Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1888, p. 7

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ECTRTERE RU S~Wthnog- off and, - wun lgIty --AU UVED ~ RISoOA1ýmonde4 by thob soee ci - A lit -brauevy.. Tii. --bçpi 3ohn# vite WSS Tii g.inatonfr.eaes.billon by4hs aùliiatcovasnOt badly hurt, and'iu xkew ont Onthé: Street, Alut, AphiIadelphisKi named Stiokier Nativea living around lth.e' erglSdO A lu spende saveral week5eeh year in th.et Florida nevon fear an alligater, if A lit Oaskill Mountainsl,-He had an excil.t-hoy ean gel a fingor iw oohofils oyes. Te ang adventulrê on Monday. Stiokior By that means il bomes 'U helpiese B let hi@ortreat, vhioh nesties amcng an auinfant ad cibh esd&on tcr sali. pnea in a pietui'Bsque valloy, early will Iiko a lamb. But nover lakeo ensore t in the Morniflg. Hô look withh hm a fiogere onuunose it ie killed, for thon uo double.barreîsd gua, and a smalSiôtoh your danger vould. even worse. Gold terrier deg fllOed at bis hoole. Foi- Ih is very aoîdoin liaI people in tiioso isa1 jowîng mountaîn patio h. seon oamo waters are niolestod Luinbtis way, for A in sight of the Hetel Kaatoirekiil, whero gonerally su alligator will mrn- off from Lu M -ha eiopped a short lime and chattod a panîy in bathing. and wilh friende, who banteredl him about the sheotiflg a4bear. Stioklor took the : jouIs goed.natnredly. aud romarkod Wit anUd Humour.M that ha would returu wilh a bear. a Jidding hie friands good by, ho ealiied How te eut a prson-Look daggers 'hou forth on whal hoauaticipastd would b. at hum. b an, au njoel ay'ssport. .Stiokier sean The. man with lthe first baby ie allCroi dame te tb. brow of th lbuwbicb aver- &mile&-SnuîoB for himieof aud bis big looks a deep valley- south ef the botel. friands, tee. - The hanter deoended the mounitain hegtrMma wa sàmn sid inth V&ley -whih h cossdof.war ? Mamnma-It's a naval offloar Jesc aud then ha tramped on a mile or two. of course, you silly chiid. o Stiokier kept a sharp lookeut for gam. - B. IJus littie deg kept gaveraI yards ahead t seeme as il the bread and paelry Ca of hlm. Snddenly ho hoard il bark, cook might net inappropiateiy be serin- wh and it rau back te him. Il acted as if ed a dougi meutia. e it were badly frighteUed. Advancing "lHow mxioh te poeep through your ç cautiously, Stiakior saw aornehhiug Ihat telosoope ? "Tea cents." "IThere's oet filled him with pleasure. sud bis pulse 6ive cents. I've only oea ye. quiokened with excitemaclt. Betweon4 When a cat givos an entertainment tour tail treas, which formed a spae et frein the top efthle vail il isn't the cat mz about twanty foot, wero twocacb lheare we abject ils the wani. Tb ut play. Their anities amused bum, WeCi ilbayapr uiO S and il was soins tiPe before ho awak houhedthon.girgenrallapp fminyhesoi oued tebhis esoeaInat what ho hadlhusodteeî eeal aiys staTted eut for was igit before hlma. cyse jBaising bis gan, ho took aim att he It 19 a prudent landlady vho feeds gr largast of the cube and fired. The ber boarders wslermolon becauohonr litile animal was badly wouuded, son is a docton. aud it eset up a oryiflg liaI could be There ie Ihis air of reepectabilily ef lieard a long -distance. Tii. plaintive about being in debl. Il 1provos liaI ml sonnas waro beard-by the ol& mother yohihall crédit once. w bear, whe was feeding on bernies. It Willie, viion askiug for anothor plate cc went tearnig tbrongh tie bushea ho ils et desert, remarked liaI "il wonld just bi Young, lioked th. wouDds Of ils off. fil 1h. Bil." sprni,and looked &round for th a hunter. Il is a curions tiing liaI on tho rail- ge The oldboar caught sight of StickIon, roade il le the freight ratier than lhe ge aud, witb growls that sent cold ehiversesalsa itat makes the cargo. up sud down his spinal columo, il made "Mamma,' ss.id 11111e Willie inspet' fon bim.1 Betweu thé- place where Stickler i a enn e panter,, "are gh hoe was standing sud the spot vian. the veeIepi onsîruh? cube wara thare wa;s stretchOd a huge The Chiasae ongilte obe Véry goed lrnnk ef a tree, which had been de- billiard players, ton they are aconstoan- ea nuded oli is.branohes. The. log rested ed te handhing tie on. frdrm heir earl- Pl in ech aposiiontaI email animal iset yeare. ceuld crawl under. Thia provod a Chiokon salad neyer seta well on dei liorunte was saved b forStiokler, fer same people. Periapo il ie made of tie hie iewssvdb t Bruin was wrong kiud cf ehicen. For instance, ai rapidly approaohiug, and lie hunIer roostere are nover goed setters..d raieed hi. gun le hieshoxilder sud îoek Reasoniug by induction. "I've gel c carafu1 aim, is il vas the only charge ho -a wn edee l onn. had.lu ie zoiomeu liI filoed'Have you ? Lxioky dog, whal a glor- i od the ehooting of the cab be hadl forgol- ions lima jou musit have had! last ti tan îoraleadtieeot.henbaril. Thecharge nigît." ti bit lhe bear near &bý, shoulder aud iLufi flictad a terrible but net fatal wound. Yncnp inade avrn i Thsonly served to enrage 1h. shaggy saine as yeun ehe a dudieewhsn yen t Tu moeel hlm on lie etree--by hie loud brute miii more, and it rasohod the log aud had ils forepaws on top et il vien pants. theelittle terrier. whicehiall stood "Yen may bring me," ssid the Bes. c trembling wiitsator behind ils master, ton girl, "a&s@mail portion et 0.111. dis- dartedunuder lie log sud cangil the trbanco 4Haeuw ?" said thievallon.i boe&e by oeaof ils mid- legs. Tii. "Iriashlotw, yen elnupld," ffneored ohé.. bear turned ils attention le lhe deg, "Are yen tir.d ldeur ?" -akod a fond r vici sipped baok under tie log. wlfe when ovéning -ame. 4'Tir.d 1"I -The nov turn et affaire eneoursged said ber hushand, IIshonld sel I vas 1 Bliokiar, vie did net lot lthe chance lirod. 'y. beon working 1k. a gai t slip by. Grasping hie weapon by tie melon ail day logg." - barrai, ho advanced and strnck lhe Womsun (te lramp>-Yon are ontsa brute on the head. Brain did net som very rebust lookinggmnu. Tramp-No,- te mind tb. biow, sud il again moenn- maainI stibuta lie feebienées efmy entrêdli ber'sanuti whoi hal'O emptible porion again? egv membered, as il came &cross lie log, hon my love. ]Rev I dejost thil girl, vas wido oen. Tiié brute's longue t<> b. sure. vas cnt off -aI the motslansd vas filled A pnetly geod toat-lMay yen be withhshet. i . a,..,,,,a a noarterad I1Hnno Bathers Attacked by au Allga- tor. Palaka ffald Lest Friday afterneen tons boys, aged belweèn 12 and 16 yesns, oroossd lie niqr te Hart's Point sud procee9ded te take a bath. This lu quilo a favorite place for thimoniteaplasi about, and ovety day largonunlubons -go bshhing on liaI peint. On hie day anentiened a&U vent velt ranil a Ivolve foot1 alligator suddealy rose up vithin tou feeet Ithoa, and b?. gan to spîslub.eWalo. wuits ils a. Tom Johnson, lthe targui ,boy made a desperate effort le reaci lie shoro, but iras overlaken mien mvithintten fuo o it bylhe alligator, who ë-ugil hlm by the foot sud vas dngging Tom out, in- -o tdeep waier sgsin. Th4ouhe - ee beys vwers naturally very inohýfnght- oued. .John Dodie, wbitehappened ho - tskoielesituatio Q-'làimp .,proM oeeeded te render is oout ' paulou -lu troubleéassitae. john tMuok ot anddov. de lan . volerM , qoann -up iIt tp tst e o b mgg boy 'Wân ho jloapeson the I. bookO e leur"an mitu both inlut higi\above lie resch ofaderaity - drava Lun'a oarniage ef yens ownu. sud quarhored Lu lie arma ofthlieuyen love. Dr. Wiliam* A. gammiond- mos! haI the. brain le net an organ absolo- ty esn"tiallelife. Doxibtlone o dc- ler bu ajusl relurned frean smefashion- able wateing. ptae. mi" Smnith(aund)- eyn fond etfaSuso ?" Ybung De lZones (raptureuly)-"Oi--ai7-y-e-a-i, voal- ly M" Smyhe ifltirejse 1 ýthIng~ Idodr ills SVoic.l 1Vol Dr. Marýy Walker denaaed , àm a fellew lu a ireaouy dpule é lea- 1ear put oui hi.gar H vPlýe "When yen utsk8 offtrui nsd pet ou peOebits I ilIl put outmy figar." 1 phyiua(tglivingslkeeoin a New, York usum-Yeu seemie bu Iureel oued viuiia tty degeuewatl»iG 01ýte Me4otbwWOI,Z " . ýUW W Aiw» tlOgz bÃŽibyi itérootis hel fast: u a stout, lree braved idi tii. winte blasi .tue couagh tatto-'tvas onlyjh; mie obl shtveredthe heurs et o lgh; [tlo pain camé andl>eganto grew, m cônsumptjon laid &U isbrave strength low. vp ise in lime. Check the littho coughg Othe littho chi% a ispel the littie pain, the little aiment become. the. strong, ,oquerbe giant et diseasse. Dr. Pierce's en eacal »isceveny, taken in'Uie, remedy fer these iii. nov drink han coma iu ah the Capitol Washington. i t is a coinound et brandy 1apolinaris, aud is calle the quick and de&V. [n. Robert WilliamsonetofGieulla, kry--ound, ont,,gays, 1,1 could net keop uIl .s itout HsgysrdB mYeiow 0O1 ah ad. 1 have umed il inu my tamily tor uap, Boeaturoat sud a cutlfoot, and oaa ;hly recommiend lute everybody." I mattons net boy a man dies but boy A Reasenable Hope one that is bpsed on proviens kuowledge experienco, therotore thome, vie use B. B. may reasonably hope for s cure be- use thea previeus experienco of thonmands- o have od it, shows it tue have snccoed- aven in the voret. camas.- What generally romains alter the sweehs cusrried lite depart-Fsruiy jars. Part Of The HEnosehebld III hava used Hagyard's Yaiiow OÙl vith ich satisfaction, for Coldsansd BSe iroat. I woula net be without il ai any >t, as I look upon il a@ tia best mredicine )Id for family use.,, Miss. E. Branhail tuerb.ooke, P. Q. A tashion nota te ha observed is liai sas vidows should not vear voods. A Ram Comblatiola. Tiare is ne othar nemedy or combinatiex fmedicinos that meetesego many roquira. ients as es Brirdock Blood Bittera n tai rida range ot poear ovea eih chronic dis. ases s Dyspapsia, Liver sud Kidna: 'Omplaint, Scrotulo snd a.ll humons oet lb lood. Semaeue remsrks tubaI "the davil eooz t. . - - --e - peo Pt. 10-à. 4i4 lue A-; Ty se ets ito tham, they surely caa't be un- ocupiad. LNov Hoe Treaimeni for the Cure of Catarrh. Catarrhal Deafuesi and Hay IFoyer. The microscope bas proved tiaItiteso dis- tmsem are contagious, and tint they are duo te )rmance ef living parasites l ianlthe nllnlig nenibrane et tha urpr air passages snd eus- tcehis.n'tubes. Thaearainant sclentisls, Tyn- ail. Huxley sud Beae endorme tais. and the Lutheritios canet be disputad. The regilsr. îothod et treatinit thoma disoases ia been te kpply an irritant remedy weekly. sud aven Laily, thue keeping tuhe deiicate membrane ta constant aVate et irritation. ailowlng lu ne tance t e al, suds a nahural conse.quence A suci treatment net oe permanent cure has ever been recordeo.. It is an r.bsolute tat that Vaese diseases cannaI be cured by aay applica- Lon made ettaner than once in twe weeks, for bh membrane muet gel s chance to heal ba- tore thbe application le rapestacI lbilunow aven years ince- Mr. Dixon discevered lha parasite ia catarrh sud tenxnulated bis uaw treatment, and ince tien ies remedy ham bo- cora a iousehold word in every country whera thbe En bihLanguage la spoken. Cure$ affectad Ut, hirn sevon J/ars ago aure cure$ atiU, tlmero having bean no raturn of the diseasa. Be ihiy are thame remedies valued, test ignoranbit Utaon b ave tarted up .very- Whee, retendiai te destrey tee parasite, et Wbich lhey kn othlng, by retodleis te resulte Of hopp105io31of wvich $bh« ae 17 tly gnorant Mn. Dlxasreoylus =C onlyoeesnlatwe veau, sud froete applications effeot s permanent inr l the Most aggrsvated cases. Mr. Dixon sands a psimpblM et ds nag bis new treatmeut ou the raeopt et tamp to psy postage. The sddrema le A. EL Dixon & iSn, 803 Elng-streat West,. Toronto. Cans.da.-&liei. tiftc Amorican. The Flîsi Syinptons 0f al L ung dîseases are much the saine:1 feverîsbness, loua e! appetite, sore throat, pains ini the cheât and back, headache, etc. In a 1ew days yen May be weil, or, on the other hand, yen may be dow-n with Pneumonie, or " galloping Consumption." Ba no risks, but begin unmediately tote bAyor's -Chery PectoraL Several years ago, James Birchard, of Darien, Conn., was severely il.The. domtra said he was in Consumption, and tha t they couid do nothîng for hMm, but ad vised him, as a last resort, te try Âyer's Cherry Pectoral. After taklng this medicine, two or three montha, ho was pronQunced a eli mani.iLs hoeth remains good te ýthe present day. J. S. Bradley, Malden, Maus., wr1teos 116Three winters ago I took. a sevore cold, which rapidly- developed intd-Broncbiti8 and Consumption. I was se weak 'that I could net ait up, vas much emaclated, and conghed lncesiantiy. 1 consulted severai doctors, but they wer. powr- lesu, and ail agreed that I vas in Con- sumption. At lai,ý a frlend brought me a. boutle of Ayer's Cherry' Pectoral. Prom :tbe frat dose, 1 found relief. Tire boutles cured me, "ud my hoal1h hassinoS been perfeoi.sr Ayr' Cerr Petrl -soldbysllDggstm. PnluIo;slbo1letIuA luf re ia"a alx , PR3A, âD B5LB, S M. Chase V oBlIING7 t SUS FOR SORE TEROATS A"» nZ]M=IZNZ Hias a werid wl&de reputatien as a phylan FOR BROKEN ENERs, NRVX5E, QApPE» KOOK. and author. His mandrs.ke Dandohion Liver pou BEseau zMas, BsE AuCEL Cure is a triumph ef med.tcal skill, curing aIlla Ir<> BOT Ai ORE MOUTTES MNMEE dseases of the Eldney and Liver.AN LA . s - r : p r V ( D & S O : rY O R sB R A f l i , O U T B S, B I N35 f D O G . --trssn aches LAEs KlllN[! CIMIAINTI and pains in the SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. back; a duil pain oir weight ta the bladder a.nd Pèrom His Grace the Duke of Bta:sai. base ef the abdoman ; scalding Urine often ob- -Blor rnhm e.1 89 structed; frequent desire te, urinate, especi-"eioGanan L.1,8. aily st night, among aged persons hot, dry YU"Br,-EUhlnan'hBRoyal Embrocation la used ekin. pale complexion, red and white deposits, in mv stables. I thlnk il very useful. dropsical swelliiigs, &c., "BuTLÂlW, Master of Belvoir Hunt,." "Dec. Srd, 18'18. "«Gentiemen-I use the Royal Embrocation ln my stables and kenneis, and have found it- very serviceable. I have aise iised tjýq Universai Embrocation for lumbago and rheumatism for the last two years, and have mnffered very littie singe using it. "BR. H. Paxn, Lient-Col., Master- cf Bad- norshfre Hut."t ELLE"WVBROXALEMBROCÂTION, Sold by Cheniise Stores, and Baddlere, Prlco2s.u 1EXHAUSTED VITALITYI T LIFE, ith eat Medicai Work o et .mg on Msnhood, Nervousand PhysiomiDebiliy, Prema- taie Dodline, n-ors-of Teu, and the untold on, 30pages, 8 vo., lu v réae4tiÃ"t or ai îeass. Olotbfiit ý i mail, soaed. IDL. amPiéfree te auYoung and middle-aged-men. Bond no*.-The Goid »ad Jewefl e11MWda arded te ithe authior by the. Naional Medimk Associa tion. ÂdFdres P. 0. boxIS5Bot, MIas., or teDr. W. E.Pankor, graduai. o0 HamUa dmedCI caCollg, 25 yeuppractioe 4 ocsIenwho may b. oated oonftden- wialy. Dises ocfMeBn. Oafce, Machine 011, An Oil boe-ê»Pars"e frtei ho hs ben61s p by thb. n.snevree bit qUatieseoft Canadima md Ausezim Ceai 01r are t mi sused iattractve LIYEG OMI ain~ under shoul Par ble.dee, Jau dico, ahallow complexion, a weary, tlred feel-j ing. ne lifa or anergy, hon:dacie, dyspapsia, indigestion, spots, pimples, ttc. HOW OURED. Mandreke aud Dandalion ara natnra's Idver cures, and when combinad wituh Kldnay rome- dias, as ia Dr. Chase's Liver Cura, will almost postivelycirea ai Kiduay-Livar troubles. Itu acta like a charm, stimuiating thba clogged liver, strnghnag the kidneys, sud luvIgor- atithe hoebody. Sold by ail dealers at si, wMth Rceipt Book, which alone le worth temoney. the ON EY . Cbasos PlUs arethe iK ID E onIy Kidney-Liver Pille, made. IIID Tbay set gantly yat effectuai- LIV L.I ly. May be taken during em- PI LLS Livertrubles, h idac e l linomness, costivanoss. &c. Oaa pili a dose Sold by ail doalors. Price 25 cents. FA RM IMPL EMEN T8 FOR SA LE Walker iron piow, Patterson gang piow, Clayion root drl, land relier, Ayer's iron harrowa, WMitby harvester and mo,r, miii, double sett harnees, etc. P. HOWARD ANNES. Whitby, April 5th, '88. AUTHORS & COX,j ~.ARTIFICIAL LIMB8 "dvpliaes for aIl Denmiis othe Hu- oaed-liL Dis-' Knee, Boy Legs, Club Foot, ae. , AMO CRUTOHEL 117Cfiuch t. -Torotop Ont LEI LLTT8a w 99 PIERCEN fo msa oal 0pu a lSo"a -sou by aUGr500lS Md »rugglstos, TORONTO STEAN LAURDRY. BRAMAKERS', YEASTU, lREAD nia em"Ii I I~ mcrtciln-vOrYdistuntjslg.I aslwed te continua t-umora form whlc ften bleed and ulcerat, becomng very i BWAYN'lSO!lL Stopsthé litéhinq andi bleedlng,. ea ulcertlôn. and n, <,~,,,haIm r cssa rexu vn éé e FARM TO LET. 20 sari of land, consisiig ol the nortà tbree-uarten of So. 15, and 50 sm oe No. l6, in the5th con. et Pickering, -betwen, Broughami and Grenood. -Wolladpld for grain -and raisng et stock. Possssion irben crops are ramoved, suduai' privi-. loge o! pioving. Plentye lvngwater. A&pply t eHBNBYH]OWELL, - Whilby Town,' Aise a mre (te teni t"is ontwj forsilo cheap,vllb harneis and pbtn. A * Yo HaRe Howeli or D. Whilnoy, -ho r G. T. B. silxn.-31-f 'Local and Travellig OleMM Steak, eitiier on aimboy or commission. Yeî- roo fo lay oes? Upi~lansd honoal, are the eues voare leeking for. Âply lrfrences MAy BROS. HARRY EEBLE, ~ TIERmB-$.OO Pt B4ilhngor1001E L«UMB« sola ehiatol y W.B. ~iUE. BEF1RON, AND WINI LU MAK? EMÊRGçATr.IQ Sr UtRA mS.BaitutSFS. SrfTts. TeSafest Quckest.most 111- [crtain reniedy_,- rrepaf»ed on _ U C. JH, -E N CLA ND. M' la l' 1 1 )n Al , l

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