A us nu SPIRING STOCI JUST RECEIVED, -0-- Try a Packagi onyour walls, and you'll neyer ws calsominùe or white wash again. r ge G. E.GIBBAIRI ~E~WT, XEDICÂLHALL ONLY $zoce PER ANNUM. Whitby, FNday, Jiine 8, 1888 ToRoeirr Globe: - TEaziaITY CHEONIOLE, speakiug Of thiecontract* scandai nov befone Jalge McDougali, esys -"*It dou't malter vho ruay b. caugil, hhougi, for lie neruainden cf lhe City Concil vii ill ievas i hm." The. taunt ru not uudeserved. Thene bau been ue effort on he part cf a sec- tion cf the council ho neutralise the ef. fecte cf hwe cf Judge McDongail's for- mer inveetigatione. A good, onl-spok. en Citizen.' Association vould pot a sururuary stop te auy suob proceedinge ln thiefutue. The hvo.year.oid Ring ef Spain has the messies t1 j sî lbiuk Of lt-messies 1 -sud ho a Ring 1 Who over hesmd cf the. like beforeP Sa far as oui iignited knovledge cf hist.ory go.. thie istbe fimuh monai-ch cf whorn il bas been me. onrded thal be had the messies. And it le particulariy unfortunste, toc, jmet nov vii.Europe le convaieed vith van lalk, tla aking should b. haken dovu l1k. tiis. How vould the. Spauiâb arme «hlen upen the battle field, vii.asthooelsy lu bis cradle lie poor 11111. ruonaph vithspookies sud biolcies aIl over hie auguet iaek and loe. The. moauy iy 11l.ci-sature 1 Armail the close cf the reoeut sessioni cf partiameut lhe politiciane are shifs iug round a good deai. Lerd Lana- dovue go.. te Iodia, Lord Stanley i.. iug appoiutod Gov..Geuenal; 8ir Chas. Tuppen becomssHigi Oorurissioner.m- in Englsud, Hon. Mm. Poiler taking his lace, aud beiug lu lumu succeoded1 by er. 0. EH. Tuppon, Sir Chanlos' sec- ond wou ; Liout.-Gov. Devdnoy becomos Miniser of the lulerior lu place of th. lt. Hlou. Thon. White ; Hou. O. Movat aud Honu. Honore Mercier, premiers cf Ontario sud Queieo, go ho Euls_.d ou business ; Hou. Mn. Nomqusy together with sevemal ruembeme ef hie defunot1 Manitoba govemureut have been eharg-1 .d vitih aving mispproprlsted public1 MODZ, sud Son. Cha&. Dmury hmai eom einoed hie dutiee a. MU'nmiter cft Agriculture for Ontario.à Ir the people outeide the oity of Tor. onto oniy consldored for a monent heu iritereitinithe, ftght nov goi'g o b.tween thé city aud the. Toronto. uni- V.r!dty over tho Qmu Park, thors vouida grster loin in th.enm.tr., The. Unlv.ruity I.a aprovinélins*ltnü$.. tion ana voMiy ownu the. Parkg bfui @Oo e ats no o e.d letho Toronto OU cr»In ondlitIon. vhieh would sompol the, cIly to -kooj>le, 446otly. -uft' tbi. etlpuiated oud itions -wv o & etaried-, ont ýof ooumo the. loue Wu ' iorfoito4 Thé aty bas luIy tuio tp o ,gmoent, bas negl.ob.d wrs ha. b pormîttod tbe mSt unmoaey xhibi. tens at alimes and all bsu*o-un. day. la the. park bolng nma& #* dIs??bc by shoeélui ab"eav ,and A fnfh *-. HONOR EOLL FOR WHIBT A» viomiNT Tim BUC0555 WIOE .XAPXÉD t WMCAL EIAIUMATIONS EPÂE OUi COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE MCAI Aà OODEOWiG. DEGREaiLL. Be Tho.. A. McGiltlivay, Whitby. Kas DEGUBE B. A. Miss Ida Gertrude Esstwopd, Whit- by-Houors in Moeen Lauguagos sud Ethnology. Mr. 9. Ring, Whitby-Honore lu Modern Lauguages and EthnoloRy. Mr. J. Joffries, Port Perry-Hooris lu Modern Lauguages. Mr. E. A. Hardy, Uxbridge-Hlouors lu Modern Language@ sud Ethnology. THIRD YBER. mn. Jne. R. Sinclair, Wlby -honore lu Claiee. Mr. J. A. Mueard,Uibridge -Honore lu Ciaseice;. F. Tracy, (late cf Whitby Model echool)-Houors in Moral Philosophy, Civil Polihy, Hiehory sud Englleh. Mr. E. W. Drow, Oshawa, (lateocf Whitby Oeil. met.) SECOND YKAR. Mr. R. A. Farquharen, Whitby,- Honors lu Modern Languages aud Hietory. î Mr. A..F,. DeLiiry, Manilia-Honome in Mathomatice. W. C. Mitchell, (laIe cf the. Whitby *oll. Ius.)-Hiouore lu Classos. H. R. Horne, Canniugton-EHonome lu Mental Pbilosophy, Logic aud Hie. tory. W. H. Johuston, Urbridg.-Houors in Mental Pilosopby and Logic. FIRST Y«AR. Mises Laur& Jones,(late of Port Perri second scholarship iu Modern Lai guages. LOCAL EXÀMS. Mise N. Spence, Mancheetoer, -Houei in English in 2nd, 8rd and 4th y.o work ; misa Honore in History in 2a aud flrd year work. ry) n- ns smr tid NOTES. Miss Ida Gertrude Eastwood is tie final lady graduat. froru Wbitiy Coileg. late Instilal,. ID lb. Univemsity se.Wb@ Vioe-Preeident cf th. Modern Lau. «nage club. Inuhlt.1year se. och Honons lu Modern Lauguages and Latin ; lu lie 2ad yesr ah. teck s double course, takdig Honors lu Modem Laniuages, Histeny, Mental Science.and Logic ; lu tie Srd year ae teck houons in Modem Language aud ffielory.A Lot eu, hope lie young ladies vie are nov groiug up for atin. culation viii do as vell. W. notice Miss L. L. Resala, daugh- ter of Mr. H. Romain, Inspector of public scl>oois for West Victoria sud once a resident aud tesoher st Whiîby, teck higi honore lu lie 2nd year course. We tendon oun congratulationsho thie stridente uaoeed, sud ta the usoeci freminb cithey graduated. Fer ry ah Town Locals fine yhieornbraidery f&uneiugs W. G. Waltene' B&NIwîL tie barber ; cranlume over- iauled, ecraped sud niomu. Men'a roady made suite at les. tien wiolesal, price..ah W. G. Waiters. COXPLECTE nov stock cf nien's sud youhh's strav bas ta W. G. Wsiher.'. Useo Dr. Doreuvend's Great Gorrusu Bain Magie fer isiduosa, gray bair, lu for sale by a1l dmuggiet.. EXTRA «ced value lu ladie sudchild. nons hosiery, double kuit heels sud taee aI W. G. Walter@. 'LArrE sud ciildrens «loves lu pure .11k, laffetsansd liele hhread lu black sud calersacatprice..lover than olse- viere. W. G. Walten.. Taz bebaviour of the oouuhy council- cou &round tevu during the. veek bu been uci s te sam for theru a budget et «ccd ounduot marks. Net one ha. bien roported by th. police se far. Tax» ai ana rmcmround tevu aun Monday LIti te hb iassussnike lu the Saddlemy Hardware Company's vonke. Upon onquiry vo asertaiued thomo vasnotblug luth. ruiner mono tia Ihree on four beys diffemed vili oue cf hie forexusu about wagon sd quit the. shcp. Ta usue cf MocCsulsud & Sou, cf Toronho, le dlreclly associated viti lthe bouet lslud windows lu Ibis country. 1%» reranseversl effehoolu tram thie voerUm hot»e. but exponiono telle lie tae.Tioir oquipminus and peruonal knovl.dge ma&* Iheru peene iu lhe Or- amaentalouIn Msutaiued Glanetrade, sud veonare lad taher cf the. fiatternug mmca. bio firm bau onjoyed duriug Ithe puat fomhy ysan.-26-4mo. Mr. Tlro BIurhhlder, et Wbitevale, ha. lueilIffl uod tîlg dowsr a heu tauo he 1 0=d ry, oppootte tii, ne. sideneof tMeero. Fanqaaan sd ýBamnadsd Miss Log"n. -It je roafly fi beauital job, sud, aboulditI proie a. iatlefaotSoùo trial as Lt look4e-ah pro- lent, viii ho su lucenlive ho -theOcna- îiltôordev a great dealzmore vo«k Whoe" Me, vaka *freueoeeamy. Tam oeitement fo>r Btun4ay vil b. 'I A numuber of tb. ccuuty tllios teck lu Peck's Bad Boy ou M ouduv night, sud afterwsrds visit.ed th. St. Âudrew's Society whene lhoy onjoyed au hour's excellent programme cf a lhoroughly Soolliui gel-up. Msny cf lh. fahhers beiug Heffanders, the doinge of tl b. 81. Auw- iu'po*u them remendously..M A oopy eaoh cf lie Roman Calliolieansd Protestant bibles wer. placed in front cf Deputy-R.eve Larke of Oshawa, ho regale hie mind wili durlug long (?) slftlgs. But as long semsions have ceased ho take p lac., 1h. bibles lsy unopon- .4 drilg 1h. session. Mr. Lanke would make au excellent ohaplain for an ludnatri- ou. councit. By a unaulmous vote sud wllh 1h. appear- suce of great satisfaction 1h. Co. Clerk, Mr. J. B. Farevell, vas given 1hz.. mouths leave cf absence, dung viioli lime lie pro- poses ho visit Soullieru Europe, hakrng lu evenythiuhistorie from the BBoa tSeoh the Bayai Biscy. Mn. Farewell woli de,- serves s holiday, sudvo ltrut may enjey s prospérous trip. On Tuesdy aftworugen O'Brien, the photo. prapier, saked th. council for a satig on th. front stops ef the court leueou» dthock eyeri négatives by hieialnanoupro- com. Msny cf the fathers, who usod ho te Ivo cm Ibre. minutes fer a photo, dlsbeliev- .4 thiepossibliyeof doingthe lhrug ilu thau a half-seccud. But next dayhe proofs showed fine likenessea cf the vhole psrly. -lu oeeof th.enatves liecouncil- ore had lholr bats off asud Ili sa onden- fui diaplay of cranmis tac barren te produce bair.1 Prom th. rehurneof the Licence0com- missioners tram Norlhand Southi Ontario we 1 au liaI hie receîptsauadexpendiures inl oc. Trosunoy sduce 1he Scott Act came in force inu Msy 1889, up ho Jane 1h. let, 1888, von. as follova: Dr. Bascom .............9795 T. . rakih .........9924 P>. M. Brvu.............m 76 40 Expenditune.. 819654C surplus .... 01880 08 jno. Fegu"Uen .......... 287 -11 14157 75 X. 0. rpu.... suie Uaioogâ'&6wd W. G. Waltè. ~ ~ Mond's ail vool'bina sursgê. .*Ihs At 84 50 reguar prices *$8.50,, gwoy sugrge at #8-40p suit worth V*7,tweed. suite 14 *9.50, worth 18.50. W. 'G. Walteon. oddfellows blook Whitby. Taxi wu conuiderable fsport aet the market yard th. other day aven a pig parohamsd frein a fariner who lives about a hundred miles froin Brooklin. Mr. Fariner thought h. would play a joke on the butober. Hoe had soid a pig by woight et six cents per pound. lu order te make is wei gh weJl h. gave it "chop" to the exient cf a oaok or tva. lu brnging il ho town about a bamrel cf water wau added te the hog's load, and when the meal became vol it began te ewell up. Soon it became se extsuded at ils diameter liat its legs would not touch the. groundand finally it "busted." The buyers went back aud ruade the grauger give up saveral dollars, but hrlied the pig aud sold the -rust a large profit on the firet rate. Thon the fu came ini when Borne wags went te tic fariner aud told hm thie pig was killed by accident in letting the upper dock of the car fali upon it; but>after a short hune thinking the geod fariner rewernbered about the. cargo cf meal fed the hog and held hie peao. Wa hbave gel mb oa bad sonspe with Re . . Carry, of Port Perry. He je the. ohnro f Englaod panson âb<htbere,« and as vo av@ before remarked, - s poseeed cf me abiihy aud quit. a bit cf learniag Most people ever.rate hie ability, ut by non. e il Acver.naîed toaa greahor oxteut than by hirussif. Ho proscies salvation ou Sundays t aa email ougregation, and illuoinates the. minde of the vend in gensia on aIl cther subjecte on week daye in the. preoscfthe country. Ho nover umssed a chance te, pounce upc. any. on.eh be auin the daîly paperesuad dearly loves le read at th. foot cf a long lettonthe. followiwg inscription, viz: "'John Carr." A strong and veny. osinet yearning cf aur heart le that Dr. Carry ruay becomne a readen cf ti grosI journal, but ho wiil Dot. As ho etated lu hie lester t the Gasette imet woek, vo have been oompelled ta resont, to etrategy iu order te «et hlm ho take tho CHRONICLIE ont cf th, poil-office, vii duriug tue pust woek v. have net been able te gel on. foisted upon hlm by sny means. The mont unforlunste Part cf the-mator is Ihat the Bon. Dr. bas lest his semper and has cemmenood ta make himsoLf ridiculous by oaliinR Damnes and ciargiug us vith rusiity and talsehood, aceomçlishmeuîs which our mild sud «entie nature i. incapable Of poseessiug. Ail w, vaut le te have the 900d minu sow hie namne te be Piaced upen oun compiimeutary lies and woekly recoive a email budget cf idea frein our abundaut stock cf knowledgo. WEDNESD)AY---D[ress Goods to-day. No change from our regular LOW choice. were given PRICE S. flurry Our a lively raid up if you want good THUJR SDAY- --Embroideries lower, big drop of 20 per cent. in some uines. NOW is the time to buy. FIRIDAY -- - Gents' Ties in full bloom. styles in stock. LOW PRICES stili rule. Buy to-day. SATURDAY --Pric, tom. Safe to buy large keep selling ail season on to see you often. THE Fashionablo A Il the latest es dowin to lowest noteli. Struck botu quantities to-day. Bargains in adi limes. We intend to to-day's basis. 0f course you're with us. Wiil be-glad Dry Goods and Tai/or/n g Empotium, B o s'. PIiINGL E TA IL OIING One Door East of 1 ES TA BL ISHMEN Te. Where thbe.will aiwaye be kept in stock a Splendid Assortment cf C lotho ef ail kinda, which wvil b. made Up lu hie usual good style by J. R. PRI-N.GLE, IL N G The Boss Tailor. THJESHERI - ANO MIL L-MEN FIND) IT TO THEIR ADVÂNTA.GE A.ND PROFIT TO USE m DCOLL0 s. XÂCHINE £OIL-S. mot to gum, and will outwear Ili&anteed R DI NEc 1WTry our Cylinder 011. It. bas no0 equal. --'n W -it -db ail other WM. BRYAN à SON, Dunas iStreet. iabe tveaig hos-hefý '88 SUMMER '88 0r store continues ee of the cheapesl spots mn Ontario for Neat, Reliable, Easy-Fitting Boots, Shoe8 and Siipper8. By CJauh Buyiug sud Cash Selliug-w. are succestul iu keepiug our pnices mucli b.- low those of stores wlio give credil. Our large cirai, cf ousemers lu Whihby sund 1h. towships is sloadiiy inreaslug, attraoted by Our 1ev pzIces. Oui shelves are nov stccked with %ie and Coarse SUMMER WEAR! Laies' lippers-witii or regeh.ten-jn vanlrety. 'J 'g rHE Uuexcellcd for Famlly Grocenles, Fine TEA - 18-0OUR-- Oui stock of Gmrocel and Provisioua in Large, Botter and Oheaà per th-mn ver. PRIZE TEA FOIMILLIUN8I GREAT BARQAIN8. %EA HOUSE, Teou and Ooftes. SPECIA L TY. Oroeyand GlawaePrime aWaY bolow ancern; One Trade govu. Business boosbecaus o ur goodi-are righi suit tbe pe. WANTEDO-Aetive, Agents to sel« Big ýPay to. Goo4 Men. haadomebews CHILDREN'S SHOES -82'ieanspnug tto& a- "e - o4epatoves -r es I MW Amamombr-1 doua lmcb à -mm i The Boss Tailor.ý l'ARMERS, shm es « and ONTARIO WEEKLY MARE ET IlRE POR.TS1 r., ti 1 1 MONDAY- --Quality higli. Prices firm, with a strong ten. denoy to lower. Demand good. 1 i 1 1 1 TUIESDAY --- Gloves and Hosiery in great demand. new importations contian some "lEye Openers." Prices a littie lower. 2 county counen Note& Snow's Confectionary Store, ý CASH AND LOW- PRICES