Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1888, p. 7

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Wi éd Humour. "«The good aie yonng." This ia Os- psoially true for ohiekeni. Joues-I don't believe in taking of flan- Bels, no% ovenin ii umuaOY. Smith- 'WolI, I do I change iwice a weok. Bride-HIenTy, do you know thai you enore ? BridegrooU3-Nu,do I1? I amn very serry to hear it. Bride (dryly>. Two Rasuians wont out 10 fighi a duel ; but bofore the seconde had got. hall through calling thoir, namos, the contetants b.d inade up. Oholly;-I-say, Binz did you ever wiiness a burisi ai sea? Bini-No, nover saw a burial, wo had a wake be- hind us al the way over 1as& trip. Husband-I want rooms for myueif and wifc. Hotel lerk-SitiW? Hue- band-Of course ehe is-porfectly love- ly. The eweeieet girl in America. Barber (puroly from force of babi)- lIave a bair ont sir ? Bald-headid oue.- tomer-Yee lhree or four cf them I guess I gol Ibat many left. "Go fishing yeerday 2" "Yo." "O0alcb anything 2" "Ye." "Wbal was il 2" "The-groceryman kiesing my' wife when I came home." Gazzam-HOllo, Oumoe, you look on- tirely fagged out. What'B tbé matter?2 Onmo-ob, noting!1 A weok's rosI will eot me up. Jriel back froin my vacat ion. Woman's work is nover donc. esson oft I is jethat she bines À vaut girl Io de il. This may bo a i obscure but the gemu of eternal ti are in its booom. HLie nigbl caps-Final Kenu wfe--Wb5i kind of a nigbb cap( your husband use, Mns. Vivant ?2 ond Kentucky. Wie-Bounbon ti mod witb rosi sugar, Mrs. Bansen ",When I look aI bbchentgengation," el said a clergyman the ethor Sunday. Iw aaked vbere are tbe poor 2 But vbon eg Iceunt the offetory iu the veslry, I fl âsk where are tbe nicb ?"d Robent Browning@s poemuanc beingP tranelatod imb Bussian. Amenucanb readene whq bave been unable le grsap ite moauing, vill bafilils sîtempîs aM elucidation wilh .joy.0 Basbtul youbb ; if yen vil take Mya bad-I moan my arm-I wüll ondes- t von bu gel yon an iee. Encouragiug Maid-Tbadks I don't can oron au eo, Mn. Maoinove, but I would b. pleas.9 ed le aocepb your baud. "'Nov, John," sad bis vite, as she was about stsrting for the country, "lb. canefol about drinking ico vater." t "'Mains." he reeponded reassunglye but untbiukingiy, III won% drink a drep0 etfvisIon wbile you're Roue." r An "lIndian upriing" wss§ reportod aI fov daye ago. Il. courred in thî . b-a dian sebool at Carli-.le, aud vas causede byouo pupil pkaoini a bentpin ou tbe1 seat of anothor. Tite uprising ie, saidi te have been paiuf ut but of short dura- fion.t "Mamma, vo loveonee anoîbor, don't 'we 2" Yes, dean." "Yon doullk te puniub me do- yen 2" "No, I do nel." "4You weuld naîher piinish your ovu self, wenid yoo net, mamma ?1" "Yes;." "1Wel heu mamma, I wisb yen vould." "'You mueI load quite a pastoral lite," said bbc woman tote tramp, "neam- lug-oven the country in Ibis beautitul pweather. I"Raîher more a, pasturesi lite, madam," replied lbe tramp sadly . II lept in the open air wibb eighl cows lasI uight." Stove-Yes, poor Blivins dees leok molancboly, s yenssy. Reo albisufera from the consequonce et an os-ny love affair. "'Maud (iuebaubly inlensted)- Oh, teU me did the yeuug lady die or prove taise ? Slov-Neithor. She marnied him. rSmitt-I vas sorry 10 bear, Brown that yon tailed in business. Brown- Yes, I stnugglod bard, but I l overy. r ling le ave my houer, bbank God,aud 1h. property 1 was wiso enough Le setîbe on my wife whon 1 ond I vas gelling imb trouble. Il ios aid Ibal eue day just before Governer Hill commutod the deabh sentence otf(3iara Cignanabe le lite im- pisoumeut, ovon 0200 of fievere vere receivod aI lbhe tomb for her the gifle et sentimental sympathisera, net oeeof wbom.ovcr SW the mtundnre. As s literary centre Chics-go nov ontbroake -Boston. The tact soomu le be learly- eeablisbed Ihal a judicieus mixture et pork wilh beane makea s diet more condueuve le tbe grovîli sud developmeut et literary culture Ithan beans asie. A Nov Havon anlist painted sncb an accuralo piclure et a dollan bill thal lie seld iltfon $900. A Obicago artisi did the samo thblg lin tb. engnsving bHn and -only v*nted #1 for lbe vqrk ot a-rt, but nov bg e inl jal .fer counter- feihiung. This la the kind ot art dis- ciminaion tht chilà s-pinn4egouus. Indignant propitor-"Caon'l yen fesd 2 Look at liat daign1" TreSpfl.. mg anglen (Isughlng)-Havou't looked at lt. Wbat doesa itasy ? .Propmiton (angfiy)-"Il asys, 'ne fisblu -on th... <ronds.'! Agler(pulUlu A oà ,.".4UOha,, 11 ight. I1m Dot flalugu <est F#BI.o~ -"h o' you g o the WadbMstwo dbootub.. Iowi auet t per, of blin4Oers 1 Taklng Do chanoes-Groom te bride; tboy are wailing for the..miniter- Hadn't I boter skip out ai se, whaî il, the malIen, my dean. The minieter ehould have boan bore iweflty minutes ago. Bride-No, George; you alay rigbî whene you are. Grsfton-"ÂAwfully olevor feilow~ Gag- ley. He miglul shine 1-0 Society if il wasn't for hie on. inafirily." Miss Claa-", Wby, I always Ibongbl ho was vory corroct in bis babils." Grfon- 1«O1, yos, ho is aIl thâl, you know ; bol bis neck is so short that bc aiwayî had le wear a buru down collar." Au exobauge informq us thal a Kan- sas schoolma'am r.wards hon pupils by lelling tbe boy who chances le spoi corr.cIly a word- a girl hae-imieeed, kise the fain mimoer. This May encourage the>o ys in the art of speiling, but wbat a deal et lipsus lingua il would croate amnong the girls. W. feel as if we could speil a few vends oni-elve- in Kansas. Sufferens from indigestion, ione of apptite, lionr or kidney complaluts, rheumatimm or neuralgia, would do veli 10 give Ayer's Sarsaparill& a trial. For ail sucb disorders, no medicine iss e affective -as Ibis, wbon failbfully sund peri-veringly uso&. A Revereýd Latharia. The SEQUEL TO THE - DVENTURES -0FP"3EV. u- 1WHYTE-XELVILLE, DETROIT, Aug. 16.-The Dolro 'it Susnday Newas of Auguet 5 th gave au in- teestiug chapten etthebe scions re- ord wbicb Rer. Henr Peter Higgin- Bon Wbyte- Melville ias eeing fit te make. Tbe seusational obgracter of bis deingi have the spie et scandaisud covon au expenco in bolb theo ld sud new worlds. The nevenend gentleman figur. ed in a choie sensation whieb eaused a flter aoeong the uppor cireles in Lou- dou aud Dublin. Detroit bas an im- portant place lu lb. slery, for il was bore, on Mareh 8tb, 1886, lhaLbhe ob- "sed a divorce ft-om bis final vite, s'Anuxabella Higginsou."' The purpose of coming se fur le gel Ithe benefit et accommedating divorce legisîstion ýap- peared in the tact Ibal the minister ne- turned te England sud atternpted te marry Lady Wbyte-Melville. The En- gli8h courts declined le necegnizo the work et lb. Miobigan courts, asddsi De- troit lawyen veut sonoss the viter le belp Mr. Higgiueon ouI ef hie dilomuma. Wbatever ha may bave accomplisbed, the vedding came off, sud mylady mol- sd a baudsemo fortune upon the mnan ot ber oboice. Wilb lb. nov vite vas attractive companion unamed' Mary Donne. The fascinaiing divine fouud a ten~der spot in ber heart and thesequel came in Justice GibBou'e court a fov weeks ago, wbeu the erring preachor sud bis susoeptibl oe0impanion were muade one. Somewhore about bore tb. twsin âge suppesed le b. bssking iu lb. blaes eftbeir hoeymoon-to bon lb.- firsI, o,ebgay Lotbanie lhe Ihird. Nov omes the tollowuxg oablegnam ais a partial relapse te lb. said meon of lbe elopiug couple. LONDONs, Aug. 16.-While "Rer." enny Peler Higgiusou Wbyte-Melviile et uns-tory mmory, lseonjoying bis beuey-unoen witb bis girl-vite somoe- vbeno in tho neigbbood et Detroit bis ex-vite in Ibis eity is doing ber level bout tbrough 1h. medium ef lbe courte te neeovor tbe esîsle et ehioli e.as possesed vbeu sho bocamo bis vicîim. Iu au affidavit filed yeslendsy belon. the Inisil Chanceller in ap action te ne- coter seCunilies valod aI 8100,000 -vhich she placed'in bis contrel at tbe lime eft he manniagoe. -makes, the folleving elatomoul: The dofeudànaeaêed as oey pnivale chapisin, sud, hsving acquired gréal influence oven me, persuaded me t14t ho bail beon legslly divoroed from mle former vite, vhom lho mbrnied iu 1862. Wbon I marniod bimn in 1886 1 sctled upon bira secuiibti te thc value ol $230,000. Lese than a yoan laier I dis. covered that my manriago vas invalid; s e oad nover b.ecu divorood frein hi former vite. ,Thereupon 1 secured s divorce lu tho Engliob Divorce Court, sud since -that tioe Melville bas mar. ried again, lu tbe Uniled Sttsa. By proceedingu in England tbe Iadý reoovened $180,000 et th e ouritieaseit lbe proaent proceodinge are ton thi balance. The 'Vice-Obsucelior madt an onder dirooting the detendant tc ausvqr ertain -lutonrgaliens. wilbu Ibree, day. sithough hboy ho eau en- fonce it wilb the dofendant lu Detroit l1 anothen malter. Meanwbule ià is sai Ihat privaI det.ectlves oniployed b]~ tbe ex-vite are upen lb. Atlantic, sng that ssoon sItér thoir ar rival as 1hi rovorend ftiv4e l bs-ted lie viii b oalod te samounîtfor bis mos ra"en marriage. It wvii b. inlenesting il i second edition et, Ibis esuaeoelobrate- i nebeard on that aide otfbtheinster. non"tueb.oa&vwih Polown Sd greÎb pin cure. Itlà15-an ody,lot Il conans lb. most, Ing I mledte cot -'winuel oc5 lbtRh- @ey ore. à,ÂYNEg'B Onerxn*top* 4h. itcbiugsud bleding, hous ulceratien, and -in many cases nonudves tho tuinons. Itlsl oipaally emoacieus in curlng ail 5km Dis euses. DB. SWAYNE & SON, Propnietors, phlphia.Svsynels Ointment eau b. obtuied otdruggistse Sent by mail fon 50 Cets.-16-ly. Wbolesale Agents, LYMAX BONS & 00. Montreal. Mr.-Jobn Brigbt couvalesees sYlowly. He is so weak that even bath-chair exorcise ex- baussahlm. Hoe.Kis Mrs. Robert Williamson, of Glenila, Psrry Sound, Out., says, 'I could not keep bouse wthout Hagyard's Yellow OÙ1 ai baud. I bave used lb iu My fsmilly for Croup ,Bore Ibroat sud a cut foot, sud eau higbly reoommend il 10 everybody." The trouble lu the shipyards at BelfasI, Ireland, ib due 10 s striko of Ibree bundned boilez makers. A Eessonable Hope la one that is~ based on provions knowledge or experience, thenefore those wbo use B. B.- B.- may ressonably hope for a cure be- cause the previous experience of tbousauds wbo bave used il, shows ilte have suoooed- ed even lu th. worst cases. The Qneen, while in Glasgow, pad a special visit te the Canadian Court Ofthle Exhibition. 3Ihae4SedOfhegyard's ehliLwOuwt mucli satisfaction, for Coloiansd Bore Tbroat. I woula not be wiihoul il at suy cost, as I lok upon il as the besi medicine soid for famiiy use.,, Miss. B. Brambali, ISherbrooke, P. Q. The Queen oxpressed herseif as much pleased with the Canadian exhibil ai Glas- gow. a Rar-e omblnatlon. There ia no other remedy or combination of -modicines Ibat meets s0 many requir.- meute s e t Burdock Blcod Billonis lu ils vide range of power oven sncb clrirl dis- eases sas Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Complalul, Scrofulo sud &al humons of the blood. Mn. Chamberlain's opponeuls are rsllng ai hlm becauso of bis parliauientsry idie- A New Home Trealment ferrlthe Cure of Calarrh. Catarrhal Deafnems ad Ray Foyer. The microscope bas proved tuat these dis- eses are contagions, and that tboy are due te presenceofo!living pa.rasitos in the. intarllni!ig membrane of the upper air passeges and ens- tachbian tubes. The emninent scientists, TynU- dail, Huxley and Beale endorse tis, and these authorities cannot be dispnted- The regidar mothod of treating the»e sas«s las been te apply an irritant remedy weekly, and even daltbus keeping the delcate membrane lu a constant state of irritation, ailowtng il no chance to heal, and as a natural consequeuce of sucli treatmnent not one permanent cure lias ever been recordeau. It is auabsoluiefact that qliese diseases cannot be cured by any applica- tion made allouer than once ini two weeks, for the membrane muet gel a chance te heai ho- fors tbe application% is repeated. Il ie now seveu years since Mir. Dizon dîscovered the parasite in catarrh and forrnulaied bis new treatnient, and ince thon his remedy lias bo- come a houseliold word in every country 1thore the English Language is spoken. Curei effected by him goven yeare ago are cures stul, there having beu n n return of the disease. 86 hlghly are these remodies vslued, that Ignorant imiltators have started Up every- wbere, protouding th4eloyIe pait@# e! wletbykn = . tlnby e 1h. remu0o-1 h. a&P'*lcation of wichaitbsy are ?ed Jnly once lutwo wee a, andh"rm ons~t t're ap ,iations offet a permanent cure t tbe mos aggravatescses. Mr. Dixon soe a pamphlet deienibing is new tealnt on the recolpt of stamp to»Pay postage. The. address is k. H. Dixon ta Son, 803 Kng-street wesl, Toronto, Canad.-Scileu- tiflo kunerican. "Did n't Know 't was Loadod" May do for a siupid boys excuse; but wbat eau be said for the parent whbo sees bis cblld languishing daily sud talla to recegnize lbe waut oet-à lonîo aud bloo&-purilfier? Formenly, s course of bittera, or suiphur sud molasses, was tbe ruile in well-regnlated f amilles ; but now ail intelligent householde keep Ayos Sarsaparilla4,vehicb lea a once pleasant to the taste, and tliia most searchÎng and effective blood medicine ever dlecovered. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton el., Boston, writes: 1'My daughter, new 21 years old, was lu perfect health until s lir gowen she began te complain et fatigue, headache, dbililly.dizziuess, indigestion,' and losef appellte. I con- cluded that ail ber complaluts orlglnated lu impure blood, aud iuduced ber te tae Ayen s Sars8aparlia. This medicine soon -restored ber blood-making organs te- healtby action, aud in due tlme reëstab- lisbed ber former healtb. I find Ayer's Sansaparilla a mosl valuable remedy for tbe lassitude sud debility incidenlt 10. sprlug lime." J. Casnlht, Brooklyn Power Co., BnoolyM,N. Y.,sys: &' z aSprmng Medicinli, 1 find a splendid substituts for the~ old-tlme compeunds, un Âyen'a Sansapailla, with a few dossof- yer's Pille. AMIen their use, I fel ifresher and stronger le go through 1he saummer.", Ayer's Sariaparillaà, Or. J. 0. Ayer & Coq, LowsII, Mass. Prim 61; six botUlas, $. Wom 4iab ottla - D'r.Chase Hasa world wide roputation as aphsla and suthor. His Maiidrakif Dandelon vere Cure ta a timph of medical skill, curing ail disesffeS o! the Kidney and Livor. muni Dlstressing aches aud pains in the I>k;a UIYLn or eig luintheobladderand base of th. alidonan: scalding -urine ofton oh- structod ; fraquent dosire ,to urinste, espoci- aily at nlght, among aged porsons b ot, dry sUin, pale complexion, red and white4dposito6, dropsical eweflings, &c.,, SgrM:PTOM8 O0: Pain under shou LIVR erbldes, Jau 111FR mlwcomplexio, aweby itred el lu,. no lite or energy, headache, dyspepsi, inietospots, pimples, "o UOW CURED. Mandrake and Dandelion are natures Liver cures, and when co mblnod with Kidnoy remo- dies, as in Dr. Chs.se's Li ver Cure, wil almost positivelyenre ail Kidney-Llver troubles. Il acte 1k. a cbarm, stixnu8atlng the clogged liver, strougthenung the kldneys, and Invigor- ating the whole body. Raid by ail dea.lers at si, wth Beceipt Book, wbih lob abus lworth the money. KI D EY r. Chsae!s PlUls arethe LIVER l. be taen duiYet m oymnt, The cure Kidne~ Sold by ail dealers Prie25 cents. FARU IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE Walker iron plow, Pattern on gang plow, Cîsyton root dril, land roUler, .Ayer's Iron harrows, Whitby barvester aud mower, wagoen , racks, horse-hoe, Honoy faning midouble sot barnoas, etc. F. UIOWABD ANNBS. Whigby, April 5th, '88 AIJTHORS & COX, Msnufacturers ef TRUSSIESI ~.ARTIFIOlAL LIAI 9 .tad Applances for 911 Deforrexties of lh. Hu- mmn Bcdy-Spinal Dis- esse, Dise»«e of lbe Kite. and Ankie, Knock Xn.., Bow Legs, Club Foot, oe. 11'7 Ohurch at.,- Toronto, Ont- 13 1LLETTB P' POWOEREËD Bondy for me . l ay A.~~ oraeu 0poumhsBl oa 4301l yau aroomns an!Dragglster ~~~TORORTO BTEAU LAUNDRY. ~IG4GSHiT8P.*LLBB5fl4im IREAD ZIUIJAJ volaDANS Orà[s uEDSAN» SpiZNTSWEEN YOD OYEZ-EEÂO, ISOAMM'D HEELS, WflM GALLE. vois,0BonnTEOATu A*Dn NlmEIZA. FOR EDOKE muNE, EDUISE, OAPTE» HOOKI. FOR go"E SHOTJLDEDS, 003EDACES. F0R WOOT DOT# AN» 130BE MOTTES in SEED AN» LAMES. YoO PEAINS, CUTS, ae INSS DOGs. SPEINEN TESTIMONtAL13. Prom HMe (Inee the Duke ef Butland. '¶Belvoir, Grantham, Leo. 1,18lm. FU"Sls,-Efiman'li oyal Embrocation la used in mv stables. I thlnk it vory usoful. "BRuTLAND, Mastor of Belvoir HRznt." "«Catle Wolr, Kingston, Hérofordshire, «'Dec. Brd, 18M8 "Gontlomen,-I use thoefloyal Embrocation yn mstble nd kennels, and have fonnd it verysovceable.]I have aise used the Univrsal mbrocaton for lubago and rhoumatlsm for the lasitwo yos.rs, Snd have suffered veryllîllie mince using it. --B. H. PErjcE, Lbeut.-OoL, Master of Bad- norshire Hunt." ]EILItAWBROYALEMfBOCATION, Sold by ChemisIs, Storos, and Saddieru, EXHSTED 0 ITAL0TY n grr Touth, andthe guntl mlseiesonueiethero o 00pages, 8 vo., 125 prescriptions for aldisoaes. OIoth, mil gilt, only $1.00 by mail, sealed. Ii1. uample..free te ail yeung and middle-aged mqn. Bend-now. The, Gold and Jewefli Medal awarded te the suthor, by the National Meaioal Associa- tion<- Adnes P. '0. box 1895, BoaIouà, .as, or to Dr. W. H. Parker, graduate c Harvard Medical Qolege, 25 josn1'praclie mn Bosto, wh -ma conated cnfdeu.- NoAsB= Street. c'Oa/l0011, Machine 011, Au 011 bouse sepautefrom the Sbop bas hein fitted np luy the, unsgnadvherthe bodl~alls of.Canadian a amel aekepl anasoiLavi t ative ROGERS' Gsluhrated Psérloss- MAC HIN E %CiL W.B.] t t LJE. ,puor ed taontinue tumorà3formnwhie Qeftu bleeansd ulcerate, becOnuing venYl1 ,~.SWAYN-E'S OINTMEiZT stmthe ltcbing sud bleeding, <h.heals ulcerallon, sud ln e'A> a nYcse lov'etfo FARM TO LET@ 200 acres of baud, eonslsting of the noth tbroo-quanbers ef No. 15, sud 60.aaeso! No. 16, in lh. Sth con. et Piekeuiugbelveen Bnougham and Ozeenwood. WeUaa4pted for grain aud rnsinig of stock. 'Possessionl when erops are romovod, and usuai l 1 loge of p1owifig., Plonty cf living vtr Apply te HENRYX HOWEI[L, Whitby Trovu, Ore toJ. K. GOBDON - Baxuister,'Wbitby. - Also a mare (te tee! Ibis wontlia for sale rcheap, with hiaiuesansd pboetou.. Ap'ly le Henry Zoveil on D. Whitney, holel-ko.pen, Loc81 and TrâVeUinîBalesmSfl. To -dion un coice vanleties cf Nursery Stock, eltiienon salsry or. commiission. Per- ma eomployme6nt lt t. nigitýt mm., Ne room fer lszy mne. tlght sudl~onest, are theanues we anm lookin f o' Apply wllh ze oelIces COMMERCIAL, HOTEL, 561 Jarvit Bt, Toronfo, HARRY. KEEBLE, Propkietor., TEmS-$.1,00 Per'Day. WABM BOOMS. 0001> TABLE BtabZng for 100 Herm.. LTjM 7 BEEF, FOR, ixu loi - ing pair- asly ken e. I Van- . 1 mnhl 'B.- a,. ýý*j 1

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