*esANNUAL .01 Tais AIT Ol AUIS nrampECt» The subjeot cf millino'ry lac'ue vhioh De fllev cf the maie persuaslion '0 eompotent te tachle. Soine men ba"e vnesl.led iunoo6sefuly vitb th@ tapie un- til the finaucial beanflgi eretsken UPP sud foundered bopeleIiY Ou PhAtitem. For yeans oun matrimonilî projeots bave come te an ueloeely end, immed- latsly this item loomed Up in th. dis- tance. Ysan aflon year we have sailied cnl in tbe ing siqd "Itaken stock" of the neweet inventionfofr beaulifying the fair nbe, end ou Tuesday lait, se- oompsieid by Berne lady admirera (of xillineey w e again braced np for the or deal. Fini we ,lslted- POWELL à 0Co., vboro Miss Morley vas fouud busily .ngaged ln rsplaoieg a number of sales already made. Hler sbownoom i. very large sud requiese a deai cf millinsry to make a fuIl displsy in bolb, quautity sud variety, but thene issun abundauce sud a reserve lu au adjoining r00W! The finit îbing thal stnikes ono on en- ternij thot feathens sud floyers are t e b.ware by evenybedy tbis saison, sud ooming lu s goad second ln respect ta docratien may b. noîioed the quan-, tities cf fruit-appios, cherries, peaches, grapes, etc, Thon. viii alw e basgrest deal cf tinsel used in tbe tortu cf bîrds, etc. For trimmiege, moire si1k sud shot silk. Lait jean il vas bigh bats trimmed 1ev, but ebulting out tbe near view le cherches and tbetre-tbi yeà r iii 1ev bats vjth bigh trimmine, sud Il anevers equally as vell te ibul out the vision fnom bick oeils. This i. vbat makes front @st& ssII 50 veli. The "Signal" bal looke iike su infant oeal-sdtttle, and if made eftlin sud a handise -djusled von14 mako a good suîrar scoop le a gnoor's draven. The nov colons are lizard-green, killule sud caal. Lots cf jets are ta b. voru, sud later le lb. esson vsry handiome vids.nimrned bats are ta come in. To meottheb. vshes of tb. ladies, w. lnisd ou ai numben cf balssud bonnets sud th. effeet pnoved aimoes sensation- ai. Thougli net posseed of many olben nedeeming qualitieo, vs are ne. markably bandiome vhee dscked out lu the latelt fasilons. AT 0.1. STIWAET'95 W. foand ourselves tu a perfect palace cf art. Their n»w milliner, Mn. Rmoi. has laid out ber display in s manner fairly glistemîng tu s8%endour. The tables are not heaped bastetit fully arranged se, as ta show the goode in aIl their beauty. Lauettry, Torpedo, Signal and Msyfield hbats are there trimmed in ênch vaniety as ta zneet the laite of any porion. Bouides thoe c"poked" hats the Tosoa and othen sug- gestive cf lait year'a Wild West are the.'.. High bonnets are ce display timmed on th. bsck ; ibbon bonnet@ having s resemblanee ta plat 1 suden. taillng a grosat diii cf labor ; rust.ie bonnets, quilo lbthebing for iprini vear. The eombinations cf soler an very fiu.--gee-aidbro@la ad green. witb.navy.blue. Fawns, ereami and timsan show off veli. Streamers tied loosely in front are ta o v ore on manl bats. Faille ribbon with sat4n.dgt boai tsen thé place cf fauoy-edged rib bcns. Poathers are shaded to matel the other trimmiing-towenfg menai bqing oitnucted on bats from sii juches te sir- oubisa in heigbt. Tbi boit floyersire made of velvet, bu flev yil b. worD. Notbing is like ls» ypar. Ltter on t1. "poke" sh&Poesil bonnets vil have a rue and vilib, cet-off ih streamers lied loosely i weut th. ordeal of adjusîmnent of maiý atreamerdteked bats on our -vell*ba 1s.nod bead, and found that thereJ 'ouly Oee bing valing ta make oc Qpers4~ ~rfeol-ba1dneii, preou t*u iuê,hauremoved the baI stook cf mrinsry wssneit inspectei What vo have alredy ucted of tI other business. placos applies te ,M, seée or lees extont boe. The lîzari ~ #pjpudthe rose colons, the lati ibol ns, sud gold colons wit arn ~TS *teaiively, ueed. Mi 0" ~y aregarde the litti. p6ietedu boi nets as beieg the moît stylish, wie hati ii#a oeO oOf laite ai appeaanee. chaucery-sittilgZ -BefonreKr,. JuatiosForensnot - Tuesdà y, the..ohanOel7 ouropenedit. dlvsi~nl itirgebore. The vas V«7r Ittîle t. do snd à ain lu Ihbad& of, YJwu o Dle-Ftei ri»dale z buildingli bat lova knovu se ns- field btockt ma ctn heslva ires from bindlug ecnditlons, "Dals *el.lws bore vers e yonlou euehasà iood Win of smg min Snd Orgau -busimes, thit lae bd Moaserd 1m thebuilding «aau n * .of géoot repsin, etc., and aift ipprwo ase -1 - fi% ~ the, Têu, GouncU? MARRIRD. b 15 I 'o il Il 'e n 'y il- j. or 'a. g. id. he a d. Ion lb ns. n- iii md Gumo-gowri.-t th r« e t Io lb. bride'. parents îu Ibis tovai, on the evomag etf Wednesday, 4tb list, by the Bev. A. J. Fidier, Mn. James Gilmore, cf Nov York, to Missizabet, second daughler of Henry Hoveil, Eeg., WbitbY. Snow-osOoimE -At the reilenos of tb. bride's parents. Whitby, by th. Bey. Jua. M Germau Rabent Ballsy Buov, of Parkiâslaesoa= mnof Richard Snov, Es, Ofthi tb ovai te N Mnil,second daughter et W m.-eKroombe, Eeg. Biiazome.-t, Brooklinm, on monday, 2nd lusIJsph BurrOughs, fspd 82 y.an 4 months sud 11 day.. FAEIELL-N01 Qbaaon ouodaà y, 2od litM., Âcken sMody Farevel, qged??7 Ethel Kaud, infat daugbter sud enlyoblild of Richard sud Be*ttie Hayes. Dîsuar.-At Pickerng, on Fnlday, Msxch 80th, 18b Joh Disneyq aspd 68 yemanud PEXBZTO.-ÂI ber resideuce, vine coe age., 'orouto Street, Uzbridge, ou 8aturdsy bftoreoon, Msrc11816tel,88UJne, =loe vifs of William Pembertou, sged 51 yesrs, moulb, 19 dsyîs; Molzir.-Ât the reiddence of bot sont ias,,on the 151h et, Marcb, -AtQu'aà pel Nox th West'Teo Yi Mayr eet ~t~ sate Jeohu MLsnoAsbrfOnt.,, spd 3 c i t I I Miss Tomilusors, cf I Mn.. DL Ram'.. Mn. D. . rk hmus retufl4 O&bn l port Arfibur., Misa Msnd Aunes l is eiyii lu Belle- ville the gueito<f Mn." . Biirlell Mn. Gordon Cam pbell, tescbe4 et 02 a gow, speul BasIinluWhitby. Mns. J. Riobarduon, v Ibo, bbien III. for- marne liane je flovly hupno'lug. Mn. J. T. rpotl4eriugh&m, B. A. spei biu Butier vacation lu tevu. Mr. Chas. McGilIivnsY B . oia student,spent Buter albhome. Mn. Wm. Barber, laboof et Motri. eR. *J. Campbell'it bas gene te Welland where h.' bas obtdued a goed position. Messrs. jas, sud Jima. ampbeli, lL. Barker. J. H. Cols, Chas. Mciiïvary, Ben Shaw, W. Hà . Huston, M. A. SylV&nDi Phillips, B. A., sud many other-Ofi t h. ex- town boys were hovening round the old burg over Sunday on the oob-eut- ton ie YolLr ChilOrs met ou MondaIboenn. PnsetM5O 'og, ReeeOà à ilths I and connojloni Noblet Qîben, Hairt, Borns, Aunes, Williis Whitnsyt Smih.' Mui4tes ef former meoeting read aud' Ã"omtùunioations ver. read asufolov: Direotor caise G.T- .,, resing te -the dssirability cf msking ai deviaien je thd present nsilway se as la bave lb. usv station bouses and, sheds near tbe bustiness portion cf the love. From Mn. Jeo. Taylor wsking a butchene licence for the lovu sud a stal lu lb.hemarket building if the coundil haie u e isdisposai. Coou. Burnes brougbt in s report from the Relief cooemittee recô mnidiiig paymeut of snunm ber of relief asofnti amonnting la 850.05.- The report wîos passed. Ceu. Aunes bronght ine a motion, secoeded by Beove Smith, stating the desirability of haviog s test ebaft suuk in this love for tbe purpos of &@certain- ing if naturel gae cannaI be feund, and askiug the Dom.inion Governweint ta Rend a memben cf the staff of GFeologi- cal Surveje te essist je ioastiug lb. mostliikeiy places lu love for sncb formations as vould indicate gas. Coun. Aunes, le support cfhie motion ,said valuabie franchises baid been tieai aà oompany je tavu by ibis eonaoiL in erder ta bave tbie matter tested, sud be nead extracta from a letten from Dr. Selwyn of the Goverumoul Qealogloal Snrv.y, fsvorng the beief Ibat naturai gai may b. found lu snob, places as Wbilby. Reeve Smitb dipcnusd the malter at some leugtb le support olibe motion, snd il passed. Reeve Smith brouubt ije .usual aunuai by-lav te arrange for the sale of $3,000 debeutures under the Act cou. solidating the d.l>îofetheb.to anad il pa ged . The bMayor stated b. visbed te eall l b. attention of tbe counoil te a fev malters..Ie the finit plaoi-, il would b. remembsred Ihst a spedial camSittes of council vas appeinted laI t alla lay tbe proposed taneey izewor. On. memben of that commiltefi (Mn. Hlallett) Mbad mot bpen re-elected ta Ibis year'i ooncil. It nov ssemed du'sirable that the stretescemmittee îbould take the question in band, sud b. boped the onunoîl would take op the malter at udxt meeting cf soucoil, snd have tbe .malter atteuded ta tbis jean, sudvoct tloftinl abeyanee as bail been tbhes 0for some years past. Bo aise callid th. attention et the committee on i Relief ta tbe faet Ibat nearly ail Ibsia 9,grants vere uinbte North Ward. B Perbapa aIl tbe doeoviug applieauti i vere from that yard, bel il vculd soca iraiso s yard Mryta give &aitotaont .portion cf Uhe tavu. b Gouneiliars Burnsansd Gibsen sali ývmeut cf tb.e oders wve.of a permanen @ nature sud some of the paon b.âd iovoi ,from etbsr pontions cf tb. tovu lut. 1hi 0 nortbvward. g The ouoncil theu adjourned. d The Bey. J. Y. Barker wiii presob bel d mornlng and eveang nezt :joresday. y Ben-Kw là - lm. #% f Aae'bbrn- vi ROBB"JwRT IOKINGEOTTOX VETERINARY - SURGEON (Graduste of the Ont. Vol. Collego.) office a.nd In&lma.ry, the late Dr. Foot's Residence, Brooklin. Medical Exauuiner sud Valualor fer th. Lien Provideul Live Stock Association. Deptùtry.CasbyTegaboTeeonprpt ly attendOd te. TO RENT OR SELL. I Il VEEAÀM *AKIN l'Q WDEI' ~P~P~FE~ île su perler oxcellonCe proven An millions o! homes for more than a quarter of a, century. It le used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the great Universi- tics as the Strongest, Pureet, and mosi heaIth- fui. Dr. Prlce'e Cree.m Baking Powder does not c9ntain Âmmonia, Lime, or Âlum. Sold ouiy iu Cans. PRICE BA.KIG POWDER CO. [NUew OK OmI 01CÂeO. ST. LOUIS. [ i Whitby, Mar. 27,1888-4bà . FARM FOR SALE Witblu ten minutes' walk of MynIle sta- tion, on theb. .P. R. &pply te 0GBOP P. DICKSON, Boq., 286Gvynne Street, Torpu- to, or KRS. X8ABBLLA DICKSON, ou the PromIss, wbo viii show the property. Myrtle, Mar. 28th, 1888-4in. HOUSES FOR SALE, Town o Whilby, new sud partly buflt cf brick. Ston. foundations. Seveu roome lu esch. Hard sud soft t ater. oun icu- tes walk from pot office. Convenieut te churches, scools madbusines Places. Aise fi'. sud a hait acesoftlad vl Ffenced. Whaitby P. O. DRI VINS MARE FOR SALE. sud ithout a fault. Gol 1y Orowu lm- penal,slz years ad, beauliful dark by sud lutl. Abose e Gig ard gHmse. Appyto H. ]HL SPRÉTWR, or DAVID> BURNS, Brofkfl. LU I-H £1L1411 w1,1Vl a > CO *~0 - - D "" .0 0 ce -ê...0 *~4i ce0 ~d. W DÂNTED,.c O PURCHAE OR jTOce T- Tc' p4 o olal 01ei~HUOQ Go ltumftï i LU I I NEW GOODS JUST IN» and Queen Chains, Brooches, Citff uttons, &c., -LL TRLE - i EWts PATTEan Cuifs'Buttnsan Waf Bthes,Cocs Wand es, ok,#rw ad KWnwae, lFée.e nd Fors MfJe1& redcd n ric Watohes, CIck8 n J ee on-ý an, 1 Watc ep csan ed. lé JAMES JOHNSTOIN Notice to Con trac ton Se&le tenders, addreaed ta the ue sigued, andi-eudonsed, "Tender for Carpe: try, Joiusrand ailier Works., &0 ,0e Parli Sment Builings" wiii b. reoeZZ i tl Department mai11 Ivel*e et the edock, nec onTnol Das, zsSavanalixaTB7DÂY e-o mmL ot, rthe canpeutryi -sud . join roofiu& - pm1laing, tng 4Bl5i, i 4Ic r L i v U i POWELL IMPORTANT. tRÀND DISPLAY VI 1IL LIN ER. 1CM/ff/ON 7OL. X - hitb~ ~ WARERO OMS, 'HUIfSDA Y and SA TURDA Y, Bsaliai SUBSCRIPT il per annum lu -vise. Stibscriptiens 1e' Office of.pablioati Ste o quipmeut ob ana Job print utario, capable ot a ork ;trom the -large ndbili. Special m~ surpiassed prossta vîlli ils celet iluder press sud cou. Every order attention. TEBKS 0F Viret insertion,yse bsquent ineertioz D)isplayed Adverti a y@ cale et solid oordingly. , struotions inserte arged fer full timi * Ondera for discozi net b. iu wriling, vill net be nesp A libe-nal discen ents by- the y.ar*. outract advcrtisem net later than forse sdy n( te reoeived up t Business notices!i vs conte per lins rUlnsvekiy. Correspondence the County or.. onrespoJLdsntBs u * hou commuuicat EMN T NOI ON E. Fi gu,ý MeObYan J'AXES eupied by] DÂýVID 01 TTORNBY-A mrne-Iu the cel, in MMl itby. Q. YOUJNG cou. NOTICE I Decided to go out 'of the Crockery Business, AND WILL SELL WITHOUT R~V ' CHAMBR ER -S ETS CIN GOD FHANC WRET, CHIA8W#ÂS- ABLYWAELi, IA (IhGLAAP TBLAmQ9OD8AND ILeRWR Ail Leâteet Styles au4iýtsi4Dont dela wn euring B~u The but8'thamCepet Grocerie8,,Oanned Sood8. gpr TEAS- ANED- C9, F,ýEES,. A - SPECýI-A LTY The famousise Jaking Powder put u zrsl ,,,<,~ ogli? iwlfie SiMOIL*#W IER~ Devereil'o Block, *BrookSt., tatOB8'1 Onions, eto..< at THE BRAZL AN' SANTA Cà oL A US HEADQ The largest, sud finest assortrnio TOYS AND-, ýFANOCY MAIRCEI the 29th and 31st.' INSPECTION INVITEDO ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS I HM J. is. jau W, soier.9 Repaired. Wfttb aub(k unt'y fie WEIITBY. VE LEAD IN MILLINERY GOODS 1 Our display is superior to any for-« NOTICE -! 1 . R N 1 aFirst-Cfrtss - 9 i l ý 1 1 Cutterb pir tinoe, bave a bad b ceslb, on oChange. able appelile ? Are they resieus or tensh at uight if se, ask your drugg. t foi Dr.- Smith's Geemau Worm 1Reîufey(labo ne othon), il euh vCoita 26 cents-.XIsimple, sate, sud Pleasant. il there are neovenrns il removes tbe &lime sud that breedi tlean, toues a - 1h. system, and viii save mésy &a doctar' bill. A word te the vise, etc. Thoniandil et testimoniale. The Koodiah Gevernmnuiefitesrotiio te accede tote .deande,61the CJnil'd 8tl.t Physiclahvlug Consumnptive putltals, sud bavlng fslled te cure thbum by theju own prescriptions, shouid flot bestIale te presgonibe Allen's Long Balzam. It bas cursd Cases whsn a&l other romnedies have failed. It is harmiesu te the meut delioste cbiid. Prices 1.00 per boîlle. That vaiuable farm, buown e ai4Beaver Creeb Farm," sdjoiuing Pont Penny, cen- talulug 20w acres ; 140 oeared ; neovaste land; Clay loam ; good buildings viih atene Coubrru; erchard ; living Stresam; veli teuoed,- possession immedlslely; terus eST. Aply te N. F. PA MRSON, Solici- tan, or T. B. LUND, Proprielor Port Penny. FARM TO RENT.. Parb tse s ontb balves et Lots 8 sud 9, 41b Con. Pickeing, 140 acre, tbe pnoperly et James 8mith, of Dabota. Fer terme, etc., spply te G. Y. S8IH, Ruq., SoâoM1~r, W bltby. an ta r M I r x YY-1 1 1 li 0 1 lailorinq by 1 OF AT- ON --:000: ner season,