auios T- book "mt llsnveiuet51 lerrstul i e -tic vorl4, Ai sud mea&o 7rold'u.î gree -nature. itt 1 Mtecfi tnristlcs eofix IinsectOI, etc., of tie AtlAE'! ns, sud eft lii o! the. Deepj ans, singuUa; ronld -of vaierSa, Setc., t0getbejrý IA4 OFf THE S&FSTEMS - ING COS - ZONTO, OJNT. xrPer, Esq> ng oxamiinod, ety of Sevlng le Concluion~ d by L. Paîr- le, s ie My uci i9XIgor as been takon î possible. I parties vsut-ý machin,4 1I orno moIqihs hite Bewing- flly ondorse tully recon- rnily- sevinig re tise Imvy and is. th., l Ditrict. A on ilomit' wpapor Ad. G, whère ad. id for h '- of bis adephed ci ôory, sud 1oyà s'.te it-9 the- A "- à in Ho mai et et ponicpsIeuCIps i te heof, from vhieb n ta.tuatod lie p >4ctoefet speruiarctcreu thoih ho le tull.aà otizen cf New York ~o el.brstêd ueat's foot où h, vi i. lu 'ftoùgoua ai)aetwdeualng bis Betn btl oo mueibg~ih ovaluablo for looping site..soit sud nov eno-toecltoaemt < wuir aherpreef.. Tisb*-oots me ffuzsy Cj¶- a _tt orntCaaiscin necegosay- te eection 911 gcuthe udgoil10fetlisrs Tc nt ffl viesTornto ho las moveil ant to ous.ierbn ioaj aej An, (eri,thiere isc0reuo ta differenee baeen lie But suda'Wost.reues& tor huile bitaui l.n# #4pPéd - AU Western tmen, wtt îe on oucf ta'Europe. Theic ah ield Did 'tt<nw t w s li ninwer's oeeBuatera men, ors iu Eugiund coivr iseuanboues Dl]flX wI jute haud, i -es ýfOýorponsu ie, u ateramoiieY mahes il. Westh islefor tooli sud nil brushes.The enceesefu. Let no ycung eati m a 9d > larZe BEera e iîy console imtas iiijvonsué ae u w..aodr e- iii.noton iaiite e oute1in'tarer xtniot -erery possible lshlgê cf glus e.May' d<,lcn s stupid boy'% exee;but on hé sshby emoiug ro m tem. gwha hie us ~vt a sebe suid fer the parent wbe atsulproelhhh ~.ut Ie tfhe ilisgoito Oi Soller ndL sofioteaîfteiou eeai IlutKhovho geesà Wxtême es u-1~H i» u»SD, bttosorslpbrad -andrs i l.the oùtrTe ine i miLs i ldd"Ivsadidsu r-nl, uwUrenad auIe; tiw st all ievrIylhZo, .*"M near p' ted, from in M Of al sonIa for lte il Intoelgigent hoehlofa ket oe and botteli 1 is condit;ethe rasoraionn, anaer' 'hy f 5l66> a c~uoune o humbe pipitl WO ws~Mianov ohuzen, druggtOl, *1., 5andIfare abIO to thii, eà d-ti*e' oât $ i tliov eres IM à uÉd c'It 1for P1aciâtotr ie ju~s lu wbhthe worh at .ltÎi -it'ove 18 cirefal hiëè%'i* 8 as'hiem rO CltlS, ' vi neO* ~O ~i0iby Y btIue, TIe 0 - - L'fffto 1 eire4 tat Mll bÀle r j id , stato- fat of the egttlë are hobile& doWnu' ta ' b~isc ourses Scr!Ouly ona G tVe KGthintigt 0W ~ 013 lu Fgpà ~3 iJShnj. S abject. i.g.' brounght every- morning té thé paehfng 1 -- A~uoher tbing I b$!e notied a tehoi frmiigwith .btiebeef Cil. ,gs F'U.O E o do WEIST ANI) oldtir: pa>rts 01 theécuntry, ana m ore The tailk sud c.-il are puured mb i to. he WU"ESTL.E WITEI FORTUNE. r etpeci U uNwEgsd bc èp hr oehr u ii. Pur ,rii F~rnielYyes5 asisudnod~utr yo a u a b&e. ,IL the towsi'of Lia -lard je ad', cauSillo tb mixture te 9 ar to 0wel th f I -nativiiy ho à ~ nover considered by -the flw more eaeily frome n ti u, wh:oh fo1r [wtuy yeareVI a _%nosold qetîlerea 'aman. HLeO i alleid Henrv je driven rapidly witb mIaohinery tilt Lli) wjt the îLu eet neon, uucer ?or George, o,-oveteuh, "W-illiam's the yellctwrglobules separate.. Tis be eau tiha ieot on t oucc> a ? bov," or "Jobu'fiboy" until hiq îeetb. semi liq4ia maessdraisinto a larg e g begin -te, fail ont., wheroas in a new field cooder for a short urne. Tien these nici th8v Fl )r lMý s ot h ho would bo oalled Colonel or Jndge or globules are taken aud kneaded toge'ther 1,110wiug lueter lor *plying purposes Gc4araor on à goodt salary. carpfnlly, drained and the mass is saIg 1 rTattV tl Pta ,ny other in tIuv pOaeeoiofl T - Woet wauts good, live, oeif-eup- ed by speciai macbinery with good ~ijs jis arnst' pesoui sd pr-porting Young mon. Whotber- or not olesn,Englieh dairy sait. The oleomnar-_ the Eu~t eau 3paro thoin I do not pro. Rarine. iscoeloed by common annatto wal. Svp Eq., W.)rl.i Oh,.i, New tend to state. The Wee will alwaysseda edjaidae, and tihsug yr(K citýý welrnome the sensible yonng mon froin prepared is p-'ut into dean white linen . Dw_ÂR Suti,-l çwrit to a--k 'our ad-. the E,%et or froin other confties, who Clotho by nest lookieg girls, sud, a s a Via, i a, o lAaei,3-are keqaipp4ed far a rough.snd-tumble ready for sale, je diffionît to disîiegieih ad a'% tbil.ý a on g ut-n u of Etstorn pr. with outragows fortune. Whilo 1 froin rosi butter lu taste or color. Cure leq e il ~\V.e.ta &ZroýV up with the would not guarantee suncoose to every.- Taliow je made by boiling theo rougli diseasei 1 aî'. tu it Llos" wivibt te tin body who goe.4 W0et to-day, 1 woulà -pee of fat. The ez tail mest and k rèý re o litu aonr-4ôtoy e-"tini nai4rlikecirnrnýtacesgo benos couatitute the obief luxurien oh- our "' lit tbke v'miotiq E'ýîern W s1t my,ýAl, willingly andi hopefully. tained froin cattie. Each car of beef- K1511 p' cIs e-1Vq 0.î. 'W.'t. an i eAýeCi. It ii no siizn thst the West je fufl o- carrnes a certain number of tails, Wh'hicb ba;1 &iIY w,.L'i iiituy WXv Lrn mon wtoCaue onin j while a min uwho ooinea are mostly bought by bhe tel keepers. base of crcko teWetencen à ya being f romu there ie in that condition. Neither Evch the udder from-a Young, dry cow, tue the plîace, tohvo e , are, oontantautly should $Youneg meehesitate &bout going wbon nioely cornod aud boiled, Île vory s n V COmî1ng east, învosting their surp*1 or tewmrde the Occident simply beosuso a good eatiug. The ez gail i. nsod for dropsic engsgiflg in business wit'h Easeterne con- few wealtliY freaks. like the unersigned liniments, for the Miling of paunis, cerne. If the West efiers snob a broad came Est te, bedew witi thoir surplus clesunii clothes, carpets, etc.-Sioo field for sdvaiicoinnt, wby thela du the land of birtb. B-.Ns. sdLato eotr. LIE Western men suoh aseyen beave snob 90____________ dice, si fertile fields sud pastures new? Beet, Blood, Boues. Inveon ofl8 t he luth CentUrY. inn With kiud regards, The steamboat, tic reaper, tho powiug ig e very .ru, 0 ABqLE. Wa bD Bbabg aU laughtOr- machine, Your ~ vi.. Wha laDenobyaiCatlOCars i-unning by nigit ana byay, Mani It je true thal à great many western a"-- Houa.. by gas anid heated by steain, cures, mon corne Easiteo inveet uder s Âe cZE Nà pCKN os T BÀm. And brigit electriciiy'is ray. dois. but if thev bad nover gene wesitbey MOND, IND.-WHAT BECOMES Olr TUEB h eegsisolc poa ielghnn cs i *ould not bave bad any surplus t4) lu- PARTS 0F A STEER ROT USED à O roeoaed, liver. veB IEF-UTILIZING 01DB AND Thon the totephono cornes to'excel it l f i Tae &avantages of tie West foý. the- ENDS. And, te put on the finish, thc isat but not theiIn, Young minuconsetin luthie, tist( ho 'làs teatmdhePraie 'îo. -K thon. given a chance te shoçw hi@ gai Tbe steer is hauging by a leg te a a tesi but nottle .DPure sPleat. -I and ~ ~ ~ l deintaêismenits. Nobody streztg iren ohain-, sud Lbe bide strippers ugtv eîi ess eivshmn L asek hirn who his grandiather wat, aud are busy. It le the rl nill lipaoking surfngas Pllebe tiei. u o uncmon why h. Camne Weut. E. ise testei and lieuses fer secisi mon to skie speoil and enables the. relieved sufferiir te enjoy liueez indoesed or lynohed, aooording FO bis parts of thie bides, aud ti is l one aIlthti blessings and luxuries et ithe age ve ol>d i juorits. That is net aIl. Ho is a~ good reason why packor hides are se strietly ie lu. a nu witb a 05 suit ef clouhes uD a alike tn trlm and take off, sud why the Laist webk as utile son of Ur. Madden, etfA I' bobtail goneslogy s e y other I mail, tainnera are 11euaily williig te psy a Oillia, had a tooth pulled ana diod trem if ho bo s goed citizen sud Panuo1t al1 cent per poued more for thon. bides blood poisoning. rih.Thc dîffereno beiwee tbý Esstise ufor thies.taken off lu tic oeunîry ]xome mffut& , aud Weetis thst in the new Wes6t lois ewes. The bido, thon, le ihnowu into Mnr. Robert Wihîiam»nofe Glenila, iant attention le paid ho forme and cx"aniors the bide collai', a cool, piesa&it place ?arry Sound, Ont., Bays, 1"1 cenld not keep wsgc than jneB ami. Ithie West ,a man lu the Rawmnond bouse, MiO feet wido bouse vitifout Hagyard's Yottow 01 i et i migit b. eh milllousire and etil uýe ne- by about 800 foot long, with anotier Crn ,Sr Irhaea sd a nt yfoomn or qulred te bebave *hurnslf. In thé Est on. iii progress of building. Thc fires CîgrouBre cm nd ate ootyn. -i s million*" au anbebave bîms9eIý days tig tiecosllaer mon de h te sort th ii. yrcmeditt vrbd. sud do :ý hi pbeses tic resiof thc branded ond unbranded green bides in. Itl poabetatn A'shol wUb 1111. o separate piles, and i sremarkablo 5it. AI eooa But the ebief&advantage tho a . Woung iev epertly snd rapidiy Ibis 10 doue v Aeter. man Who bas hie waY te make. ýn tic by the oid bands. Ncxt cornes thcesait- 2v50b)Ne> wenld c9nesistin teIis-that inolustry ing sud paokicg sway in piles. Course Io ene Liai is basd ou.previeus knoviode aud menti are ah once receguizod te in IISyracuse sait lu used lu proforenc oo oince, tB.may roasenablyhefo a ueB.- Dow couetries. aih cher kinda. t akes -sbont tino. eau" tichevious experienceofetbtiusands The 1mai question ile a moe r leuc in ummen sud tour weeks u ien aeusc , hw 1 ehaescMci perseusi eue, aud iL shows tbbitihewinher te -thorougbly cure hides, al- cd ove n e cworut cases. man Who wtose IL vas s philosopher. iiongb wbe tanuers arcI alu shnry 0' Theprojecit tosupply St. Catharines viti Iu ropiying to it I muet coL forgýttt ht le eg ie issu-utr. egivoui by miiiiisl Étatumatgas viii rcmate in aboyance for an- it je a serions - ud sensibte ti4uinry. agreemnt sud by usiug eecoeary pre- tier menti. M!y ove case te an exceptol os Ino.tacautions. PrtO! The Neusehold. the finit place aie body in not aobeod UTUING THE BLOUD. "I have usoci Hgyrd's Yolow OU viii te rai le »-Wes.inr on w& Thé et r8nuof the blood Itemtheb. cisatisfaction, fer Coldu sud -sores tue Westis tecoratio ;len *eot ber it ottrs fteaia scletdi hot okntb îhu ts n is exclusive sud aristocratie. It i s n i bna fLesull 8colce ecesai s IlQok upou tsas thc bost modicino siguliaiotios ma hav te oreround, aialiow pans, whicb are tnuckcd sold for tanuily Use.,,uMis. B. Br~hU be6us 1did. te cool0absies, vere oaguilatiouI 0m0n Sicrbnoeo,P.Q. i Butuiii esy îl on oliowa, sud lheu the albumen ts driei 4isGsig ainaO ~1s Wie resad.ti, tiai if thoy are umadeof su d lte bùliou manufactur'era. te be ieslite ah Cimplean Ont.$ by drovunng. - the rigit kinci et matons1 ticy eau sec- epeedîîy tà eop for tic u» oetthe un- ceedoenr t th Wes onboatnooy nsp.ctlflg publie, wbo are thus bloiO A.. .ER. sucee one nthe stboyneauoisM estiued,9 as i1h.vore, in a bighiy artistie A New BoumeTreatumet for the GCurete usages bav 1 --ilong csiablibed :sud fashioui. togalatod cosUle blood la CamarrbCktmrbl Deabm sudA usagouhesaes hda"l .o*mngaIetused by calico priniera for dyiog Eay ever. moresud~orEnroean It ti tunoy ed.sudlu the preparatout cf Themicroscope bas pred hat tiese ds- ~J&TOtITOiTEALAM tU ié oms , ' ok i"' YGPIO. P.,SRIu IFyrOtJ WAII Extra 8800rn or Good Fl our) .cALL On Cû',fÉPLEWWI!lOi' MBROGATI r.Chas el w rd i ereputatioxi as a physician 5G] ROKE N M ME ES, BfU XSE5, G P»c bLtor. His Mandrake Dandohon Liver FOR BsORE sHouLDERs, BORE BAVES. qa triumph of medical skuJ.l, C urilD an FOR FOOT ROT. N I) BORE MOUTUS IN BSEEFI s o the Kldney nd Liver. ANiD LAMES, Ys AI"I'romSCe ' FO SPAINB, OUTS, BRUXSRB,D GI PflUDI tilTDistresstflg aches -_____________ [Y bUIY[LKII and pains in te SPECJIMEN TESTIMONIALS. a dtill ipain Or weght in the. bladder and Yrom His Grace the Dke o! Rutlad. Jt h e. a b d o m a n ; s c a ldX n g u r in e o ft e n o b - B l o r G a n h m L e . 1 , 8 . d; frequent desire to urinate, especi- elorGath ,Le.118. tnlght, among aged persons: hot, dry y'SIrs,-lliman' Royal Embrocation la used ýaie complexion, redl and whte deposits, in nty stables. 1 think it very useftL. tal sweflings, &c., BTLA»D, Master f Belvoir Hunti" 8YMZ 'TO tS ~ ' Castle Wefr, Kingston, Herefordshfre, R CM PAIN Pin under shoul "De. 8rd 198. COMLAfhIHTdebldsJa Gentlmen.-î use the Royal Embrocaton Bhà low'complexipn, a weary, tfred feel- in my stablesand kennels, and have toUnd it io lits or energy, headache, dyspepsia. very serviceabie. I have also used the utiongsts, pml c Universai Embrocation for lumbago and Po ~>rheumlatlsm for the last t1wo years, snd have HOW OURECD. suffared- very littie sinoe usinà it. drake and Dandelion are natures Liver «B. H. Purcz, Lleut,-COL# Maîter ýo1 Rad- and viien combined with Kidney reme- noruhire Hune, a in Dr. Chase'. Liver Cure, will almnoat lvotenfre ail Kidney-Liver troubles. It FLIL&WS ROYAL EMBROCATION, like a charmn, stimulatliig the looed odb y -C heMits . Stores, ad Ss.ddlers . strengthenlfl gthe kidneys, and Invigor- Sl tic whfole body. Sold by 0.11 deaers at th eceipt Book whioh alone 15 woith ) N E Y o l K d e y LS ALil a m a e V R Th gn yet :Ctual: U4 s. ' s 1 L L S É v r t r _ _,% a d o e , b l iess, costlxeness, "o. On. pll a uu dom. ôI L M BA o by Il dealeru. Prioe 25 cents. S P t ^ls sR fU Is s. SI'io BugsS. WM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE l'bcSaes t.9u ac kes t.most %Iker frori plow, Ptterson gang plo, t rpareëd 2y ton root driLI, lndoUer, c'sPuIron_ 3w5Whtby harvester and mower, o, ma k , horse-hoe, H oney fannin 1 1 0 U G I ,E N G L i [double soit harneus, etc. r. lHOW"A "198-NNE it>y, Apri th, '88. LJTHOR & COXEXHAUSTEO IAUY Mnnfuetrers ot Ieda l r oi.« L ~ ARTIFICIAL mdu moi onn M m LIM 8 - -9Oi'W, 125 Ilg i a u u f""'< éà s~pe to . X 0,dý IzA n or a d m= "e.gcd mo . B nd n w. -T i Dot tis cf the. R- 00 su î-Ie - m i wa e t _à m an Boay -Spi ai Dis- aG to x b y tO u e',d go Mod l cM ad te ilb case, D isas e te .ýo > i llim lM doa so i * Nceeand Ammke, Knock l#on- Âddrms P.O. )>oX 1895e BDoson > . Rus, Bow Loe, Clib Mis., orýto Dr. WAH. Pà rkerp gra ulite o Foot, etc. 25n'Boston, wbei AJA CK~'CE8.~ fy. 81?ciat~. etMen. OMMe p The. Wonder o pMoi Wien yeu ndnc uabewýAizi Tty"Douueven "ri- ," - Try oreedOmge' A. miici ead of bn Io eprcos iraet Ifry "en#ns' ul. "Cii. ssaemlsfcntnie gicn u S1I brli Try "DoriLnu5& W YPis wn osul ry, 1h impnashcu , wn&bOts - jou oveTxy Doruoeis5K~c i. baveà oiter lu ieua 1 TIm LUI M Rias. rA BLESj siy deai CALING, L, r nid see Tmntol, Ott-