Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1888, p. 2

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And iItouias lîoteùbfrmOui~r.«Xcbanges- Frnrk Lrais'of Ortlliiao.failéd to psày à $50 fine imposmd'apon binuby P@ý M. Gray. for -vIiting thé Scott Act, .anud wae acoordingly arrested at OrI lia luet Sstardqy aud conveyed to Bariie goal. -, île uuaking an effort ,te gel mney tle pay-liii flne. Another oharge je pending against bioe. A watch stoleo ilet week froin Mn. Cottie, of WaubauahOIlé, was recovered in Orillii by M~r. Wm; MoLeod, wbo ie in himreelf a wboio P0880 of polioemen sud detectivee wheu ho gets étante'). Thé tbief wu~ a liard citizen, but ne action was talion, the Ibsér of the Citue- pioce being satitified with gotting ha hije etolen property and deciding te, Jet the matter drop. Theniaplé éap bie been runuing welI durng the Past week, and tbat tootheome produet of the torest known as maple sagar bias alroady appearé') in certain stores. 'ýBut the fttot tbat often the sugar arrives on the markiet before the sap bogins to ra, léavea strong odor of suspicion th&& after al, iti àe utlwbat il dlaims te b., but more West India brown, saccharnm or glue- coe masquerading under àno then amé. Tbt. aid 0oony briag«o seronse be Narrowrs has st lait been removed, and) fouadations fer the new swing ig ab)out réady for the réception of the new cern- bined mon asteon ee. There lias been a gang of Workmen biard s.9 work' lie for some time, and iL is expected that soeé of the sections or the new bridgie wili tarrive in a few days, and by thé l8th ef neit rnonth the contractor, Mr. Law, of P.,terboro', will, it in ex- peotled have everything in, readinoes for thé opéning of navigation. It has always been uaid Ibat our fair town had s fair name, an') Ihat ils in. habitsate vere aboyé thé average aa moral aud law abidiug community. W. regret having le refor, hoever, te a growing evil ini eut midet, and one whioh muet b. patent te every obsér- vaut citizen. W. réfen te thé increas- init umubers of a certain clame of female sOéety. It vas hoped that wlien thèse houtes of 111-famé veré éloséd that vers occupied by thèse nfortuoste créatureg, the towa would havé been frééd from thom. Thé Crossén ar vorke, -saGobocLrg mauufaétery, are likely toe hortly moe thoir promise farther UPthé linee and villi1probably décidé te locale sithér bore orat'Lindeay. The malter bu. béén laken hold of by our public mn- aty, @von by oar tevu fathéns. No âimé shouLI loti lu cmunicating with ýthé eompe.éY With a wîéw of flnd mng ont what induoémenta in thé way of exémpliéiq frein taltation, ait",e, ta., are néedéd. 01 *ours%, boiueing is out of thé question, but if thé mater ws. "oneuhold of st thi iglt i ime.asd in thé righl way, il je quit@ probable $bat Ibis imaportant indu4ry migtthé ée- tabIa6~i -br. Wà~pét wllnot b. A véil.known citizen telle the folio,- ing etory. 'On a récent Satur.lay aiighl smie mid -niRht depredatore vis4itpii thé amscrd precaincte et bin pouliry hnnim sud A eertaiu fermer- living sol over a hiudrd miles froui hore dimîluguishe') hlinséifle st vseek by hWuling -véwlve babéls of cstie 8v. mités irer the, rouîghést roi') lu ereatl.rn for thé aké fanextra-pe»t pet buehet, lhsreby ms ga lair gain of Ivélve seuls on lié np. héied beau aifsréd 48 sn') went thé Iv. miles le obta n49. lie ml , 4but how muclid)be, are vhéu Oousideratiu, But hé doubtiée di') It for pnintuiple sud moithé maney. Thé &annuel Iipring Sho wviii hé éld hière au thé 241h lest, vhén exoeellni prisés yl ýb. affééoredIrherse,s lit1e, grain, et@. lar.ge amnbir '4f -borses bayera are expéedt. bho prenmlon thot day. Wé w«oild affvia- aeouple of péople Ji thiovillem te jet the, 1Usd au, thé, MilleaBosyoiwî sap r' Ding day.snd uigbl, Sud sévetél eleain' ers viii b e qiuirte OCOnVeY thécu à. W. Parkine lanld 8on 0 shingle Mill vat; startéd for thé sesso'R lait fwle1... with soeénow machinery sud will re- sme opérations neit veek ...Burke Bros. shingle wiltl e about ready te etatt work upen s large econtract...A Mr. Llodd ie, we understaud, about te, commencé wonk on a ebingie, saw and) ié Mii, le be eréoté') noir thé 'aid Yabkéo miii property, in thé esst yard. A quantity of thé maciuînery requir e' te already ujpon lbe spot ...Sadien Dandas & Co's saw Mill will be given a trial on Satunday or Monday. Bobosygoon le te bavé a railway 1 PFtot-s-tro ng, star i i ng,iucoatrovertible. Four or fivo canloade of itou rails arriv- é') itàet sek fer consigumént te that bnrg, aud vers loado') on sleigbs an.) talion down over thé e nom')o, enabling onormofle loade te b. dria. Thé hdrseee luge veré about Ibro. limes thé ordiuary lengili se Ibal if thé hésvy load broké througthéheé. ethé animale migbt escape. Thé rails 1 t. intesudé') for a, etlèoeot tramways la coonécuen -wih 19 Êyd &-oelarge sml Ibère, sund vilgrtettly facilitate baud iing thé immense quantity of lnuber oul duning théeéason-teD or twstve millions of feot. Thé last Ontario ostimatés centaine') a tartbén appropriationi ef $5,00 for the improvotmont el' SCUgog watér naviga- tion. Thé gênuerai nnderstandiug vas that thé amount ebouid b. dévote') b dceening and widening what je kuowa as thé "ont," about isix Mile dowa thé river-a work that ie impérative, in tact, to rendér navigation saté. A good many ef the tewsepeOplf', howeven, are clamoring thal thé mooey ehould be de- voté') te widetiing sud deepeniniR thé chanuél et thé river bélow thé lock, se théS the psogér veasîsî mixht saend the river te ths point, thus sbortèniug thé long wslk te lb. lover wharf at présent necéîsary, vbich in bot vésîbén jseoxttéinély fatiotning. Ih je féaréd, bowever, that Ibis suggestion caunel hé Iéntenlsinéd, me thé muf ogrimted would bé only a "coircumetsiicé te thé ceet of 1thé vork, vblch veuld require an tua- mense amount of blastiug sud e icavas- Ping, as thé channel of thé river la main- ly s rock formation. Thé Dominion gtoverumtnt should b. pétitioued ré- garding the malter. Il certaiaiy vouid îbe a gréaI couvenience sud prove of gréat advantage te, the towu, as mauy viaitore are unavarée ofthé excéptionai :facilitiez sffondéd for taking as delght- fnl day'. trip eving te thé distancé of 1thé steamboat wharf frein thé tovu.- Posi. This forenoon (lhnnadsy leit) Mr. David Woodbéad, su employé at Brodié's veolon miii,hba i. ate M broken. Hé vas in thé dyéing roin absenos etf théeyrtrnhltse in turaiuig thé belt on thé vhéel hie arn. waucaugbt anud broken belov tb. eibevý On $atnrday Mr. J. J. Turner, lent, &wUiiýg udoaali inîker, uudértoek le split ý block of vood, whiclu b"ig moe than ordiunily oh.tinate, ceuied Mn. Té,rnýr te gtive hie aie an extra eîrocug eviuge Thé axé caunght lu s clethés line ot'rrhead sud divret' thé blé, ta thbe aed êes)et ofthé block éau*atnga, sévère but vol serions cut. Mr. Turner is, hokwever, able te attend te, business sud tà. anu ordér for au SvDnug or lent.:1 Batarday évenlng Mnr..Weir wva paéieFgbr-or. thé Grand Joutiou train, vhich ta due hère et 7.20 o'olock, Thé train stoppe') for a moment se uiual at the dîamoud cossitg of thé 0. P. B., aud eit thé e mé lime thé brekoman annuoguced "Paterbortghnlua tond 'vûoe.,Uts. Wéir îhougcht the tran hail .bopped .-sthé e station, and vas gatttng off vies -the train seWtod tlé- more on. Sb@ vas néany off, but ber foot ithsvas n esting -ou thé gronnd eau0lt, lu e frog. lhe -motion of the train esiué ber body forvard, sud thé re-, squitwas a brokèn léç. - .wuas0**- voeealtothe hooplîsi and Dr. Pidgésuý Thé ohsrlty toooeitléé Of the tévu vê*t éôtherd&sy 4lted upon . té soi ina ,k ýestword case liai, when thé Ivr. «MO , an"* camé té thieir observat*0s. broub1ipresionoo.1 pity fremin *l botottitbeotheansd a de*.l te: prpnpIy relleé thé dIist'a of thé us Pfo1 1 taté es. ýIt wWvea 6é1d î~ Dg Cê~gmohé yu .t«v g femilt -PO~éiI4*Ul.t éls the a gt trlèhinoth rats >tlýrwn ife tbê e$ty% h insu, véhavé vnittln ist Jéug1? '_ Eypt purulent ophihlisl 4nown o lten éairied -,frta affi ctèd with.it to. the--, wèll by Ilisé whlch bave ted on thé diséaud secte- tiený of ophtbalmtc patiente. Seméa caroful experts --tin'k-.they havê-- séù évidén@é ýthst ècarlst.feveW le some limetrasemittsd te Man through thé milk of ceve affecte d vlths dioeuas skia te ab6a$et-fever# -but mOt - suýffi- cioutly deflued. Laoi yean Dr... Turner ,,tEW&Dad, présented te. the Local <oveîraméut Boar-d lb. résulté offovéitigatibli made by hlm on thé relation. bélveé dip.h- thénis in mnuasd libhelov er suJnis. These resulte tender ils tranemlassien freinthe- animals te inuprobable. Lu 1882, having found pigreons suifer- ing frein s diseasé in whiob thb vind- pipe vas overed ith a memibrane n- seétnig Ibat oet croup, hé comntunicst- éd thé saème dusasee to other pfigeons by tockLation wllh ibis membrane. Plovl,i ver.fcned mffrlb n là 11saine menur* et, sd diheias folloed ou thé séaieerme. inéwte thaler Vary uprialag facs vhicb have coins under Dr. l!rur'e observation séémto ta tbllsb -àîclose conéétion betweeu Ibisailiment in fowîs and diphthénia in human béinge. Stili further, chicens aud pige biai- iug been inoonîsse') vith diphîheria virus, vête found le suifer <rom a disesé in every point likê that vhich oight hé tormaed "fowi dipbreri." Dr. TurnPr bas spe eeiné sud batées suifteriaR frein a disease similar te thé aboyé, but thus farnuothing te jusîify the bpliéf f etal laving been transmitt- éd te in. Cats, hovever, lu sévénal parts of thé eunît-y, sud lu à number cf bouge- boldo, seeinte bavé besu a source of Inné diphîhénia in in; sud sinoé atten- tion lis beexi calléd te Il, freeli ateseof tb. kîud ans nov béing réported. Génuiné diphîherl a i.béliéveil to have béen cominunicate') to cals by inocula- tion vith dlphtheritie mnalter. Thé Loudon Lanmtbéliévesthal tisse fiels May form inqchéte thé cri- gin cf those isolaled attache vhioh eau. not hé atibuted éilîhr to persousi, communication, or te allier ordinsrily asiigu.dcause. 1 Wé hardly ueéd suggesl laqinluvlév 01 thé abe"., pet cats sud kiîteansould hé képI out cf thé siek room of ,huldreu .afecoted vith écarlet -fêvér, sud, vé May radd, viti dipitheris aIse. Iudééd when thèse épidémies sé %» slIg ebildrén shouid hé taughl sot la pet thésé cf their uéighbora Thé noee as recéivéd vith thé -utuaost saetisaction by théeommuulty liaI hé ha') t.reisd;bt tsé ofet.1a dism as moeanent tathoul') ins telt gratitude. Chinés., eold eztndts, dspreesed spirite, sud eîremely "bis sensaktionst, wlth Pae, wan Mtestri are thé resullaetfdisordénéd kidnÉyusudliver. Arret thécases t once hy tkugDr. Pîer,é's Go"den Médical Dlscov.Ilta purely vegetablé détective, tbat wiiI farr-et eut sud capture the most subtié iuug or hlood disorder. Dfzggist. In tb. trial of Mrs. Jané Doeset Halifax charged wilh heing su secessory te thé mur- der ef ber husamd, thé Jury disagreéd. mie FrimeeOUR Teetf. Mr. G. B. Vouglit, ef Peterboro, Ont., saye, tbsielsfrieudâ cen téstity le hi. belog oured cf ludigeition, Constipation sud Torpi')d, évr by poing Ivo and'a hait bollléoftB.B. B. "Il séemu te sot 1k. ma-.ie, aud 1 béatwiy r.onunnslidl" axe thé.etol.ngwords oet is leller. Am iaLmise basbéas diacoveré') o& thé mmctais soO-f Ramilton. Prwu.'.Wor* . Pouder. dfot" am4 ressac. ioomw aUhi * jutw t t4o1t or iufm.% 'VéU.. téal emm foreret oféD. bavina ha') su»Iaca tus bandt birm A La-I. 'u.Câotorialsw on mupeloélundrenthat E récobmmnd îles supenler to any pescnpAor kno» wt. ,B. ILAam . IL D., lu " Oorwd t, BrOoklynX. NOWý Ssý Oseteeu cColls, constipaion, ISau Etomach, Diarnhoes, Eructation, Kils Wormns, gAves aleép, Md premotegdi Tùz CENTAnu Com.»iv, !l Murray Street, N. Y. THE TIME TO SEOURE A GOOD TWEED -SUIT AT PRICES NEYER BEFORB BBAOHED T M IN ITRA.DE. A Good suit made to Order for $ 12.00. à large stock of Scotch, English aud Canadian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to select from A Spécial lime of UEAVY TWEEDS fromn 50 te 75 cents per yard, suitable for Business Suits or Boys' wear. A FUJLL STOCK 0F CGROCERIES ALWAYS ON HÂND. Highest market price paid for Butter- and Eggs. ARCADE, TORONTO. A Ichool Thoroughly Equipped for BusinessTrnng BOOK-KEEPING, PRtNMANSIP, BUSINESS CORRE8PONt)ENCe2 BUSINESS AR1THMETIC, COMMERCIAL LÂWl SHOBTHÂAND AND TYPE-WRITINQ PBACTICALLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Circular. Âddress. 27 C. O'DEA, Beoretary. Ae Positive Cure. A PaInle8s Cure FÂOTS ]FOR KEN-0F ALL ÂGES. M~ tm.mxVol-"'SeSmOZrucO ToS THE 4; la A I 4LT lErE ÀR, mal.) 01 H sa sdKobintoor 01f Médicilé.,al W~o~ broken nc¶ nowurmtelet f abgse vil fludinXo. 8s-nadical curé-for nérvoué debillty, erganié weaknés, uveluntsny vital basec.t 8yn2m m ws osn u No. 8 BueuL» nsUsu.- n# ! éayvertige, wemt e! punpofte. dimneis et sight, aversion te eecléty. want of coDiftdesuc, avoidancéetf!c onvésation, deairé fer solitude, listissaneasud lnabîity tle ix thé sâ'tçténleon aù iparticuler sabJet, eowerdice, depresmien et spirite, giddies, lu mnose 0éxdtability cf témprpé mo .B* na u14-4he, resait oe! sel-éon- mïrital..excéé-irupo- int ,baeoue, papitsîlen, of thé beart, hystric felings femaies îébll.in laehel * , rdlétuùbiug ree, Àt,, ar41al syni tinscf bisterrible habit. tntlmés nnoeeusly scqulré& lb thé snl tu vtalf orcé h&vin elest -its taen, .-vsry fonction vansi ucooequéno. eetfé'rtn u'thé! suim lndénte of Insane asylans unit. in scnlbing me the eeéo s e sl.bu lb. euit majonity oi waated livés whleh coinuder ttir notice. If yen-aehomeel o h ruu dutiés oe- business jcpiLse for thée 4mjoymn eté eot'lfNo. S offetn -.afro thé effée* f elvc. 'fye are advan'ed el% 9 , o ~wl lvy fuIl vi*or and slre~f . boke dou, hyasaiy s~lporaly rei ealy IDdicrtiùýths msfoIgs oranc and f ollr, end your addrm-sp dO IO<IuI1.lust ampie or-M. .Luo' Trisus.n BookPentu On, Disese o!len e g oimeuefri bej M l v. q The treatment of many thouMan48 of of those chronie weaknesses snd .dis aliments peculiar to, femiale8,, a the mnv Hotel aud Surgical Institute, Buffalo, 1, lis afforded a vàst experience ln nieely lng and thoroughly testing remedie8 frj cure of woman'S peouliar malde. Dr. P'ierce"* Favorite I'resewilî la the outgrowth, or resut of tiseî valuable experlenoe. Tihidseo!0st~ niais, received fron patients aud lrom pl clans who have teeted it lu the more vated and obstinate cases which bad their ekili prove it to, bethe rnost wond remedy ever devised for the relief an u ê suifferlng- womeù. -IL lJiflot recommendeê "1cure-al"l but as a moét perfect-8pecitô!_ ,woman e pecular almente. Au a pbowerfui,in goangt It lmparts strength tot.he e* l and to the womb and ita ap endae ipartlcular. For overworked, 'wor*-ot-0 rûn-dwn,»deblltalied.tea.. keepe nure mothere, and te1e gneray, Dr. %eroeds Favorit lC'the gretet eartýL8boon, belng un as an appetlzuflgCo an restorative Au a .oothing an4 *t tien" e nervine "66pavorite Intb.eIs quaedana la invalablerifn U ylng and 5 ding nervous excltalllty, irrita llty.' .w hustion. prostration, Jiysteria., spasms SM other dlstêeelng, nervous BYMptomg coe, monly attendant upon functlonlansd orgmn& disease o! the 'womb. It Induces refroehJ leep and relléves mental unxietY mnddj.. spondency. Dr. Pircé'8a Favorite PrescrlitiL Iu a legitinlate Me4icine, creî» compounded- by an experienced, and =eff~ physician and adapted to woman's deliSb organiZtioù., It lid purely Vegetable in- composition and perfectly barmeles n Jg effecta in auy condition or the systeni. monng, slclcness, or. nausea, from wbati cause arleinir, weaý stômùach, iniligestion,-4w ipepsia and kxndred Sy mptome, lt8 use, in dose, wilI prove very beneficlal. .~ 196 avorit e P res riptio u 9ylu1 tive cure for the moet complicated an stInate cases of eucorrhea, excessive 'fio. painf ni menstruaition,, unnatnral supprewsaléuý prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak a temale weakness," anteversion, reùroverk bearing-down sensations, chirionîcloý]i infiammation. and 4leeratiou of the wmbJ fiammation,,pain and t6i3dernnss ihov~ aecompan'led With "internat heat." k- As a regulator and proinoter or TUM tional action,at that critical period- et ebani frem glrb<d to woïnauhood. "'6Favorite P scription " 19 a perfectly est-e iendia and fflnproduce only goodrmle equiall y efficaclous an i lùabtlu ûý,its effe .nntaken for those dlsoTders and.de1. . ment& Incident toAtbat later azd moat eci period, kno.wn as "The Chanýge-of L ite." "Favorite »Prescriptlon?99 *ben talle Iu c(nnection wlth the use oot Dr. Piera« GoIdèn Medical Dlscovery and amail Iaxti &mme o! Dr. Pieré bPurgative -Pelets <LÎtu ]vr FIAI), cures Liîver. ~he u ld disemees. Their coibined use also remov blood taluta, and abolishes caucerous au ecrofulous bumors from thé syutem. "66Favorite -rsciton9'le théeon medicine for women, eold by drugglsts, uni e oultive guarantee, frein- the. mm zcurers, that It wlll give Satisfaction ln evoý caor money will be retunded., This guara teeam been printed on the botte-Wap sud - althully oerriéd out ,for nmy yea, for- large, illugtrated TrêétJée on b» - Woueu -<160 .pages, Woffds Di:pes:ay Iodlid Asècaiom NE I fin IfantS -'utd,,Chidrene -The Lira of 1hi are. anonyrfl ý'IbgWritteu bY n SOéé Toue and) Qualiy. CATALOGUES FREL fis Cryoîi .. ...od'.... p.qustion natli à e ot thonglitf à dées Ibis i(p )oçdet there lias -resuit of an %na,~ r, bsndtér, of Y5, taté minbé? kë Board of eati Plies thé mishiflg eder &are o=iuo~ bliostiexi of a11 th ,sking powdes, t i On te ite - attéil impititiémProf veln4' poder oUnu et Rocbelle quIbtitiéO 1 neôt et dhoritiels te ha hua lia ref-iduum ii iued is made tjp 1 s9 kuowu ta bo la nid Alie te kuew ~L.tes;t that shah j qa of thé master Ourreuti Frank Leslie's Si .ay je a vainabisa àr of thés favor ohsoiid sud ligi y,Prose sud ver ages9, sud thé mna [ïldte thé iu bot t. t Loxuni ~e 'Se amounit cf bilanced hy thée jésion- work in dry of msin lgei-ia and)Môrc <eidelbérg," by éntien, for mmi v. beo-n»oducat rsiîv in Ihat oiti ire Pare8on," byl aMest ontestel éntrio lry gland. TIFou e byMrs.*Gel Es Cinderdlls ami," sud th eter., ssyDri pa ten. De ns ,vérseaaBd pli tons hymu t BROOKLIN, ONT.

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