Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1888, p. 1

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IIITBÏ 3*)'%jEdL~ ~ t s ~ Propose, Kuowiedgo, Eroth.rbO@d. With, alm Printod word4 groit th@ughtS, and uutiriug indus WHITBY, ONTARIO. aMe with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) A RCHITECT. Designe for Pl per anuinm in advance-8l.50 other. 01110Ea-Fir VIs.. Subsorip ions are alwaya payable at Store. ho ofOlce o f publication. -Btam equipînent and beet furniehed souk and Job printing plant ini lEastern BQ Ontarlo, capable of exerutiig ail classes cf O vork f rom tbe large poster ,to the emallei hbandbill. Special mention je made of the A Set in goc imurpèssedl prose facilities of TRI CRhtort- gcrLU, witb itecolebrated N. Y. Gottreil Whitby, Jan. -~cylindler press and other modern conve;ui- *nceso. 9voiy order rpeeives prompt, care- fui aLOLItOnI.Dominion TERMS OF ADVEBTISING. Pirst insertion, per lino, 10 cents; each 1887.S .'ubooqut5t Lniwrl' ou, 6ôcnts. l>îspayed Idvertiosemeuls are rnoasured Wl by a icalo oft solid Noupareil, and qcharged &ooortiugly. Sailiingt; betwi A 1IvorLi -e monts sent witbont--written POOL, Fc Instructions îneerted until forbidden, and Oiar;c<d(i for tut, LIUJV. orJrnmfor *r.ioýatiuuing advertisemente; muet ho ila «ritiflg, otborwise the publieli- ere %vill ut hor.-spouBible. A [iberai liscouit for oontract advere.iso- monts b>' the yeàr. Copy fur changes of .-'outra,' f.1 vartisee6fts should be handed inucUt tatdr bh.in W 3dueadty ; and notioe of f.îreidedt changes ebould ho given befnr "17Q,4 lay noon. Other advertjse. m»outs re3ooiivi3d rp Lo Thursday noon. B igineOFs u>tit'es in 1o0&1 Or news coirimna Pive ounts Per lino wookly. Locale, 10 ots. par lino wokly. ()J rre,;pu.irifl solicited from ail parte of the Oourty or noighhoring townships. Oorrosp-mdents are roquesLîed to Rend in their cooiiinieuatiôfle as promptly as possible, HâENDERSON & GRAHAM, JOHN STANTON, Poreos Sup't Meuh anical Dep't. Ceal. 3011N E. FAREWELL, LL.B., BA. RISTER, County Crowxi Attorney, ,and County Soicitor. (JUffoe,- South Iwýng,'court' Haue!-mWhitby -t8 JAMES RUTLED4GE, B )RRISTER, &o. 0Offceformerlyoc-. 1)on pied by Farewell & 1htedge, neit o Royal flotel, Brook St.,Whîtby. DAVID> ORMISTON, B.A., ATTORNE'T.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR M~ ACbancery, Convoyancer, &o. Ovrîc-tu the Ofice South of the post Office, ini MoMillaiî's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. Iy-1u G. YOUNG SMITIl, L L. B., &IRrSTBR, &o., &.-Money to Loan B lesuer ni arriage Licenses. Oprzoa-Smîth'aBWpk, south of Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan, ~ 88 (tf-6 JOHN HALL DOW, B ARRISTER-AT-LAW. SOLI01TOR iu Chancery, Conveyancer,.&c. Qffice-DeveriUWs Block. Brook Street, whitby. MONEY TO LEN4D-Fnivate Funda,- an sume up te $8000, at a low rate of in- oest. ('y-52 LYMAN 'ENGLISII, L L. B., BARRISTER &T LAW,0 SOLICITOR IN -ohaincery,Oo1ivoyafleer,&c.,&o. Sin. 000 Street, Oshawa. P. (.êRDON mELDRU315 physicisu, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Offioe boum,-8 to 10 a. mn., 2 to 4 and io 9 p tu. i lu10. 8, tEE Il'TB R&OB," BYVRON-ST., ET md Or (>1 rOburobeu, Villas aCI Oot- ilty. Dra4iings preparod for risting structures. rot fiat over Howse'u Drug P. O. BOX 202, WHfITBT. B SLEIGHS! ,d repair, for sale, Cheap. F. HOWARD ANNE8. 5th, '88. Une o! ROYal Mail TEA MSHIPS. INTER SERVICE. 1888. 'en HALIFAX stnd LIVER- ortuightly, via MUVlLLký. SAILING DATES. Vancouiver. Saemia ........... Oregon ........... Vancouver. Saia........... Oregon...... -Frorn Baltimore Mar. 27th. Ap l Oth. . 9 14th. From Halifax Mar. 81-t. AP'l 14th. 612tb. BATES OP' PASSAGE. Cabin Rates frQm Baltimore cx Halifax, #W, #60, 465 and $756 accord îng te position of btattrouom, wîtb t-qual saloon privileges. DAVID T ERANCE & CO., 161ora Agents, Montroal. E. STZ'BENSflN, Telegraph Office, Local Agent. Wbitby Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW WINTEii ARRANGEMENTS. DATES 0F SAILINOS. Fmom Halifax. Circassian................. 2th Feb. Sarmatian.... .... ......... lh Mar. polynebiau ..... ............ 124th i Cîrcsera............... 7h Ap'l. Sarmatitn....... ...........2st" Noue of the above bte&mors carrycati), sbeep or pigs. VOL. XXXII. Whitbp QlIroufick? Established .1856. neLead1nq Week1l lu Ontario tounty1 RATES 0F PAqSAGE FROMq WHITBY to Liverpool or Londonderry via Portland. Cabin, $61-10, $76. 10 and $8610, accord- ing to posi ion of stateroom. Intermodiate #38. 40. Steeage $28.40. Whitby to Liverpool or Lôndonderry via Halifax. Cabin, 8Q 85, 877-36, $87.35, ao- cordingto position of tateroom. Intermediate, $38 40. Steerage, 82Q.40. Interm ed iaté passeigors bcoked to or from Glasgow itame rate as Liverpool. Steerage passengere booked te or from Glasgow, Belfast, Queenstown, or London, same rate as Liverpool. Bristol and Cardiff $210 Oextra Paseengers and thoir baggage are put on board the Ocean Steamships free o1 &il ex- pense. The Iast train connecting with these steamers passes Whitby 8:.10 Tbursday morning. Parties sending foi their friends in the. Old Country eau obtain PREPAID PAS- SAGE CERTIFICATES at loweut rates. For Tickets and ail other information, spply to W. A. Yule, Agent, E>prées Office, BROOK ST., WHITBY. TWO SCHOLA RBIIPS. LETTERSS Vatt's Glycerino JoIIy Of Violets, iInvaluable Preparation forth Skin FOR SALE BY qi Ri !OW SZ An WI~ITRY- rooth B rushes, Hair B rushes, Combs, 0Per/'umes,1 r00flh Soaps, Ind ail other Articles necessary to the Toilet, are kept in goo4 W. R. HOWSE, Chemist and Driiggist, Whitby. THORLEY Horse & Cattie F001?D r ienl plants t .dea Of siokneeu , w-.u'ga reei g4ress Roode in>»l tbe fashion. a attrn4and shades also spring i e, otidudesshlntings ste., ai abis piioe ai Warren'@. John MoPhereon bas been very for some time, Albert Arnold le '-eighlyimpi'ovod and Fred Us mnoh botter. l -Bey. J. A. Oarmichael siarts eu vy-on a tmnp te Manitoba. He will, b ne about two months. Hie pul. p il b. filled during bis absence by 1 ministere. Ho bas hadl no vaca- t r tvo years and bai workéd very h we therefore hope ho will onjoy t hange, he cortaiply muob de- Baptiste closed their speoiai go laët Sunday evening. TheI proved entirely to omaîl te con. t ~ 1l Wo sought au entrauce. The st vas intense. Tb.eze were Byve ns baptized at the liai ým,9ting, ig hetween iwonty anld thirty oesduringthoeorie.Many Who have been blepsed ihreugb t .4pelleffort viii doubtlesse soon f wtics. Who bave tlugi pnblbcly owledged Christ. Musical casa in beinu condueted bkWeek, in the. masonie bail, by the - meeteempany of Toronto. gve & frot oncert ou Saturday and by cauvaeing the audiocce concerâathe-rud. iesofriayuigbà aioor whch ii. ppilh ul on Fil lu it programme, Tempenanse bas had s grand revival bae. cf lotaiote work doue by tii. "Emprald Team" Mesurs. Seib and Iredale of Hsmilton. Tolirty- seven nov members have b*en ilitit- ed lu the B. T. cf T'a ouncil sud aiboni filteen more have ishen the obligation "ad are vaitlng -for thée goal, te get rested. W. have nov a moember ship of outaioderably -over a hundred wMiblé belng îlucreaste sai eei- lug. The neit meeting cf sooti Ad asse- clatiqu Seti ýOntario, val i. eeld lu lov ldl Broin, ou te se"ar e reepetfu»ýy lnvlted to atieud. The fehlowlug vas paest ai 1mai meting town. of Wbltby Morci lSb. The 8ottaot auoolation cf South -Onturie texpress ltoir gace, griefat of &bmm lIEsn 1888.- us 1 lte , that uberéue to.b. a public e2am iQ& ion, the ohol bougée-on thé- afternoou of Wedaeiday tbe. 28th lit. -Ail liý"eid &ré heariily inviied to *meeting of the directoire of upring fafrt- hoard ,w.. held 1ou i he lOth a4. ~êi il vas docidea fthat the annuel lau buudip plae iis earon'the. 24uu-,ie- Ho .urzeIiêS wa IBO, for iiiÈ boit J.érsoy bull. Mr. Spence having probsed from Thos.'Grabam Es q ithe houëe recent- ly occupied by Mr.. Oldfielà, i. now waiting for -mitable weatber in ordor to make a meve. 'e< nderstand that ,Mr. Donald Chrimtie has rented a farliu iu Brook, and i. aiready on' the move tbere. As oould well be expected evorything, papsed off succese'fnlly 'ai the paýrler social of gre-.Thompeoeue. The weaither being e very rough on Weduesday evening ibe'15-b. Aneiher social was È-eid on Monday evening. bothbebing welI attpndeil, Proceede l il amoant- ing to $22-10. Mr. Michael Carey aud wite, who have been rer-idents cf this vllage for naore thian forty ysare, left for Toronto on their way to S&. Paul, Minnesota last Tharrday. Mns. John Mitchell of Toronto, bas been visiting ber father Mr. Broddy. Mr. Geo. W. Gibmo ehlct a secesfa sale et faronestock last Thursdsy. Re intende to move te Manàitoha. Mrs. S. Hoist returned home from Toronto lat week wbere she bad been visîing fionde for soe two weeks. Mr. Liddy "as on thi.e iek lot for nearly two vieoke but was wvelieuoutb lait Sunday moroiug te flîl bis appowýt- Iment in ibis place. ibo. shop for au Joce bousie, gottmmg hie: &ont Abbie Hnbbeli aud lire. C) s bey, are usoally esileid are (both dewu j'jck aitheir home ai Mr. Lester Mr. Seemon the nigbi oporator st the C. P. R. station ber. bas been transfennod te Sharbot Lake Lnd a son of M. MoTaggurtef thie placo 'takese the place cf Mn. . Suces Will. liMra. David Wellé 1.i bore' lait Baturday te attend the funeral of ber brother 1fr.:John Iaur of Orillia and the mothpr cf thé deooasod tmiiaing tlo train st Wbitby on Saturday- staid bord Thé nnulG Nveton te these Thea oeua y viii b of t h tby son Thuray su Fiduy thld-i. t nd Sît-b.o OTob b on Mn W. Fid&, heuston ariamnt-ýo ar boln vMriW.ddzestnipi. eac"rs ,,David Orm"'-ton,Es.B A. bas ltl vnamant t e Libramy e t tii elgit - NO. 15. * Town LocaI~ BzEt. brbr o d*nuU'l ai25s W. G. Wa1iero. IV you vatt a blaok o-f~~ ed finit, P 'ringle's le ie pl~iq b sit htw é 'uio b Pr"le' d lieu Ito.. l~the -ét 7place t é corsets, Miss Klosêey"r: ofoouéi'atl? Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great 'Oermdan iHair Magie' for balduose, gray-hairi il: for sale by ail druggist. NËw .tock of lace -outains.in u cafés, ore»s mand, whiip ai lowst preu.. G. Walt.rs. *The. Royal nofel- Barber abehop. le place to gel a bair ont or a nice m GeeD serviceablepints ai 5. Oc.àÉo. 10. and 12J cents. fast-,olore,aiW Wreroom, the Thursday beIore mad Saiurday following good b'riday., TPhe latest tyles lu moniti and youths' bard aud sofi hatf ai very. loW ,p L >s. W. G. Wsltere. POWELL & . h ave exceMod- them"-Y *elvees in mii"e ygoode for ibl iseii- ALL are invited the i.gran& puFmy of lonnets, hais,. rîbbons, fiewti'"; fesuhors etC.., le o ebown ai Powell' . -oe's. on Thursdiy a Saturdat te 29thand Bisi insi. - Tnz Sootohmen cf 4ehbnrn mnd. psying -lb. Scotch club of Lie ioôwn a& viit on M onds;y4 eveulng lnei heu no oean oHmemoniegrevlved. *'HIBNs" egis for hatobing, pure bre, Blak-Spanih, Whié, Leghons and, offloeWhtby. - Rail hbr tursday Kre!éýb 2 15, 25 md 85e. This. 0.i I oe cf the- etrougest on the 1 ne doubt ho bouse wlIl be Thy carry ispecial éeeri parapiieroali. beau pleù-l thie tower fI ehnrch, Port- Wiitby#, thsRit lime fatber W iIiag'bW arren, veaus an affeer' f -Het .eobstoma boe. eýThouàb someuè sdi n by the co o e ifthe> poal' cf ie bell lé cloe , lu'.In ihe bell àro the icolhowing w memory cf àMn. Wariea by - Warren. Be helnq dééd i>ret ploaood7 Wit hthé gif. ,Thai ie le a prouper.tson u dayn ou@ ih liti cttiehi 1 &y ,à,tnaAstsi -li lots to suit purchasers W. IR. HOWSE) Agmitfor Wkitbyg. WHITBY. W. bave for sBqe a ofc8i4shol- M.C * W O V1 arehlipe of Torebto Businessi College, and c. RAWrOR H, shallédispose ef them to sny persen wheo Hanidli wishes to attend thai institution. It le a O Q 8UBGEON. îcod opporvtunity f -r twe ynuang mnen wbo ERINÂBYwish in polivb up their knoýwedge of bu.ll. - nees methodu. Appiy ai the uste cf lie Ontario Veteriarycl. Nv.187!OI1c.uofie lnge, Toronto. NV h 8'aiCOfie.d dons by mail Or telegraph premptly EXCU 0 'NOIE nanad te. EiCT te treside'niceOf G. L'yrIeoppositeW TIE Boitart's, Dundas etyoot, Wblîby. Notice îis 11býnl __________________ Sec. 84, CW ma" R~ n9 ta~t c EBE~T R OS. O~~4~s v l i"lt usi James 1uray R sw b A heTowvuofWbitbyr, mne uâ (r~fY and SALE 8STABLESý, "1 amdl vtiel-i thrlSdM dO - or beforetii. 1Oth day of &prit;l, 8,an~d bi~ôo a'r;ET, HITB! ithsti ufier that datis the sinseutoMrs01théii _ lu iali udtestaupeniof the sala deceespd I ig ma oo lion«sel 'Per TO wi liproceed te dletibiitethe u"nes. o*-tuae - I ibis. uM4d eate mog thuii e n itIeà baro-"- 1to tL o im o ~bhhU 't t. And v*bile 1 *1 Làamps! pging L-a 'j CHEMiST and DRUGGI8T MARO]1 2q -.4-

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