Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1888, p. 6

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"-508 1, 10=uzd hlm¶o 1u Iproëed imers- À 1e biOc loe4500 ve0 W. gptar dfowers In lulae, For the lb.moth oft Kay. And on"ler--henoesbe'd Ooeaa- 'Twbulreour woddlng gay. Oh 1 awlftly 41&$hobeurs 97 And happl wu myheurte Re tbld me 'f bagood-bye We neyer moretsahPài." «Twe* 6ve% frrnhrb ad i reé The, Utie bâ«UnÈ fgorhim -and me. The saut wlnd rose, th.emIl. vwer. upresd, Me. shp moved, outi b es; My milor boy o"lbed thém mast.head And ébrew a klit t me, 'T venty ya fl ac te The eaun i"«.brght, ihefovers booii- MY treses&Il are gray. "lTveet, Bvat,!Aigc h.bira iniglee, Bat never y*y lov eIwabmk to mO. Tihe EuggDocuments. OONl!AMnfI»TE IMPEMIE OP orAC JERU"SU GG ut SEABlOF PART 2. <Oontimôd.) TNT M»m. BsWgsgve ahuahed mug; Mi Phhlhps, s Lpea-viper ; Ohsity Lon bye braoe, mtlled "ina.,, have yo a seUlI suad "mertl!Pigrie 1 Panai Jim Smith gin aàceep, lte avinhesi lklg amilUe hak--eve"- yen m@W MarahSmthgive 6aolg*caa. Anai 0'n ed a plu-oushiou. Saufueil th IMa4nM s peprboi. lMm. Gi!.. box o e &s ai sd a doxen of egM Mr. WllnasMsb-sud @0o-tori suA se forth., Jonathan b. <lv. s ýy@arling om«,Ha a bushel ftaples u aa Paent pto - " "éalh.'d bngbi-oftlà mn hat va roundsapeddllug et 'em, sudvarrantei - V (;ib li *âvthost saybodyi louobia« t dl 'i. J9uathsm d hh au'* braima mot te operotaneIsd if aybody aise bail let 'eau eperate. - %au e oNil pe ome ocrn, @mo others gie soe ttberi ; ,there vau tbrée.peu4pklus, sud two squabs., sud M9,upgetbal! peppors, sud s pint aqeiu, iOait refpoe, and vai othar artiols. Squre rlmtah*wauW tSept -lu of lkwlgsfM4, iim asre t donslte luthoïs oflbiet 4l. stock np th. staira, va rsM ctnlyde- -olil; sud bad a peu buit on tse <round oier ilutM. Elgns'8,heespe Il took aveok togitlblangé yss4 ta exhiit- sud 1 neyer vomked auy eierything va sud. lmas lar, aie. daywvenv. opéeailoui exhibi ".onZl dtheme vMaelot cffIo*,§ttee. W. ohar e tuy4i. cents for gomug lu, m, Inm orrh»sy thst a good uauy et the oibes »ocl@ty vould'î pay, but vu aséatmoan'enuf tgoe hab Up on hoardaoutaile sud pepoves thâe fos., vhlob I o.sliWlty smd= 7 es 'lia toelesot f. iilirvomejs Tih. brut day, for a vendes, uebody lboro, l ruoroliai gîttl~put oie. for, a t ai o4 od otees, Aa vas -à flor-emtultnp ou niv ur0?o 1 tboê pstà ý - Ibrbut tbey vs àr ilr dry«ensd bocngt moetessud seEce. Toflb.saou luth. dl s hme ly Il v eydusly. sud l.vI bleveilsala'sc a efg éep4Ila my- m»t4lo emaufflo,- su# tlhe fus# thln 1 kuevai àl ibh on MéSrote thre, b.trsclî,broke Sm'a #bobo . ouff aloe w te - aaj -1 ad av'en kb hor li*key.$PIt *1hrouali N wte m 'Ib oPruserve I DO5"ne ndSfio It~i AndÏbyvusaltr heehop AYer's au .V]Igol-ibe olyrsn ta ~ tbstiunm sau i tjmped 'iver yen roquire fçr tih*sr.-and ae alitUi sw ýhw4 thép iui o h.fn lsdu orUc alesdalrUppeerve eb.nainral color an wa~ l. We lth 'ar (o vir b*wio& ed; f&1 prevent baiineas. sncba'ebgikijt bok à, xot(UNmeýag p utl1, ~t sstnnetwo'TesM~, hrû&v~ log opbo thé mhcsps utai et the e-oli ecrs kuook hlm higher than s kit., for' wrTes: "eveay, gmni gro m, y., frce - keucldu' Sulien au noh bUt501commenced tafllng eut, snd in a 4eW Âsfouoapwa lIdel, Mslf -hehouont toibtt$ h* enu i gh o ro vea yhed a1amatb*d fauted lu hls arma, sud the captin, vho the irak; f-es yhs wsamntbl.l lsdreadfnj 'fMuda vomau-.4alg Au bout -iaîtimeea étranger -coma on- frled many. remedies, but they dld no old baelr-seree.îd for help, sud te ithe grouud, sud ivheu. they- sot a good. I finally bonght a bottie of Ayer'a the inaténoes omeOdy cern, hbock t. hsiticl90es vas loft for sale, ho bid l air Vi'gor, .and, after nsing only a part hi. oo heea.iir=,,as4 aim - hie legs tiff_,0«elon a p oin, and ovecf the contenta,,m y head vas cevered vo~ ary h1m. «Wh1lu'9ebeen ceeu 'etih""sai'-shthat Wllkina wlth a heavy growth of hair. 1 reccm- lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M M0~ifne n~MuaiIssbuighdonrbtd-. 1hr a omeîhing meud your preparation as the beat baur- for hins fur aud near. 8he's s-golug te about hie looka that 1 ld &fu, u rsorer in the world." M Skc ier m aa uY ber, or hel1 eue hlm I vsto he d hi e pritty oidn t.; su d e < ba u a ad d a d r. le fors bcao ofproiss IBe' ruustd ye hn ie iz isari» te, I aeed the Mabel C. Hlardy,,Qf Delavan, I.; "dbut heor ehrapter, ah. esa@&-holding et -ber gleam cf a red Sud black flannil. 1- alter flsing a bottie of Âyer's Hair Vigor, lu hie eama, sd ai4 likely as net s-hug. knoved il lu a minuit. It was jgua- 1: became black and glossy."i gins sud s-klaang ef ber whle ah. vws than'. shirt. Wamn'î I hoppiDg? niiensolin 1WOUl, I guess I vas. I dropped. every. Ayer'sImair vigor, Lsvwlfnl beari I b y Msyme vomen- îhing izeept my ambrill, sud thon vent SoId by Druggists adPrues ia ruintsd 1 Nov- aiu't ibey ? But for bit», sud gsz 1: adPrues Jouathan -l -oflcrlg for hi. supper diThief sud shirt hocher I that's sud Ie elesu shirt sud1Imuet close. Jouathan Perkius' red snd bMaeh fianril ?imples a1nd Blotches, He'a &.gOiug te a co0rkus- te heur the shirt, that you've got on. Strlp il odtlulgt h ae oeed u Honorable Mr. Whangbaugo leeter. o09 Ilisminuit, or IPU save you the80d, b ir b ththce freea, n JERtumET Pammns. trouble, v, neck, may be eutirely removed by te The mau he turned red as s beet, use of Ayer's SarsaparMIa, the best and Ne.-sM.--Âs N tomA.zzFm&, sud sot cff 0n the Olean gallcp, -and 1 safest .Aterative and Blood-Purifier ever liet'ase 1 loft off belling yen about afler hlm a flouishiuq« my su bri, sud djscovered. oui lar jeat vhoe. ariait Smnit sud clouting for somebody to head hlm off. Dr.J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Ohaiiy Lane had thoir litieonuplea. Up bill snd lovn b. veut vithout r. SoId by Druggis:s; $1; six bottios for $5. sutuee. gard te ecat, il» st hast bh. mn smaah Weil, atter that vas over, t"igo veut gainsi Un.. judgeJeauingg Who vas on lu bsrrny. i eOOming te the fair, sad vho ailersS I dun e I mcd that I give the fair M"k ia pint toobe iste evaryviiere. CAUS AND- EFFECT. absif bushel eofdu&Wdapples, snd a This lime ah.ovas a isetti. to airly. Ma p pais etf'»&IMd blachfan-e! shirt., tht Dovu ah@- veut inuto the Band, smash- sd anyprons vonder at the tfred, voru Wlu Tftath"8. f Idid't &y sq 1ber gpld.bowed speoka ail te bindera, eut wearz feeling that oppresseathem wlth- vas ouahan.. f Idldut ay 5, Ianyapparent cause. !tm=&y b. pov6uiy oslkerlalcdte, lhongh I sPOSe h dont sd learlg a plae lu her nev .11k cof theblood or a disordered stonmh; in leok uté rlghs te b. slliqg yer owu gownd as long as my atm. oither case the stcmach, blocd &na liver décds ot eharity. -Thetarm & v a. j0eat "Mrd@r I bre 1 flue 1" yelled iii., are not performing theïr regalft funotiona, gSdm nw, ulytbe ha ahunkthe t ofberlane, ut neer e 1 ad, vith ypersons there viiill 11,a m eà g ontasnev, enly they had m hlb. top t gbe unge, bt- nover yub-du,,, h.aVy hodache, nauses and many o"- thl -us olnigtm mn e;I uigabdIa hr tse y ether sywPtcmns that precede a veli deve. md- hcyvastUr*cd aneblic cler Ibeooaltsil& sud held on 1 H. mun like oeics f yppi.Plytebod zude th arm vhre bd eeai:fous rae bss, nd a railug behind, ro. cleanse the. system cf the clogged sacre- be's mu svfulpov el wcater. And selvsd neyer b Pv. np the ahipl tiens by uslg bengbhébb Wlddsr 8Prlgus kinder ,Suddenly thein coat-tails give way,Meh hr»o t oi blte about 'eux,, sud spohe sud 1Iwos bsckvsrd fa H ten feet into ocam'8 Mandrake Mixture, ui ihengh thcy vasut machitote pi, I à fmeg.bole by the aide cf tbe road, sud preparedi by J. B. Meacham, 188 Tenge St., hluk they vwu Worth full as mueh as vbeu I bad sorambled cas th&&aiserac- a Chemiat cf nineteen years experience. h. Pan vlpcr, made oni of red ginghaiu able thief Ua uowheres te be seen. Sold tn Whitby by W,: lB. Hoea. it oé doni.te.i.But hhey b*d beard Mrs. jenlngs Wbile v. s. awu s Ou ea og i» ycll elean t lh. village, and men Iarfs sud Oharlîy, tha" eeItolietud. v WOmensudobilidren had turued ont onTWO 8 1,'f A SID u0t'., Ime011 ixcied uili tb. preoee. mas8y vitlitlb. re imnetai teir iesSC OL / Hh3 '<s,"sd'-wbatdo.. h. do but break bhluking foiiarng that tscmebody or W. have fersaeathaofc osiol lo his Yard md jump eut1 Snob a omig vas a burulog up. arahipi cf Toronto Business (Jellege, sud amtq"lg Mmd hklubg op heels yen Judgo Jquuiugs baWl$9o trea lb.influe slabaldisposeeofthuse b any peracu vho Bioêef d. Ogfbe*cuj dowvu ibarh te eider sud e-ka udIva hge lhes tb attend: thatiInstitution.il jea [lggln'e fleld cf sprlnig ry., tearing -up le bake the *stand.è, b d 1vau abarredl opporiunity' ýfor two ycunnu men vbc W" wa a batel ohrhup ibeir knovleâocfbush- ho <round by 1he hall bule, &Md tmed no on the bedsu mkOp es m ih t'm zu SficYoung rys e ucrydiro.. speeh. I bil djaséIfIariabe My muyc. Apyetl les. Wè &Ul teck atWshie at thc top. b'el$b vY Of luiuoducÎug rmf nsd Nov. 9. 18b7 f OWrsPed I wtb my »brülý md s a h gottuf masMy frlUbd. u . _ _w_ __ _ _ itchel fan! ef tumuovers a lourishlug lu loved telles ejtI#d" b.a I feit 1th. Me &ir te rnakahÎm Stop for mrea«b. al&Wh hlUPPÎ0 tromu beneati My fte, culse; &b. deacon '11hbis oaafortuMd that ountm d.u lbarri! bead i li s'a gol the nevrolly sd oau't1P vay. sud doua I vent, couse, lut. a witem , yotn oeau vhlp a bail; tb. barri! of hercsysme 101, dOaM up &0 My l4a8pluswt ber pre.;9a"ab"Ie. Wis o0"e pople vititvarios th Dasoon Crundnut Paud me t 101111 4na sud ruluabed Ise ucvbuE troveloons Thevsaytberye flev vasuaslound4 g ouiplobely wllh ihs ie., But hosplay. d te !!*Y lte deseon svore vac ed th»e part of a braie man, sud long VOuI te liea. I deelare h. roiled oMt sahl I -nommber hlm for ht. e catis vus ibm auy aluner I ever Joathau>'se cusaibecould, b. *rd-. ot o ,o hlm, binghumau but laveakel Whio o for Jouathan faitorrà1u"d foril rôIbrârt le sud I hava 41î a seif Iilboeen biled il, klsfuWtcmre .er. heh. b lled soulai b. éatisukiItvu no vuas 04Mn hudso"m. b.eà sud ldu inTi. ir, aftt.,aul Ixpensesasupaid, s & .mà X * Iee bis 4ç dm Ugo em aldbb siug.777, bryelh ls~g .Kwi~e~y *d amelte)iii .1 os cesa l Ti.caI Iestil ~ I vs eye. eud tebrm Mrs 4 b.nl~nl ueettbi euonbi.Bmbhu Can7La.,m&tspa s. di l 1 lm ma a .a to ih am UN o a o IlS &Usuogn5shouknovtba d r.-", mi IIUN WRIT~R, PA-PEZHANO.FzeJ Ir 0 WHITY. of Great MECEM< ,,Càa Deers, Swow.a&61ab 0 Ifrs d Mo1dI, >ANNAL INCOLEJMBEB, vholesale and rtio Mgou am p t roLry sud D v.fllg the oau lod. -- Houa,. ~ Y« afeolt.V,'loy rates. Easy Plomiag, moudings of every descip4i bem u 01 psym et. simple poliiolea. No loring, Sbeeing Shelvlugt, B-av ofexa Wticua codins. om sulmet haplng T=mig, écroU Worketc.,e~ 1 ý rLtlitgl - T iis C o m p an y issu , .es y d s a h f m eartit h elb. p ecu l à S za t r at c fth0* eveyasiabl itm uman tscc, of a bile, rdinsects, etc., of Lite pclioy, anddbhm d.poslted vith ibe inoludivg vivld description f the. Atan! Becelver General in approved Canuadian ti .1P %.andIûdau Oceans, sund of the seotuities ever 0190.00 for eseit 8100.00 o cf ýPrBeas, the. Monsters cflbth. Deept, lablity, thug aflording ABOLUTE se- beautiful iseashels sand- plants, singular c0rity'.fIlshesansd dwellers inth. enrd cf waters, Parties deuisous cf ausuring thelr lite remarkable O-çen currents, etc., together vii! ftnd ih t huir advaniage te onsuit vt lb. underslgued before assung elseviithe AM4ZINQ FHEzfOMsNN OF TH JOHN YARQUHA.BSON, BOL4A ID 8TABR? 8SYSTrEMS eneral Agent. .BY Whitby, May 18, -86. ly R nxY DÂvB]uORT'on oRXInoP, D.D., Embellished viit over 800 fiue engravinga, Liberal terma te Agents. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O X F O R D P U B L I8 H I -J B C O . SJORDANi ST*., - TOBaOTO, ONT. gi àA8E1T SI ÀAOEIRTS 1 Unlvers."; belng a fulliand Ph . soutof al thai lun wonderful m~ cnietof the Globe'$ in the. world cf Waters and the Btarry Heavens, eontaining, thrling adventures on land and sars., ncvned discoveries cf th. vorld'a grealpit' explorera in aRages, sud remarkable nhe-: L CÂN DA ,j 1 WMHTB', f MOibNov. Tb, 1882 l-! *THOMAIS DOWt, Manager. M1OEYFO BLOAN JqT IN ILEAL EBTATE SEBOUBITy. 01 Ai ovsa Ivng ats f Ifeeut cn ontyrce na f tep ôeotie vu Money Segma wgoca10- days ofing seivinîwmac1ne.i purcitad gseue o! h&Wib'sBenemeth p li c tio n .M A B H  P B Apply te JOHN PABQ1HARBSON &ft-1887- anUS&' f0. eWhite Seying Wbltby, Pebrmay lOt, 1880. Mcin u yfamly I eau fully endorme-ý hheabo6vecfotnd eaufully.reoem- mend * the -machine as, a- taly eeving -MON EY 'TO LOAN mb:e h foevr raIra hai ao On eal Estati omgage ai Loy Rate ' MAJO R L PER. Sciai cheap s lb.cheapeai, s an lb.t' A. ...C... besi cof t b bon. 4PP»ér « th Caada om ud sVin Sole gent for ibis Distrct. CJo*, sudaguent fer bteesétern Assuranc -- OF'IC-OerGerrnl'aBloek, Wbibby. Bw»& Oé 5alperAd. Veft"sn&Bù»61CL(10 Bpruc. St.),.wle»,ad vert lsng ontract a msy b. ode Ao d- To whom it mag coumm. This i. bt certify ibat having examined, repaired sud uacd a great vaniety cf Sewing Machines'. I have corne -te the concluioni. thâi th. White -Machine sold by L. Pair- banks one of lbe beat maeshn rny! opinion ilbila amachine that i Dotnceaaily et ot of order, and vi laut mutoi longer! tw moat-machines as caeebas been takcn bo .peveni vear as mucit as possible. I. 600 ROB"&S fi i. i L1V,e- Ru'Ak M.a O. RAi NEW 8105. --o ---- rePU DurilOU a net ndue UtIlyou know our termas ana conditions. Hnqire of E. B. B. H"y- WABD, Our General Agent for Soqth On- tario. Off i n Whtby-pat oLD.ý0Oris- ion'. Lav-Omfoo. Auil itera addrasd W Lock-Box 78, Whitb P. O., wul reeve pr m tattention. sBedn e-Ham cOi- ae ton street, Whithy. 21 Q*sorgc :Wfis Secoai êonollm, Nov- York-?" BTsok-"I .1 toast."# TH, Oommerosj Tro 'g r~ Gen RlHoue,,]) " Orders fo the* c*untzý ~o a Il 1 1, ovthaïthbe Oai C3e lfub bai breenli las nt quildltbà ske KeBvig Roman off. .adam (ustafiez vill isreî,-ssWII niglit te see the'm uo4bug t varw Dcvi ou-te se ,ravîtsuanold 0ce Enbnl(deup< look tough my de. me a fling."' "6We!, fto ver si they didn'l-havatâ flll.d vllh rice, u off vibitù.4 aoldse theflr-wcddung joui Afler Trommy lii over the Pasý il ltrougi tihe igale - .dhe vsa a >iQeom a oév ettcher. liaged on bIis -be jsfor utw brella you'ývcgc Robluson - Ye vlisl dops il cool1 Mie ltai?» o 0 au ot ' cf bisa s fou Lnd o d anahie ý 1 J"ýM41 JEL uirr mtby, Nov.

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