gAG»~ ST. Louis APTE TEU ST.-oUS Mo", à pdl 10.A e Minutes before "clok-ýx Mavol- per- boma-is xurniflg ablution sud don- ned bis limerai clothea, vbich are novs th. oulor garmouls being-of plain black, w'tii a lieatly-titting Prince iber-t ceaI.p à j 5:18 Fathor Fehan atiministereti communion le tho condomuod. At the eqpelusion of lb. religionsl servioeo M 1fsr-wél'so colT like offies vers accord- sa Hlenry Lsudgrat by' Fathor 'Tohan. 1jandgraf hati oocupied bis ol tb. gmro portion 01 tb. night aller 11:80, and sppeared 10 ho cool sud collecteti. ge wâs nestly attiret, but bis apparol- ,Ws of coser texture thau tbst of th. ~i al soor lu the double ezecution. ri 5:15p5 Malveli' sud Lantigraf est down lu their final moal. Lautigraf est beartily, vhile Maxwell partook et the repast sesrngly. As ho Bat aI- th. table il wss plain te 50e Ihst &iT of bis seuinet indifference badltieparlod, sud bis face vas bisucheti, white sud troubi-. ed. A hunteti look hai -takon posses- Sion of bis keen eyee. At 6:05 Shorîff Harringlon arriveti at tbe jai sud announcets the lb execu- tion hsd been posîponoti for Ivo heurs. The only resson asuigneti vas Ihat the posîponement baid been grantoti at tbe roquesl of Maxwell'e attoeyu. ST. Louis, Aug. 10.-The lrap 1.11, at 8.5q~. The neoke oi botb mou ver. broken. Landgraf dioti osily bit Brooks' elruggles vero terrible. -'THE bTORY 0F THE 01MIb. The crime tor vbich Maxwell or Brooks vas bangoti vas one most atroolous aud sensational, anti for over three yeaxu il bas been taiketi sud vril:eu about huom eue enti of the. con- tinent to tbe cîber. On Tuesdsy, April 14,1885 a omeli omsusting from s room in tb. Southoru Hebel, St. Louis, led 10 au investigation, vhioh resulted lu fiudlng lb. -borr-ibly MUTILAT]gk BODY of s man Iu tb. truuk. The registor shovedti hal on Match 80 s man signiug bimmoif Walter H. Lennox Msxvell:.M. D., of Londoen, Englanti, was "signed 10th. rom sud Ibat on April 3 another man,C. Arthur Preller, Loudon, Eug., arrivod anti occupieti lhe room wlth Maitvellthe Ivo appear- iug faut friands. Prellor bai previons- ly learneti by lclegraph liraI Manveil vas at lbe botel. Thre body, altbongb terribly abused, 1he bosti belng cul off, vas recegnizoti as ihat of Prelor. On s paper inside lbe trunk vers the wýorde. "BSo per-ish ail Iraitors to à gr-eat cause." A second truuk coutain. eti papere vitb Msxwell's. London ati- dress, wbile moyen Iranku, foui valises sud a bat box vers lefI tiohini. Maxwell had lafI tan day.s belote the discovery, snd lhe detectives 6used upon bim as the murder.-r, but could adi- vance ne thory. The body gave evi- douce of WU8TE BY POISON, andi a cloreferm botl vas founti ou the stand. On tho deati mma' breaut a mres vas cul. Everything vont tc, ehowe thal Maivoil mur-dere d PreUer on Euer Sunday, Apnil 5, anti dis. appearoti the nexi day. The. Ivo mou ver. vory intimate, dresei l lb.t beîgbt et Englieli style, anti voer vory d&U*hei. Maxveil, il vas diecoveret, b.dl bought a ticket for Ban Francisco Bousin Houa. in Toropto. Mr. Jue. A.Fraserjr., fermer-Ty,,cf tii oiy spout an evenlng w"l klm Ihors Md~ veni te Bt. Louis se, s itos. Maxwell Wad bougiri -a mov tranki andti s va the second, oee iu vio wote boad lIe. booki, papere, olotlg, etc. Ho thon pvil 'lb., by liet the other. At ene ooo* on tire faisl Euer Bunday b. bought fous--ounoel of obloroforu et a druilrMm, anti calI oti %gain Mti av@ 0""s sud bouirl tv< r~~~Ë cues.Tre du day b. had bis fui board »e te -m- ap mperla a1W moustacohe, a bop*t & sceir irai. The placard liS fbt*wk- V5 le OMME th e li. r s i l l Baxuplu n lawo Itoubki sow London t lhovoti that ht eila hlte phis on Match 26. H ne i ax«Il Wro about 25 yeax of mgo A mou the papers lunPr-elles'. i>u-ki W kw55 en cnirluml ow cfOut andi tireUnited Stateo, vas piD< hi= by Luùstr Mijandia, adtirai à (« Vl vas gingvW" irla. ha fer Ma=eùlit W" s eaul*6b lb. ~ ~ k suf -Us-hst bouejt 'e UALo Bowt«UI * 1tdO m t bnsirBV P Oosuelb. Peelfia Pt' WUm1e a lettes coflà 1rodtotont .descrlbed ?nller B ihju a~ A 0ONlwTIous <0NEMOU of 1~oPl inci IEstrôg d3 t1n bocame acqualnted on board. Every effortwas put forth teosap turc maxwell when il vas kuowu thaï lhe had sailed flor the Sandwich Islande or Nov Zoaland. Whou his ticket wus taken up il bore tb. signature of Hugh M. Brooks as that cf the péeorête whoin t vas sold. This was hie Il-rosi naie, Maxvell being only assuînod. Re b.d alo iven the daine of T. C.. Danquet. Il vas nol 1111 ho hsd beeon two days on bis voyage $0 Auckland, Nov Zea; land, that bis crime vas disoovered. Thoro was no câble te HonolnuluSaud. wieh Islauds,where th. ship would call, whero ho miglit gel-off, but s bItter vas sent by the ni mail. Il vas believed, hovever, that ho wculd go stralght 10 Auckland, snd Ibis proved b obe tb. case. A oable message vas sent to, Auckland vis England, Portugal, the Mediterranean, Arabia, India, the East Indies sud Austra"i, a distance 16,000 miles, st a cost of 08.50 s word. Dnrino .hn wh4, of heJ veaire ho psssed as A MR14CH COLONEL# altbougb ho took a ,teerage passage, aud nover once failed to speak broken Enalioeb wlth a strong French aocent. Ho upent mach of hie lime in plsying whist for small takes, smoking and drinking stout witb a party of youcg Englishmen. Ho wus nervons aller fixaI sailing, but this soon wore off and ho beosme sItoese. Sbcrtly silex mid- night on May 4 the Sydney@u lighte vore seen off the dark horizon aI Auckland, and a pilot boat put out for ber. Il oontaiued the pilot and Ivo detectives with su extradition warrant. Tbey veut on board and tbld the cap. tain cf their errand. Ho said h. b.d s French colonel on board who cor- responded vith 1h. description lbey gave. The "COolonel" vwu in bis berth, but su officer rounsed hlm sand ssid that they vers uoaring Auckland and the purser was vaiting in the office (vhere tbe deloctives voe> e) ochange bis money for him. In bis brokon. En- gliah the mur-dorer said h. vould go aI once, sud ho hsstiy dressed. As ho sbepped into the purser'u room the two detectives gxabbsd bis ar-ms, sud lu a flash the handouffe voe on him. "You are wsuled for sa murder in St. Là ouis," vwu tbe firat notification he bsd of Ie arreit. Au oye vitusa hus describes the sceno : The blood left the fa"e of the French colonel instantly sud tb. muscles cf bis neck uvelled up 1k. whip cords. Heo tsggered sud bis oyes looked glassy.. H. tried le uval. loy but SEME TO CHOE sud thon ho flied bis tutth lu bis ips. Heo culd net speak. The ch"rge toi lik. a boll frcm Heaven. His appear- anoe vs. s confession. The puiser offered hi. s flssk o! vbimkey and ho drânk. "Oh, monsieur,.as merci, r I laik se," h. said. The whlakeY re- vived hlm, ant rying te omi.é, ho musid : "Ze mattaire vii b. explaineti st ze prôpaire moment i ze propaire Belote lb. other paseengors vers up ho vas takon to Aukland, sud thùre vua ssensation on board vheni vas learneti that tho peeudo French Colonel vas ohsrged vwith murder. Ue hati rvery littheof et l.2,000 or se that ho stole fromin he doati man, sud il lu pre- sumedt Ibalhh muet have lest mest of il at gambling inu*Ban Franeleco, es Bho would not have takou a st.eerage 1,asago, whue h. coulti ouly gel aI hie go=eonce a week, antithon ithe t presene. of an offices. Thoene vasbut #a short delayi Auck- land. The. UnitediSlalou' application for tb.euturderes'. extradition vau grantedby lb. British suthoritisuafter t he ugual formalities sud bevas baud. ted ever. lie reseheti St. Louis about a lb. middle cf &uguml sud vas lionized by silly veren, se are mcii murdereta ai th. United Slalom. Him trial, vbicl i) soon followed, lastet fer nearly tiv< v eoks. EH"ou i tvtuseswero oallec ansd ho vas a F OUN» GUILTY OF MUEDER s.pad sentence t e death. Every =&We ro meut and, every ciorcatam oo asun- Iý earthed, sud -Ihore vas nota shadov ol doubt thal ho vas Artlhur Preller'î cmur-deri that ho hail baseýj ki1leti thi hman vho hAi beeun hlm Moud, ani who ebad pald-bis éxpm ses he- ho hati ia cent. For a&virile bekre bis trial hi le on trai lbthe Wl baud lu 'the truni s e 't g 1, I e Stat6 et Mis; vcôudorfu1lunther atio onthe sterna sud bo*e.e M. 12-H Â Airu0ress,8ae. peare, vrltes: I oni*ler Parmelëe'. Pins su excellent remedy' for Billoos - sua Deraugement o! the LIver, havlng uaedl them mysel! for sometime.» The King of Portugal has arrived st Ber., lin. Deinite Waralng. Negledted ooughu sud coldas sofrequeutly produos serious resuits as to ouà titiite s definite warning. There liio beftte, safer or more plesaet remedy for Coughis. Bronchitis, Boxe Throat, Coldasud al throat and lung troubles thau Hag.yard's Pectoral Balam. A Wauhington -deuipato syu the Cana- diaus are pressfing for an esrly settiement1 of the Behring Sea question.9 HEome Hauts. 1frs..Bobert Wimlamsioii, o! GlenUll, Parry Sound, Ont., sys, III coula not kesp houses ithout Hagyard'e Yellow 011 at band. I have ueed it in my family for Croup, Bore throat sud a out foot, and can highly recommend il bo everybody."1 The Fisheries Treaty wiil probably b. puehed to a final vote within a day or two. A Reasouable Hope1 ls one that je baeed ou previons knowledge or experieuce, therefore those who use B. B. B. may reasonably hope for a cure be- cause the previous experience of thousande who have nsed it,shows it to have succeed- ed even iu the woret cases. The bush fireseini Frontenac have been queuohed by heavy raine. Part Of The HEouaehel& 111 have used Hagyard's Yellow 011 with muoh satisfaction, for Colieansd Sors Throat. I woula not be without h it ausy coat, as I look upon it as thé beet mediciue sold for farnil y use.,, Miss. E. Bramhall, Sherbrooke, P. Q. The Duke oi Newcastle denies the report Ihat be iuteuds to join th. Church o! Borne. À Rare Combtsalten.. There is no other remedy or combinstion cf medicines Ihat meets 50 mauy roquire- mente as Joes Buxdock Blood Bitters Iu ils vide range o! power over snch chroulo dis- euses as Dyspepsia, Liver sud Ldney (JomSlaint, Sorofulo sud ail humors o! the Emperor Wil liamu bas nominateti Gen. Von. Moltke as president of the country de- tences. A Nov Home Treatment fer the Cure ef Catarrh. Catarrhal Dear-nees sud Hay lever. The microscope hue proved that these dis-. esses are contagIlons, and that they are due to presence of living parasite. iu the iuterlining membrane o! the upper aix passages andi eus- tachian tubes. The emineut scientista, Tyn- de.ll Huxley and Boule endorse Ibis, sud these authorities cannot be disputed. The reg'iiar mothoti of trestiug these diseases ha.s besu bo apply au IrrItant remedy weekly, sud even daily, tixus keepiug the dolicate membrane lu a constant state o! irritation, allowlng It no chance to heal, sud as a ustursi conaequene of sucli treatinent nol oeepermanenteC urela ever beau recordecL It je n absolutetcîthat !lhsesdiseuss cannaI becuxed b y nyapplica- lion matie ofteuer than once luntus veà e, for the membrane fii gel a chance to heal be- tore the application te repeateti. Il la uow moyen since Mfr. Dixon diacovereti the parasite in catairh anti forraulaieti hie nov tament, anti since then hie remedy lhas be- corne a housebolti word in every country whae-tlh.engla Language lu spoken. Curas ftcte aeeeageara aft a- cures hall, Uae. * buneno to scf the ttU".q gohW mtheso remedies value< iba Ihoutiit.turs bave ste.rted up evSly- vhsrs, pretending to destroy the parasite, of wblch they know nothing, by remalle, th. resulie o! thei application of which ihey are eqnslly ignorant. Mr. Dixou' e rmedy lasj ploeti0ouy oncel ove ka nimuea Ies applications effect a permanent cure in the mosl aggravateucaes. Mr. Dlxon sanda a pamphlet descrlblug bis nov treatment ou the recelpt of tamp to psy postage. The atidrese la A. HL Dlxon & uon, »OKing-street womI, Toronto, Canada.--Bcion- tifio Amerlos». s'wz ie..ju« lm Lq pîeg M ua m 'I1 OD 2803 .a.<y v- - .a £q padaj 'SII!d s.aeAy «e 'uTueray ',lltOt yo qvm - ,u oîp u .&eq IT1mlteq% pasu eauo ZulAveq onqud oqI *moze -do.xd ieUMMIS I~0lm uo o BJ Blgzo ,, geff'l~ -gImnmx Io 'îei1Iw -a O2Zooe uaIc o Suomi 04 Oî O eio qý si .,,'uoîne Z8 ui upraeapue 'ýuesoîd 0J15, 0 iLeuom ff z oq~i JOUjUA fl jo snld imoL Luq oq& eotj toq4 lplm.edmoo jj IM e pu o1 u iO4to Sue aoloq 2xrol oct-uur q 1u1r.M I pue 'aloq i¶jullddg.ouuoj oM, Gqt4 lie pawudduqe£eu ~[LGj~*Gzmep pluoo UÇIepçqd ~Iam o Rin or mu Hm ame 843000 ixoijipue '2=ueo pi!% wîo; lq lzapiad eoi l tL-pnsepadde gLix2r.oie9.m 1Mofiqfl o.oL :vXes speipunr qteqm X4iuexe soseedxe '*,x"i «o2uvuuott10 *(l »NW 'ieOUi * I oq pnoqs p=u îed axe suonuenIp _Oq M i-u«sop e te Lueru oot 2uixïs .cýuj peqduzo,4oqgLeur oeud sep s2uiî -oq iM ; Lpo oq4 - ,,suujd-zieusPOt sgairoL os ouoa e- q.AL Pue Iua oj 2rnt-"quSnîp dflîs&A souSeu Io tuTu gg l mA Md peuofque-pIO oij Llesos 2&q£4 «peT[L zXrumioj .îO.a Dr. Chase Has a world wide repu'ton as a physiciau and authoi,. Ris Mandrake Dandelfin Liver Cure ie a triumph of medical ekili, euring aIl diseases of the Kidney and Liver. lin f fl I Difitreslng aches kIDNEY COiU IIF RIT; in it ack ; a duil ain or welght in the bladder and base of the abldoman; scaldlng urineofteu ob- structed -freqiient cdesire lu urinais, especi- ally staI ng among aged personae-hot, dry elân, pûJecomplexion*,rail and white deposits, lTPain under Bhoul LIVER COMPLAIfllj der blades, JasL dice, shallow complexion, a weary, tlred teel- lng. no lite or enorgy, headache, dyspepsia, inigestion, spots, pimples, &o. IO W .OURED. Mandrake and Dandellon are nattirels Liver cures, and when oomblusd with Riciney renie- dies, as in Dr. Chas.'. Liver Cure, will almost positivelycure &fl Kiduey-à it-sr troubles. It acte 1k. a charm, stimulatlng the c1oggd liver, stre~ghnn the kidneys, and in ior- atlng the W"Ols boy. Sold by ail dealers at si, with BSeepi Book, whioh atone in worth the mon"y. KION EY olyR> n eyLr ilemae LIVER Teaogen det 8em PI LLSent. They cure Kldney- linoanss costivenese, dë. One pilU a dose. Sold by ahl dealers. Priee.25 cents. FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE Walker iron plow, Pattrongngver, Cisyton root driII, land ro er, Ae0sto harrws, Whltby har-vester >a râmover, n, rcks hore-he, P. 1OWARD ""S. Whitby, April Sth. '88. AUTHORS & COX,! MRUSSES§ A RTIFIOlAL LIM98 q &nda ippliaueeu for au 1 Deformities- o! the Hu- man lBody-Splnul Dis- '~eaDimesesof the Rue zd Ankle, Kuoek - Uee, Be, Legs, Club 1 Il*urc st., -Toronto, Omft <ROYAL YEASTt 410" " -à ad Vue Ise TmaS ahu iS yuà ms u l fwikOmO T(OOTO 8TEAM LAuiJDY GUO. FP. HI SBEDUAER~YEAUs i'05 oe5~&srumesvasB] mis, ~GxA1rs» ua~s, vis» vos mmHVKfluxI BOUSES. 2 VO OS EloTEROAi»A» nIEYLNL voa»mm5053 51555 BRUMu, oms»50oom*. vois rom m à 5»>, solit SAGES. From muaoem the Duke oVtI]U"& 4gBelveir, samthau, L"e'1, 1Ê'79 J"sirs -IBllIman'afloyle btion ils used mmv stables. I tiilki*vr sèt "Olore Wefr, Kingston, Hee .09re "Gentlemen.-Izusethe B"Dee ro, 1MS. ln My stables and kennels, aud hae 10usd 1$ very serviceable. I have also Iused the' Universal -Elmbreest4on for lumbqagnd rheernatism for the ladt two years, and bave moferedverylittle uluos u*Inglt, 'I. -M Parcs Lient.-OL; Master of B. Sold by OhemlIasStr s dSdles, Pies. riorugz T' [certIn remedy. - .[WgLOUýcu,ENCLA .N -D l' MvachiDe oni Au 0l bousesParate fr-m the Sirop asm beun ats up by the undorulgùedvbroh coakeyt andi uebl aialiractlv Sp mml t ulght-worse by.-, sracing-very distrcsslng. Ir 'alw d continue tumors foxri wb bleeffd u loerate, becomlDg'verJý SWAYNE'-S OSTMENT Stop Lte. tcblng sud .bl"ing, esaulcexat. on, ard lu04 many Cam ereMoiren FARMI'O LETS- lm0 acres o »n osi$ng 01 *0e rth three.qbet k:o! M, 59, su acsres ofno.. .16,iwth e con. o! ]Pioker *gb.tweeu- Brcougham sud (3reenwood. WeU adapted- for grain and raiesmg o! stock. PosseWson- wheu er0pa are rmoedsaud M"ulprzivi-, lege of plon Pleuty cof iv:'rnve. Apply té gIB BWEloLL, Oz t J0. IL OBDON, 1- Barriater, Whltby. Also a Mare (to foal this wontb) for saue oheap, w*th haTuess 'Ci hemon. Â Aly toi Te uniloaonchbol-e "vadetlez01So!EUZser Stock, uithex oinami&% or commissldn. Per- manent employmmufi $0h ibe gtma. Ne utr the aeues w. are looà 91pfor. MAT BROS.,- Nursrym , "xsoe . COMMfE RCI AL- Kôl TE 'U Jarvis St, Toto,' HARRY KEEBLEï. ProprIletopr.' TEINS- ,00O-per Dy WABK BOOMB. GOO]. TABLNS Btablngfor 100 Horse.. LM B m W.B.P BEFI»_1O&N, AND, M