Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1888, p. 8

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Elis Nicole of Toronto applies for divorce US'Qra W t*7 Our Ott&",I LeO'4 - on 111eground cf-the, mfldelîty -cf bore11ui5 l.Morri*ôn, of the D minîon Elsect*<ype bauidBrau Nioéi uûr, 9 OcgstèIMtirsI as (Frm nt egla coreponeft~ Cap. eelon h boere looking ili.sid for -osedose ot, Dr. Sî1nth"à Gre*t Germnan (Frin ur»gaarcorespndnt) th pomination ini Lincoln; should Mr. Worm BRemey ims.d1 large wuame OTTAWA&, March 27,-t)eath and disease yhert o th01e Red <harnber.t fromn hie ohîld 4 yer. are busy outting dooan the 1flOTberS of the Mr. W. Di Balfent M- P. P., for, South _________________ Senate cf Canada. '3enatorsaSeleoal,Plumb Essex w-as hére a few days ilset wéek and Polland have reoently died and Sens- 'The Prdse Gallery annual diùnuer st the ~~ca niOm ec torm Trudel and Thjleaudeau areb very sick, Ruïsel Rouie Saturday evening was a real nacd nd om rcZ the former bing ini a hcspital bore witb swell affair. heart disease. It i. sai'd that Mr. Ryhert Offie of Whitby O aioPflotA M. ..wil ucee .dr puub.Editor OHEONICLEC. Whitby, Mareb .80, 1888. VIEK KAlII BA QU ETION. 1 . The goverument held a etnfereuce n SIR,-SilOO a goed deai o ef fuha WHITBY MARKET PEICES."ý Saturday with their supporters in the ilouse been orestisd ovor oey astIwhîoh Yali Whe e . .000u 765di.80 8 in regard to the propons&li for settliug the eccured l~ib tis own con lasI Friday and 8Spring Wheat........**...O 75 () 80 Manitoba difficultVy'rthe nature uOt the Pro- ubequent sIBtemntDs made about il in Gos Wea..............2 0 6 * 070 posais ig not yet knowu. Mr. Greeuway the Tjronto newspaperé ; I appeal te Flur, ery.................Oa 6500 2 5 whu was brought back tu Ottawa was in yoGu knowing as I1 do, your love for fai liare..............o0 5 07 Moutreal ypsterdaY consultiug with the 0O Ir ye ...........O0 *.045 02 P: R. authoritios. It id uow au open secrot play and honesty '411 induoe von 10 Pes.............. 0550. O 8500 that the GoveriuOft bad rosolved to ter- shlow me a spae îe your vainable Pose, black-eed.........O0 ' t 060 <0 O066 minate the MonopolY nut only in Manitoba paper, ge as le cloer myeh cf smre Bie Peas. i.....e*.......**0 00 à (O 00 but in the Northwest as well. Su far as disagreeablO rumors thug have been Ray ...................0 850 a 040, Manitoba is conoeru<ed disallowance of local agcti onoinwt e dti LY........... 00C jJ railway. charters hme been oxercieod as aala ncnelo hm.IadmtAlsko e r sd......4 50 94 75 initter of policy and net as a right under I w-si aIToeted on a warrant issued in B.d Olover .oed .......... 4 00) 6001 contract. In regard to tihe Territaries how- Toronto on ne le.. a obarge thon &pplem, per bbl........... 1 50 200 U ever the C. P. R. had a legal right under larceny, and eonveyed frein this tova Tomatoeas6 ........1 00<9190 clause 15 of their contruot te enjoy a coin- to Toronto te take my trial on hast potiétott, per bag ......... 0O1 00 1 121 pensation couldb. asked for the eh Bnsu ay ; but I rest fally satisfied th.e 0.......... O18 <9 22 ublic policy epeaeding Manitoba the . . i habisecîS cf Whitby bave th. good Meoe......... ) 2 a 0151 mu. a say w-ah ieasn ini respect to the eens. to kno#i thaglle make a charge is Wood ............ .... 400 96 50 Trritories that if thoy surrender their legs.l one thing sud to prove it 15 quite sheepekis.... 0a0 0........O040 0 O50 rigta they ahould receive compensation. another malter. That there vas no OaltaklflE. ..... .O..... 10 <0 O15 Tuedeosio b hro un toenîroNorh-grounds for the charge on wtiiob I was Ride.,pVer Ibo@....... 0 @, <-.o (07 weet t0 railvay obmpetltiofl is ti-emondous ýok lu its d affnsd already wo hear of sevoral a5resèted i. evident froin the faet 1ul' i Pkrc ..eêou .0-12 projected lino. for which charters wil b. amn libee'ated, slthougb my pereecutofrl olerypetds...... 0 ý0 souglit. The Caisdian Pacifie are desirous bail three full days to oonnive tbeir Oîhnprl..... ( ( now of xuaking a sale ut the Emuerson brauch, charesdvtobee ya oe-1ukeys, per lb.......o 10 -@-oie whichrutn t. budrtth aioafui body of officiais sud the olevetest of Ducks, Per lb.......... 0 @ 012 Go Srun nt SI OS. concil, w-hile I etood alxuost sien. lin Qêese ver lb........... O008 09O11, The debate ou reciprocity is not sxpected mIy defence. But ho vbo bas rigbl onu M lo."nd in a diviàion tilltit- morrow niglî or hie uîde ies armed witb a moto powerful rather the early houri of T1hursday morniniz. weapofl than ail tbe sargumenta cf Longspesobes have been the rule ami the lavyers-truth le miubty sud vili pro. figures us3ed wuuld tili a big booxk. Our past vail. I vas honorably arquitted with present and pr'.bate pbmition in tuture bas a kind waruing froin the P. M. to bave been thtruughly threslie'l ont. The close of uothing more ho do witb men cf the the d'sclission Wvll be iiarked tny speeches f rom the~ Premier ai.'1 Mr. Laurier. otamup of those w-r harcbed me. IBut . The fuiiruiat speech was muade by Mr. the stranRest part cf my stcry is e oRYLU Weleh of Prince EIwardI slanîd, a fariner. cornae. Whsn an influentiai body array start in~ with '<tod Utess iOly oill Mr. vidual the public must expect, if tbey Speaker and at an. tit point, "but law me Nr. peikr."tOncewvl.enNir NM"tcelllare col successfut in kiilinugbm by interruptod lie tturncd to liim and said in hii will at leset wound hüm in the eircourit- quick joiymîne cu up" Dealing er. After oey trial, on îakine Up on0et with Hon. Mr. Foster'a referenCe ta CCana- h ToooppeIfid mef dians marrying anud being given in inarriffl dsrbd stepronwo~tda and oth ie .N4nite 's rn ttidinatical;preci8iondsrbe stepesnwo cp i cf etatemerit.Mr. esrru.r i e eeoticuer lor Me'. Robi. Nýeil. Sncb certain ruin'red matrimonrial alliance whichi a charge I repudiete as corruph Bsit is cumn veuit cast iLs stîalow bef ore woutd uhrfl, an oo ewbïcb I(10Doto cou taesthre ratheuietical precigi-n 'out of 111111. Cern mysoif secknuch aa to reply, eeying Mor Foster bo il knowrr is a bacirelor and on the public's good menas sud sondë Ibis sally irougirt thre hîrîsheýýt t tig cheek sud set tihe fouse iu repeited roars of laugh -ju<iézuant in mattete ot that kind. 1 ter eciroed again and again in ich àMr. wiI only add tbat on bein« rëiealP'1 Foster joins4 from thre groundie@sehobrize on whieh I Nicholas Flood Davin thouigh nut a wes tried 1 vas warmiy greptted by serions debater le ai, ertidite eioouetc yc spakr.In the une breath holie ag.dthp an f my od friendo in Toronto ppiton witt i ïngiîri thre changes on thre wbere I @peutt w o years cf umy lit@, and old set cf betta anà iirrling a uew hors.vbere I left for ne other reson Ibsu spvinle. This alluded to te nains S<)tne bave led in ttw for the lst PW f Sivs uin m theieltly said the irorewtire fhg rcesdbadlms ber for Assiihia-'Nucktuias. BhJd tmontb aud have, I hope, oonduced Absolute>' Pure. Spavin." myseif in a manner becominu a péaso. lu speaking or rising to sgwak twice on a futi auJ 1mw abidiig clitizn-a mnuer, This pow-der nover varies. A marvel o bill relat.iug Vo thre Upper Ottawa Isaplove- 1 i c.c hotfli f otrdcto)purity, strerre'th aud wbnlte.<orness. Mon men Co tin. ete Nttchil as ut f 1bae awy tviîot tsar1ofmcor tradiolecouomfirai than the ordino'ry hindi, an( oret Cnd in. Pterf i itoflrel ers o u f av awysîoftd anh tecenuot bh o moinl cmpett1nu vith tih ordr sd i spts f c le of"orer"Irrn aehumakr, m orrying on my buiti- mintitude cf low test, short veie'ht &juin A M9iuist.erialist" he wasi proceedin.g when tire Premier ruse quickly andti tîsk t.h e point o>f theLb. twncf Wiby, and wili do phosphâto powder. *Bold only in coiu order. %Ir. Mitchell calleti on borie one t<, ry bemi, tbrougb firsh-cla"s work and Royal liaking Powder Co., 106 Wall St.t N.1 muve the adjournient which Mr. MeNlilen cîvitity ho give entire estiafnetoteh S did. Titis put il in order for Mr. Mitchell, Ioewomyhurm îhIerT E R SLL .whn.l1ed ksptwbis testonor g.o unibutrbr-foreRetreORege. doiug su ho lookot itely nver et Sir Joehn and said: "If tbe Han Gentleman timnks to choke me off he witl find our it bs nistake heoro tire session clostes." The leader of the "'third arty" iR alirut muest irritated wben oppssby tbe leader ofthtie House. ri. Jarues)-i 1 priiibu>tion mutieu wil Dkol ie reached undi about thre 101h A pril. Borne 7 meunhers support.ed it l&st year but il i. expecte t art the rnajuîity egein-it il wil ho svep larger next montir. A troînendous effort is bsiug madie by Montreel tu geltihe Govornire.rt to assume lbe Lake St. Peter channel debt and to re luna tlu the Herbor CumnanisgionerB the $M0, - ce-ý ot ic intoreston tire deut,. A-ound roin in laver cf the proporrai sigueti by over 100 members of lthe lonwe ires been handed tte 6 overnmn nud yesterda ra jetition signd b or 600Montr acîizensi es. Governor win iui. TH£ E <W KEMBKBU FOR WEST RÂSTINGS. During the week Sir John and Hon Mr, Bowell presented Mr. Il. Corby the newly returned ineiner for West Hastings, 10 the Speaker with wbomn ho shook bande and took hie seat.. Mr. Corby is £ distiller who .uin iiBelleville where hc ie weil liked by SUl Classes of the comulunity. He is a reMrkable instance of a mnu who ha.nover been ambitions of public office finding him- self chcses a candidate on Maroh 131h anid witb a sest in Partiament ré week later. Lt lsaua open secret that Mr. Day the Liberal candidate on bin arrivalinw Belleville on nomination day fouud bMr. Ointe, a leading Reformer, and Mr. Carmiîn, the proprietor of the Retorm paper, so friendly to the re- tarD of Mr. Corby, brothtir ilg-law 10 both, that ho naturall1y withdrew from the conteet mach to the diqgà-see cf the Reformera of Bellovllo. NEWTOUNDLAND AMINEXÂTION. ThoeItegiutative o1 Newfoundland is, it in »adfavorable to the proposa f rom Ottawa b seid a deputation to the Capital to con- eider theo proC of »auaton. Hitherto v. ha Sve ku iîttie amd'eared lms.&bout - il 1e 0oloy. Il ha. a pulation W, *bout MOYOO of which 77 B a omanî 4cieolim- Te nnual rieuue was in 188 *1 %_Q0ý#ýd-tbeexpouii-ui#1M7,00. ~~~g~~ toWtI~i uteide vend le $11iCoe.,0, Eaêbeing *130 chif f oport and our 1the Princpie iiwupsTbey aýegoveru-, 4d by 51 me nesand1vtoUoiRO4 a * miou with C(la ad jeoonuminatd jnm. bers and onehê"ue vI l ikely b. s ee IMY3aTOF TWO ,UMI«ZR.i Wben il vas îported that Hoi. J. H. Poj~eMinimse' i lwaysva&&4adthe, Prme uppos e ewa-, V" slok an! hsamteé10 eo hlmOn ýtru 8fSr John aaid: "Pope y ou;:look deviliab@4. Y shévUldhave om eof-the revivabj~secOCRO mdU ses yos. Yèeùhave heard et the gond lb.> did abe". £!81r John'; ejlied the d lhumtored utbîimo, '4yourrehds valife sare Do~ t b.g .soiçh for Mycu&' 1 "$IDo like Illako anti Meràioe I wa470t< m*>p4se PePat p>ipue»" GRAT or r"oeSa1DO - ~ ~ lia an ja han t U Pl G. Vhitby, Msrch 26, 1888 Churoh Notes. eveuing xbext suLdsy. Mdethro<isit Tabernscle. - Both serviesà viii be conducteti colt Sabbat h tay the pes- ter Music suitable to Lester Sabbatti vilI h. reudroreti by the choir.-lin the evenitig s s» vice uf seng wiil b. held, anid thre pister wîli deliver an a.ddress on **Pùputar Mis- takîs." The 8ev. J. P. B&rker snd wif., Rev. M. Gold, R. Richardson, Peter HauDbrey. Jan. Dryden M. P. P. Samueel Holmoin, Wm. Blailet, Jno. Hlogarthr and Mqes Annie Dryden represeuted the Bieptî8tS of tie pirI KtIthlbducational (Conventiun st ,Guelph Ibis week. DEATES. n-- I Dà,vvr on.-Died aI Ibe bomestead loI 1,' Sth Con, Pickering, Mareb Il th, 18M8. Janet (JitrineNiool,Wife cf James [.Davidson-. Jr., linhier 8-,-h, year -Thir uerat vîi tae place thie (Goed Pridisy, aiteruoon, te the Asirbumru rliround. Dàvzs-àt,-hie residenoe, Coulre. sreet Whitby, ou Priday, Marrrh 2td, John Dawes, in hie 68 ytar. Bxcr-A.t Whitby. on 'lbuusday Msrch 29t6 A. & .Rie., aged 67 years. JEzzLL-fit Whihby. on Monday, March 26th, 8eB, àMry Warne, beiuvsed ilf iT C. Jeveit, ageti 69 yeare Ummig ils stingiug, mos$ &4a nght ; verseby scratch- i.ng. If alroWoed to continue.ininors formn, whloh ofted bleed and ulet-rie, beauurîng -vry eore. 8-raueOLUrx;rnT a ope' the itching aud bie.dîxrboua U:nci"r*Uonz, sud in msny coses r*ltU*tes e umors. 1% la Tbat vuluable farm, known as "«Beaver Creek Fmrt,' ad;cauiinu Port Perry, con- tzifling 2jo acre"; 140 cloarn-d ; no waste laud ; cay loam; good bui!dinge wîth atone cellars ; orchard ; living stream; weli feuped , OpSSI)on immedipitrly ; terme eaSy. Âpply to N F PA t'ERSON, Solici- tor, or T. B. LUND, Proprietor Pôrt Perry. FARM TO RENT. 4tb Con. Pickerihoe. 14f) acrea, the property of James Smith, nf Dahota, For terme, etc , apply to G. Y. SMITH, Retq., Solicitor, Whtby, or to Wbltby, Mar. 27, 1888.-2in FARM FOR SALE! Mion, on the.C. P R. Apply 10 0-HO. P. D[CKS101, Bsq, 26 Ovynue Street Toron- to,cor MRS. [$A KF 1LLA DR'K3>!1, on the Premlsee, who vili sh'v the property. Myrie, Mar..28th, 1888-4in. HOUSES FOR SALE. Tvogood story-and-a-balf houseffl iu16e Town cf Whiby, nev sand partly buili etf lk;-6 t.n% nn Rtin . aa. eornem ohurohes. se AIse ûive a fenced. Ma.15, 188 o e 'r le. Y. 0FrRUCES CEE.AMi 1 G8PRE~CT!c>, Its supeirecellepice pi-veu ln millions of homnes for more than a qporter of a century. It ig nsed by tire UritUdSta-tes Government. Fudorsed by 4ho beads of tire great Universi- lies sas the ftrougeet. Pureet, and meut healtir- ful. Dri Pria.'. Creain -Baking Powder dees not coritein Amrnonia. Lime, or Alum. Snld only iu Cens. PR10E BAKINO POWDER 00. ?MW 'YORK. CRICAOO. ST. LOUIS. I D 0 Ir~ WANTED. 0U PUROHASE OR TO BENT-A c1 omfortairle Dwe-liigBou;e. A. G.HFNDERSON. ELII NEW GOODS JUST IN# Ladies' Short Vest and Quieen Chains, Broochtes, Cuf Buttons, c. -ALL TFIE -- NEW PATTER 14S Gents' Clhains and Cuif Buttons, Watchies, Clocks, and Silverwvare, Plated Knives and Forks Much reduced in Price. Watche, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired. JAMIES JOHNSTON, B&OOKSTfELBT, WEIITBY. Notice to- Con trac tors. rd ad soft wtet. Oni . W DU Sealed tenders,addreesd te 16e undot- oxu pot office. Convenià o 1>Signd, sud endorsed, "Tender for Crpen- bhoots sud busess plame .... try, Joinet ,aud othor VWork, k&c9,of Parh-a- aud a half acres of 1ai4 well lment Buliige," will b.recefved as thMl Depatlet tuntil tveOfetthe *lock, noofl, Apply b -otlraÂ. au u I D£AT c, Ai- WM. ~ ~ NI ~n exti, fr tre. crpoàt'7 udjrnr Wbitl~"O fog. Sittng, iron work lu rlcou o- 8. stUp$Ioh&o paiutixsg and glazin<, la11or -a.n L isI. s otber iwotli, o.s tu con. GR AND DISIPLAY -0F-- M.IL L NER AT- DOMINION ~4. WARFRO OMS -- ON ----.... THUIISDA Y and SA TURDA Y WE LEAD IN Our digp1ay mer season. Tailorinq by MILLINERY GOOD-S is superior to any for- aFirst- Class Cutter* FOL-*Xi Egstiblishe SUBSORIPTI9 41e. p eSt anur'm ina ho offie cof publicatioi rwork f rom 1h. large P -landbül. Speola m u neurpassmd-presfaci $OLwth ils celebi 4*yludsr presesud ol o:knces. Every ordetr r f'u1 attention. ~1ii I Il i; f i 11: 1.1 Il MONb. POWELL ton lVhiIby 'ChinarI4e Is the place where you will find the laýrgest stock of Xtnas Goods.in Town. The Stock 18 110W complete in Crockcry, Glass ware, Fancy 'Goods, GROCERIES, FR UiT & OYSTERS China Tea Sets for $3.50 China Cups and Saucers, $1.25 per dozen, and other Goods iii proportion. gW" Corne and seefor yourselvëe -WANTED- -Alki&nds of.farm prodýuce., W.i. GIBSON,' WHITBY CRIN A T 8TO1B SANTA CLA US'HEA DQUART-ERBI-.' v IQYS, AND FAN4CY- orted hère: for thei oidaays. Caoil sn& e I DRI VIN8 MARE FOR-81 - - -'-a aat.Algo fiel tb.1u0e.Lame 81. peter debi.l 'hred s WcosihY wit alenLug I have beeai troub" dwith &aboub, 4 at es E vey evMt 4W OM aeP*have ten. i 1- subsequent insertioni . Displayed&vertia, by ascl sosif solid X4 &ccordingly. Adverti!iemefltB SE instrucions insererl aharged for fuil time Orders f or discoulÀ muet he in Writingt «Bs viii net be reepc A liberal udiscount Mente hy the year. ecutract advertiei lun net'later than Wi gi Suyîntended eh& belote Tuesday no moents e'eceived Up t Basiness notices i pive cents pet lino petrlune'wekly. CorrespondeucO i0 0 1the 00uItY or C Oorrespoudeutis arc their comnmunicati possible, -jOHN STANTOXi JOHN E. PA JAMES 0oisyf ieýB DA.VID O. INSPEC TION INVITED. China, .j- - -1 1 1 *MARCH the 29th and 3lst. )atroneLge. Wu. AiaxsTRoN Ji. L)OWP sol'r., whitby. qoii:mi h 1 : Also a full Stoék of Of all kinds.

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