Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1888, p. 5

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AGET O~Tan Rie in Ibis week ofeéring lb. following -Bairgains in Watohes. Y Jewel Stem Wmnd Âmericn W"tcinl Open Face Nickle Case, Noe,$5.OO. * AmeicanMUi Jewelled Niokie Movemeut, in jo. Bilver H[uMu- -itmg Case, Golc Joîis and En- à weU-finished, welljewelled, Lever Movement, lu Solid 14k. Gold Hunting Case, Ladlies' me,$12.00. AiU the above fully Guar- aateed. J. St BA RNAIRD, BROOK 0XB8T., WH TBYS1 JFRLDÂY, ÂPIRIL 27p 188. LOCAL LACONIG-SI OIAT 18 MING ON 19 AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELT LOCAL NEW8 GLEANED BY OHRONICLE REPORTERS An' failih ell prent it. TEIR. wa. more baptising don. at the Baptiet church laut Sunday. à party of the Masonlo Brotherhood vlsited Oshava on Tuesday evening laut to welcome the D. D. G. M. Wum trust horsemen wbo waDt bille prinîed st Ibis office will corne in before neot issue, s w. saalput ini their routes neut week Mr the firet time. Wu call the attention et ont readera te, he many mortgago sales of rteisase intif 1IW coluingu froux ime go ime. Iriis -.a grest ,year lfor 1osiLng mort- gages. W. are glaa te> b. able toetaLue that no lioeeses bave boom granted tbis year for fiuiinzg witb nets or seines inside th. Wbitby harbor. Ail sncb hauling must b'. dons outside tb. breakwater daring 1888. During years putI no roui good croffing bas been 'enjoyed in Wbiîby barbor on aecount of 1h... lioensed noesboing in use te catch ail the -fish that came in. If tb. Chiot Oontable-looko after the malter tbis year th. chances are that in futurettrol- ling wiIl prove good sport. Osbmwa Reformor :-"There now 81 men, 14 boys,ý and about 10 girls, employedin Heapo cabinet fao. tory. The girls arte employed ii canimg ohai*rs. The- by-law requit.. 1Mr. Eleape 10 employ 85 hande, for an aver- age of nine mouths ithe firaI year, so bhe publicevilI se thatt1h. contrast laî being more than fuflled. Will th. (JwaONIoLX and other papoe that have, itten dowvii nstitution make Oa note of this item." Wbê migit s"y ihat any etatements Ibat have everapp>eared laIf bi oulrnaàlhave bsec made'on tb. otrength Of paragraphe appearlng ini Oshawa papers. T»E Fort Ferry Observer gives an analyuis, akillly -ppardsettisag forth thiïeuts=ed clibre of eut noble granium, from n»-agrisultural stand- point. Aller the, agutal lements of the :brain- depeait have ý-b»e enumerated and .emuented uponý tn he Oburv.r'e bolm anw Original 04tyle. il e ically isugetèd shoi theise aforion 1* acmewbat ~uaoatve f niMa ga, tusfarnla- Tho*storb mot ftnd reo oi ekLb o tter thi* wm*. W. might juat bore »~Matk, in Oonànesý- lion iwitk 1h1iseussmoion, tisai, vhle il bas net boom vntung wlenglissoute of lb. lelleres»arc bly rsb lachni breadtb aud deptb. W. nOUiceaise thal' aomoe »lcdsng 1hok emper mil begin. mieng _técmlaine,«vsiisîob- cannaiuu .permul. Whou bui rusment in finish .d v 1ma omioeibesanl -vil hai seff maseogi toeste p aud sol veak(m 1h. terc, cf vwha bu v ellsoail by a diplay f bad emný*r.- ~ua a vieil te lit. i a,éiIavw h~.a àIÂ Jli. F" 0 à nobulcmpu IÇa 58uuJF ByW don. luo sup.rb style. Tise Odd-fellows cûf-Ithet»purpos. attending tb. Ânniveraary sermon, ef tb. Osisaa btren -ian-St. Gog' cburch, et that town. on Sunday neut. Their own servýices vil- be bold ini St. Andiew'a cbnrcb hors on Bumday M8ay Oîb aI 8 P. -M. The GaaoUe doaims go bave denbbod its business during ths putI year.. Tiss may bs true motvitbstanding bis rathèr nureliable yarnns cf laIe, but wben dt>nbied again bis trado mîghl t li b. smali. A pin may b. doubiod up and wiil etiil vory neariy go tbrougb tbe esaue bol. à large stock of single harasesata great bargalas as J. B. Philp lasretirlng fro:u business. Tan Oshbava papers are siready ar. guing as te wbat majorlty that town may give in 'the meut election te tbe Dominion Parliament. The, Vinuhoa- aor says8mnth wyul recoive 75 of a malority. Fois the information of reaclers ai ab distance, il may b. mot.d hat for thè past two days the spring weathor has boom glerious-suuny, and clear andt temperate. Soeding is well advanced and tb. fields look mealy. A Warin rainà and bot san would fili the bill. Ta orth viard bas bad an increase in ils f.oeiiy. On Tapsday nigbl, or early Wednssday mornng, th. supply* ing, not th. destroying, angels passed round and loftI Io litli maie vaifs on the enter dooratepeofetwIo ef eut north ward oitizens, and sine Ihat every bouseboider wbo hosto a rap late ut night commence@ wondering as ho pro- ceeda te .door wbethsr i ill iib.a girl or a boy. lIN Iboir lust week'â issue each of th. edilors of the Bowmanville Btatem.a aud BS* daim te have polished off tb. other. The editor of tbq Stafeama dlaims b. b.d lbe Bun'a head in cban- csry, wbilb.theSun odaims ho gave tbe Statesman a crack ini the meck whicb b. wiii not forget about. and.- 4hat the feleows pulled bian off because th. Btatusman said b. was sick. The Sun announces hie intention te raw- bide tbe State.mon evory lime he neede. The News i. carefut met te say muob about ils varlike coteme. Wn are very mnch ploased te, notice from tbe publiishd prise lust of Queen'. University, Kingston,, that eut young friond, Mr. A. W. Bu cof Ibis towu, bas bad a numbor ef distinctions con- ferred upon him, tbe bighest in tbe powers of Ibat institution. H. carried off tb. Prince of Wales'Osiver modal and firet-olasa honore an Modem Langages as wei as first-class honore in Latin. AI the close of thee oummnations, in .cern- pany with a nomber et otber students, Mrt. B»Haua robed au a Bachelor et Arts. W. congratulate him upon this sucesaful resmît cf hi. university career wbiob commoncoed se npicieusly wltb th. bigbest pas. for goeral preficiency. Ta attendance at the ollege concert on Friday evening last vas fot up te that et former yerns, thougb moat lovera et Music in tovu veo. thore. About 6a hundred ladies of th. colleoccnpied raised seuseupon lihe plalformanmd. being beautiffUy arrayed in wbite and stage noenery arranged to match, the front looked quit. enchanting. The programme vas of good longtb, and carried ont witb euaclmoss. The muai. cal seleclions were of tb. finest, and eur critios aidl dcared tbey vore pet- formed in a highly artiatie manner. W. understand tbe same programme le te b. given in Toronto gonigbl. Wz migbt aMain remlnd ont bighly esteemsd ocoem, tbe Gazette, tltw. bave a bag of Blout on ont hands te dis.- charge ont obligation i regard to, cer. tain lettera aleoged te, have been sont in le tbat paper for puI4ication, rsspocling lb. ims.ginary fuss iw the Preobyter- ian~~ -hrb e r nore h New Blck Worsted 6àtlg8- Now Facy Wo8ted~uitins New -and Choico Pttrns in Pant8 Ne-w' O vercoatings, Ne w and- Nobby 8DSrin: Suiti~Mèt Thîfs soason we are in a position to make to order Gents'Oreedmotig m'a Buperior manner. 0Our(JiothusudnaTireeda are selected wi'the .gre&tep t ninto, seçue for oýur Pl goodu of a ilRELIABLE" make and first quality and -value. If you reý tire agood su reliale:0ief a pair-of Panta, a Spring Overcoat, or any Clothing, for Spring and Bummer, il will be decidedly -to yoi vantage to.eaU- and see what we can do for you. GENS'FURNtSH1INGS.-A Large- and Select New Stock of Fa.cy Teck Se Ties, Soi, Braces, White Shirts, Regatta Shirts. GENTS WATERPROOF COATS.-New Stock of these Goods- :lu a veryfineý ment, for littie money. Linon and ColleIoîd -CoII&rs :and ON M~ iW styles-. Merino Underwar.e, Gents briggtn Mienue sud Jttont shirtsanai Drawera. eTHE - PEOPLE'S FAVORITE - LOTHNO-HOUE - DEVERELL'S BL9CK, - No. 1, J~I~T - i - WHITBY DEEPLY When yon are contemplating a purchase of anything in our lino, nO matter how sai may b. the amount in-volved. A CT \AT1 Si? J V~ -a- y y ..&. -~ .J~ .1.. Tua gardon rake sud oms-hoese plov are in requisition Ibis veek. Andi it migbt b.c onsidered vertby et mention that tbe botter haIt -ef ont editorial staff bas purcbased a loI. Dnring the coming summor ho wiul be tound gatdooung ini bis guornsey eleoves amd overhanis ut al l imes outside of office heurs. PàaTIES pasulng Mr. T. Lavler's grocery store bave their attention. at- traclsd just nov tà a sutal aquarium b. bas set ent conlaising a lakei lîrd about a foot long. It i. rather fist like an alligator, and inch and a hait stose the back, bu asurs vith a sort et mossy fut on Ibeut, but is otherwiso emoolis like a cat.fish. Il associates wilh smre living perob, wbich latter ane bossofet i, and il este pieeet mudeat oc&tot tho lia. o e smonib. Iltvas oangbt in a met ut the bay. ON Wodoesday nigbt s large number et vounir people et tbe tevu vent dovm te the Grand Trunk station te, the ight train, te meel and congratulate lits. Rident, meo Miss Maggio Higgins, upon tbe event et bot marriage, viih teck place that day wn Toronto. Tiser vs mucis band-ebakinit andi soute scula- tory ouercises idulged ini, but,- net haviontb. pbesur.etofacquaintance, vo oould mol indaigo in the latter, as às ont habit on like occasions. Tise happy paur wve. on ibeir vay te Mon- troaL. Wbiie soute oethte butcher boys vere practising tb. lateatenre. in th. base- bail code yesterday utorningtbee baLer started off on an exploration tour ot ite ovu and btougbt up on tb. voather aide ot Mr. Harry Goul'. mnes. in a manner more téoible Iban polile. The vonnd va so only painfal but suff- ciently serions t e dafimlthe attention et a dooter. SBo t e se.ould-be- profesaienal buse-balliets vil fid san oeIy grave il they persiât ini tisuhal lhrowing on tise public alreeta. Ta Collegiate Instituts Musical LiIermry and Oalistbenic ontertainnent to b. aiven ini tbé Mouai.Hall on Arbor day, May 4th, bas beeu ptepared with- tise greateat ofeand viii .ne doubt provete b. lb. eveni of tiseuoan n addition to musie, recitatlonst,"lac a frout Sbeakspeare,display'et elub.duimb- beliI,Mmnuml and bayonet euerciaes,there viii bo an intereslimg May Quoen Cor- onation and tableau. The outertain- ment yuwil open witb a tableau ot @ports. Tise ourtain viii ris, at 7.45 P. . a sarp.. Nov for your ticket. Tbrougb rail- way tickets foy Dakota, Manitoba, Coli. fornia, British Columbia, Oregon, Nebraska, or te noarly aU parts of tise woeld (local or foreigu), rail or ogean, guarante.d st rock bottom rat... Pro- curable ut your leisure frout B. Stephsen- son.,_ Uptovm telegrapis md G. T. 11. Ticket office, Wiily. Offie heurs 7:80 &.m. te 8:80 p. mt. Oboice f 7 oean linos. H. &as se l "issu @m*sfor batehig, "BlaoS Spaniais,"'Lang. shanga," "Whzte -m'à I3rovn " "Lo. borna" (âue Bloci;). Thse birds «à c b setnast bis isennry. To buy of us. Aft er- seeiug the nrices and examining the quality of our resist them. It is impoisblo to do' botter elsewhere. NO CaI bo found. BETTER Goods you caut VAL UJ W. get the choice of the best goods on the Markèet.,,¶ou AS T-H4,E' L GLASGOW2XI WAF %-ý-ARE SHOW] NfEW O-ý-OODSATU r' Dresa Goodu,,.' Scotch Tw.ed aada Twee FLOQE OIL1 We kee A fuJ lngly bà 4euaty1 setit ho THJNK LOW i,..We are alway8 ready to 86yU you our G0os By coming to look over our large and woll assorted stock of ail that is new and sea4ôn,%bIe D E CID E Q UIGCK L-Y *A highly, roinaisic co.inoi&enee oecurrod at 1h. morts watt! 1h. »ether igist hlacemntau vils- l b. d4poil. ing o et vio aits upon -iheir albget grandpi's dooratopo. GlF~ol Ai andi gil No. 2seeutle: have se t ifor houag. No. i1a"d Nfo" 2 sai-about the sautime.- Bu4, molknowing ber ay. igl No.Ih appueud t.ma at bous. No. 2 to enéquit. ant. vas 'direc.d v 4pe . g.hgs. enit l- bouse.No.' 1 as dimeitandilefth er am *iOu lis. doorabon ,wvon&uDn iweivla '0 reti

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