Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1888, p. 4

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SLUG S/lOT! DBSTBQYS THE Cabbagc Worm, BUY IT AT THE MEDICAL HALL, G.1. G IDIARD. 1* I 'I TownLocaý&, A veddlng on lie tqnp, sud Il isn'l B3am'selir BiG sale et stockings Ibis veek st Bosu Brou.I Woodoock shooliug lu novi Besson and th. local "sports" are Jubilant. Lay %way pour otiti ents. Tiie tai 0ollector viiimOon give you a odil. A basebaii tourusment i.s poken of as ikely to-e b bu eelis eusar future. SThe Ontario Ladies College o#~ens ou the !th sept. Early frout la hbreateneti. Look aller voar tomatees. OMXPLT. q4Ocb et gOnts furniàhingS to cobol fretIn St W. G. Walters 0mw oee eek more et our redacticu maie, oom. guiok. Boss Bros. Our merobants are msklug prepar- alions fur a big flu trade oet vici lier. in5 evsry prospect The iealth o e t i iovl&gain bebow par. Thé Board oet Healti sleulti mlart on s leur. Oshawa'@ bmseaiiteam wu v as el b ythe St. Kilts from 81. Catherines% ou Moudav', by a score et 7 10 5. REMNMT& et dreas gootia, printeu linons, tcvellings sud c0ons, aIser 1evw pria... W. G. Walters. 1Steani liresbers are su lb. mos anti burning barns may soon b. beard frein. Ai for the durable kidi gleves, every pair fuarsueti. Solti only by W. G. SWalte. Wipe the duel off your sehool books, boys, te-day is the lait of pour hou. SioOKINGIfor vomen cekbiugo r E mai&,soelg gMa De ovwsun- lng for 25ec. aI BousBres. Mfr. Major HaorpWs fanuily andi visil- tng gusts plouloodt Icootuon Wed- nesday lait. Boxe dcoepalterus linov wblack drées goodu te s"lut from, st W. G. Walleru. The UnR ligit-house near Port Hope vas slruek by Iightnganurng Friday ulgîl.slMoro. The nev Pair gronds, vil b. brIl. lanty illuminatied t nIight, by elsehri ligîl. WB migît rsMarkthal Il l in s. vbatomoler thauitl-bas ébeut net quit.se ol as Il vilb. *Nov lalbelli tu olay iyour sPPly of winler ceai bel te h.611rains gel intheir viL- à. dau m s-ringvas lestantcr. b.$l's poittThe.poung manmus0 -ay vorn a tat our-omal 1 ioVsIS mu aresatenetna s grsaIIx in uet4 oveady money. oulcome gitalong sudseovwoboap ve Z ar teligIein, Bous Brou. yïf Pmou alacoai b. -Tousa Inid" .bÙrston ou om ndayust vil Ileste mmregrass viOwern Ian I*6 t6vu au -ifflrd, te-Immr., Any sue litvin a lions. lenot acy. let ef a-tenant by Ï1plgaiIi o.f0100. madie to k.ep tnythlug l im Pair, save thé. feue, Tii. setouis not eggd gêne rat way -toauds ,beautifyclà -0 greunisneThe tsv gr'alves ulhovw soei bdegres cd car. are lie. hicb kiold fienàis look aller personaly or psy lie exton for Ils attention tiÎeo. The groands are being-told ai lie raIe of might or tsn thousaut dollas anacro, sud îèis acryiug shamo thalwilh snob retumu, the groundis are alloved le re- main au lisp are. If th. corporaitions cf Wliitby sud Oshawa voul nit nsd purohascà 1ev acres oonveniently situaI. ed, they vould i fnd il a psying inveut- ment, even il liey pait ii or moyen liaudreti dollars a year to, boaatily lis @&me sud keep liem lin repair. Even if lihe lots ver. sold at on. hall cf the prcsat by lie proprietors efthle Uno, lier. voult b. a large margin for bolli corporations over sud above s liberal expenciturs for decoration pur- poe.The mosh besutital groundeinh Uui tedSalomsud even ini ont Osadian cihies maresba"alplacesfethle deads sud vo say &gain, the proeut condition elthle Union Cemetsrp lea adiagace ho the.ooMMnuxty atlarge. "Professr" Wood vie, orgauized thie Memary bleues ah lie Insttile last winter and ukippontca aler receiviug a par et istba en capluedb the. Toronto police sud lockod up on a charge cf frauti omilted stI Oobourg. Fret. F. J. is kuovu in Ibis locslity and probably the Toronto police viii invite soin,-cf bis laIe victime bers, le attend is vorsip'acourt in due lime. A Smlll's Falh butcher bas relaue le suppby meat te one. et lb. tovu councillors vie moved tb. repeal ef s by4lav vbliehprobibiteti fart4n Rseling mneal ilevu i leus quanlities than quarters. If lb. baker coulti enly finti some cause et offencet vita l voly limne tht poor counoior vaulti have lcragiug for prub. As lb. grass on the. rosisde be- cornes s"amreienuisance,' et alloving Ilovs to ru stlargo beoos eamore un- -berable. The by-lav liaI-permit.aa man le sllov but on. ccv te snncy bis nelgibori, sapa nolhing &bout lb. covu belonging le ils vif. sud le individual mnembers efthie fsmuy, consequenhly a mas$@sVrivie te Pasture ccvi onthie public hlgivay lumimiilet simply by the èse.ofethle family. W. bave neillier ccv uer family, but Ilf v.bild vo vould tiso h IiaI usIiter annoyeti our neigibors. Tîe baud boys ver. cul inu fotrce Monday eveuing and serenaded, several of our music loving eitizeiu4 w vin e r- tain lrested lie boys han Isomely, for wlbh le latter are deeply gratetul. Tii. boys àare doirous et proocurng botter miludtditlsual -quipme nsd vithI lIandin vl.vlb.y bts ,,decid le go onttwoIve veuifg a .vesek osu uerenadiugteurm. W.tust îot. fforts vil b.sabs»taahxay revardedsd belote winler lu ove, vs il bave île bul baud in lie district. Mr. J. B. Parewsl) vas lutlIsard froni atBuda-à,Pesiouls vay dovu lie Danube. Ho sapu King ls afine traveii- ing compwùansd ho vil!b. sorry le part vill i hm st Prague. 1Mr. Farewel aud Mr. King bave travebleti Ibrougi Deumsrk, Sve.dent Gstmony anti &ustria togolier,bu$ separale at Prague le mool lator e 1auri'P . Mr. Pare- veii ibjuku Ban àiltud s mcldifil- auly viii bie Qerman, wh"st lutho Ncrlliern latitudes, as dit he, Mr. pareveil, villoul Il. une milfor bomni he islatter part e eLmbr 1fr. *Dryden'. o iprtt dnc uieep resieti Wbity oumma thle iBli mnol. vîse lysAmerioa= bayera v »e.walling le sée.thezui They wve uht@adod sud 118 voro soîtiQenlie spot. k1Mr. Drydien informe us lII t, in Ivto veksbe bisold k mfroine ovimpor- tation an"d'tbois , 185lual and lb. domandiS continu. .Drpdou- reosivet 8000frein one insu alên orî 11 blapunrclae. i.demNOifor tliii *Wv tbIikourfainra Ubilve lie ITpo Tel«mg" « gi,-s lb.foIlovlng desritin f iinvîàtIof.1K esis Emporium. FÂRK TO LET, POIR A TER&I 0p, TEARS.- CSonposed of 7à aeres on lot No. i nortý_ end of the 6th con. Plokenn*gp sud 50 acres tovnsbip---Ioftaheiâu n.a bigh7stste et -cutivallo, Gooti brick dvelling, goéoet- heusles, Ivo bax sqite large euough te héla yeaZs 94pg -t1al Iesing under behh. Posseeon Aret Nevember next. Piviege ofplo-vintr fiarvsl Whitby P. O; june 2mih 1888-tf. once to Reu Tii. o n malvaaedby Mayor, Long vii b Iàedouresenable tenus. Apple te -IL. 811W. FORSALE.I Aga> brick heo, tbýaam rof uni 31'ECI r ag., Is itgq. , fxuerewsmors ê'wg ing thas" q4ul r~ig Abrute of à,blck dogl'hat ovus a »edbrick.hons&outhe base -lin. usar ,te ltm Oor0betl's poit. vWl iunif sarly grava-ilIl pringu imybrs' head &gain. Bo mayalthe mayor'of 140Q bushels of barley vers thr.sied ini il heurs for Mfr. Bosser of Est Whltby. Nearly Ive bashels per minute. West Whitby, ve o elt lik. le hoar from yeu. Excumiox, Whitby, Pickering, Brook- lin or Myrtlo, te Kingstou $4.00, ,Montréal $7.00 sud Québec 89.00, Aug. 251hte, 27th inclusive, good bc returu le end Sept.l. For tickets apply to E. Stephenson, up tewn G. T.'B. ticket office, Whitby. Wui. a young man from ltovu was driving s yeung lady &long th. beach st Corbetl', sud juat as lhey vers on tbe point et exelianging gum, lbhe rse shied sud boli vont hesdlong ijuote pond. Nuif sed. - Mr, Pipher ef Broughsmt vs. char$- ed on Monday vith breaeh of Soott Act. Ail thevllnssses,save oneoscknowledg- eti having been entertained , by mine hast Piphor, but liai lhe hospiteilities had been diepeuseti in th erni mof ging- or al,,or some suob outlandi beverago unkuovu in tis, parts. The Magie- trate dismissei the cae. Remnant8 are the weeds of our Business. With a big Trade and1 HOE THE m Remnants of Dress Goocis, Remnants of Print8, Remnant8 of Shirting, ýsALIu big Stock they wil spring up, b ut we DOWNO Remnants of Cotton Bemnantie of 'Cretonne, Remnants of Ticking. Dr5 uoki Optha Thlis instrimou i"ScientieAmont ocertaiflty theoini: AoS ail-kid kp 00WWB/ jarSiW lI You can have thema at neit te nothiug-beeause lhey lake Up spaee wanted for Profitable Goods.. Here is the opportunity of thse year. COME ALONG. 15e. Prints reduoed te 12ic, 12je. Prints redueed te 10e. 10c. Prints reduced te 7c. 8c. Prints redneed te Se. Oharnbrays at 17c., original price 20c., * Charnbrays at 12je., original price 15e. Cretennea at 10e., 121c., 15e. and 20e. werth j more. Every thing rnarked in plain figures. Yen can see the priee for enurself. Bear in mind this is a Genuine Reduotion. Sale. We guara tet Preduce exactiy what we adverlise. TWEEDS!1 TWEEDS 1 TWEEDS!1 An a.I1.wool Tweed for 85e., original price 50e. A better grade of Goods for 50c., original price 75e. A Dollar Tweed we are selling new at 75o., only a few pieces. COME QUICK!1 ROSS THE, Fa8hionable Dry Good8s and Tailoring CHANGE 0F BUSINESS! The underaigned would respeotfully inform the public that they, have purchase-the &rocery Bieuesalately oarried olb 1hé. -Town cof- Wh by B. H. jameson, snd that they viR conftinlue 1h. samin t he oId sand, The Italian Warehouse, Dundas Street.- New Goods arriviîng daily, which they cordialy invite the public to inspect. A fair.ahare of patronage kindly solicited. No trouble te show gooa. AU eiders promptly delivered. MATH ISON ITAUA~ WAREHOUSE. -ONLY Six o0PER ANNUIl. Wuhy, FfIdy, kiigus24; 1888. Mfr. Mauen. on. of 1Mr.' Norquay's, tour.in-hand in th. Maunioba legisiaturej ham ratiod sud gene over to the grest majority. H. Ii ülsupport -Greeu!!y although .leoted te oppose hîi. Pohitieu are a quser game, aud ev there b. liat eau play therat uuooemafly.1 There lha been a notioeabls, falliug of lu the number vho patrouise loca rail. .vay .zoursious or epecial excursions ruu by socities sud cothers. The railvaya gseraily give snoh loy rates b umm* or travllss-hat exour1àS oà«te do not diseount lhom te s»Y great exteul. - urthermore th.eaoommodatioii afford. .d bl railvay companies &eecus0 p.rt otlier than tlie. tan under their Ovu auspices are oethle sautt me kiud. Boemes, su d lu 6.1 oftu, é 1ev Ibird rats smigrsu «Mrs ae atsch. ed holbe Sud of a Ltreghl tan sd lie whole umked lhrougb Ithe outry -at a nail'epao, anMiuxbeethe .moal vesahlus d.lys. iye cibusi- * ues bas about killildthe privai. sieur- mon Sheume sud cau»edpeople ho do hheir, travelling by th.e rdinaqy trains. The railvay companies seem te Ihii shat booausa persou bayesa ioket ait reducet, rate« lie isuDot only ungdesving et ordinary eourtsy but in a fil subjeet *for abuse..The. sooner 1h.e foiacîs open -theïr eyeslte th. malter the.botter. The non. Edvard Blake has declin. ed Ibe honor et belug bauquetel by aýJ 1ev of ie more sealous friands on is retura te bis native land. W. admire- boili the spirit liaI prompledt 1h.ton- dered invitation sud thal vbioh deeli- ed il. Tbc prospoters oft l.she nêe *thouglil. asud thtrlghllyo th" 1fr. blaiii. vasdomrving of a riglil royal velcome OU bis omeoug, -mat v. admire the promptitude wilh vbi-h tlie gav expesso te isr Vâevsad tii.rea Inus v i vlh they tfouaI id Iheir 'plansebut hhey e.med le have Loroleé the fut Ihat 1Mr. Blake is a staesmali, andipuy tributs pate m la hie publie eapaclîy, ni6iu hr of @sUmiol eharacler voli 61.1ofIle entis. West Durhiamgbî d, lU a beaqust mmsffitel oope vithia vwbio W0 ouer Its duinuishe rprMW oredil ho iéselu WbanquÎttlg ilsbooe -tuunIls pou tIue oa hexcluai t lIs tenduoes lte b. lth.m.dlom Ibrougl *mh& v 1»h9=atonhonore ilstt iagils Soms* ________ W. i.neGeog"lt, rdov BARGAINS I Silk, Lidle Thread, Taffetta or Kid. Bargain in Ladies' and Childrens' Hosiery. Bagains in Gent' j Hose, 5ce. a pair npwards. PARASOLS!1 PARASOLS!1 PARASOLS! We have thern from 35. up te, $5. We don't want te car theni over, se corne and take theni away at any price. We are determined te reduce our ste-ek te, make reeni for Fail Importations. So we put the Goods down te prices that leave ne rooni fer questions. Corne Early and get the best bargains. LOCAL WIIAT 18 soixe -a BUOBET 0F LIV "A ieI'a a ÂW fmihb e e.eFan1 1fr. -Wsldie, Halton on W-& 27. -Several6ýftI Toronto rae -Thé Ti queil Derby's-deali fiudingthe Ba GREAT SACRIIZCE LRAE! Havlu noidtego out cf lthre, ry Tinare anti n 0005oodubalimom Nie" Oombinion foi5 , Whites ton-iilTe& os tls, 4pleooa vort i 1r .5 Painlè. etO iam es Sals,44,ploee, vorth 4.(» for2.0 Puodti iaI SalIs,10 place, WOMth6m for0 S.0 I PuictiedTcl.lSalis,10Opieces, voulli 4.50 for 2.50. _ cei Plae.80. ~ i.for 50c. Oups ud tiSaucaî #IW pe1.00 ifor Sf*.- naij Selu,5 lacsvoil 5125fo SCr oblets-andi Tumbls7Ze, per ïda, le ,Tiut ý fo lýiébnibaf-ri.'Aibam 2.00 for &SI. .OUfôeW. m'.0fr 2iýD SOc Tissoe nly àatavof the b xgans." Wways do sewe atver"s, e aun secuw hem beloe ty rei=sOut.i ~ . ~ 'al '9'hbIsarIaeq 1uântlty ai xgar atipeclial l 1v es- * *rig whuls t jasIsX&Wt WWiiVinqgar or2k.per gaI, XXX S Wtu Viu r L M5e. per .LWirrapie4,No. -JE BARGAINS BROT HER S. BRO0S. !IIXGi JEWICLL .lui RýIDU Till m

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