Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1888, p. 7

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Aid Items Stolen frorn ou, Excianges OOEOUSG. Work on lb. Miurnmy Canal le being i.llvcly prosccutcd aI present. lui. megise stance are being quarnied eut cf lie canal bottoni aid sIens culIons pro. pîring Ibem for ticir positions on lb. piene. Moncy veuld have been savcd b.d il been kncwn tirce years mgo that Ibis splendid bcd of rock coald have bien utilized instead et bringing BLeue froni Or Point for tic tva bridge nov haut. About fifty Itîlians are ut work on tic canal. Tb.y arc ire intelligent men, but very fev cf hem eau spcîk Boghei.. A short titis mgo Frank Wcodnuff, eldest son of Mr. T. Woodruff, George SI., left tovu le accepl a position viti Mr. Cole, ut Brandon. On Tucsday mornîug tic farniiy hors rcssived a telogrîni munounaing bis doati. Ho had been iii for sotie lime, md il vus thougit ho va. reoovering, but a re- lapse set in, ending iii bis deati. He vas an cxemplary young mua, very steady, md a favorite viti ail viti whow he vas aoquainled. Tic be. remvcd famuly have lb. sympathy of lie enlire comrnuniby. Tic Staukurd Bsuk et Canada vs. Bues Broc. and Taylor of Umldirnand tewnsiip, mn motion on a note for $100, exoitcd coneideruble intereet ut lie Col- borne Division Court hast week. Lt up. pqars froni the evidenos liaI on or about tic<22nd of December, 1886, Har- rison Ruse, oua of tic defendmnts, vent te tic old man David Taylor, md ask- ed hiti b endorse a note for us accom- modation. Tic sîme day or the fol- loving day the Buse Bros. drove mb Cobourg, md tiers Harrison Ruse met Taylor Bt Bevan'. Hotel. Taylor makes bis z mark, md Bues asys ic teuchcd the pan md Rycreon Ruse signed as vitnems. Tic note vas for Ivelve r.nontis vibi inlsrest. Harrison Bues Negotiîtcd tic note md il aven. tuîlly reucied tic SLandurd Bank ut *olbonrne, viere il vus pretested und mmcd. Tiylor's defence vos liaI ho mener signcd snob a note md liaI md- vantage vas taken of bis infirmity il ho mer toucied tic pen. Tic vbole Tay- lor fiinily vas called for bbc defenos md Jndge smid ho conld net upon th<evidence Ihat defendant Tmylox ucied lic peu (if he did bnci tcucb il> inlending te siga a note. Judgxnent vas givea against tic Busses, but Ibm action vas disrniseed as ugainst Taylor A resident of Campielîford befone turing home for a fcv day. engagod e acivenger. Wiile the latter vae carry axag cul bis con tract in the cliii heurs ci tic nigit, lie wife, atone in tic icuse Ignorant of ber iueban1'~ order, be marne frigbtened mnd rau to x neigi bor'm in itir nigit cloîbes. Tic acigi bon sannîered ont vibli hie rifle anc Ired Ive obole et tic "midnighi mecianios" before lie dîsoovered îhei~ i omoupation.- World. ~n4fa~fly had fiowu ta parts rwknowu..$ Several parties la tovi have bî~n try- Ing te fenil cul bis hiling place, dnning tb. put vssk, but mc fin unsîooessful. We hope bbc novapapeus hbrougieul lie country yul Vaite la showing up h hie truc )i.ght, for ne doubt i. vihi b. stmrting mcv someviere cIsc. Borne titis mince lis came te grief in Pmnry Sound, viens Iiey had him under lock md key for a vhile, but flnahly 1.1 hum cff.-Newa. Pickeri.ug Oouncil. anti, tise c de- every a, ne- ~atest ph.. s»- Dlii tisa etc., ~blan- 1 lise Deep, igulmr sIens, ~cther t r A~iïk-.4II!In(COUIIIiO couclry, samed Levi Arnol, came te lova on tic twcnty fourbi, md got fuil. To. yards evening b. ~cbsd up md starî. od ~ oeake a race bourse of bbc front sîrcet. Afler abusing ils bores mnd narrovly escapiog stnasiing ap several nige, ho came 10 grief viile turniaf s corner, md vas tira va ont. Ho vas lien looked np in thcCooler md nezi rnorning appcared before Mayor Yon.nie -vio acbed in lie absence et FoUet Magistrale Haines -md vas mulcIe~ lu lie sum et 815. Borne titis iast vinter, a tati, elini guant individual, vili long hait iaag ing in ourle, viici vere covered vibh a blick silk ut, visiîcd our lovu nnde~ tic cognamea et "Prof. Joinson, lia Groat World.renovned Faiti Cure Mai anA Pirenohagiet. tic Sereubi son cf a Sevenîi Son." The Prof. professed t~ cure any md ahi diseuses by Faiti, il. Siorlly îftcr hi. arrivaI ber., a vornai md tva oiildren-one a baby-appsan -.d, on Ihe seene. Tic Prof. stited lia lie oldeet cf tic twe cilîdren vas i eiild by a fermer vif. vhorn ho iii buricd., anA but bic present vif. vas Seventi Daugiter cf a Sevenli Daugb Ion, md belveen lie bye cf them lie; ver. goiag ta etraigîhêli up hie catir communily, aid drive ont everliing h lie shape et diseuse, nover more 10 te tura. Desti vas i hhing unknovz anA tic grive rebbid cntirely; undes baking vas ho b. altogelier viped oui Tic Prof. ceea imd severat diffien] cases on Isand md by mdvcrtising, cii culîting bille, sîreel processions un lecture., sean b.d Ibinge baoming. H aad iii famuly bomnded ah tic Aim bolet anA for avilie tbings vent o mw5mrniugly, and lb. Prof. mmd. iiu self quite ut home in hie professiona eults~ anound lova. Havever in lb ceunie et a fev menîbi triAs gn.v da~ md be began le laok fer pustunes nei H. visiled Port ifop., but came te ta 11sf h liaI lova, net being alloved i lecture on bis street anA finahly gai Il np. R. naît mada serinai tripe i Port Pcnty, .1111 making cux)tovn i headquantens, but Ihinge cauld icI ha~ been muob better tiare, for on. nigi lait veek, ho l.ft vilieut saying geot bye, aid alec fongethiag b setîle vii tbe jaîdtady, Il'. diAuront u9vîpapî offii~sm in lova, aid vanlone clii sco~unls. Borne Amys bitera ha - le iis~ldesl ohild dlaappmmued sud Il Prof~ unnounced liaI Ibm lad isd r~ svay. 1h. mime nlgbt Ibat b. loi hie vifs aid cillA vent ont for a va anA m'ait hava lest tuain wuy, for tha neveu nalurned, sud I# lh~ u~onw ProL3obnsoft wa aise mlm.4ig. . I~Ic for Ibm sequel. - A. 1ev day. sitar I ~* On motion oornmittec rois viti 1ea~ b sit again. Mr. Parker gave notice Ihat il n.~ j meeting cf ocuncil he would move fi * leave te inlroduce a by-lmw te provu ~ for 111e issue cf debentares te rais. fum ~ for tii. building cf a nev mehool boni ~. si S. S, No. 4 veet, cf lie towiisbip i ~ Piekering~. ~ Moved by Mn. Ponul2sr aeccnded i ~i Mn. Pairner, tht euuh eornnxittse muj ~, plying gooda te indigents in lis towi ~. stiip.of Piokoning muet tender ibis ceai o cil au itemized acocunt cf 1h. goci ~s funnished by hem before pîymenî vi ~e b. allowed by tue ccnncil,-Garried. j~ Ou motion council resurned sittini ~. as commiltce cf lb. whol. on by-lm ~ ne trie inspecte; and afler consider ~. tien rose aid nîpowted. ,i Moved by Mn. Mickey sîconded I er Mn. Pouo1~sr, liaI by.hav te appoint mn Ires inspecter for lb, lvneblp ft Pickening juet nea.d Ivo sevenal tim ~ be nov read a Ibird liii. aid p amas LU liii lb. reeve sigu lb. marne, sud tb~ rt> lb. ssii cf lb. corporation b, sf1: i~ rete.r-'Oarnled. ,, The 1~iy.law ~appoiuteA an. D'est Couneil met persuant te adjo~srnment Bt Lova bail, Brougham, on Monday, May 2Suh, as Court of Revisior. Mcm. bers ail present, Beeve in tic chair. Minutes of lasI meeting read md îpprov- cd. Thos. Pugi, cern. reported work donc between lots 26 and 27 on the 4Lh con. Potitions werc handcd in from T. O. Oshorne and 24 others, asking $100 grant bctween lots 2 md 3, in 3rd con.; from W. J. ~cvitt, and 22 others ask. ing grant on nov rosa, Grccnwood from John Lawton and 13 others, ask. iug grant on 6th con., opposite 3 and 4; from D. W. Carruthers and 13 others aeking grant on 2od con. from lots i to 5; from Menno Burkholdcr aid 9 others, asking grant for gravclling on western tovuline between lots 6 and 7, Markham to grant an equal amount. On motion council adjourncd until i p. m. Council resumed at i p. m. Moved by Mr. Mickey eecondcd by Mr. Palmer that this coucou do nov resolve iteoif into Court of Revision for the purpose of rcvising the assessuient roil for the presont year, and that lie reeve be chairuimu cf sud couxt.-Car- ried. The mernbers of the council tien sub. sorîbed and submitted the necessary oaths, and vent mb Court cf Reviuion. cd Stephenson, Brougiain, redue. 850. 8~ lot 29, ist con. ohanged from John Ândrev te D. Morrison. N~ lot 22 un 2od con. ohunged from D. M. Docker te John Leys. Duncan Mcm tosh's assesement for anc dog vas struck off. Frcderick aid Exra Beach, aseessuient ektenged. Jerry O Connor, Samuel MoOo*~ochie, Philip Comickey, Geo Burton în~i R. & J. Kirton's appeal againet dog assessuient vas .ustaincd. Wm. Proue., ausesement reduoed. Jas. Lidgeti, assesament changed 10 T. G. ColviIl, s. w~ cf lot 1, ccn.~. Wm. & Gco. Qibson, asseesment unit.d. Geo. Parker, assesement cbanged te Wm. Campbell. John Melntomi, asseesment cbanged to Wm. Oampbeli. John Mc. I~stesb, assesement changéd te John Murray. Thes. Pencher aid J. M. Gerov, ussecement unîted. Jos. Brig- naît vas ssscsscd for v4 lot 27, in 4th con. John L. Joncs, clog aSSeSSIflSdI vas struck off. Mr. Pîrkersccondcd by Mr. PouciAl moved liaI the asacesment roil as flou amended b. deolared ftnally revised ami liaI tic court nov adjourn.-Carricd. Council rescoeed. On motion of Mr, Thos. Pugh, com. vas heard re supplementary grant os sideline belveen lots 26 aid 27 on 6tL con. Mr. Tics. MoAvoy vas then hearc re raid on 8th con. bebveen lots S anc il. Mr. Kemmock vas icard ro condi tion cf road near hie place. A petition vue handed in from Mr i C bas. Palmer md 9 obiers asking gran for Oth con., betveen lots 14 and 16. Notice vas gîven by Murtin WIirn that two eniverta vers neceseary b~ I veen lots 28 md 29 in laI con., and ~II~ statuts liber vas net safficient te di lie vork. Mr. Crumuser vas heard re road ci ~ town lune opposite lot i. BIh c¶<>ii. r Iiir. J. -B. Hoover vas isard as n presentative o! S. S. No. 4 wcst re tii ~ nîising of neceusary fundi fer nes sehool building in liaI section. > Mn. Mickey seoonded by Mr. Palme rnoved that the remignation cf Levi ~ Mickey as tree inspecter for Ihi~ muni cîpality as tendered te Ibis counoil b t new accepted.-Oarnied. Mr. Mickey ssoended by Mn. Pîrke ~ moved for leave te introduse a by-La~ ~ te appoint a Irai inspecter for tii - tovnsbip cf Pîcksning aid tut tii marne be nov rcad a firsI aid secon ~ lime, aid that lb. counoil go.into cou ~ mîltee cf lic viole tiereon.-Carrie Bp-liv read a first aid second tim ~, md council vent lite committes cf Iii viiole. Mn. Pencher in the chair. The microscope has proved that these dia-i enses are contagions, and that they are due te presence o! living parasitos in the lntorlinlng membrane o! the upper aiT passeges and ena. tachian tubes The eminent scientiste, Tyn. dali, Huxiey and Beale endors. tluis, s.nd these authorities cannot be dis uted. The reg'ulsr mothod o! treatlng theso esses lias been te ap remedy weckly, and even te membrane lu a constant state o! irritation, aflowlng it ne chance t~o heal, and as a natural consequence o! such treatment not one permanent cure has ever been recordea. Lt is an absolute fact tht these diseases cannot b. cured by any applica- tion made ofiener than once te two weeks, for the membrane mtist get a chance te heal lie- fore the application la repeated. Il te now seven years mince Mx. Dixon dlacovered the parasite lu catarrh and formulated hie new trcatment, ..ud uince then hie remedy lias b.- corne a household word lu every country where tue Enghuli Language le spoken. Cures e/Tected bg )usm seven geara ago are cure. atili, therohavng beau rie retur'n cf t/se disease. 80 highly are these remedies valned, tht Ignorant Imitaters have started up every- where. pretending te destroy the parasite, e! which they know nothing, by remedies, tha resuits o! a lication 0f which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dlxon's remedy te plied only once la two weeke, and from on. te ilirce applications effeot a permanent cure la the moat aggravated cases. Mr. Dixon sende a pamphlet doscriblng lits new treatment on the receupt o! stanup te pay postage. The addrese le A.. H. Dixon & Son, 308 King-street west, Toronto, Canada.-Scieu- tffic American. The demoralization of tic Boston polio. force la being ventiated. Nati1oriaZ EjU wiU ,sot grspo or aiclceri, yet as a thorough caihcsrho. In the Matter of Margaret Hood Notice la hereby given that ail ~atIoi having olaime againet the estate cf e uul4 Margaret Hood, are te send lii. 5am~ <1U17,.. verliled, te lie underslgned on or ~befari~ 1h. fixaI day cf ~ulyeiext. Aid ail panons indebted te nid est&t~ are requested te eaU anA settle tl~. suie with lie undereigned forthwith. WILLIAM EOOD, Oommittw» Wbitby, 22 May, A.. D., >88-94.8 wrr~OUT tute a oom~ilbee for tue purpose. M~ viuiting iii. vanjous 1oêu~flîIes wher.~ monoy is pehiticned fer, sùdth~m~ eoui~ cil usaI on as eanly a day as peeslt4~ for ho purpose cf mahing lie n~oe~- mary grants. Yonn cemmilîce recoin- mcads payment te Edvin Boohbhy cf 847.50 fer anc No. 8 vheel serapen, anA $60 fer 6 No. 2 drag morapors, md le Jerry OConnor for rcpainiag Poil cneek bridge on Brock romd, 81.50. Ail cf wbieh je respectfully submilbed. Byl. veston Mackcy. chairman. o~ motion Mn. Vmnty vas beard re. condition cf romd opposite lot 17, 8rd concession. Slanding~ommitbee on contingencies bog leave be~ncpcrI and necommend as folleve :-P~yment te Clark Bros., cf tic mm cf $21 fan prinbing noad liste, 11.1 of tovnship officers, lisI af dcgs îssessed, anti idverlisvg; Wm. Taylor fer plmnling 22 treos, 85.50; mad ta Fred Roaci fer 70 trees, 817.60; ho Lovi Mackey for inspeclung brocs, $5; te John Parker, lie snm of $1250 for insarmnce on lova hall ; le Wm. Hugon- min, 81.31, over change un assesoment ~ b F. A. Bomba, asseesor, $5 for attend- ing Coart of Revision ; le D. R. Boston, on occount of salary, $35. Youn com- milIce bereby recommenti that in future lie services cf assesson il a Court of Revimion bo paid for aI Ihe rate cf $3 par diem ; paymcnt te Wm. Smith overohange in assesement cf dog, $1. Ail of wbich is respeclfully snbmiîted. Gea. Panker, ch airman. On motion bbc report vas mdopted. Mn. Panken seoonded by Mr.Pouober, moyeti for bave b introduos a by-lmv (in duphoate) b anîborize the Reeve acd Trois. cf Ibis mnnicipaliby le raiso a certain sum of mooey 10 puy carrent errenses of Ibis corporation for lie year 1888, and that the same be nov read a firet md second lime, md liaI lie coucou go into commilte. of tic viole theneen.-Cmrnied. By.law vas remd a first mcd second lime. Council vent into ccmmittee cf lie viole Mr. Panker in tic cuir. Commiltes rose and repcrtcd. On me- lion by-haw vas remd a Ihird lime md adontsd and pluced on lie minutes. Mr. Mickey eeconded by Mn. Pitnkcn, moved Ibat Ibis couceil do nov adjourni le meet on Frilay, Jane let, ut 10 o'olock a. m.-Cmrried. FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE Walker iron.plov, Patterson gang pbcv, Olmyton rool dnili, baud roUer, Âyer's iron harrovo, Whitby bar-rester and mover, j wagon, racks, horse-ho., Honey fnnning miii, double uebl harness, etc. F. HOWARD ANNES. Wbihby, Apnil 5h, '88. AUTHORS & COX, Manufacturera of - TRUSSES ~.. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS &nd Appliances for mli Deformitîce of tic Hu- mai Body-Splnal Dis- esse, Diseases cf lic Kuce and Ankle, Knock Kuce, Boy Legs, Club Feet, etc. ALSO CRUTCHES. ~i17 Ohurch Bt., - Toronto, Out. POWDERED 99 PERCENT PURES?, STRONCESI', SES?1 Eeady for use la any ¶~aut1ty.~? making Soap, S@ftentug £sctlng, aid a hundred otiior uses. A eau equals 30 pounda 8.1 Soda. .Soldby ai1G~oooea an~ »ruugglsta, 3 V~ Gfl~L3I?, a TOIOITTO~5DO!ZOAGO. TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRYS * SHIRTS, COLLÂRSand CUF~TS A SPECIALTY. lu YOEK'4t., Near KINO. GEO. P. SHÂRPE. BREADMAKERS' YEASTS BR~AD mmdc cf hIel Ycast took 53Z FinI Prises tsrieFuil Shows lu s88~. ~~>yeriooaoladieehave wnit- say that It surpasses ~ ~4sst.verused bythem. frmesli~h~¶~,,%hi~ QI~~A~Nt~S FOR SPEAINS, OUREB, AiS» BPL1NTS ~N PORMING. FOR OYER-REÂOEES, GRAPPE» REELBj WXND GALLB. FOR EREUKÂTIBX niRORSES. FOR BORE TEROÂTS AiS» flTFLUREZA. FOR BROXEN ENEES, BRUISES, OAPPED ROCKS. FOR BORE SEOULDERS, BORE EÂOKg. FOR FOOT ROT, ÂED BORE KOUTHU [N BHHEP AN» LAXES, FOR BPRAINS, OUTS, BRUISES fiT DOGS. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIÂLS. Prom Hie Grace the Duke of Rutland. "Belvoir, Grantharn, Leo. 1,1879. '"Sirs,-Efliiua.n'sRoyal Embrocation la u~ed inmy stables. Ithink i~ve~ uaeful. ~1RUTLA1TD, Master o! Belvofr Hnnt. "Castie Welr, Kinguton, Herefordehfre, "Dec. Srd, 1H18. "Gentlemen-I use the Royal Embrocation lis my stables md kesmels, aid have fonnd Il very serviceable. I have also used the Universal Enibrooatfon for Lumbago and rheumatism for the Iset two years, and have sufferedverylittle since uslng St, "B. H. Pmou, Lleut.-CoL, Master o! Bad- norahire Huit." ELLIMAN'8 BOY4L EMBROCATION, Ç~So1d by Chemiats, Stores, and Saddlers, Frics 2s.. -il Dr. Chase Has a wonld vide reputation as a physician md author. Hie Mandrake Dandehon L~iver Cure ie a triumph o! medical skm, cuxlng ail diseases of the Kidney and Liver. S~d~TOMS o~1 kIIINEY CIIMPLAIHI, Dlstressingache:~ back; a duil pain or welght lu the bladderand base o! the abdoman; scalding urine often ob- strncted; frequent clesire te uninate, e~peci- aily at mght, among aged persons t hot, dry skia, ~~ale complexion, red md whute deposits, dropeical swellings, &c., BYs~TOMS O)~' min under shoul 14VR1 COMPLAINI,'ierblades, Jmu dise, uhailow complexion, a weary, ttred tact- $flg. no lit e or energy, headache, dyspepsia, ladigestion, spots, pimples, &c. HOW OURED. Mandrake and Dandelion are nature~s Lirer cures, and whcn comblncd wlth Kidney remo- dies, as lu Dr. Chase~s Liver (Jure, will simout posllively cure aU Kidney-Llver troubles. It sets lilke a charm, stimulating the cloggcd liver, strenglhenlug the kidasys, and luvugor. ating the w h oie body. Sold by ail dealers st $1, with Beceipt Book, wliich alone is worth tise mocey. " N EY Dr. Chaae's Plia are the K w oniy Kidney-Liver Pus made. LIV E R Theyact gently yet effectuai: £lvertroubIedeadache~,b~: pili dose, Sold by ail deulere. Price25 cents. T~2IEN~ 0F - age on Maniocd, Nervous md PhyslcaiDebili~, Premi- Youti, md tic unttold misenies consequenl there- on, 800 pagea, ~ vo., 125 prê~bklptlOll5 ton mii diseuses. Clati, fuit gUI, oîly 81.00 by mail, scahed. 111. sample frce te ail young und middle aged men. Se~nd nov. Tise Gold md Jevetled Modal avunded te lie autier by lic Nationul Medicai Associa- tion, Addrese P. O. box 1895, Boston, Mass., or te Dr. W. H. Fanker, graduale of Hmrvard Medicat College, 25 jours' pruotice I lu Boston, wic may b. consutled confiden- Iiahly. BpeclmltyDieeamee of Mon. Office, ~o. 4, Bulûnci Streel. MALT IF YOU WANT Choice Turnip 8eed, Extra 8eed Corn, or Good Flour, AT RIGHT PRIOES~ OALL ON W. B. PRINGLE. luuin;: IWIL Lmo -~ j M. Orowly & Oo., ProprietorL) ~0~* ~&PPDFUW IPURIFIFIN CIiEERFIJL hvw.vu~I JuWiuULE5m~ WAYNE~SIpJfi.aI ~uAI Moisture, N itcblng andeingue, S, mcml et niglit-voise by ecratchlflg-Vei~Y dlstresslng. - ailowed b continue tumors form whu often bleed sud uic3raLe, inco"' '"g ve17: .~ SWAYWVS OINTMENT ttchlng ~rA b1'eding~ uloeraUofl, ~nd lu ,~ manv cases rem~ries o G q%?-~.- #~t ~The Wonder8 of Maglo Wien ycu flndlhal beuuty le faDing avay, Try "Darnewend'e Mugi.," To lie cldenly mai viti bis tecks la deeay, Try "Dern~wend'e Magie," A niai head et hair, Is as precioliS as rare, Se I tel pou Tq "Do~ewen<Is'5 Magie." Tic lady's miafortune whcn tcsing ban bain Try "Dornewend~s Mugie." Sic cii quickly, asil7cbeap1y~epi1t, Il irnpmrts.sl~ngth ai±d-beuuly, And it's lie hady's plain duly, Solteilycu. "Dennsvsnd's Magie." Take lime by lis forsleek nid stilI boT jour ovi, Try "Donnevend's Magie.' Thue Tonie, a failure bas neyer yel: kiiowa~ -. Try "Derusvcnd'sMagle.' Try Ibis mollo te liced, Try 1111 yen suceeed, Sa 11.11 yen Try uDornevend's Magie.' Tbls nov famous preparatici for livigu- rattng as~d stimulaling lie grewhb cf lb. iuir. la univènsmily accepted as lie mail vatumble specifle on lic manket. AU DIseuses o(tlie Scplp ira altier Ema Mevedor P.rmmueo>IyO~unm4. A. rieb sn&nipi&grovth~thait w*U~.fc1- 1ev atter judielone anA reguistI éulmuutmi Ibat il remains wlti lie user mien. te. se- cure tic desired resuits. DR. DORENWEND'8 HAIRMAGIO. issoldbymll Dnugglstsitl peu boIlleer 6 bcttles for $5.. If notoblainibla la jOur lccahity, send direct ,nolcslng prie., le A. DORNRWBND'8 108 & 105 Yo Sold by W. R. Hou LTJM GI Lt Langes~ sur fax o ions. "As glares tic tiger on hie focs, Hemmed lu by huntere, speurs mcd bows, And, crs lie bounde upon the ring, Seleobe tie objeol of bis epning." So diseuse, un myriad forms, fusIons its fange upon lise mmmc race. Ladies who suifer from dielressing alImente peculiar te their 5cr, should use Dr. Picrcc's Favorite Prescription. Il us s positive cure for lise mout cumplicabed mnd obstinated cases of leucorrehea, excessive flowing, painful mensîruation, unnalural suppressions, pie- lapsus, or falling of tise vomi, veak bmck, "female veakuese," anleversion, retrovesion, beaning-down sensation, chronie congestion, inflammation mcd ulceration of tic woxnb, in!mmmmtion, pain md bendernes in ovales, accompanied wihis "internai issat." Oving b lie inoreaecd price ('f wheat lise Winmpeg bakere have raiecd tise pnice of bread. C~T~ILE~B~ - A Mev Home Trealment for liS Cure cf Catarrb,, Cate.rrhal Diafassa mnd - Hay Fever. Cc. o1~T. ained,, swing Lusion Fair- n niy easily ~nger bah.» le. I want- e. I onlbe ER. swing dors. ecoun- swing i any b- de ~R. ;e bbc ricl. lIe mi er Ad- re md- rit EWMA~ EMBROCAnON. -P OR- R4EUftI*V1 ONt LumBAGO. S~ RA UNS. BRU USES. S-rt PPNLSS, SORS TNRO&T.........COLO. C.-ELSTCO LOs. TheSaPes. Quêckest.most: 1/14 ELLxM»~, SQ certain remedy___ 78~. J're-parcd only by [~LOUCH ENCLAN oJ EXHAUSTED VITALITYS

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