ORRESPONDINOE. And items Stolenfrorr oui Exchange5., LINDSAY. )I.,&. D. Malion lias purihâsed Mr. T Tylor's knitîiasi ataoory in the esat waid-and wifl ramure ilt te or near hie alorm. Mr. Matonse enterprisai tak ing hold of thio industry ia highly te ho oommeuded. Lt is aà n induetry th t cta b. developed te considerable pr ý.rtions snd va feel oonhîuin# before the year is ont Mr. Malloa's enorgy wiii have aeoomplished a materil i morasse on the business. Mr. Mallon shouid have liberal encouragement. The cheap 0. P. B. excursion te W-iuuipog, elaeavero advertised is worthy the attention of land séekere aud othors, eepecislly in connection with the mission ef ex- Aid, MoNe. te makis kuowu the. dasirableuess cf the immediate viciuity of Winnipeg for settiement. Mr. T. Matoheit, in Mr. Petty's office, je the local agent. The dates for the excu orsion are Woduesday, Tburedav an.d Friday, Juna 6, 7 sud 8. W. unoticed for lhe firet timne ln Lindsay a splendid four whaeled vehicle, on. cf the handeomest yot ont. Lt le th. property cf Mis. J. J. McDouald,. laie cf Kirkfield but now cf this tovu, mid wus buiit for ber by 'Mr. L. O'Connor aI a osî cf somo $200. The design, workmauship aud taste combin- ed are alike creditahie te hie akili aud euargy. But Ibis always is the oses With oui towusman, and thie carniage, callod a "Cape May Pheoe ton,'. with two sOasand cauopy top, is another illustration of hie push and persevorance. We uudereland ha bas ituother juet oomplated sud ordoru for two more of tha sama kind. Mr. Aier. Rose, oui vorthy counililor, returned Ibis week from Youug's Point, whero ho had beon snperiuteudiug t-ha work of îepairiug the. canal at that place. It wae ueoeseary in eider not to, intorrupt navigation te have lbe werk doue in winter, auJ operalione were cooieacad in Febrnary aset. A coffar dam vas put in a thie haad of the canal sud a couple cf engines pîse. ed toe pump th. waher orql cf the cham. ber. Great trouble was ezperieuced ou account of the intense broat, sud dyn- amite had to b. used te baset eut aE nueuher cf old pion; sund uew piers were coutnoled-eubsaatial affaire, built ef the. hast material and iuheuded to, lait for al l ime. When 1h. lock chamber hsd beau pumpad dry a had leak was discover.dunuder the floor eft 1he look, sud Ibis vas hhoroughly ri.. pairad viii Portland cemeut, sud the whole cf tbe maaeury repainted with Portland cament moitai aud a lhorough job made cf 11. The swing bridge ovor the creek bas aie beau repaired and nev tuîuing gear provided. Manye othor imprevemeutu have been made lu t Mr. Roe'. horough sud workmaulike t style. Altogether about $5,000 havea been spent on the works hy the Mowat r goverameut, obhsiued by Mr. Stratton, P tb. pushiug membor for West Peter. boro.-Pott. pETERlBORO. Acoordiug le lie aseesemeul returne thon, sie about four bundned sud fiftîy doge in tovu, sud it les aramarkablo tact liai ouiy a dozen of aIl liaI num. ber are legally priviieged bo lire, ihoy haviug ne lage as yat. Mr. James R. Brown, Inspecter cf Faciories for Centrai Oatsrio, bas heen lu Iewn for a few days inspectiug tbe faclories and werk-îhops tiai corne under the Act. ae tonnd as a nul. Ihal the larger factorias eompiied botter vil h e provisions cf th. Ac tisu lb.h smslier vorkebope. Liet Moudsy a laberer uamed Win. Llyuu vas s.vaîaiy injuned ah the ont- ting ou tb. Ohemong Lsko railroad, by an embaukmenttfafing on hlm. Dr. Kinesil examinaid hie injuries, vbiob, il is believed, vwii net prove fatal. No bon., are tkickeu,thie injuries recoivod being tmaily iluis hack. Flynn vas taken 10 1h. Nieholîs Rempitl. H. badl ouiy beau vcrking on 1h.ermadla dey. Hie home insaiid le b, lin Car- dinal, Ont. A. 81,000 policy lu th. Manutuelurens' bringe $5 per veok dur- iug dîsablemeul. The Italien girl Maria Virginolia vas this morning laken baek te Lon- don by an efficer Who arrired luntevu luatnih. It soeeme Ihai 1he girl vas employadtsu s domostie servant lu Lon - don, sud afler stealiug the 850 de- oamped, leaviug ne trace behiud lier. The police voie completeiy baffied till a short vbile ige, Whv he liavs local- ed lu Peterboroughi. 8h. vas found on Eim shooret, vheie she vas livings housekeeper for hait a dozen Italienu -nsyvies. She oarriedl a litle baby only a f.v veoold lunlier aime. Mr, Walter Anderson, boss carder. st ^-thé A*bnin WooileaMale. lthie hsn Stunayafternoon nuder very paintul clroumetanos. Ho vas Work- ing aM a machine lu motion, vhs» his band vas dmxsvun .lv*en th. carde suad lerrnbly laooeed., Dochoîs Riellu. ydansdBoucher wve. smmone u gave surgiosi relief. 'U.*. safound * uoeosary 10 atmpulale-Ih bad a lle aéboie tlb. wutson soit cU faic- ,eiyperformed i at hglt Mr. Audetmsn viiifortuaieIy-' n e .u sspà oilted f roua work by the. ýoid.uI._ * * Â lifving on, W - shti lu loa1*viug Ihe-laoudet Ow.d -, 1h. laudiordl #5 roui, ,egot the balilfftfo eïiebet" nn...,,,v..h~o mthland'm nt Mr. Brundretteittlon agent-of 21h. Midlsad B. B. lest week met out B number of fine planta in full bloom in the gardon at the station, aud lhe took -t particular pride in thus one bright ltf s spot amonget the surîouuding viine aud duot. Mouday he fouud onem eo f bis Ounest pianta haid been oru up by Iba roctosud carried off. Mi. Brundretto thinke the muan that coulè do thie could eteal sheep with an easy conscience. Lt is certainly a moet deepicable style of vandaliem.-Ex- aminer. Read the Nextà w, Columnn ArtioleWff ORILU. On Saturday night last, Maurice Cou- nors was arrestod at the Franklin aouse by Couetablas Cotton aud Dreyer, for boing drunk sud acting in a dieorderly manner. Whila Lb. party was procetidini? up Misiiseaga et., ou the way te the lock.up, Denuis Cou- nore, a brother of th. prisouer, attompt- ed a ramone, whsrenpou lie vas arrest. ed also, aud th. Ivo lodged in, the West et. lock.up. On Monday Mayor Thompeon fined, Maurice 85 and coite, and Dennis #2 and cote. The oemotery ta beiug made theosub- jeet of ooneiderable attention thie spring, aud ini a few years wifl figure as one cf the hast kept in the country. We have about the Ounet natural site, aud it je only right that artificial mean. should ho largely employed te make tbe place as; beautiful as il is possible for it ta be. Thie year two hnndred more maple tree. have beau planted, a tank to hold water bas heon added, and vari- ons other improvemeuts have beau made. During the sumamer the grass wili ho kept out, a pieco of attention whioh ha. heen laoking lu past yeare. A select party ot resideuts cf Ibis burgh, sccompanied by a certain Nov York millionoir., set eut in search of sport laut Thursday atternoon. The sport iought for vas lrout-flshing, sud tbey with their multitarieus accoutre- ments filled a fair-ized vsggon. Iu due lime they arrived Btt1he spot vheré 1h. tient wve. upposed tegou"ovene in state, sud haiting lheïk heokeansd threviug in their nens, with 1h. air et ancient anglera, thoy ver. smon st vork. Bites w v oie uuue-but lhey ver. mesquile. bites: Oooasionslly oe individual more fertunsto Ihan th. rest, vcuid land a suaker or s ehub, but th. tient kept in their little river-b.d vith determined pertinacity. Lage iu 1he eveuiug a load cf lirod, hungry, moequito.hitleu, but nevertheless jolly, hlehermen arrivedl home, minus cf a singla lieut, but villi appetites *ularg. ed te a espacisy meet enormoub. But the creamn of the sîery is lu the aimer. tien ef suother veracions citizan vho avers tiaI ho folloved bahind lh. paisy rigit up the river aud succeeded in pulliug ont ne lois than tonty magnifi- cent fieb in the same places vhero îhey had heen unable la ohîsin a bite!1 But il le undersîood, thal 1h. firet psrty veut ont for fun-not fish-aud vial la mre, they gel il. A terrible fire eccurred aI Uffluglon, about four miles fromn Gravenburet, on Mouday night, vhen Fredenick N. roye. au cid aud faithfni township îlerk, viîh hie vite sud thiee childien, became food for 1he huugry fiames. A email meequite smudge, placed near the corner cf a imali vorkshop adjoin. ing lbe dvelling ot Mr. Toye, van dur- ung the high vind fauned te a fiame, and seon eu.veloped the shep sud dwelliug. Wni. Maîtheva, th. neai-ost neighbor, SBw lb. blase an&rau te the assistance oif the occupants, but toc laie to h. et sny service, 1h. fine liaviug- aken full posseesion cf th. houa.. Mis. 1'cye had. oarriad eut littho BoUs, 18 yerei ofage, sud reiurned fer othera. Evidenly Mi. Toye hadl aise beau ont, ue Ivo psu. vwoie feuud on 1h. vay to, b.e voîl, sun on second Ihouglh had retnrn.d le remoue thoe hildren sud the books. Wheu Msthbe .arnived uit!, Bella vas on the rock by lt.elieuse cry- [mg, sud immediately 1he moif fell in, unveiepiug Mi. To[t hie vite sud thres hbildien, tvo boys sud a girl, aged r. 3pectlreiy 5ý 9 snd Il. The vind vas eo eticng nolhing ocu1d b. done to, ion-', 1er assistanca. At about twc e'olook ruasday merniug the romains cenld be fieeied. Al ver. buined 10 a orisp. rbe vhole records ef the mucioipslity if Draper sud Oaklio" ie.beau lest. cohu Doherty bas placed lhe promises lu charge et officoe until friende arrive. Mr. Tcye vai st one lime s baker [a th. employ of Mi. Edvsrd Laveon, cunfectiener, King shooet, Toronto, and bout tvenly-five yeai ago moved le >srry Sound, *vhere lie engmged in ïarmmg »Out sMx miles front <eVen.ý uvalt. For' ix Yesrs hiae beau onlerk, dthIle Tevnsbip. UsefuùL&Baing ?Powder Faca. b i i a te T Yi ti i in es cl si c dg il oc fi tJ cj The foilowiqg bluta may preveul some housek.epererm beiug imposed upon: If, *heu Ivo @amp1fs of bskiug pou- der eret.iteld y 'mimag vllh ooid wateî, one c ten bi1 u qie, efferosciug likd, seidità powdori sud'1h, otherriemore eiowly, .foaanng 11ke'l yeast, sud porhapslandiug'cr'the top ofth osaa . it in 1an m , iaena ,Jý Bsys we can prolpng out le fwe learn the secret1 thereof. WUAT 18 THIS SECRÃT ?- If yoù. soak a sponge in oil, the epongi-will have in il altthe peculiarities of -the oïl. So every organ in the body, contains ail the peculiarities of the bl &.If the kidneys, the only blood piuilers, do not cleanso the blood of the waste of the system, thon the varioùns or- gans will give out and you will have Rheumatismn, Malaria, Head- aches, Ague, Chilis anid ?ever, Impotency, Bladder, Diseases, Lame Back, Neura1gia, Ner- vousness, Bad Eyes, Btomach Troubles, Boüs, Carbuncles, Ab- sesses, Apoplexy, Paralysis and in womon Female Tobe.The secret of good health then lies in keeping thte kidnqia insU. If you don't you cant't cure any of the above dis- easos. They may not suspect it, but eight persons out of every ten have some forrn of kindey derange- ment. The only scientifie blood purifier Is the famous WARNER'S SAFE CURE which not only cures kidzà ydis- eases, but' the majority of ailments which corne from unsuspecte kidney diseasd. "Hsa,ou't you anything togive me, ma'am ?", plaaded the tramp; oal't you see that I'm in need 2" 441 eau indeed my poor man," replied the kiud b.artod lady moved to toars; "lhere's sB cake of soap. Mipseouri bas 70W,104 herses, accord- iug to laie etatistios. At Comber, Essex County, Friday afier- noon, Mr. Adamn Panner wus stabbed by an1 unknown man. Doni't diagusi averybody by hawking, blowing spiiiing, but use Dr. Sage's0atanh Remedy ana be cured. Itii. stated ihat Mn. Edward Blak's quartera in Ottava have been ongaged bis ochupaticu next session. A Rasonabi. Hope eld for Is eue that is basedl on previons knovledge or experience, theretor. those whc use 9. B. B.- may neasouably hope for a oui. be. cause the previeus expenience of ilicusandz who have used il, uhows ilte havae.uoceed. ed evan lu 1h. wenst cases. Mr. John Gillies, ex-M. P. P. foi North Bruce, ha. been appointed stlpendiary msgistnaie for th. Algoma Dialnick. Give Holloway's Cern Cure a hniaL. It remeved ion corna fror n ee pair cf feel vithout any pâin. What il bas donc once il viH do again. The gas well ai Collin wood in wV1ng s strong and stea.dy flow o natural gas. Mis. Robent Williamson, et G4enils, Parry Sound, Ont., osys, '«I could not keep bouse withont Hagyard'. Yellow 011 ai hand. I have naied il im* mtamily for Croup, Sore ibroat andiaseut 1-jf d a The Forth-weut sud Mani ~laembois are ail opposed te ihe appoinîmen et Mr. Bewdney sa Minister of th. Interion. Definte Warnlug. Neglected coughs and coldase frequntly produce serions resua assate constitteaia defluite -warnlng. Then. la ne better, saler or more plessant remedy for Coughe. Bronohitis, Sore Throai, Coldiansd al Ihroat snd lnng troublas than Hagysrd's Pectoral Bsaam. A bunglar vho esosped af 1er altempiing te break inaies store in Troy, jumped ile th. river sud vas drovned. WIll be lfuflet. Indications cf Dyspepsis, sucli as Soni Stomach, Ileartbun, Siok HeadaeeBsing and Souring of Focd, Wind on 1h. Stomacli, or a Chokting cri Gnaving senstion at the li of1h. slomsch are tuly metby Bu.rdook Bloed Bitters vhich bas cuieçi the vonst cases on record. AUl foreign.n cicssing the Frenech fron- tien mueitpreduc asot sda h German Embanss ruaris.tVsds h CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physielan, relfred hnm practice, having had plaood lunbis honds by n aumoa India nisaiousry th. formula of s simple vegolable nemedy for 1h. spe.dy sand perm- anent oui, of Consumption, Brenchîtîzp Osaanli, Aâthma sud ail Ibrosi snd Lung Affections, am a positive and radical our. for Nenvous Debltansd ail Nervm ousmr- plants, aftor haviug test.d ils vouderful curative powers lu Ihousandu cf eses, lia fel11i1 bis duty tle make il kuovu to bis sufenling feilova. Âctuated by tbis motive aud a doam e nleve human u mgning, I viii send free cf charge, te aUwl»vho.sln. i, Ihus re*e "Germa», Frenci o nlai wlth fulldieuos for pnoparingaunng Sont by mail by addrossing with lp Daming ibis P&Z '-W.- A. Noyas, i oe oes Blc,Boc er . ~Y. Borne Oarbridge Dons are pnoiaatlng affsinat l.th oOsitoonterthe 'deg oL.L. D. on Lord 1Rsndolph OROiI a v. or #tluga walaa good GRAD T~LUK ÂD MLABD. Tii». Bl», Ta tn ffolMy 201h, l8 No. 4., Express, Mail. 'Ne. 80, No.% for Infanti; end Ohildrens 1 recommend ias uuperior to any prescriptum our ~Stomacli, DIaThoea, Eructation. known to me.,, HIL X ARCE14EM.KD., KingaWopns, glve aleep, and promotes di- lu Y. gestion. 11180 xfod t..Broktu, . Y 1IWlà bou injurloua medlaaio.. *TUE CEi<TAUR Comxw4r, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO. A Bchool Thorough.ly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSIIIP,i BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS AR1THMETIC, SHORTHA.ND AND TYPE-WRITING COMMERCIAL LAW, PRACTICALLY TAUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Ciroular. Address. 27 C. O'DEA, Secretary. A Positive Cure. A PainlesOu FACTS FOR MEN 0F ÂLAGI DZSEASE8 0F MAX. THE GREAT HEAELTB JREA'EWER, Marvel of Hemrng, and Kohinoor ef Medicines, gfl the terrible eonneqnenees of lndlscvetlen. ,Wxý F.xpsuire and Overworls. ire, ES* Who are brokenclwn from thq affecte of abuse wlll find la No. 8 a radical cure for nervous debility, orgaîuic weakness, involuntary vital losses. etc. BYTTom5 os wEcu No. 8 SHIOULD BE. USED.-W5JIt of energy, vertige. want of purpos., dimnesa of siglit. aversion to soclcty, want of confidlence, avoidance ef conversation. domina for solitude, listlesunes and inability to fix the -attention on a particular subjeot, eowardice, dapression of spirits, giddinesg, Iloi o! memnrv, excitabi.lity of teznpar, sper' matorrhoea, or losOf Lhle BsoMiai flUid-th,3 reslm 0Of self-abuse or marital exces-impo- tency, inrutrition, emaciation, barrennesi, palpitation of the beart, hystf>ric feelings la fèmales, trerilmnizg, iiielauecholy, disturumn g creama, etc., are ILIIlsyMptoms of this terrible habit, oftivutiuies in'iocently acquired. In short, the spring cf vital force having lest its tension, svery function wanes in consequence. Scientillo writers and the superintendants oft insane asyliinis unite in ascribing to the effecte o! îelf.abuse the great majority et wasted lives %which coule snder teir notice. If you are inco.npetent for the arduons duies o! btisi iesq, incapacitated for the enjoyments o! lite, No. 8 offers an escape frora the effeote of early vice. If you are advanced in years, No. 8 will giva you full vigor and strongth . If v 'n a'ra broken down, physioally and morally froro early indiscretion, the remuit o! ignor ýw;icc ad tollv, moud yonr addnass and 10 cents in stampi for M. V. Li7uo.N'î Trestis" inr Book Form on Diseases of Man. Sealed and secure from observation. Addresq ail cc ininnicatirons te M. V. LU80ON, 47 Wellington St. E., Torointos A Man %-t.om Iivts in a fooi's paradise. CURES CUARANTEED. HEAL TME SIGK. A Permanent Cure. >i< A Pleasant Cure. IMPORTANT NO TICE!I ON ACCOUNT 0F ILLNESS I HAVE Docided to go out of the Crockery Business, AND WILL SELL WITHOUT RE SERVE -&T- AJŽWTD UfrTDER, COSTr,ý DINNER SE TTS, TEA SETTS, OHAMBER SETTS, CHINA GOODS, FANCY WARE, GLASSWARE, TABLE LAMPS, HANGING LAMPS, LAMP GOOD8 AND SILYERWKRE, ÂAR Lateet Styles sud Patterns. Don't delay ina eecuring Bargains. The be8t and Cheape8t Groaerie8, Canned Goods, etc, TEAS - AND - COFFEES - A - SPEÇIALTY81 The famous Louise Balèing Powder put upexrs4 and Sold otzyby 8IMO1S~ FR.Aj Deverell's Blook, Brook Bt., Do.yc tel duIli anguid, 1wsiý less, andindescrlbabl iyfhserable, both pn caly and mentally; experilnce a B fulliùes Qr-bioatlng after eatingorstg ness," or emptlness of 8oah inthe nmrý" ing, tongue coated,- bitter or bad teste la. mouth irregular appetite, cllzziness, freque, headac xe8, blurred eyesight, 1'floatln seu~' before the eyes, nervous prostration or ejb haustion, irritbilty of temper. hot flua _e alternating with chili sensations, 0i~ biting transIent pains here and there, 0 feet, drowsIness after meals, wskefulnegg, S dlsturbed and unrefresblng sleep, consta4 indescribable feeling of dread, Or Of impeà n- ing calamity? lf you have al, or any considerable nnbe of these symptoms, you arc suffering fr<»a that most commion of American maladjea- Billous Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, asoclaM< with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The miote coinplicated your disease bas become, tt* greater the number and diversity of syinp. toms.. No matter what staire It lias reaéheît, Dr. Pierco's Goldeitiedîcal Dlscovery will stibdue 4it, if taken according te direc. tions for a reasonable length of time. 'if nüt cured, complications multiply and ConsuMp. tion of the Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Disesj81. Rbeuinatisni, Kidney Disease, or other grgvi mal-adies ari% quite liable to set in and, soonler or later, indluce a fatal ter-mination. Dr. Fierce's GoldeniiMedical-M eovy at.e p owarf U11Y ipon the Liver, aa< through3 that 'great biood-purifving orges,4 Clefinse,. Lhet ,ystexn of all blood-taints and inj, purities, fro)m wbatever cause arIsIn. It le- erijually e1:ffcacîoLs in acting upon te¶ie î neys, and other excretory organs, cleani strengthening, aud liealing their d6ise. an appet i:'.ig, reitortiive tonic;, it promotre digestipn auvi nutrition, thereby bMding Up both liesh aîîd Istrenigthi. lamalarial districts,1 this wonderf iiil medicine has gained gresi celebrity iii eturing Fever and Ague, Chils andi Fever, Durnb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Pierce's Golden M~edica1 Dio. covery CURES ALL HUMORSY from a common Blotch, or Eru ption. t e worst Scrofula. Salt-rheum, F'"eNer-6ores," Scaly or Rough Skia, la short. ail diseaffl cauged by bad blood are conqiîeréd by thia powerful, purifying, and Jnv;îup iating medi. cine. Great Eatiag Ulcers rjk ~a under Its beriin-uinfluence. Espechî-t!i has it nxant. i ested Its potency la curing T-'letter, Eczemà £4 Erysipelas, Bouls, Carbuneles, Sore iy eSrot ulous Bores and Swellings, Hip-Joint Dlse 61White swIl'ins%" Goitre, or Thlck NI on Elrged Glands. Send tea cents- stampsfoa large Treatise, with colorsi; plates, on Skmn Disesses, or the saine amouà for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. ,,,FOR THE BLGOD us iTHE LIFE.00 Thoroughly cleanse It by using Dr. Piereel Golden illedical Dl.coverY, aud good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vltaj streugth and -bodlly health will be estabhlshe. CONSU1WPTON, whlch la sciofnua 0ftue Lung.4 je arreste& and oured by this remedy, If taken in thel earlier -stages of the disease. From its a. Velouls power over this terribly fatal dlsess,I when tint offerlng tbls now world-fanied rem-. edy to the public, Dr. Pierce tbought serlously ef cgling it bis '&CONSTJmPTON CrIns," but abandoncd that namne as too restrictive feS a medicine whlch, from Ita wonderfui com. bluation of tomec, or etrengthenlng, alteraîv or blood-clcanslug, anti-billous, pectoral Qu nutritive properties,:la 'mequsrie. fot only as a remed!y for Consumpti aibutfo (Jhronic Dlseaueu of theoé bu o Liver, Blood, and Lungs ForWek LnnsSplttlng of Blood, Sbrt neas of Breath, Chrenie Nasal Catarrh, Bron- chitia, .&shma, Severe Coughs, and kindredi for S&.OO. SW- Send ten cents In stampe forlBr. Peree'a book on Consumptiona. Adhreus, World's Disponsary MbiuAssociation,4 663 NIà ln St.,BILO, Nf. y, consuwpIon plg1,it."depe ut etu1hPBOI Elrc.Prof, [ntereitiDg ekel b.é German 1 à fankiud from by Dr. C. S.R what nov sud readors.- Dr. aeuis" ara ie]c -eight in aIl- oideri bcth- lu sense..-- m preachere are Stôens, 0- p.I B. M. MChe~ ing service aie lieu ; the Enr< usnally resdali lties sud P Wilkinspu ma omud Dr. Lad] "SI8udy Table' c loses the XVi Ppeteut jndges nonnean adv ]Publied ab sund 20- kstôoî per year ; 301 Wast {B'rom oun WASHINGTO .thougli the mu very prosy or lover bîrnch great doal et Lpriation bill Ohsplaiu's se Represeuti inquired if t1 sit-y fer pray~ 1ioplied thal i 0-gat power, -vaticii toesue Repreeotati !veor euggel - made it ehoî thing, beosum .not neeo s sent eue. Anothai ;,Strube, cf 1( ', vas neceosa :for Ohaplaum ,member fri -; it always te te deal wtb [ foeaho ihom shenld b. s jThon Mr. 1 calIld "val saïd $10 ai Rouse te 11majortity vo -,-- The lalk» vý--"a judge- li.l Vwe. Preeic sud that accrdingi3 dont woul< honor,- on thai Mi. 'T mark thst ' _sst 'lMhet vill have. sud vila tI~ or Ciilp&K Fi 's tatoosOnlons, eto., at TUE BRAZI'LIAN WAREN 1