Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1888, p. 4

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kTENTION Cucumber A Rose JelIy Ohapped Hands, __Or AS A- IMPRO VER. -.ONLy AT- h; EmBuai Lii. Go E. GIBBA RD. ON LY 8100PER ANNUM. WhlbyFrlayMareli 30) 1888 UP ubthe lime 01t going te prose ha've ne informfation as te who il r"eethle noV cabinet poit tilic PtiuIl&IMiabolt et afgrnat'1 thougi lier. eau bo no- doubtitI - setleo question by tii time. A imgay viiib. dliuapPOiflbd ebouit" il oni te ho the case thal Mr. Dry' elaime bave been overlooked. Tât.tdebate on commercial uion a Ottava bas draggod clOut suci lenitth that .verybody bias guI eick of il, aveu .1mb thovote wve t ken. The argumnent bas beostcnsiderabbe intetest frum thb. lad that nout oftho badin R unembors of Gzeveroméfll haive seon fit toaddretsitheBofouse ounthe qlé8ttiOn. thue making lilu t it. Noue cf the Speakers on eibher aides o!flte question - have anbutdoiiod tbemeoivee ut very muet knowi.dR, and the, country is abouts vieou lh. question as il vai; before. Tuss le a& story comig from Ottaws liaI the Dominion Goversimoul le î. parasO enougb bauds from tho C. P- B.to enable thstl oumpan>' te establiîl Ik lino cf sboams;hipt moroas theAtlan lie, the. compaui> giving up ils moncý poly linslamr. Froue this il voull sem li he ogvho have kicked 0n tb. rogr in tb. nrirtbwest witb a viom - harîlug lb.e O. P. B., bave proren it -best friendu sud bave Riven lbe rail *&y côcmpany %nanthor excuse te -dope the Counftry out of sovera-1 million more mono>'. Aad possibi> vbea ti Gkoverument bas, made sasettbomel viii tbe railvaiy. Manitoba ma>' ha' te gel a couple of miIlloný Ir s easy for a fow leading clergy men' asui tompètance mou cf aIl Parties lu nissi toeoler ai Toronto- aud torm a tutir Party, te ho called a Paîriotie League, or wvbabortotier etiaf o ib.> may b. pioased te calliti, bab il appears lu aselns if polilicians vili not cote mach to belp the noV orgsuIltGion aller *Il tb. talk tLb. bagué londulae-d in le tho effect liai politicianrs are'1eci geneoali>'disionesi. B> tie formation of ibis nov Part>'thlb eadung lomprer- "ace mmn bave esîranogeti themeoives froý bolb politisai bodfies as st proseo con00itnted, sud frein parties lu vbose ore ýil il muet be admitted &ail lie' te formee ftefb.p'asb in Csnadîian poltiet ar'umor&e0 îress. Thi* fttltiliug-u VLilility for Lb. &PPIWIUUS u àI personal oatOb Illi ave nmd n)re of yoflr oorroMPndtM ta oot.a Morl aiOI",or a1 oldpoe oapiziP es eMPlOYed by me lu' argu menfts to a6ktl * t more P o.imrt lt a sae criteriou bY Wb h t.o oatimt, ui wurth. 'opUlAity maiy Of courSOspricg fruin lune neitit roognizod "ld duly appr6Miat- Lt iny howover ho ôutthe blatant Off- rig of shaîaeless slqlf.laudaioKl, antd judi- ,s &drertLing.. On the othier baud a jure Lu achievispopilàaritY nlfty depend n a total indiffernc e in rgard to îL, a, stittiollal jnabiility t.o"beofe ail thiap il men " or actual dornerit. T'he =oe fact that Smrn who wereforiner- membor,; ot the conigregation of AU bints' churoh have gue elsowbere je uLt sof that Mr. Fidier han been in the wrung. Luse tb&-tl it m.y have been wonq in bving without àufilent cause. Or there iy~ ~ "( hebenw on nbth aides. 1 have aile nu pretenslo u -the ability tu decide mse pointLs, or Lut a p portion the blane ; m. a4,6..av.o»r 1cold h o ubeLLoT of[ in ribur rit i cutic Thi mda ions ýired rhô leu bmE rher ann valut MinÈ thou terir re h that the Bide parl moi ject the sini htid F4% v his hw be del th, AI sel ti nu !i 1 r ne th if at lt rt t t p 0 f int GOMPLEOTION Thon' iùl ib. elOI4uo-au down with tbe Ptsb3terisalamb, -*ad the Baptie' beai' wiIl toma dnly be totlko 11k. h. glioant aa- tho"ra .hll b. #86aàoe s'AAi B W alafor thora wiUl b. noue'b orlo sr t.l h. plite $00bigbly drawii?1I iow nOt. M-- .Md% il am ukat we Wu11 SOS. Th I n n: s and stmflOProvision made for Lb. de- ri fsuc i nattot Sorne more sut'table nal than Lb. cv)liuîns of a news8paperl a "Stiranger"' for judgB, jury andi ox- ýoner aU b y .poiSl soliapointmnent. e notion thiat a clergyman in visitiliR aiding the sick by bis loe-ng ministr&- is only doing that for which ho was 1 and is paid la degradingtu *11 concerned. nrmrlgaLiofl of that ideq' la calculatod ,ro theehrch Lu the lovel uf a bu.i- ý nn4rtakilig. It ftîrcibly brings Lu d Citrint'e îitboning dennuncatcm ut ýe that bougt and sold w inte mple. ,re are sivie tings. GQ e to hanked, that not ho convered intu art coes uf mer- ,îïe,- fie moment you affl'c a money le ta thon' you ipâ,nfact0"IfOtoy thein. eider what wtînl'l hi the effect upon thse ýd of a sick man who should barbor thse uîght that the clergyman who waas minis- ng lu hit in thingi' spIritual wus but tiii a parI of.liii day'i; laLior ifor which riad barczaîfld Lu receive àa tipulatod ournt of cash. £n oiuttier may ho excuse 1 for thinkin g t a mare than ordinary kindlue it ,~ rage in the diseclarge of hie d'îtiei. ont of ppi,;t eh.ulti hao hwod Lu ofs;e>,or alaui 1somel departutes froiniwlîat miav be con- ýered strict1>' proper ando1rthtdx un the -L o! a eler.vflmanwbîle in il, and a&l the re if thse icatters at issue ho c. .nw'Dnn sub- ts of dkspnte hetweAn diff.ereit secions c a church's peuple, alik-e coriciCfltitt"5and icre. IL ig abuvidhiltly evident that iu eh cases Iho.re can ho no unit>', or soi& ance o uîity, withot tcotICicsof s 0fbd t les. Tise peace achievel 1w a certalr vae. wvhu, upori being exb',rte<l Lu f orivi .s ent'mies, declared lhe bai nouie sirce hi id killeti thons aIl anl eatof ihen. inultb t haugist ofinii this case. Disunîof je in ted greatl>' to ho prttrred tLu a cualititinci aI sart. The usagnihlit>' showf b ,rehoèm %htWi ho pttuttipractice hi berne (i di9tnniof f arnisbes ws wit.h a pic rée 41 moral grandeur thal uilterï,r elici ur Irihute or ailmi' ation, hbuwever oadlyi laV fail Lu Win the strl higisor trihute o! o' mjlat.iffl. Lot iLtrio understoid that 1Iai ut pistrin g >%Ir idioers ase. I have nc rio reqiisite aeM itafl0O with iL, anid ei. E I hwit1 %would Z i 'n Rn upertinefc trenptidisectie it i inte cdn.neof a'r ew8pftper I t~ht -bthial"Str-angerSispr enertau-a letr ioîcghLnitto be oaliuiwed p unrotice i. Tliee are' it wtbildl seet ,hree whoa ,prVove sîfsucisa modt of aLLac ng a elergvnshf Tiat tliev keep back tht ýe namre-4 re uwinçi. I an. chaitftble -nou ýo lie willing tii allow. lb Lisir ton g" nu ievtv.1Th at êeni tl in vowOr excifle461 tiinanlinaîà If ii1uliiiin ppo-sofalili while takinîr wivantageof ttue protoZt afflirtiot bv a psteudotnymel. It ie too m'u afIon tihe style of a naiwi lassassin. yonre tnt!>', %V. O EÂSTwoor Whitloy, March 27th., 1888. Cowaraly AmAuit& BD. CHRONICLE : S[R,-A' 16 tU-IbAr Of AUl8S1i I have felt bnth pained andi inidigni ov'? the pArutihi uf thee trtictDO youit lamt ittanA, ou Our venerablo beloveti piclor <of kl s'tint*. Wbat ha dorseor visaIho bea lfboi n mnioethan I eau ntu'. nut. Wbo lie big ina of omiaioKi or oomiuispic can 0oither net norhear. Trimé, Ite bett la eacular au' l enomiuivstic pr-e in u hioje ta déàf-odt im !qqinut thie rep-sta obsui Outrageofl tacka of hie eo%lnniar. 0(u n tel Wbf6t tisaobj.itinn te Mr. Fî veIlbv je? le iq Riman onlilar ihigh, hisaet-ioeaok tou bris'1, O oe !B. A.h'inod bane bon buw ? Sreli onewill tleny i-h4ltii. %beautil il ici arrpd ontL jn aIl 4 t e an lu ïn- e on-~ Re has , WJ WA'TONH BD. CIRRoMIOLE. ajR-is tho Bey. Mr. Fidler'o uoi- ns as incombent of Ei aintï obeho aèn' U nsinaied ina labe issu, f PAT IE NCE. PERSE VIERAN E Wood Baya notbh e sain NivWt. BýN R I E AD ing the poor, fais ill Qod ommando,BRN TH RRWA P on yel ~o 0syafwwr. h rt sdmntatdb h attat a.fter a successfulbsnscaerf or wordm io ibatoffiot. Mai I irespasa-bsns aero Will eay lhem withoutiflefldiO offen. 0~~1 sive IlO S, bu t rat h r i u al ki alu osa If 1 3 Il on bies Bock is alippiug awaY, Why not We are more firml1y founded and in a more prosperispsto hnee. Poal arouse himsef to 1h. gravi3Y of' th. the fact that from the- start we sold at situationl and, figuradly lY llio p bis eleovos, show that bis iEOP E LEA IN - IR CE only bout to bgin. ne la -1bcer- PE P Em L A IN R C S. parivf ly ouait man ad 1 bp. j' fRas had considerable to do with our sucess. maRy y.ars of lie in écré' an 1 8 8 8 . bisoarOOiii nd. Lot hlm mturai. 1888IR.JE JL.±.. .±. '.- - Vritings cf Bains, Paul, -bilathen gel ehv 1W01ve oeEtgnErySrn ty5 rigbl down te the foot of the ross and W aenwo iwsm lgnErySrn tls reaclbriott and ony RHlm oruified, and I véntflro le say $bat ho vill have RICI AR REASOINABLE ,eamoa te bope thai he bas bruagbadw skciia ; sua i nce tor e pS entanc andsi niund ihe k your c i ic l inspection. m1nysocetiOV renanoe Vatn mthy 1pour &ni relievio«teneeslesc h Th e Ladies will find some decided bargains at the Dress Goods Counter. Look a t dïioressed are ail very vell in iboir those beautiful goods at 7. per yd. Ask to see the combinati0on suitings at 15. per yd. f Els %v s~ but oe eaifs.iae n- Remember these are bargains'that bloomed this Spring, they were not left over from ebody ai the IftsI, nor belief in ro- last year.Yo are blind to your own interests if you don't secure some of these Goods. geeritof b bpuso, oran o ieWe make no0 rash assertions but prove everything we state in the newspapers, when a efada that minisers of the gospelfn ,_ awaly with now.a-dS.ys. Thore jà nuootstomer cails at orsoe rame ndG havn by wbiob vo can RNS I IA S EHR.O5O esaearaycryn wybr d b. saved but on. But the reverend PITGNGA S EH R.Csoesaearaycryn wybr ýgentleman knowe tha. Suppose ho gains in these Gooda. Best English Prints, Fast Colors, Wide Widths. It is an o- % preaches it. Lot bim commence at knowledged fact our prices are the lowest for fine gooda. ,n once and there will b. ne snob qus- m m m o1 io n a ak e in h ie c a e , th e n b a s t h e le hadofos eter. iaflhEiflDU CLVI flIN A 8SPECIALTY to 'Youze SîE, ETC. Bn-» xuo1 Special quality, Special Low Price, Special Nice Fit, Special in Style. We have ail the recent Styles and our Goode are guaranteed in every particular. Gentlemen >'d lis _________________________________ ic ÂUCTION -SAILE Parents will find they can save money by buyinig their clothing fromn us. Gentlemenl'8 it FOpjirnishing goods, Rats, etc., the largest assortment in town to select fron. IN pIKLAN S. COME AND SEE THEM. en Thero will b. off .red for sale by Public ( to Ancion, tâI two o'clock p. mu., onu in- Friday, the 6 th day of Aprîl, '88 wý Xhitby DryGodEm oi . o, at Gordon'a Botel, in the village uf Piokor- :k- iug. by Levi Fairbanks, Auctioneer, th. fl àeir Iowing lande and promises bobonging tu theP I G E RC A T A LO N S P R 1 , - gb Bszate uf the late Joseph Gurmbey, namons) ýet PA'UWEL NUIIBE-R .1-cont.ining 50 the aores mure or bosso, and being th. Hast hall tis f o i ber 17, in the Second Rtange~, Ah 1 wolcorne, spring tm , 50 vansome an ân and the eoutb-osst part uf Lot number 17, ly ch in tho Third Range, Broken Frot Conoo*-di With a amle unyour lp, and a bar n yof -so fIikd as d..ribed ii . la te place to gel your ordered olothing. We have mn stock ah pnnshapylhrngusae swd r). beSlreuf frum ThoniBrm738.oep assortment of clothocf all kinda, which wil be made up in. first-class style warm sbowers, >.&R o&g nd tihe hm uf your garmeflîfi broilei't acres, more or boss, kncwn as Lhe Home. by J. B. PBILNGLE, the Boss Cutter. Don't mistake the place, a part of with fioW'rs.- stead, and eng he westhalt of Lot nnm- The Spring beauies wake f'or the girls a«4 ber 17, in the Second Rang and the South- ýW. 0.WALTERWstore - Odeio tSoeW~ty h boys, West part ot Lot number 17 ir. hie Thirdl And earth growoth green vithout basa. ee .4g~ Broken Front Concession o Pickr-nos io ing, a euia nade hro r Frum îiny brown buds n;w wrapp'd tol4 .tant MarmgareitroysudcSeM. JSIeiT HE ON TARI O T EA HO U SE The. lvebiss arIands wili oon be unrulli, andh aréS oreorI n NIBeingýh &-(utiflil¶164 Unexcoflod for Family Grocorlos, Fine TosandOCoffees. nar bf acr es, u r t ofs Lotand e u hie z inrI 6W hile vo watcb once more, Witk pale rrA n R- - IA T , laihearttè, the dear earth aqw*ko andi ettii. 1L/1 18-!A OUR. hrw aiobe bm lankois anti MA.RCH (E UIA lB801< O 1< -UDLOC0FLVL I "AA Tiel ING ONlmgAy An, f aith hou Pm Ge(oD Friday.- ToWE Oouuil- meel NiiT Sauday l ÂprilFool 5daky.- Taz Ontario bak aàgency frein Port Pl M.Frank Ellihel Boss' store. MUr.L. G. Csol - - shaw, ba boon n ï ur1e woirkt Osi iîl~ot mach dnrmg " - Mr. W. BiO5 - , tzbridger beib oaulbf f a shook S A$8000 builjli9 Pickering Railge fi Ontatie kni, bY -. out,0 -0 f tuas p ostiste ti.arcoi prioprlies 'for sl jngapUtOhM 00f gwcdulie to mBeil 'q ' T h o r e ô m e o a c i p u e s . a1b y 1b o i s 1~O The Vendlaof vi it buti lh*mtI?%ul Srmo-io buil b eo nfed, ain a r sie uet iy&L< in.i.5--- a1y e tb n : èh W S wilb e F .M I LL.,0 . GGR E E ND ~ o h oun- inm.OU.yae- t- TheVottv "r he boo. "Av 110eve -The main ressent per- 8, niove on the puriof, ta, vbbob1ueo- 1 or -belote cnMO er 1belaokeDQP bYnOo Ri.CURONIOLB. abIoutt ho thinue, o! Mil S aots, il th Ue or'f ai t h i l , i t -bb i; # ' l ei Rings, Locký Earrings, Sean Pinsà vine Plate' Table Wara fer Sugar Jelly andi PrE Pies rm apti lre J.r SBAR 401l WhitbCK ST., q -- -4 pruvo u The l i»V -to 1 mail.

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