Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1888, p. 7

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nd s-eu, e onetc., etc. SENITSI v1 book, IlEartls, Marveis oftb4h and praphic de.,. i(lerîul l-ii evory7 ai the -_worid if VcLs, coltliiniug i>d and -ses, i. worIde greateat reznarkabie ph*., )f nature. SI teatures9gf the *teristie cf the Ide, iflâsects, etc.,ý on of the' llai.- ea*r's, and cf the uof the Deop. Plants ' singular worid ci waêer1, s, etc., together ~NA OF THE îSYSTEMS IING CO. RONTO, ONT. :arper, Esq., -vug oxsmIned, riety ef Sewhsg the Conclusion )Id by L. Fair.- a s l, un My ,wiil blot Sily z muc-h, longer bas; beentateon as possible. I o0 partis@ vaut. g machine. -I some menti., action. 1' HARPER. White Sovlng nfully endors. fniiy recoin- mîuily sewing Rirs Ibsu suy u b o de t, and -e tus iei District. îaud on ý e At ~ewlspapen Ad- Il.), whreead» ruade for it SKW 946S* STABU-lES RTH, N-OUTS Sotice. eralZy deaid PRALINe. ON rs, STS, Rpetitiou and se. ON. -t cots-se xiCLB AI Tho LIme.KiICL z, Mai n wg oroaoueablo aulÛmlWhou en Oumn te figgsrrý . dovu,"ïsaid Gsrdur,-theb.meeting quieot. ly oponed sud trusite. Palbaek fin.lIy gel aeated. "Wlxen I go te Inade homefe wiiia m'az.i I expect ho vil! pint ont all de ringbonee au' epavins on hi& boas&, an' let me conceal ailtde aliments -If Sey naybrbain't Rot ugir te tend do fackt riles oey halit fam'ly. If 1 Lisven't a shoe te tend hLm I calmly adviso hiLn te bay oeeof hi@ ove. béWe git together an agree dat do kentry ar' gwine to do doge on account cf diebone8t offiee-heldon., au' on 'leok. Phun day w. tutu out an' vork hard for a rasoally candydate bokso ho bas promised us a fat pintment. 44W.- ese@ de need of a etingout law au, vo 'leokt eut beat lawyors te do logilachert te make it. De liv cotchos ns wbar' de h'ar sr' short ; vo go te dose samo tawyerei an' effet 'om a bride te fiudsahIQop-holo. "Wsydown Bobeo bays a hope. Ho mrimpe on do hîy lu order te boy tue' plug tobaoker for himeoif, an' bekoe do houe bagine te show hie tibe Braddet Bobo. howls about do dishonomty cf do f ar mer@. "4W. ot on do fonce an' injoy dle sun. ohins an' Cunut up boy many buehels cf turbipe ertot grow vbile vo are off fiahin'. If voisr' short on turnipe vo oxouse enurselvos but bMaine de Lsvd. "*Wo km se. irbar' de man nex doah can't afford te koep tvo hirod galeasu' bay his vif. a sealakin cloak, but it'e all right fur us te 'buy a pianos ' put op a lightuin' ted ou a good demilouas vagos. .49 man vho gits op iu Jinuaty an' howls fut uprin kin alunebe (ound cus- sin' de hot vosîhet 'bout de middle of Juiy. "1if Samuel Shin tonde Piekie Smith a couple of dollars ho cau't Bioep nights ffer e orn't got il bîck. If de oentrsry sr' de case, Samuel kmn eleep tilt 9 o'clock in de mîvuin' an' lestail& de test cf day. "4Lot a friond cern te un vid de toof. ache an' vo km calmly givo hicu dirsck- shu.ne boy 10 resch do nighest dentiet. Lot1 us have an achin' moiarsua' vo expoot ebery pussen to break hie neck hautin' op omre romedy an' festin' sorry. Tako us alin l li, an' wvsrs,' a eelfiuh, enromanble, inconsistont lot, an' do only reason de Lswd lots us lib cn le bekaao Ho hain't gel no place te buiy us ail at once." AOOEPTKD AND DIsaRÂRG». The commillo. on Ps'ogrous and Art, to vbom vas submitted tho quory front Boston, "Dosa an old tvo-ahilling feuce standing ifrent ot a $10,000 bouse te-. prosent progrese or bult-headedoss," roported tbi-cngh thoir ohairmausas folove: "4De quoshun boas bon dui'y coneider- ed sn' frequotly tnrnod obor and dis oommitteo at' cf de unsuimeus coeu- cliien dat se.doe.' On motion of Givodam Jones the ne- por crwas pecepted and the committeo disehrgod troça tb. further considora- tien cf' the situe.. TO BE [NVESTIGATED. "1 te! i my uty" sad Brthe - BÂLTIMORE, Aptil 1, 1888. Brother 0-ardnet : Dr.&ss SR.-1 shall bave here ou osr about April 101h for Detroit, vitre I propos. 10 open a "bauk," sud lie ci- jeet cf tbis ettet La te secure-yens- ce- opertion. 1 have been engfin sutle business for a number of yearend feel asaUnd liaI, mi My long oxperienco sud knovledge of lie business, I eau effet you sud club as "aystom" tlitI ili cern- mmad yoer confidence and support. By lhiis oystem," vihieh lu lie rsmult of yoirs of constant .ludy and praclico-, a cirefally conducted "dbauk" v-ill essily -os-n 200 per cent. pst annutu upon Its capital stock. Il- vibi be nemeSay to, have omre vell-knovs aud r»potable oltizon set sa presidoat go inspire oonfidences Md aIls-set business. You mes- lb.man. Will e oopthe soffice? Theduties vii ho n=minalsd the.saisy largo. A good strong, niasp mon viiib. s-- quired «a doekPr rei'e,, I shonld sîy janitor. Uci ,would Pickles Smilit do? Or osa YOnU SUMIsomeene el1e vioe« eu old 1k. ta have the poei- Gîte Ihis malter youl sirotai en- &icor*at@tsuad be puojiss-ed le <re -mte PION" obserm bs-omnnoto lesSl.lyonadeula d vihem Yen ""Pt lor dodUs., <'tsp mmm." JACK POT. Lsww. Wheu ho bad Iisled rmadIng h, «"ans iassomoe 9de Mezum skinexplUl ber ail 8osmoime luarny #lè, knowed a mai n agmd Jack Pot, but dis houh If sireepetible OUl"ÃŽ,puusn arn gyms dat ho eo:t ho Inooragesbut dar's oeusulilu'bout di. l~ W"- tci rkeS Sm as abîlggs ii. liappiotu a .Oimmltl of et nVegathum '401. PokerJObMMon, Js 8.uhlMIan-Ko lUe viii fit botter," Our aeae li li hatobet, regardant vith a cherry tres Givon undor my hsnd and sou tiis 251h dayiof Mtch, A. D. 1888. Yoers fratsrnalty, - H. RONALDSON , Presidont, F. A.. (Foot A.dzp), B. F. TIî;D&LHs, Sec.,O. O. (Oo'd Otisol.) "I a' net quito cia', on dis bellot, olîhor," replied the pregident.. 111 reokon I shail korry il home v'id me to-uight an' try.su' arrovo ai de fioke ln do case, au' if il at' ail riRght I @hall aoopt de houer. Lot us nov formubate boraoward."-Dotroit Fs-se Ps-oaa.. Ammoniated Bread. Ammoniated bsking povdrs-that le. baking povwdors in wbich carbonate ef ammooasleneod san ingtredient, sud vbich exhale an odes- cf amrnonia vhen heaîed-are olassed by msny omineut physicians sud sanitarians an aupeor-te ail othens. Profeser Ras- soit, of Londqp, who le recoqniod s bighesat utboIty on the sûbjeot cf food hygione, comernnde in the strengeui terme the use cf carbonate of stumonia sas a leaveniugt agent, statiug its great idvantage to e b.nlu lIperfect volatility, irbici permits il te ho, by the hest cf baking, ontireiy tirovu mb olosvoniug gas wbereby lb. bread ine seed. The etperinenî vitb boat vould seem tp ludicato the suponior, net tbe infonior, vaine cf snob baking powdor. Tho litto e a ha bin iimpîrted to il vL1ou bold ever a gas jet, iamp or steve, suffices te tesoive the carbonate cf amn- moula irte ioeaveuing gas antd throv il off. The firet heal cf bakiug, there- fore, viii effoctually devolop a&H lb. gas, tbotongbly ieaveu'tb o lestasd dissi- pale the gas produciug ingrédients cf a powdcr ef that kind ; sud tiei.lathe highost tost cf a porfeot baking povder. Wbere chber sîkalies sIoe are usod lhey are net infrequontly retained, unu- rsoolvod, ihrough the vitolo procescf bakiug, and romain an unvboiescme ingrédient int.e fiuishod broid. The carbonate ef ammoni cannet bo nsed esas enbtitut. for eam, cf tata.-N. 'Y. Weekly- Tribune. Wft and Humour. À. roed fohio-Ths survoyer. Trustthie est itou lite milk Le on the top Seef. Tho gae lava prohibitissg toboggan chuthing are nov i i force. Borne people abvape seetu- te raies your spirite ; elbois seom leo dowa 'etu. Conscience inacouecre bineushes re bnazen guide noves- changea celer. The four sessons in Dakoa-Blizzsrdy delngey cyelonoy sud drizzloy. 1h is net atogether altînge liaI i beetrothal sioubd boad te sa ioneymeen. IlWhaI doos il mean vien tie king rent bi@ elothisa2" '"I suppose he bhir- ed them out, mastu.." Lt vould have beau apprepriaIe if Nash'& big boat iad uaviated'tie &k tic oceoa but it did net. Il doosu'b make sny, diffo-once.hov probty a girl may be if mie likes smm ether young min bellot. Lady Physiciaa-"$Dear moI voader if ih is ever going te clour off 1 A pa- tient eut for me tvo days &go." .Il is reperted th&& aIQcar Wilde bas groin îhi. Thero are setue thinga ticSth leu ouenhaveo f &hem lie beoleer. A.dam aover vorrisd Ev. by tslkiug about bis mothis oooking, sud .yet lhoy fouud sornethinghte alI ont about. Thé single epo gl.sa la vos-n by lie dude. Tise lieory l iBI btheeaoua ee more vîi oeseye tu ho eau cern- psebead. Tutor-Mu,. Hern hev lumoisture gaeraily furnrabed te the iealed air i a futnaie.? Student-Suppose by means of thse dampée., Someiov h does net lock vol i for s woman te voar glovos viii 16 buttons, ville tie husbsud la obigod te pin Ide elshthe lit.vslo "And Joignis, vIsat parliuas-'piea-i ut. do yen deny yeursolf durimg Lent?" Johnny-"'I've etoppsd putting pennies !àli the X for lie healisa." Mise'Tattleon, oulerlng auddeuly- Iltalining girls 1 De Spoouville, sij- lng htwsly-You vali excuse' me'* I mini loe b ouhide, doc't yen kaov ils s-uaing glIle. 'Gueit (suopioiotuly.eyeing thofiallen-1 ed puiowa "i d "0uusp led'. -eite-Look1 beslinuhord "Ibbd ha. bc"s',elept îxu. iazidord tinpall)tu day." Vahot"'= y 4aaP" Amordiug ta a western O ehange the ommt of prétty young ladies &a' .Pb' ýver, beoi au torgniuabilim"'e bol su Ã"eU ceunaicalied tho hoad waiter Âdé- quired "Wbo vaits. ut Ibistable 2 tih a, mie ho asnseèrod. "Yon, A. Nov York piper telle cf s number of spatrove attickiug- sud kllliug asJ fu-groin cul. The stery le,-'suber gauzy. A number cf sparrova mighs kil! au oiopbant or rhincoo, but il takes a pile-driver te Jill a est. Clergyman (aolemuly)-Youug min do yen ever ludulge luibsi anotations gîmie called poker-? Young min (uer. vou-3ly-Ocoaiionly : bul reaUlî, air yen viii have te excuse me. I couidu t tbiuk cf tîkiug a baud ini a railroid game. I "*Wby d ouewviieGeorge ?" on- quired Mrs. Saygoed. "Becîas," groîued George, III have tan lite peint of a nail int my foot." ",WelI," abs,i eaid softly, "1nover mind, I have soon yen run th. point of au ale labo yous- neck and look up fer more vithout oatohiog your breslh. Mrs.. Psncake-I den' se, Mn. Joketu, vhy yen sbouldn't psy up promptly. Snrely il cano't tuke long te write balf-a.dosou paragraphe a day. Mr. Jokon-Ab Mrs. Panoîke ; juat suppose yen hail te give oacb oeeoe youi boarders somolhiug every day tiaI noue et %hem had osten beforo ? "0 b, Algornon, wiy don'l Yeu joi tb. militai-y aud bave saine style about yen ? The battlahon drill vuis-ulve- ly sut nigit." "Y-e-e. 9, but yen ose., its avfuliy bird work teo carry a beraIt- ly great gua on yoer shouider alithi. evening." "A gun ieu't as boavy sa girl'. beaci on yoer ubeuider." The Noir Prise Stos-y Io eagonly sought for, tead with pleasure or disappointment, la thon tessod aside andj forgotten . But ladies vie road of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, read il again, for tbey' disoover in it something bo fprizo-a mesenger of joy tetou. suffeing from functionai derangements or any .f lb. painful disorders or veakuesm s chr te their sez. Poriodical paius, internalinl- fiamination and ulcertion, readily yilid te its irondorfuli curative sud heaiug poirers. It in te eniy mediozue for vomen, scbd by drugginss. nder.a positive guarante. fremn the mannufactures, that it viiiÃŽgie satlnac- tien iu every case, or money ei ýorefuud- ed. Thia guarante. has been przuted on thie bottie urapper, sud faàathUJy carriè4 out for many years.- The Manitoba goverumont intenda te abolish lise superanuation allowance te memlbors cf the civil service. Thse Iour Caridina Points. The four cardinal pointsetofhealtb ae thxe stomaci, tbe iver, the kidnoys and tie blood, any faiture of their action bringi, dissaesud deraugmeut le the viole system Heglato their condition with Burdock Blood Bitters te seoure perfect healti. The trial ef the Winnpeg bank dofaulters proceodod, but uothing of importance ira elicited. Noemove Thse Cause. To remody an evil the cause mnuet ho re- meved. Il la by opering avenues cf the systens sud ibus removing the impure peisonous sud veru eut master wirh i l theocauseoftdisoaaottat B. B; B. 'la*s uniformly succossful iL.ovoeSmlng a&l diseases ôf the Stouasac, Livor, XkIdeys sud Blood.0 The High Scboolin uSeatorti irasformei ly declared openasa a Collegiate Institute. 1.k..aTitf la Thse Ngis. Croup ia a disesae which strikes quickly and se'Vdrtiy. To hé prepared for tii dangerous dises.. a bottle cf Hagyurd'a Yoliow Qil sbould b. kept in the honse,it is a prompt aud sure reoey A training sehoci. for nurses for inss patientsahau been eatabliuhed ai Kingston. Mrs. John Neesd, writiug frouetue Mothodiat Parsonage, Adeuadie, Ont., saya "I1 have used fHapard's Pctoalelam.for v sars m eut tamry. For heavyGeldà, Sot. ih osas ud dlstresslug Cougia neocter medÃŽile msoon retieves.' moere veto serions dangers lu Monts-mi lie otier nigit ef a flood hé fore merning. A lady irrites:. 'lvas enablod te temove lie corns, root and branci, by tho use et Hcttovay's corn cure." Others whc have triod it have thee mre experience. CapiWaists, il in said, ire lkely te teks» hcld cf tie Kudaou'm Bayrslod To a&H iho ar e uilofafom lteosos and iudisrtions Cf o ,nerveus vak- nosoarly deoy, bss o* aabood,&. wl eda romipe tisai*11 ur yn FRRB 0F CHLARGZ.Tihe psstrernady ira diaovorod by a misulouisa r utit A.meriea.Bond a sell-ddreséd uvbo toe i. ey. JoasuiT. Iluxi,8*o. Nso York. Oit. P. R, Gannen a a ll-to-do montouslec- cor, ha. suddealy diaPpesrd. GaIMTRIRRT3 PÀPER HÂANGER; JKAhtJOMINIBY, Geea -AND- Housè Deoorator., Paper furni8hed from 5c. a Rol and upwards. OrdeFa from the oountry promptly a ttended tw. lý' 8HOP-Firstdoor South of Mr. G. Y. -$mith's lair office, Whitby. Whitby, April l3th, 1888. 18-mo. SEEDS! Thieanderuignad hasa mfli stock of Fre8h F/o wer, G4rdepian Field. 880d8 WhIch ho is eell.mg ai vory Lo*ust Pruce. -ÂLSO- SEED CORN & SEEDOATS. BEST BRAND8 0F Flour aRnd ail Kind8 of Mea818. W. B. PRING LE. WÂNTEDi Local and Travelling Balesmez, To s»U our choice verioties of Nursery Stock, oiher salary or commi sion. Per- manent eznployraent to the ridah man. tNo room for lazy omes, upright ndonu, are oneî ire are looking fur. Addreus with roferencos, U A" - MV r" 18M-81i MAY l5±t(THJS Rurserymen, NEW WATER JACKETED CrILA 1f lAOEl B. W. KEIMI8 Noir Water Jaoketed Ou-- pusproduces superior castings with a mav- 9ngof a labore and10 per cent. of a uavng in metal snd fuel. It is eibpeciaUy adîpted for the use of steve, brus. sud ion -found- ors, siso for the trestment of phosphor. bronie. oppor and bell motal. It je mccon- utructed that steel casting cau bopîoduoed. lfte, if any repaira, suda lb. imnoe b. dropped for mont"-- Estiuiates furnlsheà for portable roduclien works for thé smeltug cf gold, silver- b.d, or copper ore. Ausaying and analyzing promptly uttended te by the but of chem- its. Your corrospondence la soliciied. sond for iustrated oataic>gue. (LIMITED.) BOX 459. OINOINATIP O Ezsctoî'lotico ta Croditoîs cfB C...1>,E S. 0. OUa croitors S" thr eha b'**mg ci affaganT,06»iu Whtby lu iho Oonuty,:cf Ontarig eéi ais equettesend lu tholi clii du oui~ ~ ~~ ~~o f8h :euoi f oreit*1lu tthedes4 u~btr imizodatlv flr tatdaeêthoe o=tàýe wiU ýÈco edisrikite lte amus ofthe-; said sc4'amougit t. 'p&rfies' entitledl tboretô,bavlng iregad eulyito ithe laini, cf -ihhai »M xeouters shail hÂve thon D.ORKISTOIt, Boer for thé uaid Bewçttt«$» Dated Mteila lthApufil 88-8 70E ~ ~ ~ ~ xie wEZ8 UES R PLMSiE Polaemoeçd.. r ome. 10El cvua-EuÂcn ufflsOHAPPED soc",.fl po 01 OM THEoùrTms A2 fBiUUE pou romT BO>D. LSD OEES OUTEfS 15 5EEP A» DLAX35B% 701 SPEAMIN S, 7TBEUIS ni DOS. 6PIIO]MRN TEBTIMOIIIALS. Prom HM Grace tue Duke of Builsnd. "ýBel«voiri Granthsm, Leo. 1, 1879. i'smuisas q8m Zbrcatin ta used in By tas . Masntý er ofB lvO Hu. " "OsilWr Kingalto, eor-dsbfr "equtamsu-litheb.Royal Embrocatlon Iu my stables sude flêia Éd have fouit vory serviceable. 1 ha",e aise us64 ltb. Univorsal Elmbrcation feri.mbgesud rhu atlmfer theo tant tue years, Ïsud have suffered very littie mince uaing ht,-1 "B. H. Pmcra, LIdot.-Ool., Master cf Bad- noréhire Hut" ELLIAWS ROYAL EMBBOCÂ&TION, Beld by Oheiniste, Stores, sud Saddlers, prlce2su S 0R BNS- BRU ISES. S1-BFrNESS. SOlte Tm ROATr... Co Lo. CH r SCO LO0S.. 1 TteSafest. Qu ickest.most iii [ certain remed__ Y-epoere hLOVCrUUGH, EN CLA ND] EXHAUSTED VITALITYI THm SOIENCE 0F £ .LIFB, the groat Modical Work ci -the ago on P4anhocd, Neirvous and Phys1cal D"bIt, Proms- Youtht and the unéold Mmiles oonsequent'there,-' on, 00pageot 8 vo'., 25poorWl os o aidseuses. Oloth, fi U, nly $1,00 by mail, sealed. Il. ample fre. te ma youug. snd middle agod men. Bond nov.ý The Gold and Jewefleddal aàwarded te lthe author by the National Modical 'Asocia tion. Âddress P. 0. box19%$,'Boston Miso., or to Dr. W. H. Parker, graduis cf Harvard Mêdical Colege, E25yeorsol practico in Boston, who be con:ated confiden- tiaily. Becalye.h Iia ocf Men,* Oace, X o. 4,t et (.M. Orowly. & Co., Proprietors.> Largosi, mont complote and most thoro- ughly furnishod apartments in Canada. Pirst-ciass Profosecmu.Pnmnhi econd te none. "19 PER GENT. OF RTES TmRIS mONTH SPECI ALTI1E.S ,Type-WÉltlg Eh 1. 'R- R licliur ense. bms i ng d til'Or$gb- sescbfg-Oyditea bi -aledte çontinue Lumnors forMwhlch Stop% the itchintr fand- blt'edlng, À ~ The Wondcer8 of M ltà Ag Txly es(Drlovnesd~1 Try "Dest ndA Ât, Thtieadf hair lu as preluas r -banrný]È4 Aite cm quickly,aaiyceap5t Try "DoMeen 's Magie." Th adf'titedors plaieû Ã"- duly ff Try "ýDoruun' ai Taho timo by tlb. elckan your ovE, ry 'eDorneven'e âwý Try "Dorué*oud!a M 0g. Try ibis motetoýhoed, Try lIynucod 801 ollyo -Titis nov fa rstiu -sud sti hair.s uuîveî ,Au »-s06« A. rieli and loir ater i. tiai ilie mia cure tue deir Dm R. D< à "ladby auJ 6 bo6tt4besfr * Sol& b los,& '1 t h. Qomgretonal ohurni At au., ha. brekaOn Pnoeaj T 1 TH

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