ALABAS T/NE SPIRING -STOCKý JUSI RECEIVED. -c- Try-a Package on your walls, and you'l neyer use calsomine or -white- wash again. G. E. GIBBA]Rff A ËI12TTE MKEDICAL AILL ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Wliltby, Frlday, April 62 1888. WHÂT a blessed thing it is for Canada thst vs are oonusoted -vith a great country like Britain. Hors w. wonld b. at the moroy cf ths yod indian, the. haif-bresd sud evsrybedy e. a f l.ft te oursulves, but th; beloved mother, country rersoves all fear from our ehildish faucios by again appeinting sir. Sooetbiag Maddlston "tc be comn. mander sud-guard ever us for the. oeil four ysavsa, snd the boauty cf it &ai j that England don't loue a good soidier by the. appointaient, beoauite ho is toe oid for the. Imponial service. W. eau day. the Indians eut novwbohnever w. like. IT is the intention Of COMOt»nOiSl Uniosiete in Ibis ridiug te hold a mass meeting in th. lovai hall, Wbitby, on Priday oveniug, &pril l8th, for the. pur., pose cf diseussiug our &rade relations vith the United States. Moan. S. El.. Janos, a largo real estate dealer in Toronto, sud Mr. Geo. Kerr, banniseo, of that eity. are te ad tros he meetingZ in favor of Uneetrioted Reciprooity sud tbose opposing th&& viow are te be aecordod 1he privilfge cf replying. Mesure. Janesud Kerr ave incmbers cf the Comamercial Unioù club, of Torca te, and bave delivered addresaes upon the question at soverai peints iu western eounties. .W. trust tb. farmera sud otfisrs wiii attend largely sud beau what may b.asaid by thouah spesk. I te lecture us upon the question of vhat subj sots a uoepaper should disocues- or ratier a11ev ta be dis.usd in ils .oiwnus by.eorneupoudefitu. Se argues th&ý, %bers beiog differenosue t viewu ýupou, religioue questions, no general opinion ould possibly be son. Nov, le% us apply ibis tiieory ta iohlel test lu the polidtiosil siution. Suppose lthe Tories ehould @&y "W. are -lii.peeple. W. viiinot subinit mattera tote i.publie iu gonetal, beoomse tuer. te ne hoe.of our amreiug vith otiier politoal fao- tiens," mwhet voold 6"Another Btrauger" say ? ln religion@ mathens e vu annai reoc but one heaven no, malter bow m*Dy dufferent deusomiesioDs tiers are;, lu politioël mattens there là only one - goal--Roform-no matter vimat dif- feIreuoos cf opinion existe. Qr, if our, oorreepoudaut.,vouddld t kpep ---..~- ÂI~ k k I~i Ihm " '. 'ii Tin FLOUaE l DD) GÂINST 15L' E8LLI e EIM EIZ4NG ý" SHOW ELOOD M TREIR ETES Sri,-It appeaire Dr. Eastwood bas vo- cently discovered that letttrse ver aseurs- ed name are not "of mucb acoeunk" It is a littie odd that thisebould net have curred te him before eendin out that rernarkabie reply to "Sýtrauger,"-whiehbdid not meet in any way the question under cousideration. Now, air, il sncb lettons contain. only what is true, and do not contain, unfair insinua- tions and cum panisons as te env neighbore, tbey are, -at lesst, unobjectionable. Since the. defence of the other clergymen and con- gregations is a matter of general intereet.,I bave no wisb te anake it pereoncal to niy self, sud s I bave ne ambition for papularity acquired by "self -laudation sud judicious aJ- vertieing," I do net se. auy reason te change my metbod of writing, notwithstandin t he very streng languae uaed by the Dr. w¶iîcb, I amn sure the publie will quickly decide, i neitiier argument nor god taste. In at- teînpting to escape the force of: bis "several staternents" the Dr. places bimef very mach in the position of a boy wbo del iberate- ly tbrows a atone at your window sud vo- pudiates responsibility of dlatnage eince the. glass wal broken by lue stone aÃnont by In luis previous letter the. Dr. certain- ly prescrubes the dose and muet therefor9 b. respouauble for the affect. The. Dres. apobÃœgy, referring te other clergymen mxght have beeu accepted as sincere, had hie net again repeated bie assertion in, if possible, a more objectionable form. "An outsider miay b. exoused for thinkiug that a mmrethna .or- diÃŽsrijkiidUn.a u m1 ouxrag ini the.dis. cbarge of bis duties. ont cf the. pulpit". Certaiuiy n parse will abject te the ers, laudation of bis. frieude e. long as bis re- marks do not iuclude disparaging reference to othere, but I for oue strongly object te this kind of comparison. How doas the Dr. kttow tbat the "kiuJânem sud courage" was "&more than ordiuary ?" Rias lie mive any inqniiry te sBatisfy bimef that othar elergy- m-n do not cerne up te au equ4 standard it "kindnaneesd courage.?" liaghe so soon forgotten a case which ha attendad orily a few yas ago, or le it con venient te over- iook it on tb. presant occasion?9 I sm sure bad the Dr. givan thea maLter any careful consideration ho could nuL have written that sentence, WbErein Lb. Dr. axpacta te gain favor for bis friand by unfair tefarences cof this kind je more than I cau understand. Strangsslatter containo'1 two undeniable facts, and 1a conclusion drawn from tiiese f acts. Lt caunot bha succasfuliy rnaintained that "su attack" can b. cibntanad. iu a statemeut of fact8. -The t"attack," if any, must thierefora, be ccntained in the conclu- sion. Now if thc Dr. or any other panons are of opinion that the. incumbent cf Al Sainte' je ding hie duty with "more tý" n r- dinary kindue suad courage" by remaining in the chnrcb while a large number of the coi'gregation remain out., tbey are perfectiy welcome te bold their opinion ; but if ."Stranger" choo4as to hold the opinion that tus course in not conducive te the pros- pprity of the. ciurch, I tail te sac ho'w an ex- pression of that very naturel conclusion can ho coustruad into "an attack" on the moulu- haut. If thie Dr. would kindly turu bis attention te deviné soute remedy for the de- plorable tuinueses of Ail Saints' ctagrega- ton, snd the dilapidated etate ot the. church, bis efforts would be f ar better appreciated, much leue objectionable and more likely to refleet credit un buruseif. He je net quite clear aâ te bis meaning wbea h.e retor-s tuthe 64geüd old cburcb'. If bo meaus the "Ohurcb of Roformation" it taight ha worth 'bis while tu look np bis tbeology., If be re- fers te the churciies of this towîi, tiie "good 1-old cburch" ime S T.obn'a-the Parisb t'hw-c -neartb. barbor. If1 huwever, hoprops ,te îticktte b cumbent, neo oe wlôb' ject, and lha is no duubt a very valuable dis- -cipia A very fair answer te hie latter in contained in thast of "Broad cburcb". 1%OT A SIIiANGER. BD. CHuciaICLa. SiR,-Allow me witb a fcw lines te enter the. discreditabia controveray going on in your coluns wîth reference te the tovu clergy, aud eac«iaily the. necter cf Al Sants', who so littie desarves the. unobrisi- tian traatment eii.i.receiving. I 1 "h simply te voice the feeling of I amn certain the giester part cf the cornmunity, sud enter an ompnatic pretest agaiuet the tbeory that any one bas any rigbt viietever te carry complainte ta the public prtse about bui paster sud hie cburcb affaire.Ose t-eaeou, sud a good sud sufficient eue, is t"t the. publc insthe nature of thinga caunot b. a fair judge et Bach matteve *$plit up as the. public is.intoa score of différent reiixons conhunnities, -how oam themi. e eof, o churoh dxffanug m' Kougni n sd syunpat sud bLief altogether fi-cm another, b. anked tu sit lu jndgweet on the couduct sud ministratioris of that'e-tier'a paster ? And wbat right have thegeneral public te panu o~n oeven whn asked for it ? IneMt - , W -f -litabjustice tlii tiaI ýà amas msbelried ouly by hie peeva?- sud the rarg an sd bob lau cof a congrega- tien, tiie men, who .psy lbail tte .support of ordinsuces mn Ithe year andthoe t annual or Vestry'meetiiig uqueal tthe loudeut, are cevtainly Dot hôie'r. i ,fti héotr, nenal lyaearest, iro< Syunselfish Chnietîa. "If eii cburciies of this tvmu have a-ny -Iirty lineri te attend te, li tue nameetfCiirust"a charity and the weffre of the gooOdeise in the venid, le1t ue agrieved Partiesgo te their cvn churoii courts, sud not seek hto gratfy some peonas pique by piiloryiugbote public gsze aworthy pastor Who mL be minble.or unvilliug htko iivt eiiing* voridly unrs ih m seneahua' uin l sermons. Preubyteriane canuot b. asked ait-lu ludgement nu au A.uwliooAue ror, nor ive to that obutian owth trvb1 ~ s profewmeseolcitflde,-if iüstead_ cf turuingý exoiter about 'Ail, Saints' church and its pastor (ab matter thet ieltiier ceî'cetns or re- quires the interferenceý of the deuoination to wbicbho belongs) ho were te devote his. time and attention te pouring cil on the troubled waters ofhit own congregation, in wbich there already ap'pears toe fat' more, discord than ie desiÃŽable, and I think you, air, would be doiug a praiseworthy aot in clostng your columus to aIl furtiier, corres- pondence about the troubles of Ail Saints, aud se prevent a st nf cowardiy 'malignere f rom furtiier annoying ourbeloved and *ide- ly reepeot'ed pastor--even tho' yen were Dot following exactly in the footetepa of some af the model Toronto newepaperýs. 'Yonrs, ANoTHER 0p THE J1AITHuL Whitby, April 2, 1888. (On enqurng ate the alleged differences f opinion among the Preshyterian peple of tbf. tewn, w. ate aesured no snob trouble exista worthy of mention. There are -some repair to be mae in tht church, and oie tbînk ue way sud soins another, as te tbae alterations. Thiisià nearly alwatye the case iu discussing tii. affaire of committees. The Gazette tried te mnagnify tiiese expressions of boneet opinion iuto a row lust week by, we balieve, falsey stating it bad two lettere on tbe sut>ject wlicb it refused te publisb.- If that journa ll iitake jute ite confidence any respdneible man of this towu-sayeitber Mé. J. B. Dow or Mr. Jas. Brown of the modal school-and satiefy hum of the. trutb- fuineas of its statement dbout -the«, two lettons, w. shallsend a bag ef flour te aniy PO aqnte whem the. référée may direct SIR,-Have y'mu a wife? if you bave you eau-enter f ulIy witb my feelings sud appre- ciste my pstion.The other dey my wif e bad just rbung eut ber washed clothas, it wus raining, that did not impiove ber tam- r ery much. Wel, in cores a bord of dirty cows, wbich, after wi ping theinselves witb the cinthes, kuocked don the prope aud Ieft the clothes in the mud. The ian- guage uaed by ber ladyship I arn sure wus uot acquired et Sunday so uni. The Mayor, chief constable and our south ward represen- t.ative, in particular came ju tor a good sbare of denunciatiou and 1 wus ordered futbwith te, lodgo a compiaint. I therefore appealed to the only inember bere and wue teld that the iaw breakers were bis friendesud ho wouid stand by tbem and "don't you forget it". Now, what is a poor man tu do, amn I to, stand at the. gate on wasbing daye witb a double barrelled shot gun or wear a dirty shirt, please advise and I will aver hold you in grateta EXMBANE AUCTION SAL -0F-l? FARM LA N D S. IN PICKERING. Ânction, at twe &'clock p. m., on Friday, the 6th day of April, '88. et Gordo's Heltel, in the. village of Picker- ing, by Levi Fairbanks, Anctioneer, the. fol- lowing lands sud p rpuxses belougisg te, the eLta et the late J oseph Gorm ley, usmeir. P&ROHL NUMBER 1-Ooutaining 50 acores more or issu, sud being the. UsaI hall ef Lot nuruber 17, in the Seond Range, sud the. South-east part of Lot number 17, In th. Third "ago, Broken Front Oo&e sien cf Pickering, u desenubed ini a daad thoreof from Thomas Brown to Joseph Gormley regîstored s number 738. PAIIOEL NUMBER 2-Containtng 64 acres, more or lais, kuowu as tbe Home. stesd, sud beiug the, west haif of Lot uum ber 17, luinitheSecond Range-sud the. South- vest part of Lot number 17 îi- the Third Rang.% Br-oken 'ront Concession et Picker- ing, su deecribad iu a deed theieof from Margtrot Gormiey sud othars te Josekh GErmlsy, registtsred se 5M9. PARCEL NUMBES 8--Coutaiuing 64 acres, more or loes, sud being the nontb 64 acres of the osaS part et Lot numbor 17, lu the Third Range, Broken Front Concession ot Piokertag. masceribed in &adee.l thereol frein Tbomas ormi sund ochers ho James (3ërmWiy. regleoc as number $Mt5, ex- optiaug thèrnout a road 75 links vide.,, ' o.npusvoélaumbor I thore areth. foIlow-I ipg bulings, nuney -Â ma isl frae bouse, a amanl barua &la& stable snd a *mall orehard. On parce number $vo thl0mee'h.fol-' ew"'ir uuculii, nausely :-&.atsesouse, On paraejlenm be r be«0rehe h.fol- barnansd stable, &id *-ai-ameail ebad.: The. above*propeîTy le galtate about tva mjles uîit of Picker- ing smil p«oisthreof, bfron îL4.On- Thii a amil eleare, exeept about 95 acres of slash and svamp on. Pareel SNo. couéaila M sme- Oedr. - The=oiis of th. quïlity, being a PRINGLE'S MERCHANT TAILORINGI E8'IXAB LIS 11M EN7I~ la the~ place to get your ordered clothing. We have in stock a splendlid assortment of cloths of ail kind, which wiIl be made up ini firt-class style1 W. G. WÂLTERRS' Store, THE TEA ONTARIO* - Oddfeilows: Store, Whitby. TEA'.. OUSE Uuexcelled for Family Groceries, Flue Teaitsud Coffeas.- m 13 - OUR - BPEC1ALTY. '«<CASH ANI) Our stock of Grocerles sud Provisons la Larger, Botter sud Oheaper than ever. J-PRI1ZE PIJSHO s PATIENCE. PERSE VERA NORE BRING THEIR REWARD. The truth is demonstrated by* the faot that after a snccessful, business careor, of 10 We are more flrmly: PEOPLE 1888. IRIQUE -y- i &IRiS founded and in a more prosperous position than the faot.that from the start we sold at M PLIEASJNG- Has hadl considerable to do with our suooess. ever. IGOL - mil DIAMO Ri Prob&bll PRICES". 1.-888 We have now on view some Elegant, Early Spring styles, - RARE - . EASONABLÉI and we ask your critical inspection. The Ladies will find some decided bargains at the Dress Goods Counter.. Lookl at those beautiful goods at 7c. per yd. Ask to see the combination suitings at 15e. per yd, Reinember these are bargains that bloorned this Spring, they were not. left over from last year. You are blind to your own interests if you don't secure some of these Goode. We make no rash assertions but prove ever-ything we state in the newspapers, when- & customer calls at our store. PRINTS, GIN GHIAMS, ZEPHYRS.-Customers are gains in these Gooda. Best English Prints, Fast Colora, knowledged fact o-ur prices are the lowest for fine gooda. ORDERED CLOTHINO A Wide Widths. It is an ".- SPECIALTY Special quality, Special Low Price, Special Nice Fit,. Special in Style. We have ail the recent Styles and our Goods are guaranteed in every parficaiar. Gentlemen and- Parents will find they can save money by buying their clothing from us. Gentlemen%'s Furnishing goods, Rats, etc., the largeist assortment- in town to select from. COME AND' -SEE THEM. OSm Emporium. SPR NO Ah 1 weicome, eprmng-time, se vinsome an shy, With a emilOa.&f, The pearis thatyjou bring us are dewi an! wsrm showers, and the. hem et yonr garnionts le broider' with fiow'rs. - a l 1.1 1 The Spring beatiles weikefor thegivis an thebe," And earth groweth green without brutlèe noise; From tihy browa, buda'"navwraiýpp'd, fol U pon bld, Tii. loveliast galdwiilsaeon be uuroU'i ghlm hore lb. oarýýý îiirow, aside ber- vi clohe erelflabeau .lui, cfourduty to sp! sel'vesil kepiugvli vhtpart, .; ouor. Earringi Scal Fine Plate T fer Sugar, à Pie, Cru -de8s FRIDAI LOCA BUDGET 0F S 1 The sprna the 28&h. Ma. Thes. laying tlii.b Tii. annul basebali 1 hotél on T~ pothorw the xte- wh on",r bt Iset e <Fnid avae -v TEA FOR. MILLIONS!1 GREAT, 8A4,RQiAINSIý Ou. Trai e boomam, becausewcar geis are rigimt, ffev lo es than WANTE.-A.Ã"tiýVë'Agents to- se'i our-T e as. 4 Big Py toGoodMen.PBe IIA~WAI?~D & O )L&RK.ET :-~ BLOOKI z-: ~HITBY. L j I I;?08 ~ Whitby Dry Goods A-l zzw-lcr Don't mistake the. placè, a part -ôf 1 by J. B. PRINGLE, the Boss Cutter. i epçqo V& labbir-0. Enq pqw mith tha. IS OUR MOTTO.>-91-1 LOW PRICES 1. BROOK 1;?*.0