w w - -. P...., Progcess, wti, cUb it t.dwods, gisalt~opt.* KnowlMg.. Br4horh@isd. WHITBY, ONT ARIO. FR ate vith Langly Langley & Burke, Týeronlo,) A4?CHITECT. Desigus ýfor Oburobes, Villasana cet- tageg a spsoialty. Drawings preppred foi rernodoling exisling structures. Osrczu-Flrt fiat over Howse's Dru@ Store. P.O0. Bex 202,WETY Doiniiol Une of Royal Mall LIVERPOOL, SERVICE. ,yinder pressanmd ether modern Conveni- Mentreni.... Thur. July 12th. ences. -Eveny order receives prompt, cane- *Vancouver .. . .Wed. 1...hr.Jii fli attention. IToronto .T............... *Sarnia .... Thur. Âug. 2. Fr. ugus.B T MSOF &ÂDVRRTISING. êr.gon.--» Wed."6- 8 .... Thuz 449 Frtinerton erlio BRISTOL SERICE ion AvoiiouTn Docx. Firt nsetinparlia,10 cets ; aach Dominion frein Montrail about JmIy 20. subsequeiit insertion, 6 cents.Onai 64Ag1. Disiplayed Advertisementi are maasu.red nao " " " Ag.. by a soîle et solld Noupareil, and chirged anBiefonMnts rQebc Aocordingly. " -CbnBtsfo otelo ube  -dvertiseml1ntU sent vitheut witteu Prom $60 te $&0, according to'steamer instructions iisertedl until tonbiddeu, mad and position o! Stite Boom, with aqual cliarged for falltlime. Saloon pnieileges. Second Cabin (very su-. Orders for diueontinuing advetisementt perior accommodation), $80. Stecrage aI ihust h. initinug, otherwime the publiaIs- lowesI rat"s. ,rs will not lie respousible. '* TIse Steamers have Saloon, State- A libenal discount toi contrîct advetse. meoins, Music-room, Smoking-toolu- and nieula by thea year. Copy for changes ot Batb-roe'11 amidshtps, vhere but 11111e mo- oonlracl advelsementS Sbould b. handed lion i. toit, and îhey carry neitter Oaèie iu net later tian W.dlnesday ; aud notine non sheep. The Booms are an. oulside. of anyintendad changes sbonld lie given The accommodation ton Second Cabil ui betone Tuesday neon. Othen advsrtiue- these Steamers is exeeptionally good, sud! inents reoeivead up le Thuraday noon. volt wctly tle-attention et thd travelling Buasiness notices lu local or neyia coluna sPublic. Fivo cents per lino weekly. Locale, 10 clu The 'Vanouuve" 15 lighted throughoul per Ine-Weekly. witb Rl1eetric Lig"ht, iamd bas provel hersel! Correspoudence soliited troma&l p arts te ha euene f1he listait Steamers iu Ihe At. of thse CeunI>' o neighboring townships. lantio tra4de.1 coorespondents are nequesîed le seud in Passen$#ers eau emhark aM Montreal if their communications as-, prompîl>' au they edésire.1 possible, DAVID TORBANCE & 00. HZNDBRSON & GRAHAM, <*Oneral Agents, Motreal. Propietoe. B. STEHENSON, E) XSTA14TONDpieos Telegraph Office, Sup' Meoanicl De't.Local Agent, Whilby JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., 3AUBISTER, Oouuty Crowu Atterney, Ban& County igolitor. --Oflice,- SentIs wing, Court Hourne, Whitby -48. T) IIBSTR,&o. Office frsyoc- ed by Faeail Rutlldge, next onv Rotoel, Brook St.,Whltby. DAVID oRMVISTGNÇ, B., ti ATTORBY-.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN AizonI bhe On0moeso<uth of the Poil Ofiâee lu MoMillan's Blook, Brook -Street, WblI6y.ly.10 -Go YOUNG SEITUo , là . B., Oi;mcut-SitWlh' Block, sentIs of Market, Brook St., Whitby. J.2è, 1878. l- JOUH?< BALIL DOW,9 B aISTIIR-AT-LAW. SOLIlTOR Blu Chaneer>', Conveyancer, Mo.. Offoe-Deveiill's Block, Brook, Slnwt Whitby. MONBYTTO LRND-Prlvate lundi,- n smaisup le $800, aI a 1ev rate ln lareut. ILYNAN ECNGLJSH, L IL. B, BARRISTER AT LA, OITOI1 Chances!, Coujejner, ha., &c. 1m- ce. streel, Oshava. P. GORDON 1UEILDIIJM, phyoïianm, surgeon audaouchemr. office, hours-B le o10 a. ni., Bt le 4sed No. 8S TRE "TIZRR'OuCg, WHIBY. m. c. cLWiO Oduby ~ atted t0 «Uan EBine: Royal MailS'teamers. LIVERPOOL,9 LONDONDERRYP DATBS OF SAILINOS. .aista ............. Pure Hleoe PAure Paris G reen 1 FOR SALE BT 11 m Established 1856. 1 Leadinq WeekII lu Ontalo oot SUBSORIPTION RATES. sper ,annum lu advance-1.50 other- wise3 Sbsct iptionu are always payable at ha 1 offl !publication. Isemtsaanauimeu m leut furnished Book and Job"prhting plant linliaalern Qutario, capable of exscuting sal daBst vok f rom the large poster to th. umallest ±isndbil. Special mention is made et the -.na1lAt seass ftaelllties et Tua Cuton- naI 10E:1- IEMI8T and DRUGGIST WIE3ITBYs-. oth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Perfum.68, )oth Soaps, m il other 4 cles uecessarY le tihe cilet, ane kept lu g00d varietY bY Ohemniot andDruggistl Whby. ci To£ A.nd T( ~D.C theasr et the vardu .wonss Coins» Toni repre' ,or tIl est 01 state, ot do% pstl peia mmie Eas overe on an- in roit deawl sud1 theg thei bh thrt2 Y.,JIJLY 279 8S pipers te such queoiio'lis ad suoh, oas. 1 I fiezra1her g olo hng borse. nav béen pftmpte&' by a miotive el'utce eae te sorry tht our nolghbor's te Our Court ef rovisioz Land te.a&Ucon- yeunghorseranwaat wek1se l"g oered lu efferlugé lb.. correctons su hi. wagùn so b adiy and injrig bis sn suggestions, ad I have ne desire tb res- îasge lin-eau. but w. lbtinkthat il wou pa u to far upèn y ur vâalea pace er, have been m icch btterfor bis yen g -b '~ fuld g tuher. ad tberchums- l ,tIse eider .isarrl -lLad Tours, *been n*ths wagon aI1h.tie oft1h. ru n- 1 D.HoLLl>ÂYp! 'ay ad thae ider sifod aoudthroe Brooklin, Ont. r.Dpsrefld The Baptist ohuroh building here i. now a m o d e l p la e e t w o r s h ip , w it h it s n e w c s h szoeil a r e r - U a v i g : " of calomin d vannis-the uuseemly Tesroidn tmesJaigtis~ steve pipes axd lamp post removed, etc. hayung araerYbuyIshretnlaly Dr. F rewell of Igamilton, i. the gue , of ha ied fbohveb-iv . 1. ir11 Isat - Samuel BeaU Esq. Ths vek thre has ben m continuai Mr. R, . Warre# is takiug a trip through rsh atr bernes in Mn. Pesta bush outh Musk ka ad P "nr Seund. of! iis vilage.: M r.. ad M rs. W in. H ault of 115g ero11 a e --Our abbath soheol uudar 1h. e fficient ' visting old fniendsh~ere Ibis week. management efMr. JasHero, iprogress- Ajoad f oug theld] lh Âldofour bol started eut on a. - nicl.Truhtenryth goos chas. on Sa rday nighl last. se , uperintendent. n h i e -'bïs o ao't kuow wbhetber tey were ccsuol in -the sohool, we have succeded 'm - ebîlniug, capturmg their piýe or not, but e beliove, new singlng IÃeoksi and a new librry. th ctzesfWbitby aId Osbawa will be ' weare pleased -tocôugraulte Georgeï able te testify as to lbe strength Ot their -sd WiIli-Lawton upen. their suoceu at lng.i the recent examinatlon Iseld ab Whiltby in Sevenal pairs f lot, alippers audif teen obtainining Iwe scholarabips out of ibre, or tweuly parsof ~Ppers vere stolen froni Mfr. Gldbre's h'4 shop ber. soea ine- A& L between Strday ad Monday mornn F'rankailat stay varylong at-- is plaue Suspicion rStas rn'onùa an y 1h.0 Wili dDive h ave, von their beo." naine of Âlexande Esswb a rees ince lait wringyeul),cur rabbit- deaSie ly' been iu bis emp y. RH e i 1aIs een bLdoe ashictgbUsinessbula s .11 à boem on Suuda f terno n d vas ten mn- few te dispose et. toxicaled. Mir. G)Ildsbro vas away fron home on Saturday, and lhiatQman wvas NeUly Wddell on.et f r., Wlnnaoott seen nnlock the dqor of the sbop in the ApURp à uOOessfllypad the etane e afternoon and birng eut a piprcel. This animation.ý,4I caused ne suspici eiltithelime -as it vii Our Man,ýWho tnlcd seBo ard te bang out not knownbu th4tbGews till in bis cm- bssinith 4L.D,ou vas net ploy. On Mondiy mormngM. Geldubro shulom ai bis exam..ad if I eau rn e came te bis shop lýe £ound t 'e door unlocked trlyhewiUleoe mena yby the rasatio sudmisedbi :od .Constable Wilsoon neudto alw.yL has tre!ad u~1. as vit once no ud d as been at work puxbliemyda h ueec but notbing yt LZsbeen heard of bis where- bbouta._ AI 21e1 June 6tIs Juiy 1" 'Yh 2Dlb ci ' BÂTEg OF' PASSAGE BY MAILI STEAMES tQuebec te idverpeoL» Cabuz 0,4 70 and $90 aceing 10 oOdatlou InterinediSs. $MM.eO, ter- ,a aiétun tickets, Cabin, WO, $100% ~$in; O.ILermi"ie. $fl0.0. Beer- Calt~ Pio or Bheepiare -pot carried on Ibse teanieru. IMPORTANT NOTICE. ina> g>on board il KontresL to on the Ocan Surge paà 5en booked tb or frosu Gagw, BeUlf u, 'e5toWiin , orondn, CarLW $00extra aa~ ngessd Ihelr.baggae aptou boad _he OenaWSt.amshipu aM Quebea ie ii tieseudhng for their fwends lu th. OUI 0 ,unlry eau -obtîin -Pg»M PÂI)PA ÀAG IOBTIFICATES atloveptrMUe. For lckets sud alob&rU uemal Age!nt,.ExpressOffic, e, #ROOK T. KTY ~ÙjGZN. enParler, Di Boom O!e5UUUigcm just emâadIseso My stock "ý'- TILARGk8-T ANO 8-E8T'ý -0,orse lQOoD iu iota te suit pu>'ohaems W. R.HOWSE, CEMIST AND DRUI8TS Wriçrht's Rheumti ÈOU SBAYA ÂTB- 1~ Il. L IV VOL, 'XXXII. IroRE 0 NIZ Correspondence. 'attention has been directed te 'whioh app.ared i 1h. couns mzIOLE0 laut week, rulating te th. ,.t Dr. Warren and hi. appeals rCourt oet!Bevision, and alter. te Copnty Judge. A*'s th. appeal kb t'persenal proporty and in- Ui deal ezeluuively with 1h.... 'the peraonality tas upposed te book debts et his p>raetae s- Die bis iiooerepres"nt1m i ees sent yesr." 1-Tis inquit. cerrect il te b Income, but the pergoni- oh imore comprehensive, it in- k accenuts, n6tes, money, Inter- tgages, housei, etc. 'fou further Zat ut1f the income etflast year l.seape of book debta tbis year >'e agaîn asesseâ." Why not ? Le auj Injustice in Ibis. The law. sau rpern% hali b. lvi..as- , uMeymr, u tls is net a osse, à somesmnt. The appeal as not' by e Whtby Tp. Counil. It L1re froni morzing umil Hi- b in the atternoon when il vas ôonded amsudrmA ltâ1he'ap- o Warren b. sustained, sud bis iton inome b. reduced br$,00 0. >aoent wae $2,000 on persoal .sd e4000 on inoome, thbm. reduc- éoin te 8 000. Hia owa evideuce reourt At *hitby was thal lie bad Opeun",lpoperty, aud 1booked rage fromPu20te Pô par day, or, ligures, $7,000 per annum. The 1 the court vas 8%,000 persenal N icorne. Your readerr con te elewhelher he lu tazed tc stnoteh," er preportionatelytoc, wu cmared with others. The breat ; ftrn or coeneillior and eg mfre saiassesser in weuk and Theze are enough et rlght-mind- W 1h. ceundil board, whci, if they maacaprice, or- anyunjuat ÃŽtsver, smmeda nimm.i fer ont mI tbassuasrlht, iweuld express oppr»of eWseh cônduot oun i "uch a manuer thal 1 would s puesmnt ef the Medisi MW te eunty the ciily eommt, nst 1presmit la tIsi it la o4n#PI ut .1wee lrou.t d . po"é We have Dorw nbèw sud -hlbgl -iubilat. Hé t '&ýuéw1en -a- Scolchmen fromn I r] 'J 1< *1 s y Il n I Ly Le j- A yungmmi tam e un, oelto ou f 11v.BbS.ot manPInbe nlan minter o! pArkd1e, lest bis lithe lbtaIe sOar boreý y &'»da igs. umbern otfon an v e. camping ou -the ilà 4d 1choie, ,an of the Party young Scet sud -Jae QsmpbeU, ef thua plae, strippefd bsmnîù aua paded a Canm" a short distance rm. th.shore tbah. -omeboy"shplà y vas idulged in f oî a»ltme" md fin U> lt.eaune espied> tbrwing both inlo te vater. Noither oould svlm but bolh managea te get hold os the cance whioh vwronM aide lup. Olimblng upen il *lb.> sanik- it a d ,S8o t eenld4no1reach il wheu t gai ni . 1 d Jm, lus, 1 1