Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1888, p. 2

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adItem. -ln" utzhcs Pri4ytfer o hengins of the Lîokf*ld traln, i*bilè-1rcsbioq Bt arB i rate îhroaigb Auburn, etruck a oow whioh vas on the lraok Bnd lossed ber a long dielace, breaking two of her loes a'd'doing other serious injuries. The animalb hd tobeb.killed. Acting Ohief Adams lu after a number of Parsons Who hav" reeenély dumped "aight soit" ini Spaulding'e Bay and on the ibadide nemi tb. driving park. Thêir UBIROS bave been ascertained and they wifl ppeBr in the police court neit we.k 10 Bnswer for it.. The police are determined, if possible, t10 prevenl B te- ourrence of the DusiBUoS. Ifr. James Wallon. of Smith, on gaturdBy bad in harnese for the firet lime B yearling colt tbat stands nearly 16 bande high. It wam extremly docile and drove wisbout any trouble. It je a rare tbing soobreak in a col% so young, but this borsesbeing so large (il jsesaid tobeb.ibe l«rgest herae in Smith) -it vas used s an experiment. If tbe colt con. -iues ho grow il will be an abnormally large bores. *Baobelors Who have a real regard ami "tante for their shate of singi., bleu. ednées are eBrefol to give the Grand Conlr'al"otol a wide birth. It ie a mfatl4r of comment among the many inm&ýés at tb. botel, Ibal since Janu- *ary lit no beas than nine of tbe bachelor boarders bave beer. marred-and pro- speots are said te be favorable for others to follow suit. Tbey bave beau îreated tb go msny home coinforte, Ibaltbey are doubtless anxious te try thie ex perimeul o! bonsekeepiflg under a manager of their owo election. A youog man named Benjamin Jinke, an employe of the Auburn Wooleu Go., tell dowu the elevator ebaît et the mille Friday afternoon. Rle was uoloadin« the elevator of wool in tbe fourth eîorey and b.d «oue a ebort distance sway witb an arinful. wben in bis absence the elevator wae lowered te the bottoin sbory. Unawere of tbis h. returned and aoidentally foui down the obaft, a distance cf 60 or 70 feet. Strauge to gay bis ouly inuries e e. wo fractures of bis left arm. It je a wouder be v s not killed. Dr. Eallida3 je attending the sufferer. Ev#,ry day confirmes tbe faot that il vas* swlndle out and ont. The bank holdè lb. car of iron and the men frein whqm il was bougbl are pbiloeopbically reeigninit themAelves bo the inevitable, aud entering tbe acnounte for wbich tb.y vere "Idoue" in tbeir profit and los@.acooî. Lut wek Acting Chiel Adams .wrote to about a dozen towne and cities onquirin« of tb. identity of lb. two men Wbo bail condocted lbe swiudls, andl Wedneaday b. received a reply from Chief MoKionoDI of Bamil. ton, tb the eff,30t that the mDen namued (Who wben bers reui@tered nItb. botle as El. Web ber andl M. Cuben) were issidents 6f that cite'and w#-ré probab- ly Ithere uow. The law provides for no redreas in a case of Ibtis k iud, and so tbe Peterborough men are obligeil tc lo---ei poprt"wtbno opportunitv th. humbanti and vif. soeemed 10vif vith'oeh other iu cruelty vorlhy a th. days cf slaveuy. il camne out ih evidence that wben getting in the ha] lust season Mr. Timlick knooked thb boy oft th. load, sîrok bim on th. fact vheu on the «round, blaokeniug hi oye. aud brnising bis noteseuantip. A anoîber lime he was seen 10 kick hini andt taened 10 tbrash hum «lil blooti ran down bis boul.. At anotho limne vben*in the voode hoe sîrnk biu onulb. heati wilb al1arge stick or potý iu one of bis passions. Un. Timhicl -boat him-so unmeroifally witb a whil Ibal tbep~erson wbose bouts ho won tofor protection beit he lhoughl h wùnld dis. Allhough by tbe zunie.c th~e -ifome: Mr. Tîmtiok ooulti have re $urued th. boy ai auy time on a mol àIellw, h. madie no oucuplakni uni 6, 4,h fnl rialSudathé' b.hool ~$~au pthebo'.gond sharsesi Ib1tters#tsliug tha$Thos. TiogiU ha "Mitoed tc him thal Edurardis vass 0boy, bail helpi Mm la witlîhih %: urvest aendl sved a ManWS vag.l omie& by Dr. E&s woo4, etU Whit'Oy, ant-i opist by 1Mr. John, Woou,, vas balydestroyed byfi» ný.W.t i"dY" naiglasI. ThWe w»e asduscoyrus abaut tul)Q lo- a. u iithé upper @toy e the building by lb. lamat..-of lb. Eo~al, fWbich was eti laý býj*j allgoIiand *quai- ing lspWsAed by- s. lLXahlr l bis tousiupov1 by '~ûa~ of tbhe un*u*¶ 1,smVéira by ~. tb. HOUIà. This lady vas on hef way ho Obleoo, 10meet hsr bnsband. 8h. had an tInfant ith'lier, and &Out-Je. eveningt, tbe ha t b~~.keigvotoh stopped i tOilÏw, t à ê i w.te n put up aCthlb. OommeiiL. h M, meut of lb. baby's clothing in the firei besides a quantity of ber owu, heurail. way, ticket t hoOiàog, aci au, ber money, sud ws teft pennfless. vithout an acquýintaace lu bo*n'vITo ëM *o matters worsei aflr thé firs, MMr. Allin pu t Up aI tbe Oshawa louse, and wbile ah breakfast tbers, soins uninercilul wretch obole her fur jacket. Her vants were lookedtia er by the oiiseus, ana (qee assent tb ber detintion.-ý Reformer. Wbat o! the large addition Ito Stur- «sou Point hehel so mncb tatked o! Iass fait. Mr. W. Wallons and a gang of mn teft last week for Bosedate le resume thpoinb saso GIb0 t ei 100Mpastovê mente wlviR aIaÃ"b4ptb uàder waY- Mu. Wm. bMeBUrue7p tb. vellý-Imtu contracter, last Tbursday hati a àtb fainting opell, vitb numbuosesin lb. riRbt arm ; but under the cste o! Du. Buruowa h. is nov about ail rigbt again. Port Ilope is lu a etahe o!ferment over ils cbief coustable. The council resolved le diepeno. vitb tb. services o! Chief Dongzlase, wben tb. peoiple rose up in rebellion et a public meeting and by peitions, andthle.ceuncil bave finally decidedti l take a ballet on 1h. question next Moud sy. Poi~t Hope le a lîvely place vben she gela "trest rons- ed.ti Building operatiene have madie au early staul lu towu. Alresdy two nsv beuses are in conuseof construction in the soubb yard, sonîli e! Olenelg-ab. east, anti more are to, follov. This is a section o! the towu thal will undoubted- ly boom during the oeming suimmer. The location lu a desirabte one, anti tbere are numerous lgible building lobs offsu.d for sale cbeap. Tuesday svening Mrt. James Irvin, employae 1 aI Hamilton's carniage vorks, was lu the voodwoukiog uhop anti attemptedt t rip a piece o! boardti il the buzz-saw. Wbils doiug 50 b. in- cautionsly kept bis band upon the board s moment tee long anti it came in contact vitb tbhe aw. laking off a portion of tbe fig-et joint from tbhetliumb o! the left baud andthIe tp o! ou. of tb. finigen...On Wednesday, about noon, Mu. Wcn. Tomnpkins, vbe runa tb. buzzplane lu tl. saine ,stablisb- ment, also met wibb au aceident under somewbat similar circumstaucei, anti baid the miefortuns te loue entirely the fluet joint frein tb. tbnmb o! bis left baud. Il vill b. severat veeks before either o! the minu yl bable tle work hgari. For seversi timys Ibis week towo En. gineeor John Makins bail been noticeti @pondingg pnsiderable o! bis precions tims lu the immediate vicinily ef Britbo's corner, anti ruiner vaxot busy. Maltera culminateti Tuesday aflernoon, vben a lssty barricade vas foundt 10bave bean Ihuovu up at lb. corner-tu tact at the lydraul. Thon tb story vent abroadt Ial Ibis action vas baken sasa maureof defene againsl n ai t variconcillorl, anti people'@ bauds vent, up, but vas short- ty afteuvartis heldtti b. ou.iuabts vben a vorkinan u icik anti shovet startedt 10dig dovn 11h.ne aslnc e! lb. ,b ytirant, vbicb vas foundt bhave1boesu broken by the action o! the frost, can> ing ilte leak. The aforesait barricade vasb$meaut 10 shiel t he vorkmn.n frouý ,the florce noz'-veser then provsiing. The Vork o!ftiigging dova b lbheoas- ing vas a diffloult eus, the frost having punelrasd te a depth o! four »ant We had a meine lieue on -Monday, snti alhhongh lt haplýple vas uot funt, thon vas s arge number ô! People pussent who amilet quit. freelp. The Police Maglurat. vas tIbesudt, by generalcosuaedachian andte .manner la vhlclih. ormuteredt bis deoielous on lb.ecaes brought be- fors hlm vas quit. rankis. Che ",boys" luled t eaeve a Webb about tb. Mansion flouebut ver. nue sfl The, wituessecoutl not bo' inuduceto, a"IS l. a of Ihbe lhlug ; sud1 te utie tbomaléin dat4itsly the long Jest CbanIieBntoo 'bt .tn t __»d svor. tbat ho ý kp4t. ithla n,%~sf euet o e- .Miost eênt.mptbblêM*i"Y o! lbé proeoUtiloeusvhich ha*e 7y .- besu inaitUe~Chargée -b.d ,béeen ld aislMr. lThos. st "h >lb. stiu osrcbaul o! Gopti v ,,andtifle. Hipains anti la. Tod44 Itotelkeeper inii lb ai ilsge. A loUnet lof mil. nesses ver. sied, -some of vhom !Fee [teniberso! ièmaperauo vs*le and Wvée iiialt Md 1 &profreelou 8nIIth -wA#au~f eti lin ope after wich1thelfio the.u srm hobe ouLltib. andti bs hle th.e' ensàlbSé beanicu qf lt.e.&ir, b avê-, theghb.dlIs.feut so l offiLqeu migbt have been made tremely, colti - vea«th9bol*IMb bale been favoret. as-Bt ssane Dewhurst once, mors app the Manslon Hoiqss sud arresi on a charge ef viotating the 8., th. warrant on whib lchob. adi datedl the previens Tu.eda&y. quilens constable oooly inforlâ, that if be voutt anti dhini aMount ho vonîti probably b.' cenvicted h. would b. alloweti bis liberby. Whoeve-pnî auah mbt the beati cf the foolish serves a modal, for a moir of. As matterte ea oerz b vaa obligedt tepub Uip -8110, tIlsamorit o! a fins anti coats, lu order 10 sthy nul of tb. teck-up on Snnday, antion Mon- dav, alter .11, the cage vas duenuissei for vent cf evidence 10 enetan the charg.-Times. .«Wbat Ding Win soeur The ihu Wioked Macbeth, wbo murdered gooti deupair. Thousandsofo!viotimeofo! issas. are a«king "What will soeur the impurittes f ronmv blooti anti bring me bealth"? Dr. Pleroes Golden Medical Disicovery vi» 4o il. Wben tb. purple lite-lide in etugglsh. causing drowese, headmche anti tots of appetite, use Ibis vonderful vitalizeuvhleh never faits. Il f %oes the laver iute perfect action, drives ont superfinous bise, brings lb. glow of healîli ote coheek andtihle naturel sparkle te tbe oye. Ail druglst. Services iun memory of the deati Emperor mers held inlutbe German Lutheran Obuocb aI NewirHamburg veuserday. Km Bfftz Ad To The Point. Dysppsia rteireatiful. Disorderet i tier iu rnisry. Indigestion inl a fo. te goot nature. The buman digestive apperatus inuoeaos the mout complicateti and wonderful things in existence. Il iu easil yput eut of erder. Grcasy foot, bougb !oo, aoppy food, bat coohery, mental morry, lte houri, irregular hatita, and zmany o bar things which ou«ht net te b., bave madtie . merican .pople a nation o! dyspeptace. But Green's Augalot 1lower lias don. a wonderful work in reformning Ibis sad business anti making the A merican people uo healthy that tbey eau enjoy their meite andi b. happy. Remember :-No bappineas mithent health. But Grecn's August Floçrer bdings bealîli anti bapplueus te dyspeptic Ask your droggîrl for.-a battIs.ý cents. PanaIt, who amsultet an olt man namet MeQuilIaa u nHailton a weck ago, bas bean commtted fou trial. Nova Soo"laNew&s "IlI bd Sorofuta on my neok very baid for two year, bail trieti att romedies anti doctots, bul diti net gel any help util I got a boIttee!fyeur Buuteck Blond Bittera wbich ored me oe t I ntirely."I James Cochrane, Fox River Combrlau Co., 14. B. Nevtüm, lhe murtierer of loge, lia been unlsnced at Winnipeg 10t bang on April CONSUMPTION CURED. havlng bail ptaed bis banda b y au Bail Inail miaaloaay lb. formula of a simple regetble uemiýy for lbe sp.eiy as4peu muent cuO onsomption,&noi Oatanuh. Ag mulli *luanti ilIroal MdLuné 1er N4ervosDb&* t n" au'enco m - ourative povers l bemunh e...., bas 1.11 Il bie dtint 10make Il kàovaIi bis sufeul t eove Acbutei l ita,]MO, 1 an a dsre eler hu. Uat uleg, I seat l ale y lbhp nama~,h1s rW. A. lIfesie;POis. Brasbu Wlmuexpounil cunuem 9a unien to a'!wlnnipeg and ic s r To &H wvii. ar ýsuf n t baee"fors an Y"»Y IndscrtIo s et hnaroodv~I le . for ff I isWorms, givu sleep a rbmdi knoWataime" H.]L AEOEEucm, M. D., luao.oztoff 81e4Brocklyn, I. . muteseIoUu -Tn CENTàuR Coxpmm', 77 MurrayStreet, N. Y ARCADE, TORONTO" A Bchool Thoroughly Bquipped for Business Tra.ining. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, SHORTHAND AND TYPE-WRITING PRACTICALLY TAUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN. CANADA. Seud for Circular. Address. A Positive Cure& C. O'DEA, Secret ary. A Painlees Cure. FÂCTS ]FOR KEN 0F-ALL GES. M "M- V O1S ,zI~IO2~o- S, THE GREAET II&tMTH RE.YrEIIER, Marvel cf IteaIing, and Kohinoor of Miedicies. the terrible consequenees oflEndlseretieim, _______________ xpmu5r and Overwork. Who are broken Jown frein the affects of ,buse will find in No. 8 a radical éture for nervenb debiiity, organic we4Lkness, involuntary vital losses. etc. BYMProxa FOR wl-mCH No. 8 SnOU'-." BIG tTSE.-Want of energy, vertige. ment of purpose, dîmnees of sight, weersion te eociety, went cf confidence. avoidance ef conversation. desire for solituda, listleseness ad inability te fix the attention on e particular subject. cowardice, depresaxon ef spiritâ, giddinesa, loeq f etm ry, excitability ef teiuper. sper znatiorrhoea, or las et the semninal fluid-the resuit o!f self-abuse or marital excess-impo- tency, innutritien, ernaclation, barrenness, palpitation of the he.art, hyseric feeling-. iu temales, treiabling. mnelatichoiv, disturbiug draa etc.. are tLIl symptome of this terrible habit. ettentimneliocencly acquired. In short. the. spring of vital force baving lest its tension, . very fuuction manes linseunc.Scientiflo irritersana.d the supernuen dents of iusti;ue asylrni unite in siscril>ing te the effects of self-abuse the- grent majority ef wasted taire-i wbich cosne under thij notice. If you are incotupetent for tie ardueus dutica of businesni incapacltated for thceujoyment, et lite, No. 8 offers an eiicapc frein tb. effeels of earty vice, If yen are advanced in years, Ne. 8 mil give yen full vleor aud e trengtb. If You are broken dowm, .physeally and merally frein earýly indiscretien, tbre resuit et ignorance and tollv, send your address andi 10 ceuts lu stamps fer M. V. LuBoN'a Treatism iinLlonk Fortn on Diseases ot Man. Sealed and secure frein observation.ý ÂddrAert al ce-xnmr4icatlons toeM. V. LUBOW, 47 WellingtonI St- E&, Toronto- A Man vwitliaut w.sdon lives ie a feoo's paradis.. CURES CUARANTEMD HEAI. THE SICK. APermanent Cure. z o E-' + A Pleasant Curez. H Q e 1i7hPatent' Fire-Bo3x is revo ltitoniz-. (oking *ith coal. It ýeeps fire ailngtisdrbe ~~ytoéo iaan onicaL. 004L or 00 maur IL AZW le, thei stwnA r,tive, or puig give the moat t mauuac-tu:cd y The BartnioRth Rn~op SUPERIOR TO --AI SIIOULD -USE NO 10OTHIE! cARm 'bae, 14 TEONT saltfons-fl ~~tf dérangemnts OfthéiIstom Pyelle ve e geat B varily e ie May truthfully te said that their action the systenis a unIertilont a gland or esc3apin their :un ie lO iutunce. 8& dr -oenl, v8LMnufactured Ch coi La Ã" ~ f WommaDISPIR mC,»IAL m=o ,, BUW09N. Y. la oifered by the manuf ers ef Or. SagoyBala Ue-medy, f1or a Ca Chronte NoauaiCatarrh, heAvy - beedache, obstruction of the pasags.disohargesfallng froni the nothe tbreat ,Somet e rfuse, "w and acrid, et others, thlck, tenaclous, mi purulent, bloody aud putrld; the ey weak, watery, and Iuflamed; there le r ln the cars, deafuesa, hacklng or cough clear the throat, expectoration of off matter, togethor with acabae rm u1oeî voice la changed, and bas a nasal twaný breath la offensive; amel and taste, a palred; there is a. sensattion of dizzines mental depression, a backlng cough au eral debillty. OnIy a few of the above- symptoms are likely te be prescrtitnlua case. Thousanda of cases annually, % manlfesong halt of the above symptoe suit In consumption. and end lu the No disease la sa commen. more decepti dangerouus, or les8,understod 4-physi BylUS mid, soothlpg, and beang proi Dr gage's Caarrh Remedcures the cases ef (Jatarrh 6"cola. l the l Coryz and aZarrhtll Headaci Sody druggista evetywhere; 0e "Uuitold Agony front Catar Prof. W. HÂusiE, the famous- mes ot0hctNYwrites -."Seome ten ye IU uietdutdagony frinmchronix catarrh. My taunfly phyèlclau gave mE incurableansoaid 1 muat die. My c such a bsa one, that every day towrar Set, my voice would beoom olom barely speak aboyea awhlsper. lu the ma my coughlng sud elearing of my- throal almost strangle me., By'-the use ef Dr, Catarrh Remcdy, lu tbree menths, Iwai man, and the cure has been permaueutL "Constantly IIawking antI Spiti THsOMAS J. RUeRMo, Esq.ý, S902Pine St,- LouiB, Mo., irites: " I was a gr-eat E from catarrh for three years. At times hardly breathe,. and was conatautly hu and spittiug, and for the last elghti could not .breathe- tbreugh the nost thougt nothbing could be done forme. fly, 1 was advised to, try Dr. Sage'a Remedy, sud 1 arn now awell mani. I It te be the only sure remedy for cster mnfred suad one bas only to gil fair trial te experieutce astondig resi a permanent cure." TUiree Bottles (lure Caitaffi Bu RoBunqs, Runian P. O0. Colosm P~Lsoya "Myd*0gtàr bwO iat -obe vuMf a esraalu 8age's Catarrh RemcilyZacvertlea cured a bottie fer br, a.nd.-oon a belped ber;4 a thid otte effected a iient cure. She ie noir eighteen yeax qouud sud beatty." repreBeG. [8o0 the - i - Y 1 ý,L i Colo.'Brien ba. Mn4e, f -tiej '88 Wi Sîayner Mothodi icuproves tbeir chut r op. ~ Chas. Sarow, a More boy, slarted'o lasI week. tiv 4Wesley Hurut lingoewod S. A.. andJ $10 for bit; fiue. A by-aw to rai64 improveoenftf 18 M Penelang foli. -Six cor.le of foui honte is the recor Aberumarle towneb A Royal Tempi fleuw, lodge of 37 m@mbý 1 t ed at be E Holnt upe $55 were etolen tISIlIJohn Kelly's "1brei atlhsà* ene night last Wei Cutting f«d foi *J S . Rullingebes doing When'he loi SA vicions bull i Um hie owner and ais tactur. eesent ho kilt m Ot Mr.-W. Rid, o WhlL* i yeare, had a rib t eeverely iujured b hey, Mrs. Sajohn, o ucou first femalle juin S tentiary, and ebé and d. à concert for S ig; tbe poBed. Wby iei lm Im mente for relievii id gen.. place at the rear namie4 Bradford Siiiv Vithoioutaid e D. Co] ms te. Danîpl laid ungo g - &The magistrale Ive Md* cianA Maui bas 'pe',money taa char eadF alwaye elept dus be'wa alst awe] BntLlie ougbt te psy An Ailse Crai merf*, topher C!2sick w e e~ for non paymen eUWB He bslost is ,de sui. int the jil1 on1 I couliA Rothburu 1 îwo , vantaze of the j be getting a Pa - - is.S)e i8 fâri k% girl, Wb*ouly1 nugi* calice for ber. h Sfroê.A î lle ten-yý sfféer boMJ. Foîbh ill, ,awk D e taid f'lly m o n e . - d r brus. iSaturday lest t LCata. î umbling rodc : bëevefe&rWdshe May Thnoy ~ Mr. Pote Me ute a O~. lub, maode tb - ~ ont of ia'poosibl atlOOý)and 200 biaO,1 ael barn .1 a sait& Nrve'meketý e14 oed ef -I&W great capaoitj elechrie fire al lie.coxupanie anti lua-1 -%or coi + - Painiess Curez

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