Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1888, p. 3

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w&sh~n tnLettor WÂ&sgiNQTON, JtJLY 21 &ter Spo)oflêr'B -bill to regnlWeti telegTlPù'y bat; b. .*"0i yra to the Si-uae.IL Lc.$1 et businoe- -'PtO-1)tÃŽ as 85 f %r3u utmmi the . Lu aott tie o the bill okisely follove l.th~e "ir&tî commerce aot. Tbeos. J. Brown, s eeoil exatniiuer of the pension Office, formerly eft lb. Sig- nal Service, made Sn *rgiiMer4 bofeore the senate cocuaiitte'OU onAg41outure Wadceeday, ini favor of tibe. weaîh.r bnrean te the Agricultural dep#àrttbent. From the best idiarniation obtalbable I six' under tbe impression thal the committea will -decide 6agýXet 1he transfer." Senstur Oulloni ha s trïu a yesolutiofl jnstruoLiag the c>mibittee on interstate colmmerCe ce inquire into the propripty olof etenin:z the Interstate oomtieiOu law, ho îelegrapb and ex. preqq coO'pftfieé; ar(Idteraiiroad cern- pafh. niL yDojU)¶ tv t>Jt jcto it. Mr. Randali is slowlY recovering frjtu h16 illiuele, ont is etili confined te his bad. Mis friende are et idle, tihongh, by apy means ; they are seed; iag out thon,3ande of copiés of« bie spechO! agaiflOt the Mille tariff bil. ýTbe adaliaisLriLtiofl people are talking of go- ju luit) hie district. and prevbuiLWg his Dominationf or Congret;e by lte Damo- cratq. This :bey may b. - able te do, tbongb I doubt it, but as te keepitig th. people of bis district fryni sending Samn-. uel J. Rtàndail te Congteaes, Ido not tihink auny administration -ia strong eiioiigh for that. [f ho lives ho will be eleeted to the. fifty.first congrees. If tbe regular demooritic convention'in his distrioet refuses tu nominale bu, ho wil run as an indepentient candidate, mi i tigteat the mn it dose nominSteý The ~eute has, passed a bill te pro. vide for the adjustmet3t of'u.ceunte of employeee of the governmentunnder Lb. tezit btour law. It prevides for the euipIoyiDeit of ail laborere, workmeu and Meohanic e empleyedl by the gev- ginient siesJ-une 5tib, 1888, fer each eight heure heurai ho bas been employ- ed, without any reduction of pay ou acoonnt of the red0otion cf the heure Of labor. It aie refèestoe i court ef ciaimm for adju dication ou a,1l c1aitm1 for labor in, excess of. tb. eigbt heurs .per day, provided sncb suite are cemmenced witbifl two years frern t1e 'Passage of theact. This aot, even it sbeuld pSas Houge, sud rocelve the tige ýtur9e et t Presidený, will be of amati 1berneài s th. laborosrs, because a preo majority cf tbem hbave Yearts ge ,soid 1hei dlaimas îos Sam lu Ibis city whidb, represenýs a« welthy syndict., oee-of the membere of wbh e Benj4. F Butler. The river sud barber bill is tilil] tb. bande cf a conferene emnmittee, The Blouse conferees refuse to, agree t4 the Canal items. Anothor lot of private pensien bill were vetccd ibhis week. Thers vi b6hocivil, ervice exavainbs lieus hold ilu Sil tbe lassified posi otflieef theeootry Tuosda' .&ng. '7 The seloetion cf Câ1vi ý §. Brie., tlb rsilrotad milionaire as c4sýirJnio f th, national demooratie campsig» commit tee, je regarded among sbrewd politi ciasebores samistake. Me ha. one3 'but experience je -of more value Mome limes than% esdy ca.&L a 1884 th i bf le e- eI. 10. 'r Thouands havé been re 'Of detindlgee- tien sud les. Of appetileby as, ngle ýOtle- -Of Âyer's Bsapala. Tho useý efIhi. medîcine, by gfving toue "-d str.nmlb ho the moaaurlative organe.basmA, hnur- ibin curesof obrocic dyspopslaU ?" W thPa bott4b. NEW5 FuOx AuL OVREGAMA FOU»' IN Theoare am t1,00elielsl Ru», Que. 1The l'ion..? ,6y&s atlé, aI lb. Saubî mre drison aimaitlcuasy 'ylthiesm. Se r ba1h. e aulttoe nl<nit Biratterd i le bave ltue ectÉlth sI 22 cents p«sT 1ap per ii <bWo.2000 bcndi. peve r Ugbte vas rua oser by à u 141* i# ,leb1â lb. wladsçr dà Wd lu.ok anid 9.4,~ Barr iepacla t. have its fifîsen .1.0' m ni n çnihb. -Tlreo iýwill b. by valer pof @I. A ynngcoule ere it ou a oail 0ei SIraford lakqe -e oi contly nýOee ii. boalîand- but fêtlmily i MW5 A b sivris ein b eau leover- ed la thlb ;. vnblp"f Do ien inaPort Arîbu4r, The îvelidpw# arv stra nee For- several mlles iý eu >e wAlked ou as easy as valking n t~,leak pri mi .fro dÃ" On acount ef oh auges baving heen efermed agaist bies asacter, Bey. '.,McLeod, Cou gregationalisl' minieter nE6omy, N-.S., has been expelled m lb.heminiusîry hy laeCoungregallonial nion. Notwithstanding thal Chanct cltown a- 89011 Act city, there- is a saloon ait i foot- et Qneen street lu front et îicb le a blaokhosud vith the ominus ritation: "lIe ail uigbt up mtaire; n't b. tbirety."- On the 5th inet. Mv.r. Frederiok Schilling, 14th Coeu. Bentiuok, mol bis death while fighing fire on hie fat. Wbile thug engsgod a Ire. wbich bsd beeu partiahiy*hurned fell on hlm, kil!- ing hlm lusla' ntly. William Carr,s famer of Fitzroy township, oelabrated thel2th July ai Carleton Place, sud on bis wsyborne fired a revolver at Wmé Smitb's house., making a bole through a viudow, fer which amusement ho vas fined fifty dollars sud coats.- The Wooeen's Cbristian Temperance Union are memorializing Governor McLelan, et Nova Scella, asking bim te disoard tiquera et Goseromont bouse enlertainmnue. Hlaviulg beau a 1f.- long abstainer Geveunor MoLolan wiil likly accede te the requels. Miss Margaret Mather, th. fanions sctrees, le à Canadien. 8h. vau boru ,at Tilbury Oentro, -Essex C0., ou Oct. 21.1, 1860. 8h.e discovered by Manager Hili, of New Yorks ilu 1881, and agred to aigu a six years eoutract atÏth rate of $50 a week. Be well vas se. advertised that.on the apening night $1,ffl4 wustaken'lu at thedoor. The detachinent cf mounted polios etatiened li theKootenay district wlh probably b. recalled in about Ivo veeke. They venld have beau with- drawn sooner but for 1h. presence near th. bonodary cf a baud of savage Amerloan Indien@ vhe frequently ores the border sud incite Canadian J.ndians to, deede of violence. Ourreut Literatue. t Frank Lisfilis Popular Monlhly forc &ng«st."The Battlefiei.d otGettysburg:1 Isa Uemoriews'and Meote, is" iMosta ial.r«osiuy mtreld lu In,;Ï,bo .Popular0 of lh. sreaýt bali,tb dis ts'wPauA te hy tbe-oemmanders sud hy oMfous sL scidiers of hoth suiese the monuments th&& now mark tle. grenud vbre regiments beld sheir own under wilher- ing fire-ali lb... coines before -lb. reador vivîdily.' AOver tb. Tele-Noiro" tako. ne te Alpine travel. snd vil lu- tereslna lndlhtlo'anuotbe S le WOUt desribadorptus. Thspo tusd. of New York" le an ilugtratwof e bov 6-msny a unlokle makes a muo1eà» Fev would suspect the amouuût aU&4 ine tbdin hsotrilles > ett l.ktohon, or ho e . enda-à ceeléd le gol 1h.m. OcW yoag menv .n w oier iq sulbo4iabd yapbtAzn# , o aanage.-,, ment of aflfig ràft SIhal --ieoe on can ~ ~ ~ ~ i vih its.siidret uf veatber »or fou i sok-boats, camie- yawls, *rulp*eis, oIe. A, skeloh et ileudo.tbe scupter et lb. heboit statue et Wssb1uagtoxi, mskq kno" 00suauls by en and ponoiL. Bukg ib, "The, Grave Boîveon Thoni," miakeÃœuD le~ ~~Moy Obl as ~iaaP esaul eu aud glis.topici.o on cvoisadoêu. Witain4 Huzor., A u4lkmau -x"p ,drive 11w ereek eeyioau lhu sg» l'b i tilebey fl.lbug lu cana are api tornak#uemarkL- <Job Blod (t o-oroa S-MM i ta 131 JOHN FEIRUO la isHOWIIma à ~Ou R. 'lSTOCK 0op blbiliug a ,fory -profusê Ïasrs e woey, h. hsen'- thât luopntiin, loluw'erlyifrein the WaY be hùds, wsge b roPeusO. Bo 'î ou unele hdlý n1lXl eha rT~ibyeouiu4 Èis me a Jo~ iieJaesingtead ci f âý del- Bat, Bobly a- is labotter tt ikle. Jý alb.thetrouble; x~oke cti1bve ilW, Srituta t 'm.ebm"n (te Aen.@ricsu", ho lis lsa n fr a waiter)- jr-rye bat gi-uosely insnited me. ly seconds viii vait upen yen air-r. mnerican-Never mind your seconds, 'renchy, yen eau vail on me jua s re. PÉseme thal Woreutershiue uoe snd ho quick a&bout lt." R Boüston mother (10 dsnghter retiring, Dr tb. nigbt) -Did yen est the cold eans, Penelope, that I put sude fer ru? Dsughter (jbidlug ber, face sbyly S ber sheulder)-No, maurma ; Clar- u00 tlid me to-nigbt thst I amn aUl-the rorld le hlmn, and aven beans, mamma, 'euld h. in disoord witlJi the tranquil saroony that i. singing lu my seul. l'This is a tongh, tougb world Char- ey," b. sigbed, as hog gzed in dismay kt an open leIter in hie; band. "Wbat's àe tre nuw ?" aeked Chprltey. l'Yen new that pratty ltle tblng in pink 'vo Speul se mnoh ime snd money n ?" "Ys. "Sho refnsad me peint àtank last night, and nov the eld mn onde me s bill of $631er a breken gate." 64Bill, toit ye what le'@ do. 'Yen gel in tb. wood box an'hide'au' growi, au' caua dat. He'U tbink il's a hear." Great echeme. Bill bides. Just before me grovie, bowever, dad tomes lu witb a cord et steve wood lu bis; arme, which i.q drops witb a crash in lh. wood box. Bill fergals boy ta havi but makes a Rood imnitation cf a boy). Dad bas te take al Lb.heWood ont ta exeavate BiU,î èfter vbioh another soene of terrer oc- Cure, but il ién't delà that lessmaed. Tonar Çorus, Sait corne, corna of >M kiuds rcxnoved wtth - onut pain or sors spots by Pntnam's Pailies Corn Extractor. -rhonsandu testify thut il i. certain, Painles sud prompt. Do not ho imposed Ilpon tiy mubtitutes efforod for the inle PIuM's" E81xtracder. SUre, sate, A diastrons vrek of a Construction train oonL.red on the Mexican National railvay', lu whicb 15 mon voro klLled. The datefor th,heariflgfthe oety of Ottawa electieuz proteit vau fixed yeslerdsy for the IlUt fSepteiner. in mie& Ama Tofthe polt. Dyspepsa s dreadini.' Disordered livor Io. mîsery. .Indigestion iàa tee te god The humain digestive appamatu esontocf the mnt camplicated sud vondefuli "gs lu existence. Il xin "[y put ont of ordor. (3rsay f*e omm cghfoed, aloppy focd& boa cookery, :mental- vorry, laIe heurs, irregular habite a, mnyother atbigswMho egli net te h.,'have -AUothe 4Me02ÃŽCaM peol a nationoet dyspeptles But Gen,& AU Es loyer bas doue svouiderful vor larefouzma alIbi business and unking 1he.' Amerioma PeOle, se bsalthy "ha they uen enjoy their, mOals and ho happy. Remoubor :-No -bappinesa withoiib' bealth. But Qreeu'sA&ugust ?lowez bringu healh sud'happinosa le 1he dyspepsie. Ask your -druggistlfoz a boulte.. S.ssszly4ve Ceuta. puitlte b.ides cf lb. hattalon nt bn pmdu»a ntoeamp bocaumehl> refemer À muvmnilo.tout fo o sblb s toc yars a Wlnlp.Aomny-wUlbaie, Elnglisfi and' -Canadian Twe eds, And other fine Unes of Cloths, eor Bpring suits. AUI garmente made Up in latest stý1e on sherteet notice. 'eady-made Men'8 and Boys' Suits, Gents'- Furnishings andý - Underolothin4 of ail Kinds. [NUESrjTRu CTIEZýE OVERALLS!1 HÂATS 1 Latest styles ini Hard and Soft FeitHRate VERY (JHEÂP. JOHN FEIIGUSqN, -Unas8t, hitby MEDIOATIED IELIEOTRIC Medcated fSrM heme of the bloodand uer- vos yee. La",Ies' i 2for tomai. er- ~IaInaithanooua1. Mon'ot 13,combied* iý i" . . 1 0 niait ù-àm thme-cured of f rhe m tjam, paralysie, ne debilîty, -ésturh of e bladd d"m of the kidnen spinal diéeàse, ver, E:Out- ggitmi exhaustion, seminal emissiorÀ8, est âon, impoten b ape and &Iabetes. Se di"" b diséase, dysP"iaý, ipàtion., G=Le lencestriet1v OL;l M . Ind = ,, piles, d= la i"y:JnýLýtëd and h corruponc snlt&tlon &ùd elecuical, tzeatmentffree. wanted ý èýPerywhem -Platt. à â6th"Im Oum* ouâranteed ne icated lEleotâc Belt Go.,v ýuý - in q1ýWêqtq Toréntof Çanadite WOLFE-N-DENS STEAM . . . . . . 'IMARBLE ý-wGR KS Ar- W- R' 1. T--ýB Y. TAR mThe Furia ud Cuhs t,ç tmer >us ior ~lssfeu Ibeir liberalpatronage lu tb. passn teassrethemi thh bbtter fahiisthan ev-or fou'- executlng ail iders enr.e ehlm fou Monu ment8, Headstone,, 8 fate end Marbie MeIntite8, OUR 14A1R Remnove, Présir No. il trealmeo AL.UM, AMMO0NIA. LIME. PHO$P-fAÏ4 emney injurions mtevlsk IPM. E. W. GILLETI,T ONT*'T. UEEE Msa't'r ~ HICGO sfh.!2&f3OATR ITTUI A errh wh &H-Di the na the he Be, wati 8, mucol -3yes 8 li ringi )ughhik !effank ilcere; t te .re! leii, yi 1 sud te wee'nau, 4 any a ,-Wilbc7 oi- am me up sa ards enuý bl coul Dr. saet ira afm. 'IL- ul*i Ce., md pro r that ~ i pomma. I otd sa4 doer En- lin d for, 'tories ýMsh-' ifropi horst- ad foc :ýCata. Ilc , HATS -1 1 HA TS 1

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