~IWILIY NEW DBSIGNS IN Crape Stone, Broches, RISI rng tený~ iL Our ~ly raid i waut good- 20 per latest clk botm- 03 iuteud to goriumt 3R '88 the chieapest for d Slip pers. Selling w. aie icee mucli bç- ýe credît. Oi 'iitby and the ing, atraoted cked with LSlippers EAR! adnome boys IOES aud, cbemp. oned bots, t prices. WEAR, GOOD. zned to- psy. lnterest on i.We mark BVIOTS DONE. Earrings, Bracelets, Fob Chains, Laidies' Vest Chains, Jde Si/k Guards and Aiberts. Se.BA RNAIRD, BROOK ST.) - WHITBY. FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1888. LOCAL LACONIOSI WHAT 18 GOINO ON lm AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEW8 GLEANEO SY OHRONICLE REPORTERS AÂ -Iel'ii amang ye, takin note@, An' faith hoUl preat it. THic fair groundu afford a livoly scene evenings juit nov. About on. huadred boys sud yongi men meet there ev8ry uight te practice basbali. cricket sud lacrosse. This is a good tevu for sports. Svoral of the fteeveq and Depuly Beeovos aitpding tlb. r" ecting cf lb. county Councul visîted ttùs r -nMe cf the Highlan.ui club on Monday .ivsning sud speut s mest enjoyable tim. CiPI. O'DoiqovANsys tb. misaiag men cf hie compavcy cf volunteors muet luru up at once, or otherwiso ho viii have to take somo mesne tle turu tbom up. Men Who ,,alia&kuow wbst lhey aro doing and leçi i for three ont. iuge, and th. oa is bound tboy muet come tue time.q Tixux Wae a bit cf s etrike ast th barber the other day. Tho dock hausto bave been accusîo,.ued to reoeiving tventy cents per hour for loading vessels ; but fanding a large amount of lies along, lhe wharf juet nov, cooalud- ed twouty-five contIspor heur vas noue tee rieb for their blood. Becruits were secured frem Up town snd the malter died ontt somehow, etherwise a good deal of our hstbor rade would bave goeste Part Hope. The barber men should b.e refol net te kill s good thing when il ornes along. /- Toronto Industrist Exbibitio'n.-We have received a eepy of tb. Péiae-List juil issued for the touth Industrial Ezbibitiou, wbich il te b. hoeld at Toronto fromem10bo bIhtte o22nd of September next. Ih is vory aeatiy gel- ton up, with litbographod covers sud appropriate illustrations. Any o! our readors wbo Masy desire s copy oa readily obtain oue by dropping a peut card te Mr. H. J. HI, 1h. Soorehary, ai Toronto. The prospects fog the suc. ceses of Ibis year te show are very promis- îng, sud lhe Directera have set spart s more than usually large ameuna for speocisi sîracliens. W. have correspoudeuioê Sont ilu hem Raglan by soe friand who witholda hie naine. The malter centaine auiim- ber of very good take-offe on- people whese names are net givon, uer i. there enougb information givon te enable any person but lii. writer te fully appreolale tbo joke. A mitler aheuld nover write for bis ovu resding, but for other lpeople's. -Besidýs baving ltoe. dofols we are asksd net te revisee ltter10, th.ewriter eing o! opinion vo don'$ know enon te, do se-.ho a»YS. Wo roquosl lb br ou oeintelli-'2 giOble malter m bis namesud ho need, Dott ear that we csu'b keep a secret. We vant writ, but tboy muet bave thal macnh conoe in nS. ' Â *ounLI o weoks ao bpargraph appesred in t O'NewmaikPl, Era (frem which vo li Ibis) oalliuug-attention 10 te lamenta<e.acoideul ýwhlch weooul occurred e Longford su«d resulling in 1h. de t sun ewployee on tb. G. T. B. naodThombeu Scwlon, brother o!f Oocanon, ,baker, ,o! Amirsra h i. haft ottebt'40 omn; 0 e!0 th.,soke& *, Obl"g on the ug' ilion tiis qMit~f~4,1r Mu10814 ILP. foi r#h* * 14 v~ BmoeÂv Buviou.A â 1ilà . K.oà » 7 iP. m. The pastot'a mubjoots non L ord'o Day will bosfollo wa.-A- .. K"Tho' P.a.o oi Christ." P. M. "Tho proaohing of the Cross of Cbhrit." Thoro yul ho baptisai in the ovoning. An association game of cricket wus played horeyestorday botweonBowman- ville and Whitby, the rosuit net being known wbon wo went to proe. Mr. Martin, of th. Saddlery factory, has exjp.nded a good deal of time and labor In fixing up tho Cochrano pro- porty. The resuit i. that ho has ono of th. moat beautiful residences one could wieh b eBee. There was a foul meeting of the town c ouneil on Monday ovening, but the only business don. was te paso the street watering by-law in its customary form. The counoil don't meet again Sutil th. firet Monday in July, though ia epecial meeting msy possibly b. held if snything important turne up. UNDER th. auspiCee Of Whitby Sons of Temporà no., E>wA.RD CÂRswELL, ESQ., the "G0anadian Gough," will de- liver on. of hie popular lectures in the sobool room of the Methodist Taber- nacle on Tuesday evining, l2th must., cooemenoing at 8 p. m. Silver collec- tion at the door. Ail are invitod. THE auai Soutb Ontario Farmers' Pienic st Oorbett'e Point will be held as usual tbis year. A meeting of those in. terested in making Ibis year's pioni as great succees will b. held at the post offic, ber. on Saturday night neit, (to- morrow) st 8 o'clock. Lestheb farmers ail come in aud make good arrange- ments. THE, next elilpsecf tb. meen will occur on the night cf July 22nd, aud will be even more interestimg Ihan tb. on. on Jan. 28. The diametor cf the eartb'a shadow will b. mach larger at lhe time in proportion le the dismetor of th. inoon, darkeuina its surface more during totality. It will take place about midnigbt when th. moon will be higber in tbe heavens and wili b. visible in Ibis neighborbood. PORT HOPI& e again le the front With a grand programme of sports fur Domin- ion Day, oemprieing Hoee Races,- Athîstie Sports,-Bicycle Bacesa,-Base Bal, -Laorosse, -Aqustie Sport,- concluding witb a grand display of Fire. works. The programme i. a very attractive one, and as Port Hope alwayu carmes out its promises le the leIter, ail twbo go Iher. fromib tis neigbborhood are sure b o njoy themeelves. Se. large posters and programmes for full par- ticulars. Low excursion rates on ail railways. Tac prompt mansr in which Fisbery Inspecter MeDeumott deait with illegal fiabing in Whitby and other harboe, effectually squelobed that business, and shows b. is tbe man for lb. place. His verk Rives the beut of satisfaction generally. W. might sdd, fortlb.infor- mation of some boys who are. epearing fitab, thal Ihey are violating the 1mw sud viii b.e aught and puuisbed. Thol ruble ie our people have neyer .dte qbeu!e fisbnç 12sd osqunl do o nw w en tbey are brestiug the lav. W.e trust none vili b. foclish eaough le msuppose the Inspector csu't catch thm. AI Scugog tbey have long since fouuRd eut h. eau catch auybody. ON Saturday lsst Mr. D. S. Brown, J. P., Oscuington, au ex.councibor of tbat villagRe, vas brenght boe by con- stable aarwood and lodged in jail ou a committal from Magistrales Horne, Gillespie, MoPherson, Frsukisb, sud GleuIinning, en s charge of eriminal ssul upon a yeung girl fifteen years old, nsmod Margaret Linveod, of Cannington. Mus. Liuvood, mother of the complainant, lives next Brovu 's reoidouce, Brev» b. nug a tanner sud an old ciizen cf OCaningten. On Salur- day uight veek Brown is charged vilb bavlng bauled the Linvoed girl, acroe inte his ovu promises sud assaulting ber. à great deal of evidenco vas taken by the magistrales iset veek, sud finally medical men ver. csled open te give prof esaional teelimouy r.- gsrding the girl's condition. The magistrales then submlîîed lbe evi- deoe.te Co.Âtrney Farewoelfor ad. vice, sud finsily committed Brovn for trial. The prisener i. allovod bail st $4,000 if il osu b. provided. Brown dlaims be bas a geod defeuce sud eau oasily prove an alibi, as beoaswu i another place at the time ho le alleged t0 have perpetrated lte dasbardty sot charged le hlm. Tna gtest sporting eveut of the year bers vasthb babltracesou Bat.uday belveen lb. sprinters cf 1h. tapuery sud buokie factery. F'or a veek previ- ously th. beys cf botraclng teams had bom skippiug &round Imaginai>' dia su ad limbering up lteoir joints for ~n oe:s gof msuy eniped- lape; 'An it w wv oltr nover> i anyonu gne, xceplliMt yearIn hiie soutb wards wereose inu>-rous mode. Theu bil vas tGoson et by Umpiro Camp, bell et 2:80 tle lbe Minute lu the prese et starg. crowd ofapeotaboret lb. buoble fellows t"0u9lte fild,à ad. from thsi heur, or perbaps maorepropo*Iy hs1f- heur, ouil 6:80 lter. was no ccsosiou of hosifltise te! oven, a second. Il vu Mostleociing sud wild At limes, lthe ooW ciiscorer belng ompsfl te ot e beind a building fOr prot«tilon froin tà 1 iml . ,i.iAima nwtnl. a& a imint. th. 'uigot 'of ils kind we bave- ev.v T~he volunleors go loto camp, on- Tuosday noen aud miitary mon around town are boginuiug tb burnish u: thoir WRc are requested by Ri@. Honor Judge o rtne o ri say that the Pickering Divisiou Court will b. postpoued from July 41h tb July 71h, 1888. Uxhridgo and Bowmanville are te play cricket hors against oach other some day next wesk. Whitby and Pickering will meet in th. near future. Oshawa, il is slaled, intonde te practico, a year or two before 'it is again indue- ed le measuro ils ekillin c ricket. OuR intimation last week to e dla. quent ubcribors, thal a oolony o! nakes were te b. inlrodnced into lh. CHIRONIOLE gravoyard, had a benoficial effeet upon a good mauy, but wu foar a good mny did net lake th. hint, and Mr. James B. Browne, Provincial Inspector cf Factories was bore on Wednesday inspeeting workshops, and called upon us asi il bocomesail good fellows te do. Hoe ayu everytbing is in proper shape in this towu with the exception that in some cases cf eowing shope ne back premnises are attsched. THrinewest fad amaong ladies is csllod "lips." They count every lime a gentleman lips hiel bat te îhlem sod when &bey reach 100 lips, lhe on. hun- dredtb gentleman i. supposed te ho lthe on. the lady receiving 1h. hip will marry. The "tips" eraze i.s preading rspidly and tho young ladies are beard counting the tipssasoespasses îbem on the street. ON Monday evening after the High- land club had ontertaiued a large num- ber cf the county councillers with Scotch songe, readinge, dances etc. tho members met in regulsi meeting aud passed a resolution seuding tho president, Mr. J. B. Dow, and the secre&ary, Mr. Hugb Boss te Toronto te attend the Tuesday evening meeting of tb. Caledonian Society of that city and if possible ge make arrangements for a great gatbering cf th. clans in towa on Aug. 18&h., our Civio Holiday. The delegates visited Toronto sud.made arrangements by wliicb th. Scotch societies cf that city will ruau an excur- sion te Wbitby on that day aud held tbeir Caledonian gamnes on our agricul- tural grounds. It is te b.e hopsd the citizens will beetir themselvesa s bey did on car Jubiles day and mako th. town look its very bout on Ibat occasion. Tai& somi-annual session of Ontario District Division Sons cf Temperance wss held at Claremont on Friday, lot must. About 90 delogates wore préent from th. divis-'ions st Greeubank, Ses- greve, Mt. Zion, Myitle, Broughsm, Claremont, Wbitevale, Osbawsansd Whitby, smoug wbomn were Edward OarswelU, P. M W. A., W. Hl. Bewell, G. S., County Deputies Derby, Wilson and Pboenix, sud Deputies Watson, Hutehison, Terrier snd Kirbon, C. J. Mackie, D. S., J. Miller, D. Chap. sud Bees. 0. J. Dobsen snd A. B.0 Demili. The repors ofthe D. W.-P. sud e Scribe woe very .ucouragiug, showing the Order in the Couuty te b.e vigorous and active. Much important business, botb special sud generai transscted. Bey. A. B. Demill wao elected delegate to. Montreal Genvontion. After full dié-cussion, saresolution was carriod un- animously, pledging the District Divi- sion te reast auy attempl le repeal the Scott IcI. Iu tb. evebing a roiiiing public meeting vas hsld iu tbe lova hall, when an interssting programme of musical sleeîious, readings, addresses, etc. vas provided. Tbe chair vas taken by the D- W. P., W. H. Bewell, of Wbitby, aud being opeued by prayer bv tbe Be,. Mr. Kippen, earuest practical addresses were delivered by H. B. Derby, J. Kirlon, Bey. A. B. Demill sud Edward Caruvel. The latter speaker was euthaustioaly received and urged te roturn sud dolivor anothor lecture aI su early date. The meeting va, cloeed by Bey. 0C. J. Dobson,, The Annual session vill bo hold in White-, A good meeting vws held onTus day nigbl vxlh the nviewof forvsrdlng, lb. natural gas preject. Mayor Long took tb. chair. Befere lit. rosi dis- cumiien Mr. L. T. Barcly mode semas explanations. Ho sald su absrd* rumor vas b.ing oircutated le lteeffoot ltaI th. Gau &Wator Go. vlahsd people te subuoribe mouol te bore for g an sute.lte money i ne yene found, vllhone t. hne o! oftaking sanybiug if pleuly o! Ru m oi lO0 vo- ed . Tbes Co. bad neositf ides. Tito- simpi>' visbed te boe.for gS sud f<.11 the colto! tbe exporimoul, Mlu oe Il tailed, uitould net att b. borne by. four or five men. To find gaswould b. a vondeifulsadvantags le lit, lova in general, sud for ltat resc o thiougit lts .oil bould b. dld a mong a prester aumber et mon titan ibdai- resdy takeu bold-etolte sohoe, sud aUil vite subioribd vould b. regula »tck.iolders. Mr. A. Logan vas clied upon muid sald ieý Ihoabtlie sbem ould b. tee&W I!, thie department we show every leading and desfred Style. Our goods for quality and value are mot eï- cefled ini Ontario. VŽý,ÂTIN BRHDAME.-The new and fashionable Drese, Material in Black and Colore. Handgome G0ood and prices very low. WHITE DRE SB MA.TERIAL S, in Musllns, Lawns, India Linens, Dress Floncinge in- elegaut patterns. NEW LAWNETTES.-Choice styles in Prints,Àeck Sateena, Plain Sateens. P&BASOLS.-We'excel iu value and auOydârasols. MILLINERY. b We lead iu artistie trimming, new Styles, and reputation as the leading aud most Fashionable , Ladfies wishing a fashionable and s i GENTS, CLOTIIING», MI LLI NERY.S *rior manner. We are bound te maintain our arie. Our styles are correct. sure te be suited wlth our work, etc. G-ENTS' CLOTiING.- Our reputation for " reliable" Tweeds sud (Jioths, Worsted and Fancy Suitiugs, Fine snd Nobb .Touer ings lu New Patterns, Fine, Canadian and Imported suitings, and specially choice lime of "Iwearable"I Tweeds for boys wear. We excel in Choice Tweeds, aud our make, fit, style, work sud value is first-class inu every respect. c ~o. 1, S DEVERELL'S BLOCK, THINK When - - WHIBY DEEPLY you are contemplating a purchase of anythiug in -our line, no matter how small à % cLt , may be the amount involved. T By w' s ELY ur large and well assorteà ¶ stock of ail that is new and 8eason&ble D ECIDE To buy of uis. QU ICKLY- After seeing the unrices and examining the quality of our Goode you oan't resist them. It is impossible to do better elsewhere. NO Carl be found. BETTER VALUE.S We get the choice of the best goods on the Market and ouï- prices are agi LOW AS THE LOWEST We are' always ready to 8601 you and *witk Pléasure 8h0w you our Goods. L~:E~w GLASGOW ML 1E?0E WAH iDISSEI R~ & J. OE'BELL DRESS GOODS. We are st braid to match. Aise Siks, 0 Shawls. Lisle Thread sud 811k Glo GENTS9 FURNISHING, Linen suda811k Hdkfs., Oollar sud howing a large stook of Summer Dreess.( jashmneres, 1Prints, Gin1ta- , eerSuoker, I ves, Cottoiý, Merino a.adBalbriggsu Houe, Paraolse Fanoy Ties « oallrs (Cues, Braces, Meri Ouff Buttons, Faucy. Straws, Soft s ud RailPol A Big Lot of Fancy- Straw Hat f eCleareZ. oui C LOTH IN G. ý Ready-made.suitis aind Single Garmeuts-.. -Ot Li the thipg for varni eather. In the Ordered Clothing aepsztment, Mr H. Fiaser is jrepared ta mî ftto sit he LTEST STYLie, rPtyur o Ocef ur brg asortmnt BOOTSAND -SHOES. Âi u Shes Bipers, Laced sud Butloned Boots.* Shoos. Boys sud (*irls strong sohool Boots. GROOERIES, The Stock is l Setla, Glaskware aud Orokery ut very LwP [a, well 'assQrted.. I.. OI-E-,