Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1888, p. 3

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C3ol. 0'Brien has decdliied t.om~ th 0 SU!@0flded in, dreging hiui-' wàînd of-thO '88 Wim~bledonl tesm. s55Iwf5eIrQI Iia frton8sdea boardea ot syner bM.,tho'tipts trê yearang to l. tsa, Tablau1t1> esr.J. . improve tbeir chturob $1000 wortb. G9epe52 1 3 awo,~en Cha. cass~, &12ye~r îc Or~.unal.tepari witb h &ca.ooph~ more boy, started atone fur Manitol-t hlm, theë former to Uibridge mnd.lbe gi aset week. latter. to Toronto.ý Mi.- -Gilespie on Wesley Horst raised Oai.IDin, the CiLni rriving at Ubrldie proceedea t& t- jjnewootd S. A. sud afterwards raieed Mayor Oard'è office andswnre ouitaW b $10 for Ye fne, warrant ehrging MoOtîtoeeon with e A. by-law to ra.ise $10,000 for harbor ftaud, and a teleRraoe'WaSs ent tD the V improveflleftlt i abe submitted blb bifofPotehoone eareb c Potan olk@. Crteheon on bis arriviUl, whieh wae SiPe l o orfewo netang secoompli.thed by Deteotive Blemin and Six orteof fur eet OOiI~ ~ the prisofler wae Iodged in No. 2 station. houre le the record of John Bydeil, Whilsaal Ibis was oin6on in Toronto -Abertmarle town8bip. and Uxbridge bis many oreditore her@ A Boyal Tomuplare of Teqiperance, weie weeping over bie departure, and lodge of 87 memboe bat; been organilZ* we venture 10 Bay Ibat if McCutcheoD ed ai îjbe Holland Landiug. bad beard the lamentations of smre of $55 were etolen from the pochete of them lie would muoet certainly have r.-i John Kelly'e "breeke" in a Milton hotel pented and paid their sccounte in full.1 one night last week. On Friday oeorfliDg the prisoner was Cutting foed for bis hors. was wbat brouRht from Toronto te Uxbriîlge J. IleL UlliuRgsead, of Newnarketwa8§ where bis trial was to bave takeui place,. di ng W1 be lo bis finger end. and< was met there by Mesers. J. Sbvrpe, Il bU inEremsâ, orstd & Dobson, S. H. Glase9ford, Squire à, A.Vicius bl uEeoa ose Gillempie, J. Gillestpis4, 0. Brandon, J. isi owner and also two butobers wbo Mareshall and Miss MoBain. Afttr an wAre sent to kilI it. It Wti5 finally interview bad taken place betweefl the ehoet. above naned parties aud the prisofler, Mr. W. R-id, of Garafraia, aged 80 Mrs. MoOutoben banded over tb years, hati a rib brok-en and an arIn M-aere. Sharpe, Dabson and GlBseford teeveroly injured by being oosed by a 8595 to b. divided arnong th. oreditore 00W. wbo were pre@eint, wbich tbey in u m -.Mr@. S-tjolin, of Maxwell, was tbe handed to Mr. Chappelle, solicitor, wbo -firsît enae ijumte of Duniialk's peini. divided the mone-y, aud the case againet tenîiary, sud as was run for being d. thi pri@ionAr was droppêd. The amount Rubsia, iutetrne Petert" pampt itisln Noti t0 havý @tore. litai Wb Bijni Peb. 26, je. olSuI 4riïibtI t *nemix -j- - - 'ýZ , . ge uafamtfMr tho fatnl.&tt!-m~wti eâ6a e*smi~ I . artkisiof uitharhlf~~é roppf a dùvere implliie, sudohltalike1o, off te le.p sg:sîi bsud lmai l t o 6669I ne lb aun5f vil ù mtliiromains hithatatté st tsj gol. #2 change outýi> 4a' 1 4b> heut tohe Marée 'et cien poi n dredterne &le deiar ta beiandoircuedi t. bnrg, lu te sbighestcirles. te abaet inth reakbe8rthe eleanTe o gble. nrmral o h lgne0 Wbat BreakSup sa plUMmer., fiug breaks up a plomber ne badly se ve to buy something at a rotai1 drug Nothiug makes better or more beau- biscuit than Im perial Gream Tartar ig Powder. Sold by ail Grocers. Lkeman Alez. McDonald eIippeà undler heels of a moving Grand Trunk train inton on Saturday nio*ning, and bad ýg no severely injured that amputation robably be necetssary. John Magwood, Victoria Road, write.; .Yrop & Lyman's Wgotable Di-covery kspeptio Cure is a splendid Medicine. jatomers say they never used anythiug lectual. Ound reaulaitsinmnediately w île use. 1 know its value f rom per- eiperieI200, baving been troubled for 10 yeRre with Dyspbpsia, and since, git digestion goes ou wiltboulthat de- sed feeling so well kuown to dyspeptics. ve no hesitîtion in recommeditig il in case cf Ludigestiou, Co.nstipationl, tbumn, or troubles arising from, a dis- red etomach. nvitation cf Ring Leopold et Belilx isit Bruusels. ýrmend.edfYr t/teure of p ionY menchped r heuriea, utin,' fecpdhea ndtr irgiim8,tnPari. steels are la dm agnacon Paris. stflowar erinCure a teomcodiin.t ýoeal CrndsofCorena th d warlssu toea Il e inallof orn of îdwers ntydv V Csta. eeatqaio wnyf te. rm outc h Uie tî sust&ined the Bell telephone pattnts. other purgatiue. Thev ar-e aafe li ure to remove aft tarieties 01 .ing Fredelriok's message vas subntitled Lbe Pruipiau Lsudlag yeaterdaY. bn Saby wus sik, w-e gava bar CmtleS, 'ban aha a a Chilti.sie cied for Cain bn she bacame Miss, sha clnt t Castoria, b=n "0ite chaC drUC, a" gavae mm etoela, lnowtoTrnU and floods r asn rionis damnage in Europe. . tlfétImp cf torture ta ofien sndure& by. b. h.muto~Theirpnsmîh*i0E e ~Uin1il reievdand the i s vhich a làeoe ,%sit~u" roi reinedy for 1nenraigilb laie' ba.ck, mores,' bruises, frus it iecorne, exeriatd i PP1I" inflamed bresèts, liver comIn isitsudai affections of tbe breathing organei. Emperer Frederick wiIl send special en- voya to aIl the reigniag -sovoereiglt S 10 'au- noutice hie accebSIofl to the throne. The Medicine for Liver and Iidney 0Cmw plaint.-Mr. Vicoer Auger, Ottawa, write 161 take great pleasure iu recommendýng te lte general public Paîmelee&5 Pille, as a cure fur Liver and Kidfley Complaini. ,I have doctored for'the last tbree years with leading physicaufi, sud have taken many inedicines which were recomîàeuded to me wjthout relief, bat after taking eight of Parmelee's Pille I wae quite relleved, and uow 1 feel as free from disease as before I waa trcibled." CATI Â new treatil ~ere i~~~~~~ W2,b.... 2g,188t % &rougii.u -8 4 pjkrfgVli*...4 4- UmbridgOé.."O22 9i1 5,3~nh~gQf..28, 10 20 -9 .6,BevetOL..'24 il 91-sO, Dy Ordf'i. Flrst* G lass F aim -for s I TOWN8HIP 0F WHITByp.. vaimG PARe op LOT 26p NT B fron cf 1e rd Oaonomlf, cIti ig190 acrels wlth apenclddwefliDShU good outbulAings, good orchar,1 wellf.- ed, and in a splendidat.eofcutiýstiiù. Thie3 profet blgsiutd jusl uted the corporation and within a, mile suad e ,qtiarter of the town., poseessee many sidysn-i takee for 1the purchaser. ilb.ml EAP. Âppiy» MUas. UiOUDÂN,; ~Or o L.airbnb r Prietor, Whitbr p Whitby* NO. O18878s London and." Ireahhé Life Coinpanyle Fugt b buiness. feacriptive pamfphlet, sent free on receipt of astamp býv TOROTO.CANADA. JOHN FERGUS< 18 SHOWING À. SUPEBIOR STOCK 0P Scotch, English ana Canadian And other fine lines of Cloth, for Spring suite. AUl garments made up in latest style on shortest no1fice. Ready-made Mfen'8 and Boys' Suits$ Gents' Furnlshinga Underclothingof ait Kinde. 1WD~TRUTIDLEOVE RÂLL and d. rpopav.,ua irm ir. A concert for Stayuer poor le pro. 58 cents on the S on tbe cdaims repre. Brai poeed. Why is it that aIl entertain- tOne.MCtho'laiiismut he ments for rt-lîieving the dlitresîed take Ad te about $1,100. We learu Ibai the *î Chi place at the rosar end cf wiuier. hychedirwo were efi oudi î d hie k1 Bradford 8.%lvationitîté beld knee drill hytas erhns b dvde b outsite D. Colliioge' rt-idence, and M(nev given te Messre. Sharpe, Dobson 64MI', %nd Glageford feel go aRrieved tbat Mr. "Nont Dani..l laid ungoilly bandé; nu a goldier. Killalv has ple.ced the wbole malter be. sud 4 The magistrale tined hlmn 25 cents. fnore S. H- Blke, Q 0., of Toronto. My et Aman bas sent $25 couscienop lu ibis he ig .%ponrted by Drim. Hart & @0e c money to a obureb. Lt te supposei bp ni, a n esr.W . olG ol mlwys lcp duingIbeseron dJ. Hovie, J. S. Wbetteir, A. Wyatt. W. 9 or 1 wu@st ai ttawakened LtaLthe faci It MoNlInt.Vre aud others wbo wil contribute osing he ought te pay for bis lodgings. towards testing in court the. lsgality of regel Au Ailist Cr'iig man nameil Obris- their proceedingsflubnes an equitabla &Dy topber Cusick wraas jia.ed Monday nitzbt distribution je made imtnedifltely. Ilari for non pay ment ot a 8cott Act flue. MKHMortisi Ha hue lesèt bit; feet.and '-b.d to crawl r ese fThrhlbo t P rc jutte Ii-l on bauds aud knêes. W4e fTo hlbo.rttheil A Ilbtburnlad bome o tainqad.au action hefore Jn'lEe Morgan et the to vie vantai. ofthte yeux of even 4umubers nnyCor rda lan@ fn p by getting a partuer tor lifp, Fuch as, h Ove , oeeper cf that Villege, P ie.Shele arig btte thn l. Oilla laiming damaegs rom hlm for bavinR recol ws he Ië;frn eeedt a rll soèl d her huband tiquer after receivinR CIUL) girl, h ouy r îe wo yr ofau orie>r from ber not te do so. The A1 calice for ber trouble. plaintiff was awarded $50. Iboe A litile teui.year-eld * danGbter cf Mr. On Saturday lasL the 10th imet. Br J. Fothergili- , cf'Burlinaton, bad ber several respectable yonnit men wore rem( leg dreadfully orusbed andi broken onI hrougbt bef ore Justice H. R. Wales pue- onîy Saturday last by beiniz caught lu tbe Centi tunilin ro4of bose pwer It i ;dinR magistrate and G. R. Vanzaut tumliu ro cfa hrsepewr. L ~ agenciat.e ai the Town Hall Markbam, TI feard e. niy ls. te 1mb.to @answer a charge cf dis;turbiug theba Mr. Pette .fatt, of the Bradford Rifl- revival ervices bv wbisperirg and F Club, made the remarkable score cf 49 emiliug, in tbe 'United Mennonite n-o, oui cf a pôFaible 50, off baud sbnooin&u Chnrcb et Mount Joy. The evideuce and at 100 andi 200 yards lte other day. lt was very onntradietery. Tbe Magietrate wo- je sale te eay ho coulti bit the @ide of a howpver fined some of tbem 8#1 and E barn st a reasonable distanceo. cnstas atbpre voue admonisbed. Lt to là Newmarket feela justly prend ocf iLs will probably bo a lessen teail te con- eemptet.e syAtetucf fire piratectlon,com-l fnrm to the usages of the churceae poaed cf iwo- indpedent pnmps cf inn services or keep away. No great capaoity, 5000 feet cf m-diue, pAeson bas a riabt ta lu any manner electrie fire alarm, four wull drilîsti disturb any religionsq services. W bose compa4ies, andi an excellent book- W and latider compauy. WbtsdHuor A lamb les aidta tbasve hocu born on ian Huor the farm cf Mr. J. E. Robertp, near An angry dog le an aonial of cour- Lawreneeville, witb.a face wonderfutly ae human in ils appe-arancs. Its body ais h oneIriu uhuoy-b e i. alleged te be cf baaman formation. Telnetrini itr-b e e It was dead wben.fonud, but was alleR- luge.j ed by experte te bave been bora allve- A popular boarder tale-I will setlAl ani Wm. Heard a yonug man of Fleaber next veek. tic ion, wae aocidenlaill ebot w bile eut A fitting testimonial-a veil made a râbbit ebootîug rccently with eomrade. suit of clothes. t'ce graip ef ebot out hb i p sud Ses boeswaiter bow le il that I fSud p' *uotber pentrated eue of bis; eye. H troneer buttons lu my aalewd ? "4Dat bas been seut ta tbe boapital ai Torouto amn a part cf de dressiu' ssh." -e for trestment.* The name Geoibe ie pronouueed lm Walkertou Telescops : Il le eaid IbaiGerter lu aIl thb. culas inthe United wg the clotiesî man lu existeuco le a rami@- ýtate9 excepi Obicago, wbere il la pro. L. -dent of tb. iownship of Kiolose. BH' ,touneed goal. lt a contraci of @sawing saine firawood Wbeu a womau loges suything @ha but forbid thbe contractor using a croit@cres Even ibis lasgo when it ilu her cut saw, boeeume ha aaid il wam vider temuper wbich ah. bas lodI, iu the set thao a cernmou- buckmsaw,an 1 wasted tac mueh wood lu awdust. "C0an yen wouk V' aiskedý a lady of arw." o'lkd aau James MeBride, wbo has heen lm- n. ed ta, but L'm ont of practise. bering lu -MoLean. hbas elsaad ont leav ing bis lunxbormwao itboni Ibeir watpThe Masachusetta pastor dismissed sudthealos-kspuS u geaigrif.for smoking tohacea ,nay ho sid to Jamicuy drew $900. a few days aga frem have gente outunudar a- cloud.* Mr. Miokle, wbich he bas -lakeu wiîh ILt le proposed la put looka ou th. hlm s lb ems egg for some thar Panama canal, but ibere la no . danger looalily.of il beiug stolen ini iL present oundi- LamI veek Mu. Richard Bright, of lion. Arthur township, broogbt to Mt. ForeesInL spite of ouboat efforts oudalla- si ouriosity lu the shape et a uew.born. queut anhecribers are E-till holding their isîf, poeeepppd ef six legs, four esae and owu-and a 11111e cf ours. twe tails.- The phenomena wttieb diod The medale owned by Bismarck aI birtb wae taken ta the t.ixidermies owaigb over forty pound&. lie bai ibere- but oul ne bepreervd oiugle orelitîle regasn ta be jealeus of thie i n., BEEF, ALUMAM1l~ ou LW. GlI and Sq> Ii~o., cou# r. ce ,000 Î000 es 1 b I FALL SUITS9 ta beavy, lry a dosa eof OampbiiU'5Cathar- 3Compound. Scott Act polling takea place iu Haun da Norfolk on April 19. The favorite, medicine wilh ail classes- trry Davis' Pain-iler. Dr. Lew*a Worm Byruqi hm remet,- d tape toorm from 15 te 80 feet in ngtk. i aise dutroyea ail indiof ei-WL -f Lite policy, and ham depoîited'with tbel Beceiver General in apprcvedl Camadian, securities over - 100.00 fer esoit 6100.00 cfý liability, thus affordtug ABSOLUTE mse- curity. Parties desircus cf saeaurngt eÎIlir lve wM ifnd Il -le their advantage te consuit< the undersign( cl before aseuring'elsewho"re JOHN FÂRQUHÂSON, Whitby, May 18p '86. -ly -- Tweeds, 'o~ Latest stylesiliHard and Boft Feit Hata VEBY <JHEAPS JOHN FERGtJ SON, Dunas s e., Whutby COIISIiJER TOUR PO CKETS Don't be leda wsy by llami=-9 adveeisement43 butcaii THEBIRAZILIAN WAIREIROS 9àd me'for yourselvesai ar-ge sellng- Orokéry aa&Glaware at aud "adoet , for Cho erole., Wbite <rsnite Te.a etts, 44 peea $2.00 perset,.Haudhomeo lo010»aTea, 8it..44 piý"ea sai $e.0 peT seil Fine ChÎna TeaseBotM4Piemi,4 ýt $450 pr soit, BeufLful Mgto<hm QUP Sudn a uc&ier a ai25e., CIo dDtir oitefrm $7.4> per a- t,Cd 0"4 Cba*nbi' Betla, -9piecn8 stai$2.50-ê pabr àets de#s Çhîn"' ç a Ma ffiss oblis 0e pa 4oei~ aiesBette -ant4 Wster Settàila auspat4 ~ Ou fa~ily receiesare the bSat asdiêhs0. ien bà sdjapn~a -ai 25e$ý. per lb, wo h 0UI yu o< el.4 i ti mua iix'pme.OseeaL e i eeu Bute9 gp1iv HATS 1. HATS HATS 1

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