DECR REPORT.. 1Oe O alippery al oe 0n e* ove ililte tis B. G. Love, Gov. Ohem 1 u.t 1.......6 81.5 andike 10 th, e riiWg.oad * Tbel, , ' ,1f 1 8*onerB R Nass Ana1ytais IU9615 -5. .8.5 * Tve hebIetstih $ hs o roi pdi, tO ~WO 0 pro f. moNurtrie, U. B. 0 aaWà makblieswtm fl el x Agril Dept 195 928 .... theO ti~k TtIsR WSb@~ .11 and UnomfOw l acta. prof . r les, Chicago 19872 116-16 .... hnoeau oUil l'ô Tid kditor : - pofDav.lportBOStOIfL 116. 1W.8 908 Three InüiIedown usth e ep .gtade ThoRoalBaîne ow erÇo Pany takes' Prof. Parons, N. Y. 136.05 11994 95-85 he train wih ite five passeg ers S»d ite L o a rsk io f orefiploin lOdw hsU d tes ï e d ýA ( X getJ0saeini layinig betore-YOUY readers We will take great pleasure in tfurnîcashofg bopur. Spdsu1 the f010lcwilig ah.trâct of the official baking a full copy of the officiai report to any one . mityjilesanbu.Sek p)d rprt of Food Oomntià l0UeT k.urst, B of hw-cr red f rom the Qi1einnati, 0., En. de'liring to make further comparison. & h rock where Ibe irnosi U A lrg a quifr Olîi r coi vjiginallapp1"4 over IttwiU ho notioed that the piper compar- zuovable whtheljonction&he the rexactCwhet i o0.i7 srn o te akb*belseof0 the0x~t OOtSftSi wuiu mlle <O aked the strength of -only' the fuost familiar the rails. çv *elderSsnd &long inepwder l~~ua(5OLwturs are quarreling. Paet boU ,eIighjCoi> nfy had nothing to do with the baking powders in that locality. As further precipitoUs heigb$8 the now bopoise à Speola exaullin t fterpr.W normatinaeet etae ot bakinq powders in question, ità ain~em oh eeired upon this Irajum en w.* o~iid 5MIlightniflg nor wjLîthhpreparatiûn pinofar gt t bebl tturiseApee. orte We IOSaswel aI bel je vethie investigeationl to have been taith-pit hor g*itoh bl1cf rih lsed. Tefo re hiple 00idi ell 5S fîîlly and îmlpariiiaCly made. That the f acts from the highest authorities : hpele foA eF D id ol bro gb o t e empen hatically in-favur of ROYA ,BAKLNG POW DER 0. b. but to d sh te pieC eS tgaiflSl the the ttue@l Baking Powder was a matter of ___________jgRed walU of rock tbat îowered above course and surprise'1 no obOe. Al official Plteohrad Aoilhe' t netiain wthe I eut Literature. wv uld b. jgLut dath r ubiu Iroal = pureat, ruetad whole-wudb ntntdshfonb eietbkingp.OVwder made. The f set that The glomiletie Review for March ie belew. gi s rmi nrsuocks 100 fthe sonrste t errsginhre ssfstteSsu tk 10ts be I . IDddt ase ib rack a s at-h Couaîîussi(>Dr ursat sing, in the op te the higb.water line wbîoh ev h raks af intertat futne of the bakîg powders w hic0 previens rium bers of the Y ear r eac e o e place@sin ils ild career. B ot it hati beeu shown to be impure by hi,% own re- port tries to figuce out Bornthing else,makes 1 "Ermfnl books," by Prof. T. W. HutEQDI h aisUtl b age 0m nu exception to the mie, for his efforts is ef Princeton College, je an able an agt h ristltedanr 00W only md fe i bet fe rontedsrmiaigppred alimest Past, for 0sround a 6 S metal tter offical it' "ra fror1n tedsrmuttfgpp well wor&by ofcurve sud tb. straigbt track tbrogý -~ sr llestra coiie împar tiihY'itb an oaretul readiog. Dr. Armstrong of Vir. the town of St. Elwo would be resobed UD 4 IcùlW ,nartiaa' or un'e stateinont ut ginia disosses -The Cbristian Eni- weetegaewodl@e n otacts, ho c 'lli not have Written bis louer d oces"I in the ight of recent rjtjcsi, t1 . n o eu bl cas o bd bl in tavor ot the baking pawder which lie be- witb great cicarnens and force. Dr. saop fore showeti to bo 10.80 pur cent. impure peersrà eHxyonM acs" anti whicli I10 plaCetl foUrth ini his o<lbcia i,4note-wortby sshowing the famous Bdut hiscre w pes Dt e saWl classiicatii. Thiý; admission places the ex.- CloDetfit Coceso nsPi0lte the îrutb paese h idsedwstoRe )owdertproengine resohed the point where Cominissiotiur ati is baking pwe ea1nrycfPi tn olg As the wsth hapetth be test ini a inost unenviable position, fur it Da uryo rooo olg a h unwstesarettewel conivicts themn of. using ativertislig iatter a gem cof an article on "The Potry o eft thre tak u ihamdPu adinittedlY at variance witlr theofficiaI f acts; Browning, and ils value te Cî.rgy.lf h roan ib5-dpug but it entirly relioves thre public anti our- tu,-" 6Was Adam tbe First Mau ?" the irou herse went over, toliowed by selýù fo ,iihitho iteestlunu stte ty Dr. C. S. R binson, wiîî startie four cars of ore. Togethol theeiron aud mnîts tire Co> niissiotner îuay ,uttke out-ite edand ore ahddownl liigG os ut us ,fcîa rettt. r wadurtsetluî5mafly by ils arry of Soripture sd caWedootod & o ofas' offi ithe ot otin ti t eb umt hse in - ili q e is . D .~ i r o ' over an di ever ad PilinR np ýogeber S h eeti basil wouthin nItndd t bom he m- UIIZOtiv qtris. fuPir l sit oe e r apere red. The Bw, pure bkitig powders. "Custîrs cf G.îwsa" will be teund ifaurolnl ep, nud r hih Tite original totficial report is ruade special- et see15 of illugtrtttiýfl5 le the pireaehor. lesfr n freae bd T e Kt- ly t înpttflc LiwvP. Ve hlave care- Thé Sormoei Section baq twe ful sud gi fully coipaired the following with thu oî0[ 1_tttheir poest, wero crushpd te death in- .gîual officiai report on file aI &.,naS ble sermons hiy Dr. Lvman d hottstsntly. Lt w as evitient that wben the patri' Ohit'. The percentages showiug impurity anti Dr. G. Langing Taylor, and i bodies were rescued trom the wreok and ssîrength are correctlY. tîratizcribed. ontîjues by Dro. Kîîtredize, E. Il. Jnhn- Thîestatiilitîî- tit-io act anti opinitntu qoled son E. MoCh"onpv, Wayîand Ilo that the manner ef their deslh bail acoîîdeused, but ectnvey the rneafling (ifsad Wray andi Heath ef Eu-gland. benlike 0ie lighlning stroke. The re- the original accUrateLY, whilth te u ýductions Te i l ~ mainiflg cars sud caboose et the train, drawn. by the editor troîn the fitu andti admirable exezetical articles by on wbicb were tbe conuctor and Iwo opinions are remarkably fair sud imxpartial; Ren. C. Mý Corben, Ph. D., sud Dr. brakemen, went on a short distancesud Frorn the CicnaiO., Enquirer. Hloward Crosby. Dr. Stnckeriberg ot stopped on a level stretcb of girade.W Th COio ncteirand oo con-B*rlin fille the Enropetan Doparîmeflt Ead Dot. tbe tour cars broken entitely M Tho ol eS.Il. 1)irsud liastmadCopu- wilh highly vainable malter. Ail the olear andi left the traek the wbole train sisoir e.S .ilt, s m te pub- ohr d@atmne oieie lie (('ircular No,.6) the resîîau h on te eStOnooîOi ywoli have been wrecked, and in ail niîsà iouew' invpýstigation of bakiug 1pomder. Prof. Wilkinso, tbe Study Table by rbîltmoefthmnkied NO e This Conîmiitittu ras, f rîed by the Logis- Dr. Lu-lew, Miscelianeofls andi the peaiiYmr ttemnkle. N fatute, with insttructionls to tnake an eaia-Eiiite)rial-are, s out.uliy ssan tion of the food supply of the State, anti to ~ i on tilrsvreysd AP5~T hT4E @e ny give a report ut such examinatintnlc tlire In1t epeae'paer Mhrbtegftdrnhathd- publi . T re exan îiation ofuthte baking h if lm tra ot ep e c e ,p so ah r e h itd F e c uh r e ( o erSW mie by Prtesor 1. A. andi Christian Worker. lr t a of&Ithn s h tw ttp ses t ZW er, Statu Creinist, and, reiatinq as il Pnhligbed hv Fuik & Woignalls, 18 wofeaonlitpesr nhinpeb- and 20 Rtor Paop, Ne Yoor.83- 00Like the ivy plant. she longs fra aloThe ryer s artiifgtc i teresOU.b per year ; 30) cents por single number. objo l ng te anti love-te look for pro- Thejua eer o l artligfc siulrint ous4. the repotrl thaltiof îhethirtV differeut bramits -- Luion This being her prerogatîi, nglit of bekîîg powder aual%-zel, cîtitl)sii&g about FskLsi' nna aaiefrhe nol ho toi that Dr. Pierco's Favorite al those solti i the State. IwelitY Fanut Ilium da Mgain frPrestcriptionu 15 lb' phygicai saliatien et ler are tiPide f roui aluin, a stittnce decIiitiA tmr ksth ac u lsbil)ng soi ? lt banitihêe 1hosodistret4siug maladi- by tlime iighestt mettes1 authcritioa lu bu n- EasIer number by a fine hymn tune, ies that tuako ber lite a burtoen, dring 611 lu'i vis t'> heallîr wheu u.'el in u o. "Christ i. Rîsen,' by C. WenbaID Smitb, paint ui irroguiarities, uterine diserdors, iu- Tir ConuissiiiO ci;usitios ire bakiug 5 j~OEgrpem,~ tEse~ flmmatioI3 anti uicrsioii, prolapsu asnd powersilîi irt~ guieli thvrdli - Mkintireti wadkutes. .6.a nerviue, il cures powdersinsc thordgel oside s Tuwmb," by '. rta Harper irervous e.ihliatioÀ. prostration> debility, ing ltîruhir value : la pwies Lokeîl, asti "Esoler Fiowero," b tl9vsmetlaumvoatnypcedT~ 2d-. PCospiteif aki iit Nis arîsA.. Agar. The @tory -'Hi& Ban- and pron.iotes8 rfreshiniR sleep. FI M1. Alui B1akiig luwiet-utr Over Me." cornus to a happy cou- M &thew Hale, a hotelkeepor etofPort GA Tle ob>ecttif bakiuig 1)ýwtte" s, . wlien olustiou, asot a Dow story bY George W illiam u, snîdided et Ottawa on Saturdays R tîmxedi ire tiaoxîr atigs ~Ci theitiio, Naconaldientitieti. 41 he Eleol Lady," mrriaiflg, bemg found in his rom in the PIS to geerales luauu.ilg gaiii l iRRu. There itm a short article by Brunswick Hote1 wih ime Ibroat ot. H.Re E w h ch wi i raise the breo rd and ca use i l lu albe n d i k n ar f l t ,ow n , a o porous and i ght. Titer ilfisin r e - t eR v. o r eW itç. ,le t- aleged, to bis wit's autaithfles. OSa plains that lime Iest baking portier is tiraI ions et Cutiortu Liue ait Yale, Fftîy Years roR which, tire ingrodients boing hoaithf ni, gIzvtis go," tull et curions reminiacenCOS in- The Time To Aut. offtholages aioîmîtut ostifiii gs ati torsiogteail Ysie gaatiuates. "à If yen are thretend wth headache, oRat th ret. urhsuoîrtti artsî Bl.a Tan ni bt tCot,"h cutpaifl ilttXKOSO wanan po louvs tie sî'uslusI mîimuîîtif esii~ui~ inanti Wba Corcureat ees botle o Burec pro-e P R B P Â T B. . . . . . . . . . .e i ' 5 L i i n A e . T h u m b e r s 1" - - - - - - . SH or sfo d ' - - - - - - - - - - - --.e tT.. . ... g e f M T h e D s' g e t i y , an t l se W itih i nte liig o t e je . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 4 9 7f h e u n u lègA genf ob . S w is s O s i u t i n d tb e c e l o rio s e f a c e s e o r eO " b m S f h > P e 9 . Wi se EDm O roW D IR 5. ce n o f t e pe ple b . zu e s , eau ly- 11. E rn re -t ........ ....... .... ... - 1* 7 th 0,1 tM ; Isla nti ia a î Y ÃŽ a r ee ihU u t e st tem en î. th at ia is ~~~~~~~~~~su 30& o a , s d O u o fp r r ie a t g , w bich m akee sucb drafts upon lt 12. ol a ...- -.. .... .... ..--- - - -236 T b e u g b t in F ra n c e , C o n tem p oe r ae ? ! ; -w e in g enit e t b ur sto a rt fh m co s - 1. VCek- a îOî.....-... 34.92 'tB ns in the intense Pureuf tbsnsbsds 14,.Orin I Fvo ier . . .... ..3560 (.ioe5 i ti ûdMr'. Oaîpb"'î On troyod lu s propotiOSc d ge tO liIa 15 Sa8.17 ..... Veîe, Blackwood ; jean siffrein hballh snd rebuet constitutionl. NatRe, 1. Kno-----*****---------400Mail ryV Tem le Bar ; Ohanios Dr wiu u re ma-Ofetxhfute31, esnot ho te- 17. PatapBGOe........ .. .. 16.05 18JreY...... 985 aut atostls, Fortnigh&tL!; Butord, etoreo tfuo, bail roquiros ceMO stimitt 18. Jer&etao@ s mroneugbn sud koop the 878- 20 eelsa3. BuckeYe ..........26. .28 MaomiUaln; The F41eS ci"' ing tenic, -eadi Not P& 21. Sle........... 1 <DallCemer'a Orown WindfaIl 22. C..- . row . - 16 9 an t; Q - , L ougm af&'8 D u t i n e u ar o -d t ud l e rh e îxA& 2 CnOwn Prec.................. 5 098.68' rov tu ire eyrequirsd. Ther n jl ........P oeu r &o tallefli 25. bC e e5&68o 15o p n on ; T u t C am e , S aturda y j B evzew ce t is nnedi iiiO . lu case so g ue0d1llt 2 . Con e ts o n .3 - --, u* - ** C: * O iZ 1 *, 27 73a , S p e t atO ; ~T h e> a n ti n e -v u aL O p ro stra tio n # b a sU z d T O l 2. Careton..... .................96 w '5se7sD -Y'@ Work. St. Jam6s' ;Maylong sdtclse ee faiet di l 15 bys- 2..1825 r i nrmob 1T199ir jeîâ,. h l n ve 2. FoiL ît----------- Back," sad --"The wartagBupe rtbrop &Lmn eetU5bb Thre largo aMount oft mOrt mattera or rosi-(aeanti poeîry. i cmbe h Oen dnr irtotir the phosphate anti lini l>oW- For fity.tWo Du ees e il- t Thre Scoet A.ct repelc pag bsoe- doru il .toet. Ti in the phosphate large pag ehac (ou more than 8800 e i 4rok > ow tie r s iis fly l m e ; pil b e g a t - a g e s ; w h i f r $ () . 0 t e p bdi h: Nopr t o y o o. l iii. u s m e le M n h t, e totheow p tublic to observe that the Pow- i tw weut 810.60e Of h. pnbies-i46 petuni e s.supisn.Itste L2rn nMost gelonS1 use,- threRoyal, is aise effert te6eu orsnyee e l. micei e iTUil the pua-est. Iu covupaing the firet twO $4.00 mnouthiiesoreskemwh u __________________ powdos on b. Ua , r tance-t.he Royal Liing Âge for s year, bth ,oetPIit. -tenr atrPistes. tetl&UpBoston, aue tho pu bei's-Exeuof'U tic o GsI andi Dr. Pierces âhe in sevema e Li t la seon Leeho bout 1v nsve oeta is en ie ormb cife e i 71 3-7 ?er cent., o it heRoalfore", uror thatiPierces by sA W l R d e De;h otice la herby eV" n puuOuloet 'theItoyl beng Prer han Wil Rid tO Oatlb.heRevlaed Stalutes, 01Ontarto in osch o.rr,,pondingfiune. t &l e»iý Tire carbonie or lenvening gas prednuce TRi LIeBPRÀC4 cs ae*x, a by- tlhe powdoere inà ica,,etheir 8treîrth ; sud TBLmN RPRIlOF o' iva Mx NoNs made aisud povdd apeo i hsvlng cîon-saUimi MZBý Basainlatete iO sieigtr ~t>ii fiis guini conneO-hi revicma oauetuf"tb o- T.I. BNZBBUiL ~o b ea sidsquirOthecoied, vne of th p orab tion ,witw h iri lert 'nater or reà sutilWil Ma ccre 01teaqor,.m= W0de shown altre. re higirer tirhoftae P«-A. o Pr iieionU OuredUnon l. bp tPlkeiig rttesequ$yo Qfl*ê1 gisani im lw t e rcentag<oot re8idulUl etrPakdv4( 8tt tl" Pai l1t h d'ù,&by e obaurid S88r.Ite thre botter Lb. bakinq powder hs O feystrs erig rano t een y rpl i1iS0im~ ceutage& s , -din 5t fte otCars vsu prtisily iwreckod st st. ZEme e ;trafto ualo f b01~ asfrod in ane.1 of tire meeter 7 fiîhar pewders) are giro as centw. atitw1-t vt klt -'ties Cofn- l II ft lbex.i1u4 Pret.o eent nt.of o e, an soineersu M Waey 5otA 0 188 ltiruaui#ai .dU9 Roya............1.8.......72 fietusu.Taoelocanotive sud four, cars Ihfl pxt4 .................1.'......... wreoea. Tire aocidenl oceurreti v =-So, s4 ........50.......... ýGjb npggtbtir tt t t S e meth'as De Land'se.... .........whieett S Fereetst , Aui..7.80 .............ano Ithul«ped . - - Ktea, Ali6.........88.17 trtdfrmt e ua l S t a r --T he.' - - - - - - -4006 l i i r y ai f p h i tu ila s ."lu> le, e*,~...'-**8ê9 ~ Is4îlodB mineS~ .~salan..........1191I j., 4eOXti e c ~ .L5 . ~ ~ ~ a5. .~ P~0E8 NVRE »PORE REÂHD IX T9E TRADE. 0-4 suet-made to Order for $12 00' bokof Scotch, English ana Cainadian. TwMedsB1804 Wortec5 etc., to select froma. i lne of HEÂVY TWEEDS from 50 to 76 -cents per yard, suitable for Busines Suite or Boys> wear. ÂLWAYS ON' HÂND. hetmarket price païI for Butter and Eggs. BBOOKLINs ONT.- idw&y between Brooklinand COZumbus, Onth&e 7th Concession. Te are now prepared to make ail kinds of, Wooilen ;such as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Union Flannels, ' ng, shirtings, AIl-wool bed Blankets, Hise tets, aid, Yarns ini - ail varieties and ail kinde of ad Goods kept in' stock for the accommodationl of 's' )yeing in, ail colors done to order. Iighest pricepaid for a-ny quantity of Wool. AMl orders proinptly fiied. D k.ý L gGLI5E STABLE 19 CONBIDEREDy COMPLETE WITOUTD ELLIMANS Ive Sula Dr. MBROCATLO spUsDi5, otraRa, à "»ei>LmTSWER pvau.RFm% .CEAPPE» RISWInr b.LL5. UMM TEMA" OA" N» DmIA. uReuRi 31<33, uul5R5. e.APED îoli uoo Ram. A&» go"E KOUTEWam[%" am LUmBs. wRÂà lN% UTS RISSU BPECT.MEN TE5TT.MONA'B. prom EiS Grao tire Duke of RutiaILd u4BelvfJfr, Grantham, 1.00. 1,1879l- iiM'ZEIM&n'a Royal Embrocation Je used Cy atables. I =lirit i'.vry ustii "RTAimaster ef Beivoir Hast. 'Osatie Wetr, KixmgStofl, ]Hr.!l~dbre «Dpc. Srd, 1M75 G*nteme1-I u» tyà e Royal EmbrecsttOn =y stables sud kenneli, sud have fouud 12 ry aervioêSble- 1 bavoie80used lim goS mbroallm for lumbago »ud mnîatiem fer tho e woysam ~sud bave fferod vety itOnÃŽ sUi R. cm .PROLient-OL Mastà r Of Rad- Mld by ChenlltÇ, Store' udg ddSS Prime Sm SSeTI4ROAT ,..CO. QLUZIE C LA N D ç y sud estingl ug, M.0 Most &#t0 t nIht-,«oMe by lo7urwedto nut uue t-ujions fer"' Wh,. re eften bleed ad rate, b0efling vouons' SWAjYtdE'S oinTME Stops the jthicg sud lolediOS, . beaS1 uceratin, andiln o an cçsrelxues e0 <~Z t1etmhîrs. Sent 04 y nymailfo The Wonders of Magie I A N Li SON, When yen Sund t W l 1D Ub wea l d5 ai%:7, To tire elderly mal wità hbis locks in d.caY& 'OR MK EN 0ON LY. A ricir head ory "irneei'5Mge ~~'"' ui'rn',~Lle se preus se rae, SOI tell Y Try <'Dornevenaiste msg1O.o Lpositive sud radical cure fer aIl Men's The. lady's misfertune -wbe o bng ber aLir lmnessee, h-w'ever imduced. Imprudence -Try t "ooi~wend'5 agi* a exesss ofyouh oroli ageyieds5h.esu qnqickly, easily cesply rpair, 1 exesee cfyent or ld ge yeld Tiy "Dorenwefld's Mfigie Dmptly te abheabthtul condition, by using -It imparts st.renglb sud beauty, -. Bell's Medical Dlscovtiry. AlIdruggiste, Ant i t's thre lady'a pitul duty, orby ail.Se Try "Dernibee' Magie PIRICE ON» DOLLAR. Take lime by the torelok sud stil kee>? aboratoy,l51 29th Sire t'New Y ori. you iOwn, .Try "Dornowefl'5 Magie.e Tuei Tonaie, a aituro bast lever yet k""gl Try "DoruwefhLB agio.4 Try Ibis mette te b."a, Try tliiyen succeeti, 80 1tel yon - Try "1)ornelwend'5agise.'- TMs new famous preparatien 1er Ivigo- rstinq nr5d etu~latilg thirgowth et -tir bair.îis unvetsshlLy à acepted as tho ýmcml, valuable spelleonAtire market., Ail insua.e01 the, Scalp Mme.loth.r24- Ueved or :PrmaIent4y Otsred. qW 0 ELin1eowalter judioîos ant regalr leftmnO ,mO W O R P 0W ER S lirrmains witir ihe user alene tl se-ý cure the deuireti reetilte; pufliv. a sle oze ad «t DR. DORENVWEND vS aestm"yr Ofw0mW u nCMild MoAd"i.HA R MA I . E'OR VERY BUST BRANDS et Biackila molb&U i Drgglsts at $1 per betlê er JO susn, Gunpowder, sud Yeiutg Hylon 6 botiles for #L 1.t etbainablO lu your Tes.; Choicessl offeesIndus Tabbo-D51,ls Ietyp menti direct enO «Ml8piel Bengal Table-ries, sacd-Parity Bmktngp.PO .DOENBIWBRN'D 9 der, cal1 ou, orseud VonT. ordor, by p.>é or P a:irWorkU, otberwîie, t thee 113 dOZ i<3gt"ee 1os& 15Yug-tTrue s' Whllby. majrGuesKe r'ês chÃ"oiet Soldby W R.nome sud a&K ruggit Indus2eauuuasd irstrengthsd ______________ Raver, always onhnd ,ROSS 3OHN8TON. PATEN S Kowo'ti Or' l6 O.1e515 ,5l1dXTtd Smasobind u atpbihd4801Ia sUfbotbuies euutd o MD- J Chw 1 0 ~ br1 '9 0w.y DIRAI Do thé lers -Ccg ar illEs il%. » Pou - - a a 1 « BO WERki