Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1888, p. 2

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Ai itnt»blza -wa uvered by aro l ete t t tWelduaoj y môrniug. The fire 'wa neakr a boaîh use adjacent tc H b1a ni'$ bre wery, and if Ùn 'oticed miglat41ave led to eka.-Seri na euualhgra. ý7- li'n few pailset wateý extiuuied the darnee Wil> piayiug a gamo ka ownas duok. 00*the.rock one.'day lastwek alter Chbar]@@ Suthsrland, sot ward, e-. celved a severe blow on lb oye from a atoiiq' thrown by 4 coornanion. The Madw was aoldental, of ofurse, but it was nonoIlbe less-paint ai. Happily no Ureaulta followed. 'The tovn je nov peaîesoéd of a.road- mnaking machine, the cotqncil, haeing decid et t parohali e b. o nt bore by a Hfrnilton firm AIt the price of $200. The etre and brldge oornxiittoe were woel atiafiod wigh the work~ dous under unfavorablo cIroumstances, And are con!, Mednt liI an lie te d ije 'ofi uis h spring il vil! bo fmulîlls. A nov avindie is 'bairg lorksd ci the gailelesa Rrangor. l116 iý induoed ti bay tacmetblug or other n long Mie hie note baiug il l te 'paynet requh, ed. 'Bit ho objecta le giving bie nom and hbaviug It* disoeauted, for cash sharper ; sud therepon vrweàacres tie face "Net trausferable.<' It sooc turus ap again ilu-the bauds cf gnutel -party vie vants lhe fsrmýr to pay, An «le" added tthéb. "!ot' makes it As Mr. Jàies-mvlsa a sd vile, ci Mauipo. s, ero driving lnto tovu on Satards>' laeItbehor bon e beosme trightened at a pasaing $rai 2 s hey wers, neaing th. raîllvyi rossing at Sylvester'. tonudry, sud bec)mIug un- manageable upeýtthe bbggy,, throving the occapants out.* Luchil>' ýbe top *co lie bugîry bossus. delaohed t rous 'tie mea-, etherwise lb. resuhîn ri4ght have been oiious iudeed, s lb. hors, Rel away sud imasd het li oes toe s. W. are ploaesd l&bc abli te, say thal beyoiid a few bruisses neither Mr. ner lire..Davideou voee iuci iuïýured. Arraugeuints are iiProg ýes for s erand regs$$& ai tutrgoon:Po nt on er &bout- Tasda>' or Wet!ned&P, Auguat 21.1 sund 22ad. Over 11,004) viii b. offered lu Prises. Tiers ilü b. prises of 6600 for profsssoxaal eusen, valu- able cape for canes races, 0 ee 9Rogèes "usel Peterboro csuosfor ja saling esuos tacs, sud a number aot lier at- tiractIons. seoa aru ente are beiugmade 1#4ralvy& o~reduosd rates lu lie district betveu &Milton sut!Kixgato: nud 0or the Kidlaud divaionfe li G. T. R. ' I. . SiMp. sesa, manager ofthle 8Iu!gtu Peint hàeelis lshiag aactive i n .,t in liel egàaansd Win! give ail tfSradrsieu. I~~~ ~~ 8n bogthhdol one Aabore.' ni$ bat being1 toundi lte -walor, how. * ever- led 4o a 'S sesici, sud thb.body..,ssÎ tonaiunb*ut six foot of wator. Ill* 1thought tstQ a ws eiedwitb an at., *taek of dizziues, and feU mb 1, he wator and wus drowned. The eormu of Wedueedoy lauit, whJeh oonaiated otf'A hgh wiud and a, light. rainfal bore, was rather distoteonsu smre parts of the country. North of Ubridge a few miles bail of large aize feU, destroying crops in its course& W. are in afeeipt of a oommunices. lion trous a!gentleman ef Uxbridgo township wie makes the. novel cern- plaint liaI a faimer in th. 8rd con. bas pssînrod certain land yesr after year for saab a long lime liat il hbbcomo a veritable hotbed for graîs-hoppers and 'that the. neighbors as a aosult eau. scaroely reallixanytiing ou thefr Orope. Ho thinke that lthe owuor should break up 1h. land, eund ays the ueighbors woaild wüIi!nglY ielp bim te do il, fHe aise saggeîts liaI lbe malter is oneO liat call. for tbe attention of theocoancil. Bush fires have proved very destruc- tive durlag lb. paît week -or two iu ous. parts \of tb. province. A fir. south ofthIis towu veut over about 200 acres,, sud ont lu the big swamp to tb. west of us near Sloarn bas destroyet! a lot eft imber. A. barn in liat viqinity belonging le Mr. Roeu as-auso baued dowu aud Mr. S. Flamerfeit, reeve -of Uzbridge township, badt! teplow ap a field ofets to keep the fires from his buildings. Beyond Ibie vs bave not heard . o any oerions losee airoand boe, bat smre very b.d fir.. bave occarred tu cther parts eoftthe coaulry.--Joura<4t r Wi lithegrealest rogulariîy lie neighborlng, hakes lake an sunual con- tribution efthtrse or four bodies. Ou. eftthee trot for tuis yearsi' lIitle. 1Mr. James Orovley oee et le oldest setliers, sud' oeWe i.name ih kuevu leail trequentere cf ies. swaters b>' mesn et atîsobuseul le tie Islant! h. ovued lu Pigon Lake. AU Ihât eau b. learnet! et cîrenume s la liaI Mr. -Orovie>' came,. e llage on BSsturday, acoompaulet! by John Connais er moe fataurly kuovo '»uBiait ack. Attr transatinglhhçlr business lie>' loftfor hoe.l ina.he euingsait!inaà large ski& Muoh as Crovie> bat! beau &roundth ie vatebu la net swlm, i. bat! a slroug aversion le canoes, sut! alva>'. venlt t na alarge sut! mae boat. The> gel doVU puit Siudy Point Whou according tle Conwars. accoaI lb.> veeocbsnWgg placosaet! lpet -or ratier Orowieyl fell over ou» sida, sud a sok offir reîng Oa sest dml 60e gunvle, the boat ifilet , urnet! evsrtting lie li te labo sud tien ighu. vstsr o.wMýO-umiemtaet!t pauy Viti a yeu"e brother, warè-e z-, lii. cabin ho weut th le vessel'. aide te euo ti. oo lae oueand vu novr gal sen lle.Ho vas miss- et!", but mon.eouüld »-i1 bs w!b. Ids nqufirios, eut! àf4r Borne. daY. dit! not kuow vibetier té> believe bisbîother 10 b dot! r-a,..Tben ho heard ef a body boing Iound at a place soins miles away, îth&e0o4eson viieli-,bore the namsfNeetNwla 1. H. vont there, and identifioth le cqrpe seth&$tof hie ..brother, Deceased ,was nintosu yearî of age, ud hat! Onl* beon in lie Statas a few anonîbo, vie4 hoent hie an- timely deali. Hie, relatives bers bave eur sincere sympatby, in their avfui and unepect de veset. John Tophan, abat 18 ýreare, second son ef WilliamTO emafshet - l10h do.Markhaus, w ~fonnil dyiukon Suday, ling ou hi aide luns salow cresk It ran ast bis father'. The yoang m b a net been veil sic. the. ay ef rè snd viti bis brother and anothe ompanr at! taken a stroil mutndstdevu ttuâer a Ires. His oempanio:le left hum te take a valk aloug the fi de sud bo hlarted for home, haviug te ifrosu the sek on his vay. lIfe wae fa lad autheur after. wartis iyiug ou bis ýsida as dsseribed, Sut! brathing, aud Wa8s cariet!-homo, wbeu a deetor vans snt for, bat arrivýsd enly ln time te ses hýrn dis. The. rap. ti're Of a umal bleed veseel i. mapoSed teos be heau.. f eat î At tb. raisiag et W barn on Pridy the l8th lit.L, on tlie prornlsà eofMr. Imme Widemau abessîllot 21, in 7h ou. M1arkham, a plate f64 anud tory, nearly eutraPpet!à a halldqzen, on glauclng atuok Ur. John Kocb on tie hack et tho hemt, knec0king hýM seneelen. Dr. Robinson vas irnusdlalely smut for. Ji. fount!lac boues bioen. Ne persen *e biamed fatorarlnemmU«, y.l oe Due b.d bloudeaod. Mr. Rosi je one fumslagenial and bigbly respold itizju, sud tholugi igo bauseon tht.. set.@ yoars sud over, rotai»&s mueh of üa aryaho riosdl ver uady lend a holping. hant!. Proým 88te 1865hoe'ras aguonaisthé b. lest!- neto the da4ng yonýgmounvii. l>ok b. lest! aItroan ng sd lo: ngb... althe neigbboriood. The :oth ei &I u auchuthueff"ot.ot the bugle . sund le cargeon &su d oitv, herse. h. oit! ýraisng spwrlý" vlv os su ! ho * t e t ! > £ v e a l e l u ~ e "t « c o e ogni ap viti itsIlvben If hi -Woul mlJy relleet h. bad boîter stand ont et anger. W. are happy tle anonc»e s oonvleslngssrpldY aduo b. o:- 27 0 . O'DEÂ, Secret crn. A Positive Cure. APIIe 4F!7 r5ec end a u o e*; o rta ype S our,&-*mach, D arhea ùncaton, ]EL A. Àis Worr4 , Wvcsleep, andi promou di- Ti umunTU Coxrm, 77 ]Éurray Sireet, N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO. A Sohool Thoroughly Eqiiipped for Business- Training. BUSINES.Si CORESPONDENÇE, BUSINESS AB1THME TIC, COMMERCIAL. SHORTHÂND, AND TYPE -WBITING PRACTIOÂLLY LAW, Aec for (jru. Adde- TH aitDýNmaAL ÂES raqmmm pMW e. THebUi 0 R e u. ly 8 utarOZ1tl oes et . S =eu 1 siht' &vesiont.Os~ i.; wntofseqofde,es f KId i.a, imre for solitudte, lltsmnensant i Jalty tle fix the attention on a p4rtiular-subJect, oow.rtlc, tepoof spirite,. Ion of nesl !imory, exeltablllte eipespo. matorrh O MM os tthe sminal fllt-the remiit oc! eU-abifs. or.marita xcense-i.nPo- toney, innutrition, aanaciation, nosseai "on et the hea r4, hyxtéril !sein l 0ema4atrsznbllnq,, meltuichoîy, dis lg;rsss.=ear alsymptoný is errib 4le- habt, nft.ntim. n,.. onlarea,__ >ATKD pizza SICI I eMME lione u1 ~So derug eitn ô" the stoni- ach anibowhloare >romv lyrelleveti andi pernmnenÊly Pierce a Pleasant PurgaiePe1îeug In explnton of the remdil power oftthes Pelleta over so great avrlety of disea8e-6- jt May truthfully be atIbat teir aeton upox the syatem 18 universal. not a gland or tissuë escaplng their sanative influence. Sold~ drugglota,4 25 cents a vioL Manufactured at the Chemical LaboratorY.ot WQBL'a Dxans~ 1fiered by the manufactur. ers of ]Dr. Sago-a atarri osaile ;UCatarrh whlTj they cannot cure SVEITOMIS. 0F CATAIARR-D heavY beadache, obstruction of. the w . sa~s dlc barg es fallingr ohim the heati- InZle thoatsometines profuse, wateryj- andi acri, atiothers, tblok, tenous,1 tmucons, purulent, bloody andi putrId~. the ee r ,ekwa erynd Inflamieti.; tre le rlnging In the eama deafnes, baeking or coughing tu clear thethot raoneofnsv ratterto greth e r ýýwl t scb e fron ýoulcefrs the volce la changed andi bas a nasal twang;- the re t 8offen sve; amelandi taste re i. maIe theeIs asensaton of dzines& wth eralkdeb Only O. few of tea2e0 ae snposare iIkeIy b be-presnt ln nî one cas. Thousandsot case anually, W1thout :manlfestlng hait of -the above smtonre. suit In consumpUon, anti-end Ante grve. No diseae 8anommon, moredeçeptive andi dungercus, or les ndelrsWod by hysc"&n BYitsiMutw SOQtlluSdheanngprperti5g Dr 1 eaCtrhJtelyu e hewoze caseszcf Vandtarr"oa lu 1k. hed, or etW 1 sqz, efaàmousmesmerwt o f t h a N .. y w a e s : " " om e t e n y e a t s ae o SlnarriL I!y dau -yfr9iii clidlnassi. set m voe weud ecoe oga <se a&l barelyspeak abov a whlper Iu themrnn 'ut lie "iT« n brn e a 1l e A te I undotlher ,îra~tt~ tejullofn mtraci int toit &OCommerce ppTl'Y et exteu - o mec coln&O w, te fipof, cotupanios au, Pa j~es J2ot Dow sabj, ,r. Rua[is bî bed, Hie trie th ughg by apy me&' i , ouI thouéads s ikh aainîl the l a Liailti&a.Ion peép in laio his disatriot, n mnition for ÇonI or as. Thia they 1 t apgh Idoubtit -b p opie cf his diticti, ù J.Rsandall'loC î1ui any amn o4ogh for thal .! .eloted là the aft t îe ragular demosa iUaditrict refuseisoi wi na-n inde, &a d dfeat lhe maw 1 mi e abas pi vdei for Ithe adjuas e4npleyees of the go O~IhurIa !QlY»2u eto-ini dmeohanios eus - ment mac. Jane- sFgh#_bouta boums hi ed, vithout any- te 4ooount efthlà, erodO< ,l bor. Itaiwse a * c Ia irasfor adjudicat q Iiei'in eï , 's of Ïý d 4as, Proýviid sueis vithin 0.o y Aal T'hé Il te bah. cul-y &Permanente=m --dont. White. dtavng luni ho .tell * hhoag li botou cfhi.wagk ou a- fainibu Preve Ijresut! )>rekm*g svsri tus onu leti idà. fel , #sea.ug as vlt ee M t4 sdv viii b. eraundagoln so~ Tii. contractera for li r lov Iparts eftilie ves rbeestiug th. ne seheai buildings lu 1h.e ilag e Iksin - tvp asi Iaadté n . r Kin su!iblk , ,Wilai iiae carpeaiter vork, B. -0. Hrbu;paint. lng, 1. A. iltf; gAivwnso a ok te eversi contracte as 4ý 2. r. Weia i na4ing soagem Uts for geltug usleiuiPu li, g enat a ee. -Whéo the Whkby CIk 00 ee 0»rp.4'ulaau misakeôensiny.parentse rd lu avig leSobldren l. eal~,t! brihe lairil ruei the Pplis sut atemPi te a ifuens e. mes Tie i. re.uMljuabetho papi. soquir. buta usp.rficolIedu.*iz,"4 e oemmel,.wlli bsoIly probi vbalchi sYsLrvIy$litIlm 0 etbitaigo sud tryasu!asie uelt, sa!sieti> atter ville rnovlUR to-adua1hthe ,a Mebot hol te ssii sippe!, msut le> botv*ont t!owaý Ceacimecme up -but Orovie>' dit! 0eappear aglu, Canner. tbenU40 a ué -f te sals te bail out lb, beat, sut!pat!tlst ber siboe. ou laot!lngho Umt!.hie va le 1fr.Tnolby ravi.>', a soSait! . immedlatel>'wveut dovua 10 lie sdmo". Tb* .1ekt A. toéind draim " in , r John ReUe fthélii. bagtfou,, on ost a totn Iu,'u b. el boudaOf the-skfvoeefountîaloolb.h iter..Nearer tb thei. bia!ebune body> baual»t beau dlsooverot!. the 52ad !PO% nait!Who ov vemai biu bresit lteé modal for-the reMet of mail li sl uaiL fvioe -ras tseit eCa" di amjsaou. -- fa I wetï tmb.wsM>-Mot *niaons fDssuo sSu at SorlgcPotWu!eieSmàb oeOheSUMgTOeeaavunlit bu!xehheir h b>'cev!n i v i ubtie hotu£a, 604' V"l Panul 1prm . A -POrae~or7 A Pleasant S IPORTA T NO-T/CE Deoied o g ou~f le rockery,& A»WL L8EWITHQtIT Re8BVÀ- DINNU~'~SA SETIS OHMBftSETTS CII&A O»Ds, Ff»ICY 'W QIA, ARe ~IX3L LMPS, Uý Gis Q LAU LA -GOO»8 »TD BW.E AIL steg lu suadPÀ s 9 -ý ninf i I. BOOK-KEEPING, «P«ENMANSHIP, C-q - - 1 à w A AFIMCO

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