Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1888, p. 2

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th. pure.'. of piokin g a fev rabpberic presotlya&long carne a nitivi 0f lice1 parle wlio ,Pqt he juory -lb "ÂAren' t Yeu *fraxid of.it~ears Our yonng frîenýl'replisd iiatilie ttieught h ' t1fgôd for a rattiesuake -shouid1 Say speoimen cf the kind show np, sud exprossed hie ignorance o e cfaci that the reptiles inhabiteti these parts. IHi. informant assured bina that ibis suna- met th.y bad been seen . long- the traok and danger was appréended by those wbo knew tic tact. Whether thore le any trtith ini the report or not we do* net kpowl,- but certain it is, that rattie- Anakes have oocasiogaily botu seen andi killed, not vory far .awa>rfrom bere. On obterday night littie crowds cf astronomicully iuli4ed citizene assernbl- ed aIt th. street corners te, watch a cer- tain strange looking star that app.ared t, @bine fat up in the. realms cf bound- lees t'pace. Varions conjectures as to th. nature eoftth. strange visiter" vere madie by the watchers, the. blood-color of the. star fuiiiig the. ground.work for varîons dismal forebodinge. Borne spoke confldently cf an approaobing dis- solution of al l ilug, while cthers in- linsd te the. opinion that thc star fors- boded var, pestilence, or some cther evl.' Bat when it was djqoovered that th. suppose4 precorsor ef evil was nothiug more -than aàeammon-place Oir. baloon, sont up froua the vici*nity cf Boutbwood, the. diegut cf the. would- b.- stronomers and astrologeru vas suprome! The. balcon eafterwards de- cendead, striking tera firma in the rear of F. J. Grlbbin's store, wbere it vas captur.d and started on another excur- Mon. There was a big time at a certain boarding house in tovu on. day this veek. 1h appearu the place vhich as a ruIs onvelopes the. place vas rudely brokan by the announoement made by smm.ofthie boardors, that tiisy were about te basve. This in itacif vas eupugi te raiese a commotion in thc hon..,ýt but vhen the. flitters - suggested liaI thsy b. allowel1 te sake their "tur- keys" wit.h thema and foot tie bill laI.: on, the righteons indignation ot thc Mileian gentleman aud hie vif. vie manages the pLace vas fearful .bt be- hold. A bold attempt te ismuggle the. baggp off on the early -train va. clpped in the. md, by the. vatchfulness of the. latter, and when the. delinquents, informed tbem neat day that ihey did net car. f h. did k..p thi. goods, they vould b. lie Rainera, hi. vratb knew ne boands. The. exitement ragod al dey »a v.behieve vas at l.ngth smlcably seltled by lhe young mon eomiug '0 timeasud paying their bonest debto, sud:lbthe wn again breathea A horriblé and -fatal accident boeur- ted aI Fort Arhur lut Tiiuwsay-li wih a avyer name Jabez Smith wval aliimost instantly kiUoe.It appearu liaI a pieo of sai becboame v.dged agta uge lacù>irulawsv. - Bailli .a rethe.logoarriage back anti uoppeti ulab. f niiethov1,evor, içwrting lb tfe ty pin in the. lever wvilci con. trohhM lthe aleam bfod, and vbilo busy removiug the, shab suddenly the foed begio vorklng and' ti log carniage forc i hm torvard aa thlle miv, ici vas net geing, but ho vas forced againstitiii harp teeti sud tom sund trais cme u aguof euch otisi Ilion mauavoIdble iaijumpetifor Ileirli. ' Tie tramps bei-meut tii Ivo boi caus ôouldn'l 00o anti 0o0"nt tor ~U bvejumpediflbeyhaâd sec Tii. entlleman Who 1.118 th. siory sar 1hsîjatamicstrtt1h.e rut hhouil of hýbsni antimid b uIaias .Tib»»retwo troaj eviib groustiiota incerastMo l ys. pi"eti,.beelir. lte aiàr wus &W, 8MÎ aa *0 t ooti ant i Itan dMf*of lte -déburis aIl etictv n u theýpatf#a w*is &-bout bar eaI5uêe on lbflplbtfra ïIgt -balbr baud go, juai for ajoke, sundosiestop- podl baocupon the. gunwahe cf. hie-boat upsttliug il. That joke *gel evorybody a ducking.-Newa Letter. INDSAY. Tiie dry earhii sytÏm shounti be rlgidly enforced ai Blturgeon Point. A sanitary- or health i oard aboulai b. fermd, unies adopîed sud preperly en- foroed. If tbis is nol doue iu a fev yoselie consequz.noed cf negleot wil b. "visible"' in the air ai titues muci tee troquet. Nuff sed. Tii. Peterboro Eoami*ier sys 9"On. day hast-veek lhe 'tventy.tbree miles bebveen Livýdsay aud Peterborough va. m n utveuty.flve minutes, luciud- iug ou. stoppage, by' a Grand Trunk special train on vioi vas Mr. Hiok- son, the. manager, vie va. r.turning from Orhia. EngineerLon. MeGregor vas'at lie tirotlie cf No. 159, lhe flyer efthle division, and the lime io made i. oonideredfast." The.distance from Oniemee te Lindsay lu made st uearly a mile a minute ; sud 90 aise is tie mun in from Manilla Junctiou te Bhack- water. Mr. Wmn. Needier ha. sigued a con- tract viti W. & A. J. Noeetler & o. cf Toronto te put in a Oirsi-clame set cf roUlers cf tie latest suduiot improved style. Tii. miii viii sint dovu lu about tire. vweeke le enabhe the Torouto flrm to complets lusisiuprovement, ich viii cool ovor $5,000. Tii. vork viii b. done by lhe fret veek lu Oc- lober. Mr. te.dl.r viiitlon b. reMdy for tie -nov .eason'à grain viti oeeof lie boat mille lu lie province, sud as Veralam is famous for ils fine bard viiesl lthemiii viii uru oui- a superior brand cf flour tuai vili ne doubi b. lu demanti. The&advantage te tb. Ker- lm farmers ia-viig a firo-clasa mülh vil b. onstiderabis. W. are informeçi tuaI an alleg.d agont cf lie Y~4 yjLo4iea' Jouria., Toronto, giviug the uai. et .Wright, bas beau getiug aubscripiionm sud. mcney lu Liosyaynsd viclulty. Tii. Toronto manager villes : *The man reterr.d te luneuelosed postal card la , a tranti. We, as youenrov, emplcy 'ne cauvausera. Tuiàsoucunrel bu - beon ai over lie vesi sud nerti andti nov vorkinut.eali e bua différent umme for euhi iecalîly. .People are Ioda any- way t« pay uacneovte atrangera 1k. this felicv, instesd cf giving tueir pal- renagb te the local dealors. Il really serves them rlght, vian ti.y viii do snob feoli thnge, vien lie7y wl heat of u o eseis very day. IU yen eau gel lthe local papoTa teo give tii ra"Sea a notice il May ats mome cthers trom g.ettiug svindW.il A raLlier pleaulloIoking young man nemeti Jouun L. Mylanti, vie for lb. pas t tvtyem u aboasvniagl Mr. îÏeiy' bakery am oouloal seuvlng bobinuthelie alnte, hu mcmn t'Ig. n e lfi Ibis p"aabort lime go andllnoùwtUrn. eut laIhho at beau anrealetinlu1886 ou -ah argeof saeling a qumaiy of fleu r fom -àatmu in Nouli ainral i, ue iceh. vas then vorklng. H.L*awuadmitted te bail in 6500, but shippeti ont msud ar varicusaudrêntures sougil refuie M Canada. Ho vas under.tood lob-un unuuruled mm' w vin lu Ldumy (liongi io bai a vite andti Io eihm tan lu Elymris, Ohio), Mantislmtetion te young aies as u it. inurboi. O.$.,andbaud. Tb* momnngvu O"aâIUmbrb e iidia»lun wuvs I tek c «Bluff poist ca.rnu: w saho»s mati*mIsrpbe tlePortda bonueiàrfortu tule nUboe qL Su Istruci usrvwer e - 4*# ma vwuibor mlsôtrus. a 1ev pae mgo. ciAbout uEmali the mer wS*koti er% nef offviiont lhe auistucIeof the th. GO .<inh, 'Oed. ý, 'he i bolug uhea paarea, painsea e.. Tii. Bovmsunvle tewu concil, di- Il t astsesonl,granteil $50 te -Oshawa flue brigade for their services aI lh. :Alma icatel flue,, sud passei a - *ole et tianks te lhe Oshava conucil- for me. spondingtle Ibeir calI for assistauce.- Beversi et the ycnths ofcaeutovu ap- pear before the Police Maginlrai.to.dsy te ausve ohe i charge of destroying sud mutilatiug the.duril-shed. Il-isaa shame the vay lhe boys go on dovu there, aud au example shoulti b. made. Il lu aise a strauge thing te us tbat yonng mon sud beys should be ahovedl toe nobc angpage as hhey do v-heu attI li sports, sud ne complaint made; isla as diagrace te lie tevu. *Another flop over, sud lie Boel Board le baok le its eld position cof six or elgil mentis &go. Messus. YWindats ,.and Ted bciug absent fuci 1ev-n, sud Mr. Brimacombe iaviug retireti Item the Board lu diognel, gave -one oft ho cliques a majerity of on. ah tie meet- ing ou Tuesday ulgil, sud l;utse ticy proceeded te pulverise viat the thier party bild been deng wvile Ibey iad the. balance cf power. TheeRiuge- ton plans vere mjected sud ordered te b. rehuruod, and the Whitby arciteel vas aRain flxed upon as lie man ho guide tic builtiing ligite et ti..won- derful Beard. This et course vas doue tual ailie architecte might be placed on su equaiily, and tuaItue Kineten man might aloc have a chance le sond in a bill of $500'for services rendered- sud rejecied. No eue kueve viat viil be doue neil. Tii. energies efthi. "«devus" viiinov be directéd le ever-. throving the aima of lie "upi,', sud suetier see-sav may b. icoketi for. Ou Thursday cf lait >veek lthe Stevedore gang ah lhe harbor bad a fali cul, sud lie leader of eue gang, Win. Bili, eomlug up bebind tue cap- tain efthle opposite parly, gave tic latter a hrrible biov ou lie back of lie imad. feiliug him to lie <round. Net satisfled vitla hua, tho big ovward kicked the prostate man ithi is big coide boots about lie iead sud face until th iim vua amoal unrecogna- amble. Ou Monday morning HilI &p- pesred belote hie vorsbip, Mr. Hane, sud phoaded ggnily, but couhd net say viy h. did snob a diabolicai deed. Tii. Police Magistrat. aid io ougilte ent i hm to)al il icut lie option 0f a fine, but seeiug h. had, afamlly daesdi lug upon iim, i. voulti fine hlm $2.95, or go devu for 2 mentis. As_ tb.re wam an olti charge aga inaS mcf $$'or 80 daya, for some coe. againal Ber Ma>.mly's havi, »ae Ivo vere added te- gether. Bil'.u ientis voes ,aul -"ay tuylng le raies. the ndiuy but filed, ant illIi as saut, devu le vo* outIlhie8 me= he. iN wiiOok a u courtd prM4e Iu avery respect sud aitoteti bY the ltlmoaiy cf licusidi thaïtPulnai'a Pailema Cern Extrastor lu a suresdpa- loms cure for corna.- Tihalut li i l juMm aoa adeby thcs. .n"evoring I. auof mitations for lie genuue cely .rhes le uprlrity of "Putua.mI*a Uoniy Patàamm's Paltuis ocrxrahr Bure, ma"à,paluom "la.asmoking offensive to yen,,air ?hob CONSU)MPTION CURED. An oui phyiln eia rmaMe hbAviIA<bâepooM lais bMsl,a*a InduMiMnurtbeformula cf s sipe Ostauri, Amalbm« -t" l Ibrcaa.4 2L-. Aeiona, aieaMMiiv u m lalci loi4 mse hi*y ati l WOU4c02Wr falit bIad4ty le okaIl kaW.b uln<fs cv,. etual. b i s melv villiend Ires otmc baU win b* Iluue ChltoIva vs uoiy'1f.lii 2080 huilte stad on. a stopbj-a aitie e bhm. Robort L>bvcklt oaiaptsvls 81 bave uai Dr. Thm<s 1 tblu MISI mfo ;ahy or Dfpbtberi Prof, Lm",# &8$hwBOffl isa-i Uhf4toil ZumwyM WOtu y0u.a~ umriei,ofor si* du#-Oi Irccomend ftassuperiortoanypresciWoa ýsou? Btomach, Diarrhoe&, Entto knwu mto> me-" IL .Â1aCmNZELD., KSWefB ~e lcmdpooO l Tua Cmusa Compàv,- 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO@ A School Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS8 CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ARlTHMETIOP COMMERCIAL LÂW, BHOBTHAND AND TYPE-WBITING PBACTIOALLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Ciroular. Address. C 'E4 ertay 270.DESreay A Positive Cure. -v A Painieso Cure. TACTS FORlMMN 0FL ÂGES.o ~.C V.Lt7 O -S ' U ZO .. S Muret of Hsalng, and KohinSof etMelnest tbei..ribe caseuemceset Iudimr.ttele, _____________Exposure and Overwork. Whe ane Wokeu ,!owu frem the effects et abuse wlll fltd ui No. 8 s radical cure feu nervoile debility, orgaule weaknesa, involunts.ry vital lasses. etc. BYUWM 701%ionW-meu NO. 8OSaOULID uUS USE.-Want of enorgy, 1êrtigo, wanlr of purpose4 dîuuesa o! sighî, aversion to seclety, vaut et confidence, aveidance cf conversatIon, deaire for éolitude, listiessneas and iinabllity ta fin the attention oe a particular sul$ect. owardice, depression of spinta. glddiness. lamae o memory. excitabllity oftotmper4 sper-. ms.torrhoea, or losof the semainsi fluld--th;à resuit cf self-abuse or maital exces-Lupo-. teuey, hunutritlan, emaclatlan, barrnuesa, palpitation efthte heart, bysterio feelluga lu females. treiubling. melaachôiy, disturbing drearas, etc., are ail sympteins cf Ibis terrible habi, atenons inocetly equr.d rushot, b. prinp a! vital farce having lent Ità tenson, verytuntionvane lu enaqpene. 0ieuifertrs aud tue superiutendents ~ isan uitus nll luascibpa e l. ifets elf-abus e igreat uaajorty cf vasld lveawhlh crneunter heiuelce.If e alucompetent for thé arduons duilmeltrasnee, icapaftaed or he ejoy et Bc lfle, o.8 pfer anu o cap r lSiqfe.ecflyvee. f yn se uI-vaie. AnyoaMOI 8 vUl givâ yc f:ovier 'mud Mueaulofignoranee sdaon od y n r ade ni 0c nts u taupeo r M1v-V. Lumovu Ttreatin Lcoxi Pk ortsO aas91mùcf man, eaed and secure ù=rnobseuvatlonô Â&dresail c- 'tnmuni caions te .L V. ILITRON, 47 WelIiutoeU St. E9., Teumoito. AmUa ti vsen ilassia l foVts paradise. CIllES OUMARATU.. -1IEAL TI- MK 7he treatment of many thousapds of ecas c Tthose chrenlo veakuesSs and distresulng aliments pecullar ta femaies, t the Invalidà-* -Hothlan sd Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. y., has afforded a vast experlence iunlcely adapt- lng sud thoroughly testing remedies for tule cure of womans poculiar maladies. Dr. Pieree9s Favorite Prescri ption is the autgrewth. or resuit, ef thie great and valuable exrperiefloe. Thousands of testimo- nilrecelved freon patients aud tram physn. =-ab who bave teeted-lb in the more aggra., vatcd aud obstinate cases whuch had. bafied licir ekll, prove it te be the most wonderful rcmcdy ever devlsed foi-the relief and cure o! oufferi* women. It as net rècemmended as a "cure-al," but as a meet perfect Speciflo foL woman!s pecullar ailmenta- As a ,eru invi&Oratlig tonie, Il imparts eng ote wbole System sud ta the womb aud is appeudages in Partlcular. For overworked, 4 wor - eut, run-down,"# debllitated teachers, imilliners, dreesmakers seamtresses, "sýhop-glrle, " houa.- k =eernu methere. sud feeble womeri gceraly, Dr. Perces FavrtePscpio e thegeete erthlybeen. belng unequaled s an appetl gCordansd reetorative taule. As a mcctl lnand mtrengthening. nervine& l"Favorite PresciptIon" le une.- âualed sud le invaluable In alluylng and sub. u nervus xcitability. rrtability, ex- hacdon, protrtion, hYstrasasme snd other dtstreuelng4 uer vou eintma cen- monly attendent upen- tunctional aud organlo disease of the wemb. It induces refresbling ulccp sud relleves mental anxlety and de. ~DrP]Leeea Favorite Prescription .là a leittMmate medlclne ý csre!uily compouudTed by an exlpeileced and ekllful phyucisu sudadated to wcmaus deliosie orga lzaio n. It lu purely vegetable lu lia composition sud perfectly barmlesa initiL effeots lu auy condition efthte ystem. Fou morning siekuess, or nausea, front whatcver cause arisluir. weak stomacli ndigestion, dy».. pepeia sud kindred symptems. îLe use, ilu umali closes, will prove very beneficial. 61Favorite Prescription 'y ila aposi.. tive cure for the most coniplîcated aud eh- etinate cases of leucorbea. excessive flewlng, palatal mientruatioli, unaîatu ral suppreesins prolapsus or falniý ef the womb, weak bsuk, 'female wceak;îe&' axter-erion. retroversien,4 bearing-diovn sensation;, chordle congestion, Infamnmation, sud uioeratio' <W the wonib, iu-. flammation, pain- and te,,nirnuss in avaries, accompamied with "internai 1,cat' As a regulator and proinoter ef tuno. thouai action. at that critierd period of change frem ingrlbaod to womanhood, " Favorite Pro.. urIption " l8 a Perfetiy sA eremedial aenIt, sudeau produce oui y good resulte. t M equally efficacus and valuable lina t effets when taken for those disorders, sud derange- mne Incident to that lâter and mont critical perled, kuowu s "1The Change oft ife.- '4"Fa$vorite Prescription 93 when takea Iu conuection-wlth tue use e1 Dr. Plerces Golden Medical Dlacovery. sud imail laxative oeet Dr. Plerces Purgative Pelleta ÇIttie, iver-Pille), cures Llver, Rdu suad Bladder dseeùe.- Theil! combine& use also remnoves bload talutansud aballehes cancerous sud Scrofuloue bumrnos from the -syetem. "6Favorite Prescription 99 le th6 only medicune for wemeu, uold 'y druggigta, unduer a Positiveg«uaraUtce, from tue manu- facturersthatit wl glvàee±lseoin every - eassor money vili ho retundeti. This guamen- tee as eenprlnted ou -the hottle-wrapper, - sud faithlulJy cariTi eout for many years Large boUles (10 dose) $100, or six botties for $5.001 Fo lrem stedTiTeatlse on e1 WcMeu 000pagesae>,re) tn » M. I c"a be ni 14 I I OTN ug. 17, 05,Se i m al'u nd O e m i on5 enaàldnïgonithe 11w» Ouni @'f (ovéernentJ1 - plitbiionwi -banks co ý anie stiuiiOS haeld tb Mr. 5e1l&fl!s course in bo4ndi in 1878& i. ca sheupiau resohittion WIII 8 enatei< ToIlersys Con- adionrubefore tii. niddle T-hilarge uniber -of ( absent fro m tic chiyl' bOif ed on~. Boti lieuses arý0 quoru~m more thàn 'hait t - ale, kn vicw DI tic mass 1egis4tiofl whiob re mains n it wojiid seem thst the. pe oonTy bave a right.le d Senaýorff sud members osh lu thoirReats, Bnd transi nos. for wbieob tiey werc ib.tis inahter boti partes The denocratieo Benat haq, debided not te attea structiVe tactice te preveul the 'fleheries treaiY ; v aescneie action ticir pairt.ý gravéess faulte Of ticrunies cngressionaI iegishatiin- l1ow he.inify, by -fù defeit the wil 1 thé. ml couimtry, thc m»oàuiy :,s ruie.I That le -Whit lie %hem ifer.- ,& binbhas been mitro Ho se, te give Mis. Sheai Di_$ 000a yeai. As asi intr aduced wtic, 8.Sensl tii.:. viiiprobably b. s -whi D Huepasses1h 13 nator Sherman dem lia, Cougrees bas tfle. po On -ý ie subjeet cf>ltrlusts.- thi j Sonate: fteaganleshb tràýts be referied te i --te+, Mr. 8hermau sBal -1 polW r ilu Congrel, ta sud combination, le be, the power torais. uO vas anopeevieh.ild by esci s1510 for ilseIf had been enactet in Fn conue.Indeeti, th! - "lacstoe9- Comment suionsoftrusts sud' stroug sacoultibewrilti -lauguage. Whehi.r su - engrateti by n * Douàl sa Statut. bôck. cf lthe nder ils pecuhie rs meti tiare vi8 some "ood be oneastell. it1 beidon. lina taif c0 sierMan'8 rem n auehicug sd tilà *iarewth'bim th frle aW t e

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