Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1888, p. 5

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13ARN ARDJ la 5HOWING A Handsome Stock of_ Nove/tes, And an exoeptioflally fine stock of WATOHES -IN- SolId Go/d, Filed d Si/ver Cases Of excellent design anli quality, PR/CES 0DOWN du Su BA RNA RD, WBIITIB- F1IXA1GU ST 31, 1888. LOCAL LÂCONICS, WHAT IS GOING ON 14 AND AROUND TOWN-b 5uoýET 0F LIYELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED By nu4RONICLE REPORTERS A z-hiels arnang ye, takin notee, An' f aith he'11 prent I. A cold dip early in the week. C OAL dealers are ne-arrsngincg thel prices bit SWINGINGOon te fronz gate bas le up for a seson. THâE Tabernacle Board intendu th& pow ent shall be paid prornptly. MABONIC meeting next Tint-sdi wien the "Goalt" viii b. givon s uit SEVERAL WOnt frein hene ou Mouds ho see Oeiiaws spr.ad it.cel! ou itscivî holiday, sud camue home eaddet- bl wiser. DBNNis should'ut fayort-oBat i i et Brook etroot viti 80 muci vatera bo did on Monday lait. It isn'l * square deal for.1h. rosI ef ns. THE prize ist of'e thé Ontario au I)urbaa&.griultur-al Exhtibition vbL i. te b. iold hors on lthe lut, 2nd, au 8rd, of October, je lu tise bandsetf ] printer sud vill b. ready for dietribuic within- a (ev dsys. - ' Tin local train htve P.t.t-bot-oui ansd Torontlo by vay of Pet-t Hope, i a nov passenget- car attacised tisat litIle more wortby of the. traveilix cornrunity than that formorby ose, lu tact Ibis es-cas sepocially bailt t Ibis route sud us a fiue one. Tibeco is nov a (ast train, sud with titis ni 2 car wil becomo more than aven pc ular as th. means of gohliug te Tern sud back. Mn. Jas,. Msàillhsd a ratier narro escpe rei soiof*-ijury, if nothil womseen Monday lasI. HRe vas takii leave of bis daughter, Mns. Gadel vie, with hor husbsud, was rtchui te theur western borne, and vas dotsi cd vithin tie car nther bouger tien supposed. Tise train start.eid u hie haste te gel off he elipped sudf forvard on the station plalforni..'T reooil vauniuficient te tht-cv hum hi tovards Lie (ast -moving train- und the viieeîs of ehich ho - migist reéd bave fallon bild net Mr. Wm. Gi sprung te hbie assistance. Tii.c gentleman vas oensiderably siakeni but otherwise appeaarsneotise wv for hie (ail. "Gr«y yur vite a -vacation. E neede eue. Littlecae-s are harder bean than groalor resposibilities, a she hai; msuy mot- caeses han A huuband, and oimees aigreal a ponibilitiés. A ,von=a'@ vonk nover doue, sud modernlite bas creased aud lut.nsified i. Gares ho multipbldfaiterthan convenionc Lite is more oumpli, ils demanda <ret-cansd morenmerone, sW more e«acting. Who noedes avaas if ih. dos net? And sie osnol get ah -homo. Tha moel quiet sud roi ticeisome la layes. lismore .evide tha it isa oare ift aburde oiil 1 A isous-keepr asne mot-e 1tais vacation lunber boue ISsu a mote iu bis 0-««ting4oom. Bien: Iba ber abeenos ocons i. onveb give an offl oid v" hii.-0 Tol.phonem liroughent the coos suffered sevorsly lu lihe laIe Ia storme. -Ksny offs cooult* phonosat-e!1ot.dali &sudti né MaPTIT BUr The pmoupeets *f a1lugefanltrah hi P.e. J F.BarerPaçor. good.» SBUNDAT ISERVICES AT 11.A.-M.-AàD 7 P~. m. Tii. grass.widowors are smiling once more. The pastores ubjeets for Sept. 2nd will Eowes, the Secretary of the new (D. V.) h ase foilowe :-a. Un. "Triumphi- Agrieultural,Bociety je a bustier. ing in the worka of God" psa. 92:4; p. m. ' There will be five Sundaye in nei "The firet stop toward BRepentance" uaonth. Jet. 8:6. Xmas. snd New YearB fall in the. WHEN the band boys Call, interview saine year this yeat. thoir treamurer.%- The Oddfellowls frisky "Goat" liadta Traosis suffering from typhoid foyer littie exorcise on Tueeday nigbt. aro on the tmend. There is talk of tarting a- lodge of STOREY'S point je as deserted as L Knights of Pythias here. can last yeares bird's neet. Loadsafterloade of brick paee through bore every day bonnd for Oshawa. SUN-FLOWR sociale are the rage inl Something unnenal muet be going on barg the West. Hlow would they do here. there. FÂ&RMERs were go buey harveeting on Sevorai oO our citizens took advan. iset mnarket day that few visited town. tage of the cheap excursions te Qaebso our BUSINESS mon left their clerks -An aud the lower provinces tbie week. charge on Saturday and took in the The new bridge over Pherrill'e pond, ci base bail match. north ef the town is about finished. It THE watering cart took a tumble ounjes sid te be a splendid job. Monday. The nigh-wheel je now off. WHÂT are the Wild wRveg eayiDg,I Blac and the off.whoel is ne longer on. Sain?2 They are eaying: It je turne for Denriis bas our eympathy. yen to tako a last long lingering look, Potatoes are about the average this then leg it for home. year and the probabilities' are that a The grain markiet je bardly opened ornai1 patch will cover a large rent.0 yet, thongh several loadeocf bat-loy and We wiah we could say the saine of other graine are being deliyet-od st the Scotch tweed. harbor. The. Queens HIotel Toronto' has drawn PICKERING village is making etrenu- the color line and refueed te grant ae- eus efforts te procure fire protection. No commodation te the Bey. C. 0. John- A subscription liet bas been circnlated ston, of Har.wilton. We do net emile on with gratifying recuits. W. wieh the that sort of tbing and Mr. McGaw may ,enterprise succees. coneider birnself released as caterer toW W are in receipt of a beautifnlly the wants of this establishmnent. Re-ilnustrated catalogue cf the B. A. Basi-j venge jeswyeet. 0 nese College, Toronto. A coird address- EVERYWHERE one enqnftee in Toron ed te Connor ODea, Sccretary ârcade, te as te who is in res.lity the producer Young Street, wilI «ut you one in return. of the beet Art Stained Glass in that 'Short as the hay crop is around bore, oîty, the reply je unanimeusly in favor large quantities are being hauled te of Jes. McCauBeand & Son. Ail of the Toroente. The loade appear te aIl pase finest residences in Toronto, and tneet boe.dnring the early portion of the of those throughout Canada, have de- pight in order te reach Toronto in the * ightfal examples in sorne form or othor inerning for the. market hourg. al frein this firi.-34-A. The Oshawa queitere did not face the People having fat calves, sineJi pige, inusie here on Monday, but there were or poultry fit for mnarket, aud wbo ru- several excellent muatches notwîthetand- Aside witbin a tuile or twe ef ao)y road ing. Burton and Dernaha, of Claro- leading to Toronto, ehould fiy te the mont, Krotr, Wilson and Balfour, o! city and watch the mnarket the next Asbburn, and Peter bIt, of Manches- morning after the stuff isestolon. Otber. ter, appeared on tiie ecene, and entered wise shoot sorne ef these road robberp, with the local pitchers in a sweepstake. ai;a warunizgto the othere;., Eno ugh stuif Mr. Burton captured firet place, being ws stolen within twenty or tbirty closoiy proeed hy Mn. Correll, while fi muiles of Toronto lust year to eupply the Mn. Wilson and Mn. Kerr cf Ashburn ýi city market hait the seson. tied for third place. They are to de. b "WREN yen retunn (nom th. city with cide their positions lator On. etabundle o! goode that yen eid have Thé conduotors on eut- nailways say bougbt just sas wll from your home tiie habit of going into the car sud merchantu, don't yen feel alittle mens? blopking up the passages whîlst taking Ot Yen are doing what litth ou yen ute tiie férewell kies i. becoming a doWn- Vi ruin every business mnuIn yonr Iown, ight nuisance and viii yet lead te set- ây bocause w. ail depeud on oee s ehr. eus accidents. Ail trains are t-un on le When yen have gel thé cash te psy for fast lime whon possible, snd start (rom your goodo, don't go off te tie city to the station with à full hWa of steam on lymske youn purobasea sud sipeet home se that a hall minute pute them well ri met-chante te "carr" yoefr *môutha. under way. People vie jamp frein a ut Guée thoes who socommodate yen the train se stsitsd tun a great risk, sud honsfit of your transactions." yet it is dons st svery station élong the de Lest, ut-a-yd or. stolon (rom tigi lino sud on nearly everytrain Wy cas- sa office s fnll-fledgod Faghting Editor, neta&U titis shaklug hande. sic., b. doue sstands 8ft jBi. 'i-su hiuoekinge sud on the platfet'iii sd s»"stle.ruuik, le tunthie smsles at 200 avoir. lI. t " iYnDO"h Of ef lb&saoyanes, sttsudlng id feotly bat-msaswhen properiy bsndled. on Ihé Olter w&Y.. ehi Wa. last seen enwc Ussg 1he waÀet I.N essanexeenten sononu noiit .d Places 'lu tise nskhborhood ef Wseh- ie adv.rtseedl t-se timea lu a nes- b.burn's Island. No sllovsnoe made for paper and yen bave a odaim of #800 be keep sftor th" notice. A sutab le r.-aant1.ett, h a i. e yard for saf e tarunite thi saunctuin. neodaim if yen don't se. sd take hme ghParties hst-boring the sarine aftsr this cf 1h. notice given, sud put in your -h date will bsintenviewed by the Chiot.- daim viti tiat spoeofisd lime. Iu ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1-e-h-es-stul gi.Tsecs e s-. ck r heres sud heyW old have the. velli ceaued eut sud a new cru ce40-to.The bachot- - who vili up, ýpunpplacodthhorin. show s girl cf sob htender Y$&sns 10 Tii. excuiopista pet- steamer Hast- undertake mc su exhustive course inu ujoyod îtbemselve's ammonsely. may kuov somefflng et ".ov 0 t-M hOTheo msjority bet hem paid hheit- OWSfer Exuinuatioii but h. sppar.ly t0 te Neptune u in h e t a pProvod kuowe uothicg et PSYcohl.A VOIy and tashion sudt-eturued bme witb appe- large percentage .eft ho womeu of IbS ber litas as ravononel0 as volvo.. Ticeleepp. cunt-y have tle Ibtauk juil muw"' a ne- ing Aeoommodslion wvasMore than lai.syelemo vold ef sU prebeuce te ýphysmda 15, dod eils nmosl,butlho laies did not OullurO sud evorythig mise, Save et-ar- in- e etfintaigh tbogbtmm gfor ,xsmibume.nsor the vveebed lu. tar s bsdly anvse I rewsgb toubî 4t rom *,be y suifer ana lie avey uwould, al lb.he:berthe snd ti.heai 008. tal espsê a heltr dIsposai. soonOt- our yontsg eachense all Ased 6"- The. gentleien #onurW dMotphens MI upo1 degaihogsIBlgu d9Yeveïy uokand corner availabls Tise t i mportant deparltouent o liou Mien trip down vas. muci, mot-o pleasassl tbe botter for lievonsen.et eut- land. t lhan hoe reluru. Tii. lke vas rtsuer 0IxmAD's GRaAâr FIL-The Tofoulo itiirougi, sud -mioney paid for attables vawn&eia xiiiqvsct u ri once. a uslees expendihure. <The, fih were t-l10h t10the 22n4 f epteplrs, ber. ted vili lrogl.ity sud troqusuy, sndpromises t e b. agreetu esems Ab h ad Gabri sovu -hie trumpot, -lis snyofet ils-prsdecessors. TlsenniWseof islsondw4old ebae o.simore velcomesut-leis ta ube~et àliprions pst-, )tghn 0mis isa tsai tof the sweeteml-t<od iudicalinu thllh iéleton-1hxb* M'Ou dinsser bon of a firsi dmasrsuwmuss$. ubiboore vasic4 , Md eoqà Tiie offimofrhe- suboat sud the00M.OnV' s er e..-Britieb Rani- ut-y musoftManaguement did every tiblg lebam. 4. %mIS.iý ndor possible forthe s oaloi ad leêuovo*- thse NrbuD o f~ te4eO-, iese. fthlélargo --pute on qXd cg 'ee- Bredsppoinlnu4>e, sus. frd tor etsay. ovrn lglai t moei pu sMo -suer Ssupa&"l.-a~d~~t ie;, o ~ lI$ ibl,W#htêt -ue -b fla tuAeadral" y*o~*j*ý __ EA RLY FALL GO0OD S! Just te' hand a splezdid assortment of woel knit Shawle, suitable for Boating, Evening Wear, etc. HOU SE- FU RNISH 1NGS. TABLE LINENS in Cream and White, handeome patterns ana grand value, and positively assert that we give yeu bellot- quality and value than any firm in county. WHITE COUNTERPANES. The bet patterns we evcr had and the qua.lity is very ricli. W. offer big gains, fn above Goods. LACE OURTAINS in excellent desigus ana patterns, Cream and White, and extra god value. Ask fer New Curtain Holders. NAPEINS, D'oyies, Towels, Lineus, White and Grey Cottons, Mualins in Plain ana Checks, Handker- efs, Gloves and Hosicry. A new Stock-pecially good value. DBRESS GOODS-to hand our firt lot of Plain Meitons in Navy-, Garnet, Cardinal, Brown, Grey aua tk, from 10c. per yd. Up. ijLSTER, Mande aud Jacket Cloth, for Fail Wear. We show a stylish lot of Patters aud Colors. The latest Styles in Gents' Feit Hats, Collars, etc. s rrEw D]EVERELL'S BLOCK,- >. 1, 888. Elegant Range of New Fali Dress Goods and- Tweeds ,t prices lower than ever. Don't' Fait to see our Goods Before Purchasinq. We are showing a Good Union' Flannel for 15c., and a irst-elass Ail Wool Grey Flannel for 20c., which is mucli )etter in quality than anything betore offered. Our Dress Goods at 12'c. per yard 18ý a surprise toai vho have seen them. KEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY., Remember -t1he Place, ~I~w GLAS R. & cL.C~A~ ~L WAREHOe U S EI- MPBE Lt~ )RESS GOODSXr,ýWé are showig a arestok of 'Summer Dreses G braid tc, matchi. Also Silks, Cashmeres, rntGngs ' er-ukrs 1 Shswls. LisliThresd sud Silk Gloves, Cotton, Me ai na udBâlbriggsu Hlogi, Parasols, GENTS' FURNISHINO. PnyTeColaB us races, Meri .IÀnnnasd81k HksCollar as u(f Buttons, Faney 8trswo, Sfi3suad, gara Peit E A Big Lot'of Fa"cy Braw cHtB il& dt ,be CZarecl Out at 2, OLOTH ING(. ]ReadY-Maide Suite an4 Single Garmeuts. Our Lnen the thing for warm weathier. fitting suit, mu the- LI BOOTS AN D S ut' WdANTED1-- -z FAL - - WHITBY, 1888 loth let- inder nxt. P. 0; f te. ,'hich bal- ad hhing 6md a batn B bal- ils ef pur- it 00- e 8Sm VN mL et Go- RIO wuh GOW

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