And Items, Stolen from Our Exchanig*. A MBrkhatl? youag man a ýfewd&yi &go wrote tolttrone t h-, ee -girl and the gtlher t a shirt qaker l Torobto. By niietake h. o'ed ilim in the wrong envelopes, _with the riotnlt éhat the Sebirtinaker rebelved a polit. initation to tae.à B utter ride by moon llght, and the. girl was- msde frantio by rseelvin g the followiflg " «Please sond me sainples of the. sênif your shirts Wre made of." Mtr. Dockesiiof. princeipal of our pub. fit aobool, bas raoeived au aller tw tesachin 1the Gollegiate institute Guelph, at ibn advaned salary, and. the trus- tees consented to releBsO him if ha pro- vided a satisfacto3ry substituts for the. remainder of bie terni. This Mr. Diokenson bas sucoeded in doing, and. Mr. Donning, au under graduoite of To- ronto? Uoivereity, an old tesceber witb a very muocosful roci:rd, will take charge, oommcflDifg on Monday. The. Markhmm Township Agricultu- rai Society Dot being able t effeot a settlement withb the E %et Ridiog -of York Society for the_ past turee years, bave afalgBO3Bted witb the. Wbit- *hui@li Aerioultura' 8 .iety, aud the Uuited Socleties will bold A aifofir st BStonffville. W. would 1ke te ha"e had Markbam Society unit. with the; Bast Bidiniz-Socety, but congiderina tbe WBy thal sooiety bas used &hem, the past. tirâe or four yeare il could not b. expeoted tbat the Township Booiety would go il blind.-Econom&8t. ORILULA A rep)ort ie curront that a gentleman Just ont from Eugland ýis talking rà eriouýly of boying ne of the. Islande in Laite Oouobiobing and erectiog ibhere on a oommuodiou n sumer hotel. Tiie gentleman is n0W in town. W. hope 10 a ble to 10give furtier particulare Doit week. Liet Friday night, at 12 o'clock, just as Mr. Stancton gave the. signal Bt the. diamaond for a nortiern train to prooeed, h. noticed a dark objeet lying on the track, and rqu âhaIBd of the train go elx amine it. Hî found iltgo bo a dranken man Iyine aeroess the iraok. IH. got hlm off judse a the engins vas touehing him. The. man 'was 90 drouk thât ho oould not be saBkOilOd up tor somne imae atter. There was one accident at the tobog. ganuesids last week. Lt happened 10 Mr. Dalb. Ramsey. There vas not Much enow on the elido. but thst did Dot deter DaIh. miny. Re vent &joue, wad efter Shey picked hîi ont of the enow-bauk (bis hsad hsving goDe tbrouith 1te bard ornai) and pulled the. kioks out of hum, he mhunaged to gsp: 6I1 Oidn'l know il vas loaded 1" Luit Fridaiy eveaing Charles GBIBg- ber, a osutynian, di.itinguished liim- seIf by lnsalting a pounq lady on tii. strot., H. vas oinig down Missi@. saga tsi lr itb a .ëoünleof otopafiions and h. saw tht.. ,yong ia iserîgbt ab ead. Oihauies vWas a 11111. druckl and isn'l noted for a gsntlemanly charte ter. H. caugbt hold of. one of tb. youug aisa à MIinsM ang&n by tbe fork vas tound an4 Kir. Milliobtmp eau evear that the baby 15 bis. Thbece came up, y.slerday afterooon »nd Wm. Wanman vau eommitled for trial.- At Norwood on tionday afteraaoon t vo feues, of $100 mad ctaeteoi vers inflieted upea Mies4r@. Oscar Brenaan sud Hagb Bralu,. jr., for admittéd secoond Violations 0'f the Scotti Ad. On Tbunsdsy, oounhy pellce.- magIf- traie B luà i.&ou b#4dcourt ai Lakefield aud imonsed fines as ,folove : D. Ces-- 4sllo, 8100 oaud 00osîste re. MssonS100o sud coitte;W.Y4 p i And oostsautd Mis.,W. Noallleir 850 84 oes. ir. ~ ~m~qa o&te S~ o ù u 8itr- soblere.. lb. herty v4tohed for, bis man, and~ notleed him* on the nia4rlet' aai.Mr. Meliei1 Rwa ,ootified. and aniteve baîween bMmand t l. aforesaid farmer resultd rafto uo expostdlatioii andairing 'injursd in- nooenee, lu lhe latter diegoagiflg th. prie. of the wood. Thursday nigcht two young me-if tbey are wortbyshe naine ot meon-en- joyed theniselves.* by ebcewing esci other like bulîdoge, ai Keene. One fellow's hsnd vas badly laeerated and the oth.r's ear was bittes urougi and throà gh. The fight îook place on the principal street of the village early Thursday evening, and' 1h. oeil day large patchee of blond on the icy road denoted tbe fiercenese of the enon*. ter. And, eau the. intelligent reader believe it, lhe fizbt was over tbe silliest of protexte, a refusaI of one te accom-. pany lbe other home to tes. Tii. îwo met on lhe street, tlb.. refusai of lh. invitation led tb sngry words, and on. of tb. combatants ruebed int a store, hastily donned a pair of muere and sallied forth to' he fray prepared againsl siipping on tbe ice. Tien lthe sioae'ning exhibition of eaunbaliqni b.. gan and&pply euded Whfu . aoii wus drippiq«g'ith blood.-Exuminbr. Our fellow-to*-natnafl,'tMr. P. B. Piliei, bas corne ini for a few thousand by the. death of s wealthy bacielor uncie in Bslticnore. A considerable property wassloft, and tier. are eigbt relatives 10 ebare it. We learn that Mr. Barron, M. P.,bas been confioed 10 bis roome in O. awa by ilînees for the. past week. Ris re- ttra tonr the easser holiday. 335v in con- sequeno. be delayed, but ià ie fally -ex- peoîed uhal 1e wili keep bis engagte- ment wi&b bis friende at Cambray neil Mond6y .rening. ~ uifle fouryear old dauizbtor of Mir. James Mitchell of Opsi on Monday lasi wais tbrown from a ileigh opon the edge of s planla, infliiting -a mees wound in the forebead. 1% vas long and det-p sud eqired etitching np by s surgeon. Mir. Henry MeKiy of Rloian's island had on the street the otber day two fine grade steers 23 monthe old tuat vonld weieh ovr 2,500 Ibm. Tbey were bred by Mir. George McHagb and fed by Mir. MeR-q. Tbey were aold to Mir. Sawey for 5e. per lb. for easter beof. It is feeding fine higb grade youDg eatte-two year olds-tbat is moat profitable. Mir. Jobn tMacdonald of Kirkfieid, a wealtby 0. P. R. contractor, bas pur- chased the. fine Wood mansion frouan Mir. MeIltitr&gey sud yul more- go Lin Isay in M ty. Mir. M iedonald vii Do douis improve 1t3e residenoe and grounde. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald wil13e cordially welcomsd tb Lindsay. W. ieg to nominale bhu for counoillor for the nori yard in due tipie. Tii. sebool board met - ou Saturday eveningit let sud ruade another hf rote . onslaugit upon th3e collegiate institut, estimates, and spent several bouts peer. iog over plans aud di*ou'aeieficares vith apparent interest. #23,100 was lie lowest fidure to wbîoh 113e oost of '<'D[d you'ever ses a, tUring drese ?" 4"No0? Thon I will pet os on aand give-you au idea ofone," and tliescp. tain rptïred t'O bis slaleroooei, vieute. ho presently emnerged lutfou diving coo.- tume, eidept the beavy oet-iron.hem - let, wbich several of lb.e imptuny rais- ed fron lie deok sut plaeed'upon hlma, thne makiug bis on' fis complete! The: ds-ess lu really tvo dretises, ons viti' -in tbe otheir,,eseh ofJ1nîî&,r uer.,-Pi. stockingm#, patate aud ebirti arei s» u=*do Atogether a se ne -': W bîoh -lbh diver entera s1t te ck, tesýtfirat. The. bhand are lefI bar ie e wiBsîtasndeOt th3e raler bi4rt sleervea >ighblty com- gzeunbelie aeu.Thfr-m e a a opper -beat'lsebearing _upon itgw'OQtmrP, ab ' out 'di"n1 0Up n , '0 tiai of anorâïnary' ' " it of claties ýý ùf - ie valer. 1-h vas isveate4-. !->-ï Switzeriand by a native ofîhat eountry taaMed l3auer, Who speul Sa s~l. om- treinggto bring it imb use, but he -diea, hdiesppointed, eart broken pauper, aving others *0 rea-p 13 I ,f fhie, inrention.-PhZacelphia Newa. By every man and woman if they -deuire to, seoune oomfort in tbis world is a cors shel-. Or. Putnani' "orii Extractor shbela corne ini Iwo or tiroe. da) s sud vithout discomfQrl or Pain. A hundred imitations p nove th. merlu of Pul.nam's Painiess Corntrctior, whÃŽcb is aiways sure, ae, sud painise. Seo signature ot Polsou-k Co. on eachi boulie. Sold by medicine dealers. Tih. Roue Freie Prosse, of Vienna, joins' in 11e generâI1 straia in-predictig rmm for France if Boulanger prevails. To Tra Eao: Please luforiniyour resder* a tsI have a positive , remedy for th. aboe.nnm.d disesae. Byia timely use thousenda of hopelaOecasshave beeu peroannsly ur- ïbd Il be ýgïa4t -w« ott ,iot myÈeIèd mate ny f yu1 .elere Mya hae ocusumtin-on f byouiiisroi uhe hae xprssu P O . dneY -êwlae Raesorpses and Po.. a SLOUM, 8 Tonge street, 'roroubo, On'-l'y. In sahooting as teer ai an abattoir near Boston, John 0. Gray, a buloher, fatafly ahoti John 0. O'I3ara. lu ErleZ And To The Point. Dyspepsie !s dreadini. Disordered lir is mit-ery. Indigestion is a 10e W good nature. The. human digestive apparatus ie on. cf the most complicatod sud wonderful things in exîklence.' It is easily Put Out of rirder. Greasy f ood, lough food, sioppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late bonne, irnegulen habtem, and many oher things wbîic ougbt not te 1e, have made th. A.merioan people a nation of dyspeptios. But Green'a Auguel Flower has doute a wondenful work inu-reforming Ibisad business and making the A merican people Bo heaitby that they eau snjoy theu ýmea" and b. happy. Biemexuber :-No bappines vithout h.alth. But Gréen's Auguet Flover brings heairi and happinese 10 1he dyspeptio à Ask your draggist for a bottie. Serenly-fire cents. Bmperor Froderick has crdered Ibe M building of tii. Berlin cathedral on a&sose more worthy of th.emBrpire. Some lime ago being very Weatly troubled wiii eCide sud coughingz, I vent tW lie drag stoensd gel Hagyard's Pectoral Baliai. In a short lime I vas veli. I1 loaud il a sure cure addsam thankfuil taI 1 nsed it, snd nov vould nol b. vithoat il. E.. -Sebsefer, Berlin, Ont. Goa. Boulanger le now ttSto0be ne spec- tral sbadow, bul a uubstantial force Ibret- ening the peace of Europe. HOvIte 1ave Moay. - Âlvaye bay lie beet -becaue itla le . oheapetlltheudand npt oncu l>t ~ock Blooa Bitters the boi ae~ttiodiacluh I ailt chronie diieasee cf theestomh, kldneys,ý lîver and blood, but is realy the choapeel as it needa loueho cure aud cures m»oe quickly than any chber reuedy. at Bffighsm, lit., tirs. Henry Lance, vif. ef a fariner, vwskilied by ber bamnd- last nigbt during s quarrel. Froeman'. Worm Potodera da*rog and remove worma withot ginrg to adnlt or infant. Senalor Hamuton, cf Montreal, died cou alien's Lang Beluan i learranled'ta cure trie mosl ditbessing Cougi. Depositons tu the feiled Mtetropolilan Na-' tional Batik, cf (Jncnatl> iii b. p",d1W thanpo aonoe, beease hey go triatar Try the "'Royal" sud b.e outrinced. Bodies cf Ivo m=4, suppce vsriellaisOf the bimisrd, ver. vaei asee Wt mlugtout Del- CONSUMPTION CURECD. Au' aid philan ret»Und from n WsQtwo. hsving bad Place i bisLande by as uti Indlia mlealonar 1h. formula of - à iipb &Dnt, cure cf Oosanmption, Broutchla, fecêti onsialeospositive uI'4O.r for Ngrroue Det4iiy and a&l Nervo OW plaints, afler 1bAvAug l0eaed .uW. veadisia curative povars lu ýthonsaudeof cimses,, s toit Ilbi d t la ake Il kolVute ,bs for, 1nfà nht ad Chidrens- kuovuome. H. . ~ MD., ~.~.Wormi, givcs %jeep. and prmotfldl- 111 c xar4i.aBrookwj, X. y. I W ;ia~!0medioatlaa TEE ENTmI oUPNT,77 Murray Sutret N. y. NOW 's THE TIME TO SEOURIE A GOOD TWEED SUIT AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE RBÂOEBD IN THE TRADE. AGood Suit made to Order for $ 12.00. A large stock of Scotch, English and Canadfian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to-select from. à Special lino of HEAVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard,' imitable for ýBusiness Suite or Boys' wear. A FUJLL STOCK 0-F G-ROCEflIES ALWAYS ON HÂAND.- Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. ]EL C%10W RAE±Ž W,1:P4,o l*** ARCADE, TORONTO. A. Bchool Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training, BOOK-KEEPING, PENMAN SIP,9 BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ARlTHMETIC, COMMERCIAL LAW, SHORTHÂND AND TYPE-WRITING PRACTICÂLLY TÂUGHf.' FINESI ROOMS IN CANADA@ Send for Ciroular. Addreas. A Positive Cure& APaIntess Cure. TACTS FOR EN0ALAGS TUE GILEJ4T aHLlÃŽHRERYW MW Ma o rve Ieong, andgohleenet aies teterrible eueq»Mm a.lnlcetil ieJ~JltygAnevknasinvoluntary vital. lesees.ete. dlunesof slght, avensien te society. vaut of oonjftdonee, sviaoo ovraIn desire for olitude, llsteuese au& ina-blllty- te fi thé atteinion priua nje eovardice. depression o!fspirite, glddluess. loBi o! mcmotry exeltab f>ftem of, »fl, ~aorhoa, or loua cf ýh. smmai flid-tboeuiaio! self-ainu» or maritlecs-up. r. ,lutition, -lue.c.blon. barre"Mes, pepitalionof 'lt.heart, zý-1bystenfo felnu la baaes 5tombling la:ý Uel»M b k saissdreame&,.- all syztOmuc4 tht.terr-ible t.o.~iniei nenb~ ~aqIrq - short; o p fnpo!VI force baviug lest Isg tenio, vrylune oèn vanes luoontià quehee. séentifte ruernsdio e itendrt etInam «useAsynn 'luascriblngth'b. ffeots o! fabuse the. greât ms#jorllay o! yasted lres vllih under trotie. If you are iip.Ieent for lb. arduons- duties o! busit _%i, i uted for the enjcym easf lit.. 1No. 8 effets an easpqrfrprn tii. effects of eanly vio If yeu are sdvanced- lu Yêà MsNo. SuilI gireycvu full vrerenDo sà trogl.t Ileo npbekudon pyIesy au Im"eally roaearly in4éretioe Ies, -,idndbblY'la cl ph laland- meutallflexeneiqca e, o'ý ullOeor bloatlnga eretngor of ~ n o ms," o r ,eim ptlfe s fs to m a nlu tl e n~~ in, .o~ ýceatebittr or bi at mfutl frPPýî 5Z1'dtÈXi re'nsm beadCheS R)h"d Yeelght,"' floatIug specbs* hauston. i botflush" aternttig - "Wlh -chiH ' sensations, a np~ bitingtramnsient pisbessdtirioïj fot., Jrowsnes5 ater -moe, 4.wakefulnei% _v. dislurbed and Unrefresluiig sleep, consta«t-- indescribable feeling P1, dread, or of imape4'. If yu or any considerable uumbeé of these sYmptOI11, You are nfferng di~ that mosl common o! Ameittin malsdes-.-, Bilon Dspesi,'i'TorpidLier asociate( with DyseSSo IndlgéOtlouI. Tem coin atdY di~ebas become, îlba re thle -1v n y fsyunp. toms.NO mre uio __ ttarah Dr. PlercOn G l u te Il I l.coveryr wfil subdue 1%,, 'f tkn aenl3 ie lions for a resoable ,iengtb -tiraUî. If not cured, complicatiotlS multPl.Y sund Coneiunip, lion o hbe LungeSkn 45aB5Hert D~iseao R he um atism i i-Kldne -D ise se r iÃ" h r ~ r maladies ae equit. hable '1ist là sd, soonet or later, Induce a Ualaiteraalfl Dr. POC' odieu',IdcuIDs cov'rYPo"ÃŽ'Y P<'~ theLiver, ad througb fa gt-P!tIlrgn u ney, ndoherexrof Ry 1orga iasI l strfl e1Zfl, sndne1[ng thea su appetizili , retorative torni, 1 omotes £lîgestion and nutrition, lhereby buiding up ¶ohh fleh and srengh. Ir. malarlal districts. tie wonderful medicine has gsined great oelebriy inouring Fever snd Ague, Chilis and Foyer, Umb Agii ueadkidncbed disease. Dr. PIercel's Golden Mledical Die. CRES ALL 1HUORS, from a common Blotch. or Eruption, lo-tie worst Seroftùa. Salt-rheum, "Feve.--sonea," Sè,aly or Rough -Bkin, iu short, ail diseesfj caused by bail blood are conqueréd by Ibis powerfnI,PUùrifyin ansd Invigoraling medi. clne. Greà IEahing Iticers rapidly heal unWe Ils beuimn Inifluence. Espeoially has x it il.- lested 1 sPote nlu,ouing Tetter, Eczema Erysipoîni,4 BoilsXa&rbuictles, Sore Byme Scrot. ulous Sores sud Swellings, Rip-Joint Diseag%-. "16White Swellings,"1 Goitre.-or Thick Nec, sud Enlarged Glands. Send hteu centse stamps- for a large. Treatise, with cooi6a plalce. u 5k Dibsetss or the same amowaî' tor aTris.e 2 Srofulous Affections. "FOR THIE B1LOO 1THE LIFLPP Tborougily cleauso it b uslng Dr. Piereela. Golden à .imetdal D! srp ld goei - digestion,,a fair skiu, buoyant spirits, vfg streugth and bodlly health *Hl be eglâtabi. vhlch la erofuiatt he Lung a aeao sud cured by Ibis remedy.- If tk n lutle eenller 'stages of Ihe disease. Frontsm # velons power over Ibis emnlbly fatal djs wbe . fntoffern1g bis nov vorid-tamedrniai. 'Z'l the publie,7Dr. Pistes Ibougil serioWel of -cilluil Itbis 66CoIvsuPTioN OUV," but âasndônod liat naine asbotStritiv or a mediclue viloi, from Ils voudeiful coin- binalion of toule, or sletuçh hefllng alteratU' or blooê.ceâlug9_1'lI1aluBPeto%4 4à nutritive pro ee , 1. unequa.ed, net onl 9as aeor Cqoumption, bu t for afl LFor BrLood, andf- LuïDdnée- iïSeBndton ceSnW, Iole, i nsuptlO te ie lght and1 agreeable effeot. à eahing. il la fouùnd the Royal Baking 1 batler, lb. beeoti tioly overcorne, e cakes are made a n ligb t, see, tender 4ome, that eau b.e Çthe ligligites#, euei -,Once tesbed receipl no other vil of bnckwheat, tvo teaspoons of Rii eue haIt teaspoonfa well together. M3 thin baller and bah, griddle.- The pureet 'sad mi by dissolving sugar lhree pounds of - i water.. Many; persi of synup mnade of 0 made of the. white. Rice griddle cake The ie à aoookod i draiuted dry, -mmiii until the grains sà ,For each cupful ofi ~one pint oi mik, oi fnl of Royal Bakim leaspoonful of sait, make s thin batter, For iomuiny cake eooked bominy, s votato-mdsbier nuti Âdd one lerel teaeq teaspoonfuls of Roi aud oue oupfi gehher ; lien add1 of milk, sud lastl, Ve-ry delicele an made by allowiog. Royal Bakiug Pc leaspoonful of sait aud sufficienlt corn' to s smooh, Ibmi ter are usedior lbi quickiy -10 s nioh d extremelv ten-der i A very del * cioî made by lakine (a four eggg, tvo. laI ed butter, one ti Baking Powdert, malt smoderatel the eggs, whites a ntil vel fothed' and onte eupfni of -baking powder hat yeiksrlbheu add -à add more flour. butter eaohao a Are, pliefoufr' lyera f nyM tveen, âad Powi -top. Tbey shonI4 a-fo6uï L Prom ont reg Tht tost vit# Set tint ~ 1" BROOKLIN, ONT., 1 0. ODEA, Secrelaryo 27