Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1888, p. 5

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,&GEET PolaT»3 PRICI 188 ý)NABL' ter. -Look at 15c. p'er eft over fr( )f these Goo apers, when ng away bi It is an IALT le. We ha 3entiemen a _ qentiemei Mu. xiip, snd &-te*irlaiyosi bùring us ari e dwsasd r-,arments i.brold.ed weiko for lhe girls "«I ~reen without huats c 4enow wrtpp 'd to ronce moreq, vi s artrî avake whijte blauket. asuty, [1.1 o. b. Mi ~pruce upa bit o îvtb Ïie sesson. r tramne requireal :àore Iban ourf ighto wf vnter se 'Ibn tbis ebsunge satiefsýctoriiy' M- & CO'S , Wiiitib tbis @i deof Jord tock to choof Mee us, even îf stviieb Wall ýpprOvod cut, sê Nies linos for' SI 1Thompsoa's aux 108. Buy no ei vy. Chep a&bd 0 vry stylo, vif17ý price..conlinnue ai ëclOus b the moti 'r&sa beosat l md clovor bloom, 00nW thealb bees, cloudf- ddt Ilir ftag thelb tcmb iuîh oowl0mng -apri wuD Il bde tbew im > sle tiaemocu abbey.arolaesof la the West$ thi of iiay-ookes, soothisayes roabu 2TTOé3fPfiIO IATy DOI & ool, ne fis thia week ofsrlug lb. toibowing Bargains, in Watohes. 7 Jewel Stem Wind American Watch in Open face Nicicle Case, New, $5.00. American Pull Jewelled Nickle Mgovement, in- 4oz. Silver Hunt- mng Case, Qold Joints and En- griived, $11.000 A we-flnished, well-jewelled, Lever Movement, iniSoid 14k. Gold Hunting Case, Lad.les aixe, $12.00. Ail the above fully Guar- anteed. do Se BA RNA RD, BIUOK T., -WHITBY. FRIIDAY, A.PRLL 20, 1888. LOCAL LACONICSI "IAT 18 BOING ON lN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F UYELY LOCAL NEW8 6LEANE0 SY OIIRONIOLE REPORTERS A"Â obisanang ys, takin notes, Au' f mlii holl prent il. The W. C. T. U. Baud of Hope viii meel ounlioudmy April 28rd ait 4 o'clock. Ma. IE (Geov, of Uzbridge, talla hsir le a 070000 legmo>' trom au esaaIs lias oid country. Tamt regulair meetingr of lbe W. C. T. U. elîl i. eld tbii (Frids3) afternoon lu lb. Fr..e Reading Boom as 4 o'clock. AN editor vorke 865 days s year t1< Ipmbllab 52 papre-ttaat's labor. Occa- sioaally asusocriber pays lu ou dollar -thah'e capital. NoÏv sud thon som0 slimy demd best labos hie paper twv yoars and doos net psy for itL-tbat's angrcby.-BOetO'i 14orld. As adjouraod vestry mreetlog ah St. John's Episcopal cobwu as idd Tues. day &.ulug hie i7b, Îuot., at vbiol thonsvsslreatedneevr hbinog paased of lu lhs Most barmoulot sudsattief actory mannet possible. Wbem lih* clergymanm stipend- sud ovorj -o acouaI oanneoted vaiblie eborcb int cluading crgaie and belpor> vers ftil puid, a uies surplus ou hand otili re Maslued sud Ibis vitheul su>' concerti or sociab enterlajuwtus vhslever Dslegates W liase Syuod lvers amie appoiuted soordlug t hlse 801 su .onstitullonal form. Tait Osawsa Siroos 81t. lethodie .engregatioll la kickinu aplstms viit the Traustercommitlte cf ths Geon Ooufsreuce vhicb roosahly mol ii Toronto. Thes Ogiava coagregoittoi badl exlendsd a prestlbond c.lI4t' el A. B.- Olambere, etfliotn.alU4- - revsrnue bad heard thea bou(vllll ï Iproval. A deputalioa n mI jIo4oà 10 gel lias traumfer made W o Toitt Coaférence by tb. oomrnlllee. 'Ait lie request bad been graUtd ad Il transfer made lie Oshawa People vsO home happy. Butls allit àail0morn a leader sali vas baud b>' Blreo04*ui en ters b omta ohanged hlm No&pass. -Tbi's iand sud nasfr bo mDess las ,imbtdach ëbextesisve limi iunlb.elislbeditciurcia-$Lot oi>'fai eoerglaieu ofihbe hols lIitaine lefi f Csaai le wslfl from, sMd lb.>' v bav e o . bie., Tii.>' vii bave WW eleis both lit.eIayor sud t Boa"e vers rigial luea$ugv wbt hI dlid li the oounoil M>onday lgial o0 . -2 jeA.i%à :11RAb ït0 syupatbizse 'vih ib. -0s,sud vb1o lte tbrew sarnaîursd sgg at, os e s.appos sr îbse diter oet he *StdteQnnaus bus ;b. suose.dsd lu iniug s apreoasilBoy. bt manîlieu u iasthbull of ibe loft sar- bat Ounfandingtiaaont lias Young msm ab- spologisepld ud taled be IhoftgillIt va 10Jarne et t lb.Bktteuesho. v ,adosaa lit 'Ir lb. objes t f tce. vbo <et au ia 'OC Ueffltriol5dRéprcily , meetig l for Ptday nlghl vas le niakeil 5a0051plut sanl , »yý suocedsd b«S"uIfy. 10About Ifty people vas i&Il vers in lb. ball :aI s>onne lime, sd'-tbit *0s audisso. semed 1. b. lirseei ailUlIas bey vblls-paeslung insud pusuolo # o a'n enc tfrull. Boy : qf te Our tovi baisebal ilî airs nov- r". 68ing for lh, teaon'a catupaiguï W. b.r bruaI 4he. boys tais>' saru as Bond a b lroord se lait y>'r do lii pe~ingof, a ann ncul .Who hug etib otheruigliy snd ;titi T try te b. faionabi b>' leaving 1h. u wmndov blinda opsu,'Ihe Glesaer' ad- 11w Vises Ihen t aiobetal bblov outltheiasIa Light. nigl 1IIITINDINGcandidates for th. outrance tbm exarniîom tathe Wbilby Collegiseis Instituts mlouldeud iu thefrr Dames tWhvi Pincipal Embres before -Iay lai., The 1~ examiomiions tue teachsr's certîficales 081 bsiug hsld at tie asme lime, il viii b. sd1 ueoessary go know rigbi Saa>' oy tovw muci extra rocm, viii tue requied for for betb in order that the. board of exarnin- bel or@ oea>'make arrangemnuts for vhal OvEý ever extra room. wuli b. neesear>'. Pa( TIa Gazette tris W gave e s laibag j of fionr by precendiug ih dont vimh t pu] disclose ithe Dames cf ithevritE-re of lhe Liv tvo alisged Prsbyterisu lette irs. We chf de nol aak 10 bave the namee cf the gai partismade public, nor ihat îhey b. joç made kuown toeven the rofaee inthe w mmttsr. Beiisviug that noe obilerset vers sevei riltto, vs oui>' requssted lu thst amy repponalble man be piso.d iu k. pasemmion et eutugh information te matipfy hlm it s uob bItera veresment t te tbe Gazette, aud vs viii go as "wbole o bag of flour." Ons faleood onl the lu, part cf our cotem. in this matîse hsGo begotten mauy more. to Ths Orauge social astlire. Ham@'a 01et, Tusdsyeveuiug wvs. nunusl>' vellib sttended se veli se rnobt admiembi>'Wv councted. Altiiong th e orne, vbîh 8 vers bsmutifuily aud appropriatly th decorats, vers orovded, yeh the suer- d getiac ommitîse 80 digpsaed tlres-e semblage liaI litile or Do jnconveujouds reaulted. Mira. Ham vas tbe bife cf thseV psrty snd. despite ber msuy Sommera, oe flittelsd&round 11k. s bumrng bird N atteuding, 10 the vanta of ber msuy gueeta. The programme ofllterary suda mueical telectous vas far above the Pl average snd veireudsred in sîsryW particular. The. refreebmsutm proiided vers net only abudanlý but cf tbseJ choicesî îsaritiesand gtîs sîvidsucoof painstakiug efforts on lie parI cf the Wiiliag.Workers. Whou lire. Ham' gives suother social mrak ns dovu, for- several rsmerved ssIs. Tbe W. 0. T. U. Besding Boom, bas bad u iucrssed atîsdauce thie vintor. Ths uight meool for bey@, thal the W.6 0. T. U. startod lu Jauar>', bas bs.nr s decidsd sccees, baîing au average attoudanoe of about 14. Tii. sutijecté rtangiar se aritirnetio, rsdîug, speiig, igeogréphy sud vecal music. SBorne t tie boys baie ehovu a great luhereet lu thejr lbasons aud, viasu the> boaird ith@ ladis bad decided te close the scoGI tbe sud cf April, aiuksd te bave il con- tiued outil the public scecolaeclose. 0Tie committae feel gratifisd Ibal tis boys bais s sort cf home feeling lunlias r oorni> sud hope in aasother Yeur te make tbem more attractive. Osunol Korne af our pbiiaiulropio frienda erne0 Sforvard sud give tb. boys a Irsaltet encourage Ibem lu inte future. Tii. *Beadicgf Boom commitîse viii son S."CorniilliMagazine" sud "Frank Les- àE lieu Populmr Moutl>" for 1888ai --A»M gratyreuedpie.. tovu about-bemng short cf moue>' i- thal v crcféi lbhpressait. oursîves, because vs are *IlmosI made'cf it, but thïai busine6s monffau'e gltbold cf ,as Îuctehas lbey' should bave iu O'rder te k*eptradeboouàivg. Nol *onder-t'Ibis, usleos.people Who -bave moue>', la tovai, will 'imtaval $Tort4lt- d eIjesaplaes sud spéüý 4-m0o ad r artistlu ibis lovae? Thevsi W rly -outh abdbestyeiiougb,a ayl iss tram iài a't o lMr. Ohaprnan'a ptogrsph_,galler>y, w*bailM ork la a me in suarb style. ly-i " ý ' !he apsetacle cf snow and duat flyig- iioudes'IQue thi. a$rSU, aithe. me le Île oneo SldoKU960.0, yet& ubs-ixubbi- ta of Whitby behsid it Iiamt Friday, bt. There vas emruch duel flyingN ik the: enow torm hbail10 posîpo Ns elf outil it couil omder om rnetan, lob foilowsd ini an heur or so. Two yon men came bers frorn uaws on Sonday t1stin uan intolicat- condition, and after driving around wn for sn hour or 50, met ont aitain Suj r Osawa at top speed. Between S. and Oshawa oe eborewu r n g00 ,r by them n d severàIl minor sacs- a des vers iadnlgsd in. VU! AU ibe botel keepers are &gain beitig lied, tbrough b . efforts of two deteo- ï vs who pot in teà daye bere piaying kekesaB forîtoiglit ago. One of the ente wsof tbe esikesi kind and en- m ýed the fullest confidence of eut botel in, baving attended chnrch with one ther n d enjoyed bealtbful recreatioD bri t wy of drives with the 'sam hotel- eOper'a bore. A Whitby mercbant wbo believea lu 5e oid ssyiug cf 6"See s pin and pick il p, and all the.-day yon'il have good- oek," ssv a pin in front cf the poil. flo. the other dey, and white atooPing N >capture it bis bas rolled ou nt uteh LrsI, two mnspender buttons gave wsy, ,i coller eplit open, snd hie alors îestb, bhicb cnet hlm 818 wbeu new, felu ont 3d broke on the walk. le picked np ho pin, bowever.-Poft FP"ryt&n- Uwd. WKITBT i. ail in a slow about cburchV nasttere sud the di@euesion je getting rery varm. Boson is alec corning eut >f ite abeil on th. tobacco question. Nben lb. dipcneeione are bolh cisc, eme byesuder wii pises verify our rediction tbal Ibome wbo emoke nov will ornoke, and those wbo have enter. ed th. cburcb discussion, wiil corne out ailt vers they atarted. Id the broad [igbt of this nineteenth qentnry people rue Io veli educatsd -le b. on . tbe wroug aide of s newepaper discusuion. -Pickering Neuoa. Wis nnderaland lb. receut discussion r in these columa oucsrniug AUl Saints obureh hsu bad lb. effeci of stirricg tbat ougregation op cou.iderably, sud bsu io&.bis esilst a Jsedons good. Tbere je taik nov cf giving tb. edifie a general overbsnling sud sme eoebd- Lisbmt ut vbicb il badly needs. Ous cf th. mombers informe nesh&bas eides this the, congregati8 aboornt, sud in futurse eerylbiug ia 10 keep pao. wilh lbhe Mines. 9I laa d vind 1hat1 blowa uobody any good, tbough quit. Iikely the parties bo bave kept op Ibe dilescesicu vili dlaim tW have brongbt tbe congregsation out cf religiona obscur- ity snd aroused il frouxt l ehhirg. lira. 1ri atsilb. l4 iose er-litîle 0son Eugeue, vboée death occrred en the 14tb instant. The. funeral service in tbecolleup chapeicu Saturday afteruoou sîtendsed by th. pupilesud a large nom- ber cf frianda from the town, 'vas par- ticnlsriy impressive, Tvo cf Eugeue'a io.1 sw~A~R»r - DEYERELL'S BLOCK, - WHITBY. THJNK DEEPLY fhen you are contemplating a purchase of auyhig in ur lime, no0 matter hows~ may be the amount involved. AOT w' s ELY By oommng to look over our large and well assorWe stock of ail that is new aud seasoible. D ]~GJDE ro buy of us. QU ICRKLýYý After seeiug the rices and examining the quality of our Goods you ca't- rosilat them. It is impossible to do botter elsewherfi. NO Can be found.' BETTE R VA LUES We get the choiGe of the best goods ou the,Market sdoi LOW- AS TH E LOWESTl, We ae alway8 ready t e o n 6jW 0ourUioo-0ds GLASGOW.. wABE: R & J -U 0 Ilceus Giod ,4Blàk,'cashmeres, C(JrotShirtinga Tiokinga Scotoh Twe e ndleàs variet Canda weeds, vo hôId acai Mloleskine in White, Drab sud Brow 'oARPETS.-We 1shil'hol4al 'FLOOB QIL Q TO iu a. w OILQ1r WRITBYý* DEVERELLS - BLOCKI dv BakWorste «aig, New -lFanc.y -Worsted Suiti.ng8,: 6eW'and Choico Patte:rn'n iPantis. New 'Overcoating8, New and -Nobby Spring -Sùitiiýgs. This season we are ini a position to mia2ke to order Gents, Ordered Clotbing aii --very pelrmaner. Our Clothesuad Tweed. are' eeiected with the gIretet attention to meure for ote patroai >d fa<RELIÂBLE" make sud first qnality and value. If yen require a geod and cehle u 1f4lte, : air cf Pante, a Spring Overcoat, or any Olothing, for Spring adSumer, il wiI. be deoidèdly te ypur a- îitage t ll aUand e what we, eau do for yen. GENTS' FURNISHINGS.-A Large and SQlect New Stock of FallocyTeck Boadst ~e, Soim, Braces, White Shirts, Begatta Shit. G*ENTS WATERPROOF OOATS.-New Stock of.these Goods in a vr leGr ont, for litho ýmouey. Linen and .CeUleloid. Coflars and (3uffi, new styles. Mer'ino Underware, Gents -'Bal- ig~Menne aud Cotton mairie and Drawers, ~THE -PEOPLE' FAVOR IT E -COLOTHIGrHOUSE.

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