -Loe - liesot tue rite ie ohieé leigh snd tgel And wby d l"ve; L aot~~ sot l i se.Why-he u"wltat Lauw n a 15t ahbii ad4 ÉM tre-u o#'t ýèg be Lon, h ved to à 'eema binden 1 ,.cé ?OU Miant, I .î'pous, t'O hé d beau suit, lred ieW!5o tn Ã"i*à tlf"ùigtilj 64 ýsMp1_ -- fnà dinFü-i eao,* r@tre dcUfr _tIe uo Londiion inoluranico'Go. of OTOSt Zflîain ANNUALINCOME, $1,6O0YOOO. MÂKU Fa;m Pro pero nt'sd Dwln Louses a Speciait>'. véry lew rates. Eiasy aise of paymént. Sin3pit pelicies. No eî,itienuseonditions. Prompt settlenient l osEies withont discount Be sure yen #0 it insane until yen know aur terme and ,nditiens. HuquiréetofFE. R. B. HA«Y- VARt>, oun Ge eral Agent for Seuth On- ario. Office ln Whitby-.Part et D. Onmnis- mn'a Law-Office. AUIl itera addresed te ock-Box 718. Whitby P . O., will\réceivé ýrompt attention. liéeidence-HSm Coi- âge, Byron streét, Whitby. 21 INSURANC E! Widdor SBprlgglu; aboula gel ., *f tï b ïètop-âl i ïp« thsd rua thele legs off t e fI- sherMa t "Il 11bia, ÃŽgb "d, 'ià d,1 ho 1 _Sdia ,lo 1s4e> r-w ssi ô~db kaut~~i .: - otif -Ivri- fioca'sbè Bay of BézUgsi ta the toi? Of Doise.,Àn u à cauboy -ýOn."H "d Bél frmétnébo Moeunt Wsig nn al aongeboro. 'ou i wth Oùdkelà , ,houtg;i.ilraolsun,éc,ûdohn I'dasivo olyoucf te ne ony1 *,na abiqvesry houses w.paue.fd n ,ghtoaps oule l uaeyen te hob> keerful and noI lo& on vs. k u fthé windem, and jolje Inadoeatng accident at Ingeraoil on te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d sêbdFr~ed <'~~ ~i ~4s rîday-night tue gentlemen naméd OCrothy Pareon Powell has- latsly losit--bis Shakesp>eareses., "nmde nih an'tésorexvdéinsnuis. . partuer ini ihis vals of tears. 8h. dé. digions." troabis, on treÂsthm -aCure il a parted ibis hf. Joly tihe 10, &nny But yen mi«t sýe woIbae stoppoâ oiià é réievé. ou leAtreatcuein ait D.iminy 1869, aged fihîy-twe yeare. Meunt Veoiforoue.from bu#iug ëot by, pkae Beloved and lameated by al who lvdputting ae peo et eicking.P'laster on-e H ber.~~~~~~~~~ Besrgi. hisjsiioi- Toadd' s-tob stpt Àt *Wlzghaiii, John Davis, a raifroad te. ber R-si-gm.Tha'ajee te" ît1 her ýid- teo t enso olaborencommîntted suicide by hanginig on ve subeeription ibatsa on tho tembatoe. ibast colt. Sà auday nighî. o The parson je a oighty learued mua;i On we wont-over rocks, sud ditihes.. neitu. oninto.-h uces be'. beén througb as many as éleve or and aodrifts-straightfor thé deacoen's fà ccmabjnatien et the six cils engc eigbi collèges, and severai chronelogtoal The deaoon'a 'Wageu-sbêd dpors, vas j» ýThomii..' jli.trïc oil je a genuine t éeuIeterve, sud beoa got A. B., and B. open, awsiting fer libi ta, beisig: ûome, triumph et chémniatry. Whéther applied t C., and X. Y. Z., te bis naine, and lots! thé éleigh, sud thé desoon uts oui 41 extertially for thé relief et pain er te allayL of ~ ~ ~ ~ l ete ére pié féuses téttése sigsuiepieepae-inflammation, -or akén internally te remedy L mosi beantifully hifulstin langnidgé j:meeting aIl tei hisseIf. Per bis wif .ogi s~ed1 n nieyefcie that ever I heérd. Tue vende are so didn't bélong to thé saine ohuroh 'thal Tweo oloured ininates et thé Williamsofl long that hé generslly has te give two Ihé did, »nd sho wouldn't let hiru pray ceunty, r7enn, poonhouiséenee burned te lis te get oeeoft'eux off. ie's dread- jin thé house.Thonght ho hadn'lg$ shonare'sVgtal Plecoti fully fend ef litersry weén folk@. Hée thé right kind et religion.Asaree' gtblPiacoti sez thai woen eught te bé eddicatéd 1 Whén the colt comé a dashiag ,icoaMnrk n adioté'cr ie jesudthn iéywoud b té eed wih m shohenag Z and Kidney complainte with unerring jaet a e s n hnte ol e see, (f ea lOeU 'ý teLncèrtainty. Thoy ise coritain Boots and abIe te underuiand théin hbusb>awd8 'a-hOlleiéng, théedcoln> uqe right to té, lerbe wbich have spécifie virtue trulv botter. Rie sez if hé should take another heigbî of hie prayer, snd ho didn'i wonderful lu théir action on thé stomach wifé ho vante eue thati sboula bécome héar nothing et us tilt wé'd gel closé and bowéls. Mr. B. A. Cairnerose, Shakes- what ha meanâ whéno s e y Sioh upon hum. peare, writee: -1I coneider Parmélee's Pilla trancri gloy I Mùny. lo' natraly a imi man an bean ircelint remedv fr bilionnenés and de- Lranori gliij e M~»d. fl's atnallya tmidinsu su borangement et thé liver, having used themn Thé pareon mnade a good huebnud te didn't kuewr what to make et matters. MyseU for saine tume. hie firsi vite, and iV's pritty lîkely hée Re, sed afiervards ihat hé tbought Kansas OCity niilroad engine men wil b. clévér toi hiiSsecond one. Béo-nover Satan hisseit had 0oome, and that vas atnike if thé company continué te move okij.ciéte t goiu.g te béd firet eelâ-nipbts uhbat made hum diveunudér thé bÃœggy Bunlingten cars. and hée allas, get up and made tho fire sud fall te scrssmiug: &Pa o-rRto» aud hé was williug te eat picketi up tDon't take me yeit 1Dent! I os' S A FneatolC o tatiouresta dinnr% ashuszday, » ho evt leve v bzoe-9 i@t ow Ita a isincurable. Lt je net se. Dr. Sage's Car swore ai bis wifim's mother. awful prédiesamé i I40h, Lord, don't tarrb Remedy will cure it. h les pleasant Now whet I thought of was thie: The lot bu catch tue t I vant te ive sud te use and its always does it werk thorongh- parson neede a partiner as bâti58as a> keép PAlly frein marrying Eider 1>'. Wé have yéite h ear et a case in eue I kuow of. He'e geL s4ix cbjîdrem, Snifkiue a spei longer. Oh. Lord I which it did not acoomptish a cure when and thé yourat te iwo yeare and the do't let hum git me!1 If yen 'dount I faithfnlly uséd. Catarrhis adisease whieb oldeet je thirbeen ; snd âLhe's ail his wilI put twentv-fivé cents in thé reti- ~l agru enget eti e p , ad ausahs. ud ppis, sd buinabo~nexiSunay.lî ~ î mdy le st your command. Avait yoursélf pubkinoandtqa etn fpls n nio o etSnay1Iso o it before thé comiplaint assumes a more tbinK(a, aitoing tu ruinai ion for the wani will 1" serions fora. Ail drnggieta. ef a vife te séoe afttr 'sin. "Don't ho a cuea;id fool 1" sez Lein. Ih would b. a droadfal skerfice for "h h ain't thé devili1 tt'e me aud Jornaby s vaînan teo becorue thé mothen oet iein EHîggiub, sud that colt of-yourn v as Ceuni> of Ontari, six eidren, but if the Loard ehoutd séé niigh carryiug ne te thé dickeus s she Thora h, 1888.o fit te eail me te maà ke a martar cf my. couli sud mises it 1t',fVIW IUWQ Wl l soi, Ihop tat uy aywoold hé ékal Thé déacon crept out trom 'n uden thé DY-LAW U MER IILIofI18U8U te mn>'eregth-I mean that I hope I buRgy, snd vas dreadful nelié,#ed te sbould hé ekal te rpy stréngth sud day flodtbtat it waru'tune more, sud hé A By.law Io clo8e up and 8ell a por- tee. Aud I thought that if I iook up would n't také s cent for thé ose of thé tion of tii-e tres8pasa8 road on Lot 6. r writing for thé papere. sud got te hé s colt. in the llth Con of Thorah._ i blitérary female, thé parson would ho Lemuél sud I waikéd homo together Thé Corporation et thé Township et more likél>'te slpect me se a Dardnér sud 1 gel My>'féét eoppîug vêt, sud Thorah herébv enacte that from and atteri than hé vouid if hée dida't kuow thiut 1I1Loin hé poppoed thé question juat as vé thé final passing ot this By-Law,all that po.r- had talents, vas a passiug b>' Sudkine' eider bon«.. tien et thé trespast roade!'Lot npmbérsîXin Sa V've determined t ee éconeeoe I ahouid htvé swooaéd ethé gIrle do thé eleventh concest-ion et thé said Town- @ thé litténaryo. Ilve goi thée beepe§' in nc'vela, but it ws so.0 pld thst 1 1ship et Thorah ling beivéen thé Western u' bouse door took off frein thé bioRés, tbeagbht I uever coulad stsd. it t> b@ lumit et a devis.tion et the said trespass road sudso uponIvebanés i té vod brugh t, s Idiu'tdeil.Bu0î(which éaid déeviation ià estahhsehed and de- aasotophn tr-sd tareithmy désk - I to L oh sso, géi teel'O ud aI '=nd b>' By.L' No. 4 et 1887, passéd b>' obedchabor-nd hat@ mvdoo. ItoidLemho as agret fol, nd oldthé said Corporation et £horah on thé firist lexpeci it wffi hé rathér cold up je that hlm toa asi mypa.j day ef Octeber, A. D., 1887> and thé Talbot P ohamber vhen it coees inter, but I We vag'marniéd the néi spnug, aud River, bé aud thé saine is heréby clesed up, deau est with w>' féet outot a sospstoue, Lpmuel maà de me a good, faltibtul ansd ne iongérr te hé cousidéred a Public n R akîi ighway o! thé sald Township et Thorab. ir ati oakilte o an my>' ater-proot parduéer. fié's been dead twe yesrs Aud it la tuniher énbcted that thé herein re cape und m red fannel niehi4"p uhe emiug pring, sud Vi'n s loue widdén descried portion et trspase road se closd Sit's chili>'. Bectuesol'ai ,roabléd vîth womau with ivo ehildreu. Benish ho's uop, im y hé aold te thé proprietor et thé Ithe rhaomtics snd don'% -vaut te gittlwouiy-twe, sud Ellen Sophion ehe& land lyiug adjacent te thé same, for thé colain em.nineeen an the'rea geat omfrt uin o et nty-five dollars, provided thai if 1' Imade a 'pén-vipen eut of the fiap of te me. teporeo f h daetln ul o Bauib'sgo.oinétlaéOs But ent ther por, eanwfthin ibe space ef oeear trainthé date IBiha od 1Sueday o- -eeiUîc Btthé>' o't - Il hoi I ci retthé finl ------goetbtis By-Lav coin- ri and éat-etitébéd ih round t.he edité ith pa's placé 1 Ah, me t I gnose 12t9" . R, 1plots the urhse ot theelu described ge néd yara ; sud ['vi ogel &fty eeuts worth vas alvaye eheerful and éhiek, su&d 1 portion otresipase road b>' acepting con- 6. ef tolcppèe n oteO n eersoecosuiub ou oac ho saime and paying the pricé folIppprsd hti tîknyr pk rs ueah tfl 1ud véY sotflortb thon sud in that case it tew ith a green, label ou iL, sn.t su ivor>' haire in thé butter, an trod on ho aisM y be awul for thé Corporation et Thorah pen-beider with a red kuoh ou thé tep tail, sud thon hé allers ms 1 k. ra e sain e te ny ether persan fer gR et if.hie!Twenty-flvé dollars oriau>' greater suni ~rnmnttar~. T EWESTERN BANK 0F CANa&DA, THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7ih, 1882. ly-4v MONEY' TO LOAN! $100.000-FPotINVESTJIENT. ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. At iowest living rLtos of lnterest. Money seonred within 10 days cf ap- pliostion. Âpply te JOHN FÂRQUHÂBSO1N Whitby, Februury lSth, 1880. $500#000O TOLOAN6 At 6 per cent early. Termes of repay ment of prncipal made to suit borrowers. Firsi and second mortgages bonght. Ad- vances matie on second mortgages an~d te purchaso fanms. ]Nc cotte ircurred in* making applications te me for money ;.ne agenve' tees; ne delay. Parties paying higlier rates on mortgages should apply te, me at once for Iower rates and save money. NWite or call immediately fôr particulars. E. R. RBYNOLDB, 1Y2 20 Adelaide Street Hast, Toronto. MONEY TO, LOAN On'R,.1 EstateMertgagel t Low Rate Appraiser2forthe Osuada Loan and Saving. Co-I, and agoni for ieWestern Âsnarsnc oFFIGES-Oor Gsrnie>s Bok, Witby, d mets- 1»-Tempérane U, - Im é éui Génui'sB ok ,go Wz o sda os i nitl i. i pFAINTEW - * PAPER HÂNGER,' IL4LSOMIN-ER, Paper furnished [rOM 50, a flOI Orders from thé country promPtly attended to. Ký' SHOP-FirBt deer South of Mr. G. Y. Smith's law office, Whilb>'. Whitby, May' l2th, 18871.- 22-8m AG ENT SleAGEN T S! Ses snd Sky; on, Marvéla ef thé Uiniversé"; béing a ful sud 1graphie'de- scription o et l iba l wonderful in every, cantient of thé Globe, iu thé wonld et waters and thé Starry Heavéne, cenitailiIlg ,tIà rilliDg adventuresounbaud and ses, ré- nowzied discovérie etthé worlc&s greatet éxpborere. in ail agés, and remarke.ble phe- nonuena lu evér>' realm of. nature, -Eni- bracing the etrikîng physical téatures of thé earth, thé peeuliar characteristics of t-ho human race, of tanimal,, birds, ineecto, etc., including a vivid description-of thé Atlan- tic, Pacific aud Indian 0ceans, and oet-thé Polar .Séa8 1 thé MeuBLera- et thé D)eep, beautiful séashélle and plants, aingu tar fisheB sud dwéllere ini tbé world of waters, remarkable Océan- curnte, etc.,-togéthen with thé AMAZING PHENOMENA OF THB BOLAR AND iSTA1I SYSTEMS BENB&Y IAVENPOIRT NoiaKifo. D.D., Ernbellishéd with over 300 fine engravinge. Libéral terme te Agents. OXORD ST.,IN Certificate of Major Earper, Esq., of Wbitby. To whom it may~ concern. Thîs is te certify that having examiaed, repaired and userd a great yaniety ef Se*ing. Machines. 1 have corne te the COlucIu9ÃŽiin that the White Machine sold by L. Fair- bauks is one of the besi made, as in my opinion it is a machine that wil) not eagily get out of order, and wiIl lasi much longer than niost machines, as cane bas been taken to prevent wear as much as Possible. I can honestly rAcommend it te parties. want- ing a good and Iaoting sewi-ag machine. I purchased ene eft ho White's some montha age, and itgie every seatisfaction. MAJOB HARPER. After five yeans use etfithe Wbite Sewing Machine in wy family I can fully endensoe the aboVé certificate . fa, ull zQy mena the machinie. -Lea afami1r - "B machine coes leus fdr*"liep-sirsai tia aun machine I have, ever bea uy-tbilng teO do with. 'MAJOh HARPER. Sold cheap as the cheapeet, and is the beat ef the best. L. Fe- BBANKS,' Sole Abent for this District& In Durl Bokfryur O$NQ ROOM SVITS, AtF Ooxuu I - o minion; Wo-'d- WôirkÈ, WIIITBY. .1 -'i-I ADJUSTMEKTS LIBE BAL!1 LOSSES PAID PROMPTLYI Dompanles among the best 'in the world, such as; The LIVERPOOL, LONDON& GLOBE, The LANCASHIRE, T'he WATERLOO, a-nd The NORWICH UNION, m O0 lE Y-. Local private fiinds in sums te suit at loweat rates. W. B. PRINGLE, 1NOTÂRY PUBLIC, Whitby. .Geneyal Hsving braaoh. lbc tornes in se ven differ thorfofre hsviug aq leucé, tw., Il. a.Wa oqrselves in mzaking Fwaet.-Fe -h.Pi hold Ibsi 911rpeu o giaste ithéekidnq unie seid jute thée - is injurions te evsry sud- deeiroying fBrai abre vOakéet. W ks4nea i athmoart a-of eurod. Ottbér praol thai extrême kidueý ourable. W. bau froery, boeové, in- aude of cass lu e globe. Wsaruer's groatesi spécifio .1 tien is-estahllsed iuialenco -surpase@ sewers et the hum possible oekoep lb goéd'vorkuug onde aro dOliQ gthewi- de not believé ihl* orden becanee thée au>' paIn.16i-s a iuey di8ease that ÃŽ o#î viue knowledg Mheprecttion8r. if Ibère ùle ny glu ordiay heatth1 érose se sagécol poison in the blon iug sud deetroyin Thr.We dc dimesse frei n e i mpoaibility. médis malade ea esch néetfvhic poeéwhich thé o1 ECOGNIZ Powrt.-War havé heen receg snd thé people s In coantiée m mosi opposod te propriétar>' medi Mie higiteat ezoel the ptronage Of 8TBONtG qnalîfléd gnarsu GuÂ.RANTE Bomédies are p uaecf by aus are 9 forfeit S5,000 fa, -medies have- Millions et péO~ hsepreiieu,1< bwht eY ei__I u - peNse CO. -TORONTOONT. ô jo»AN ST., ,WHITBYs Da7tumli Mi"