Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1888, p. 8

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We hm thé .Whltby Iamss clublu - basebail on 'mobday a o. ater pieu 8005é-? teS6la favorof Pot Perry. D-u't forges Whltby's game vith tI Uulvel.o, ef Toronto, Baturday at teracu et 8-.45'oléoek10cenuts adisâmaon. W. den't hear anythtg frein Oshai' abOnt t6.1 elum lacrse match th. Vil dicafor vas blowing about. Aàt 1h. lulemuatlontl cricket match1 Toronto W.dueaday sud Thurudsy, t Amerieanigave the Osuadian cioketers terrible drullb'li . lu 1h. international matohbm in Toroni Hamilton and London ou Monda y aftemnooz tbros Amerloan clubs only made ene m boetenuthei. The three Oànsdiau- clut von five gamea eut eofsiz th".dey. Oshawa's sportiug clubs aI lent found place where hy cmn vin s gme. The: defeated Brpe=luet basebail Menus Their basobU club made more rusr agaie Brooklizi Ibm 1heir cricket club dld agains Bewmanville. Bine. tjbridXe sud PickerinË defeatE Whltby et cricket, thoir local papers a» fightin for the champieuahlp cf the dis oalt. hey Izsdbotteb bth eaU theinselveï a f and s4low tbe clubs te settie that. Thon iu lotsaottime for -both.et theux te loge'i Oonsldemable feeling bha. oltéer or year between Torento aud Coruwall, reoult. îin lu ' ard fonght match 0etlà crosse at Toronto on Baturday. The latter took 4goals to 2 sud nov the Corr. vals s»Y they ver. only playlug 16.1 vcak men. The pmenet pl&aylng of the Toronto bu. bail club îsouet goed eneugh te warrant one lu beli.ving they vil vin the international ponant 1hié year.Syracuse hue it preltt sale. If Toronte -ateod where Syracuse do«, 'sud Syracute in Toronto'. place, Canadians vould b. williug te bt ô tel1co Toronto. IDtAi Bren?. En.-1 oar a good demi ef ta1k about the fun ixr-watchimg city baaeball but give me the cou$try gaine for my enter, lainuent. I ha pe~d to e i. Brooklin on the momnug cf ominlu day, and, he theovas to e hose ubaebali plas straok eut for 1he . T hegundls o as if they had been àýigiual iuteuded for a gzyrd.-usthbugh 1h.o Mes huo all dug a* dleft ,tere gap. i ougpen, dowu tbreugh 1h. centre' le ale drain, or ommli oau4 m1b vo hol lumny a plyer dl.mppoared durzug the, gaine. The fouibaU ielher'go avay acrets the xxllvsy track or else Jute au sad aent potato palch viiere a eommitlee o e iuhunt thon% up. I believe 1 heard Brookilu'suntgen. lots ou th"t occasei Ocme frenom aa, andY Lms-saY thla mueh for 1h. vlsîting teain, that il they cau'î play baeu th.y eau SeOear. Tb* umpfre had nover seen a gamoe -of bail before, ave sud except togtbail, and hie docisions vers cf the most original ch«Sracez- lu (eeInstance ho howlod "streck eut ou Ord M The baller. lot oliver atI eviry bail Ihal came aloug, and uo'eer faied te, bit overythiug thst vau vithin zaoh, until eue druuk foilev tock the bux and fell to ptchlng a rot or so frein the plate Tho Oshava cricket club would b. aallald- .116 as inurmni eacb lunings as Voe taken thero. I etopp.d se long sI euld sud ssv three iuniugs, sud nmade £rmgsmàeuts te have lh. final score sont- Ime br telograph. but, as I have ne word 70t,1lpresume the gAmolmnet yet conclud., ML . -A.I s4ta dA4 th. commnecementî-of Ibi lete Broklu ithe Place for me te, »uisumhuIsm Day xete., Prom w a m o enlearu 1thegmâtent base- aIml match cf the day vau held st Brooklil, vheie several hudredacf us weère ruade. Ataà pic-uic sud evenig saoci at Gruqou- baud ou Moiiday 8200wue cloared over Ml exrpeesm. There wu' cither sabi h.pof hash dispcsed cf er else emona'oold at tventy-tlv. cents a glu&s Thé greâtee4 hoiday pic uic vr hela lu the couuty teck Plce nt "ebdi on' Mon. da. People flocked iu frein ail directionm. aul 16the eymet utvawbeuuded. 4M1 tho.amumee uoadvertioed vere carried eut villipreçolo-msudeueugh fonds vero fgrth. comiug tW squa off aU liabilitico. Our -ÀaehbuÏrn frieüdsi rill bel eucoouraged te go on ýth " naud aoutiig and make itthepSc. uac of l»-niço _mlone pessto draw at tlis seacson cf 1h. y.ar fily botter Ibm herse raeeug, Pmd espcllly se Whoun-thegate meuey ai Pic-niea inoludes «Y amoutof ". Mont .1 Iliumdearl joe.teuest, 50-centse vortb *ver, eud ~Pstestes in solect.- eutiug lu the vood% Wht-toe sneo xetemeutasd vbere aiu accal leaanlouu w refereuce te the -rad-bot hurly-bly Of 1era0cocase T s tirue for bouM b. spilug «4 WLi '1e vopds or ceiar aemmore uib- abloïna&mer. 0 ofoi Whiq People Who thbuk a race coumse as q11thatm z. -tOcomplote oui aarangmets éold boa lu mmd th"thoru&rag iasmlikoly te go out iluthe' *malterofc fl siuiugcovdas auy chier drav- lugocard. -Oun dsy sudTuesdy Port 9?oer effered perbape t16elargest Pums ever Faytgzvmua aoo uutry o>mse nlu ada sutd*Wusd ale . dvautsg. cf abeautiu traok and other acezmoédation ; but the crowds vere amli uetvithatadiug il this~, and it, bock 1h. AsociationU ailIlîlme te pa>' cPeuse. Mlth"I rvetdPr aasquatr the -1. fct 16at ~ldeu'I ecte. peopletesegresl su et v.heu they gîtusto il, Baa1 book 9ke t4grdaf. ine WTut« 4riu CL. que n 1 k R d 4 à 19 r r t mit Geofge To"e, DmuglstGraveuhurt OnLt., wÉlt--:414y oustemersvho have used Nevthvep Lymu's Vegetable Dis- male msd Dsopepl ure g, la>'t attha* dcoue the=n more god itusthu g 1a hiy )ovortijdietieors ,11 lirkIny. u ildio Md e 6 syste i 4 aynm i À h ~ 'BuvlTyourprhmt. ai W. eoê. é à Pum- aukglvu.ïqfuk a 00ud 16,o il veW1piloos lai W9 . G.Wallers. Md 100 patterai lu embroiderles 'to sels, '~frein At W.G. Wleis. 6e Juar reod nov stock of boy's oug u, aktoses thern a1lW.G. Walters. Howicay ad glo ase eeptlomnal] Wb low prices. ab W. G. Walter#. w The, Royal Hotel Barber shop la ià place te getashair culer àsuio, eau hoe Ausxteueeourdrees goode ast 121 5check andplein te match at W. É O, Use Dr. Doreuveud'a Great Germa )n Humr Magfie for bildnui, gray haïr,1 bu for sale by ail druggist.. *The. rogular meeting of 1h. W. C. 1 aU. viii bc held at th. reading room oc 13Y Friday, July Sth st 4 e'olock. zt The Gisasnsd vter Co. hie scour.i st about $2500 of subscribed stock and 1 negotiatiug vlth parties te drill for gai d Our correspondentse hould beit à s.mid -net te doser& us during tb. holi mdays. Get somabody to e ed the ncv, rein. - Lb Amoug thoue who passed inu 16 graduatin lu aieaIOntario Agricul trlCellege, Guelph, la veek, w tnotice th. Dame cf our young friend, LeMr. 8. P. Brown, Wbisby. Congratula. tions 8. P. Ir Gilpin., of Uxbridge, finished hù hirty days Sett &etsentence lu jai aud vas disobsrged yosterday. Re esys ho bas fot been used to luxurieu for a mentu put aud vil have te est a esy for a tme tobreak limself lu tc , the bout Ihingu. ri The. Oshawa 'Vindwoetor emye thoe wili require o e h.over Ibrèe. hndred floado et brick hauled hem lb.e Whitby brick yards tc, Oshawa tuis summer, to, buid the large extensions required by the illannPiano Co. sud Cedar Dale r The Movsl Msnufmturiug Co. bas 1been worklng over lime this week to fil île eders for thre Cloke>' Mover. iThe maschine vorks splendidly, i. enly be thae weight of ochers and usewith a gresl doal loes draft. M. G. F. Ohapina, photographer, bus gene te, Beaverton, sud starlod huefaoesthere lu hie linome, f.proved a akiliful sMd relimble artiel vhlle bcre Lsud leaves fully roepected by sI. W. reoommend bim te, tho Beaverten people s a reliable photographer. Thore ar etlt a fev people lu tevu *ho Wireaemnoeugb to jump the fonce go "ee,» basebali omatch. à nuniber cf 16.1v usines vere bauded lu this veek, but ve tbought is boit te gi. thein suothor chince. before lettiug the public knov, thougir suite, ourpmieed êai soe usines on the lit. Ouit tovun readers vil be pleased te notice Ihal the baiebili club hie.goa engagement for 8aturday on the grounds I$ire. The "Univerus" of Toronto aue lobber.on %Iar iflernoon and play sat S;45- Thon v ho lateud- te ;ump the fecoe mi> have free pas.., b>' ipPIying o ho6e Seoreta>, @- E. -Bay Jr. If sco f 1he tovu'Bandai>'sehools aud album clildron's organlitions would go au wiIh 16,fr pic-nie. nov while the greves are fresh sud odean, It vould b. better &hmn t put il off and thon & ail ah ie fit at once after a virile and figimt about th. groves sud fiver>' rigo. The. present iasn good a e B s 'j 'J t Il J E I i .1 I I u I 8u~ pou shc oea 02«iof, htnl91 MA . Y MARRET i Fe le Ia1d:ml'm' 070 250 0 >75 0 68 0 00 O040 1100 4 75 500 200 190 007 6201 ,020 0121 0 mo o010 010 laitý NEW GOODSJdUS TIN. Lîadies' Short Vest and Queen M7ains, Brooches, Cuif Butions, A*., -LL TH - PolWheaî..........61460 75' FPlu, p0ew.... 75. 2o Bal>'............-067 Bye ... ... ... s. 045 Peau...........055 Bine Pa........oo Obts ........085 Hay.........1050 AlaikoOlever smd.....4 60 MWdClover seod.........e a0 400 Apples, pez'*bble.to.......50 Tomatoos..........00 Potoe»sper big...aa.....aioa100 Eggs .................. 018 Butter. ...............Ol1 Rides, per lb.........od Pork, porovl.........600 Turuipu .......... ...... 015 Celer>', ver des.......o0 Chiokenu, per lb0... 00 Tukeys, per 0.....O10 ( Ducks, per h ............ 010q Gese erlb .............o00o C Oheese................. 0 12 C Wood ............. .... 400 .geskn ......... 4 1i4W Yomx. TIMBER LAND CUICÂGO. ST. LOtYZI FOi? AE JFor Sae-The tionth 170 acreeg of Lot No. 4, in the Brd con. Reach. The. land is well oovered wîth valuable timbor. For terme apply to the nndereigned, Whitby. D. ORMISTON, Vendor's Solicitor. Datod 21 June, 1888-28-8 in. JOHN FA HQ UHARISON, General Insurance Agent. 4E W PATT E RN S jPbonx ireOfiLondon, 'Eng. Gents' Chains and Cuif Butons, Watches, Clocks, andSilverware, Plated Knives and Fork8 Much reduced in Price. Patchea, CIocks and Jewellerey è9. epalrsd,-. ÂMES JOHN-STO-N. EVERY WOMAN Ielgfrei an'di»MSe r eknees ulrte bueMx o a sud dellà acur Onum ""n te P. O. box 948Tm"otofor a VIEWS AND FRAMe =»pIng lbo subeciber vwie't n tW.& vehart téken amg framd i lvesmng May84s,'188. Phoogmp'eWhb. Pire Insurance Asociation, London, Eng. Citizon'o Inhurance Company, Montreal. Quebec Pire Âesurunce Comnpa.ny, Quebec. ,£tu& Fire InsurangeCompany, Hartford. Londoni & Lancashire Life, London, Eng., London Qnapantee & Accident Cu., England. Hamblon Provident & Lban So'y. HEamiltù4. OFFIGE.-POST.OFFICE, WHITBY. 111 Iargis RoyalBirga: ALL THROUGH "THE STOCK# ON- : : DAYS,- Ibm au or excellence proven lumillions ef homes fo cre to qU sr f a century. Ib is uscd bybUnlbhed t tates Qoverment. Endorsed b y 1h. he =sehe great Universi- lies as thre Strengeotw ueusd meut heaibir- fui. Dr. Price's Cream Bsklng Powder does net conta.lu Ânmnuia, Lime, or Alurn. Beld only iu Cans. PRICE BÂKING POWDER CO. People* bri.ng us their rnoney and. get the most for it. stantly adding new Goods to our Fine Stock of CO'S. new scherne a great suocess. 8Ph'ING Cou-.- and SUMMEIi'0008, Coiisisting of the best selections and latest styles of Staple an7d"!Fancy Dry Goods. Now let us help you to save rnoney. 'Do be wise and corne and see our new styles and get our low prices. Corne and get your share of these bargains riglit a.way. Special Inducements ini Clothing Department. Boys!1 now is the time for a goo&- suit "nt littie momey. Corne in and get our prices. POWELL-&o lui E 0 l J c m t ORAT ETE AND LuIte R aR ocisl o meZne orsadlgustlng lotin of'f2wderbaUbut a Be-geuera-ý 'tlug Vapor, eaeily sd VI= - plidl iours, limes sud placec. .,,..NO. ly rellevesMthoro..,,..y cures ailThia-t sud LcbatisNo. . -poelblvely curesaU disaeussof th.e y caOtaraci Gran - The mtest S*e o l&td y4~Iudlme4 I4yes* neirsud far sightednesa Tu. Zia teAue. TRUuAmm l r a ssew uununcuuw irmoUAnmArWuzi O .15 PAYS Pri>efOrhad"ely Mlustràtea boek and hosl Price - tjci.urnaL.WT.AB&O.l5uentee UI roeOn 18 8ILVEE.PLTED ORIENTAL Tu oi' abrh remedy eve r erd t e 6 pbis on 15 days tria; lu =;eslt*, TontOi The Peaue Furnace. VOLO WIjitbu $1 Per annuin lm wîse. -Subsioriptioi' ho offie cf Public&' i' Steim equipmei Book sd Jb jËriu * Ontridi capableofe work f roJi 1h. lsrg * han dbIl. Spcial1 uniurpsssed préss- iCLU, wibh 115 0.1 cy1if der-pr é s u d- endes. Evry ordei * fu i 'athe u o f. TZRMS 07, o p>eretinsertc * :Dlsplsei Âdveim * i~ya sosieetf oida instructinsinuert *charged-for fil in Orders fr diso mut b. lu writiug, oris *111notb. roil 1A libersl disocu mente b>' 1the yeav moi nts p *pêr lin. vool ý.Of hie Oount] 'R Bnp't Mec JOHN E. A TTOBffl' The focloiug lestlmonias a peak fcr 1q Foua JaUge 13rain: Whitby, May 416, 188. - .F.Puas. PuuAcn Co., Toronto, have much pleasure in. stablng 161 oia>,th B 001 No. 14 Bcouemy Furzpace, placed* by yen LIVtaa, STo X, l- tu MY rosideuce la"tbuali baigvicunuscoin. T. nioaearîrsoe1hal o tort sud smtisfàctlcu varmluig boîh upper uiplgrteaoudnîstol o hlï emb sud lover zooms, vihhia veu tempersqure, vitheut duitÃ"r gis. -W. dld Dot requlve te 'th,&' ils Os ur gril.. aveu n t 1codest vether, mactured cnly aI 71,1 1 XFORDI)sTREu -and take pleacure lu rec*Ommondlng, your byau Medfiole Vead Purue ta my firends hoeesud oelsehee. &W prciis.e M onic bobte reLeâon the.BK Your ibruiel - Judige, Wbitby. * Wbibby, Mmy 416,12i. J. FPaisFm e *,Txn. liue>' t e urlu. k te 1 no spbc, nid THE FOR A TEBIL OP~ Mud on] t.,r J I BARGAIN WEDNE8DA YS and SA TUIOAý Y8,' 1 POWELL FOR SALE, 19 i 1 în J'lune

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