sals and ro AEN tir new bo or, MarveJ80j full abîd grapbj0o IM wofl<ertui le *y Iii tlens en aind remohxhabi, pà dn-à r of biure, la Ibîrds, i)ects, * rIrxtiot of -the Altla, iiOceav, &bad cf ù liesOf the Deq the uorld of watie rr tetc., togeli4 Û)MENA (0F THM 300 fine oiagravi mj e LRI SY TE. 18//NoCo.: TORONTO, ON% Hl-I arper, te he Çceuclusica e sold by L.jà i.. ma d eas iu at will n stu>' lan ueh long«~ ~re hsj ben b akeu tl to parties vari.. ~i' Rx mahixne. I -ees Romle monai. ipfa(tjtl. OR liIAÉPEaé nec Whijtese5wlng 'âa u]] iendors. 'au- fully eccin. ,1 fanily Oewlng Epairs th"am , le fjg odo est, and ils b 1t NR, ('Ifld on lea t>,wread. mades for il NEW ORTH, ~N-OtJTI S4tice. erally disalt -5, SUrrc, -l Seo )N. 1 dvrfîW. IULiEs r. Ontarlo t10the reuI A NATTER OP VITAL IXPORttl&*cu The falluwiug unugolioiled oplulohs from your (rien le sud ne4cbbors, mon andi wo'XeD, whom You knov and r.- gpeot, onéiht te carry ccniction'to un' doubting mmnd. T base word.etf gragi. tudie are (rom those Who have beeu, &Sicted but are -nuw Wall, aud lb. persons giviug theul are nalurslly euhi. gsions tbhî others, troubled s were *bey, inty kuow tbheineans of curs. There is no reason wbY yen sbould b. longPr ili (roma kidney, liver or sbomacb #roubles. You eau be oured s eil sa others.)D: net longe§r delsy treatinent but to-day obtain tbal whicb yull r. store von to permanent heslth sud .lrengtb : 296 foNaà b St. Norîb, Hlamilton, Oao., Nov. 2. 1886.-1 bad belon suifer- &ig for over tweuty years froni s pain Bnluteb %ok and one side of tb. bead, aud indigestion. I coulti cat soaroely gglytbing, snd everythi I ate disagreed villi me. I vas attended by physicians Who examiued MA snd stated thst I b.d enlargemeut of tbe liver, snd that it vas impossible lu cure me. Tbêy alo stetted that I was eufriug froni beart diselâso, infammuation of the bladder, kidtiey diiseaso, bronobitis aud cstarrb, and tiaI is vas impossible for me to lire. Tbey stte nJed me for lire. veeks vit bout makinq auy improvemnent in my condition. I commeuoed taking «Waruer'8 Safe Cure" snd "Waruer'so lstte PIlle,acting strictly up. to direc- tions as te dipt, sud took thirty.six bottles, and have had the béat of bealth ever gince. My reliular weigbt ueoed to ha% 180 Ib%. Wbeu I oommpuned nWaruer'oSa8se Cure" I only weighed 140 Ibo. I now weigi 210 Ibo. 8T. CATRÂRINILS, Ont.tJ&n.24th, 1887. -About six years ago I wasss great suiffrer (rom kidney disesise. sud vas in misery aIl tbe whiie. I bardly bail sîrength enough 10 walksetrsight sud wse à %shamed te go ou the street. The paine scrues Imy back were almost uubesrsble, snd I vas unable tu find relipf, even temporarily.- I begsn the use of"«Wsra. sr's Safe Cure," sud inside of ons wsek 1 tound relief, sud sfter taking sighl hoties, I vas oompletely oured. Manager for Americsu Express Co. ToaowrTo, (18 iiion Street,) Sept. L'Y, 1887.-raree yesrs sgo tact Auguat my daugbter was taken ili i vi Brigbt's diseas. of the kidnsys. The best medï- @ai okillin uthe. oiîy was lasked lo th. auLWost, but te nu purpose. Sbe vas rackod witb convulsions for foony sigit heurs,a Our doctor dîd bis beet, endi vent swsysylug the oas vas bopelesi. Af ter she came eut ofthie oonwultioug, able vas very weak and &il ber hair fol1 ambition, s grest 'desire te urinste, without tbe ability of so doiug, cooeing from mue se it vers lu drupe. The urine s of s peculier oolor sud oontsiued aconsiderable foreigu malter. I becme sati4ied Ihal oey kidneya wqae iu a son. gested state sud Ibat I vas runuing dovn rapidly. Fiaahly ,I sonoluded le try IlWsmnere sf.aisCnro," sudiii forty- eighî houris fter I had taken th. remedy 1 voided urine %hat vas ae bl'îok as ink, ooulainiug quantisies ýof macus, pu@ and gravel. I contiuued, snd it vas io mauy houri before my urine- vas of a nalursi sîrsv oolor, ail'hhough it oontmin- ed ouaiderablesoîdiment. The. pains Inum ni idneys uubsided s I oollad th. use eoftih. remedy, sud Il vas but'& short lime bier. I vas oooepletoly re. llved. MY urine vas norcal-sud I' a n ruthiully ssy liasI I vas our.d. GÀLT, Ont.# Jsu. 27e 1887.-For m*bon, tive ysars previolti S l Io 17eau aP d"S octeber, I vas treubl.d vili ld- us>' snd liver trouble, snd Il I va Wb "Oofimed leo u>'b.d and suffiesdthei Çaost sxoruciatinil pain, and 'for 6w. vee9ka'dlme I did net know visîotbr I vas desd or lvs.K>'physietaus ad. 1 bud sulargement oet6he liver, Iheuai thi> gave mee- oaîy lpaorry reUeL Hsuring oet1hé vOurul re of "Warner's Bat, Cure" i Lbégac iu e., * sd afeer- [.d taken 6v. botd1e.I UOti 6-da hauo r-ti. fbottera. TIhe P ~ sdi& M~ sd mir 'vihole s#y "am y.Io h âe toit - M11WS 'wo el W B rampî ou ha sesl.aUM l 1joIhs liks hu aiug up s table: le wait on. mo' whr.Listeréa îI- b.d s sampisos-es q mde teM To~n trasgtariied in. taynsr's look.-counîi bssuW u egnl odthe0 up during the lait tvo-weeks. mysel in ureadinoes bu- suever sliunif Several Fergne farmens have cou. bopiug tb mingle off sud on with tih. dits tracted ringvorm (rom Ibeir catlle, giddy throng viere pleaseure directs onesudJ to rave. ï s Lt Squire Rabinson, of Normanby, bas My custom in lu cbeck tbis drlusizug- M bo a crab Ires in fnil bloomu iu the bouse, case (rom my residence loe .fery 'or' nort The. valer iu Tburnbury barbor lian depol viion Lam about bo attend au fallen nearly Ivo foot s'noe lait oummer. aggregatiou of talent auywbere outeide y Bequà esiug'si bill for élog-killsd mutton lb.h city, or, if witi tbe city limita, I only, lass yesr ' was #200. Tecunsetb's check the. catafalque containing lies. der, uotbing. clothes to au botel near viere the orgies Th Au Arthur freak in a twohadea Cali are 10 b. beld. I rely, Iberefore, large. in ti Wit Iv mutbs for scobut ly upen tis baggage express cempanies ized. witwo ari, fu ee, u oui>'of Ibis City. I bave been engaged in two ars.more or legs revelry during ail the lime 'Or George Gibbs of Georgetown groRRery 1 have owned liaI suit of clothes, sud and, stands comrnitted for perjury in a liquor yeî I bave ouI>' vorn il Ivice-unce aYeD prosecution.j wbeu I carried is b lte dinner d5oe up is a1 Stavuer'iifConstable resigued b.. in a nevepaper aud îlipped il ou be. Th cause be would nol keep .an account cfi ind the sîorm door te guesîs for animaIs impouuded hn bis "diares." were eatiug their BIne Point@, sud numi Mr. Roeel, a Bright (armer, is onti once wbeu I wore il al lie day before 8155. iRe siguutd au order for spm'as ia ouIavlloni iee,. Mz but tic note oalled for a dozen. ia.-Mett Becanie lie lamplihber couldn'î ligil one lamp viti lWvo buncies of Matches, Suuday Oakville's streeti me. maiued iu darkneeî. Tine American belegrapi companies bave pois at Daudalk. No lees tisu 30 000 bave been ahipped from boe ibis vinler, Etivard Rouuding, of Stisted tp. in in the conîy j ail, cbarged vitb wouud- ing bis vif. viti a kuife sud tirealen. ing te kili ber. Tiers bas not beeu a cas. befome lie 8t. Catharines Police Court for tirse weeke, This may sither mean a law- abidirg people or a poor lot ef polio.. m en. A Tuckeremith gentleman bas à fox equirnel pessessed of Ivo toile, growiug troua the one stump, tie one beiug over elizg i ches long sud lie ocher more iban Ivelve, A cnniosity je tobeb. issuon lb. promiges of Mr. 8. Annis, lot 14, con. 13, Brook. Hs bas a ove wvici gave birti 10 triplets, sud lv. of them are wbitevile lie third je epolted like a leopard. A curion ircumîbance lu 1h. family bietor>' cf Mr. Où&@. Smeith, of Kingiville, je tiat of tl ie vcoildren heolbas buriod, tir.. bave dîed Good Friday and besu buried Easuter unuday. Barnis Cansbdiau-Port Burcil grocems bave r.eîved coneignments of petatoes froni Scotlaud, sud Csbbags tretu Gem. man>', wbich cau b. sold iu Michigan obeapor than tb. borme -growu article Ashâid, Bruce Courut>', caims s biggsm giauDt tan i. df Kincardine, Roderick MeKenzis ln 19 yeams old, but he 6 teel 9 luches ilu iglit, vsigbi 245 Ibs. sud messures 45 luches round tie ciesl. LasI veek Markd aie people presenl. ed one Sanderson viti s longr, fiow.ny, but ver>' cburcbifid address. Nexi day io folded istout, sud bis creditoes bave ouI>' the published sopy et tbe addness to ea.sze ou. Up st Cotewolil, ucan Elora, lie>' b.d an ezcitiug sme last veek. Tbe minioter failed to appear prmrptly for a weddiug, no tic groom rang lhe eburci bell. Tiking tien. vas a fine, lb. iniabitants collect-ed, sud vere me- wardeil by a sigil of the veddiug. In Oraugeville trie Scott Acî figbt in ver>' bitter. The. botl tmen @&y lie>' could bave bougit over lb. Adverti.sor for $100, sud K-nnedy relents by giving thieni îbe lie direct, sud calte hbem "s' gang cf wvile lîvered oardi vali not enoui of - mauiood lu their viole açatomy te savo em igin.soaked Gar. cases frn optretastion." Il le iinterestirug bu leamu, Bava lhe London Ont., Adsertfler, lias Canada, troru atemapersuce. tandpoiul, ln lu adins.etfanDy'Cistian sommunitv sou lhe faceofethle globe. Greal Britisu sutrnaîl> consnusi 80 gallons of streug drink per'bead et ber population, lis Uoited Stales 12, and Canada lait ysar oui>' 4 gallons.' -&'young bey » aed Pasers lvng usi OolobseW. -Eau.: Cen>', vas nrualy stmsgled lus ourlons vs>' bhs ether d.y. go hsdtsslsued -oeensd et a, rope round a eal's neck- sud the. M-iature bas poorly prepared me for wearing the clothes cf lie average man, for 10 be porfectly frank wili tie gentle reader, I rulsrgely 10 joints. Provi- dence ssw fit to deny me bbc plamp and dimpled form of lie prospemous bigb liven, sud 10 eudov me viti a galax>' of kuuckles aud vertebnoe via bell plainer than wordis liaI the ! paper I starlcd in Wyoming did ual psy. I kuov liat I amu vauderinoi, but o in my bsggage. I lnied varions express companies, esci of whieb bas ern my cloîhes, cbarged me 81-60 sd relurueil them aftier I did not ueed them. I vondensd lieu if I isd bebn sougit out and selecleti as a specisi victim, sud I siksd a good mnauy frieule of mine Wie bild a riRgit o ounsideration, but lie>' ter goOI UWor out tWatter Whiehb 15 6fe disemasih 1b4 B , » B. -ilsu13. ori'euceà ulu. rovercomlug9ail Or Loùsdaiê passefi Ibrougli P rince er$ a lev days ago en ro&-te tuôt th- tir Fo~yu 1ivéÃengs ad prosper. 'ouwUj lve longer it yoùk ooôk uses ,pqem'Crient Tartar BaklDg Puy- Always rellableé, purent sud best," 'e holding of a -Scott Aot repeal élection ;ie Coe.uîy et Stanstead lian beau author- I4lts aà Tuaef UuThse Xit roup Ina' dtsease which stnikes qulakI>' S-sevârely.' To b. prepared for Ibis ;smrons ditew- a bottie of Hagytârd'a low 011 ishouildbeikept lu tbe bouseit prompt sud sure remedy. 'e MLanitoba Redistribution bill provides 80 ruemnbers, Iree more than bbc preseul iber. mgh Pralse rs. John Neelande, writing fron the ihodlis Parsonage,_Adeladie,_Ont., says, "11 bave used aysà rd's Pectoral Balsam for years lu our famil>'. For besvv Ooldi, 8or. Th oats sud dlstresslng <Joughu no other Thedinusi' bendsred to L ord, Lansdowne lrevl2to bMedep "are wilIb. héldataIthb siOuse iu Ottawa. ,ly suffer from weak nerves sud! vaut of appaiie, sud general debility ? lottiug tie loes of sleep and reat imDovérisb $hossystem sudtIbm te blood wben snob a resU>' mntorioue remedy s Northrop & Lyman 's Quinine Wine may b. b.d aI any drug store. 'Tbis article is recômmendsd b>' bhs highest meniberi et th. medical faoulty ln cases of indigestion, general debiliîy, los of appelte., and ntrvous affections of al kinde. It is aise specially beneficial to ohildreu sud delioste females, sud te bus- iness men, studeuts, sud lios. who bave mncb brain work, We would .ay. Nevsr b. witiout it. I wiU strengthen yen, keep na aIl gene trrougait, aadmev are you î6încesatu grappis wit.h tic work etil going Ibrongi it. 1yeu bave thO do, It i. piesant t the teste, One mat éaid he iad nover beau able Iand coutalus notig injarions to, the mont delicatecoenstîbu'iun. -Rernember le aslk bo Io te su> fu dr Re doinge witb bis for tie Quinine Wiue pnepared b>' Northrop vife becase vien ber.lruuk got tiers & Lç-nan, Torouloansd wc are sure you bie did net, sud oica versa. Anotier will b. sstiified liat yon bave fuit value for friend hôld q2e liaIlhe bad sppesred your mono>'. D'-ugglss ssII il, befome s-n audience bore once lui a sval- Mr. Oscar McDonneI,editorof Le Canada lev-tail cetaIsfut yul sud s pair et basbecu ked b>'hie cmpatriotainBuseil pajama trousere, sud once lu a bine 10 be a candidate. sud white blazer, a brosdolqti, 1ev-cul A lady vitel-. ««I vas eusbled te remove vesl, sud s pair of knickerbocker@,the cornu, rouI sud branci, by the use et viîs lieexpress sCompan>' bad bis bag- Hollow#a>". corn cure." Othems vie bave gagre dovaaI Caille Gai-de ronpm eaIt ted il have ticsame experience. the ort secnd tree deot, Tiere are nov over tIvent> couutmuctcd or eont>'scnditell dspob, ha projected, railzoad enterprisciin Manitoba. I bale lu speak ligiti>' et s Common ~ ( a d carrier or a corporation, msot knowing To &11 wbo are* snffering frontheli errera bow soon I ma>' b. s sommon carrier sud indiscrolions et youtb., norveus vsak- or a corporation myseit, but à l doststs, earl> decsy, lois of msnbood, &c., I sem nto me tiat bers lu New York, vwiisendî a recipe that viiicurs you, viere v. have ever>' sdvantage cf'PUR 0FPCHARGE. The gist remed> echolssudcinobs ad uvsppsi wasdlscovored b>' a m ii i Bough vftb or witiout picures-newqpors t h ee.Jsm .Iu, "nD ic te mrnin, n w@pper at oonandNewaYork Oiiq. ever sud anon tilltheliet day; iere,I The Dominion Goverumeni bas mnade ai- viere yen eau bu>' almeel auything rangements for tcmperary immigration liaI beart eau vii, from a porpoise. shed at Winnipeg. bide shoe lace or-a violet bouquet te an Obsitnions o!f te Btomaeh, Liver alderman), liatthe B.ggag. Expres -" 4Bôwetg, are prewqftyremoved by migbl bea more reiîable. IfIl s auot l at i1U fl. - gel our baiggsge frôm point bu oin nI _____________ lime let il 5<, state, Asil hoi@no;v, lovera are fore"en separateti, buabauda sud ffll vives glare at oaci otier seronsthe:VNI M breakf4alt table sud veep inu hiir orne. let. Men order Ibeir ba&ggceegeneul l lie Cortland t Street Ferry b>' 5 o'eloek, (J. IL Orowly G o., Prôprietors) sud it gels tote Deubrooses -Street Ferry at 5 30. Ticy depend ou heir Lres Ms - -lt, n ot'too goode gottine dovu tu-sm the Saratoga Lignmoropessu otIoo tran l bi Hofms Hose a lme orugil>' furninhed spartmnîs in Canada. trai to he leffau Hu-t in ime foriiral-cisas Protensors. Penmausbipsecond theur wi#es sud Ihempeven tb dresfor b noue. an evecnig dinnrparI>', sud miss itl i bacauae moue>' osunet bu>' lime eveu if TEN PER CENT. OFF RATES il could bu>' cloties. If, gentle reader, I you bave beeén a vomnuan sd looked THIS MONTH. vih wa va sd suxins syos for a snesky av,,ybsck herse, viti a bIne demnocral vsggcn, te brnug lb. truuk, wvilsi 1ud lb. viols summeu-'s Irlumpi lu its SPEC lA LTI E S: bosomn; vslîed tillthle louesome.-1; shbadovi came dovu aud bloîled cul 8hor-thand, your bopes cf s iappy evenlug viti your frisada; yen know vbal 1 lte !f1yp-Wrtt7" téestbilhenI>', vlhhout even tie luxury granled tbu sintul msn ot ezpresiic yourselt relative toe sBsggiage Ex. Pen1maRn8hip prem lusv> ia s v onlimake bis i n o w î r a l e u d t h . v a î î p a p r r o l l A i i t h m e t i c ,. - bugether as asro.Elctin Ai» mlà ftL..., la This What AU»sYeon? Do you bave duli, isvy beadache, -ob. strncOtin oft he i asal asagesl, dieharges tlling trom thb ead mIe lb. tiroat, some. limas profuse, vater>', sud sonid, at otiens, lhiok, touachous, mucous, purulent,- bloody sud p'îlrid; eyeî weak, * tery sd lu. ffaim.d; rlng n lulieesi-sdafus, .iuaokîigor eougiiug te cle r 'lhe, iluroat, vt exp erato e-offesive0a6ti- lgehh.nd a"si lang: ;bw.sth ç svw;imeli sud - *~se ~ i, ~euuwA isbmc n i, L, -iibi,, OOP~Tg ITEOUT ~ELLMAI' ~ BRÃ" CÀÃTION vos spAINs, CUBES, AND 5PfIMT5 WREN FORMIOG. FOR OVEE-EEÂORIB, GRAPPE» mELS, WIND GALLS. VOIR BRulATISM IN RUGES VOIR BEnTEROAT8 AND INLUUIZA. FOR BEOKEN ENEES, BEUIoS, OAPPEBD ROCKS. v0is GOBE GROULDEES, GOBE DACES. pou POOT -EOT, AND B8RE MOUTES fl<OERp AND LAMEsi, vola SPRAINS, OUTS, BEaUISESni DOGB. SPECIMEN TE8TIMONIA.LS. Prom His Grace the Duke of Rutland. "Belvoir, Grsnths.m, Lec. 1, 1879. "Sfrs,-Ellims.n's Royal F'Imbrooation je uged imy stables. I thlnk le yvery usetuLt "BuTzti, , Master o! Belvuir H3un.? "G1entlemen.-I usne the 'Royal Embrocation lu -my istables and kencs, and have found It very serviceable. I have alo uzed the 'Univeroal Eimbrocation 'for lumbago and rhoumatlcm for the last two yaaru, and have suftered very littie since uuiug it, 'IR. H. PRiaiE, Lleut.-CoL, Mauter of Rad- norahire Hunt." ELLIMAN'8.ROYÂL EMBROCATION, Sold by Chomists, Stores, and SaddUers, Pric« 28. ]ELLIMAK EBOCTO -CIIEsTrCO L D 3. The Sal'est. Qutckest.most 1i ceritai n re medy reparé o4z 4 EN C LA N -D. JUDICIAL SALE -0'F- -InTEE- TOWNSHIP 0.F WHITBYU Purinanî bu an orden of' th.e ih (Jue et Juistice, Queen'a Bench - DMiviio, made ln an action ut the Ontario Losu. sud Sa& ving Compsuy va Riordan, ovPouiding tierî. lu, biere-vl be off .red for sale b>' PUli Âuolidu, at 2 o'olcck p. m., of - - TH U RDA Y, 26 t h-APRIL, 88 Royal Hotel in thse Town of Wfb, A ici an Iev atterji b>' Levi Fairbanks, anetieucor vibli lie a- uià i emi probation aud urider- lie direction etflb.he nndersi1ued Local Master of' bhe SupreueDR Cor fJudîcatureaI Wbiîby, lie .telloev lu ande à and proniaformeiri>'ovud'hy lce labo Denis Riordani, n el. 19. ares H, more or Ies,'beipig Lot Nufu'ber 26 ini.-lhe fsoid b> al Srd ConcWeion cf lb. Tovusnhlp utWhitiby, o- lat l u~ ~ ~ ~~~~ l b .,en I > o O u a r e , x â p t l g i e r . ont~ ~ ~~0 a pri0fLiddtuning 'Qmrs situais aI Iii.-,LTorth-Weit cornier et .lhe saadjit ,ssaaie oetu& pameel et about'2 sracres th& 8eSO'Lb.Bat cooret01 108 said.Lot hrtofore soud-f er'éemeer>v SWb Thiýe ah.,.dhsoib- -n-ua1 1 a7, I ~ i Pv!, or, ,-ý The Wondor8' ofM ga When you, fid that begauty ta fU¶w -Try "Dornew!en a g# To 4h. elderly man with his loch Tzy "Dornewead'Maie ÂArlch head ôoftl, Io as preCibusas58 rre 80 1otell you The isiy'a Miolâ WhelolugA She manquiclly, easflichsply repsfr, Il impats strength oad:beauty». And It". theIadyýâ plain du - Go Itell yon. Takettmeby1hé forelook snd -atIJIkeep you 0, Trj 'oneeds ai This TonjoafaL[urehaneveryet kmL6aown Try 'Dornewenc's à tégi,," Ibsmtto tb heed, Try iftl you auooeed, à MrY "Dorzwwen*1'a a rallnjsd Comm -brick Mathematica, Etc, Et colt YONQE FARM LANDS, ... -Y -