Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1888, p. 6

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M&carob vie.lonely, -Match a.7S aie long Shkirts of thé. inter, Bdosthat -thiofg. Gd help the weally, God help the poor; God give us patience» - pain to*endtiZ5. maroh wmnds are pierolx'g, O)ruelly oold; Flying Liro' garmental, T,àttor'd and old. Hasrd on the news-boy, Coid are his handgs JBuy ont hffl papete, There white he etande. poor l'orange womafl," ml ilayour fluBe; To lDarch the artist, Tinting iL rose. Xpr. cornes m? baby, Cheeks &algOW --0 t le Iovely, ()ut u intee now, Gjod blessethe bairnies, U)hierily brights For them ech 8Seon, Brîngeth delltit AD&LZW,à WEBTNEIY. The. Parsonage, Pickering, March 20. 1a8. The Rugg 9DOCUlneUts, *ONTÂ'iNliNG Tac IPz RIH2W OF J5RutiHàa utiG IN seÂRaigON < à HUeB&ND. PAR v 1. No. 2-MY JAR OF GKÂPE JELLY. I lied up îeppieb mot v ià that grap6 jelly, tbe5gb 1 coins pretty rnigb baking my bruinse s a riDg et it: sud I do wii yen con Id have seed my bude ,wiere I equetzed it îbtouub the sieve. Tbey vas ton tebadea blooket than auy dsrkey's bande ibet yen ever sotetoe ente I 'Tain't &IL off yet,-, thonghI 've used up* son centa' Worth cf eailed lemci ento t. But the jebly was splendid 1I ILwas ai asuifui. a purpli red as tbe sud oc old Bolomen Caurobe nos@; sud il; vs se cisar &bat yon oould se your face i il as yen could ln a &en dollar loolting I ueed eleven pounde cf graes aui elevenpPound -ef suizar. That sugui cost eighten cents s Pound te Mug ridge's @tore sud 1 paid fer ït in egge a tvenhy five centos adozen. Dean seltea I countibelptighinguRr, I cum tg consider hbey iny limes tisasbens i mine bal leo acide tb tay oRge enniff t psy for that sugar t But 1ev t If î'd speke et is tote pareen be vouilda' have appreeitled it-hese 'ere literaiý folki uevert bint anythinq is bard voï exospt their doingo. Bot I don'% believ but wiat lapin ea s le ulis bard hii nes@ s vitiug sermons, vies anybec has gel used te, serinons, sud ge& isal et oid cnes a-Isying by. I fiuisiisd My jelly cff yestearda memulug, sud put il mbt a agass je viii a tight kiver. Thsn 1 ied s miet cf *rltiu* ,apei dovu over ithe kit - iti a pise c i rbine nlbbon, and vi il vas doue, ih lcoked about snioei anythiatyen ever seed. 1 'Rpese mc, folis vouli bave Ibougit that I Pl myseif te s dest of impeses sud Ironi on th. pansons sconotn, but 1h vasl ju s fres as a dmjnk cf vater. Ând if cenld euiy manage lta opits the Wîdc BPriggins sud old Mariai Smith, vonliln'h have mindedbuyio s batrit sugar t '2inm Ive vomen folks i. lie plsg of Sy lite t If I ster go and buy ai tiing nov, lilte a gunsd or a boni thop'il go sud have sumtbina' jesh like eualy aslthle bit botter, ced tieu the] o sud htramp by me jest as s est vit Ïaill,-ois a rat tst a1 Lait nigil vasý dark and feggy-j, t h. e -e betty the jelly over te P51iD. Beesues t vas prutty likely, ianl&utia ï», ud getcourse hbeç P wseuldu'h b. e cu pelite as Dot masctIme berne. hopu4 droas myseif at tir - ~ ~ tn i 'lc luthe afternocu. It tooe oou$de.rabie speU. for I iad a sers ~l7t#!FlOtePlire devpï so tiii é.ua-*No4 bbts; -,cndîIhsd hmc. My orMai p hts tie an os vote uk n g nlin, sud iablaoki antilrsd rny novjeèt earriogs,i * dld up oey bau intoeas big c vater as over vas dld up. Tii. hait oni front pf rigy besd le toierall good, bsiùt gepo * e 11, sud Ind 1 te olln vt se ePillulp -hep l'otbe asy, se liatwvies il'. ulgg.d ceIggnose my iecdsticks bolfistilas far a# eaybody's. - - - 1 de'l uene' die -tuifs ôiito lapi Wb fretI .perlitt o .chel -li ipp -I eam î ote-pPSthat hat. one. Vother ierýo. 8); alidoul of heh# iiî4 ues aUers la. perlille, sd w. seheok hande esatohelrolled a red sudyelle? dessiigJ B. 1 andi iuqil 4about -heOinhuma>tiohs, gouind aae tof tbý,#pl4i. -lit Jion and e pinqi bout ci y numb finge wnËr' fsn o 5e' 9iêâ, ý 1mad Vol and said if oe. vasme e he would be with ber gomme bonitetrlngeL, worried abontil, beoase àaI My age The utcal v a fsiryout' of the -bag <1ing aobd as lîkely enuif teo have a We had ail been te atel. aso f ehosk of lthe paley 1 At oMySage rndjed t presetand non. é ubLo> She's alt-of Pi% y.arseider than I 'am. do ilt 1tu Pritty soob ju@l as tbe parson vas a- I didn't 1mev what th adO>--4l1feltsg giUting t t preaobhing a little te us'about taken ail absck ; but Marlah and -the giving more money te the F'urrin Mis. widdor tbey kept a sere*oebiugý_sad Pcr sien fond, thera vas a bard rap at tbe Joram, tll .dog bo kept a-barking. ,u door. Tii. pareon looked from on. e t Â'Ad finaly1 thought i'-1-wëoul -c»doi t'otber of us as if he didu't knew juet sometbing that tbey ýdidzb't do-stht wbat to thiuk of the. way thinge was Cspon Smallcorn vwas a widower, I jel ' going on, sud hie oldeet gal-obe's a gasgered te my foot, held, oui rn'yFhaud ret port thing-giggbed, and, se did Jim the te hum, aud knowed ne o re.mý lait oldeet boy. JRR8HARtIG. ed If I had îthe maniagemeut of themn No. 3.-THE CAI'TIN's PEEDXOÂMRBNT. bidren, I'd learn 'eux botter than to Whon I Corne le myseif I1aswu nthe. y giggle viien there was company lu tbe ospen's bouse a.laviug on the Icunge Or bouse. But tbeu wbaLoeau bo expecteJ ibm et ntewo bxczl.and of 'em viien their pa's a soliiary widow- beunge wareuî long enuif, and îhi capen abi ersudhhe bsu'tROIni>tuatb was a pdnring branyl 4tmt The. parson vot tte .deor, sud i kthpnnem acfu t~ feee a mnui bok e crne su rgbtle iebotle and Iben ont, of Vt'her, dhe'd &d heels was tbe Waddor Sprigginfl, with get my waterfall ail twisted round te that yeller bounit of hem ou, aud alesad 0la i.isac i y~ eber black curie a.slreamiug dowu ber oead ota h ntneIrsm baok Auu ehobad blak saohl isbad up off fell the.bacl art effi, and Tf ber aria hhat would bold a peck 1 Joram grabbed it in bis teeth aud began gui 8h.lb was perlite s a basket of chips te, gro w 1 sad ahake iL jesi s dogsahake tw, te me aud Mariab, but Icoculd seeese.a woodobuekt e gsitshe nrde ont of was mad onunf te eboke us botb. And hîru. I sas for me, I felt punisbed enuif with "6Gecd gracions j" sez tbe lthe capon th, botb cf them centters Le have shuk 'em _-"I'd ne idee'yen vas hurt se baid as wr tliitheir fais. îteeLb fiew out, for botb Ibat!1 I'd ne idee-why, bleas your vi ou ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o] eutoeerhd'geatotlusuyonr hesd's corne spart t" q on 'm tgethr hdn'tRotà toth n Idon't lt bimn est it 1 It ocet me ton eq thoir heade thal grewed there naturalty 1dollar@ over 'Ie Pillsbuiry's and iî'll ley > The parson be seeemed dreadfu i liiai bard intô bis etnnamk 1' sez I. i ee.juat ikà i otfwae.H The capen be made tbe dog give i 0 didu'h sosw teo know wbat te do, or say next. Ro kept looking et ne and astor np , sud be hmnng ilte me between bis budicets; sud I kinder îbink that be îhnmb and finwer. as if be was kinder W had an igee tbat we b.dl corne te give feared cf lil. 1 elapped it on, sud pin. N, Shim a donation surprise party. ed il; jute place as quik s I eould, for fa le Mariah, sbe lried te malte frieude lb. capen je pretty abarp-oyed, aud ho Il viti ibe twe youogesi obuîdren. She iooked rite et ihat% bald place on the m bâts ynnXone, ad everybody kuows top of My bead the fuel hhing. a e lit; but when ibere's- men round, she whroeatbilyundhm )fallers malsa fuqs over the childreu. two vomen been ?" oez Lb. capen. II tr ý' -A good maiby women folke do se, if ever kucw yen don't lilte eue l'clhsr, and ci: Myen' vo took notice. taint mueb likely you'd beeon oultle- e- "Poor little dear t" sez aee. te Anu gether becanse. yen waoLod te be." idJane-a little snob.neeed wret.ob about ,No," sesle ,"îhelt's Lb. truc&p.u bi fi'le or sxyer ld Ccu elead-aud lIl t.1 enl OUthertest Of 11, enly àr eee me,"Corne bor and ks m "dent meushon il. Tbe wxdder bad ù, e_ I Oe . n't , ss&ud kie. me 0,t" otbeon ever le Parsen Powefl'a tu give atIau 'on't "oel Jn e. "o'sdolhlm a dreeeing gound, sud M*riaàh she 1 That started lhe Widder Spriggius np weut over le, proeut hum a pair cf LO sud oe. nderîook te ho sociable viti mli ppers.9- ofAun Jane. s'And bow happened yen along, Mme. to "C0orne bore, sud oseéme, deart" RRgi2" sez ah. capon. a "Idn esenisd v Seemo te me yon're miRhly inquiel- @&y@s abs; IIdn&tu'fnff n ' e ," ses I. --The feet of il ws.s, I went 1tgel eometbing 'in my pocket-ceme, over ecryatti.jîy n o r' precions litbainrto v.ryaeiie, en kno r&. 1" b rlt "Ie afraid of you, I je," ses Aun hn er..uwal èd, but din'tmk v' Jane. "auntyy Kobbs Baya oo's ndly n Ther mpemark. 'Jbu ddn mk su ad eeop ittle dirne." noWber e ib. e vo nnv?"s . ly I sot a vbîle-, and %ben I tbougbh I'd 1Wserenthmy ve imen h"oe t PB tlythat terrible child, aud .geif tewt absn te rne alaubu wonido&h be deaeul le me. So I screv-vhb'rsdteagudafsuer syed my face op iutejuat the niceat pucker s te wibios c'hema sbenld bave 'Sishii ar sevet vwas, pot a cardyman seed in Smith go viii 'em. Yeu n ko* '8iab b ylet bau hl usw nns is gel bjàok eyes sud veaseasMous- er ber. tache.g Bf l "Coeoasd s&glnnl Rusby, deur t" By Ibis lime I gel se.se e esel up, 1 as ses 1 ; "you're a preoioes iltle girl, aud sud viien 1 looked arouud lb. rorn "t1 Anul Rugby loves yen tl" -sudducad ne signa cf eny voeau'e ever1 Ut ",No, 1 'ont t" sez -hie obild;t"for beving been thee-nol even as muci b le Annty ERobIba@aya liai 'ce 'cuiste be s dirly apren hariging op, or s fine 18. pape'sseceu -'usba est" ooîh cctnb layingrend-I felt a t kO là tbeeatitér, and hie sowg so.iétysurs LiddY vas s good housebosper, ou and uns. Grimm%' nela'extendSd taleaissd- she mëde hie butst oeot bread et an lo su -Qi ffflp sbjIk asb~ that ever I seed, but ab* lied a e d it enyviieres, and a groat demi staier. J Tb*. o ib.' -ihn4 hiuwI Ti»oiùe and ud lsanod eutt bis ro i su Woll, ladies," ase..h, «"h'. agitting Whén. Overytiiig e of1» D. Sape, rfall e, snd 1 suppO»oseyu'll say a&lUit titS 0i9in,and l'I illauMrs.Koelste show .The rsamm lshsl, ,wbeoe"ldase- but yenu liorQe ta 'ssep' trie ihoh ville vslhgni -ou ii. taoh cf ighh w Wani jnaiped hoeut f *mdade lia. e.leoowqsrlva i8t, Oaharko, sd aIl selaie, sn slaidi ve <-uiseina Mrbe C4r ÂvrlsxgAgenulfor out ,sdiL* 'thiToiroatoNews, saya 1 wax indnu geig. su ~i!Ou,, usw N~Bianfo asevere and txbëý dcci, sud lid cs good t. ~,a»d nover »Me ol i 'theli. aea. z .01106 i 'y offered .t e gq*" - OPO - of nia home 1 tizlweurbd ta. ethé ck«og e rep115 s d directio, s o e w u va obiligea ho ws4k --- - ,r teoîer. But Wwu vasavinicrois ho, W. A. g1"&te P one î',tb.w, and ava' ~j ~le ido Zthtw-ýo ota 40 Spie vien lia. noisso.s-Wargité ov *I ManOu yo11l Jes as vo arrived opposite Capon mswUt - ~'do, JoranbiiObWta us~. nmep'aesfs~o l 'in d<satal félkdretf a 1og Imm"e as$ b atfrýdst ofl iIeKaflAibi vêiop. We aOtartd h V a ê .t Y z h a~ ste i a digea- r B.--%n Pcvp r tegiit h mnt uOystein., 'we Oonservatlves are engaged la i an upaplan hf o r ie nfefahe sHones L'ords ho be submiited for the approvslr othet eldeet sons o! peers liaving s eatsain G ommons.. h ave pleasure in eaying liI Hagyrd'5 cterai Bateaux bannot be excolled fer ring cougs, olde aud leos c1 voice. Il red my brother oomplstely. ;Se saya Ira Nead cf Poplar lill, Ont., regarding en popular remedy. 'be Daily Telegrapisys that since hie turn from Ainerica Mr. j oseph Chamaber- à lias beem effered nome dignity by Lord liabury, but liai he declined the proffer- honor. )UNG MIEN uufforiug from the offets et early evîl-hebits, flic remilt ef ignorance fly, whe ftnd .tuselvee ifeak, nervene, A exhausteti; aise MIDDLE AexD asud OLD &N, who are broken down frem the effeets et, ue ur over-work, andi in advanueed 11f., feel lconsequeuces of youthful excese, sendi for A R&&Dni. V. Lubon's Treatise ou Diseasos Moen, The book will be sent sealeti to any [rese on receipt et two Se stamp&AÂddres V. LtJBON, 47 Wellilngton St.EB., Toronto. The latest reports f rom tie icene cf lie eflow River floode place the. total number lives lest et 100000 sund tie number cf iferers fren t ho inundation will reaciho- -een 1,500,000 sud 2,000,000. e usefuiness of Hagyard's Yellow Oil,'l ites D Kavanagzb. Poattnaster of Umfra- ilIe, Ont '1Having ueed it for sorenoe sol e tbroati colde, barns, etc., I find nothin@ qual to iL." Gen. Diiby Willoughby, late Commande« à-Chief of the armv of Hovas, who wai rrested i n Me.d .gascar f or illeged em bezzle, ient of £12,600, bas been releaeed. There ie nothing equal to Mother Graves Vorm Exterminator for de.stroving worme Io article of its kind has given suob eatis action. The bealth of Lord Salisbury ila&gaini natter of i'erious coneern to bis friende id especially to hie oolleaguee. When you cannot rest from Asthmatii roubles, Southero Aç;thmaý Cure will a ice relieve. Double treatment iu eac] >ckage. The gavernorsbip of the Bermuda ba sen offered to, Guneral Gerald Grahanx To attain perfection in the art of flavorin se the "Royal Extracta." f bt à iE Tiorai, 188. r IY-LAW 'NHUMBER TWO OF 1888, il By.law to cloiye up and 8ell a pior- tion of the. treapasa@ road on Lot 6. in the. lth Con of Thorc4l. The Corporation cf Lie Towlasiip of Thoraii herebv enacte Liai from andt after the fiuai passing cf tuis By-Lav,sll that pet- tiouetf the trespass moad on Lot.nunibèr eîx,iu the eleventi conees-ien oethLe said Tewn- shp et Therai iyung betveen the Western limni o! e dleviation cf Lis said Irespss rosit vwici salid deviation ài eutablied and de- 1used by By- La* Ne. 4 et 1887, passed by thes sld orportion etf['idrai en the firat day o! October, A. D ,1887) and the Taibet1 Rivet, be sud tii. saine is bereby closoti up, adno len ger te be considereti e Public Rigiway efthe saiti Towuship cf ,Tborai. And Il is f urîliar suacteilthaIt tee herein descrabed portion ef trespeme road seo lesetà up m y b, sold te tie propnietor cf the landt lylng adjacent loe esmas, for lie Pum cf îwenty-flve dollars, proulilsit lai if the. proprielor ofthe adjacentlsui shah net vlti tbe i.spaceocf oee ear from, the date et the finluaipaesiog ettbis BI-Law cern- piete-tbe purehase cf tlis hersan described, portion cf trespais reai by scoeptiog con- vsyanos of the mansd paylng the price lierein set forth, tien n sd lu ual csse it mnay be lew!nl for the Corporation ofTiorah. te oeill)ithmarne te any chber poison fer Tvweniy-five dollars or auj grsaher emm And it is furtier enacte thai the Uer b., and us iiereby anîliorizeti ou behal cf the. Corporation, te execule a 'conssysuos on tieýiferessid terme,.!f tlbeorein desctib- .8 portion e! roaû, sud cause th. ea"lf etis Corpora tio eb. àfixed tierete. 8g~d ALEANDR MeÂRL .Se N b ti.ab<ve By-Labw will be takeïtrt ommifdérptio w r avew t the final pas. lng thereof,-Mt a meeting of - tbe Gounoil of TIorah. *to e li d In the. Town, Hall a Beabvexton, on ENirdaY, the. l4th dal of ApelA. D., 1884, at on. o'clock ptu. Thorabs, Mar. Be W8. iTp. Olerk. 1maViiyoia aPaln ? H TUE. Of Great Bian CAPITAL, $2,500,00. AI4NUAL INCOME, 8i,50O~0o.- terme of payment. simple peiles. No vextàtions conditions. Prompt sett.emeiht. cf loss without discount. Be sure yen do net lnuer until yen know ont terme aud conàitious. Enquire of B. LR. B. RAY- WÂL4p, ont G-e, eral Agent for %l~uth On- tsrieNV Office in Whitby-Patt cf D. Ormis- tou's Law-Olffic. Al jettersa ddreeeed te, Loch-Box '78. Whitby P. O., will receive Prompt attention. Itesidence-HaiJ Cot- tage, Byron etreet, Whitby. 21 .IN SUR AN CE!' r ( ADJUSTMENTS LIBERAL 1 LOSSES PAID PROMPTLYI ompanies among tie bout in lie world, sncb as, 'h LZ VERPOOL, LO.NDON & GLOBE, The LANCASHIRE, 'ha WATERLOO, a-nd Th#. NORWICH UNION, Local privete fnde lu sumo te suit aI )wesi rates. W. B. PRINGLE, NOTÂBY PUBLIC, Whitby. £ULnutcrQ. flUE WESTERN BANE 0F L CAY.mDA, WHITBY, - ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. VIONEY TO LOAN! *loo.00 FOR INVESTMtENT. ON REAL ESTATE BECURITY. At boveet living rates cf Inlereit. ., Mfeney seoured vithin 10 day. of sp- plicatien. Apply le $5OOO6O TO LOANs FirelsU second mertgagss bougit. Ad- tances maas on second mortgagos and te, purchesferma- lqc- comte ircurreit in making applications te, me for mcney ; ne sgent'a tees; no e dlay.-Parties psying higier rates on mortgages sbeulit apply te me ah once fer lover rates sud save meney. Write or cs.ll îmmodialely for particulars. B. R. REYNOLDS, 1y2 20 Adelaide StreetEst, Toronto. MON EY TO LOAN On Real Eelate Mortgage st Low Rate «&. :Fos TI Appraser e .Canada Loan sud Saving. .r u gn o the Western Amrnce Co., meàtets la Tee-mrancsHl si IuL KAUTMP SGN WRI.! GLAZIER, 1 PAJER £L4GI KAL SOMINER, 'The Bit Paper fbirni8hed from 501 a Ral- and upwards. Orders froin the country prompt - attended to. p Ký> SHOP-First door South.cf Mr. G. Y. Smith'e law office, Whitby. Whitby, May l2th, 1887. 22 8r A'G ENT Si A-ENTS! N0W RBEADY-Oflt new bock, "arti, NSes andi Sky ;-- or, Marvels c f Lb, Univorsel"; boing. -a full an-d graphie de., ecription cf &11 tual je wonderlul in every ont oth eisGlobe, in. he world cf, É ate and the Starry Ravons, containing.. lbril ling adventures ou land and sea, ro.ý uewned discoveries of lie worlcl'si greateel explorers in ai ages,, aud reanarkable pli. nemena in every realua cfiattareEm bracing the strikîng physical featuresof lis erti, lié peculiar characteristice cf lio human race, et animnal', birds, insecte, etc., inclnding a vivid description cf tie Atlan. tic, Pacifie and Indian Oceame, sud cf lie' Polar Seas, lie 'mnes o f -lie Deep, beautiful seshels sud plants, singular fisheB and. dwellere in the. would cf waters, remarkable Ocean currents, etc., together witi the AM.4ZING PHENOMENA OFf THE BOLAR AND ,STÂR«Y BYBTEMB EmmT DAVENPORT NoBumop, 1.D., Embeliished witi over 800 fine ongravinge. Liberai terme to Agents. OXFORD PU'BLISHINO 00O. Cotiicteof Major Harper, Esq.. of Whftby- -1882- T.,whom it may concerti. This is le csrtify liaI haviçag examined, repaired and used a great varîoty cf swing- Machines. I have coins ho the conclusion tiat the. White Maciinescld by L. Fair batha is onseofthLe beet macde, &s in mlp opinion il lsas machine, Ihat wii .net eaily1 gset o ordereand wiul last muci. longer than ineet machinues, s car. bas beçn taken te preveul -vear as much as posible. I can ioneetly reommend it 10 parties womi- ing a goit and-]asting isevi-ag macçhins. I purciseed one ef the Wiite'es orne.menthe I gc, sud il. give every satisfaciffon. MAJOR HAItPEB. Machine in My family I can fulij-endorse the above certifte can.-. mi f ù)J Ãœy r*'e'oom- menathe usrhn -ii.i~wnt machine coets lesfor repàixi than Q machine I have ever iiad antin'g-t Ã"ab with. ÂOIAPB 'Sold cheap as the cheapeiit, aucd isthe best of the best. L. FÂIRBANKS, Sole, Atent for titrict. JOHNSDON In eueells ?look foryour FUWTURE! tic breait. Asu esmmeula, whicl usait in seme 0e hýo> grve thernal sud tiat tue tese lion with soda -hie powders aM e-t on eutom -- ppeaf sereu DRAW1145 Corne ~a-llder minufe.Uùre ~icompiiy d nu xainatien-et bakÙlxu îcrý with the pieParfltiOË belleve the inveastig3tion ully sud impart5iIuY itou hi ont were seem tàe oyal BakiIig Pev coreadsurpnaaed n end oteifl rtial in!ve Rtoyal te bot93puirest, somsibakngr>wder juterest cf oeeof tih0e rt a iiad been sbown te be i port tries t figure enta ne exceptiOn te the mie only made afer lie b ,retraints fo 0 citil iî is, were ho atlbi confluetj "-officia1>' impartial" cr f sels, ie eould narl havi lu f avor cf tie baking 1 fore siuwed to be 10-80J sud which is plaeed fo classificationi. Thiq adt Comiuissioeftr and his test in a mont ilueuvÏ& couvictais hein c an admailtedly -at va.raiice but il entirelY relÃŽeves, selves f roin f urther îni monts the ConmiBSiolu cf hie official report, based upon thein intel pure btking powdere- The orilginal official iy cf importance, bow ffl>' comparod the fol ginl oficalreport( Dho-Tepercentai and etrengti are- The statoamunts cf foc are condensed, but ce the origina accuratel drbwii by the editor opinions are remarka V~ rom the Oini" Tie-'Ohie State xnissionbr- Gen. S. li ('rcua No. 6) t mieeioel'investigà This CoanisSion Wl lature, wilb inetruel lion of the. foodt aupi gave a report of 8su publie. - The exare powders was madE Weber, State Chera dos toau article of alnies1 every ee, h The rather startli the report, liaI of- t ef baking powder s ,althose soid in -t4 ire mode frein al«i by th i hinemd jurieus tih'ltb w The'CoînmisdiO pôwdors m inotreë lng te their value : laIs. Croatu of I 2d . Phosphate -3d. Alum Bald The objeet cf 1b iftd lu the flour M e enr5B -leave lestes eernai -AND' ' 11-ouse --,Decorat . 1 1. General AUNI TORONTO, 0ET. 5 JORDAN ST., ly-47 1 Whitbv. Nov. 7th, 1882. JORN PARQ'URABSOb 6ry 16th, 1880. 9- Whitby, Februw

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