Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1888, p. 1

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HITBY RONICLE. tees Progrour With calm Printed words, great thouglits, and untiring industry VOL. XXXII. WUJTTBY, ONTARJO. Knowledge, Brot±ierhood. JUTNE 15, 1888. Whitbp Qhrou*ckt, Bstablished 1856. The Leadinq WeekIï In Ontaîlo CouPty1 SUBSORIPTION RATES. $1 per annum in advance-$i.50 other- vise. Subserip tiens are always payable ut ho office ef publication. stea oqimnt and 'beat fnrnished Book andJo prlnting plant in Eastern Ontarie, capable et exeeuting alclasses et .work f rom the large poster te the emallegt handbill. Speelul mention is made et the unsurpaseed proefa fuolities et THE CafioN- ICLE, wlth its celebrated N. Y. Cottrl cylinder prose and othor modemn cenveni- onces. Every order recoives prompt, car.- fui attention. TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. Firet insertion, per line, 10 cents ; each subsequent insertion, 5 cents. Displuyed Âdvertisements are measured by a scule et seiid Noupareil, and charged acoordingly. Advertisements sent without writton instructions inserted until forbidden, and chargcd for funl l ime. Ordeosfor disoontinuing udvertisements muet ho in writing, otherwiee tho pubiish- ers wili net bo rosponsibie. A liberal discount for contract advertise- ne nts by the year. Copy for changes et contract advortisemcnts sheuid ho handed in net lator than Wednesday ; and notice )f anyintonded changes should ho given oefore Tuosday noon. Othor advertise. mente reoeived up te Thureday noon. Business notices in local or newe columns Five cents per Une weekly. Locale, 10 at.. per lino weekiy. Corrospondence soiicited frein ail parts of the Connty or neighboring townships. correspondents are requested te eond in thoir communications as promptly as possible, HENDERSON & JOHN STANTON, Sup't Moohanical Dep't. GRAHAM, Proprietors. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., BARRISTER, County Crown Attorney, &na cou.ty Slicitpr. OfIBO,- 'South wing, Court Hlons., Whu1tby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, IARRISTER, &a. Office fornierly oc- cupied by Farewell & Rutledge, next to0 Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.A., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR I.N Chancery, Cenveyancer, &c. Oruîci-In the Office south ef the Post Office, ini MoMilan'B Block, Brook Street, Whitby. - ly-lO G. YOUJNG SMITH, L L. B., BARRISTER, &o., &.-Meney te Lean Issuer of arriage Licenseis. Oirxci-Smith'is Block, south of Market, B rook St., Whitby. Jan. 229 1878. JOHN BALL DOW, B ARRISTBR-AT-LAW, SOLI01TOR in Chancery, Conveyancer, &o. Office-Deveril'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-PrlvateFundu3,- n snmo Up to $8000, at a low rate ef in- terest. (ly-52. LYIMÂN EN'GL1SB, IL L. B.,, B? ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN .L>hancery, Convoyancer, &.,kc. Sim- c00 Street, Oshawa. P. GORDON NELDRUM, Physiolan, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office hene,-8 te 10 - a. mn.9 2 te i and 7 te 9 p.m. No. 3, THE 'TERRAOB," BYRON-ST., WTTTY. Ml. C. CRAW FORTH, VETERINARY SREN Gruduateof ett. Ontario Voeicnnry, Col- loge, Tornto. Orders by mail or hoiegrupli promptly aliended te. Office ut residence et G. Ayneu, opposite Dr. Bogart'u , Dundas sineot, Wlitby. L1VERY and SALE 8TABLE8, BIROOK SBTRBRT, HTY Good Rigu ana good Bor ses. ;Temi ra- onable. S., RlGGS &IQ' B3 cor. Klng a su Yjo, Ste,' _&. A. FOST-. ate with Langley, Langloy & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Designa for Clinrohes, Villas and Cot- tages a speciaity. Drawings prepared for romodeling ezieting structures. OrrcEc-Firet flat over Howse's Drug Store. P.O0. Bex 202, WmTBT. Dominion Lino of Royal Mail STEAXSHEIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. Frein Montreal. Prom Quebec *Vancoiiver..Wed.L June 13..Tburs. Jun. 14 Toronto......Thur. 21................ Sarnia......Thur. 28...Frid'y. June29 *Oregon......Wed. July 4 .. .. Thurs. July 5 Montreal...Thur. 12........ *Vncouver.... Wed. 18... .Thurs. July 19 BRiSTOL SERVICE von Avo,,MOUTH DocK.- Ontario from Montreai about Wed. June 20. Texas 44 < July 4. Cabin Rates frein Montreal or Quebec. FreinS-50 te $80, according te steamer and position cf State Rom, with equal saloon priv'ileges. Second Cabin (very su- peror accommodation), SM0. Steerage at 1 owest rates. *These Steamers have Saloon, Staté&'. rooms, M nsic-reem, Smoking-reom and Bath-reoms amidshipe, where but little me. tion 18 feit, and they carr neitter Cattie nor sheep. The Reeme are aIl entside. Tho accommodation fer Second Cabin on these Steamers is exceptionally good. and well wortby the attention of the travelling public. The l'Vancouver" is ligbted threughout with Electric Lig lit, and bas prevel hersel te be one et the f astest Steamers in the At- lantic trade. Passengers can embark at Montreal il they se desiro. DAVID TORRANCE & CO., General Agente, Montreal. E. STEPBENSON, Telegr-aph Office, Local Agent, Wbitby. PllIan bine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL,9 LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. SUMMER ARRA.NGEMENTS. DATES 0F SAIUINGS. Steamers. Sammatiomn... .... ....... Parisian ....... ......... Polynesian.............. Sardiràan............... Circassi,àA................ Frein Qucbec. 2l"t 7June 28th 1 6tb July lftb « 2th t RATES 0F PASSAGE BY MAIL STEAMERS. Qnebec te Liverpool. Cabin, 50, $60, $70 and $80 according te accommnodation. Intermediate, 580.0, Steer- ago, $20.00. iteturu icketp, Cabin, 890, $100, $130.(Y>, 8150.00. Intommediato. $60.00. Steer- ugo, "0.00. GaUle, Pige or Shoep are net carried on these steamers. IMPORTA.NT NOTICE. Caiin, Intermeaiato and Steerage Passengeru ma~ go on board at Mentreai. B~ tbis arrangement passongers are enubied te comortably settled on board the Ocoan Ste s.f1 wtlin only lilteurs railway journey frein tby. Stee go passongers booked te or frein Glasgow, Boitait, Quosustovu, or London, saine rate as Liverpoel. Bristol sud Cardiff $2.00 extra Passongore and hbeir bagguge are put on beard the Oceun Steumshipe ut Quebea free et ail exponse. Parties tseudiug fon theln fMends lu the. Old Country eau obtulu PREPAID PAS- SAGE CERTIFICATES ut loveat rates. Fer Ticketis and uIliether infermation, apply te W. A. Yule, Agent, Express Office, BROOK ST., WHITBY. 1888. 1888. SPRTNCT AG(AIN. And if U R looktug for a Nice Papen for your Panier, Dinig Room or Kitchene juet cul suda se. my Stock wlihis THE LARGE8T AND BEST Byr en inluWhiby, comprnletugthe lai. est deeiguîuandeolorninl Amerlo.an and Canadian Wall and 0e/lin g Paper, DeloanPtinns. ndî tn Pure Heilebore1 -A.ND- Pure Paris Green FOR SALE BY WL n 10E!,i CHEMIST and DRUGOIST wi-ITBz:s-. Tooth Brushes, Hair Brush os, Combs, Perfume8, Tooth Soaps, And ail other Articles necessary to the Toilet, are kept iu good vaniety by W. R. HOWSE,&y Chemist and Druggist, Whitby. THORLEY Horse &Cattie -crQQ%)D In lots te suit purchasers. W. R., HIOWSE, CHEMIST A.ND DIRUGGIST, Agent for WlLitb7J. Wright's fiheuma tic flemedy, FOR SALB BY W . I l LETTERSU ea thait our rallier 8s ai lengtli remevn m. .Barked shinsan àf'ttu be but im- fat fiit1e ood worm lu somo had become imbedded lu the flashi loft arm, uyd se, severe wus is effeet ledcal aid hud te be called lu. Tii. r-pronounced ht a case et polsoning, bermere gave ht as his opinion that inet have been long before blood nig weuld have net in. exeontive commtte.eoft1he Sunday 'l cennet doalde as te wnat way they d xpend the. proceode et lb. recent "rsY, amounting te about 625. Some e touchers are lu favor et buying a wudbo a good invesimeni. There - however, already been two or three 9 e in the. echool, and they ail sem nte been destroyed through thc careleenese -îator:::sof thereuders. As tiene is snnh meney te purchase a reully good t etit it cenld b. well expended in buying ptural mupe and charte wblch on uccount d~~rbible claes meetings, wouid prove ¶bly acceptable. GREENWOOID. 14.Andrew Tait paid a fiying visit te bis *home 1h15 week. ~Genwood Ce. et 351h Batt Cupi. Heu- àn in cemmand loti for llagara camp ýéTueeday. e 1 P-he sohool icnic la te b. held on Friday We 29th. Xddreasea arc epceted frein *o.Mr. Hall, Messrs. Smi, M. P., - lire., Hendersen and Farewell of Whiby cÙdohers. A good baud vili b. iu attend- MRTLEC. ~Mr. Cbunley Bedeen axia wif e et Toronto, ane spending their holiday week lier. visît- Mt Moinde. Mr. Liddy loiti on Monday mornig luet ýt the Animai Methodiat Conterenco now >*'ng held iToronto. 4Ute Art]%ux Clark from near Oakvilje, Clark from Gakville lofti lier homes on Tneaday laut. W. are pleaeed te euy 'that Mr. Wee. Batoman lnaugolu able to work and ride eut. Hie leum is being driven ibis week by Rom- mey Pike. Mr. Jim Ledingten taking thc plae et T. W. Brooks and Fred Lawrence the place of George Wood loftibore ton Uic voînuteers encampSrent ut Niagara on Tuesduy. This place hum beau peuted iti pring witi trempe, but new for some two dYs ihere liasnet eue turned np. Whether iboy are net sutiisfied viii thoir pai sua- cee, or wlieiber tliey intond te aligli thie placew.e don't know, and whatever their reason la for net aomiug tor a tcw days, w. hoe they vil krop ounet cemiug. Mxi. Elluby, the. wtt. et the engineer ai th. grain elevater bore, bua been suffearln-g tor some lime wich some nerveus affection, sud a 1ew days ugo ah. became vory lew spinited, and tuer. vas a consultation et docters held, sud they decided on seedlng lier te tb. Âsylum at Toonto and sh. wus taken thore lait week by lier brother, Mr. Moaler, and lier husbund. The neiglibora sympathize vib lbth amlly ufficted but .specially viiih.e ive young chikIdren that liuve\»[t their ovn levlng mother te cure for tlipm.Furm er ae busy vith their iurnip g oud»d figuring on the hlay prospecta. The naid siorm on Sunday nigt did an immense amount et good. The light lands te the nonuli et us veno begùinig teonM ont for rain. The Rov. Mr. MaLelland atarted fer the General Auaombly meeting ut Halife on Monda lut, acoompanfledby MUn. No- Lollnd adarnily vie go te Aylmer, Que. Mr. Jue. Bunohil lias retugrued f9m the colllngvood Oollexiie sttut. *)eene hi bas 'beau p qoin .connseof ' gkdy aine Septemn lait. ontbiz*ks thegonS, a d.atdfrom Caf 1g oand iti$aImîe The. citizens committee met on Saturday evening last and made final arrangeents for the grand celebration ef Domiinday on Menday July 2nd. Preparations are b. ing made for a grand gathering and there is no doubi a&l expeotations wiilb. fuMflled. Atlheleio sports in greak- variety wMi be keenly contested. Braa and string bande .A Higuhland Pipera lu costume wP1 b. present to furnish music feor the. lovera of the. light fantastie. Two classes of girls and boys of teW hitbyHe*teinutnte Mr. J. Stonffer lias lest two spring colts. Tlius the içhoei et death roUla on. Miss FIera Barkey et Stouffvllle was vieil.- ing her many triends heu'. last week. Mr. A. S yplier et thia vicinity was draw- inq hay te Toronto ihis week. Ho reports ,prices fuir.t Seme etfeuar citizens took advantage et the. excursion te Fenelon Faise on Wednep..- dLay last. Mr. W. J. Lelimun et Detroit was lier. lat week. Ho sarted en hie returu trip We&nosday evening. The. choir oet he Methodisi churcli las' been largely increased inà numbers of laie They zucet weekly for practice. Mr. Alfred Day, et Toronto preaelied in -the. Methodstochurcli bore Sunday atternoonj te a very large and attentive audience. Our young people have a craze for crequet plying and borso-baek riding tuis sum mer. Its dulil imes they Bay, ulioy have got to de something te muke a stûr. Tii. people eft tiis vicinity are delng their statut. labor this week. Pauli masters sheuld see thut ne more gravol in stole frem the pit on eur majesty's soul. Our publie acheel Lad an average attend- ance et torty-two pupils luat month. The sehool in in excellent condition and our citizens are muoh pleased uit the succesa wblcl islabelng attuined by ithe siirning tofforts ot Mr. Stark. Mr. Andrew miller an indigent whe was taken by Mr. Jeu. Monkheuse te, Toronto Hospital lait winter lias retumned te eur- little bainiet and ln iepesing linlits old neat. Il eux county couneîilhaît uny sens. they would ereci a suitable place for ail suai poor helpies feilows. The agitation in tavor et repeal et Scott Act in Ontario la getting abused by the tem- perano. peeple oft hâatowu. Roader 1 what are yen doing te sink ibis infernal business eut et, existence. <Jan yen imagine the liideous train et ruin, diseae and unutter- able wretohedneas w*ieh ibis ioioar4 vice entails. Keep the. ScoitÂ"lau& . fre. from crime, ubsolute destitution and hopeles misery. O chistian voter, we have ibis di-v nely appointed remedy, in eux hande and sell net Uic God et Heaven hold un reaponsible te bis bar for the continunce efthiis terrible evil. Come out trom this awtulpurtnership whleh ubrowa upon your seul part girnt for every broken heurt., every saddened homne every wnecked lite whlch but for the drum-ehops yen pluced lu their way mighl have been singiag for jey, brlghteued wiihsunniest hope, und filled full of refining in:fluCee. CulI and ose. the nov stock oftglassvare ut tue store hors, you vwii be sure te ose. some- thing thai yen vaut and be uurnid ut ithe prices. The mon n u us ocelity have been vcnk* lng for the Q aeen ti pai vweoL and ,Mn. Burjgesas path muster deserves preut credit. tor th. manner l ini hho lias nputred th. noedy yluoei. Mr. Audrev Hisklngbottom la împrovmng lie-looke of hie farm by nev fonces. -go bïs lt about ive liundred rodeansd ho.,toila me ho linet thrcugh yet. True industiius aiwaysamp a meade Notice cf reunoval. Tiie boys thutild the books have ciiunged thei oation iince. uoifted 1h. public -befornd I suppose thia wiiicausenbellef In my report never. iheloes i lvu no1t-eould net -liea vey liard malter to find ýthemaguin. Pnionda :-Don'tluntapnmnia muscle muy b. veli devoiéope, Dcn't imagine,,everytun l eakening,. Butter ila luginth. maketý. Dogu'veyrlv lea.dream- Wakto e hêxp kadt"hlerto get Don't tongot filalttu<s tie place. t.gel rubbIs. to bury ,lier liere on Sunday.- She badl made many friends, in the .Army and but of it, dnring ber short stay ini Brooklin and conseqnently a large number -toilowed the remaunb toeGroveside- ceznetery. A meme- rial service was held in the barraoks t iith evening and wau ably condùicted by, Capti. Leonard, of Whutby. The duties et a newspaper correp<mdet. are as varied as they ave . ' duties n as suiei reporier ex sue rss paper lu th. ceunty vasu hut asocttedWhthiei iuquiry luto the causes, that proôdnced' th. uutimely deauli cf poon '<Carie," the fuihul guardian o et tio5me8s", and wvie.achievé- menti on thi fele0tee yen ver. pleaseid te chroniao leuoe et youx ai ises.Ie more- villpan0Criebuythe moen ait mid-' uight umid a aiof e bot-jacks from th. neuâresi utie vindew, onhum eweet lui- ublea te tethiug uppies »eneuth th. kitchen range. No longer vii the féline- concerta b.untimely ciosedby bis unexpeet-' od outrance, or the Thomas eut prhdon, the gaie pout, listen with palt»nghUt te Uic melcdy o et itausicaltoues. Neyer aguin vill h. parade eux atreeta lu the triumph et victary ith hie caudal append- ugo deconuted viii a lest yearIÉ cyster can. Se accusiemed liedlie become, peer telov, te this'sert et pasi-time liai vhonover or whcrever lic aw a emaUilbey âùd a tin can, li mmediately backed -up tte .sain., anâ stoed in meek expeoiauoy of -the 'onored decoratien. An inqueut, and pui montem by thiedoge ofthe villagenrevealéd the tact tiat lic hud net received tain. treuiment -luin hie laite enceunten. At th. vory moment_ viien 'Jumbo" liad formed an attualimeut for the. bock-cf lies uecki hie owuen, r- om wliom lie lid reason te, expeci bet.rthiugu, seized hum from bebind' and tiras placed him eniirely ut thc mec of hia antagonisi. Thi as uhle "mool unklndcsl cunt et ail" and lu the minda eft haejury,was deacrvîng cf the severeut censure. Tho jury r6turned la' verdict thaitue deod came -te hie deui fror Iheart diseuse and general debility aung frem the aut -et p noper uouitle-: meut, and aggravaied b y hiellut. encounien vith«"Juin o'. Atter- the -.fludlng etoflie jury lied been conocirred in,he usmbied, canines ?enformed, he laut ýsud-:rites, oven tue romains et their laieelaiamôn teý the hune et "'Peor Dog T aIy. With i ees b.- dimmed, viti tous ad3Tusin. epoa fnl <lances ai the piroprielon eO -the,~ Timesx vho utood dat off whth conscence~ ainicei~m e âiJte cn'l ]Lngns f42Eo ana vlti aïeoped tuile anad pdent ours puscd uireugi a Loiuleie fhe tnceana e chiot coustable Wilson te stand alone as chie ot mern. During tlie solema Qere- mony a black fi ug lung ut huit ýmeXqt -lu front ef the 2'ie office expr"essivfetpublie grief ait the fte cf Carie. -Mr. and Mxi, Wm. Holliday and fam et Tornto are visiting ot Mn. D; Holida. 0o. Go. Notes. There vras a bit cf aacmen ule onel on Fntiday mening bvenDeputy-Pbeev Thompacuof, et oi oLarged hei Rosa.e Smith. cf Whhtby , or Depu*iy-.Reev, IU ccx, of Pont-Perry, viti h*vi& dlàlse secets oet uliePxdpnty -Oemmitte.'s zoom. Mr. Smih ei.plulnedaler somehbot' wo*d tuati somemqmàbers cf th. commitee b aa 3kneMr*. Decker'abocut ,lte .prpoed tii. salaries cf hlit au lb.i B. vii Le efn from lthasecond !ep)ôe* 0of the3ducation ozmmhtieethat a compeition. viii tàe place for overy.-vwacany 'tuai ceurslM t1ia ,ountrylo imolanshp nt, Aunloutu*alColie e t Geb I. P. Chemist cà Druggi8, W H 1IT BYa DOWLI Ne8 Popsin R A Romedy/orlD AU iinda of Hoiüse, 8ig, ýa<md Fres. co.Pa~t~nj, ýprTangong and Cel Window Shade anud prèng RUers - put hp sn th#,beanrser. - A C. WI-L S 0 b 1~BI .NO . 27. - -A

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