8PECTA,:CL £'8, Plttc with Sieiitifto eouraoyby the ume of DA. BuakIing'8 ;Opthalmascopic Test. This instrument is endorsed by the. et8cientific Amerioai," and indioates te a certamnty the lens neoessity te correct LONG, FAR and SHORT SISHI And the. more dlifficuit cases of ASTIGMATIS5M. OOULJST'S prescriptions, fiiled Freines of ail kinds kept in stoc~k at dSe BA RNARDUS JEWELLER and OPTICIAN, W EIITBYX WIj4itbp lnrik FRIDAY, JULY 1B, 1888. LOCAÃL LACONICSI WHAT 18 G01MB ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BuDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL KEW8 GLEARED 81 OIIRONIOLE REPORTERS "A chielle amang Y%,takuin otes, An, fait bhellpreft it. Icz cream is the. only crop that pays tuas yesr. New potatooe are oomwng 'in ulwly and the. market is among the clonds. A promenade t0thb by seema te b. vsry attractive te yout>g people aftel church. TaOntario ILadiesî' Colloeoina 6eing thorougbly zenovated aud put in neadi- cess for next session. THn roet c«OP vilprove agreata taklle as the eay arop aà nd beef vili 'nuoe igluer thuataI. OvINe W lite vas» t rin nthe. tre- berny cop ila aboutetaiban end. The have realized à ai easmucciias vWhon the crop vas abundant. Farmens, allbon*ii very buas,"a colteeo busy te attend te the vaà nta et Amenicails in quesl cf fine ettle aud hernses. Mr. John Davidien Of Aah- barnc lateiy sbipped Iwo fine Durham heiters te Mn. Geo. A. fays,Manyland. The pices eeived vere good: WBzn ycu uoced'in making auin brel la lugb by ickliit b, lien» yon eau expeot te make au editor re-, spect a teliovwho bha. nehlm in tor bye or tiree years' aubseiption, and bien gel mmd and soppua io s ppen because i. vas dunned for tue debt. AnTIRE tue close et the. earna. for 2rid, ana'd SxdcIa. etificates on Tuesday lait, about tuuuty Oethtu candidates, iuviiing tusin esteemed ternobers, dreve dovu leo orbett's lwhere ail handecunit- *a in holding the. pic-uic efthti essen.00 ]Everyone vent in for ageod tme and ve are glad te say ne Oes*84 disap- poicted. 0f course ithe many litis -éventa incidentai te .oyeVrî enjoyable pic-cie ver. net vantingitetSida-Oe Severel couples in their eager desire for bolenuical specimens, or ton semeti 9 e. as sensible, vaederod 9s er anvY thal for a tino grave doubtsa » ote ie eafehy veto felt. ifovven, salpertime <oued esch one doing his besi teashow bis henesi appreciatioui cf tue maeY good ubluge suppled by the- yoang ladiest , ioest ertaicly - deove lthe greaetmcredit fon Ithéin efforts. 0On tii wbol e ie asre eano nidentsefttui aifterceen viii ne doubi be but *cotisi i lu inte chain cf aveet mmondu -ual attaches îtseif 101h.' Mind et aven 4tudent coi ourt shooL l. Hnfontl ve aresure tlai nig wviii b ooi forvard te wlth no* nmipl sreha the annumlW.c'J. I kne Tmvua agreat a$ a-ietyu «Y of fire uhnongh the lovu -ou W.d meob .usa niilamid psInIasoe Of gongs, ta anUeUll lhe binth 'ef I finA e a u laisaddlery. ian4vbl noushed'bilboier h e" S'a&the, e angine-vas' teuche. aiof orn nI0 bu i oM i lile fine-b - o» x- x7P.m 15ih, Win berna foullmka-a. M. "Ohrst- ian Wa1k, P. M.. "christ la Gracions." Dmas vova if it doesn't rain Boon ho wil mtini. for higher wages. Bues fires are bsg*in-*-- b break out in thé, northern part of the (Junty, sud unieas. ain cornes soon much damage Winl resaLit. Tua heealth of the. tovu vas neyer better sud it behooves -out Board, et Healtb te ses tbat se for as their powers ge it shall remain, se. Tii. new Gov.-General, Lord Stanley, wili open tiie Industriel exhibition et Toronto tis year. There i. being a big beom worked up for His Exoelleuoy's reception., THB Grand Trauk Bailwey have iaaued e guide book for fishing and camping parties givicg the location of aIl the. bout fishicg grounds, but they give ne instruction toe .uciiopper fiaher. Tait crops are sufferng severely iu our ove district but are net uearly se bed as lioe. t theast of us. North-. umeberland and Hastings bave bad litile or ne nain te speak of, and thene la litti. probability of even in average yield in thoue counthe. Tiie finat l as teachersexeminetioss began ou Tuesdey lest, the. second claie cloeing the saine day. The second clesa examination vas ithe Most scanch- ing iield for yeens and no doubt tihe ambition of many te bocome teachen viii be nipped lu the. bud.- Tas San Frausisco Minstrois gave a nattling good show on Monday uigbt te a nether small houae. The compeuy ia one of tiie beut on the roada and the. entertelument tarniaiied la freo, trou the l. 1e lny and .vulgarity that sc of ton oebaratenizes minstrel, porter. mances. Tatoutrance examinationa cloaed, oz Fniday uight let,-but sthore vere i great many candiêates riting -the re port la ne ready for tuis issue. Con siderable, complilt vas toucd viti ti anithmetio papon, but it May net havi bean se diastrous in its efiecte as vai ai finit tiioughl. Full report vil b given neat veek.. Oawa le Wersthan Whitby lu tii mnatten et street sprinkling. The. Vin 1dicator complains that the sprinkie itaelf atu" up a hideome dust, and tha il eannet gel tino te vet any part c the. noad but the. vsny middle. the aide beiug letho the semni-ancual. tic v wii are spafingly deait eut tuso lai yer or tvo. *ect thet thn.e souti yard tellova lied Rght on 8andey nigbt veek, on. iiv. eg a vhiskey bottiet anothen a saudbag id the. third a revolver. Afler a good ml of sklrmiabing lb. mac viti the 'isk.y bottle ecored auneay vlctory. elseu us antagonistseout &Mid mci proar, by plscing tiem under tic esmenie influence of ie liquid, aud oen seize. their vasr armements and fi thein defcnceloss upon the. battie- »Id toenore it ont. South vend var- ne equals ii basebali for sharp vonk. A person vie reeentiy hmppeued te a ic Belleville statuos .mmvou. of lthe Best barefaced saindiers ever atiempt. d. It vas gething dasi viien a couple Iriving &long on@ of the principal streets madsnly stopped, and lighting seme ampse iian announced that ho had mmty packages te disposeet in oeeoe which wuau evalble priz.,--said acikages ià be soid at fifty cents aach. Ele alse s»Î4 that as soon as tiiheck. kge.vere dispoodof and befon. tiiey meo openobed, us t.vaid show thein btfat cf -me erisa. The packages me. seon dlposed of, vue tii.um took a spool oet tireed and -uavinding ame of it bold a&l tuoe.wihad bonghi aciages tote beiold of ti.he ad wvile his vitii eld ths spool in hon baud. Ho tbeè uaked bis vite viii the baid, vioo eo tpileédiivas "the C"aiei string et suckensiÃie over saw.", Ycumce moni vie atiend enierta mmeiin teMXiiélHall orvhogoto: îhunciist t u t an0.iowtobaccodur- ung tue Urne etfan ententalniii orOna ,hanoii servie. sheuid be I altlybut frmly reqaestod te retire. - It la enongh ho b.compO@ld to Otitin hall à dozen, asus to --efamm ose breatus are biglyfiaond-vlitebaccowitiiout = vugte heMeue'bat in hund duing mSrvlc.tekeep it fe f<>uX 51h. W. would advée âlivhoifake a habit of ohevlug bobsec- o taie the qidont of thein menti before entering Wue ouse of God *and lay. il g.uily o e buter edge ofthe eilevali onon bis <pue. Ib vMiii dioslivy b. tikeno viWhen, they ce ont-sun. pop-for a rab wen'è taie, nornuld a dég, r even a'hog torna vJift iar dt .Tiihre to istuçly itosayuhe lat udlf se! &Mie n h -ldnet be mmde -à sopro et anuoyBEOP tonou.4hevers. - 1D...A ~I ah où.. 'Cal ar i of te ,e AT the. lIe convocation Ofinlt'S o Oolielle, NovaScotia, held on 28th ait., dr the Bey. A. M. 1feClelland, pester of Il tue Preebytrin hureb Âsburnhad I oonferred upn hm the degrees B. 0. th L. sud D. 0. L. The Rey, gentleman Wl bas overtaken the. work prescribed for Pi the Iigh dopree. whilst eugagod m insd rogular vork as minister of tihe gospel, a6 asud hhasbu m- wu=** c ongratula- ' tien. on tihe sumoosa of bita efforts. Tim Highland club eft tus tovu hbu got every thiug about oompletod for lis celebretien on Oivio Holiday Aux. l8th. The. OeedoniaaSociety of Toronto have ,w arraged an extensive programme cf h sports inoiuding the. usal Caldonisu - b ýgaine8sudami r préent indications tii. aumber of visitera W ouar tovu freinthe. city viii b. unus»ualy large. Spocil rates vill b. given on the. main Uine and tbe Midlaud braucii of dieG.T. B. Mn. J. B.. Dow,Premdeut -of the 1o"a club, and 1Mr. Hugh Boss. Secretary, am puiting ftom rth every e orttemaei ii day's programme abat motsfi".Mmdb beibg baoked up s thy are, by a stongd committo. vo e y e odoubt of1he 13o1 perbn ousus Ma oopy' cf ithe EMPù-6 of a »ocent date atig thst some members of the Waudoeru'bloyelet 1club bai been vlsiting WVMh ta d had been weil treat9d by our'oltizen*. Promn ituis point a bine pencoil Une is dra ute anotbeniaut of the paper viiereIl w wnittmn:; "m1ll but by -the rottçu Ousox- mcL."W. dont g.nuraly notice amn rthings 1ke this, andâ always expeet sou» rgrumblinW frein these wvii..W 'ou rduel là oriticised in those coluonimibu B v. are surpised -lhiai thWaud.eis' rbicycle châb shouli take tia idiouloui F "stand i a mtter Of this iui. Our budun ussieattDdtau snob U5tOem a aud membegs cf aitaeeatiols ubs, ae 6 ovrhïuled as qidkywaduBsIAeIy au ,r made and w. 4.u'i cae a ted- for auY. s body.- If the Wanulrer. dou'î belive r n Whu1b it ,is n. heu lik1yva mW shaiiv~e omepleusnt rkesto à -~ a u teâi".iLat D DURINý G THE MO Fin UJ P'. J ~./ A.~ .1. ZWE WItLOFFERSOE NARGAINS The. hot *-veh be irned -upIoa campera audlorbett'a peinit iiieon .be TEX Dominion Illastratedis a6a9n ta hauau"Jis firat i" lu every par- tieulan. Every business m shnl subscribe for 1. 71 .W. are indebtitoteMr. J. Hamn Perry'e kind reolliection for coipies cf caumeron New York dailies. Aie te Johcuy Darnes for issuesof the. La Porte pieus Indiana.1 Piva dollarsjudiciously expended in printers ici vould have seunt tw hundred more ou the. Peterborngh excursion. People in tins âge den'tstop te read every 719inoh bill hhey se., and tougb iooking aM Ibet. 'There la te be an election in the nerth yard te fil the. vacancy oeused by Mr. W. J. Gibson's rosignetien. Nomina- tions vili ho held July -th- and eleotion if neeessary, July -lb. W. vould sug- geai that some citizen who needs a ide- velk in front of bis place imitate (Joan. Ned Hent's example,end gel into ceun- cil and have il laid. The ladies of the W. 0. T. U. are prepaning for a grand gardon party ccxl Wedncsdlà y evening, Suly lSth, in the. grounds et Mn. H . B. Taylor's re. sidence. Thon. i. to b. an abundance of vocal music, instrumental and band music and a11 sorts of summer refresh- menta, inlunw ice ereain. Tickets 25 cents. No entres. Tbcy expeot a large orowd, and reaily deserve on.es their von eu only. b. carried on 1through funde secured in Ibis vay. Fs&amae that neya items would b. oarce tuis week v. had a few banane ipeelingas trc wc alon glunfront etfithe office, and watched for victime. Our bneason for havîug the accidents corne toff se close te us vas in order that w. rmigbt be on band in a moment and >note every particalar. But the tnep 1Appears te have been anskilfully laid, as c ary a seul ettempted a baci semer- seuit durng the four days. However, it la an item even te relate how badly ve 3got left in the thing. DRY GOGOS i MILLINERY.-We will olear out the balance of our'Btraw- Hatirand Bonnets, Flowera, Féath-ero, e0c: very Beduced. Prices. corne ana get the benefit of New ana Fashionable Gooaai Low PWioeq. We wMl also offer Special Bargains in Dress Goode, Cashmeres,' Lawns, Muslins, Ginghami; Printât molde, Embroideries, CJotton ]Sosier* ana Gloves, and Summer Dry Goode in general. arked et, Rock Bottom Prices. CENTS' FINE ORDE-RED CLOT'HI;N. Gents can rely on perfect satisfaction in both quality ana style ef Oloths, and having their garments cuLt fit, and made ini superior manner. mer Scarfa and Ties. Ni - DhEERELL'S BLOCK, o.', ri r -rT-T X T T - wHi TBY. When yoti are contemplating a purchase of anything ini our line, no matter how small WISEL By coming to look over oui large and well assorted stock of al that' le new and seéasonable.. ro buy of us. Can be found. L( QU-G K LY' resiist them. It i8 impossible to do better elsewhere. O BETTER -VALUES:.- We get the ohoice of the beet goods on the Market aud ou'i pices are. :)W AS- THE LOWE ST, We are always ready you our Goods. ~2~WDR~3W GýLAS Rl &s T-' DRESLP 9OOD% we esho-%v ah vWo mLai hrAd anSt11kGoe, GEN9fiS"lHM'jý- 4 vLo-,aOe mer. In tho Ordered "clotbà mftngsit, in the i -BOOTS* AND SI bme StilfEfi n Weei SS GooJ Un~p h ghow n te show tition haot ie of S by- the c ut the os T\ T~' 1~' T~ T AOT D ECIDE to mee you and, witl& 0hm tOc -lots ec- lois en loto a t i >f Wbitl the' 14tb ooas, e1 GýOW, WAFRIE M 1 1 1 ati mel 'a iièiiabier ma serviceabie Gooa6,. may be the amount involved. E lr-*%, = =- -ID T - "'%7.