Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1888, p. 1

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<n iL MW'ànt Peme. Progmtre Knowledg% B»rotherhood. With cale Prlnted wordsgreat t boughta, md unfg Ids ~~ r-t-fý- mr A D f ~TC~T. YXX1L y ~ WHIITJ3YVNiD.' -- -- wisih tib polirb up their knowledge et busi- <. ,TIIII "TZRR&OB, 'BYBON-ST., ness methodi. Apply #aI Ibe WHIT BY. nhcLofce Ml. C.CRA1i FORT119188. anging LRMPS! ETERINAUTSURGEON. - qPlRING -AGAIN. L~:~ braanateocf lb. Ontionietoeli33i3y, Cl-001« -"~' - flwlogevmailoroto.rmhromPIly Amd if U B le'oking for a Nice Piper- for oraore b mal orbelgrsP P our Parler. Di-inig-Boom or Kllcheus. tînded b. opst Office at neslaeflpe etG.f yna, pp'à Mt - w 7it .4.1 whlch\ 15 n. Bngart'a, Dan1fis "'""L- II.Ç AwlFT N»BE8 Iwm TUF LRRES ÀND EST IVE SEBEUTI -Cstq vhownini btby eorwug the lI- W .iVERY and SALE STABLES# mranad aaif al Ug au GolRenes Tnuia ea Wall ad($eIo Pa~Opem 1~E BSDeoorat topj Bt«Il.. <fre4 J - ij YAY. ' MARC-13-1188 B. Il IW). il). Bodàa i a very bail condition for traved N EW S ,EUE~RSm ustowsn9 quiteTo~on. Phîlp la visidutgbrsue B~02 OrrePOfdSUB. Tue ocutr&ot for carpenter work of the * Mthdiu~ burh asbeon - et to Mr. The Rev. M~r. McLullaud o hbr ÂndeWOffll>~<n' f Bampton and the ~WHI preaoh in the Preobyierdâ. huroh muon1 workto Mr. Trenouth of 1he. ame herland Càlu'mbusnu n day.." - G.Lu-btd a mi.. offhbigflugerplic«. tiupe lasI W "ekW . havêio r tO -..OcOMPI&n cf h.e i.C r ih s l r4 o <~~uwwa. villige la ion ,dere des fh1.pft.ah for a-op1 O O l~ Th e uii nly comi th»iW M~ ït _____oftà _e_-____" ~ I3LU~ ~jitOUh1 ae with L gey L & e Burke, NV~ t' 19stablished 18S6. ARCHITECT. nhe Leadinq Week1l ln Ontario COUUDtI Designs for Churesei, Villas and Cot-o itaget% a opecialty. Drswings prepareil for Glycerineo ucaIy SUBSCRIPTION RATES. rernodeling existing structures. 4l Si per annutflini advatwe-#1.5O other- Orrc-First fiat over Howse'u Drng vise. Subescriptiofl5 are alwayit payable at Store. ire office of publicaion.f. QB oz 202, WurtTBY. Steam esquîpment and be8t furnishédOf Voes sook aud Job priutitig plant ini 1 astbru ~ ~ Ln a Ontario, capable of exeulig ail lasies of DmninL nto Roal Mail work f rom the large poster to the aimallent U UVU htnilbîlI. Special Mention is mnade of the 18. ST M HI 88 Aiinaublth B liUurpastw(l prooo f acilitieo of THF Cuato-187 TAX ELP. 88.-nIvlaoPrpatnfr-,h lobSt, itt.i iLs eeletr>ated N. Y. Cottreil cylinler press and otINoe cvii LTER SE RVICE. Skin. ' gie. levet y order receives prompt, care---f tir sLtiftIOl.Sailings i etween B ALIFAX and LIVER- FOR SALE BY POOL, 1rrtightIl, via MOVILLE. £ERms oF ADVERTISING. First nutierLlou, per u'ne, 10 cents; each SAILING DATFS BlioeUfT ~ h L9ttp syed kdvertiboetils are moasured "ar.tgh by a 4caleof1 olid Notipareil, and cixarged 1 di Oh. * .oo'aM snt îthut rite S, ni................ 10th. f ïututin iserted iintil f sdeu ud From Hilifax CE IT DU GS Inub4i frli ÃœMfor46CHden, and DUdIS *tjar~d fortii!!tie.Vevr ..........." Mar. 31.4.. or ttrs fir itiojati-iuinîr advertiaemenjts 1SariidaApI 14th. mntio hti u .rttug. oLbsrwise the putlîsh- Oregonn.............i" si28th. V~~T Y mr will uot tu rrtspousible. A li t)i4rtài io,t&t for ooutract advertiee- ]RATES oF PASSAGE. mauto 6y the ye-tr. Copy for changes o!f___________________ cooatra .t b 1 vortiserneute sbould be hainded Cîlin Esites from Baltimore or Halai. lu a t tatter thtuf W idtuesdty ; and notîoe $flO. #60,, t65 sud $75 ; atctord iug te position of itlyti ,euid chatiges sîouid Lbe given of ,,ttr dowti, wîtl. qual saloon privileges. , , beoeri.,<ey flun. Other adIgertiEe- DVDTRAC o, fO tlbun mouts rtioiiveo up to i'hurstity noua. D Gene TRalANCets , Tntreal.e B3ilUS -jus4ntltS ilà Ions! or uewm colomus eraAgnsMotal Fivo eîtis ptir line wweekly. Locale, Io e. E. STRE HENSON, d peir lite w ekl. Loal genthfib.e, L )),.ip ,tilonce 5olioitpil from 9a11parts LTl Aentaphfice, na/r vrusnes, o! tiil )iity or ueigbl. rintz towueships._______ OrreeoIittitR are requested to send in tbeir ýoIinttitiCatiotiR as promptly as HENDEKSON & GJRAHAM, p , Gf i 1 'Combs, *JOHN STANTON, RoaIal ta e s Sn- - Royal iviali eLeamersGel lis l.LONDONDERRY oohoas GLASGOW. TohSas JOHN E. FAREWIELL, LL.H., WINTER ARANGEMENTS. P B,RIS1TER, Connty (Jrowxi Attorney, DATES 0F SAILTIZGS. And ail other Articles necessary to the B ad Coizoty Solicitor. Officoe,- South viug, Court Houte, Wbitby -48 Prom Hlalifax. Toilet, are kept 'M- good variety by o Ci-cusit.................. 2th Feb. Ir A.tE-, RIJLEL>GE, Sarmaian.... .... ......... lOth Mar. B 11ZUSTER, ftl Office foriierly oc- Circasstiati....... ........... 7hA op id by Fare well1 & Rutledge, nei ieuaa ....... . 7hAl , I. E O o [loyali tote!, Broch St., whitc)y Sarmaîi"ti....... ...........2st --________________ Noue of the above siteâmers carry cattie, 1) VID !~1'O%,B. ., sheep or pig. Chemist and Druggi, WhitbY. AT't0RNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICiTOR J.ý RATES 0F PA-SAGE FROW, WHITBY Chaucery, Conveyaflcer, &c. toLiverpool o Londonderry vit Portland. Orcs-In Lb. Office south of the Foet .Ctibiu, 361.10, 576. 10 and 586.10, accord- OMe aMMUà' lcBrock Street, îng to posi ion of st.terooml. Intermediatet Offic, 'n lloMUaîm' Bloc,%88. 40. Stee.age 528.40. Whitby. Y10 W bitby to Lîven pool or Londonderry via t * -Halif ai. Cabiai $(42 5, $77.35, $87.85, ae- G. vouNG smiTUr, L L.B.9 cording topoition of tatetooW &RRSTEI, c.,&c-MoeY e Lan Intermediate. $88 40. Siseruge, $21Q-40. B Lesirr et ariage Liey tea. itermiediate pase,gers boohed to or Irom IT fT T LM B jelquer i riih Blck, sotrh o Glaegow camne rate as Liverpool.j. t .LJ ,.J2 JE olprcs-mit'a loc, isout ofMaret, Steerage passengers beeked te or frem HRE Erock st., Witby. Glasgowe Beifaet, Queenstowfl, or Lorndon, Jan.uI2.18786 Sarne rate as Liverpool. Bristol and jan.22,188.Cîrdifi $2.LO extra - Passengeri; aud tbbir baggsge are put on JO lIN BALL DOW9 board the Ocean Steamahips free of ail ex-. HOrSO é? & Uattie .1 1 1 form r :of ýods,- Rsi.2 d;uce*' OBE ERS# a lot et Gile ýRDSe Books, Cards at WITBY* U1os.~ 'i it~ Jeim~ tr,4 $ioa au r z iN ýV a ý,JLfje, -an *sue aa-1 rü fh Ioerm etingefor thâes days nlu.SOw~éot beia oid soelit il ourlmhing. AtI lii, annoyancean anéy.nei = lng the receipts ver e over 'F id y, atrd y a d tnd, er h. mId hodinga pieKEAZ. Onpt. a d Mn.. Eish.r are. epeotedX Yrlay ev ew.ng eil. M r. W ili t, or enteTpTiSifg mer- b. préet, during h. whole or pari of iee t bfiulty between one f our chaut i.in Toro to purchai g s.select h. meetig . and a Young lady, both daim te stock f priag good. 8ay Young fellow! if yen don'1 want the case and each Bays the other ecots, e ef them Je îellins morne We au boast f a man, who ClailDe your girl to go back on you de.t va ppeu. that ho bas twe. cOWS, whicb protluce tbose old olethes any longer; but mnaeke1 ILove, Thou art Love, Wea are Love. tweuty-toirr ponds of butter weekly. tracks for Warrena and leavi>,$ourdidst ie.-At ttb. residence of the bride's Mggie M. Jeffery at r turned te and have Mr. MoMarshall gel yen 1up, on 2let imet., by Bey. G. Waliker, Mr r hm nDâriatnt pn h n ftoenbysieh 9aýfios ~Lve, o Joiette, il., te Lily, eldeet ber rei rigo eeedteee ftoenbynish uelmn o~t f H. Love, Grenbank. The. Emter. for building. ana lovemble couple stat forer We were pleasod te meet Mn. M. James Pinse bas seured th. iùte Iu Joliette on Menday. Bsdyo TrnL, b a corne home services of M. Philp Phrau laitet0 -~~t @XRDE.tpend a few daya during Eser. Slins. A1 a sher ho cannet b. beat r,iremen are rnaking preparatielis for A great rny of Ibis section are and the farming aommuity 1vii - b. Vat lime, bore, on May 24tb. cmtiii of cidq and more hroatsm. e~b pleased te have bitu back luihi -,Dr. M'Tavish of Lindsay fi lied the Ul uigbborhoo. Wheu lu- CeIntubas aa vacated by Mfr. Cocbbumn lat Sab- Tie Rv. Mr. Hll oocnpied tbe P - few years age M. Phrayn.dd ah- is sermons were well atteudod. pit lu hig iii -6l arnet ad interestilg îug business and -hie oid oasowers wiÃœI h(lear that Chai. Kell$v and troep will maniner last aonday. ne doubt paîrouize him a&gain. é oncert next week in aid of Iliechanies ute. Such a card as elly will ne PORT PERRY. The concert given by the Ketobam1ý daalarge crewd. Wih the tire robin owing ôut te company on Fiday night, vas very * id Fergusen, Esq c f Scott met with greet thre eprîug weath e , 1 arn again te pooly atended. Tino programme- vas y accide t iatit w tk N hile drvint helb fore. Tuose wbe have been dis . w l 'rnd red aud c nsitel of ohernaié le Mansion lieuse arch the cutter up- ltdfrweeinntfnigw ytêlasteesueos M &B *rowig hlm eut sd breaking mofet P PoLtdfrwes10Ofin wy ytr ccsuesudol bM.sd h.W. h pe he will soon recover. naily fiedly snd agreeabie Imiterm îu Mme. Ketebi' m .aiîlutadhi- le oticed iu our Journal a few weeka îbeir place, wilIaiub Iildwt dectebig hchacetiy $bIa German club bad eau tarted Stisfadion. My corepofldeflce, 1 good. The classe daim te have recteiivd but smethiug ou a litte langer scalehaeuri.vr vy popultar read- oo benefit trom the .hoot h ri 0:l ont Mat week The'y bave launbed igaogPr er epe o ouedbt ihya -tâhr Making mouey ie the principle aloi& 41,1 attenld, and 1 amn suril is wise for I Muay note îbis week tiraI the. Ou. tme tieemn-u opo ýMtosay away. One yeung lady amvk tarie batik hanwhdwnisaey t Msif telepton -sud.he re H.ý W* ofe ber bemd white going tbrough tretu ber. and is 10 o ucceedol by ie ue.n oéo the exercissd she wsh.d for ber Wsen h uyrge xeiue!mauîfested tbis cleanly aIthe osfe k -hair. Wait tii! il growi. l.Otrebtkti 0îaigthe concert by making publiec'h nt e * > n-bys eugaged Eh P rkingste by t e On ai b n eti l a In fa few ycu ng mou vh o - lhought etOf *,a lecture last Saturday evening. 11Q bcul iaiîe î e deeleî ââ Saturday noon on rbe uiized trom Years ago. Their agericy boesbas jolIniI9Rthe. clamabul, ver.afterwards boe.O acun t lm1miga -nver brou a profitable une, uer baspretelrmdign.W km e &lre .w8apoeue 1 me hm a4 uins8eerbonYounagry u Il ~'~ mn -hsep their wrd'-bu ~tl1S~~'W Ot ia sud rbuusiness loer bey jjgtiotaetgre'-jlu Undth nun~~ i attl, but uovirtbe ehogave u oseInmn e en are ~b aebe~ ad reatlu telptughiflg I amn sure everyoue, oeetn. aymnb"n are rt the vorth t the admission tee .Ha for many ye ira on thu bai>k's mc>ney. ua bard on the minis ers sud lawyerm, but Haviîg rnany oppontuoîtis for epen- Tw oaa e &&athlir&s te whom ho bad reference to îng agoucîos, the ,naugt.r decidei te, eloged le Pot Ferry. E a e elrvn p ntolaaib na.BmiwzL te br; ol'anifluisov- ~sr ou neigborig twn.Mn. Woe. MoGilli e ltkely le becoee anled,scraped sud sinon». COLUMBUS. manager et ue brancir f thé Western Furs aIl vool braided jersey's', or' Mr. Wmn. Smith, M. P., je oxpecWe home batik *siablii.bed bore Ibis week. Mr. $1.25 at W. G. ýWaltpra'.ý n W dneeday fer a àshort vacation, W M. Wib, O hawa is accuenuant nd NEjw st k et ý'o blek jet and abai If &y of he boys in Iown ish t10co- Mn. . Busgard caier. Ttiouh M-. bead trituminga at W. G. W llons! lune 'wintr sports" tbrough le July, I MoGîiq vas manager of te, Centrai Gm n e lrfle -sntie-to 4 blain from. premet appearances hey conl O Toeilfneasrm tofls e acoozumodated aloug the meventir. branoi ber-at tins tioe lb. insljtutiou et 25o. uaeh ail new,.-"' atiWi The Rv. Mr Carinichal iuîeuds tartlng ollapsed, ne person tbought et bIse- aa es'), ~~~on ~ ~ î li ohvi bsweek for a rvo 1igbimn for any part of the bank a oa. e r eswodsGuiÇsm onths itay. W. aU is lhbiora plisa»nt' lami ie, sud bu la lîkeiy &te agalub. arM iefrblsspy r time sud ide ruturu. cm aE- olale bMail oradrnis 1Mr. James Ha'rtop, formonly cf Ibis plac' Wsu rroI D. arr's ,tbiuas but lae cf Bverton in5 00w îunig Mr. ve' beteI meitl oka DaiobWud alira, i eVS Johnton's mi Il muc to the satisfaction o eeetr i n6 the numerous cuatoimora. James tull iy lt lfbiohig. I bugmo tl eu a- gen ih adiai vindiale n ahrrepulatien sea fn Iot iat a fiue thingilasWav boer asebdrns i4II o lau ma u tirte fgour lhie. *a, geo " m i'1k. lb. -Dr. le. ýkuup bis attlsbed, obli, #10(iatRo sio' SSociables are theét retrage i this locality woaîber oye uýpon 0éther sotte vWo Ntw elocletlae 01.oalu no.MJohn Astn gave onu-lire cIer i heughtuî'ijIy.break loto -tbe. ma cruleim sud wbitéat lowemt Pr1àè«&~ even n n1u a f t he. building fuana, lm t e ans rue&i@ 5 d o G . a t rs ,eiled52. M r. Gee. WAtîkst givesmnl au, ejater aupper imet Monda _evu subna td bold a» .a1.rtainjDtii5ll ong t be . ra. tîwb)ud good lime may ha expected. xj 8nday aea>1 obildren ou the annivrt id,ê.6 blit4 Waeaveyuvrpnîmiug cemmuuiy 1 eury..day et Our saviour's .rneifltio. n 'i t&iod ô$ i. tbink. Mn. BR kieoubai Parebaase, b.IThre vumeibie Dr. tomes forWqa#dluin's essl end Methodilsi hureh sud 1rrepemfl werful argument in favor fngdy TeBya§oI gtng #à nov dneminatieii wb le T.>m nointreppebsrviuOhm Cook iras purbasol the. vot sud'bldgni.itepoas 1mouser llY - "" ' uàiotd ioalns opposition- Go iu Tom, ne mnnpl.Noither ilugir Howdeu nonr B ih-*ei portant points my min- ostun-, Iaen marnled ai yel. ailly drIllatoseoe 6ohers.ý4o nt # l u0 e oo wGÃ"1I6DrIà aý t W' te rt en tieDl'; wlli ,:pe',tbejè0ne lUt solê*U0010 Oeil suduer thrals ra emmo luWbisk1ey selon ep up their ainilerS a ai0, bi ile.ou *tihal maered day, edas> $0e hher 3)oi;T foet #-iètVl -Mr. Carnogile t& bout seUing anothur b, oeêesubasIevur llG-jIl. prt ».popen bou. sd oeMr. D. Rlobinson. test jsgàiu4 their deue.tnl6 .t>f..tIrei 1 Mr. MoBien lbai a goël Mar [t6y. saond day. Jolrinit salle, tbiuik ý'.ý uehrlh «,of z ,$ru ýp. . Ioi 00&S 19 mao W5q*îu*

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