Whitby Chronicle, 17 Aug 1888, p. 5

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SPECTACL ES, ?lîiedwith 9clênnlo cuusy by, t» use o1 D.Buokling'8 OpthaIflaSCOPiC Test, Thi istumnti.endorsod by the sI5jftIfO zfSrlBfand indicates te B <erWty tY he lens neoeesty te o rret LONG, FAR and SHORT SIGHT And the more difflcuit 05865 of ASTIGMATISM. OOCULIST'S prescriptions, filled %rmes 01 ail kindi kept in stock at J. Se BA RNA RD'8 JEWEàLLER and OPTIQIÂN, -W 8- 138-. Wz tb liruik FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1888. LOCAL LACONICS. WHAT 18 GOINO ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET OF LIVELY LOCAL NEWS BLEAKED DY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS "A ahiel'.amang ye, 18kin notes, Au, f aith hem1 prent it. The put veek bas been paon vesther for harvesling. Mr. Jes. Luke, Cooper, of tht. lown in insolveat. haviag assgnsd te Mr. Thes. Dow cf lb. Western bank. TDominion Organ Company's ba, manvlle, Cart* d Off finit pnes i lae1-amsband ômptii n nt BeriinW& rton e.nd St..A3laharineu, duning the paut rtUgh<.' EERaiYWK&RE o e enquires ln Toron- to ai le hiro i u r-ality the produeor heb but Art 81 ned Glass in thait th 011, 1h. reply lu uns imouaiy lu haver Jos. MeCausian Son. Al of th. >7fluest residencea n Toronto, sud moeu tci ofhome ihnoughoul Canada, havi de- 4ihtul ozamplis mrne er.teo ho fr thIis frm.--84-Â. A nunaber cf membens of tb. Wbiby S uoiig -lub ment to Oshawa on ~hursdaylait and won some seond sud thitd pnizes. Net sstlsfied with the resuit four of Ihena challengeti suy foui beionging to Oshawa to a rnst.h fora good sized stake, sud ment to Oshawa agell on Menday. On Ibis occsion tbey mon by vere teaty-five points. The sport ,elveen thoelire club. lu nov becomlug inlereuting sud, w e understaud, lu 10 be continued by oter meetings. Peopleowirb ave tanna 10 rnul- or soU should sund in ativorlimenul. Our adver"sig generslly inareass eliter lb. prie or th. tentai. From Il 1015 pealluis vay buingu s e- tutu of bundneds. The CunommoL reaches the rnajerity of farm bousesin South Ontario. If people ticn't take tblu papetbey bortom it, sud Ibis pays advetzs juil the sme@. A papet that is morttbborrowing lu al. maya a good aiverding motiuni. Bond in youi advetis.rncts. Mn. Tbe.Co0 thmefsa strmng utony about mre-tuikeys belonging le Mrs. JSosuMRobardea. Duruag- lb. carly part et the summen omon f tb. turkeys prepared.a saiS cf ihirleemn .gguî for hatcbing, 't tiedfitie peu>one th. pro'eu o inubaILonfr a ù mad emjoy nosoreholiday..Asuto th.adop- Mion othisplau-f telay, 1h. gobbler demutndmaudfsiing10 eurine. ber turkeyship, teck 1 lbthe mithimuoli andi hatebed eut a brooti cf turks. Ini the mosulime theéold turkcT's hallsys hati terminateti; sud.oh. bulit-anc"Lc nestinlu wbleb uhe* deposltetiserina fin.egmsusad agalu matie a strie »for rest. Dotenmlnod ibat nothlng chbul be lut fcr themai ffofrt o is pari tb. gobilen looalctihimmeIt upea tbe flve andin holding lbe tort, thones a pussent. The og4milng f et ue a lpar lIikely ta b. lu gresi dem"udo The sufeuigucfW nVd a wpel mm ai ibis meauca M the yeanare mcii eouiting. Tio pubIe bas noe ppr.- "itiosi of l It aâ icl . Tvso joural kacirs Ifnoibing ' tn ee themregonsofa 4mI mho i!! esy hma sDogO m ibaithoywcp't P à ln asit neyer d41 bo t4 tI ~id0 4L ktiwoatsoq intemeat.oua V lie k1" Tua pastor wîfl pr.ae ohroula 1M o f thos. grat bagn" l.ft, lhey are golng off faut ai Taor'. "he watohoeaker, Trav*eleseay that.thi. pauticular section of 1he.Province ha.,th. finesi orope 10 b. isien auywh.re. MLB. C. HMU, Peterboro, po.ted amre fine bllehors on W.dnesdaày for that town's fair. Tma ladies of th.eW.0. T. M.. ml hold their regular meeting this (Friday) afternoon in the Fr., Beadig Boom Bt 4 o'clock. IN the recent teachers' ezaminationi Whitby passed 2 seconds and 12 thirds. ,Port Perry 8 and 7, Lindsy 5 and 7o EOmemee 1 and 8, Oakwood *2 and 4, Port Hope ý4 sud 4, Pe terboro 7. and 8. Doilingwcod 27 aud 81, Oshawra 2 and 8, LTzbridge 1 and 5, Bemmanville land 2. Tua Oshawa Reform? publishes tb. flis report sent to the daily pape by the G. T. R. club, cf th. baiebi match boe on Sstnrdsy woek, notwithstand- ing the ladt that correction@ had beon sent 10 aIl the noirîpapers which lied pubilished the erreneous utalement. Il takos les. than Ila pa.ltry smrn'to in. duc. the Reformer te, publish unîruthe. A trial teut of tho, Dominion of Canada ammunition, 1888 issue, -wai made over th. Bowmanville munges on Saturday &ug. 111h, by Mr. W. B. Russell and r.sulid very satiufaotory, b.ating aIl previcus records with the Suider rifle at 200, 500 and 600 yds., marking 81 at 200, 85 500, 88 at 6M0, total 99 peinta eut of a poffsible 100. The bat previons- record wai made eeme yearu ago by Sgt. Roiston ai th. Ontario Rifle meeting in Toronto, mak- img 97 peint. withb English ammunitièn. Ouja basobali lam irent 10 Port Hope on Thuisday and played a strong oom- bination of limaI towm and neighboring commuuttieis. The gane mwu on.e o the finest ef th. esenc, and savo the first tiro inninge mas very clos.. The diamond mai buli on th. square and il waisome lime belote oui boys could take ln the situation. The Port Hope battery wai unusuaily *trong and did &bon& al th. vork of its t.sam. For the firs tiro .iuingu the Port Hope heavy balle rather punished Laing b ut aller that they found il difficuit 10 flnd him. 8noir osught in bis usuelforr n d did excellent work bobiné the bat. Mattie Cols umpired the gaine 101h. entire satisfaction of botb teams. Theéscore etood 12 te 6 iu laver of Port Hope. THE oNper s t Oorbett'u Point sun flndingIF -rather cool at night. but otheriie everything go.. ovely am they say. Whis tlir or tht.. camps have baen breken up, soyons! others have been added, notabiy Mr. Ht. B. Taylor aud lamily and a Party of .1gb. tien trem Oslaawnand lswhene. The omnet of*,* ro adshad dicided te admit neO adaitional campers Ibis ses- son as th. rocts. cf th.treou are beor. fig ýinjured from lt.elraapjng f orus Tlià might b ede bal purvii hitchlng postea cuber bibihoaiamono the cedats on on 1h. -Open spa.. té the irosl. W. understand Mr-. Corbettinlu tends lmking the imuprovernent of thi point mto serions consideration sud nc doubt nezI year vii secs great obana in the gronds. WHK&N fakirs ane allowod 10 run theli bosinou eon th. circe» greunde it lu baï onough, but mheî il cerneste hem1IÎ2 Up and rnnning a vheel cf fortune oz tho crosslng Uf Brook sud Dund#À streel, the thinghbasgRoue a Utile 10< fat. YeI s mai ias euumied 10 dg this onMondaysailongàa ho pleauedl Theàà fakirs cora neet 10to ulmuliki Ib& is h ai suimpree011n tlmcy my do s they vpie., su = n tbey Zn vber they find they were rzgh--tbiy eau dg as. they like. W. arise mith gr"a solernnlty sud mith an Induious a cf businssaboûu4te, MOTe ha& thb neifabkir irbo clati buaiesm wbU the limite oet ibis orportion b. look* up andbrougt befOth 5Uiwi Mn i usple09 didîplae t.o lo s m had a supphaly cf ldrnsci.ol tumne o iy et.N lvn es le patnIsadbe Mis'~a un od eat mai ellsinlagey lhbemcvc*su" ou.uuint i lnireseda ee iat miu béOfdi i in~oiuilaIyIu»m tit W7 31 Iih dLiOluS n --w--- -. - trae on I&Wy* .ag. theMMloà lédrnth a A telepram came b o urbaud boys to go 10LUdB liby eîtedy but ihey 000M not'gt, »Say oneoIhort -notice. W. notice b1>- th. BowmmavM@l papous Mar. Uebl. Beiih bau irporied eigameen gnlflcenî lydeo su ad two lighter horie.. à privai.ezoxursion wiilb. mn Irom g Whitby 101th. Thousand Island psrk on Monday 27th. The boat wil ea st Oshawa ana Bommanville. WBddii ee a Mauthe wors. of 01-Vquor in Wwn on the olvie holiday Bl- though It mas lreely prophoied tat 1he utreetu would b. fouof thern. YesterdBy wu Lidsay's civie holi- day. Quit..a number intended going ont from bore but 1h. threaiening ireBIhêf cf the early morming frighton- ed them and irlen th. day turned oui fne th.y feu 11ik. kioking themselves. Fou»-On 1hé shore near Oorbett's' point on Sunday th. Stb ifiBi. B green oolored cane.. The owet m bBv th. same by proving property sd Psiv. ing expenses. Address GuoRGit WiLSON, WB 1k. muuie and have often been no far oBrried iray by it sau tegive B pretty organ grinder B niokie, but the tin pan brigade that holdoUnil sssions on the street corner near oui sanetum snd cheemsour drooping spirite as we try to grind eut oopy, ha. plaoed us under B deep debt of gratitude and if the yeuthful mnembers wil orne up the back stairu Uiey vil receive their ru. ward. Ta Y. M. 0. A'.cf Toronto, came demn with the Bons of Scotland excur- sion on- Monda y 10 play oui boys B game cf buebail, but as they wer. net .zpe.ted1the home t.sm could Dot se- .-mo&te them. The boys, howover, arrangod with 1he managers of the athietio grounds to alloir an heur'. play t. giv. 4h. Toronto boys smre satile- tien for Iheir trip. Foui innings more played withiD th. time,Ibe score stand. mg 410o2 in favur cf Toronto. MUn. Whitkowl, the foreign lady irbose husband wu' senSte penitentlar from hore for attempting te kill ber, had another narroir esospo on Tuesay lest. 1h. iwa in Toronto a foir days ago and whilht maiking &long the munt met ber unfaltbtl h usb.nd's brother Who, the moment heoiecognizod ber, whlppod eut a revolver and attemptod te, kil!her. The wculd b. murderer was seizod bT nmre passers by and held unt th. police srrived. Ho, no deoubt, vll beusontdowmutokoephbis brothers 1 ompauy. George Hainck mwu rut in by 1h. Toronto police on Weday laut on :suspicon cf laroy. Revwu seau by Poheeman Payne trying 10 dispos. of a eme.nsbsuaacigar holder and as G.o. )had net the appearanie of au Englich dada e wuas Iea %ght's lQding In the omclut and M b habrought befere tige maggisttrale bis-suM .,cd 9te explan boy h.esme in ôsesioný 9of 1h. oigau oldr. No duîGeorge b wlllsatlsfEU& Worchipadh0 h btepst dispose of any Mf bis pet- soca beongngsaller Ibis, ho wun ses to il Ibat th. lynz-eyed deteotives have their attention direoted elsewhere. Thiss h ein a very busy veek at Oorb&lle point, each day brnging an influx et somertosn. El gbt.epeople froin Oshava ltook up their quarter. tbere on Tuesday, m=kitheb.liai cf aigular campons réel s.e te sxty. Mu. lac. Thompeon, Tunton, who bat- bien hai t he liftthef b.Party 'tu ireek put, polas up stakes Satuudand e. taras 10 hieshsol. The pbeoii's have muunedt 10 bmon aoeeunb cf Mr. Jamesjr. lkna tdp i. Moul Mn. anti Mus . .B. Tayl ,Re. u aid bbc-Misses Moellat niMs aMoDonali pitoeti camp Ib'is we.k. The Mbése. HarperM. anti Mr Fnk Powell aif lh. Misses Pcve!! bave relut 1 t bmw. SroaurWs point bau cauglalthe boom and lu nov anfl ut ara a blouablo sntamenr mort. W. lad loeatcii ibire Mus. ac. Farqubaue nd aImfualys Mus. ILH.Coobraus anti famly, andi un. ce. F.Stewart atifMd ily .If oui en-treoh"p exoursle on àiberm from Torouto to Oorbell'u peoit llu at Stor.smc think 'nauy Toue"t people *ho novb oà luMeupoin aicter eut cf.lb.vay plasff.ouA* ni eum esm e .nabura irutgioe, tbose pointusantithair ea susmo san leIe" ihéne. Boiu sinemn ant eboi -au have Tomonto by 1 thlocal",sr nlgbbmaioulo -lb.eoly inthîe Mmmn n u ime for busines vtlbve7ry The .alet rackethe" lb.'nfldeuc gem. lino la lhe.mm nwlthblist aibor's îcempse. 1A. Montueui -mbolsk mo" -waulaniMeway le Tonto&le a -evdays agoat sbeoppetiff boue sud telatet L~IL~4~J -."WB WJ.LL OFF'EB BARUAINS J ~~JL.#X ~OME~~ fil811ER DR 00008 MILINEY.-We wm iiieà ot eut b " a ce cf our Btraw Rats s=d Bonnets, Flowers, Peathers, at very Beduced Prices. Corne and getthe benefit of-,New sud U'ashionable GoodB ah Low PriceÉ. etc.9 W. will also offer Special Bargains ini Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Lawns, Mulins,- Ginghams, Prints, Pamaols, Embroidleries, COotton Hosiery ahd Gloves, sa Summer Dry Gooaiu general. Perfection ln Style aud Âssortîmeut. Enarked at Rocit Bottorn Prices. Satisbfacion i Quality and Prices. Beli ablo suid Seviceable Goode OEN TSe FINE ORDERED, CLOTHI NC. Gente csu rely on perfect siacti£on i both qualty aud style of Oloths; and haviug their garments onh, fit, sud Made-lu superior mauner.' Gent Whte ressShitsCambric Shirts, Coilars, (Jufi, Braces, Box, and complehe assortmnentof Oumi- mer Soarfs sud Ties. No. 1, -~~ 1,- DEVERELL'S BLOOCK, TFIJNK WHI TB-Y@ DEEPLY Whezi you are contemplating a purohase of anything i iOur line, no matter how gmail Mnay be the amount involved. ACT WISEL By coming to look over our large and weil assorted stock of ail that is new and seasonable'! D ECI DE STo buy of us. QUI IG-K LY' After seeing the urioes and examinilng the qýàlity of our (*oods resist them. It is impossible to -do better, elsewhere, NO clan be found. BETTER you oan'1 VALUES. We get the ohoice of the best gooda on the Market and our prices arxs LOW AS: TH E LOWEST We are always ready to 860 you and with plea8tro 8hdw-,, you our Goods. ont GLASGow, R. & J. QA DRESSG(00DB. We aresfhow Bkgalax braid lu mtc.Aise SilksshmersiP S3hawis. iÀi. Tbread Bd 81«oeaton-,lMÉ GENTS' FURNISHING aO-y -«7 WA RE-H tXU. S E i MFBELJE~ PokofSr 1.iga0, E -AÂBig Lot9.of FayýBtaw HaUi Ibel CLOTHINGU 1Beadadým.e Buitesadsingle Ga= lb. hhing f«or warmear in the Ordered C0tbnaepàarti it r H.Prýori flhhing s"oItin 1h. LÂT.TnàtYLfriour àôbsnt BOOTS AN D-SHOES. Abg~ is-ls t GR0C9 ESThe ,s1took :ý-is - rge. Ând e~ Glàuam n CrkMry ah y Lm, Pos., WÀPNTED--A -o~ôt f ffç, ceW u HE' MONTH 0F e, lickii lmr ls )LS i it tô Cama tice roeum 1to prie,. s1~et lb. .1r se so t. r

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