Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1888, p. 7

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-- &UW. Toý;îh the êm longh vhexi they se@ The aff eu4ocymoutia 8bt14 r kick the e £a*idyouhi ~~~la*,~~snih suda1I 8(rm îyoWlip ur rtiglttod heuid ploUSb-lilai propos Ihe eWOP~h uikwg ufsot~bieIug to*sîîds,ýhe nadir.. teehe ~ I,.SI' aigPw. o okmn(smllingly shakig Toronto.to rorne tf rival baking powdr oem- hmd)-Exonee my glove." Boston, Suiphatel pauY. Tbu artos itnsa teacquaintauce (frigidly)-"A.h 1 Cetain- Sherry W' oouterctif Possible the letr te the 3y. Excuse my spectacles. de o pubicO frein Qeneral Hurst, lW6eOhio 111 wlsh my name were 'Notoriey' " offoaoy of etate DairY sud Food Commissions?, ighed a thirty-year old muid. "Wby ?11 while fin iu wbicb ho etates thatthe .Ohio Ooin-asked her mother. Boue50i sl treiigthei miSionS juyOvstLgatiofl of the baklng men court notoriety. feroresi powdOfl1 bassd upon the Blute Ohema- Mise Murraybill-ArO You fond of Vgrwi lot,@ analyses cf tbirty différent brande, bouillon ? Miss Boodle-Yos ;lin1he which giv provo@ that l OIpYlanid5te a strietLy abstract dear bouillon je very nie. but aind ris pare oreof îartar baking powdsr, en. for praclical purpeses give me bank Qinie ~trely feefrom amin, ammonis, lime,1 notes. ann &~o., and that itle aabsolutely the bout 1 Gis'lbeyrarte and most deoirablo baking powder man.- w ritedwse sold for ayn.e man t ui, alacurd; aliso, tha% th. Royal bakîng rtzwsolfragn.Th mnia o&' powder contains ammenis, and Ibal who bouglit il for B song muet have HiE the Clevelande laesuperior te the Royal I oosidered bimeif badly sold when ho in every quaility of excelence. A.uother tried te sing il. Why s objeot sougb1t by ont oompetitors in the Indignant restaurant diu.r-"See ca e articles referred to le te divort publie et- b ors, iwaiter you haire spilt about & Nervilix totien frein the scatbing but well mer. quart oi soup down the back of my bas neve itedt.buke aduainislered te l14em by neok?2 Waiter (sauvely)-Tbore'Il b. caes; it Qsneral Huaret for faAisifying bis officiai ne charge for extra soup sir.ofheI 1e8 ilI2 report in their effort 10 boleler ap thoir à QGe,,ia woman used a coule~ of liekuOli bakinq powder wben it compare 50 baltle-field shelis for andiroils iu their cure foi unfavorably witb Cleveland'i powder. Oneplcs.Qe day wben ebe bad a BoY ani Il le quit. lime that the publiq là bol fire-~fzz-ripba5fland the lose driiggisi made aware of tb. deceptive character by fire was settled for $1,825. W. W of the advorlising of th. baking powder -o hipped oompany Uni question. While extrava- Ourrent Literature. Dpg gantly advertieing their powder they Pieo have shrewdly ooncealed their use cf Aswecntat ermioe fB Po ammonia in ils manufacture sud have A ecntnl errmr faPoo peraisteiitlY maligned Cleveland's pow great war iu Europe whleh, beginuiog M. D der. on the Rassian frontier, may involve all obligali Clevluu'5 upeiorbakng owdrthe Powre, il ià juterestlflg te kncw subjori bus nver bnd maecf aknyhhiog but ow France bas prepared for ber next the hai purest grape cres.t cf tartar, purest bi. Bslrgle in GRmAKy. " Fr8aoes's carbonate cf edda, and- a emuli portion BLwarks" îLYorFe.&NKlE sLIa'8 Popu- I cf wbeal flour or starch,aud bas ,aIwaYs LR madefo pnll srm1k ,bee fre fom dultraton.Thi laable sud careful article, showiug the. and F, & ttested by the lee.diog obemiets lu dif. neW linos of defeosive works in thal can bi forent parts cf th. country from un- coun try, evideotly from careful and Iti alyses muade cf our powder puirchassd ?aution@ study. The whole number obtain by thein in open market in hheir re- la bigbt sud îulerestiflg. Mary Tit- woati spective looblities, as showu by tbeir c0mb telle cf "Tho Ways and Wordo ci of the certifiates in the circular acompany. Ameriesu Lawyerl. Jeel Rtithveu, in A ad iug eacb eau. We aak tbe public lea "That Eccosutie Englishuuisf," por. cruci' sho is rays the uninistakable Brilcu on. his diune! shwisdisappreval of tbe despicable travels. I"Tbe Bothhecilde and their of lesi advertiSing mothods referred te tb> e ixlonsbeiiig tending ils patronage te Cleveland% Mariiyn" sesth tory oethlat famoos so supenier baking powder, whicb bas fer fml who, Dow eunobled iu seversl rget eighteen years been firsl lu point of contieo, w:i probably at aset buy eoeh1 aets a pure, efficient, sud bealthfol tI"Beeves igonls bythesn mrent svngaen.deem it better to e he ontages thanakejil bred lavriiig an TH. owner. A, ebort sketch et Mobaru- wi CLZELNDBROHES. medan Xonen in India, a lady's ac- M Albany, N. Y., Marcb, 1888. ceunI cf Buenos A.ynes, Colonel Chaille Mi t »,-____________Log's asceoult fAmerloan Soldîersesari' Wit and Humour. ln Egypt, wlth Sketches and atonies by mon, C. . Hildretb, M. A.. Doieo, M. D. m, Thero aro some men whe are lik. Brins, 13. B. Edueeombe, B. C. Green, no ,, biauk cartnidgts. Tbey make as mnch A.. Licher, Dtsvid Ker and cîbers, maie and noise s heo her kind but they don t uP a maagazine whieb, for variety and whe, bave any effeol. interest, bas not su equal amnong Ibis Pa The. much maligued plunmbV flode il menth'@.Periodic&lo. ernu m u aI' esier te tbaw u l t e harde t W a e j . e e v d a c p f theTg Sflofie han b. ees ite haw nt rNuiner fortyos of Oý,ilvie'o Populan ren morne f biscustoflerdloto-ayioghem ouly 30 eents-cOu- HoÉ bis. taioing tbe foilo wîng: The Rugg Docu. and The Englieh hourist wbc rentlY mente, giving the experieflCes et Mut A visiLed Leadviile and bronght s tin Jorosîs Uugtz à Loue and D .cGnBolate Dai bath-tub wlhh hum, fonnd il vsry usefuli. Widcw in Searcb cf 0a Huisband. Byea Tbey buried lum n i ti. Clars Auos. Priuted ln lange type, oui Ruekin sasY5 man ehonld resemble a wlth isudeome . oclored lit bcgrapb river. W. do nol just koow what heoever. d meu,-u upoethpereasonu je hisI This bouse ncw dlaims (and with 1w£ lu oder e aoliO temuoilu sciey jutic) ibt tby gve mre es.drigdoc Be you believe lu eheap Whlk otains ote ewesîward. Te±u mmx yen. Certsiiily 1 do. 00elth. price cf advantagesOf the broken, mcuIitinoUs wiskey dewn ho a reasouable basie, and country last referred te, are bardly as poor man luke myseif vithh& s-fmily kuown te the gonoral public,. but wltb te support would have mouey left t10 euccesdiiig yeare and inereasiiig facili- buy bread wlth. lisfo rvel sud entertainmeul, thie gSbe-lBefoe we were warriêd you cornpairalively unkoown section will b. didul tbink ceven evaninge .s week tee resorted t? lu su[mmer by tons' cf often le vieil me. 1 can't ses why yon theusands rom the Senti aud South- dou't etay aI hoenD ow. Ho-Suiiely West, and in Winler frein the North you don't mean le say, my. dear, liat I and Northwest.-Gen. A.. W. Greely, etayed Mueb aI home thon. Chie f Signal Offleer, in Scri biter' Conde'flued man (te bis lawyer)-Il's Magasine for April. a 106g sentence, sir, 10 b. sent t S Le - prison for lif.. Lawyer (iuelined ho Tako tie sexuel division of mankind. more bepeful vie ve)-YBs il dog e eoinAlhough over the whole earth a long but, pothaps yeUno hliv. a general equaitin tuhIe numbers cf tb. tesat while. twe sexes prevails, neverthelesfi eaeh Descn'Bvife(aIa lIe beakastland bss ils peculla?, appsrenly con- Demas wié (% a ate reakaststant chsrsacl0iiio soxual composition. Buuday m6rning-Will yen have In Europe ther. anciently aud stilile sa another cup cf coffée, my dear ? Des-got. xes fwme n&h ol cou-No ; Il'y.barely lime te gel r.midy tn el. Sa osf wmn inte Eurpe for ohurqli, and beeldes a second oup of tan ib.the t l - oe f idilcEuroe Coffée keepe me swake.wme elutemioiy Trug Fleoeslookiug etrangor (met arrived Euroeanesàawhole the numbor cf -I sin locking sir for the @ocialistic oeon je vory defiuiilely in excese cf ba&dqnartots.in Ibis place. "IY.. a5ai, that of th. mon, and thoezoex9appearsý 8aloon etrait sb.ad. jakil dirsctly ho b. inucroSSinR. It w55 very great opposite. Yen caul miss il if you keep sft.? the Napcleoiiic wamo-; tien lte on. nuixbers graduslly -tendt>d tawardis Bundey.scbooî 1,scber-",WbY are equalihy pnd nesnly ,'eacbed il (1847 to th. Jvs, esp.@ts,11y thé ralersi 8099ti 1860 19009 ho 1,000) ; thon lboy diverg. cecked ? (Silence for a, s paeo ýbol ed agalu, sud stood, ilu 1870, 1,087 to tbro. seconds.) Reflsi siaîli boy 1,000. Thèýpham.ot-incr4sîed dîffonocçe -Why because t4~ high priost always are g.eerlly oboeoryable after Wsrand wore a carbuncle. lately appea te1 b. the mitit partlyo Omaha boy (in Lou lI»Oîultî thêe enoriOU5 o Miiiratio * W bicb'hal »v sa orne àu Ihroi ho iewindow laken place ho éther' quarlers of -lbh Pgïïgcarde -for' Mcn.y. LodiimviltS èaêrth. la Amerlos *6 -6a-*ol@; sud iù piayng- I Autralisansd Atios, on lb. oher band ville gentlemen Plsy rdfàr sachi whithotlegrin tbt p ohhr'5viesdopoudorance of imaIes la ýtondiGg, t1i men are- lu- x.oe ud b zo.s1 Ifonotd 1h, no", lergyan O esingwÎ ,h lb.e Constant arrivai ~i,,, n sd fliet nn.H. l ,aties, -immigrante.,Nýveýb "Bal ýaphie ln eV werld' 'oIItaiii 'c ses. pos disu bol 54. My eâ. By ts tiueiy ue thousundie t 01d )pelesi cas-e have hen permaauoud! ou- L. I shah b. g ad t-. end tîwo boîlles t ___________of______ erpin yremody Fu zz 10 anj f- jour fre of c o have censuaupiaflifl the' wiih sed W W T Z Y P U V ,0 thoir E ýxpr Oss sud P. 0O' sddns ewwAgg A b c Reee DtuiD . T. A. IL(> U, 87refiote >nge sîreet, Tenante, On-' y - IAR BLE W'ORKS.OwI, Te Indiau eshimal.os fer 1N5'/ 8 show a ~ efi il cf £2 ,44e¶%000, witb"ut conting T eS boîe lhsl evY c i Tii. TAIES '10 AsTheISuker ltiibe at u tr Oeo u i Itr)6yO 3 n r inapeuead mw h e aae ,' t, s d s udnro -hem itl aIho isboîer jfyou ae thrdten"esIth h evore4for exeonllg &II oen" onsipsliou, biliousnesi or wekocss. pro- etre.sted le him fr cUre a1 oco a bol OfotBur.took Btood Bitters sud Use il accord'ini harM Prompt ation ie neeeeiary lu utL.tqnes x your roubleoM ay be CUre beforO ît eo e .mesf 5A« laIbis ttal suviuge do nt ex eeod.ltONv' A, yo pew li e ilino: - 000.&uW.kgaa fl ~lSoidon' aý le suit theAimes. J. D. Ct1ain-ro n, e WOf so AuliWililulvipss tb o=a ound sIl lstand cape Breton, bd tnftammtrv rbinhsA.&&WlfdOorIoDmulO $I wl4cb E-agvarde YeI« i OU oued flr ailWO u> Xel Ole ii,1e ohd by aih dos 4in lu me ieO ________________ Reebeuhser teaul vwi, 1r n early. i De otI mcd? t. usine if that dgt11bfelA a J 0 rfum e yenue WitluploaW. 1h1.1r- f i i f e N i l . . ' i' sing thte m m. e4 LIO - -à -0;~w uu sa si~ the QolipslUlOUI' the acf Oiasi la. sofi oeasy t ta o, a&L "Qtue o a A e n .p s io ,lt heaW ~ mo ed by Norh rp & LY DI tu of W iil lh l gan I -i aaa e il atot l reard th ie E ~BIIIZEZIlae 0ete tovu- Qin -etcml îe d »PWith fine ip VPc&igr b ogty cf Ontario, , rd cholco aromati s whiloh B q1ud ss iw o id o o ïb u ~uinne o ilsbitter tist,n h VI ayc 'bur,188 r eurd (àainrn luth itst grtl . lesen&'by"poilpepid <addressed-ho (tren- !te a ti onu pon the patient ; w o e.ffc,>o 0 eiv rh U cn d [dese, frequentlY repstedl, -sgOOd ezeotori cf ltse stste of teh ai lthe pulse, moresse muscular EBbeieS6Y Hiirrll ou or bete . 8th dae ~emsudthus bylitej.e o f. Zpmlh fi}l partieulri et tho ad ss, l B invigorate ltoee t ltecf pl 61188'thee nmo csd ddes, - tm imardti, rate uapeil ovrifie, ana et the seenrities (if an) held te the eemso te sudn peergyV bylbOlD And ntiOoiebereby given that Vos pEAZNS, GCM a tie systoul againt aIl inteb- muediatcly sfIo? the sud date thb. said wlonum. s Âsk for Northrop & LymaI'. Reculors Will prooeed tediatribilite lte lOB ovnb-EaOHI5 ine; eold by ail drnggle. -ofee5 tIhe said deoeased amonget -em " e ari s ontlhled Ihereto, ha ig vou R UKÂT M D Wsiesaulteed the boy Blake astregBi i uhe ho aimsetofwich been lodged in lte Bratford notice hmsbeUn given s abo've roquired, <RET RT t hie trial. ad thho uid Exeouors will net be lable MIRREmEs" S for the assole et any part titoreot se distri- VeR SORE SHOULnDE Ton Tiiongli About il?7 buled te any porion or pemeous et wbeolao]FbOT 13T, Au ~~~~~~o sinlmoetwe ye 01notice shah net have been received àND L"088 ,-. nmediate reliefto alIternai by them aI lthe lime f snob distribution. e yAns US lpains hy lb. use et PoOI86%JAESBIRRELLI the geat ain cure. NXerviliho DAVID BIRRLL,l Exeoutore PCIB beenlfntiolt fail in a single JNO. B&LL DOWFo oGa notfifor 1h is a coMiflstioflF00HeGa t poefal pain suabdulng remed- D Seoi'crfrck, aOg Sregisl % Ty a 10 cent sam pie botie c S ler orofou O T . i n m y stables.n' Yen will Sud Nerviine a sue Dshed titis 151h dqy et Marcit, 1.888-14-3- lumstbs.l rasunalgia, toolhet, headace. ___________________ ry. Largo boîhies 26 cents, bY OSUS A E"Icastie Welr,1 Cowan, s Stralford manufaturer, "Gnem .- L50 pairs cf irn itarews te Wn- Q IMiTO L TMiny tblsr aplesantpohoîsIse-TEE TOWN 0F WHITBY. Universal Imbm a l satpurgative peletspos s tl8r d 'fey rful Poteucy, Paso Pailssh, Largo Solid Brick Rsidence wltb itdllow - __ Physical Pno pe ity. w ans. Ton Rcod ized noom s.. 8iab ing aI- ia.19 w l Lesseps wrltes that 108,236 00w tached. Hait acre et land aud sa-l et offine osi n n fr ths Panama Osual bave been fruit trocs. Both bard anid. athf water. ELLIMAYÀI'8 d for, piac ng 50,000,000 francs I ni K eys m ay -.h a n rom M ajor Long aud o d b - h i e of te Compa y. Ipromises may b inspeoled anylime. P o> ldb-C e Bimoig powclor Shall w. useseesin ah, once. Apply to sithen D. Ormis- ton or J. Ramer Greenwcod, Wbithy, or ai Cream Tartan Baking Powder e NATEA N ARNOLD, m pure 997, Onystal Cream Tartan Mar. 5, -1888. Brooklin P. O. Ijig Soda troncs le the boit ltaI____________________ tae ha h Lndnpolice bRvo CAUSE AND EFFEOT- ELLMAt! 1foateWoodhail silens W0,000 a u i A J securîii e on iflg ho tie O slte O M any pensons Wonder ea h t irod, wern S O utR T kte joh G ll f N w orksud w eany feeling ltaI oppresses theis w itit- 1 c ,...4 ion pi11.- -Many ponsong suifer x- ut auj apparent cause. [h may ho poverlj The Sap>es t. ,g agouy at ter paraki ng cf a heartj cf the blod or a disondsrsd etemachin ce<ran r Tite food parte.kou cf la like a bail eithenoase the stemacit, blood and liver lpon te stomnaci, snd instead et are o penfoiing Ihoir rgulan fonctions, -fe h~.athynutirnnt il becomes a an'd, wil many prsons hors will folloW a o tbe sytert. Dr. Parmeleel ui iev haahe asad many le Pille are wondenful correct1vescf oher syruptetue that prcodé a weli develL onhies. Tbey correct acidity, open oped case cf Dyepepsia- Purfy the blod, roions ad couvent lte f ood par- cloase ltse systeuofethlie clogged socre- of bint ealtbj nutrimtnl.'Thtev lions by usiug t h oiieta tale if trouble4 eoa'iadak itrH U digestion or dypepsi. e ha sM nrk Mit eR U helpe, he 1Gnited States Aminer prepsred by J B Meacham, 18 Ynnge S., Court cf St. Ja es, sails for a rc& &C hisie ofe ninetf * eu rs' oxp re ce. Secure on e I m Ari. lie bas been given lwo Sld lu Wititby by W. R. Howse. t'1 lave cf absence. _____- er Graves' Worm Extrminator bas SAL eS. STRE La fr destraying worms iin cidreu AU O'TIONfl Lca SoreT An l a t e h t y u g t t e R m i eg r a t e i n p a r l e purchasing. As 1 have taliontuhau Aootioepring Li- Wel, cisheru, ï;papers slae that lte Frech Gev- ceuse for lte whohe colnlj ot Ontaro, and lwn, ohoie t ire rjectod. ltay'y proposais for as %us lime ie juil aI baud for making an- houein bét melsinsiô f a commercial trsatj. ragementIs for tic spnug Audio!' Sales I ho Public Soit beg leavo le sanounce te lte general publie Haut 87 or ai ). Sabin of Eglingto n, G%îss have ti t1 anm pnepansd te condu rl ail kiode et mente dosirg ed ten corne fromn my foot , ith Auchion sales lu any part of te ccunty aI a t-ay' Cern Cure" Roader go thon modor-ete change, and, asIl sud A. . Row- AB H lîkewi8. la d, cf Wbit' y T oew , have muade arrange- A S E epateit from BRome te Thte London meute te assiselyciother in the auction- aud osy, wil News istyi th@ Pope 'e disp1oaeod bo- sernRbumniness, s letton or vslegram adl- gardon baud of lte mîerepreeftltiou cf )hie views deeï 4te iter party will neceive prompt elIish quaetio - . attention. htyNo - - r2!HMAS pUOHERB, NoSoNova0";ova. Actio!ie?. ad Serofula on auj nok vory bad for Box 47, Broghaml. yers. b ailtrie4 &11 remedies sud __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ),C, but did net get auj belp util 1 Rel Fîle Cf wanr Eurdock BIood Bittons m .M rRzIXNSm muI te otae. Coulais ttholr oi le a$sde, sure, sud e'e .wome u in ouoeÂ4UI. TENTSI ud Trade Marks oblalu.d, muid Imeincis condncled for If 01>3- ,,~HÂPPE HLS, 'wI ma, Bop£ B40913. qD soRE eU ISNi E »RuiffN5 lE DfGl. ................ N TESTIMONIALS. ce lthe Duke et Bblland. ,r, Granthéfl, Lee. 1, 1879. laoyal Embrocation te used til it very usetal. PMaster ot Belvoir Hunt.' Kingston, Hgrefordaire, De.Brd, 18W& :une lte Boyiu àbrootioA 1k»elseh, sud havFe bau'd it i, have alec useS ite >eatiùolà for lumb agosu i. lasêtWo jlem, suiS have oà stucs nsing it. LionI-COL, Master Of Rai- 'OYAL EMBR0OCATION~, laIe, Stores, sud fSadlers, frise 20. lES~ TOLE fruiti. Warm, comErlab erds Co o-3. t mpeo , by stenat. yto mr î LND . HOA RD AII NNS. W in andHeny ts. 0 oo olh?,Intense itchiflg sud etngif5 t ahnighl -c!-Oby .,,-alhing-very dtstre'siffR.I ,,wO o otinue lumgre i nhlhI 4oIe <bedand nierats, be0nx1g'ver'YO StopNslte ttchilg aud beediug* houle iniceralonand esattmnycaesroulve The W'on dors of Magie witeu Ye.na udltaI besnly le'aln wy Try £"D~oW1Bd' Maie To Uic etdonly mau wýtthetob udcy Try "peD widsMge A rbi b esd etfba, lsas predionl s rare, S0 eliyen - ~~Try 9"Dorewclids't ai The lay's misferltine when lelng brhi Try 4Dorn e i'P'Maie> 8h. eauquoP t, psiy ctapyroa Try «DorenWed' ai- Il imparte streuglh sud besly, And il'e lis lady's plain.dnty, 80o1 ellY0Ho "oui~n' Mge' Take lime by lthe erOlook sud sffl -ke? yen? owu, Tmy "Dorneweni5magie Titis Tonie, afailure lias nevor Yet --kuewu1 p Trj f,'DornSweud' 849gi.1s Try 4tie motte l ecd TeIii) yen snooeed, SoîItell YOn Try "Dornewefld'5aee Titis uow faiàne proparatlon fer -luvige. rating sud îtimuniallii lite gt~owit cf lt. htaïr. is aniversaily soeephed s te' moal valuabte specon u cm1r4t Au mmm or thelie la'tinteOr FLOW 11e06or PruaOt~prd A.ricit sud rapil growth of»W Ilidol low, ater njnliàoeus sud regu.est,9 1thaIil romains !Wmth ic ier elous le su@- cure lte deeired -resulte, DR-.DORENWEND,8o HeAIýR MAGO jsoldbhyWS rMit sju IWgO 'f I 'Sacte, t the Doep.C sibgUlir cf wateris F THB ugravlutge. Co. TO, ONT. rZ, Esq., cf Sewiug as lu imy Dot essiily ch longer beon "aen :>sLle. I tise w&nl- ïe menthe nx. de Sewlng y endorse y recoun- birg te do d is the Dstrict. 'gPur rs, SU ITS' peni ae. ON LES,- EL L. OUTS - lly deal "tue, ODe-< 71 e 1 1 e just iw ,ego, loti

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