on cola iter lK U10f Pm 0~ cife mlinde hold anipottp10 the breakfast able; the, buok 4h cakethie meet oherlehed alS44Whsxt PrrOPO-mm1îdýst, tbiétIslb.moot delici- oes of &Il the aîiddle cakes, 'but h bas beon agîtineý it w ùie made frouï- yeat or risen over night' that il was difficuit to make ligbt and s*eet, *sud tbat dis.. agreombie effoa always folIowed it. eatiug. ILta found tiaI by the, use of the. Royal Baking Powder'to rais. th. batler, liese objections have be4i en- tiily overcomes andthâbauokwheas cakes are made a mostliouous food, liglit, eweet, tender and perfeot.ly wbole- sîome, liaI eau b. est<in by anyoiie with- out thoe ligilest digestive inconveni- once. Once teeted froin th. followiog recipt ne other wil be used : Two cupe of bnoIýwheat, one onp of wheat flonr, twQ toeRpeons of Royal Bakiug Powder, on. lalf teaspeonful of -sait, ail sitted well sogether. Mix with milk iute a thin battor aud bake st once on a hot griddle. T1he pureet and richest syrup le made, by diseolviug sugar in the proportion of thiree ponuds of ongar to eue pint of water. Many per@ons preforthie flavor of syrnp made of Orleans sugar te liat made of the White. Ricoe griddle cakes are very delicious. Tii. rice ii; cookod until perfeotiy eoft, draincd dry, tnashed up witb a opoon until lhe graine are weil breken up. For each cupful of rie. take two ogge, one pint of milk, oee eapiniz tespeon- fnl of Royal Baking Powder, one-baif seapoonful of sait, and fleur enougi to make a thin batter. .For iomiuy cakes take two cnpfnle of cooked hominy, and ornahiti witb a potato-mnaaher until it is a smooth mais. Add oue level tea@peouful of sait, two teaspoufule of Royal Baà kiug Powder, and one cni>ful of flower. Stir te. getior ; tien add by tiegrees ene quart of rnilk, and lastly tbree well beaten oggs. Bah. in thin cakes. Very delicate aud delicione cakes are mnade by allowilig twe teaspoonfule of Royal Bakinu Pewder and eue-hait tespouful of sait te ene quart of oilk, ami sufficient corn mes],,rnixiing ail ini- to a smnool*', thin batter, Do eus or but- ter are nsed fer thea.. The cakes balt. quiokly te a rioh deep brown, and are extremnelv tender ani ligbt. A very' delicious, sweet pancake je made by takintz eue pint of E;q*eet i1ilk, four eRge, twe tahspeonfule of melt- od butter, eue teat;peonful of Royal Baking Powder, and flour eneugh te inake a moedrately tibm batter. Beat th. egRs, wiitos and yeli e sparately, until weli frothed, çitir the butter, suRar and oee upful of flower, iute whiclý tbe bakiug powder bas been mixed, inute yelks, tien add the. miik. If needed, add more fleni. Bake in email cake@, butter each ones it cernes from the. fire, place four in a pile, with tibm layers of any kind of sweet jelly b.- tween,. and, powdered angar over lie top. Tbey sbouid b. baked very thin snd four served to each poison. Washhsutou Letter (Wrom our regular oorreapondenil) WASHINGTON, Maîrci 80cbI1888.-Thie ia ",womnau'e week" lu Waiiuigto,eansd s Washington leltor J f bis date witi the Internationa' Council cf vomen lftI out wouid be an anomal>'. Stilî wili tb. spaee allowed me even the merest epilome cf proceedinge would b. an impositibility. The Council bas been lu fullaslI for fiv. days; lion. bave beau throe ses- sions oach day, viti baf s dozen speakers on lie, programme cf esci Session, te liat, jeu se. Iouîld net 4oven mention tise Dames of tb. delegatea tahtssoconvention viii tie aubjeohs diacussoa b>' oci vihut gîilug s liai o uea uai a cruooas VoUîd prove le ho ver>' monolonopl îeadlng. Butl s>'tle women are bhsving a good hlm. uans interesting tiinii Aibaughi'.Opera Rouse Tii. ety is fuilet dhîlnituiahed voon iant ever>' wlbre, and Ibis is byfor, lie mnat me- fartheel limitaetfAmenésý, sua froua rsercas hbeocesa, fions nglnd, France ltb. Scandinavian Pen»lusul, sd -frein far ava>' Fiuisnd. The. objecl cf tie Oonférence 15 le impioe .the. onxdition of vomasn lthhe Oburci, lb. State sud lie Bome.. And lie vide a::1seoftb« lepios under- dt p~oceedings. ineroeet t tsm poiical oonaidue"6 n luloe, et ýb,0 maltera tole.becoxisidared, sud tho sîheulion-xivez t10 lir notable advance# in oliher iâee otdevelôbpméenthaq duawn beir cf bouesrrae hwenld net ieats ed if the crusoade ýb.dbut Ws- singlo '. Noîlp laiperhis vman ia foreigu t le bîu. oýt the Oon!erenceý sut Ibhis compraeetivenoe o f plan,, involving s areview cf ýwhaî bas. 'beauâ agcooepliibed l il li1 nes cf develop- meut,- gives le lie gatieiinçg s herfu sud cenotrslul-aory'loue,. W mqhoiabl b. wanling if political couditions mioe' It vas ou Tusda>' 1ha1 Piaulhu- piesvouedlst~sod. he.aub>iegt temperanoei comina nuder ltiitIiésà , brougit upon tbe stge msny wompun nslo1 r4ei v1k i ?a# Tlsà uionr wùsdiopîea UnanlMona0- 9y f bo g d lay ro ried from oiigsneRalvo vo 'e -on 1h.e and liaI à , woula b. An ineu*1 l sUore liaIanype prseut would vole no. The publie buiding &U over th4, oiîy areagîndaped wi1h eblen a o! mourntng, .hii tîimeifo Jstice W.aitep lb. laie Ohief Justice of the United Stélea.' Tie Waite obsequies, wlhicb weré- simple but impoeing,, look ' place ou Wednosday, aI noon, ln tie hall cf the- Hous. cf Representativen. They wero attended by botiheRuses o1 Cen- greeseand lie higier government offi. cials wio occupied lie floer cf the. Houe, while the public gallon..s wero Riled wihh le farnilies cf Senators and Represonlativos, two tickets of admis- sien iaviig been issued toeoaci Senator and member of Cougrese for distribu- tien. The reserved galleries, sui s tbe Preeideul's tb. Press and the. Dip lornatie, weno occupied by lioe for whoun they are set asido. Iu the. Senale on Mouday a bill apprepriatiug #5,000 te defray lbe fuueral expensea of li 'e laIe Chief Jus- ýioe was passed witioul debate. Hie romains wero sent te Toeodo, accooe- pauied by six of th. A.ssoiate Justices, a Congressienal committee and part of tbe Ohio dele allons in 0ongrese. It is probable the House will begin debate on the Mille lriff bill to-day *ud liaIt the discussion will 1aI until lhe imet of May, when the measure wil ejîber be defeated or paeeed by liaI body. From rn @sent indications it wonld net b. safe or wise ho vontue a more oucourmgiug prodiction. ti ti s fi Ourrent Literature. The Homile tic Review fer April cen- aine soeoun oteworsby articlies of more bfan nanal intereet aud vaine t te ogy- men. Tbe leadingz papon by Dr. J. 0-. Niarray, Dean ef Princeton College,eu- à tlied "rie Pulpit and Fiction," je veny able and discriminatiog, and is worthy Df careful roadinir. And the nezi, by Dr. Nathan E. Woeol of Br3okIyn, ou ,The Mfiuister's Study," ie worth its weigbt iu gold. The preachor wbo fails le read and pouder hies snggestione and toachiusRe wilbo a gnou lelser. Tie article en "Illustration in Preachiug"V if firioly writt,-n and instructive. "The Way te Presch" ouit tle ceeobe to the conscience ofeyorvy minister. Dr. RoMbiuon's paper on "Dominion ovar Anirmle" is curions and wil taut many queuies. Du. Pioreen's "Oluater ef Gieme" are nicise nouai. Tiesermene are eieih iu aIL Dr. J. E. Rankin'a and Dr. Tryen Edward's are oid- fasiioned, powerful sermons. Dr. Cispman'e je admirable. The cutlinep by Drs. C. B. Bail, J. H. Mitchell., Josepi R. Krr. aud elbois, and point- ed sudeo cel-lont. Tie Prayer Meeting S,rvice, by Dr. Sherwood ;_ the Bure- peau Deparîment, by Dr. Sluekenborg; Hemilaticm sud Paiteral Tiieology, b>' Prof. Wilkinaon, sud lhe Study Table, b>' Dr. Ludlow, are ail fully up te the higi standard whici tuie Beviov ha@ altained. The saine may b. said cf ail lie chen dQparnlee. Indeed lie numb9r as a wihole lesa marvel cf lu. herest. Publiehed by Funk & Wagnalls, 18 sud 20 Aster place. Nov 'York. $8 00 per year ; 80 cents per single nuinber. The Magazine of Âm.rican 1Hiafor for April surpasses aven lîsaîf iu tb. rarI>' sud beaul>' efils illustrations. Tise .eljib Robertson miniatuiepor, traitseco Presidautsnd Marli Wshsg tou fore lie fronliapiee, vhicb,-ýpaintl- .8 meari'onue huudeed yean, sgg fions lite, have neveu beeun sesa by tie publie ntil nov. Ano" ierpucless iltisrs- eur. appearing for lhe firaIlie tlii .Moniiintsisauparb ,periedlos, Je, s cep>' efthle oui>' cabinet oued hustpor- liait et Washington, paiuled fions ide b,,b>' laWilson Pai.e. Tiso,, titralihe beaniful ýPags, vo, 'W-të ezampies cf UMlbo"*'s ~nsmq~v sud ef Truinhul. l. Lamb*# bardLn- icgîcu Portrails," iiclidis .za'ýh said Iufqrielg data, i ib inlerneblg psonal sketches cf semaeoft 1h. sari> arltis. "The Acquisition ef tPoids" toma ver>' sbiy vuitenarticle b>' ourý_ Mtinuster le Spain, lHou. J».L. M.0Ouiï*3Ç Le. L. tD., iime basb.d eoe' ei oppouhunities for slnd> '>"tng he. us corda. Profesai 'A-. G. HRopline, of Hamsilton Gi egaooulibw Be- Iw.sAlbany aud.Buffalo,"' a deligbt. fut descrinption of tel-ie ul' iaIhbôde of transporlalien sud -Iravel ilu New'Yoek; A. W. *Clason viles Varer> leveriy' on ti4 .FIsyc 1 ' »&.brigil i4ý~ ' fuom tlie diary ef Rey. Mauspsb Qu41t, lentiljpd, "Cb1urob gone'r* Yà lu 1787."- Mis. Atice ,t1..Le : Plo.be farelies n ernc aounlft ini 1828, t ugXin verracy Sbc 8Boy lu Ameýrlos. Mr. O*1i Eampdà en On ttenir - inI Wasinuton Relie" of uuci iuieSi ludrow De Mol!iick. ie, wrls, of uT4 are of liïqQý inl*flsl'-%,aa e voues.ý- oîh i~uormbte"Wb"e ev.ry ld wasfs, are -ait th s ~odeaired. -Eveiy lady .ougit 'to have ý oef 1224 -Arci Stieet, PhiIkdeipbia, P.', am il s.llthat you w*lugel 'for lwo Wit and Humour, Wiat's lhe malter with dinner, Bridget? demanded tie iead of lie bons. as e came iu iuugry sud tired ; 64isn't il ready ?" No, sein," îeplied Bridget, "Lite misses iasn't gel back froru lie cookin' echeel yit." A dispatci frem Granada Vene- zuela, telle of a man siooting bhis ah- tendiug piyeioian. The physician'e bill may be pretty sioepy, but tie ps. tient will flnd in lie lias il weuld. bave been ciespon le pay il. Misse aîon-Ceugrahnlale me Miss Marie, Mr. Browa bas just asked me te be bis wite, and I hâve à seitedl. Miss Acidity-Poer girl ; i. asked me lie same question imet oveuing aâad I gave hlm a decided negahive. Mrs. iBriggins-Âb, Mus. Btiggins, it's net overy womau wio bas a bu@- band like yeuru. They say h. is verv indulgent. Mus. Stiggine - Tiiere 1 told Josina liat il i. kepî on induiging on thie sly somneone weuld find il out. An ezquieito, leading a dog by string, iouuged up ho a ticket office cf a rail- way and inquired: «"Muet I-aw- hake a epecial ticket fer a puppy ?" "1N o, yen eau luavel as au crdinauy passenger," was lie reply. Young lady (le ber yonungmn)- Did yen attend lie ho ? Young man -Yen memu the bop, Young lady- I guess I kuew wial I mean. Ho je the French fer hop juel tth. same as gRale' is French for gallop. flow long have yen been in society anyiew ? Wife-Joiu de yen kuow tial Ibis i@ the aunivereary cf my wedding day ? Hiisband-" Wby ne it isn'l. W. were married inApril." Wife-"I arn peak- irig of my firet iuebaud John." Thal 85 1 loaued te yen tome lime &go Fledgely observed Rabinseu sots a good example for Chrieimmu. Er-yee ueplied Flodgeiy witb an ombanasod Iui. How-oie le Iba? Lt keepe lent go Weil. Wben a younu lady telle ne liaI sihe bas been a&l lie mornlug absorbed le ber owu refioctiopa it la difficuit t te lil wbetiier aie la a vory liongilful perçon or bas aie only paased ber timo bafore bon minier. Mercisut (buyicg a bilof "goodB cf Chicago drummer)-Wiatisla our lime 80 days ? C D (abssnt-mlndediçý)-- Yes or $10. I alvaje psy lie hne--ob er-I beg pardon ; yes, or two peroent. Off for Osai. Joo-Ecow ild yong Jones happen te gel ebo 1 --Ehl-Yo..»h o hld s penny between is fingars for oeeof tie western f-lows te uhoot at. 3e- A.nd i. gotel bshaud aiotoff ? t- No; ho gel bit on thie ief hfoot. The srk was baulin u a ns oounlry, wqpn'l il leaober soked tie bulght girl of the cIa". .Yes vial la nov kuowu as Asi* Miner. Where did l$o*bi el tb. ýwo polar boume from ? Teacher (cruebod)-<Go down foot. le bequcali le jour obldrenis * s trqng, clean, pure oonedztiuton-b.tter thanweallb, becuse $,hiffli eveu rov us.Y cà annot givýeiwhat eu ado olPô""-s, but, inoler-vii f -,mDr PeopeFvrite Pu~o n ~ vodorfulip-onln pertect 0coudîlion, snoIil lesiois : 7 and dry-oodaluepU~ ub woke Our yus ct nght -vorse b>'iralob't* Wblcb l f"beei ad ulemuatl v r osBw u's ,OnMMxNTv sépheb ure UIBSyee p~%vm theumre. 1$1i eïqà gai>'effiMlcouu ol rial l "8m in D Phiadelpisls. Bvyne's Olnuntmêlq bo obtuiuod ef drugMWStentalby znall-for 60 At BidIOgo Ps-, Rev. 0aybon M14aa and Bo. JohnCon blle w eiffug on~ Yo .w a"r, o e1rtý5 whos.e nofa" theplace, where youowill Xmas Gooda find à u là rgest stock of T0.he Stock is nùw, cmplete in Crockery, Cina Glass warc, Fancy Good8, Ofal kinda. MAso a full Stock-; of UROGERIES, FRUIT & OYSTERS. China Tea Sets for $3.50 China Cups and Saucers, $1.25 per dozen, and -other Goodfs iu proportion. gwý Corne and see for yjoirselves. WANTED- -Ail kind8 of farm produce. W. J. GIBSON, WHITBY OIMÂ STORE ISPRING SUITEk i --00-- JOH N FERCUSON LSB SOWING À SUPERIOR STOCK OP Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds,1 Ând other fine lines of Cloths, for Spring suite. ÂII garments made Up in latest style on shortest notice. Ready-made Men's and ,9os' Suit8,, Gents Furni8hinge Underclothing of ail Kind8. and INDESTRUCTI13LE OVERÂLLS!1 .HAIS!1 HAIS 1 HAIS!1 Latest styles ini Hard and BSoft Feit llats 'VERY (JHEÂP. JOHN FERGUSON, Dundati Bt., Wbitby- CAUSE AND EFFEOT., Man'pausos vodar aI the lired, woru sud veu>felngtatoppreseshem vill- out a»Y appaet cause. Il may b. pov erly âllbérà atestl.aomuob, blood,,=d lfier cOm porformlng Ibeir regelai functiens, ,»a, wilh umuy erousthereviwufoWeva. dui4l eavy boaduee. nusea sd rn"n oliser synptoma tisaI puecede a vail devel- oped caseoetDyspaa. -Punit>' the bîood, eleaisse .ayalans of 1h. loggedseore- huou b y .mng Meaoham'a Mandfrake Mixture, P»= reby J. B. Moachans, M83Ymixe st., a «M ofninoteen -"Mra' e suce. "od lu Whiîbj b>' W. ]LR Rvue MARBLE_ WýORKS'. "The Subsoribr wlse oeoonVIyb i d Gua Otomers, biel aicer2m and le assurethemùti ha liasbte ut etha u. ver for .xecutlng a lorderï . sntruated tb 1dm for_ M onuments, ileadst une8, Siate and MlarbieMa,,n*ties, Auê auyother workin, hislin.' ttZ Wok g#sruteed , 1 tcisuPl J Woif o&à t hé,sai q tandr4 éù 1.Wuby...£ Pickeriing ViLà 4 ,. Port Ferry... 21 4 Uibrldçe.....'2 &. :28ligof. r .Beaverton.... 24' 7. tergrove...2 SBv Ordsz.ý 282 8 8 .8 '9 10' *11 12 as 918 1019 20' 22 ~8 "7 28 80 94y - Oi0r et b.Peacet First- ClassjFafm frSi TOWN8H1P F WHITB Y. BBING PART 0F LOT 26, "INTHE ing 190 acres, with. splendid dwelinýg bouse, good onîbuildinge, good orchard, weilfe- ed,-andinia splendid. state cf cultlvalionL.- This property beingr siluailed'-3usl oulsid.4» lhe coiporition and- witbin -a x i ~-, quarter of theleown, possesses manzy.adv&u- lages for the- purohaser. Will be 1sou OHEÂF. Apply le, * MES. RIO1U)AND r Prevrietor, Whiby,9 Whily, ov.9th, 1887. L ondon and La-,a8hiro' Life -Coinpa Y.< ThisCoempany issues .eyelalfr of Lifo pohicy, and ha. dcepeeoitod *#l?'-ë Receiver Genoral. lu approve4. Canadian eecniies over f 100.00-for 'eacbt4l0.0 et iiabiily, thusa afording ABSOLUTE se- curity. Parties doutions cf amuring thoil ives wili find il le Iheir advanlage- ho counsult the-uiidersigned befere aiseurg eisew h ere * JOHN FÂRQUHÂRBON General Ai Whitby, May 18,)'86. -ly g, ~ I - "'su md il . l io KI ftnRiv 1 1 1 al